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Frats' Rushing System
To Be Exposed by Garg
jasha leifetz
lo:I~L TI I)
Doted V~iolinist First
[Ilat e d ,-1) Xai s Ago
The truth about fraternity rush-j
ing will be exposed in the forth-
coming issue of Gargoyle, campus
humor magazine, which will, be
released to a waiting world next
Almost the entire issue will be
devoted to a "roast" of the fra-
ternity rushing system, according
to Doug Parker, Gargoyle editor.
"GARG HIMSELF made the
rushing rounds this spring and
Heart Disease
Drive Begins
Fund Raising Marks
A campaign to stop the Nation's
No. 1 killer-heart disease-is un-
der way this week.
February 14 to 21 has been
designated National Heart Week
by the American Heart Associa-
tion to dramatize their three-
point program for controlling'
heart disease. Ann Arbor's fund-
raising drive will end Feb. 28.
LOCAL CARDIAC programs in-
tegrating all local medical, nurs-
ing, hospital, and social service
facilities should be set-up to fight
heart disease when it strikes
Five million dollars is needed to
do this on a national scale. Mich-
igan's quota is $250,000. Anyone
may contribute by dropping their
donations in the red-plastic hearts
posted in local stores.
Ward To Treat
Soviet Issue
Dr. Harry F. Ward, liberal Prot-
estant leader, will speak on Amer-
ican-Soviet relations at 7:30 p.m.,
tomorrow in the Masonic Temple.
Dr. Ward, former professor at
Boston University and Union The-
ological Seminary, has made two
trips to the Soviet Union since
the revolution.
Tickets for this lecture will be
on sale at the door for twenty-
five cents.
Before Sulfa
PARIS--One fourth of the pop-
ulation of Europe was killed by
the. bubonic plague which swept
the continent in the 1300's, ac-
cording to the World Book En-
It really shook the old boy up,"
Parker said.
In addition to the fraternity
expose which will include pic-
tures, cartoons and appropriate
doggeral, there will be a few
'pieces of greater literary merit.
Contributions from a veteran
staff member and former Hop-
wood winner will be sandwiched
between the advertising." In keep-
ing with our traditional policy, we
will present the best advertising
matter of any campus publica-
tion," Parker declared.
SPEAKING OF Monday's sales
plans, the funnyman said, "we ex-
pect to sell out without much;
trouble as the University inducted
another large freshman class again
this semester.
"New freshmen who have
never purchased a "Gargoyle"
before are our best customers,
for obvious reasons," he ex-
Despite rumors of a pre-sale
raid on the plant by fraternity
men there will be copies for all
who are willing to part with 25
cents, Garg spokesmen declared.
Jc) a
;ian l-ibor'n
8 :30 p.mi.
Heifetz, renowned Rus-
violinist, will appear at
Saturcday in Hill Audi-
...to speak today
Stonwe Lecture
10 Spotlih
One of the foremost violinists
Of the American concert scene,
lcifetz estimates that he has
played the violin over 80,000 hours
during his life. This is the equiv-
alent of playing about nine years
steadily, twenty-four hours a day
without a break.
AT THE AGE of forty-seven,
Heifetz has forty years of con-
cert work behind him. He does not
remember a time when he could
not play the violin any more than
most people can remember the
time when they could not walk.
When he was three his father
bought him a quarter-size fiddle
and gave him his first lesson.
Leland Stowe, noted foreign
correspondent, will give the sec- From that time on, throughout
and in the Journalism Lecture se- his childhood he averaged four
oa L hours a day practicing.
ties at 3 p.m. this afternoon in Heifetz once boasted that he has
Rm. B Haven Hall. been self-supporting since the age
Stowe will discuss "Foreign of seven. This remark occasioned
dales tontiue News and Our International Re- Harpo Marx's famous quip: "I
lations" before journalism concen- suppose, before that you were just
trates and all interested students. a bum w
IN ADDITION to four world
COVERA6'E of the Paris Rep- tours before the war, Heifetz plays
Grayling To Be Site arations Commission and for- annual concert tours of the United
For Weekend Outing mation of the Young Plan and States and Canada.
Bank for International Settle-
ments won for Stowe the Pulitzer During the war, he contribut-
Ticket sales continue for the Prize in 1930. ed a good part of his time to
U'nlon-Ullr Ski Club sponsored concerts for men in the armed
outing to Grayling, to be held Stowe also holds the French forces both in camps and hos-
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Legion of Honor, the University pitals and made three extended
Feb. 25-27. of Missouri School of Journal- overseas trips.
Tickets, priced at $14, may be ism medal for outstanding war
obtained from 1 to 5 p.m. today correspondence, and the Sigma His motion picture, "They Shall
through Tuesday at the Union. Delta Chi medal and, award for Have Music." now showing under
Busses will leave the Union at his 1940 dispatches revealing the the name 'Ragged Angels." has
5 p.m. Friday and return to Ann German conquest of Soutlwirn been voted by educators the great-
Arbor by 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Norway. eastingle contribution to the gen-
The ticket price includes trans- .r 11appreciation o. good music
portation both ways and lodging Stowe gained his reputation as thus far made on the screen.
for the two nights. a prominent foreign correspondent Heifetz will be the fourth artist
The outing will provide oppor- through his services with the New to appear here in the Choral Un-
tunities for skiing, skating and York Herald Tribune and the Chi- ion's extra concert series. Tickets
tobogganing. cago Daily News. insexrcoetsee.Tcks
toaa efor his recital are on sale in the
Students with questions about University Musical Society's of-
the trip should call Dick Allen BESIDES his foreign correspond- fices, Burton Tower.
or Bob Bristor at the Union Stu- ing, Stowe has written severalj --
dent Offices. - novels: Among them "Nazi Means
_-War," "No Other Road to Free- octe on Mexico
Poor Farmers dom," "They Shall Not Sleep,"
and "While Time Remains." The Spanish Society will pre-
CHICAGO-Despite reports to Stowe is a graduate of Wesleyan ,ent color movies of Mexico at 8
the contrary the American farmer University, Connecticut and holds p.m. today in the Hussey Room of
actually maide less money last honorary degrees from that insti- the League.
year than he did in 1947. The tution and from Harvard Univer- The movies were taken by Miss
World Book Encyclopedia says sity. Laura Cheney, a Dearborn high
this is due to the increasing costs An informal question period school teacher, during her trip to
of production which faced the and coffee hour will follow his Mexico last summer. There is no
farmer. lecture here.,I admission charge.
8 A C K T O H I S C A R T-Terry Allen, British peddler-
boxer, serves his pushcart patrons the morning after he beat world I
flyweight champion, Rinty Monaghan, in a London non-title match.
B A L L - H E A D E D' '- Lenny Small, of George Wash-
ington University, "loses his head" behind the ball in a scrimmage
of the basketball game against Virginia in Washington.
PROF E S S ION A L A D V-I C E --. Pvt. Olin R. Weber
(right). receives a tip on billiards in Tokyo from Kinrey Matsu-
yama, Japanese champion and one-time world title competitor.,
' BOUNTY' B IB L E BACK -'Blanche Smith holds
the Bible used by the "Bounty" crew after the mutiny, It is to be
loaned to Pitcairn Islanders by the Connecticut Historical Society.
We must pass
pretty stiff exams, too
Not only the steel we use must pass a rigid test ...
We have a "board of examiners" which tests the merits
of all the operations of our company.
That "board" consists of our employes, our customers, and
our stockholders-the three groups which have a primary
interest in our business.
We believe it is to the benefit of the entire social order that
we operate our company in the best interests of these three
groups. And they give us some pretty tough quizzes from
time to time.
We believe our customers deserve the very best product
we can manufacture at the lowest possible price. Our em-
ployes are entitled to steady employment, good working
conditions, and the highest possible income consistent with
the economics of the business. Our stockholders should have
a reasonable return on the capital they invest in our business.
Our constant purpose is to maintain a fair balance between
these three groups.
In every college community in the country, one or more
of these groups is represented. How well do our principles
work out in practice?
TAKE EMPLOYES. In the last six years, the number of IH
employes has increased from 60,000 to 90,000-an increase
of 30,000 jobs. In the same period, the average straight
time hourly earnings of our factory employes have in-
creased 92.6%.
TAKE CUSTOMERS. Last year we produced more goods and
services than ever before. Customers benefited from the fact
that our margin of profit on sales was one-third less than
in 1941.
TAKE STOCKHOLDERS. They have had fair return on the
savings they have invested in our Company. Dividends on
common stock last year are equivalent to 5% on the book
value, as compared with 4% in 1941.
TAKE THE COMPANY. Last year we had profits, after taxes,
of 5 Y cents from each dollar of sales. We believe most people
Nita Talbot, Warner Bros. play-
er, shows a tennis outfit of white
pique with matching shorts.'
B A C K Y A R D R 0 U N D U P - Earl Duane, Hollywood rodeo and film trick roper, gives a
group of youngsters a safe lesson in roping a bucking steer--of plywood. Diana Harlan; 10, spins her
rope as Sheila Fine (left) sets the spring-controlled calf in motion and Mike Harlan awaits her turn.
This 1,000,000-volt X-ray machine in larvester's Manufacturing
Research Department "looks through" 5 1 , inches of steel to exam-
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