0 va, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publicity Move? LAST WEEK, at the same time that the Communists in Hungary were announc- ing the. life imprisonment of Cardinal Mindszenty, the trail of America's 11 top Communists plodded along with the speed of an over-loaded canal barge. Charged with conspiring against the United States government, these Commu- nists, with the aid of a conniving battery of lawyers, are doing everything in their power to disrupt the functioning of Amer- ican justice. It seems rather ironic that the Hungarian court was able to accuse and sentence the seven anti-Communists standing on trial in five days, while in New York the defense counsel has been allowed to jockey pre-trial proceedings for nearly a month. Realizing that the trial could have vast political implications, Federal Judge Harold Medina has been leaning over backward to give the Communists the chance to exercise every right inherent in the American trial by jury system. But in doing so he is allow- ing the defense to put a blight on the record of our nation's courts. Ostentatiously, the Communist lawyers have merely been attempting to seat an impartial jury. Beneath the surface, how- ever, one suspects that they are merely using the trial for the purposes of obtain- ing scandalous publicity. Or possibly they feel that by delaying the case indefinitely they can outlast the administration of jus- tice and eventually have the case dis- missed. Meanwhile, indications are seen all over Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by inenbers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRAN IVICK the country that the nation's Communists are preparing for a long siege in the court. Terming the trial a "shocking subversion of justice," the party's spokesman, the Daily Worker, announced a conference of 40 of the nation's leading Communists to map the strategy of the fight against alleged "jury rigging." Columnist Elizabeth Gurley Flyn has for some weeks been pushing a drive to raise $100,000 for the "Communist Party Defense Committee" which will lead the fight to save the "12," as she labels the de- fendants. Another indication that the Commu- nists are using the trial as a tool in their drive for a political upheaval here in America is seen in a statement made by Eugene Dennis, general-secretary of the Communist Party and one of the defend- ants. According to Dennis, they are fight- nig for "domestic peace guaranteeing the constant expansion of the people's do- mestic liberties, as well as an anti-im- perialist world peace." He adds that such a peace is, "the best ally of social prog- ress anq of socialism. In analyzing Dennis' statements one won- ders why he doesn't feel that Russia's ex- pansion into Eastern Europe isn't imperial- istic. And again, why if he really is a pro- ponent of socialism, why he calls himself a Communist. The 11 Communists and their defense council may well be justified in feeling that the jury picking system is discriminatory and that they have a right to demand an impartial court. But they could have made their demands in much less than four weeks and without casting a distasteful shadow on our nation's courts by using them as a publicity tool. And finally, if the 11 men are really innocent, they have nothing to fear from any court. --Jim Brown. .± ART + M ODERN DRAWINGS and prints pre- pattern effects and glowing colors in "Holo- dominate in the Museum of Art's "New caust 6," a combination of pencil with the Accessions" exhibit now on view in the water color. Alumni Memorial Hall galleries. Inter- Mauny uses pen with his water color in spersed with these are several contemporary "Stockholm," to contrast color and line. paintings and a few pieces of sculpture, as Some of the color areas seem a bit overdone, well as a collection of Old Master drawings. however, and detract from an otherwise The South Gallery is completely devoted excellent sketch. to Japanese prints, the gift of Dr. Walter Nudes, observed from various angles and R. Parker of Detroit. The collection repre- sketched in varying ways, constitute the sents mainly the work of 18th Century major part of the drawing accessions. They artists. vary from Eric Gill's delicately handled Most impressive accession both in size and "Female Torso," Maillol's more plastic value is Max Beckmann's "Begin the Be- "Back of Nude Woman" and Noguchi's guine," previously exhibited here last spring. sensitive "Seated Nude" to the more linear Highly charged with postwar symbolism, it "Back of Nude Woman" by Lachaise and utilizes vivid color, with distorted figures "Standing Nude Woman" by Gaudier- outlined in heavy black slashed across the Brzeska. cava :-its'tOta: rather terrifying effect, Several fine Picasso sketches, a loose pen the painting is reminiscent of Beckmann's sketch by Littlefield, and Shoshannah's "The earlier expressionistic work in Germany. Chess Players," are also notable among the Equally morose in subject matter, but drawings. Of the prints, "2 HP" by Jean more pleasant to view, are John O'Neil's Lurcat is outstanding in a fine collection. "The Nameless Ones" and Jean Hugo's The hand-colored etching features a mini- "La, Mort." The former, in its green- mum of pattern in an excellent design. brown arrangement of shapes, conveys the Another color etching, "Rhabdomancie," haunting feeling of a cavern. Hugo's small by the surrealist Tanguy is also of inter- but effective painting shows a well-con- est, as is Schanker's color woodcut, "The ceived formal arrangement, flat color areas Carnival." Appearing as more of a fabric in orangy red and gray contrasting with design than a picture is Masson's lovely simple linear patterns. color lithograph "Hesperides." Le Corbusier reveals his major interest in In the North Gallery, Old Master drawings the very architectural "Three Figures," an are intermingled'with a few contemporary interesting, though not completely successful works evidently crowded off the West Gal- work. lery walls. Italian, French and English of Two rather unusual handlings of the wa- the.16th-18th Century, they are chiefly pen ter color medium are represented in paint- drawings, including some very fine tiny ings by Edoardo Bargheer and Jacques compositions. Mauny. The former artist has achieved nice -Joan Katz MATTER OF FACT: Pax A nClera Purchase Cards ONE OF THE OFTEN discussed questions on campus is "What can the Student Legislature do?" and in the National Stu- dent Association's (NSA) Purchase Card Plan, which is to be introduced on campus next week we have a concrete answer in a spot it interests us most-our pocket books. The Purchase Card Plan is designed to get students some of the necessities of college life at a less than maximum price. For a buck, the student gets a card iden- tifying him as a subscriber to the plan. With the card he can purchase clothing, food, books, etc., at a reduced rate. The system is already in effect in De- troit, where twenty stores in the vicinity of NSA College, Wayne, U. of D., and Mary- Grove are giving students a substantial dis- count on important items. As the set-up now stands, Ann Arbor mer- chants are not now subscribers, but the cards can be used in any part of the country where the program is working. Thus, Detroiters can get their savings by buying clothing at home and likewise with Chicago students, Buffalo, N.Y., New York City, and others stretched in a network across the continent. Asthe plan gains impetus it will undoubt- edly receive the support of merchants, who recognize the gains to be obtained from a larger turn-over in products at a lower rate. It may be that the country will begin to see the importance of better educa- tion for more students to be obtained by reducing the costs of attending college- even to the extent of making students a special class as is done in some coun- tries. At least, in Ann Arbor, where living costs are among the highest in the nation, the students need no explanation of why costs should come down. -Don McNeil. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: GOP Placed By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE HAVE HAD AN awful lot of speeches lately on where the Republican party stands. Governor Dewey has said it stands on the liberal side. Senator Vandenberg finds he prefers for it to stand on "the high center road." It is like a game of political electric trains. I wonder how much value there is in this abstract taking of positions, in most cases without much reference to current issues. This penchant for picking roads, roads in the center, roads slightly to the left, roads here and roads there, is merely confusing. One feels an urge to suggest to the speakers that they stop describing the beauties of the roads they're traveling, and tell us what the trip is for. Both Dewey and Vandenberg talked a good deal about their attachment to liberalism- sound liberalism, of course. Since the Re- publicans can't seem to keep us liberals out of their speeches, maybe it is fair for one liberal, namely me, to offer some comment on what they have said. The first poht to be made is that a lib- eral doesn't start by picking out a road. He starts with the people, and their problems. If the people seem to need a million new houses, and if nobody seems to be very anxious to build them, your real liberal tries to to get those houses. To do so he may have to take three steps to the left, pause for two beats, retreat one pace to the right to pick up some votes, and so on. But always his mind is on those houses, and on the people who needthem. He is going to judge his success or failure, not by how well he sticks to a pre-selected road, but by whether the people are getting the shelter they need. In contradistinction, one can well imagine some abstract thinker, who, say, has de- cided that his true road lies northeast by east, being approached by the poorly shel- tered, and answering: "Sorry. What you suggest is just a little to the west of me." I do not imply that Senator Vandenberg and Governor Dewey are, as individuals lacking in human concern. I do say that the party they praise has very often taken this kind of position. Your real liberal is willing to let the people be his compass. That does not mean he is without guiding principles. He is full of principles. One of them is his belief in using decent means, and another is his belief that if a theory makes it necessary that some of the people shall lack in food and shelter, there must be something wrong with the theory. Your conservative cannot rest if a theory is violated. Your liberal cannot rest if a problem isunsolved. But conservative love of theory does leave many problems unsolved, while the liberal love of solutions does, I think, help build a body of sound, democratic theory.. The difference is like the difference be- tween realism and romanticism in literature. The liberal has his eye on the eople, on their houses, on factual studies of diet, health, mortality, whatever-the conserva- tive is concerned with his roads, his mottoes and slogans, and with an idealism which, hnwever sincere. tends also to be a little "What Do You aPolicy?" t - Letters to the Editor. '~ --- --_ DFB '1 {, r The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Nfo Logic To the Editor: There is no logic to Mr. Seels, attack on the SL for continuing the present system of appointing the NSA delegates. Webster says that, in the term "election where feasible," the word "feasible" means also "practic- able." Those holding Mr. Seel's view, at the last NSA meeting, ad- mitted that it would be necessary to screen candidates so those that have proven themselves in NSA work and who will continue to work in NSA would be certified as candidates. Thus you set the stan- dards, limit the candidates by their SL cabinet action, then you disregard their work and force the NSA'ers to politic and test their popularity before an electorate that has not available to it infor- mation the cabinet might have gathered. Considering that three of the present NSA delegates are in Law School, I feel it would be to the advantage of NSA that these people, instead of electioneering, could put time so spent in work for the NSA. I cannot understand the claim, made at the NSA committee meet- ing, that an elected NSA commit- tee would insure publicity by elec- tion. The value of "publicity" gained through election, rather than hard work, is questionable. I think that if NSA delegates were elected, you would find the more conservative elements freez- ing out some of the hard-working members with more progressive ideas. At the present time, Mr. Seel, you cannot claim that any of the NSA delegates haven't de- served their positions, that they do not represent all political views on campus. As NSA activities are more work than politics, and most of them can incur criticism from no political group, it is both prac- ticable and feasible to have the SL Cabinet choose the delegates. -Marvin L. Failer Tax Boost to Socialism, Let's have no "it can't happen here" advocators. They should have learned their lesson. It is not only important for the President and Congress to realize these facts, but especially impor- tant. for our citizens and voters, who can, at the polls, remove some of these terrifying probabilities. -John M. Boardman * * * Conglom .eration To the Editor: f Last Saturday's Daily included a weird conglomeration of state- ments (we hesitate to call them facts) by Hy Bershad, who in- sisted that too few newspapers re- port the facts logically without discrimination. To get the true facts, Bershad turned to George Seldes, a "fascist under every high chair" screamer from way back, who had recently interviewed Communist dominated Hungary's Foreign Affairs Under Secretary Boldizar, who charges Cardinal Mindszenty with anti- semitism and what have you by quoting a British journalist, who for all we know may represent the London Daily Worker. We refer you to page 7 of the Ann Arbor NewsaofaFeb. 7 in which Dr. Bela Fabian says in part: "On the matter of Cardinal Mindszenty and anti-semitism, I feel particularly qualified to speak, because as a leader of the Hun- garian Jewish community and as a member of the Hungarian Par- liament for 17 years, I personally was acquainted with Cardinal Mindszenty and had occasion to discuss the problem of anti-semi- tism with him. I would be pre- pared to testify-if such a thing as free testimony were possible before a Communist court--that far from supporting anti-semitic propaganda, Cardinal Mindszenty was in the- forefront of the strug- gle against Nazism and anti-sem- itism and that he more than once risked his life to save Jews from the Nazis." In light of Dr. Fabian's facts, we are afraid that Ivan Boldizar's wild claims must be catalogued as lies that vie with those of Goeb- bels in filth of intent. We too, Mr. Bershad, are con- cernedjust as deeply as you are with opposing anti-semitism, Please don't be deceived by articles which purport to be fighting anti- semitism, but which in reality dis- tort the facts to advance a system of oppression and misery upon the world. (Continued from.Page 3) Hill Auditorium. Miss Mason's program will include compositions by Bach, Durufle, Liszt, and Poulenc, and will be open to the general public. She will be assist- ed by the University String Or- chestra, Emil Raab, Conductor. Student Recital: Genevieve Shanklin, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Miss Shanklin, a pupil of Gil- bert Ross, will be assisted by Mary Margaret Poole, pianist. Her pro- gram will include compositions by Tartini, Bach, Lalo, G'-ejnados, and De Falla, and will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Research Club: 8 p.m., Amphi- theatre, Rackham Bldg. Papers: "Oriental Materials in the First Spanish Romance," by Prof. C. P. Wagner; "Geological Controls on the Origin of Oil," by Prof. K. K. Landes. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional business administration frater - nity; Open House, 7-9 p.m. Chap- ter House, 1212 Hill. Welcome ex- tended to all interested Business Administration and Economic stu- dents. Change of Time. Sigma Delta Chi: Meeting, 4 p.m., News room. Ensian picture will be taken. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 7:30 p.m., 346 W. En- gineering Bldg. Mr. R. G. Dailey of the Wolverine Plastics Corp., Milan, Mich., will discuss "The Practical Use and Design of Plas- tics," Movie: "The Story of Ten- ite." Refreshments. Sociedad Hispanica: "Pano- rama de Mexico," a color film of Mexico will be shown by Miss Laura Cheney of Dearborn, 8 p.m.,j Hussey Room, Michigan League. Student Chapter, American So- ciety of Civil Engineers: Meeting 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering Bldg. Movies from the U.S. Bureau Women Engineers: Meeting of all women engineers, 5:15 p.m., 2028 E. Engineering Bldg. Discus- sion of coming Engineering Open House. Women of the University Fac- ulty: "Anniversary" Tea, 4-6 p.m., club room, Room D, Michigan League. Westminster Guild: Regular in- formal tea and talk, 4 p.m., Rus- sell parlor, First Presbyterian Church. Mr. W. J. Kitchen, Exec- utive Secretary of the World Stu- dent Service Fund, will be present to participate in the discussionI period. Everyone is welcome. Roger Williams Guild: "Chat" and tea, 4:30-6 p.m., Guild House. Guest will be Dr. Wm. Braisted, medical missionary in China. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, Book of Acts, Chap- ter I. 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. IZFA: Beginning Study Group, 7:45 p.m., Hillel Foundation. U. of M. Dames Bridge Group: 8 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan League. ADA Executive Meeting for of- ficers and committee heads: 4:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Wallace Progressives: -Executive meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Un- ion. Full attendance is requested. Coming Events International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and Amer- ican friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17, International Center. Hostesses: Mrs. Robert Klinger and Mrs. Donald Haines. American Ordnance Associa- tion: "VT Fuzes" given by Mr. K. M. Kiel of King-Seeley Corpora- tion and Prof. H. R. Crane of the Department of Physics will be the1 subject of the meeting, Thurs., Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. Film : "VT Fuzes for Bombs and Rockets." Open meeting, Auditorium, Archi- tecture Bldg. To the Editor: RIDAY'S DAILY tells us that the President wants "a four billion dollar tax boost and stand- by powers to control prices and wages." It is* pointed out that the in- creased taxes are needed to pre- vent a government deficit. It would be far more constructive for our government to learn to get along without an unlimited source of revenue. It is stupendously ri- diculous that we do not try to pay off some of our huge debt and its interest in these lush semi-infla- tionary times. When the inevi- table "rainy day" comes, we should' then be in a better position to pro- vide government welfare jobs. As to wage and price controls, which are now reaching a stable level, the governmentneed not in- terfere in our natural economic scale. Since shortly after price controls were removed, prices have decreased. If the government will keep its fingers out of the pie, this wage-price scale would automatic- ally and gradually decrease. Excessive and destructive taxa- tion reduces industrial confidence, as evidenced by the policy stock market. And government wage controls and government price controls is far too much govern- ment, and is a definite approach ed °World Federalists will meet Thurs., Feb. 17, 4:15 p.m., Michi- gan Union to formulate plans for World Government Week. All are welcome. U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing, 7- 9:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17, ROTC range. DCM qualification match fired at 8 p.m. Young Democrats: Due to the inability to get a satisfactory meeting room, there will be a work meeting starting from Wikel's Drug Store on Thurs., Feb. 17, at 7:30 p.m. U. of M. Dames Drama Group: Meeting, Feb. 17, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. L. Hart Wright, 2583 Fern- wood. Further work will be done on the play. Call Mrs. LaVerne Pitcher 2-7483 for transportation. -Richard F. Schults James A. Houle QIuir { .4 vn ^ --'-____i____ c- L_.a....... L Tom,, ,..,l t-., f By JOSEPH ALSOP LONDON-One of Ernest Bevin's favorite complaints is that Britain's post-war economic weakness has prevented him from doing "a proper job" as Foreign Minister. Behind his ruminative grumbling lies an im- portant fact. For the past three years, while attempting to play her habitual part as a great power, Britain has really lacked the means to sustain that position. It has been the old and very human story of fallen for- tunes concealed behind a bold front. In brief, the highly practical British know that even with the greatest dexterity, in- genuity and self-denial, they canot hope to regain the dominance they once enjoyed by. sheer weight of wealth and strength. New giant powers have emerged, in America and Russia, which would make such an attempt foolhardy.. The British solution therefore, is to replace the "Pax Britannica" of the nineteenth century with a "Pax Anglo- Americana" in the twentieth. The partner- ship of the two nations is to do the job that Britain once did alone. The position accorded to the United States in this partnership can be grasped from two simple facts. Behind the French acceptance of Field Marshal Montgomery as Western Union Chief of Staff lay and still lies a secret understanding with the British. Both parties spontaneously agreed that in the event of the outbreak of war in Europe, the whole development that is thus foreshad- owed will, if not halted by misfortune, strongly tend to shape the political future of the next decades. Such a development has long been hoped for in Washington by such wise policy makers as George Kennan, who recognize that Anglo-American partnership rests on the best of all foundations-almost complete community of interest. But for the sake of efficiency, and as a matter of public policy, it would seem desirable for the leaders of both nations to be a bit more articulate about this great though rather formless process that is now going forward. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune) Registration MANY'S the weekend that has been wasted in Ann Arbor because of the University's prolonged registration system. Now that the Advisor program is undergoing a change for the better, the reorganizing hand of the Ad- ministration can turn to greener pastures. The University needs a streamlined pre- registration system such as is used by the majority of Universities throughout . the country. Although the present system in it- self is extremely efficient, it could take place of Reclamation. Student-Faculty Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Panel led by A.S.C.E. President Tryouts and rehearsals for forth- Haley and Professor Boyce, on "The Honor System." Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Busi- ness meeting, 12 noon, 3056 Nat- ural Science Bldg. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting. 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3RS, Michigan Union.' Movies and discussion of coming trip. Flying Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Board Meeting before regular meeting. Elections of officers. Bills must be paid. Openings for new mem-E bers. The United World Federalists' Discussion groups will not meet this week. Watch the D.O.B. for future meetings. Hiawatha Club: Meeting, 7 p.m., ABC room, Michigan League. All students from the Upper Penin- sula should attend. coming production of "Patience." Men's chorus, 7 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17, Michigan League. Women's chorus, 8 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17, Michigan League. All persons in- terested in singing, acting, con- struction, ushering are invited to attend. Carpenters are especially needed. Please bring eligibility cards. Scimitar Club: Ensian-IM-Ac- tivity pictures will be taken of fencers at the Intra-Mural Bldg. at 5 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17. A meeting of the Scimitar Club. open to all interested students, will be held Thurs., 9:30 p.m., third floor, Michigan Union. All Scimitar members are requested to attend. Americgn Chemical Society Student Affiliates: Organizational meeting, Thurs., Feb. 17, 2404 Chemistry Bldg., 4:30 p.m.{ Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Eldtor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor Al Biumrosen....... . Associate Editor Leon Jaroff ..... ,.... Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown ............Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery........women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes.................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman ....Finance Manager Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at An Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Executive Council of the Unit-I BARNABY in--, } Are you writing down all about Gus, Mr. O'Malley? Might even consider doing an article on this case Wow! This is that new Dr. O'Malley's chart. Respiration-Lacking. Blood pressure-None.