TIL MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,, Loeal ,Cost of Livitig o By JAKE HURWITZ M~anagers or' two rtaurants Daily Special Writer t'he high cost of living is going reportedd titphey adT been stay that way for the time be- selling sty cheaply iinltil nlo that 1the drops in whoEle ale At least the not-so-lush days of prices wezre only nw enabling e1930's % hen a student could them to show ai profit. Apother pe sumptuously on a dollar or added tha+t the decline,. were s are a long way off. The high- negligible". -publicized price slump through- tthe nation is likely to afford Repov.ts roI'lo gie ad Upilon le relief to the average Michi- officials indiat tat tliy have ni student who eats his meals been able to reduce the prices on t. some items of food. 11t Frank- li* * n C. Kuenzel,mage of the ACCORDING to the managers Union admnitted ttli :this wasi true several students eating places,j only in the case o crmcx- fluding the League and Union,1 pensive cute of 7t ji. ONE FACTOR epigu ion price:; is Lfact~i that the1 ion did not riseprices last when costs hit c!razy pea)ks, Uni- Un - f all and emain If Price hikes w,,ould have been justi- fied, Kuelizel0 said. .oth he and Mrs. E. AT. Wheeler. manager of the League attributed continued high prices to large packing houses that are selling inven- tcries acquired previous to price breaks, on the livestock mar- kets. As for the prices of other food items, such as canned vegetables, Kuenzel said there is little to be alone about them until next fall. MRS. WhEt<'ELER also pointed out tat 1, hourly cost of labor had i wt c han ged one cent of late, but, she ladded that the Leagiue is following a policy of careful watching to lower prices where possible. j Answering of -repeai ed charges that the cafeteria alone su~pports non - aying activities (if the Union, Kueuzei callers thetn ridiculous, lie ,,aid that the costs of supplying free serv- ices were pro-rated to the vari- ous prof it-niaking units of' the Union, with the largest share falling to the hotel facilities, Kuenzel asserted that, studcent fees do not pay for the free serv - ices, simply because students have paid no Union fees in their tui- tion since 1933. It is true that; t1)e 1)11 il rcecives an appropriat iou from- the UniL- versity in lieu of fell-. 1bmt the mia jor portion of this allocation g~rs into a. University- ea??rmarked building fund, liv said. There are no stockholder ; who profit from the activities of the Union, the only benefactors are the students thenmselves. Kuen'zet l declared. WHARE 401 WHElREti1'' Pic *k-Up, Give-Back Service Plays Nursemaid to 20,000 By DON KOTITE, If you have a mania for losing things, chalk it up to experience -20,080 others are in the same boat, according to the campus Lost and Found department. N ow operating in the new Ad- ministrationl building, the unique }pick-up, give-back service has I played nursemaid to harassed stu- dents since its founding ear'ly in A iDAILY AVERAGE of ' iore than 50 students file through sec- ond floor portals seeking lost items or turning in motley objects, ac- cor'ding to Mrs. Earl Stibitz, Lost and Found director. "Usually. they presen us with gloves and mittens of all de- scriptions, mostly single ones," she told The Daily, exhibiting a prodigious carton replete with wool, suede and pigskins. t Approximately ten wedding rings have found their way into the department during the course of the year. But these and similar cherished items are claimed al-. most immediately, Mrs. Stibitz re- ported. TOPPING the "extraordinary" list is a pair of perfectly bite- worthy false teeth which has been gathering dust since late last summer. "Undoubtedly the loser bought a new set of choppers at once, or else we have a strict veg- etarian running around loose," Mrs. Stibitz quipped. A biin NIMS and MILLER RECALLL ED -- The Commnist government of Hungary de- manded that the United States recall American Minister Seldin Chapin front Budapest. To1, Hold Ren-iion A reunion for all local alumini of Oberlin College will Ix- held at, 6:15 p.m. Tuesday hi the First Congregational Churmh. C. Robert Keesey, alumni-sec- retary of the college will be the speaker. - Officers for the local alumni organization will be elect- ed. Read aid IUse Daily Classi fiedAdis J-HOP PICTURES NOW ON DISPLAY at STATE DRUG CO. State and Packard Dl'AwIY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, )t From 10 A. tv4 a 0d Daily (ej /} , f - V Publication in The Daily Official Buletin is constructive notice toal members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritteni form t~o the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on.. dcay preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-. urda3 5). TUJE8JAV. lFEBRUJARiY 14" i'ni VOL. TIX, No. 9t Assemblyai, School olf orestry a tiff onservati'on : 11.11 'Ifl Tie's.. Feb. 15, in Rackham Amphithea- tre. Col. W. B. Greeley will speak on "Private Forestry." All students from the School of Forestry with- out forestry conflicts are expect- ed to attend and others interested aire inlvited. 11a(Yitil;N, College of Eiagiuecriug Meeting;- 4:15 pim., Fri., Feb. 18 348 W. Eingineering Bld(g. 1May Festival Sean Tickets are ona sale over the counter at the offices of the University Musical _ 9" ALL THIS WELK 1:00 -3:30 6:00 1 -21 4:0)6:30 I 8.-50 9:20 11 1 _EAD Tilt CLASSIFIEIS Society. About the first of April. if any season tickets remain un- sold, they wil be broken up and sold for indlividlual concerts. Sttudent hielp needed during this week and next for construction of scenery for the German play. Anyone inter~ested please call Mr. Reed (ext. 689) or Bill Allison (ext. 2541). British Smuiner Schools: All students who might. be inter- eited to attend one of this year's Suuuer Schools in British U~i- versit ies designed for American and other overseas students may obta in information concerning them from the following: Professor Laing, Political Sci- ence; Professor Willcox, History: Professor Miner, Sociology: the secretary of t he Eniglish Depart- muent; and the secretary of the Economics Department. Since ap- plications must be in by March 1, consultation should be sought promnptly, Exchange and/or guest dinnuers: Social chairmen for residence groups; without resident house di- rectors are reminded that ex- change dinners or guest dinners must be announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in a dvance of the scheduled date. Exchange and/or guest dinners will be authorized between the hours 5:30-8 p.m. for week day dinners and between l and' 3 p.m. for Sunday dinners. Driving Permits: Students are reminded that thieir University driving permits are rendered in- valid by their failure to Ireport (Continued on PRage 4) Personals? CAFETERIA Our Idaily Spje4 211 South State OCOFFEE SHOP vial Saves You Monmey North of Liberty salesr lUousillu? Ctlarssitfkds solve your praobleias I/teal itrpt C4e ter AI LY SPECIALS . - Lunch 11 to 1:.30,.,. Dinner 5 to 7:00 Sunday 12 to 2:30 and 5 to07:00 Thru the Arcade - 338 Maynard Street The LANTERN GARDEN Near Michigan, TheatIre Delicious Meals at Reasonable Prices ChEinese and American Cuisine Closed on, Mondays PHONE 6380 FOR ORDERS TO TAKE OUT Metzger's Restaurant Where Good Food Insures Your Health and Our Success Domestic Beers and Wines 203 Ei. Washington Phone 9126 THE FARM CUPBOARD Specializing in FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS Ppen Daily 11 A.M. to 9 P.M,, Except Monday 5400 Plymouth Rd. (on the way to Detroit); Phone 9387 PERSONAL i31riPT 'N SHORE tailored blouses as advertised in Life. Many new colors, stripes and plaids from which -to choo4(e. ianforized 33 to 38 $2.58. Randall's Specialty Shaop. 306 &. State. lop MEN-We are offering foria limited time only a genuine Michigan coed for your very own. We'll send her C.O.D. under plain wrapper. Limited supply. Write today. LOST AND FOUND LOSJ.'-- Ladles w atch. with diamond and ruby setting Friday night near Hill Auditorium. Reward Call Roz 9323. LOST1: Green Schaeffer life-'time pen". Between Jlordan Hall and Watermnan .Reward, ('all Rmn. 263 Jordan Hall. FOUND: Woman's Shaeffer pern. last Friday. Ph. Jim, 24401, 107 Allen Rumsey, ) 23L SWITCHED--Bie lipenelertop.' coats. At Paul's Lunch Sunday Eve. Have yours with 86c ini the pocket, Ed Sprague. 2-6671. )25L LOST- Man's gold wrist watch, leather strap. Wednesday, between East En- gineering Bldg. and 1000 Hill St. Re- ward. Call Arthur Schupp, 2-6173, Monday morning or after. )22L LOST - Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity pin. Initialed WWT. Please call Bill Traylor at 2-9874. )151., FOUND .-- Lady's Hampden watch in Chester Roberts (lift Shop near thle Valentines. Ph. Ronnie 2-0646. )1511 SWITCHED -, M~y light tan double breasted overcoat-, which :fit for a single breasted coat of the same ('0101 on rite of February 10 on third floor of the U~nion. 'Tobacco pouch tin pocket of my coat. Call Burt Shif-' man, 2-8809 any time. )17L LOST-Monday evening ins or near field house, one pair brown horn -rimmed glasses. Call Lofgren, 24-481. )1i8L LOST - Brown rimmed glasses in brown case. Call Nan Taylor, 2-2521. 21 L ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD, $14 per week, four blocks front campus. Call 2-7298. )2X ROOM FOR MALE' student.? z of double,, 3 blocks from campus $6 pe: week. Call 2-8309. )2211' - HELP WANTED c'Ati-IER WANT ED) Full-ntimar e nd part-'tirny('. 45 hour week~. txcetllent opportunity for girls with grocery or office co perience. Apply in per-' son. Packer's Super Market, 320 East Huron. )6H1 LAW. STUDENT CARTOONIST WANT- ED to draw cartoons on the gen- eral fields of Torts, Contracts, Crimes, Conflicts, e'tc. Submit samiple car- ton on one of these fields. Box 175. Michigan Daily. )511 CARRIERS for The Michigan Daily at Willow Run..Village. Contact Mr. May, 1209 Springfield Ct., Willow Vil- lage.) 514 FOR SALE BABY Parakeets and Canaries. Bird supplies and cages. Moderate prices, 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. ) I SET " Archie Compston" golf clumbs (hickory shaft): 1 pair hockey skates. size 9; 1 pair regular skates size 10. Ph. 20817. )25 ":EACH TO BARTOK" 60 albums rec- ord library for sale. Phone 2-0542. Mrs. Campbell. )24 'r'YPEWRITER: Underwood Standard; Old but in good, workable condition. $25. phone 3-1511, Exst. 2519. )23 FOR ".INFORMAL" RUSHING PARTIES soft 13RAEMAR Cashmecre sweaterm, mlake you look your best. COUSINS ON STATE STRElEr REFRESH YOUR. winter suits with crisp spring blouses. Every I magirable styleI. All sizes, $3.95 to 9;14.95. )2 FOR SALE--Brown overcoat, eception-' al value, size 37i, roomy. Also tuxedo and extra trousiers, size 37. Reason- ably priced. Call 3250 evening: around 6:00.)2 ROOMS FOR RENT WEEK END ROOMS available in pri- vate homes. Call Student Room f3ti- reau, 2-8827, 11:30-12, 6:30-7:00. )1.R ONE THIRD of excellent suite, 2 blocks from Bus. Ad. School. Ph. 2-3061 after 7 p.m. )24R SINGLE ROOM for rent. Also half of double for male student. Cloue in. Box 176, Mich. Daily. FOR MEN- Near campus. Linen arid maid service. $24 month. 802 Oakland. Ph. House Manager, 4183. )21R VACANCY for male students. On cam- pus, 811 East Ann, Ph. 2-2052. )4R SEE J-'HOP PHOTOS displayed i Par- rot. Also Winter Carnival shots. )7P BUSINESS SERVICES LAUNDRY -- Washing and or Ironing. Done iu nmy home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 29020. )2B DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Prices Reasonable 22020 ) 3B CUSTOM CLOTHES. Restyling. Alter- ations. Prompt service on all altera- tions. Hildegarde Shoppe. 109 E. Washington. Phone 2-4669. )4B RENTAL TYPEWRITERS Reasonable Rates OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 1116 S. University 2-9409 ______)1lS SEASONED WOOD Fireplace or furnace, phone 4575, ) 12B FEBRUARY SPECIAL! Portable Type-. writer Service. We will install a new ribbon, oil your machine, and clean the type, all for $2. 24-hr service. Thrasher and Co., 114-116 E. Wash- ington, Ph. 2-6503. )7Bl Read and Use Daily Classified Ads I February 24..$;0.M DANCE MUSIH CHUCK DOWNER and his Orchestra Ph. 25-0031 }2P BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- .'I'atiicab I and license for sale. Call 2-3426.- )18I i, ' ri - 4 ... , ' K,, M4.A ngus1 isSatisfied! He Bought His New Kilts Tr~liough 'a Classified You ~zo mo11wil i dHIGH IRESUTLTS I --.Ul - t 0 11 i