THE 3iCHIGAN DAILY FIDAY, F Neo-Isolationism SOMETHING DISTANTLY like isolation may be seen in the statement by Sen- ators Connally and Vandenberg that while the United States should take an interest in North Atlantic Security, it should not be legally or morally obligated to go to war if one of the signing nations is attacked. That is to say, the United States is the only nation to which the proposed North Atlantic Treaty is relatively unimportant. After all, we have a big pile of A-bombs and can probably defend ourselves pretty well against potential aggressors. It is the other nations which would join the pact who need the security of our big guns and big bombs; we would be just about as safe if we tied the agreement to a rock. and threw it in the ocean. This fact seems to impress some senators very much. It's clear, of course, that we cannot le- gally obligate ourselves to go to war auto- matically if one of the European countries is attacked; the constitution reserves that power for the Senate. But we could obligate ourselves morally; actually there is very little sense to go to all this fuss just to say "We're very sorry for you" if, say, Belgium is attacked. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CRAIG H. WILSON If some desperate, bold plan could be con- ceived to draw the nations of the planet apart from its Eastern and Western poles, to make something like a united world again, it would obviously be the only sane solution. But inasmuch as that time seems to have eluded us and things gone into the "de- fense pact" stage of the cold war, the United States should accept its full share of re- sponsibility for the security of the nations which cluster around the Western pole. Lest the prowess of America be smugly overemphasized, it should be pointed out that the European lands would certainly give us invaluable aid in time of war, their power being only rather small com- pared to ours. And the pact would be val- uable in that it would tie the European countries to each other, if not very closely to the United States. The executive department realizes the importance of the United States in the pact even if all the senators don't. President Truman has said he'd like a pact strong enough to scare any potential aggressor into realizing that if they attack any one of the North Atlantic lands, they are attacking them all. Secretary of State Acheson has uttered similar views. Thus if we do not have a defense clause in the North Atlantic Treaty which has any teeth in it, the United States is not only making the treaty useless but also turning its back, in the same old isolationist way, on the nations of Europe. -John Davies. Slow March PERHAPS THE MAGIC of the late Pres- ident Franklin D. Roosevelt's personal- ity is wearing off, or people just don't care about fighting polio anymore. The March of Dimes campaign for 1949 in this county failed miserably in the attempt to reach a goal of $22,000 to com- bat polio. Throughout the county, only $15,647 was collected. Of that, the $400 represented the contribution of The Daily's J-Hop Extra. Other contributions on campus were "neg- ligible," according to campaign officials. Empty cannisters in campus shops, and all over Ann Arbor, attest to the fact. Last year the campaign hit a new high of $21,000. The year before that, 1947, the Dimes campaign collected more than $18,- 000. The back-sliding of the past year is es- pecially significant when it is considered that inflation is making each dollar worth a little less each year. The Dimes fund is not only getting less money, but money with less purchasing power. Mrs. Joseph E. Stowe, chairman for the city of Ann Arbor, will still accept contribu- tions. -Craig H. Wilson. MATTER OF FACT: Vulnerable Flanks GUEST COLUMN: Consistent Tra ls (EDITOR'S NOE: The following column. written by Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, is one of a series of guest editorials in which students and faculty members will present their views on current issues, both local and national.) By PRESTON SLOSSON IN THE MATTER of the Hungarian trials it is important to note that they do not stand alone but form a pattern; a pattern which has also appeared in Poland, Czecho- slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and other coun- tries under Communist domination, includ- ing Soviet Russia and its periodical "purges." They all have a family character, much resembling the "trials" under Fascist and Nazi regimes. Firstly, they always result in convic- tions, at least, if the accused person is a prominent one. No major enemy of any totalitarian regime was ever acquitted yet by a Fascist, Nazi or Communist court (except,-in a few isolated instances, as a preliminary to immediate rearrest on other charges). That, of itself, would prove that the so-called "trials" are not really trials at all. Like Communist elections, the result is always known in advance. I need hardly add how frequently both trials and elections have had surprise endings in all liberal or democratic countries. Secondly, they are conducted in such a way that the accused cannot escape. Vague charges (resembling the "incivism" of the French Reign of Terror) such as "opposing the people" are brought, charges which could be used against any political oppoii- ent. The arrested person is held for a time incommunicado, and denied access to all legal help or advice. The counsel is selected by the court, not by the accused (in the recent Hungarian case the counsel for the defense practically admitted all charges and merely made a plea for mercy). The verdict is given either by a political bench of judges or a jury of active party mem- bers. Thirdly, the chief object of the trial seems to be not a conviction but a con- fession. The confession is almost always obtained, and with it (a most suspicious circumstance) an expression of contri- tion or regret on the part of the accused. I do not know in what proportion tor- ture, forgery, drugs, threats and promises are used to secure this uniform result. My guess would be that the last two were the most important, for a forged confes- sion, or one made in the torture chamber, might be repudiated in open court, which would be embarrassing to the govern- ment. But threats of kidnapping or death to a dear member of the family, such as were used to force Premier Nagy out of Hungary, might induce anyone to make confession and apology. As for promises, the prosecu- tion often switches from the death penalty to something milder, perhaps in return for a confession. Nor do I know enough of the action of drugs to judge how useful they may be in making an accused person sug- gestible. But this I do know: a political criminal, is by definition, an enemy of the govern- ment which prosecutes him, and often a very conscientious enemy. Therefore, he will either deny the charges against him to the end, or openly defy the government and glory in the truth of these charges (as did Robert Emmett and many other victims of treason trials). That he would, of his own free will, suddenly reverse all his opinions and abjectly or meekly express contritionis contrary to all reason and all our knowl- edge of human nature. It might happen once or twice to very strange individuals. In Communist courts it has happened hun- dreds of times. That is proof sufficient that most of the alleged expressions of regret, from the old Moscow trials that wiped out the Russian Trotskyites down to present day Hungary, must have been extorted some- how; again, I say I do not know by what combination of torture, drugs, threats or promises. Finally, it should be remembered that the victims of present day Communism are not, typically "reactionaries." Many of them, like Mindszenty, suffered similar political im- prisonment under Nazi rule. Many, like Maniu of Romania, were leaders of left wing peasant or socialist parties. Many (espe- cially in Russia) were Communists who had some factional quarrel with the momentarily dominant group or who had failed to follow some twist of the serpentine party line. In other words, if Communism ruled America today, no doubt I would be "liquidated" as a "reactionary," and Mr. Bershad "purged" in some party feud. LookingBack 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: The State Legislature Appropriations Committee visited the campus, met with University officials and commented favor- ably on University appropriations requests. 25 YEARS AGO TODAY: Work was progressing on the new nurses' *" TM w.w++'aKTa+ -r M r"''+..... '1 [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By JOSEPH ALSOP LONDON-From the vantage point of this old, indomitable city, it is clear that the world crisis is entering a new phase. In Eur pe, the-cief scene of Soviet aggression since the end of the war, an uneasy stale- mate is being reached. But the attack is meanwhile shifting to the vast colonial areas which is the vulnerable flank of the Western world. As the disastrous developments in China and Indonesia suggest only too clearly, the first center of this new attack is the Far East. But China and Indonesia are by no means the whole story. What is going forward in the Far East is nothing less than a Soviet land drive toward Aus- tralia in many ways comparable to the Japanese drive by sea. China being lost, the decisive area in this struggle will be to the southward. The outlook, is nowhere good. In Indo-China, the French have thus far failed miserably to deal with the Communist regime of Ho Chi Minh. Being unwilling either to make convincing concessions to Indo-Chinese na- CurentMovies At the tts .. . THE COUNTESS OF MONTE CRISTO, exquisitely, charmingly, delightfully por- trayed by Sonja Henie. HAD THE DEVIL'S own time persuading myself to see this picture. Were it not for the reviewers who of necessity must attend each and every new film, Sonja Henie would not have a leg to stand on at the box office. This might improve her pictures. I confess that Miss Henie is extremely graceful on ice skates. I enjoy this almost as much as the fashion shots in news- reels. But when Miss Henic skates, no one else is allowed to. And when Miss Henie acts, everyone else's performance is considerably improved by comparison. This is known as Democracy in Action. It should be pointed out that Miss Henie has an extremely infectious and perma- nent grin. Miss Olga San Juan, also in the picture, giggles a good deal. This is the entire extent of the comedy. Perhaps soluco'e itlh a flair for the fatuous can iniaglie the sophisticated gaiety of a Norwegian actress, with a Mexican tionalism, or to convince by sufficient force, they have merely wasted men and treasure. London has now urgently warned Paris to get on with the job, grimly pointing out that the jig will be up if and when Chinese Com- munists control the other side of the border from Ho Chi Minh's forces. In Malaya, the British are having serious trouble with small but elusive groups of Communist guerrillas. And in Burma, the situation is worst of all. The primitive Kar- ens from the hills are giving a drubbing to the forces of the incompetent, frivolous, and corrupt Rangoon government. Two fac- tions of Communists are in the field. And if present anarchy continues, the Commu- nists, being the only organized element, must win in the end. Add these situations to the situations in China and Indonesia, and the danger in the Far East becomes apparent. The strategic consequences are past comput- ing. Burma and Indo-China are neces- sary rice bowls of the Orient. Malayan rubber and tin are among the foundation stones of the British economy. If Japan is deiied commerce with Asia she can only survive precariously, if at all, on huge American subsidies. And if the rest of Asia falls into the Soviet grip, the sub-con- tinent of India will also be in immediate peril. As yet, no comparable Soviet drive has begun in the Middle East. But in this area the attempt at assassination of the Shah of Iran is only the last of a series of dis- quieting signs. It is thought that the famous "Fourth Point" in President Truman's inaugural ad- dress provides the basis for American ac- tion, and joint Anglo-American efforts are proposed because of the vital British inter- ests in the areas concerned. Certainly it is hard to see how these new dangers can be averted except by this kind of manifestation of the Anglo Amer- ican partnership. The task of restoring stability in the Far East must be under- taken on a major scale by both, on all three levels, strategic, political and eco- nomic. In sum, if there is a lesson in London, where one sees beyond the borders of Eu- rope, it is that our job is far from done when Europe has become temporarily stab- ilized. Indeed, we shall be worse than os- triches if we mistake great local successes, such as Britain's recovery, for decisive turn- ing points in the world struggle. The world struggle is actually broadening and inten- sifying. (Copyright, 1949, Now York Herald Tribune) S~et, It Do'wj .Xnx )khere. «",X ee Overcrowded A Irerudv!" M - fSMITNS~moviTI FR - _ FLYI4G MACHNE F,4INf _ (RUSSIAN INVENTION) IAN I r^ zn m' ~1 Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 94 Notices Law School Admission Test, Room Change: The Law School Admission Test, which will be given S turday Feb. 19, has been assigned to the Rackham Lecture Hall( although all admission notices will state that 100 Hutchins Hall is the place the test will be given. Forestry Assembly: Amphithea- tre, 10 a.m., Mon., Feb. 21, Rack- ham. Mr. Jay H. Price Regional Forester of the U.S. Forest Serv- ice at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will speak on "Forest Management in the National Forests." All Stu- dents in the School of Forestry and Conservation except those with non-foresty conflicts are ex- pected to attend the lecture at 10 and all students taking courses in the subjects of forest manage- ment, forest economics, and for- est administration are expected to remain for the discussion at 11. Others interested are invited. Students, College of LS&A: No courses may be elected for credit after today. Graduate students may not elect courses after Sat., Feb. 19. Courses dropped after this date will be re- corded as "dropped." Courses may not be dropped afteruthe end of the eighth week of the semester. Freshmen who competed in the lopwood Contest should call for their manuscripts by Wed., Feb. 23. The Hopwood Room is open weekdays 2-5:30 p.m. Women students attending the Caduceus Ball, Sat., Feb. 19, have 1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours will not be extended. Recognized student organiza- tions are reminded that they must be registered in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs before 5 p.m., Fri., Feb. 18, in order to be included on the list of approved organiza- tions for the second semester.I Women students who are mar- ried after enrolling in the Uni- versity are required to report such change in status immediately to the Office of the Dean of Women. If any change in place of resi- dence is indicated, the matter will be discussed with the student in the light of her preference and JOHN L. LEWIS' house organ de- scribes Secretary of State Dean Acheson as a "shifty fellow". whose views change almost daily. Compared to John L., anybody who changes his attitude because of changed circumstances seems "shifty." Neither war nor peace nor prosperity nor depression stays this burly chieftain from his ap- pointed fight. -St. Louis Star-Times. The Daily accords Its readers the p~rivilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- ley is to publish in the order In which they ate' received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory"character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. ** * Pound for Pound To the Editor: (Attention Dr. Warren Forsythe): E. decision will be made by the Of- fice of the Dean of Women on an individual basis. Requests for of- ficial change of name should be filed at the information desk on the 2nd floor of the new Admin- istration Bldg. Women students who have re- ceived Student Aid Foundation application blanks are notified that they should communicate with the Office of the Dean of Women before Feb. 21. Women students' are notified that late permissions are given by the Office of the Dean of Women only during office hours. House directors may give late permis- sions in cases of unavoidable and justifiable emergencies which arise after the Office of the Dean of Women is closed for the day. Such emergency during the week must be reported by the student the following day to the Office of the Dean of Women, at which time she must present a written statement of the circumstances from her housemother. Members of the staff of the Office of the Dean of Women are not able to give late permission by telephone after the office is closed. Approved social events for the coming week-end: February 18 Lutheran Student Assoc., Mosh- er Hall February 19 Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Lloyd, Phi Chi Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Psi, Zeta Beta Tau February 20 Alpha Rho Chi, Hillel, Lambda Chi Alpha The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces examination for historian, intelligence specialist (general and technical), foreign affairs officer, and social science analyst. Also meteorological aid. The Detroit Civil Service Com- mission announces examinations for various classes of nurses, stu- dent social worker, social case worker, and medical social case worker. Further information and applications for all of the above examinations may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. A cademic Notices Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. K. Zarankiewicz of Poland will address the Mathematics Collo- quium at 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 18, 3017 Angell Hall. Topic: "On non- cut points." Philosophy 106, Contemporary Metaphysics, will meet in 225 An- gell Hall, Concert Palmer Christian Memorial Program, with Josef Schnelker and Marilyn Mason, organists, will be presented at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Feb. 20, in Hill Audi- Letters to the Editor ACCORDING to statements statements made by you on February 17th, 1949, a hog can eat more than a college student. We, at 703 Church Street, con- test that statement! ! ! We be- lieve that you have grossly under- estimated the eating ability of te average college student. Consequently, we challenge any 165 lb. hog in Washtenaw County to eat more food, dry weight, than our colleague, 165 lb. Paul H. (Hungry) Smith, '50E. We do not consider eating a fad, but rather a serious business. Nor do we accept any insinua- tions as to man's inferiority to any animal. The Gourmands of 703 Church Street, Norman Steere, Secretary. torium. It will include composi- tions by Bach, James, Franck, De- Lamarter and Dupre, and will be open to the general public. Exhibitions The Burroughs Adding Machine Company exhibit of 24 of the lat- est calculating and accounting machines which has been open for the past week to students major- ing in accounting will be open to students and faculty of all colleges from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 21 and 22, 58 Bus. Adm. Bldg. Groups wishing demonstration should arrange time by calling Extension 2674 in advance. Events Today Geological-Mineralogical Jour- nal Club: 12 noon, 3054 Natural Science Bldg., Mr. Robert V .Kes- ling of the Department of Geology, University of Illinois, will speak on "Inside the Ostracod and Why." Open meeting. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional business administration frater- nity: Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Chapter House, 1212 Hill. Motion Picture, auspices of Art Cinema League, "Before Him All Rome Trembled." 8:30 p.m., to- night and Sat., Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Tickets on sale 2 p.m. German Coffee Hour: Friday, 3-4:30 p.m., Michigan League SodaBar. All students and fac- ulty members invited. Program Committee for the Re- ligion in Life Week: 4:45 p.m., Lane Hall. Members are requested to report or send a substitute in their place. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Rev. Leonard Verduin will lead a discussion on "Boy-Girl Relation- ships in a Christian Society," 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sabbath Evening Services, 7:45 p.m., Rabbi H. Lymon conducting, assisted by Eugene Malitz. A talk on conditions abroad, by Dr. Wil- liam Haber, will follow. Wesleyan Guild: Meet at Wes- ley Foundation at 7:30 p.m. to- night with tennis shoes and swim suits for "sports night" at the IM Bldg. Refreshments at Foun- dation later. Westminster Guild, First Pres- tybyterian Church: "Hatche t Party," 8 p.m. Social Hall, church building. Coming Events International Students Associa- tion Installation Dinner: Outgoing and incoming officers will be hon- ored at 6:30 p.m., Sun., Feb. 20, International Center. Reserva- tions should be made by Saturday noon. Russian Circle: Meeting, 7:45 p.m., Mon., Feb. 21, International Center. Speaker: Prof. T. Heger; subject: Russian Music. Kick-Off To the Editor: THE PRICE BOOST on tickets to next fall's football game with Army, designed to raise about $60,000 "to defray the cost of bringing a Cadet group to Ann Arbor." has brought upon the Uni- versity charges of commercialism and ticket gouging so serious that I feel called upon to exhort Pro- fessor Crisler for a refutation. There seems to be a consider- able number of fans. including one of the Detroit sports writers, who feel that the $60,000 repre- sents a bit more than first class transportation for a few Cadets. Say it isn't so. Mr. Crisler! Tell them that monetary gain is fur- thest from your mind. We know that your motives in scheduling are as pure as the driven snow. You have declared as much your- self on many occasions. First it was insinuated that your refusal to play at East Lan- sing was motivated by sordid fi- nancial considerations. And now some crass journalist from De- troit has the temerity to again suspect your motives. The time has come to strike back. Straighten out those barbar- ians from East Lansing and De- troit. Tell them that it is be- cause of your consideration for the fans that you refuse to play in a smaller stadium or to play Notre Dame (a game of no general interest'.) Tell them that football at Michigan is a noncommercial student activity for the students witnessed by the fact that the students are invariably assigned the choicest seats in the stadium. And as for that $60,000, explain to the skeptics that all this extra revenue is needed for the stated purpose and why. If you intend to transport the entire Officer Corps of the U.S. Army here for the game, say so. Please, Mr. Crisler, dispel these doubts quickly before our faith in home, Mother, and Michigan gives way to abysmal disenchant- ment. -James G. O'Hara. EDITOR'S NOTE: Every school that plays the University of Michigan football team at the Michigan Sta- dium receives one half of the total gate receipts. That means that the added revenue of $60,000 that will come from the increase in prices for the Army game tickets next year will be shared equally by the USMA and Michigan. Of the $30,000 Mich- igan receives, $10,000 will be used to bring the Cadets here. The money remaining, which will be around the $20,000 mark, will be used for ex- pansion of student athletic facilities. '('Pr ml*Otgau Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Eldtor Dick Maloy..............City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor Robert C. White......Associate Editor B. S. Brown ..........,. Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor Mary nn Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes .................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait......Business Manager Jean Leonard . ..Advertising Manager William Culman ....Finance Manager Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newt dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Ws BARNABY Nceover fear. X-Roys will fell ..Ama w., l I 4... tf nrv_ m'hmv Ccn you REALLY fake X-Ray pictures, Mr. O'Malleyt Let's see-fu0view or profrle?