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February 18, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-18

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Latest Dleadline in the State

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Spy Sentence
Revealed in
Munich Trial
Secrecy Veil Hit
By Army Blast
MUNICH, Germany - (P) - A
U.S. military commission, official-
ly ordered to be less secretive
about its spy trials, sentenced a
waiter on the Orient Express to
20 years at hard labor yesterday.
By order of Maj. Gen. Maxwell
Taylor, chief of staff of Army
Ground Forces in Europe, the
commission disclosed the convic-
tion and sentence and identified
the slender, brown-haired prisoner
as Frontisek Klecka, 31.
KLECKA is one of 20 persons
rounded up by the Army last No-
vember on charges of being mem-
bers of a Czechoslovak espionage
ring. He claimed French citizen-
ship, but said his wife lives in
The Orient Express is a crack
international train that runs from
Paris through such strategic cities
as Strasbourg, Stuttgart, Munich,
Saltzburg, Vienna and Budapest.
Gen. Lucius D. Clay, the U.S.
commander in Germany, had
ordered an investigation of the
commission's plan for absolute
secrecy in two of the five trials
The commission had imposed
the news blackout on the ground
it was necessary for American se-
An interpreter said Klecka pro-
tested the conviction.
DETAILED charges in the case,
tried behind locked doors guarded
by military policemen, were not
The Army's public informa-
tion service put out a statement
that Klecka was sentenced "for
violation of military govern-
ment ordinance No. 8."
Gen Clay said he still dislikes
the secrecy surrounding the trial,
but that in this case it is neces-
sary to protect the witnesses
against reprisals,
The fifth trial is also to be
secret. The others, including trial
of five persons starting Monday,
will be open.
U.S. Red Trial
Sees 22 Days
Minus Jurors
NEW YORK-(AP)-The conspir-
acy trial of 11 high U.S. Com-
munists entered its second month
today with not a single juror yet
chosen to hear the government's
Nearly all of the 22 days of the
trial so far have been filled with
a defense attack on the system for
choosing federal jurors in New
IF PRESIDING Judge Harold R.
Medina should uphold the de-
fense motion on this issue, the
indictment against the Commu-
nist leaders would be thrown out
on the ground that the grand
jurors who returned the indict-
ments were not picked in an
equitable manner.
There is no indication when
the ruling will come. The de-
fense apparently has much more
testimony to offer.
Medina has repeatedly urged the

defense lawyers to speed up their
The defendants are charged
with conspiring to advocate over-
throw of the U.S. government.
Grad Council
Plans Survey
Graduate language requirements
for the doctorate degree will be
the subject of a comprehensive
survey planed by, the Graduate
Student Council last night.
The Survey Research Center
will be asked to aid in preparing
the questionnaire which will be
distributed to all University grad-
uate students within 10 days.
Many graduate students feel
that present University regula.-
tions which require a reading
mastery of both French and Ger-
man for the PhD. should be left
to the discretion of the individual
departments, the council said.
Tn, lines with nr1a,s to i-sahli.,h

WSSF Campaign
Enters Final Day
The World Student Service Fund enters the second day of bucket
campaigning on campus today with the double-barrelled support of
NSA and a former DP now studying at the University -
Harvey Weisberg, chairman of the Michigan Region of the
National Student Association, pointed out that contributions to
the WSSF helps to carry out one of the basic NSA principles.
"WHEN WE GIVE money to the drive we are carrying out an
NSA plan-to give material assistance to students abroad," he said.
Maryell von Herrmann, one of the four displaced students
here from Europe, cited the quality of food as a cause of illness
among students.
"In Germany the food was sustaining when one was healthy,
but it was not health-restoring when one was sick."
"After the war there was a scarcity of medicines. Now the medi-
WSSF collected $1,302 in yesterday's tag day. Bucket brigades
will continue the campaign today.
cal centers have found supplies but have no money to buy medicines,"
she added.
WSSF HOPES TO raise $5,000 by the end of today's tag day.
Contributions yesterday amounted to $1,302. Local WSSF funds will
be used to buy food and medicine for tuberculosis sanatoria.
Dr. Wilmer Kitchen, executive secretary of the WSSF, point-
ed out that financial aid to students would be a measure in
effecting world peace in a recent talk here.
"We do a lot of talking about world peace. Most of us if we
were asked would say we would like very much to have it. Probably
there is no one thing we can do to make 'world peace certain: the
problem is. too complex.
"However, we can say very definitely that in rebuilding schools
and colleges, in supplying food and clothing to needy students and
in giving medical assistance to students with tuberculosis, we are at
least laying tkhe foundation for a one world we all desire."
Average Russian Citizen Is
Subject of New Publication
At last you can get a glimpse into the mysterious life led by Ivan
Average, loyal Soviet citizen.
In a new book published by the University Law School, Russian
private life is depicted from Ivan's birth through his marriage, his
work, and finally his death. The first study in English of Soviet civil
law, this four-year work shows the part government plays in the
ordinary Russian life.
IVAN'S EXPLOITS in the business of making a livng aren't very
different from his comrades, the book says. Government regulations
leave him very little choice oft* *

Tahe Doiis Coed Guise

Price Drop No
Says Tax Boost Still Necessary;
Reaffirms Atlantic Pact Position
WASHINGTON-( P)-President Truman advised the nation yes-
terday not to get alarmed over the business outlook. He said that cur-
rent price drops are only the leveling-off that everybody has been ex-
At the same time, he served notice that he still wants Congress
to boost taxes by $4,000,000,000.
The President made his remarks at a news conference at which
he also reaffirmed this country's position on the proposed Atlantic
Pact. He said there was nothing mysterious about it, that it had been
stated clearly in a Senate Resolution and in his Inaugural Address.


THE LATTER question came up in connection with the opposition
some leading Senators to committing the United States in advance
go to war immediately a pact signatory is attacked, and expressions
disappointment over this stand' * * *

Daily-Alex Lmanian
THREE OUT OF FOUR ARE WOMEN-The fourth is Herb Rovner, "female" member of the Union
Opera singing chorus, who decided to test his femininity by rushing Pi Beta Phi. The three other
figures are genuine women members of the Pi Phi's receiving line.
RoVner Rushes, Charms Gals

As a collective farmer, his
work must be approved by a
board which decides whether he
is to get a return of the produce
he must give to the government,
or whether he is to be eliminated
from the project.
On an independent farm which
cannotnexceedn2.47 acres, Ivan
cannot hire help, buy or sell ag-
ricultural products under penalty
of a five year jail or labor camp
sentence, and must give a share
of his yield to the government,
according to 'the text.
SIMILAR restrictions apply to
a business that he might set up in
a city, or to his employment in a,
Ivan must constantly keep pro-
duction standards in mind, as you
can see by laws which state that
"Release of products of poor qual-
ity or in violations of established
standards is an anti-state crime
equivalent to sabotage."
Government asserts the right
to approve his bride, and should
he want one, Ivan's divorce must
conform to the general policy
of the Soviet Union. Laws con-
cerning inheritance, damage
suits, patents, and contracts are
also explained in this book.
The new work entitled "Soviet
Civil Law" was published by the
Law School as one in a series of
legal studies financed by the Wil-
liam W. Cook endowment for legal
Vladimir Gsovski, chief of the
Foreign Law Section, Library of
Congress, was commissioned to
prepare the study which appears
in two volumes.
GSOVSKI IS a graduate of
the Law School of Moscow, the
Law School of Komensky Univer-
sity of Yugoslavia and holds a
doctor of philosophy degree from
Georgetown University in Wash-
ington, D.C.
He also served in the White
Army during the Russian revolu-

lied, Capitalist
Peace Urged
By Prof._Ward
"Where is all this Soviet expan-
sion and aggression we hear
about?" asked Harry F. Ward last
night in a talk sponsored by the
Young Progressives of Ann Ar-
Ward, professor emeritus of
Union Theological Seminary, and
former chairman of the Civil Lib-
erties Union, told his audience
that the establishment of Ameri-
can air bases in Greece and Tur-
key was clearly a form of aggres-
"If Russia had established sim-
ilar bases in Mexico or Panama,
we would have had war long ago,"
he commented.
"We cannot get peace by think-
ing war, talking war, acting war
and preparing war," he warned.
Ward went on to say that an
agreement between the Commu-
nist and the Capitalist peoples is
absolute ly necessary if we "wish to
avoid the greatest bloodshed the
world has ever seen."
Names Due Today
Student organizations must sub-
mit the names of their officers and
the signed acceptance of a faculty
advisor to the Office of Student
Affairs by 5 p.m. today in order
to be included on 'the official list
of approved organizations for the
second semester.

Witha littlepancake makeup,
lipstick, mascaira and the proper
arrangement of these and other'
implements of femininity, you too
can be a girl.
That's what Herb Rovner is
saying these days, anyway.
Rovner wanted to find out just
how convincing he'd be as a "wo-
Seniors Seek
Class Unity
At Meeting
Officers Establish
Advisory Board
Striving for greater class unity,
Senior Officers yesterday estab-
lished a Senior Class Board, com-
posed of representatives from each
house on campus.
Formation of the Board is part
of the move toward planning ac-
tivities which will give seniors a
chance to get acquainted before
they graduate, Val Johnson, pres-
ident, explained. The Board will
work with the Officers on plans
for a Senior Class picnic, for re-
unions, for academic and social
improvements on campus and for
a class gift.
IN ITS first meeting, the Board
recommended changing class offi-
cer elections to the spring term.
This would enable the new officers
to learn the ropes, as well as give,
them adequate time to plan ac-
tivities, it was proposed.
A committee to draw up a Sen-
ior Class Constitution was ap-
pointed by the group. Studies will
be made of constitutions now in"
existence at other schools to serve
as a basis for the University ver-
sion. - -
Get Your Puffs
Whpile It's Free
Free distribution of a well-
known brand of cigarettes and
cigarette cases will continue to-
morrow at the League and the
Students who have not yet ob-
tained samples may get one of the
remaining 2,000 by presenting ID
cards or if they have mislaid these,
some other identification.

man" in the singing chorus of the
forthcoming Union opera "Froggy
SO HE picked one of the most
rugged gauntlets a "woman"
could undergo; he decided to rush
a sorority.
The test called for both beauty
World IN.ewsI
Ron d-Up
ABy -re Associated Press
1PARIS-Selden Chapin, recalled
United States minister to Buda-
pest, said the arrest of Roman
Catholics is continuing in Com-
munist-dominated Hungary. I
He termed the trial and con-
viction of Josef Cardinal Minds-
zenty "a travesty of justice" and
added: "It is impossible to explain
the transformation of that lion
who was chief of the Hungarian
Catholic Church."
NEW YORK -Inflation and
the Chinese civil war have
brought financial distress to
about one-half of 4,600 Chinese
students in American universi-
"The crisis has been develop-
ing for a year and a half," said
Dr. Chih Meng, director of the
China Institute of America.
WASHINGTON - Disregarding
scattered Republican shouts of
"regimentation" and "socialism,"
the House voted to give President
Truman broad control over ex-
ports until June 30, 1951.
Weizmann was inaugurated as
the first president of the young
state of Israel in a ceremony
filled with ancient Hebrew sym-
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Hooverf
Commission recommended that
the Post Office be divorced from
Their report asked barring of
the Postmaster General from po-
litical committees and decentrali-
zation of the department into 15
regions, each with directors and
It also called for abolition of
Senate confirmation of postal ap-

and charm; Rovner, wlo had only
the barest beginnings of both,
dove immediately and whole-
heartedly into his task.
The 18 year old sophomore
scurried about, calling on his
coed friends with the story that
his fraternity was putting on a
rushing skit and that within a
few hours he must be trans-
formed into the reasonable fac-
simile of a woman.
The coeds were very helpful-
he picked up long stockings, a
hooded coat, dress, and gloves.
After a long and tactful explana-
tion to one of his closer friends,
his trouseau was completed.
So Rovner tripped off to the Pi
Phi house, briefed with the latest
particulars of sorority etiquette.
HE WENT through the receiv-
ing line without even the hint of
a skeptical stare. From the be-
ginning, the Pi Phis liked Natalie
Randolph, the little blue-eyed
beauty with the platinum blond
The girls'wanted to know if
Natalie would like to tour the
house, but Rovner, shy little
thing, modestly demurred.
Rovner went through the whole
process without a scratch. His on-
ly close call came when the girls1
insisted he take his hooded coat
off, which would have revealed an
obviously phony wig.
Then there were the few agon-
izing minutes when he wracked
his brains, trying to remember
whether women shake hands with
their gloves on or off.
THINGS began to get hot, andI
so did Rovner, who still refused
to remove his coat. So he made
his excuses, and smiled his way
out of the door.
But, maintains Rovner, nobody
ever suspected.
"It was all a lot of fun," he4
proclaimed, "I never met so many
women in one night in my life."
All Rovner thinks of now is
March 23, 24, and 25--the three
fdays of the Union Opera, when
he can again play the part of a
Bert Shifman, Campus Promo-
tions Chairman of the Union Op-
era, is pretty enthused over the
success of Rovner's metamorpho-
"If the 19 other "female" mem-
bers of the chorus make as con-
vincing women as Rovner, they'll
be better than the 'Rockettes'
anyday," he said.

in the Western European press.
Mr. Truman told the news
conference that at his sugges-
tion the House Ways and Means
committee decided to take up
plans for expanding the Social
Security program before consid-
ering tax legislation.
He said the reason for this was
that the tax proposals were not
drafted in detail yet, but he em-
phasized that his recommendation
for the full four billion amount of
the tax boost still stands.
Many leading Congressional and
business leaders, however, oppose
such an increase now. They con-
tend any such action should be
postponed until the 1949 economic
prospects clarify.
THE PRESIDENT spoke confi-
dently of the business outlook
while voicing the hope there will
be no new price spirals.
Government employment ex-
perts meanwhile predicted that
the big test of whether the coun-
try will follow the prosperity path
or bog down on a depression de-
tour will come in March or April.
That's when the major con-
struction and manufacturing in-
dustries normally begin large-
scale hiring after winter cut-
If the number of idle-now
about 3,000,000-keeps growing
then despite the seasonal job op-
portunities, the experts say that
will pose a problem probably call-
ing for Government action to spur
BUT IF THE number of jobless
workers drops in the spring, or
even stands still, the government
officials say that will prove pretty
conclusively that the nation is in
for a period of general economic
Substitute for
WES Sought
By Governor
LANSING-(P--Governor Wil-
liams yesterday considered a pro-
posal that the State find a sub-
stitute for the workers' education
service formerly conducted by the
The service, attacked last year
on the grounds it was presenting
a prejudiced picture of the eco-
nomic system, was suspended by
the Board of Regents for inves-
' *
WHEN IT WAS re-established
workers refused to attend and the
courses were cancelled.
Williams met with Barney
Hopkins, representing CIO un-
ions, and Robert Scott, repre-
senting AFL unions, and prom-
ised to talk with Lee M. Thurs-
ton, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, about spon-
soring the program under some
state agency.
"The workers would have the
same advantages as real estate
men or any other group in get-
ting education along their lines
of endeavor," Williams said.


Agree on
Trade Talks
GENEVA, Switzerland-(R)-An
East-West agreement was reach-
ed yesterday on exchange of in-
formation to spur trade on both
sides of the Iron Curtain.
This was accomplished at the
25-nation European Trade Con-
ference sponsored by the United
THE COMMUNIST bloc agreed
to use import estimates of the
organization for European Eco-
nomic Cooperation (OEEC) as a
basis for discussing what the
Communist countries could sell to
the West.
The OEEC is charged with
seeing that countries receiving
aid in the European recovery
program use it to the best ad-
The first session of the Trade
Committee of the UN Economic
Commission for Europe opened
this week to plan expansion of
East-West trade.
Eastern delegates said that with
Western machinery and equip-
ment supplied on credit they could
increase their production of food
and raw materials.
Garg Rushes
Monday Sale
For Rushees
Prospective rushees, as well as
students, were advised to obtain
several copies of the new Gar-
goyle, scheduled to appear on
campus Monday, before attempt-
ing a plunge into the University's
elaborate Greek-letter system.
Tentatively entitled "Fraterni-
ties Are Doing a Rushing Busi-
ness," the forthcoming issue of
this well-known campus magazine
purports to offer a complete, un-
expurgated layman's guide to
these highly-secret social groups.
Informal, unposed shots of rush-
ing procedure are presented. Story
content of the magazine has been
selected to conform with the fra-
ternity-type theme.
"The Prisoner," by Hopwood
Award-winning Whittaker Fafnir,
describes an unsuccessful love-af-
fair in the Himalayas. It is to be-
come a chapter in his forthcoming
novel, as yet untitled.
"Ring Around," another story,
describes a successful love-affair.
The author of this short-short is
Campus GOP
David Belin, '51, was unani-
mously elected president of the
Young Republicans at their first
meeting of the semester last night.
Also elected were: Howard D.
Johnson, vice-president; Leonard
Wilcox, secretary; and Des Buz-
zell, treasurer.
New committee chairmen are:
Howard Hartzell, Congressional
legislation; Jasper Reid, Member-
ship, and Henry Willard, Public-
Belin announced that the club
plans to "taka nn activ intrest


'Battle of Breadbasket' to Feature Hog, Student

Climaxing five days of vigorous Daily (see page four of today's
culinary activity on campus, a issue) signed by their secretary
student and a hog will battle it yNOm Rtporp thpx took issnl with

after research into findings of
feed experts, the exact nature
of which he refused to disclose.

fast, followed by several hours of
eggs, roast beef, boiled potatoes,
bananas, oranges. Erapefruit -

clared they would back their
pledge "to the last roast beef

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