Sohl's Sudden Slump
Mann's Major Worry
Splashing around the world of of facing both Smith and Hi-
swimming ....-rose in the same race.....oh,
Despite the fact that Matt c
Mann III and Dick Weinberg are Getting. ack to Mann's wor-
looking better than ever and the i .. Gus Stager, the unsung
great performances being turned hero of Michigan's NCAA triumph
in by Charlie Moss, Coach Matt last year, is still a long way from
Mann isn't doing any handsprings the form he displayed last year
. biggest worry is the sudden in copping three thirds against
slump of Bobby Sohl. the nations best.. . . Gus is slowly
The hard-working breaststroker bringing his time down but the
has suddenly slipped almost 14 Big Nine meet is drawing near.
seconds . . . . teammates are * * *
agreed that the slump is only IT DIDN'T take Dick Weinberg
temporary . . . . Mann thinks so long to get his new pool record in
too but that hasn't stopped him the 50-yd. dash posted.. .. Mann
from worrying . . . . the slump is claims that only'the lack of a lad-
no more explicable than a 'cold der prevented Dick from marking#
night' in basketball or a hitless it up right after the race . . . . gaz-
spree in baseball . . . . its just ing proudly at his name Wein-
comes and goes. berg moaned, "Now watch some-
McCoy Casts Charges as
a wrapper from the original
product or any reasonable fac-
similie . . ." used to boom out
whenever a company wanted to
promote its wares by means of a
special offer or contest.
Ernie McCoy, iieaci or the Mich-
igan Basketball Company of trav-
eling players, adapted this cliche~
to his uses and staged a great
show at Yost Field House yester-
day, with the purpose of using
the system ,to win basketball
* * ,*
HE HAD "reasonable facsimi-
les" of the Minnesota squad mo-
tivating all over the Field House
court during the regular after-
noon rehearsal.
Utilizing the talent available
from the numerous divisions of
the basketball department, pro-
ducer McCoy cast the men who
looked, acted, and played the
most like the men on the Goph-
er squad and had them stand in
for their "doubles" at Minne-
This in itself is not particularly
unusual, but the fact that McCoy
had the impersonators "wrapped"
in jerseys with the numbers of
the Minnesota players on them
shows how much he wants the
Michigan players to get familiar
with their Gopher opponents. j
DAVE STRACK, freshmen bas-
ketball coach and wearing num-
ber 41, was given the leading role
-that of portraying the Goph-
ers' sophomore sensation, "Whit-
ey" Skoog.
A member of the freshman
cage squad, Dick Williams, a
six - foot - eight transfer from
Vanderbilt, was garbed in a jer-
sey with number 23 on it, which
-needless to say-4s the one
Jim McIntyre will wear here
come Saturday's battle.
Chuck Murray, Bob Olson, and
Bill Doyle were used to imperson-
ate Hal Olson, Bud Grant, and
Gerry Mitchell, the other starters
on the Minnesota team.
* * *
SOHL ISN'T the only Olympic
swimmer experiencing difficulties
this season . . . . neither George
Hoogerhyde or Howie Patterson
has been enjoying any degree of
success at MSC . . . . Patterson
isn't even State's No. 1 back-
stroker ...: and Wally Ris, Iowa's
great freestyler finished behind
Hill Smith and Halo Hirose at
Ohio State, Saturday.
The Ohio State Lantern pro-
vided the biggest belly laugh of
the year as they attempted to
explain Ris' defeat. . . . Theyl
solemnly declare that Ris, a
seasoned campaigner who has
faced and defeated both Smith
and Hirose several times and
who whipped the world's best
at London this summer, was
body come along next week and
ruin it." . . . They won't do it
this season.
Northwestern will bring oner
of the biggest (and one of the
best) divers in captivity here
Saturday afternoon in the per-
son of six foot three Charlie
Chelich. . . . Chigantic Charlie
whipped Ohio's Jack Calhoun a
few weeks back. . .. he was
sixth in the NCAA high and low
board events last year and was
the favorite of the fans.;
The Wildcats also have Olympi-
c.er Bill Heusner and a good back- I
stroker in Bob Tannehill.
Tannehill will also swim the in-
dividual medley against CharlieI
Moss and Johnny McCarthy or1
Bill Upthegrove Saturday . . . .
. . . leading man
Badger Grid Coach
To Choose Aides
CHICAGO -(AP) - Ivan (Red)
Williamson, new Wisconsin foot-
ball coach, said yesterday he
would name four Badger assist-
ants "within a week."1
Williamson was introduced to
the Chicago football writers chap-
ter by his coaching predecessor
and still Wisconsin athletic direc-j
tor, Harry Stuhldreher.
The former Lafayette mentor
discussed his Badger plans briefly,
"I doubt whether I have anoth-
er Johnny Lujack to do my quar-
terbacking," the one-time Mich-
igan star end quipped.
McCOY HAD his charges work- .---_producer
ing mostly on a zone defense dur-
ing yesterday's production, but through the Gopher contest go-
with the degree of realism he' has in- away.
attained he will probably have However, the fact still remains,
them working on a man-to-man as McCoy said, that "the only time
system in the coming rehearsals. Michigan can defeat Minnesota is
If amount and thoroughness on the hardwoods Saturday night,
of preparation is any criteria, and not in the practice sessions
the Wolverines should breeze during the week."
with Bud Weidenthal
Associate Sports Editor
This is the second in a series of articles concerning changes leveled at
the University of Miehig.in Athletic Department.
WITH THE passage of each day the verbal battle with Michigan
State intensifies. And the strange part about the whole situation is
that all accusations and charges seem to eminate from one source,
the MSC athletic office. It's strictly a one-sided affair, with the Spar-
tans doing all the hollering and Michigan doing little or nothing to
defend itself.
The Wolverines have good reason to believe that silence is
the best policy.
The University of Michigan, along with its athletic department,
has for over a century been regarded as one of the finest of its kind In
the country. It has been famed for its purity and high standards.
WOLVERINE ATHLETES have always been of the highest caliber,
of students as well as in intercollegiate competition.
For years, Michigan, with its vast stadium has been host
to MSC, aiding the Spartans not only in national recognition
(when other big time schools would not schedule them) but with
a large cash income, which went a long way in subsidizing their
athletic program. State students were always admitted free to
these contests . that practice only being discontinued at MSC's
Then in a matter of a few years, the Spartans, aided by liberal
athletic scholarships (which they have now discontinued), skyrocketed
to national prominence as one of the country's better aggregations ..
but apparently they got too big for their breeches.
EVELING ALL sorts of charges of "harsh dealings" "mercenary"
attitude, "ultimatum," etc., the Spartan athletic office opened a
full-ledged propaganda campaign against the very school that had
carried themn under their wing.
In an attempt to enhance their own reputation they have
aroused quite the opposite response. They have very ptossibly set
their reputation back to the time when they were nothing but
a small agricultural college-(and that's not so long ago).
They have certainly overstepped the bounds of good taste in
athletic diplomacy. As new members of the Big Ten they have to be
extremely careful of each move . . . they're under careful scrutiny by
all the Conference. Any slip can prove to be of serious consequence..
TIlE PROBLEM of aid to athletes has also arisen as a basis for
conflict. The Jenison scholarships which were recently discontinued
by MSC, as a condition of their admission to the Western Conference,
were extremely liberal and passed out to athletes quite freely with
little resec t to high academic requirements.
Veteran Gym Team To Face Indiana
(Continued from Page 2)
Funds may apply in the afternoon
only, 1-4 p.m. Office of Student
Affairs, 1020 Administration Bldg.
Mechanical and Industrial Sen-
iors and. Graduate students: By
signing the schedule posted on the
bulletin board at 225 W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. you make an appoint-
ment to have your picture taken
free, which will be used on your
Personnel Card. Pictures will be
taken Thursday and Friday, Feb.
17 and 18, and Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday, Feb. 21, 22 and
23, 218 W. Eng. Bldg.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
February 18
Lutheran Student Assoc., Mosh-
er Hall
February 19
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha
Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi
Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta
Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau
A School of Business-Preferred by
College Men and Women
A thorough, inteusive course-starting
June, October, February. Bul-
letin A on request
Regular Day and Evening Schools
Throughout the Year. Catalog
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D.
L irector. Paul M. Pair. M.A.
37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, Illinois
Delta, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Lloyd, Phi Chi
Phi Kappa, Sigma, Phi Kappa
Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma
Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi. Theta
Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi,
Zeta Psi, Zeta Beta Tau
February 20
Alpha Rho Chi, Hillel, Lambda
Chi Alpha
Student help needed during this
week and next for construction of
scenery for the German play.
Anyone interested pleaselcall Mr.
Reed (ext. 689) or Bill Allison
(ext. 2541).
Any students who were not in
school last (fall) semester but
who expect to graduate this year
are eligible to register with the
Bureau of Appointments. There
will be no late registration fee for
these people.
Campus Drives: Any group
wishing to sponsor an all-campus
drive for funds, a "Tag Day," dur-
ing the period from June 1949 to
June 1950 should notify Marian
Trapp, 2-8266, by February 21, so
that this request can be calen-
dared and considered by the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs.
The Bureau of Appointments
wishes tq remind all those stu-
dents who registered last semester
to stop in and report their elec-
tions for the spring term. This ap-
plies to those registered in both
the general and teaching divi-
The Humble Oil and Refining
Co., Baytown, Texas, will have a
representative here to interview
advanced 'degree candidates only
in mathematics and physics on
Thursday, Feb. 17. Appointments
may be obtained in 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg., or by calling Uni-
versity Extension 371.
Summer Jobs:
Detroit Civil Service announces
examinations for pl a y le a d er s
(male and female) for summer
playground work. Filing period
through February 18. Residence
required. For further information
and application blanks call at
3528 Administration Building;.
Representatives of Camp Win-
aukee, Winnepesaukee, New
Hampshire, will be at Bureau of
Appointments, Fri., Feb. 18, to in-
terview men for general counselor,
positions. Prefer: age 20-23, ex-
perience, athletic and swimming
ability. For appointment call at
3528 Administration Bldg., or call
extension 2614.
Change of Date of Forestry
Lecture: Mr. H. F. Nixdorf, of the
No-Sag Spring Company of De-
troit, will speak at 7 p.m., Feb.
24 (not Feb. 17, as previously an-
nounced), West Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg.
Academic Notices
Aerodynamics Seminar, Ae 160:
4-6 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16, 1508 E.
Engineering Bldg. Topic: Evvard's
method of source distribution in
supersonic flow near subsonic
trailing edge.
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m.,
Wed., Feb. 16, 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Paper: "Inheritance of
Shrunken Endosperm in Relation
to the Factor for Aleurone Color
in Maize," by E. B. Mains. Open
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16, 101 W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Paul
Chenea will discuss. some aspects
of the Thermodynamics of the
simple tension test bf elastic and
plastic materials.
French 296: Meetings are now
scheduled for Tuesday and Mon-
day, 9 a.m., 306 Romance Lan-
guages Bldg.
Geography 135, Make-up Ex-
amination: 3 p.m., Fri., Feb. 18, 23
Angell Hall.
Political Science 52, Section 3:
Thursday, at 10 (Eldersveld) now
meets in 2215 Angell Hall.
Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Feb. 17, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mr. Perry M. Johnston
will report on "The History of the
Germ Cells in the Large-mouthed
Black Bass (micropterus sal-
moides Lac)." Mr. Vernon Apple-
gate will report on "The Life His-
tory and Economics of the Sea
Lamprey in Great Lakes Waters
of Michigan." Open meeting.
Organ Recital by Marilyn
Mason, Instructor in the School of
Music, 4:15 p.m., Wed., Feb. 16,
(Continued on Page 4)
Michigan's gymnasts under
CahNewt Loken go after their
second consecutive win of the 1949
season at Indiana Saturday with
a veteran-studded squad backed
by several promising newscomers.
Spectators watching the contor-
tions of the muscled mat and bar
boys always seek highlights and
sidelights on the individual per-
formers. So, let's meet the gym-
hails from Monroe and is a con-
sistent "A" student as a senior in
the engineering school. Although
having no high school experience
in gymnastics, he is an accom-
plished musician, playing four in-
struments as a member of the Ann
Arbor symphony orchestra. This
letterman placed sixth on the fly-'
ing rings in the NCAA meet last
Bob Schoendube is the na-
tional AAU trampoline cham-
pion and lives in Manila, P.Y.
He spent the war years in a
Japanese concentration camp
with his family. Schoendube is
a senior in physical education
and served as head cheerleader
during the grid season.
Bob Willoughby is an Ann Ar-
versity of Kentucky has just re-
newed its weekly lease on the
No. 1 spot in the national col-
lege basketball standings and
is threatening to take up per-
manent residence.
The top teams figured on a
point basis of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-
2-1 (First place votes and #on-
lost records in parenthesis):
1. Kentucky (64) (21-1) ..805
2. St. Louis (13) (16-2) ..741
3. Okla. A.&M. (2) (16-3) 578
4. Illinois (1) (16-2).....571
5. Tulane (19-2).........297
6. Minnesota (1) (15-2) ..271
6. W. Kentucky (20-3) .. .264
8. San Francisco (19-4) ..165
9. Hamline (17-1) .......118
10. Bowling Green (16-6) .116
bor athlete and a pire-medical stu-
dent. He lettered on the high bar
last season and was a cheerleader
for three years.
TOM TILLMAN resides in Mus-'
kegon and cocaptained the squad
last season. He competes on the
flyin} rings, parallel bars and
tri:npoline. He placed third in the
iNCAA trilmp last year.a
Dave Lake, Ain Arbor letier
wnner, stars in the trampoline
and tunibling. He is a junior
in the engineering college and
has captained the cheerleaders
for three years.
Pete Barthell is a New Trier
high school, Winnetka, Ill., prod-
uct and a protege of national tum-
bling champ Joe Giallombardo. He
is one of the best sophomore pros-
from Amarillo, Tex ( and is press-
ing Schoendube on the trampo-
line. "Tex" leads cheers this year.
State and Packard
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We will be pleased to test your
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