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March 03, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-03

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Latest Deadline in the State


Mercy Death
Trial Hears
Says Sander Felt
Bad Over Death
pretty young daughter of the wo-
man Dr. Hermann N. Sander is
accused of murdering testified
yesterday that "he seemed to feel
almost as badly as I did" when
Mrs. Abbie Borroto died.
He invited her father and her-
self to stay at his home "not over-
night or for a week, but for a week
or as long as we wanted," Elise
Borroto, 19, told a 13-man jury
hearing the murder case.
DR. SANDER is accused speci-
fically of injecting 40 cubic centi-
meters of air into Mrs. Borroto's
veins to kill her and thus end her
suffering from incurable cancer.
His defense attorney in his
opening statement said Dr. San-
der would take the stand to ad-
mit making the air injections on
the "impulse of the moment"-
even though "he was satisfied
she was already dead."
Speaking seriously and with no
ouwarcI snow of emotion, Elise, a
black-haired beauty, said the 41-
year old country doctor tried at
all times to keep her mother's
mind off her trouble. He brought
her many gifts, and took his own
three small daughters to visit her,
she said.
Defense Counsel Ralph E. Lang-
dell wanted to know whether Dr.
Sander seemed upset when he
broke the news of her .mother's
death to her. The girl replied:
"He seemed to feel almost as
badly as I did about it."
* * *
MEANWHILE in Maryland, a
Baltimore physician said yester-
day he would be willing to submit
to an injection of 40 cubic centi-
meters of air into his veins.
The Baltimore physician who
offered to take the injection in
behalf of the defense in tla'
- Sander trial is Dr. Harry M.
Robinson, professor of derma-
tology at the University of Mary-
land and instructor of syphilol-
ogy at Johns Hopkins Medical
The only stipulations Dr. Rob-
inson made in connection with the
offer are that his son, who is a
physician, give the injection and
that it be done in Baltimore.
Informed of .his father's state-
ments, Dr. Harry M. Robinson,
Jr., said he would agree to give the
injection. He commented:
"If my father wishes it, I would
be perfectly willing to inject the
air into his veins, without fear of
any ill effects."
British Vote
By U' Profs
The ticklish situation the Brit-
ish Labor gpvernment is in may
result in winning the sympathy of
the English people and extend the
government's chances of remain-
ing in power for some time, ac-
cording to Prof. Samuel Elders-

Prof. Eldersveld, Prof. James
Pollock, and Prof. Lionel Laing,
- all of the political science depart-
ment, last night gave a review of
their 10-day trip to England cov-
ering the national election, to
members of the Political Science
"THE BRITONS may begin to
feel sorry for the Laborites if they
are thwarted too often ink passing
a program by crafty Conservative
parliamentarians," Prof. Elders-
veld noted.
"I don't doubt, however, that
a good many Conservatives are
patting themselves on the back
because they lost," Prof. Laing
added. "They are hoping the
government-with its slim ma-
jority-will find itself in a mess
and lose the esteem of the peo-
No matter what policy the par-


Officials Set Date
For Union Parley
The Michigan Union Board of Directors will convene Wednesday
to discuss a student petition calling for direct election of the Union's
president and recording secretary, Union President Bill Wise, '50, said
last night.
At the meeting, Wise will ask the Board to form a committee for
studying the petition with representatives of the 236 students who
signed it.
* * * *
CIRCULATED and submitted by Herb Leiman, '50, the petition
,seeks amendments to the Union







House Cites
Reasons for
AIM Break
High-handed methods by the
present leadership in the AIM
caused Anderson House to with-
draw from that organization, Mel
Wachs, Anderson House Repre-
sentative to AIM, charged yes-
"The present AIM leadership
will ruin campus politics if it is
not corrected," Wachs said in a
statement to Anderson House res-
idents, claiming the leaders "are
guilty of at least the four follow-
ing charges:"
1. "Channeling a number of
dorm political activities to their
own ends by means of an inte-
grated system of sympathizers
within the dormitories.
2. "Taking legislative power
from the independent's chosen
representative and concentrat-
ing it in the hands of a few
AIM officers.
3. "Using the CED issue only as
a means to further their own po-
litical interests.
4. "Eliminating certain inde-
pendent candidates in the past
SL elections from the supposed-
ly non-partisan AIM election
lists that influence voting opin-
ions of a great number of stu-
"In withdrawing, we have no
quarrels with the ideas or purpose
behind AIM. Nor are we trying
only to destroy the organization,"
Wachs said.
Testimony in
Coplon Trial
Ends Abruptly
NEW YORK--(P)-Judith Cop-
lon declined yesterday to call a
single witness in her defense.
Testimony in her trial with Val-
entin A. Gubitchev on spy con-
spiracy charges ended so abruptly
it took the Government by sur-
now goes to a jury of six men and
six women after final pleas by
lawyers for both sides Monday and
the charge by Federal Judge Syl-
vester J. Ryan, probably on Tues-
Petite, dark haired Miss Cop-
Ion made it clear by her action
that she is confident a higher
court will reverse any convic-
tion on charges that could send
her to prison for 35 years.
Miss Coplon, 28, formerly a
Justice Department analyst, was
convicted in Washington last sum-
mer of stealing defense secrets for
the Russians. Sentenced to 40
months to 10 years in prison, she
is free in bail pending appeal.

constitution which would enable
all student members of the Union
to vote for the president and sec-
retary in regular campus elections
every spring.
At present the two officers are
appointed by a Union "selections
committee" composed of three
students and four faculty or
alumni members.
To be incorporated into the
Constitution, the proposed amend-
ments must be approved at a gen-
eral meeting of Union members.
This meeting will presumablybe
called after Leiman's group has
met with the committee which
Wise will ask the Board to form3
fore the general meeting must,
according to the Constitution, be
substantially those contained in
the original petition, although
changes of a technical nature will
be permissible, Wise said.
That such changes will be
made seemed possible after a
talk between Wise and Leiman
Wednesday. They both agreed
there were certain points need-
ing study and discussion.
Among these were the question
of representation of alumni mem-
bers and the possibility of per-
sons getting elected to the top
posts without previous experience
with the Union.
World News
By The Associated Press 1
BUCHAREST, Romania - U.S.
Minister Rudolf E. Schoenfeld was
called to the Romanian Foreign
Embassy last night and told the
American and British legations
must close down their information
services here.
Schoenfeld, informed of the de-
mand by Assistant Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Grigore Preoteasa,
was followed in by British Minis-
ter Walter Roberts.
* * *
LONDON - Soviet President
Nikolai Shvernik was quoted
yesterday as saying "no force in
the world" could drag Russia
and the Communist-ruled coun-
tries allied with her back into
* * *
REYKJAVIK, Iceland-Iceland's
Independence cconservative) Gov-
ernment resigned yesterday as a
result of a 33-18 Parliamentary
vote of no confidence.
MAYBROOK, N.Y.-A 59-year-
old bank cashier calmly looked
down the muzzles of two pistols
aimed at him yesterday and told
a gang of young bandits to "go
to hell."
Then the cashier, Charles A.
Crist, released tear gas, frustrating
a hold-up of the Maybrook Na-
tional Bank and saving a $40,000

No Moscow
Peace Trip
For Truman
Door Still Open
Here, He Says
Truman said emphatically yester-
day that he will never go to Mos-
cow on a peace mission while he
is President.
The door is still open here for
any moves from abroad to end the
cold war, he said, and he has no
objection to efforts by Senator
McMahon (D-Conn) or anyone
to try to get :results through the
medium of the United Nations.
At a news conference devoted
mainly to peace efforts, the coal
crisis, national security and loy-
alty probes, Mr. Truman said:
1-DRAFTS of proposed emer-
gency powers that could be used to
'end the coal strike have always
been readied. When and if such
powers would be sought or invok-
ed by executive order was not
brought out. He called the coal
crisis very serious and said he
would carry out the letter of the
law with respect to it.
2-The nation's security has
never been better in peace time
and there is not a word of truth
in claims that it has been weak-
ened by curtailment of defense
3-No one but the President has
made a concrete effort to get at
the bottom of the security prob-
lem arising from Communist ac-
tivities in the U.S.
He repeated he would cooper-
ate with the Senate in its loyalty
investigation, but declined to say
whether he would relent and turn
over confidential loyalty investi-
gation files to the inquiry com-
* * *
School Control
Out -- Truman
Truman curtly told a House Com-
mittee yesterday he is just as
strongly opposed to Federal con-
trol of the schools as it is.
He said fears of Federal inter
ference by his Administration are
entirely groundless, and he urged
the House Education and Labor
Committee to go ahead promptly
with a bill to extend federal aid to
the schools.
The President made the state-
ment in reply to yesterday's re-
quest from the committee for an
assurance that the Federal Se-
curity Administration would not
be given any control over schools
in connection with possible Feder-
al aid.
Mr. Truman said in a sharp
letter to Committee Chairman
Lesinski (D-Mich) that the re-
quest was based on "a process
of reasoning which I do not fof-
The President said rather short-
ly that Congress should pass the
law and leave its administration
to the executive branch of the

Why Not?
LANSING-(P-A suggestion
that the colonial custom of
"bundling" be revived as a
method of keeping warm during
the-coal shortage started a con-
troversy here yesterday..
A Michigan State College
professor took a dim view of
the idea. Male students were
enthusiastic, however.
"Bundling" was a New Eng-
land custom which allowed a
fully dressed couple to do their
courting in bed if separated by
a specially-built board. "In co-
lonial times they had their love
to keep them warm," Lansing
author Birt Darling said. "Why
not start the custom again to
conserve coal?"
Minister Not
Red, Claims
LONDON - (P) - Britain's La-
bor Government angrily denied
last night that its newly named
War Minister, John Strachey, is or
ever has been a Communist.
Lord Beaverbrook's pro-Con-
servative Evening Standard car-
ried a front page story today say-
ing that Strachey "remains an
avowed Communist; he has never
publicly retracted his belief in
THE government's reply was
released from Prime Minister Att-
lee's official residence, No. 10
Downing Street, seven hours later.
The Downing Street statement
described as "disgraceful" the
headlines in the Standard.
The Downing Street statement
said: "as long ago as 1940, Mr.
Strachey had made it clear that he
was in fundamental disagreement
with the Communist Party of
which he has never been a mem-
THE STANDARD'S story was
prompted by Wednesday's trial
and imprisonment for 14 years of
German-born Dr. Klaus Fuchs, a
top British atomic scientist who
confessed he had betrayed Ameri-
can and British atomic research
secrets to Russia.
lee Expands,
Hill Contracts
Ice for Icelandia is proving a
slippery problem!
As Hill Auditorium prepared for
"the big freeze," Engineering
Council members, sponsors of the
show, made a startling discovery.
The auditorium stage was too
small to accommodate the ice.
According to Walter Roth, sup-
erintendent of plant, the first
three rows of the auditorium will
have to be covered to allow room
for the portable rink's '44-foot
cooling tubes.
"But the show will go on-and
on ice!" said Stan Wiggin, '50,
promotions chairman.
Icelandia, a spectacular "stage-
show-on-ice," will be presented at
7 and 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Morse Bill

-Daily-Wally Barth
ICY FINGERS-Students who braved the frigid blasts yesterday
were greeted with scenes like this all over the campus. The
grotesque icicles, the results of Ann Arbor's ever-changing weath-
er, are expected to disappear late tonight with the arrival of a
front of warmer south winds.
A n Arbor Coal Suppiy
Enough for Near Future

Introduced as
UMW Freed
Committee May
Take Vote Today
WASHINGTON - (tP) - Legisla-
tion to open the way for Govern-
ment seizure of the struck- coal
mines was introduced last night by
Senator Morse (R.-Ore.).
The bill may come up for a vote
in the Senate Labor Committee at
a meeting scheduled for this morn-
MORSE'S ACTION was'prompt-
ed by Federal Judge Richmond B.
Keech's ruling yesterday that the
United Mine Workers Union is
innocent of contempt of court in
the strike of 372,000 miners.
It came as the Government
desperately sought means to get
the men back in the Pits./ Presi-
dent Truman gave no indication
what the Administration may do
Despite mounting talk that sei-
zure may be resorted to, the miners
insist that nothing short of a con-
tract with the operators will send
them back to the pits. Another
contract negotiating session was
held yesterday without any result.
* * *
LEWIS' United Mine Workers
were cleared by Keech of both
criminal and civil contempt. He
held that the Government had
See STORY, Page 6
failed to prove its charge that the
union defied his own back-to-work
order issued Feb. 11 under the
Taft-Hartley Act.
Attorney General McGrath
announced at once that he will
appeal the civil contempt deci-
sion. Acquittal on the criminal
charge cannot be appealed.
Assistant Attorney General H.
Graham Morison told newsmen he
hoped to get the appeal into the
U.S. Court of Appeals today. He
said he will ask that a decision be
Morse said in a Senate speech
that he was not criticizing
Keech's decision, but that it
means Congress now has "the
duty to protect the American
people from the danger that
confronts them."
There was no sign that Presi-
dent Truman wants the seizure
power which Morse proposed. But
it appeared certain that if he gives

Even with coal stocks dwindling
and the principal supply of Ann
Arbor's coal coming from the Uni-
versity's stockpile, the current cold
wave has not hit this city nearly
as hard as it has other fuel-
famished Michigan communities.
Ann Arbor public schools were
SL Will Probe'
Rent Charges
Student Legislature today will
launch a full scale investigation
of reports that students are being
charged excessive rents by Ann
Arbor landlords.
Legislator Cal Klyman, who
introduced the investigation at
Wednesday's SL meeting, urged all
students who feel they are being
overcharged to report their sus-
picions to a Detroit OPA inves-
tigator from 9 to 4:30 p.m. today
at the City Hall.
* * *
POINTING OUT that SL's cam-
pus action committee has received
reports of many students being
charged rents more than $5 above
OPA ceilings established by the
Fair Rent Act during the war, Kly-
man said, "We believe in many
instances students realize that
they are being cheated by their
landlords but simply don't know
where to file protests."
"If a large number of violations
are reported to the OPA investi-
gator today, we will ask the Uni-
versity to establish a special office
to study the living conditions of
students in private rooming hous-
es," he added.

reported to have coal supplies
good for the month of March and
the University's vast stocks are
ample for even longer.
* * *
WITH ONLY aproximately 3500
coal heated homes to supply in
the city, the University's dwindl-
ing kitty of 1,000 tons stoker coal
- augmented by sporadic ship-
ments local coal dealers were re-
ceiving -seemed adequate for the
immediate future.
In Detroit, school heads re-
versed an earlier decision and
decided to keep classes open for
at least another week. The
school system had been slated to
close down after Friday's classes,
but emergency coal supplies sav-
ed'the day.
Detroit also has clamped a
"psychological" brownout, which
will save only about 500 tons of
coal, on all commercial lighting.
The move, city officials admitted,
was to make the public aware that
the situation was critical.
* , * - *
IN FLINT, the state's first in-
dustrial shutdown occurred Tues-
day when a trailer corporation ex-
hausted its coal supply. The shut-
down threw ,150 out of work.
Meanwhile sub-zero weather
in the mid-west, a blizzard in the
East, and freezing weather in
Dixie, reduced even further the
nation's coal stocks.
In northern Minnesota, the mer-
cury skidded to 30 below zero.
But warmer weather is on the
way-forecasters said a shift to
southerly winds would start tem-
peratures climbing throughout
Michigan and most of the mid-
west today.

passed quickly.

get such a


NSA To Hear
U. of D. Head,
Celestin John Steiner, president
of the University of Detroit, and
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department have been named
featured speakers for the National
Student Association's Michigan
Regional meeting at 1 p.m. tomor-
row, at the Union.
PresidentSteiner and Prof.
Slosson will head a panel of
speakers who will "consider fea-
tures of the present NSA student
bill of rights, to be amended by
the National NSA Congress here
in Ann Arbor next August," ac-
cording to Tom Walsh, '51L, chair-
man of the planning committee.
FOLLOWING the pattern of
last week's Student Legislature-
sponsored Student Bill of Rights
forum, more than 100 delegates
from 12 Michigan colleges will
break up into small discussion
groups to consider specific bill of
rights proposals, following the
panel talks.


Fellow Italian Beat Columbus to America, Hobbs Says

<- -


S * *

* * *

Another Italian beat Christo-
pher Columbus to America.
In 1390, more than 100 years
before Columbus' history-making
voyage, Antonio Zeno sailed from
Iceland and landed on the coast of
Nova Scotia, according to Prof.
Emeritus William H. Hobbs of the

documents lay gathering dust in
the Zeno palace in Venice un-
til 1588, when they were un-
earthed by a descendent, Nicolo
Zeno, who published them.
Nicolo took it upon himself to
add a grid of meridians and paral-
lels to the map, which were whol-
ly inaccurate. Historians, de-

is '" '-- f ~;,.
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est map of the area to represent
accurately the outline of Green-
land. But the strange thing about
it was that the axis of that island
was turned around about 45 de-
grees clockwise from its actual
Another disparity Zeno's dis-
claimers quote is the state-

strange position of Greenland on
Zeno's map.
contention that Zeno was a com-
petent and honest explorer is
found in the book of letters. A rare
work, the Clements Library has
one of the three in existence.
Zeno describes perfectly the
mountainous aspect of his first

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