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Latest Deadline in the State
Fritz Makes
Free Offer
Of Stadium
Army-Navy Tilt
May Come Here
Associate Sports Editor
Athletic DirectorH. O. (Fritz)
Crisler said yesterday that he
would be glad to make the Michi-
gan stadium available for the
Army-Navy game, "free of
* * *
THE STATEMENTS was made in
eply to a query by The Daily con-
cerning the possibility o orngng
the classic to Ann Arbor next fall.
Army-Navy authorities said
Thursday that they were. seeking
to move the contest from -Phila-
"We'll be glad to give them
the stadium if they want it,"
Crisler said, "but the promo-
tion of the game would be en-
tirely in their hands."
(Since a plan is being consid-
ered to increase the size of the
stadium to 125,000, making it the
largest bowl in the country, the
offer has aroused a good deal of
HE ADDED that he believed
that the move to take the contest
o New Orleans, as reported ear-
lier in the week was a result of
olitical pressure and would cer-
tainly not be financially advis-
The stadium has never be-
fore been made available for
any sudh enterprise and the
statement made by the Wolver-
ine Director is considered a re-
If the contest is brought to Ann
Arbor it is clear that all, expenses
nvolved in bringing 5,600 cadets
and 3,000 middies to the game
ould be defrayed by the two
IN 1946, when Army brought
500 senior classmen from West
oint the cost was estimated at
approximately $20,000. (Senior
classmen will also attend this
all's Army-Michigan game in
nn Arbor.)
Concerning the stadium
Crisler commented on a story
which appeared in a Detroit
paper yesterday saying that
Michigan had definitely aban-
oned plans for expanding the
"It's still in the hopper," he said,
nothing definite has been de-
ided one way or the other."
orth Atlantic
Pact Fails To
Get Unanimity
WASHINGTON- (}- An im-
Jortant huddle between Secretary
Df State Acheson and Senators
have failed to produce immediate
greeipent on the wording of a
proposed North Atlantic defense
pact to strengthen the West
against Communism.
*$*M *
BUT ANOTHER meeting will
e held soon to continue the hunt
or acceptable language. The
horniest problem is how far the
United States shall go in promis-,
ng aid to nations which might
uffer aggression.
The meeting between Acheson
nd the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee lasted for three
hours. Afterward Chairman'
Connally (Dem., Tex.) told
"You can't even say any ten-
tative agreement was reached."
Connally and Senator Vanden-
berg (Rep., Mich.) have said flat-
y they will not agree to a treaty
'hich commits this country in
dvance to go to war in case any
f the signatories is attacked.
Tmroavlp I~ 1
F ive
Ozie 's
Defense Rests on
President Alexander G. Ruthven declared last night that "schools
are first-line fortresses in national defense."
He spoke before the fifteenth anniversary dinner of the University
of Michigan Club of New York held at Manhattan's St. Regis Roof.
HE SAID: "EVEN IF THE PRESENT unsatisfactory conditions
are to be preserved, which are the best immediately in sight but
certainly do not constitute a complete and genuine peace, we must
maintain sufficient military strength, actual and potential, to make
it unwise for an aggressor to proceed against us."
"Educators should not delay in this postwar period, which
may equally well be a. prewar period, to orient their institutions
Army Admits
Its Blunder in.
S medleyCase
- to their new obligations," he
he spoke
the obligations of which
Charge Made Without
Proof, Eyster Says
Army, under criticism for issuing
its recent report on wartime So-
viet espionage in Japan, virtually
admitted that it has blundered.
Col. George S. Eyster, deputy
chief of the Army's Public Infor-
mnation Division, said among other
things that the division had no
proof at hand to back up the
charge in the report that Miss
Agnes Smedley, American writer
on Far East affairs, was a Russian
MISS SMEDLEY has heatedly
denied the accusation. A number
of newspaper editorials and syn-
dicated columns have taken the
Army to task for the manner in
which the report was made public
last week.
The critics have contended
the report was lurid in style,
insufficiently documented,sand
of a character to arouse suspi-
cion and fear.
The document told how the
Russians were able to loot the
Japanese cabinet and the German
Embassy in Tokyo of vital mili-
tary information. It said the in-
credibly successful spy ring was
headed by Richard Sorge, a Ger-
man Communist later hanged by
the Japanese.
principals are dead," the report
said, "some are still at large. They
can be expected to be secretly
busy with their trade at this very
moment in the capitals of the
Eyster said the form in which
th eport was issued was con-
trary torthe usual public rela-
tions policy of the Army.
"It is definitely not the policyI
of the Army department," he told!
# reporter, "to pin any charge on
anybody unless it has, actually in
hand, the definite proof."1
Heifetz Bill
Bach, Mozai
1-A CONTINUING study of
trends in student enrollments and
their significance.
2-The intensive training of
men in nearly all fields of hu-
man knowledge as an essential
supplement to the armed forces.
3-Continued assistance in pro-
viding reconstruction know-how.
many veterans "the most adequate
compensation . . . is assistance
NEW YORK--P)-) Governor
Dewey told members of the
University of Michigan Club of
New York that the health bill.
and President Truman's pt'o-
posal to build government steel
mills are "totalitarian" steps.
Dewey called the two meas-
ures "socialized medicine and
nationalization of the steel in-
dustry." He said education must
teach people "to distinguish be-
tween progress and totalitarian-
which will enable them to con-
tinue their training and educa-
5-The maintenance of schools
"large enough to meet their re-
sponsibilities both in war and
Both Need
Win To Stay
In Cage Race
Cowles' Quiitet
GivenSlight Edge
It's "do-or-die" for the Michi-
gan and Minnesota cagers when
they square off tonight at Yost
Field House.
Both teams need this game to
stay in the race for the Big Nine
basketball crown.
respectively, in the title chase,
the Gophers and Michigan have
each lost two contests so far one
more than the leading Illinois
quintet, but Minnesota'sseven
victories is just two more than the
defending champions have won.
This game pits the two best
defensive outfits in the Confer-
ence against each other.
Minnesota has held its oppon-
ents to 41.2 points in nine games,
while the Wolverines' foes have
averaged 44.1 points in seven tilts.
ALTHOUGH the Maize and Blue
cagers have the advantage of
playing on their home court this
time, they are going into the game
as underdogs.
Minnesota coach "Ozzie"
will be counting .on his two .big
guns, center Jim McIntyre and
forward Meyer "Whitey" Skoog,
to score the points for a Gopher
In nine Conference games so far
McIntyre has dunked 137 points
to tie Wisconsin's Don Rehfeldt
for second, one point behind Ohio
State's Bob Raidiger, while Skoog
is tied with Purdue's Howie Wil-
liams for the fourth slot with 134
McINTYRE and Skoog tallied
20 and 16 points, respectively, in
the 45-31 victory over the Maize
and Blue earlier this season, and
have since remained among the
Big Nine scoring leaders.
However, if Michigan should
stop one of these players, Cowies
also has Harry "Bud" Grant at,
the other forward post.
At the guards, Cowles will prob-
ably start Jerry Mitchell and Har-
old Olson.
See MINNESOTA, page 3
Medina Doubts
Jury Is Biased
Says Reds' Charges
Lack Substantiation
NEW YORK - (P) - Federal
Judge Harold R. Medina indicat-
ed that he believes the - lawyers
for 11 top U.S. Communists had
no evidence to support their claims
that the federal jury-picking sys-
tem here is discriminatory.
He did so shortly after sudden-
ly halting defense cross-examina-
tion of Joseph F. McKenzie, Fed-
eral jury clerk and the first per-
son called by the government in
an effort to refute the discrim-
ination charges.
Medina's action in halting the
cross-examination "a violation of
due process of law."
When defense lawyer Louis
McCabe arose to protest the rul-
ing, Medina interrupted him to
say that it was assumed when
the defense made its claims that
it had evidence to support them
-"not that. you were going to
get it, but that you had it."..
"But after five weeks," he said,
you say that if you had a little
more time you might find some-
Photo by Don Dulude
HERE'S HOW IT ALL STARTED-Chuck Porter, '50E, starts
on his 76-oyster marathon, which occasioned Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe's quickly-challenged remark that "you could get a hog
that could eat more than that." Skeptical Daily reporter Mary
Stein, left, went along to observe Porter's gastronomical feat, and
was properly amazed.
'Hunry mith' ives U
t s
Ea~t ng Contest with Hog
Colleges and universities,
said, "must be considered as
ervoirs of democracy.
"THE EXPERIENCE of the last
tragic conflict presents adequate
evidence that it is the teaching
staffs of our schools who are best
equipped to select and to train'
the needed specialists."
Dr. Ruthven also asserted that
"the so-called GI Bill of Rights
. . . represents an intelligent
effort on the part of the United
States government to permit
former servicemen to continue
their preparation for their work
in life," even though it has bur-
dened many institutions with a
greater load than they can bear.
"It must not happen that after
another war these institutions will
be so burdened . . ." he said.
"We can afford to pay," he said,
"for what we really desire and
Today's scheduled eating con-
test between a hog and a student
was called off last night after the
student, Paul H. Smith, '50E, fear-
fully withdrew from the event.
Red-faced, Smith said he was
afraid the nationwide publicity
being given the contest 'would
"create too many repercussions
unfavorable to me, the University
and my fraternity."
viously agreed to back Smith.
their pledge, and Sigma Nu mem-'
bers were to second the pig.
Gaylord Baker, Sigma Nu
president, and Phil Mercado,
ATO publicity chairman, said
that their fraternities "were re-
luctant in the first place to have
a part in the affair."
"We don't want those eastern
college boys to call us farmer.,"
Mercado said.
"WE STARTED out to poke fun
at the campus oyster-eaters,"
Smith said. "But the joke turned
out to be on us instead, and we'd
like to forget about the whole
Earlier in the day, Police
Chief Caspar Enkemann had
Hit Guerrillas,
congress Told
has received two suggestions for
saving money on its foreign aid
program-to buy up Western Eu-
rope's war claims against Ger-
many and to take direct military
action in Greece's battles against
Communist guerrillas.
The reparations proposal was
presented to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee by a joint I
Congressional "watchdog" group!
set up to check on European re-
covery operations.
ordered that the hog could not
be parked outside the site of the
contest, a State Street restaur-
zut. He promised to jail all
concerned for creating a dis-
Plans went ahead to conduct
the 8-hour contest from the farm
of the hog's owner, William Mc-
Calla, until Smith announced his
intention to withdraw.
NEWSPAPERS and national
magazines had already sent pho-
tographers and reporters to Ann
Arbor to cover the bout, which
Smith had bravely declared he
could "win in a walk."
He said he was under no pres-
sure from University authorities
to call off the contest.
World News
By The Associated Press
last night withdrew its plans for
a second espionage trial in total
The action came after Gen. Lu-
cius D. Clay, American Military
Gqvernor, intervened to lift par-
tially the secrecy lid on a trial in
Munich this week.
lines were forming last night
over the new leadership of the
Michigan Republican party as
1,614 delegates arrived for the
party's spring State Convention.
ATHENS-A U.S. investigating
officer charged yesterday that
Greek guerrillas lynched Lt. Col.
Selden R. Edner, an unarmed
American observer whose plane
crash landed behind guerilla lines
near Karpenisi four weeks ago.
Stab of Mercy
tor plunged a knife into the
throat of a strangling Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh freshman
and saved his life.
James B. Henry, 20, of Penn
Township, collapsed in a hos-
pital emergency room yesterday
after an extremely swollen
throat had closed off his wind-
There was no time for an
anesthetic. Dr. Lloyd Mayer
siezed a scalpel and slashed
through the boy's windpipe to
get air to his lungs.
Unal1arme d
Over Jobs
high government officials said
yesterday they see no reason for
alarm over the nation's economic
But one cautioned against "jit-
ters." The other acknowledged
that the latest figure of nearly
3,000,000 jobless represents more
than just seasonal unemployment.
These were the major develop-
ments in a day that saw govern-
ment business and labor leaders
discussing the economic picture
on many fronts:
1. Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, top
economic adviser to President
Truman, said the United States
is going through a period of
healthy disinflation," but
warned that any trend toward
panic might lead to a recession.
2. Ewan Clague, the govern-
ment's chief labor statistician,
said that despite increases in un-
employment, he couldn't see any
cause for worry unless the number
jumps to 5,000,000 jobless and
stays there.
testifying before a Senate-House
economic committee, spoke out
against President Truman's re-
quest for standby price-ration
controls as an irritant to business.
But the CIO applauded the
administration's economic pro-
posals, including Mr. Truman's
request for authority to build
steel plants if necessary to pro-
vide enough steel. The CIO said
if industry is "unable or unwill-
ing to do the job," the govern-
ment must step in.
Commissioner Clague of the
Bureau of Labor Statistics told
newsmen that when March and
April hiring begins to revive the
construction business and Easter
trade, "we'll be able to tell better
just where we are going."
Clague said his "general con-
viction" is that employment will
not dip abnormally in the coming
The federal official noted
there was a drop of 1,750,000
workers in non-agricultural jobs
between mid - December and
mid-January. Part of this was
seasonal, he said, but the over-
all decline was greater than
Robert G. Goodwin, director of
the Bureau of Employment Se-
curity, reported meanwhile that
the number of people receiving
jobless benefits increased by 62,-..
000 to a total of 1,784,000 during
the week ended Feb. 12.
AMA Reveals
Total of Four
Killed in U.S.
Local Official Reports
No Known Salt Death
CHICAGO -() - A common
table salt substitute was blamed
yesterday by the American Med-
ical Association for at least four
recent deaths, including that o0f
an Ann Arbor iesident.
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
ministration ordered it withdrawn
from the market and asked all
persons who have purchased it to
"stop using this dangerous poison
at once."
scribed by the AMA, as lithium
chloride. Common table salt is
sodium chloride.
The AMA said three of the
deaths occurred in Cleveland,
and one in Ann Arbor.
It added that "there is one case
in Baltimore that's suspicious. But
F. A. Korff, Baltimore Fod Con-
trol Director, said he did not know
of any illnesses there resulting
from lithium chloride. Korff said
the substance "is used quite fre-
quently when ordinary salt is for-
IN CLEVELAND, the physician
reportedly handling the casesre-
fused to identify the victims, say-
ing that it would be difficult to
be positive that lithium chloride
caused their deaths because of
otherdcontributing factors.
The Ann Arbor city health
officer, Dr. John A. Wessinger,
said he did not know of any'
such death as the AMA re-
ported in Ann Arbor.
Another Ann Arbor physician,
Dr. A. M. Waldron, said "there
has been some sickness in Ann
Arbor as a result of using salt
substitutes, but no deaths as far
as I know." Dr. Waldron has made
a study of salt substitutes, and
written several articles on them
for medical journals.
* **
THE AMA SAID it would not
have any comment on these state-
Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of
the AMA Journal, said "We do
not know how widely the prod-
uct has been distributed. There
must be many cases of poison-
ing that have not been reported.
It is to be expected that many
more cases will be reported
within the next few weeks."
Dr. Fishbein said the substance
"is highly poisonous if a person is
on a salt restricted diet. The lith-
ium in such cases is retained in
the body, and causes the poison-
Campus Group
To Survey 'U'
A newly-created Committee To
End Discrimination voted yester-
day to undertake an extensive
survey of racial and religious dis-
crimination at and around the
the University.
The committee was formed by
students of various campus groups,
including AVC, Wallace Progres-
sives, IRA, and Inter-Coop Coun-
ADOPTING AS the statement
of its intentions "the coordina-
tion, integration and initiation of
action against discrimination,"
the Committee decided to investi-
gate housing, restaurants, amuse-
ment places and the University's
admissions policy.
Upon completion of the sur-
vey the committee plans to de-
termine a suitable course of ac-
tion to combat discrimination
where it is found to exist.
Members of the ommi+naA
To Feature
int Pagantini
" Jascha Heifetz, famed Russian-
born violinist; will make his ninth
local appearance at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Though he attained his first
fame in Europe between the ages
of three, when he started play-
ing the violin, and 16, when he
made his American debut, Heifetz
has never ceased to add to his
rmi ation
'Ensian Economic Predictors Sweat
'Ensian economists are out on a
Plastic surgery has been
used on the new volume. ac-
with virtually every house repre-
fQ ._ v