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February 16, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-16

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14". Page 4


£r IIW



Latest Deadline in the State


Senate Seeks
Defense Pact
Connally Decries.
War Committal
By The Associated Press
Framers of the proposed North
Atlantic Security Treaty yester-
day concentrated their efforts on
trying to draft a defense clause
acceptable alike to the United
States Senate and the govern-
ments of Western Europe.
The key question is how far
this country should now go in
obligating itself to take action in
case of an attack on one of the
European members of the Alli-
* * *
SEN. CONNALLY (D-Tex) said
last night he would favor pledg-
ing the United States to "take
such measures as it may deem
necessary to maintain the secur-
ity of the North Atlantic area."
The chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee
issued the statement as a fol-
low-up to his warning Monday
that he would oppose any lang-
uage in the proposed North At-
lantic Treaty automatically
committing the U.S. to fight in
case of an attack on a European
Sen. Vandenberg (R-Mich) gave
a similar notice of opposition to
any automatic war commitment.
It is reported that Secretary of
State Acheson will come before
the Foreign Relations Committee
in a few days to discuss the pro-
posed North Atlantic Treaty in
day's Senate debate, the State De-
partment released a cautiously-
worded statement declaring that
the "situation is still fluid."
It said Acheson is "working
closely" with Senators Vanden-
berg and Connally on the treaty.
Acheson is the principle nego-
tiator for the United States with
the Europeans.
Club Leaders
Explain Aims
And Activities
Civil Rights, World Govern-
ment, the Marshall Plan, and the
University's Political Speakers Ban
stood out as the main areas of
action and discussion now being
tackled by student groups, accord-
ing to statements by campus polit-
ical leaders.
At an ADA sponsored Political
Orientation Program, moderated
by Prof. Preston Slosson, repre-
sentatives of local alphabet groups
presented the aims and programs
of their organizations.
for the Inter-Racial Association,
stressed the group's action against
discrimination in Ann Arbor.
American Veterans Committee
spokesmen Buddy Aronson point-
ed to civil rights and social legis-
lation backed by AVC, and to its
leadership in forming a commit-
tee to abolish the political speak-
ers ban. All the speakers ex-
pressed their group's opposition to
the ban.

Repeal of the draft, opposi-
tion to the Marshall Plan, and
enactment of a state FEPC
were stated by Al Milstein as
the aims of the Wallace Pro-
gressives. Jack Armstrong point-
ed to the job of the Young Re-
publicans to serve as a pressure
group from within the party.
Harry Alrecht emphasized the
work- of the Young Democrats in
supporting the party's state and
national programs. Abbie Frank-
lin pointed to the Americans for
Democratic Action program fa-
voring ERP, a more liberal immi-
gration policy, civil rights and a
new minimum wage law.
DICK UNDERHILL stressed the
work of the United Nations Coun-
cil in spreading interest in the
activities of the UN.
United World Federalists plan
to -convert the UN into a world
legislative body was outlined by
Irwin Robinson.
'Ensian Price Will
Rise Next Month
ihrriatnn t~ a ?F'rto~ ,c.r- -

i ,

'U' Budget Slash
May Be Retained
University Representatives Expect
To Visit Lansing, Argue Revision
Chances are slim that State Legislature committees will restore
cuts made in University appropriations, according to informed sources
in the legislature.
The Associated Press Bureau in Lansing told The Daily yester-
day that these sources say the University will be lucky to get by with-
out further cuts in appropriations.
A REQUEST of $12,500,000 for operating expenses has already
been slashed by $700,000. Gov. Williams omitted entirely from his
budget the University's eight million dollar bid for four new build-
University officials will make a visit to the state capital
Tuesday to confer with members of the House Ways and Means
Committee, Lansing reported.
University appropriation bills are now in the House and Senate
appropriating, committees in the form proposed by the budget office.
Reports are that they will be considerably changed before being
introduced to the lawmakers, which may not be for weeks.
BOTH THlE Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and
Means committee will visit the University soon.
No dates have been set for their visits yet. In previous years,
conferences with University officials in Ann Arbor have been held
in March.
The University, Michigan State College and Wayne University
all received complete set-backs in their building fund requests.
A BUDGET office-recommended bill of nearly $10,00,000 for capi-
tal outlay contains no money for any of the three colleges. They asked
a total of $19,655,000.
MSC's operating expenses request was also cut from $8,540,-
492 to $7,905,000 a seven per cent cut against the six per cent
sliced from the University's bid.
It was still uncertain how the slash in proposed operating funds
would affect plans for 73 new faculty members here.
University officials could not be reached for comment last night
on the Lansing reports.
Economist Says U.S. May
Aid Europe Indefintely

Reds Claim

Veteran Pension Measure


Given Pius
Say Cardinal Could
Have Been Removed
By The Associated Press
The chief spokesman of Hun-
garian Communists now says
Josef Cardinal Mindszenty was
brought to trial only after the
Vatican had passed up an oppor-
tunity to withdraw him.
Josef Revai, the spokesman, told
a mass meeting last night that
Hungary officially informed the
Vatican about all charges against
the Cardinal "in due time, before
the trial," to give the Vatican a
chance to remove him.
will make another major pro-f
nouncement Sunday on the trial
of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty. He
will address a demonstration by,
Catholic Action, militant lay or-
ganization, in the square before
St. Peter's Church.
The address will be broadcast
by the Vatican radio.
Catholic Action leaders esti-
mate about 400,000 persons will
attend the demonstration, call-
ed to protest Huigary's trial of
Cardinal Mindszenty.
Amid these preparations, the
Vatican gave scant attention to
the declaration by Josef Revai!
that Hungary gave the Holy See
an outline of the charges and an
opportunity to remove Cardinal
Mindszenty before they acted
against him.


House Committee

Ann Arbor police last night
picked up a young man claim-
ing to be a University student
wandering aimlessly near the
edge of town, believing him to
be an "escapee."
When the young man was
unable to produce identifica-
tion, he was immediately hustl-
ed off to the police station.
After a long and anxious argu-
ment, he was finally able to
convince the police that he was
a student, who had been "taken
for a ride" by his fraternity
pledge brothers.
He was released on condition
that he go right home.

assistants enter Consistory fat
spoke to a secret and extrao

Cardinals on the case of Josef
ANOTHER CASE of accused countered the Pope's words by
persecution was reported in Bul- warned in time to removeI
garia when a traveller returned Hungary.
from Europe said "outright perse-
cution" of Bulgarian protestants_
began in January, 1948, on secret CAN YOU NAME IT?
orders from Communist Central
Headquarters in Sofia./
The report said between 30 and T r z s 10
40 pastors of the United Evangeli-
cal Church were jailed during1

DINALS-Pope Pius XII and his
1 in Vatican City where the Pontiff
rdinary session of the College of
Cardinal Mindszenty. Hungarians
saying that the Vatican had been
Mindszenty from his position in

iempt Top
ariety Show

Harvard economist Prof. John
H. Williams told a university aud-,
ience yesterday that the United
States may well have to subsidize
Europe indefinitely, if a balance
is to be maintained in Interna-
tional trade.
Prof. Williams, an authority on
international economic relations,
said that war was only a "last
chapter in the process in which
Europe's position in trade has
been undermined."
Honor System
To .Be Debated
Engine Plan Revision
To Be Considered
The engineering school honor
system and its revision will be the
point of debate in a student-facul-
ty panel discussion at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 311 West Engineer-
ing Building.
The discussion, sponsored by
the ASCE, will be open to all stu-
dents as well as civil engineers, ac-
cording to Chuck Haley, ASCE
president. Haley said that the
six-man panel board will intro-
duce the system to new students
and discuss its possible improve-
Any member of the audience
will be welcome to take part in the
discussion, he added.
"We feel that the system could
work better. As it stands now, the
Engineering Honor Council, which
hears and decides cases, is not in
close enough contact with the
students," Haley said.

"WE ARE a well-rounded econ-
omy and a lop-sided situation-re-
suIts. We can't be expected to
stand still and yet, Europe needs
half of our markets obtained since
1930 in order to recover. We might
well have to subsidize Europe in-
Prof. Williams said the Mar-
shall Plan is intended to make
the 16 European Countries vi-
able by 1952. But he said the
important question was whether
or not they could keep that po-
sition when it is achieved.
World trade has broken down
and with it European trade, he
pointed out. Trade had evolved
around Great Britain but she has
lost all that. And internally, trade
has broken down because of Ger-
many and the East-West split.
ON THE LATTER point, Prof.
Williams said that there is a
question of whether economic re-
alities might force trade on the
Eastern nations.
It is important to recovery, he
said that work be begun on intra-
Europe trade. The whole thing
now evolved around dollars.
"And if we removed ERP
trade would collapse."
"The whole problem centers
around the fact that a race has
been in progress between the Unit-
ed States and Europe on produc-
tivity. We've been outrunning
them for three fourths of a cen-
"The answer may be invest-
ment. The Marshall Plan is such
a program. But will it accomplish
the end? The United States is still
making too much progress for

SL Students To'
Meet Officials
And Set Date

I GAG M /' P

'Meet Your Regents'
Plan Nears Reality
Student Legislature's proposed
"Meet Your Regents" get-togeth-
er moved one step nearer reality
last night as SL members praised
the Regents' enthusiasm for the
proposal and moved to organize
the project.
SL's Campus Action Committee
will meet today after discussions
with administrative officials to
name the time and place for the,
meeting and choose a chairman
for the project, according to
chairman Al Harris.
ALONG WITH Harris, SL presi-
dent Jim Jans, '49, and Tom
Walsh, author of the proposal,
were optimistic about the proj-
ect's future.
Jans commented that he was
sincerely pleased" by the fa-
vorable attitude taken by mem-
bers of the Board in a Daily
"The meeting will be a definite!
step towards closer relations be-
tween the students and Regents in
the form of a direct contact-not
through 'channels'," Harris said.
* * *
was "gratified by the Regents'
willingness to meet with the stu-
dent body.
"Up to now, I feel that there
has been a considerable gulf
between the Legislature and the
"If SL can make that Student
and Regents get-together a tra-
dition, a major step forward will
have been taken in bringing these
components of the University
community into a closer working
relationship through an under-
standing of each others' attitudes
and problems," Walsh said.
has been set for "sometime in the#
middle of March."
Second meeting of The Daily
tryout staff will be held at 4
p.m. today at the Student Puh-

! Taking their cue from numerous1
give-away contests, the Men's
Glee Club, Union and League areI
offering a three-in-one jackpot to}
the student who comes up with a
name for their all-campus talent
show March 24.
But unlike competitions which
award a yacht to an elderly widow
from Montana, or thrust a. three-
speed electric fan upon an Alas-
kan fisherman, the name contest
offers prizes carefully picked with
an eye to the needs of the average
University student.
"THE WINNER will receive a
year's subscription to The Daily, a
year's subscription to Gargoyle, 1
and a copy of the '49 'Ensian,""
Philip Morris, '49E, of the Men's
Glee Club, announced yesterday.
Tht contest is open to all stu-
dents today until midnight
March 6.
Students should address post-
cards bearing their entry to Rob-
crt Perrin. in the Student Offices
of the Union.
"CONTESTANTS must include
their name and address on the
card and early entries will win in
case of duplication," Morris said.
. Morris also advised student
last Chance for
Free Cigarettes
Today will be the last oppor-
tunity for students to receive a
pack of cigarettes and a case en-'
tirely free.
A large cigarette manufacturer
has been distributing complimen-
tary packs and cases to students
upon presentation of identifica-
tion cards."
Distribution tables have been
set up in both the Union and

talent to start brushing up their
acts for the show." The acts will
be chosen at a tryout session
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 26.
Another jackpot will be offered
to student entertainers, who will
try for prizes of $100, $50 and $25
in the show.
The cash prizes will be awarded
to student entertainers on the ba-
sis of audience applause.
AIM To Give
Plans for an AIM Student
Leadership Program, featuring a
course in student political groups
and parliamentary procedure,
were approved last night by the
AIM Council.
Purpose of the organization,
AIM President Ray Guerin said,
is to educate interested students
so that they will be better able to,
participate in such political
groups. The program will be
worked in cooperation with the*
speech and political science de-
AIM presented their resigning
adviser, Prof. Lionel Laing, of the
political science department, with
a painting in token of his work.
"Prof. Laing has been an unusu-
ally interested and helpful adviser
and we are truly sorry to lose
him," Guerin said. Arthur East-
man, of the English departmentl
takes his place.
Sigma Delta Chi
Members of Sigma Delta Chi,
professional juornalism fraternity,
will meet at 4 p.m. today in the
journalism department, instead of
as originally planned.
Pictures for the Michiganensian
will be taken.

Taft, Green
Battle Over
Labor Rights
By The Associated Press
Sen. Taft today accused thej
American Federation of Labor of
seeking "the most extraordinary
special privilege any organization
ever claimed in the United
Taft made the statement after
William Green, the AFL's 75-year-
old president, told the Senate La--
bor Committee there is no good
reason why unions should be sub-
ject to several Taft-Hartley Law
closed shops, the section making
unions liable for damages and the
provision requiring unions to bar-
gain collectively.
Green told the Committee that
the law has created "widespread
bitterness, resentment and even
rebellion among the membership
of organized labor throughout
the .nation." He declared that
the law's ban on the closed
shop is hampering efforts to
drive Communists out of labor
On the other hand, Green said,
the AFL is satisfied generally with
the administration's labor bill,
which would repeal the Taft-Hart-
ley Law and substitute the old
Wagner Act with some changes.
* * *
HE CALLED the Taft-Hartley
Law "impractical, unworkable and
destructive of the common ele-
mental rights of labor."
Particularly critical of the pres-
ent ban on the closed shop, Green
pointed out, "We won two world
wars under the close shop opera-
tion, and now we say, after
winning those wars, it's a crime
for you to do it."
Tag Day Plans
t~usn Be Filed
Campus groups hoping to hold
tag days and other donation cam-
paigns between this coming June
and June of 1950 have until Mon-
day to file their plans with Mar-
ian Trapp, '51, chairman of the
Student Legislature's new Events
Miss Trapp is expected to pre-
sent the list Tuesday to the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee for final
She said there would be a "pos-
sibility" for approval by the SAC
of tag days other than the al-
ready-established WSSF, Univer-
sity of Philippines Drive, Galens'
and the Fresh Air Camp Fund.

Bill To Grant
$90 Monthly
old-Age Pa
Nankin Backs Act
In Wild Session
roarious session during which six
Democratic committeemen stalked
out of the room, the House Vet-
erans Committee yesterday ap-
proved a multi-billion dollar Vet-
erans Pension Bill.
The members who took the
walk charged Chairman Rankin
(Dem., Miss.) with "dictatorial"
actions, and he accused them in
turn of "running out on the vet-
* 4* -
THE MEASURE proposes pen-
lions of $90 a month at the age
if 65 for all of the 18,800,000 vet-
nrans of World Wars I and II. Its
ultimate annual cost has been
estimated at $6,000,000,000 a year
by some members of Congress.
The bill also provides for pay-
ments of $120 a month-regard-
less of age-to all physically or
mentally handicapped veterans
requiring an attendant. The dis-
ability would not have to be
service connected.
Rankin, who gaveled the bill
through the committee in the
stormy session, moved to force it
to the House floor where it was
conceded a chance of passage.
HOWEVER, he must buck ad-
ministration opposition in getting
his bill to a vote. President Tru-
man has stated that pension and
bonus legislation have no plane in
shis budgetor legislative program
at this time.
Rankin applied to Speaker
Rayburn for recognition to
bring the bill up under unani-
mous convent-at best a forlorn
chance. While Rayburn said he
would take it under considera-
tion, Rankin already was
planning to seek a clearance for
the measure from the rules
If both those efforts fail, Ran-
kin's ace in the hole is the new
House rule by which committee
chairmen may force a bill to the
floor after 21 days by demanding
that the speaker call it up.
Sales Continue.
For Marriage
Talk Series
About 150 tickets remaining for
the marriage and family relations
lecture series will be sold to all
students on a first come-first
served basis from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
and from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. today
at the League, Union and Lane
Price of the series tickets is
$1.50, Students must present ID
cards at time of purchases.
** *
near sellout to the seniors, grad-
uates and married students who
were given priority on the 1,100
tickets during the first two days
of sale.
First lecture in this year's se-
ries will be given at 8 pm. Tues-
day in Rackham lecture hall by

Dr. Ralph Linton, professor of
anthropology at Yale University.
He will discuss "The Institution
of Marriage."
"Psychological Factors in Mar-
riage" will be discussed March 15;
"Courtship and Pre-Marital Rela-
tions," March 23; "Anatomy and
Physiology of Reproduction,"
March 28; "The Medical Basis of
Sane Sex Practice," March 29.
Hopwood Awards
To Be Given Today

Freshman Gulps 48 Oysters,
Makes Medicos Look Sick

Defying scientific principles ex-
pounded by University medical
and biological authorities, Donald
Brown, '52, yesterday downed 48
raw oysters in less than half an
collegiate renown had nothing on
Brown, 16-year-old freshman, who
set out to put down 60 of the

with great gusto. On completing
the forty-eighth oyster, however,
and with 12 minutes remaining,
he shoved away the plate.
* * *
"I BELIEVE the rest of these
are of inferior quality," he de-
Immediately after his super-
human effort, Brown put away
a hefty West Quad meal of pork

Busy Phone Service Frustrates Males

Maybe it was rushing, maybe
the girls were off playing bridge,
but most likely it was the usual
combination of poor communica-
tions and lousy luck that made
coed-calling an almost impossible

coeds, but 20 picked at random
from the Student Directory.
Then he went to the phone
booth. The results of 84 min-
utes of continual calling would
discourage the stubbornest of

Directory, but were finally
reached at their new numbers.
One coed was studying in the
lounge, within sight of the switch-
board operator.
And the rest? Who knows?
* * *

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