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February 15, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-15

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LITl r e

KrV 6

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Latest Deadline in the State


Vatican Hits
Trial Anew
Charge Outrage
Against Church
VATICAN CITY -- (P) - Pope
Pius XII yesterday attacked the
trial of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty
as rigged and an outrage against
the Roman Catholic church.
He declared that Catholics
should resist man-made laws "in-
consistent with divine and human
IN AN ADDRESS before a se-
cret and Extraordinary Consistory
of the College of Cardinals, the
Pontiff charged that Hungary's
Communist-dominated govern-
ment sought "to disrupt the Cath-
olic Church" there by striking at
Cardinal Mindszenty.
The Pope expressed the belief
that confessions made in. a
Budapest courtroom by Cardi-
nal Mindszenty were wrung
from him. The physical condi-
tion and behavior of thecHun-
garian primate appeared to be
an accusation "against his very
accusers and condemners," the
Pope said.
Speaking in sorrow, Pope Pius
warned that "those who rashly
dare to trample upon the liberty
of the Church and the rights of
human conscience, may at length
understand that no civil society
can endure when religion has been
suppressed and God, as it were,
driven into exile.
Cardinal' Mindszenty was con-
victed last Tuesday on charges of
treason, spying and black market
money dealings. In his address to-
day Pope Pius deplored the "su-
preme indignity" visited on the
Cardinal who was doomed "like a
criminal to life imprisonment."
Ticket Sales
For Marriage
Talks Continue
Sale of tickets for the "Marriage
and Family Relations Lecture Se-
ries" will continue for seniors,
graduates and married students
from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to
5:30 p.m. today in the Union,
League and Lane Hall.
Single women may obtain tick-
ets, at $1.50 for the five-lecture
series, at the League, single men
at the Union and married stu-
dents at Lane Hall.
Beginning tomorrow tickets will
be sold to all students.
Dr. Ralph Linton, professor of
anthropology at Yale University
will open the lecture series next
Tuesday with a discussion of "The
Institution of Marriage."
Other lectures include "Psy-
chological Factors in Marriage,"
March 15, "Courtship and Pre-
Marital Relations," March 23,
"Anatomy and Physiology of Re-
production," March 28; "The Med-
ical Basis of Sane Sex Practice,"
March 29.
Daily To Poll
Twelve-hundred University stu-
dents will be the subjects today for

a market sur'vey to be conducted
by the business staff of The Daily.
Students to be interviewed will
be selected proportionally from
the more important segments of
the campus population-married
or unmarried, affiliated or inde-
pendent, etc.
Among the more important
things the survey is expected to
reveal are: student interests, ac-
tivities, purchasing power, buying
habits, and reading and radio lis-
tening habits.
Because of the completeness of
the survey, and its consequent
length, interviewers have stated
the need for cooperation from
those who are approached.
To Give Hopwood
Prizes Tomorrow
Prizes in the eighteenth annual
Freshmen Hopwood Contest will
be awarded at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Ampitheatre.
Prof. Morris Greenhut of the

ADA To Unravel
Local Group Orientation Meeting
To Be Opened by Prof. Slosson
Prof. Preston Slosson and leaders of nine local groups will attempt
to unscramble the campus political alphabet at a meeting of the
Americans for Democratic Action at 7:30 p.m. today in the ABC Rm.
of the Michigan League.
Prof. Slosson will open the Political Orientation Program with a
talk explaining the place and function of campus political groups.
FOLLOWING THIS, a representative from each organization will
explain the basic beliefs, stands, and projects of the respective groups.
"The main campus groups have for some time caused much con-

fusion as to the exact position o
U.S. Needs
3,000 Mile
Proving Site
Seek New Test
Area for Rockets
strides in the conquest of space
by rockets make it necessary for
the United States to have a 3,000
mile proving ground for launch-
ing such weapons, Congress was
told today.
Cost of providing such a test
area would be $200,000,000.
Military and scientific authori-
ties said that this country will
have rockets this year capable of
traversing 500 miles, and that
eventually their horizontal range
may be extended to 5,060 mules.
THE OFFICIALS testified be-
fore a House Armed Services sub-
comrruttee on the necessity of
creating the broadened test range.
The testimony prompted spec-
ulation that American scientists
have finally surpassed Ger-
many's V-2 effort.
The Army, Navy and Air Force
have been experimenting with
rockets of American design for
many months, but until today's
disclosure there was nothing to in-
dicate they had beaten the V-2.
Asked for comment, an air force
spokesman told a reporter:
"That's classified (secret) in-
formation to say definitely that
we have passed the German hori-
zontal range. But," he added, "it's
not a bad deduction."
THE AIR FORCE expert ex-
plained that the 500-mile range
cited by military witnesses before
Congressrieferred to the hori-
zontal distance. He said the Ger-
man horizontal record, achieved
by a V-2 during World War II,
was 250 miles.
To AMissDraft
After a lengthy "sweating out"
period, campus ROTC students
have been informed that all mem-
bers from both beginning and ad-
vanced sections will be eligible
for deferment, providing they
achieve passing grades on a quali-
fying examination.
Affecting army and air force
units, the quota allotted the Uni-
versity provides that a maximum
of 510 ROTC men be deferred un-
til the end of their college careers,
ROTC head, Col. Karl E. Henion
All members eligible for defer-
ment will take the qualifying test
from Feb. 21 to 25, and the grades
will be compiled in order of su-
periority soon after.

f each group and the differences
between them," Quentin Fulcher,
ADA chairman, said.
"We hope that a meeting of
this type will clarify the picture,
and enable interested students
to choose among them," he add-
The organizations which will
participate in tonight's discussion
are: Americans for Democratic
Action, American Veterans Com-
mittee, Inter-Racial Association,
United Nations Council, United
World Federalists, Young Demo-
crats, Young Progressives of
America, and Young Republicans.
THE PROGRAM has already
received the support of several
campus leaders. Jim Jans, Stau-
dent Legislature president, called
it "an excellent idea."
"Not enough students, who
are voters or potential voters,
allow themselves to stand up
and be counted on the vital po-
litical issues that arise through-
out the year," Jans said.
"This meeting is a capsule com-
mentary on campus political life,
and should be used by the stu-
dents as a springboard for partici-
pating in organized political ac-
tion," said Tom Walsh, now serv-
ing his third term on SL, an ac-
tive participant in other groups.

Guilty Pleas
In Ypsilanti
Press Numbers
Racket Charges
Carl Warlix, Willow Village res-
ident, pleaded not guilty last night
in Circuit Court to a charge of
maintaining and operating a gam-
bling house, but ten others plead-
ed guilty to charges of possessing
policy tickets.
The court scene followed a num-
bers racket raid Saturday on the
home of Warlix, when 17 Village
and Ypsilanti residents were jail-
ed. Sheriff's officers called the
raid one of the most successful in
Washtenaw County history.
NO STUDENTS were appre-
hended in the raid. Investigations
continue on possible connections
of other Villagers with the racket.
The ten guilty parties had
waived examination yesterday
morning in Municipal Court,
which levied $25 fines on four
others accused of frequenting a
gambling place.
Charlie Pough, Willow Village,
admitted his guilt on charges of
contributing to the delinquency
of a minor. He was fined $50 and
sentenced to 30 days in jail by
Municipal Judge Francis O'Brien.
An alternate sentence adds 30
more days in jail if the fine is not
P"OUGIIwas charged with send-
ing an eight-year-old boy with
policy tickets to Warlix's house.
Sgt. Charles Shaw of the Sher-
iff's office led the raid, in which
state and local officers assisted.
He said the Warlix house, under
observation for about six months,
had operated as an independent
numbers house and also forward-
ed larger bets to gamblers in De-

Pact (


g U.S.


Rainbow Records
NEW YORK -(UP) - Do you
like your music ruby red or
midnight blue? Or maybe grassr
RCA Victor disclosed today
its forthcoming 45 r.p.m. rec-
ords oftransparent vinyl plastic
will be made in rainoow colors.
The colors will be: Ruby red'
for classical music, midnight K
blue for semi-classical, jet black
for popular, lemon drop yellow
for children's, grass green for
western, sky blue for interna-
tional, and cerise for folk
music. ~'

Keynes' Economics Theory
Faulty,_Says Prof. Williams



War and post-war developments,
have cast doubt on the Keyne-
sian theory of economics, accord-
ing to Prof. John H. Williams,
Harvard economist.
"Recollecting on Keynesian Eco-
nomics," at a meetin~g of the Eco-
nomics Club at Rackham last
night, Prof. Williams pointed to
the economic predictions based on
Keynes which failed to develop.
* * *
THE KEYNESIAN theory, based
on the Quantity of Money theory,
is that money exerts an influence
over output and employment.
Prof. Williams pointed to the
effect of monetary expansion on
prices rather than increased
output as Keynes believed.
"Keynesian economics assumes
prices are static or neutral," Prof.
Williams explained.
economics are on the Consump-

tion function," Prof. Williams said.
"Why should we depend on in-
vestment? Why can't consump-
tion recreate income?
"Replacing capital with im-
proved capital is more dynamic
than expanded investment. We
don't need to worry about a
growing investment. We must
worrk about income."
"Capital gain, distribution of
income, have been some of the
post-war questions casting doubts
on the theory. Unemployment,
according to Keynes economics
was to be 5 million. Consumption
couldn't go on up. But these pre-
dictions were wrong," he conclud-
PROF. WILLIAMS will speak
today on "European Recovery-
the Outlook for the Marshall
Plan" at 4:15 p.m. at Rackham

SiX Students
Found Guilty
OfCheatino -
In a tense, three-hour session
last night, the Engineering Honor
Council found six students guilty
of violating the engineering school
honor system during final exami-
nations last semester.
The Council, which was reacti-
vated last year to put teeth into
the enforcement of the honor sys-
tem, recommended that the Uni-
versity Disciplinary Committee
place five of the students on the
warning list and the other on pro-
IN ADDITION, it was recom-
mended that two of the students
be given "E" grades for the
courses in which they violated the
honor system.
A verdict in the case o two de-
fendants was postponed pending
further investigation, while two
others were cleared of the charges.
When possible, the instruc-
tors indicated the student they
believed guilty of copying and
stated the reasons for their be-
lief. (Under the honor system,
however, anyone who knowingly
allows another student to copy
his work is also held respon-
In each case, the defendant was
made familiar with the charges
against him, presented with the
evidence, and allowed to defend
Bruce Lockwood, '49E, presi-
dent of the Council, emphasized
that this trial represented a re-
turn to student control of the en-
gineering honor system which has
been a tradition on campus since
Hannah Makes
Offer To Lend
Staff Experts
has been made to lend staff tech-
nicians of the nation's land grant
colleges to assist President Tru-
man's program of help for back-
ward nations.
The offer was made by Presi-
dent John A. Hannah of Michigan
State College, President of the
Association of Land Grant Col-
leges and Universities, in letters
to President Truman and Secre-
tary of State Dean Acheson.
Fifty-three colleges making up
the association, Hannah said, are
ready to make available agricul-
tural experts, engineering special-
ists, homemaking teachers and
educators of all types to carry out
Truman's "point four" program
announced in his inauguration

From a crowded room on the
Union's third floor, six members
of the Union Opera Promotions
Committee have launched a far-
reaching promotions campaign-a
campaign that will eventually in-
volve newspapers, radio stations,
alumni clubs, television, and may-
be even soda fountains.
With the opera less than six
weeks away, Bill Zerman, promo-
tions committee chairman, and his
five inspired coworkers have al-
ready contacted newspapers and
radio stations throughout the
THEY'VE SENT speakers to
alumni clubs in Michigan and
Ohio. Some of the clubs have
hinted that they might charter
buses to come here for the show,
to be held on March 23, 24, and
25 at the Michigan Theatre.
And with the hope of bringing
the opera a little closer to the
campus, committee members
have approached the city's
druggists with the idea of a spe-
cial "Froggy Bottom Sundae."
Invitations have been sent out
to Govs. G. Mennen Williams and
Thomas E. Dewey to attend the
show. Gov. Dewey acted in one
of the earliest operas.
orities and fraternities will be con-
tacted in an effort to interest
house groups in attending the
show in a block.
Fred Waring, who expressed in-
terest in the show's student-
written songs, has been sent copies
of the numbers, and will consider
them for use on his program.
Look Magazine and the Chi-
Stowe To Speak Here
Leland Stowe, foreign corres-
pondent and author, will give the
second in the series of Journalism
lectures at 3 p. m. tomorrow in
Rm. B Haven Hall.
The lectures are open to all
Journalism concentrates and in-
terested students. A coffee hour
(from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.) will follow
the lecture.

(left) and Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent of Canada shake
hands at Blair House, the U.S. chief executive's temporary resi-
dence, after having lunch together there. In background are
Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Hume Wrong (left) and U.S.
Ambassador to Canada Laurence A. Steinhardt.
Promotions Crew Opens
Union Opera Ca

Connally Hit.
'Moral' Ties
Question Extent
Of Atlantic Pact
WASHINGTON - R) -Bi-par-
tisan foreign policy leaders of the
U.S. Senate served notice that
they would not stand for any
"moral" commitment to go to war
in the North Atlantic Security
The proposed treaty, intended
to bulwark the west against attack
from Russia, is being -negotiated
now by the U.S., Canada, Britain,
France, Belgium, the Netherlands
and Luxembourg.
THE WARNING that the U.S.
could not be committed in advance
to fight in case of an attack on a
European- nation was given by
chairman Connally (Dem., Tex.)
of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee and former chairman
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.). They
spoke out in the Senate after Sen-
ator Donnell (Rep., Mo.) had
raised the question.
Donnell cited an Associated
Press dispatch, which recited
the points Secretary of State
Acheson was understood to have
made in a recent talk with for-
eign Minister Halvard Lange of
One of these points was that,
although only Congress can de-
clare war, the U.S. government
would subscribe to the principle
that an attack on one signatory to
the treaty would be an attack on
all. This would be interpreted, it
was said, as a moral commitment
to fight.$
Donnell said:
"I want to protest here and
now about our country's being
subject to any moral commitment
under which Congress would be
bound to declare war."
* * *
CONNALLY SAID he would not
favor any lanuguage in the pro-
posed security agreement "which
would morally commit us to fight."
The Texas Senator said he
and Vandenberg have been
"making it very plain to the
Secretary of State" that the
Foreign Relations Committee
"would not approve of any sort
of language in an international
agreement which would commit
us to go to war when some other
country in Europe might be at-
"Any European nation might
attack another nation, not merely
the one country about which we
hear so much talk," Connally said
in an obvious reference to Russia.
Vandenberg said he exects the
pact to reserve to Congress "the
complete right of decision on what
to do about an armed attack."

cago Sun-Times might do pic-
ture stories on the musical.
."We think the show will be a
big success," said Zerman. "If it
is, there's a chance it might go
on the road," he said. ...
Some of the early operas toured
the East, drawing capacity crowds,
Zerman said.
A DETROIT TV station has
promised cooperation in promoting
the show.
Members of the promotions
committee are Zerman, Harry
Mindell, Tom Cramer, Jerry Mehl-
man, Bob Russell and Burt Shif-
Zerman, a veteran promotions
man and 'Ensian Sales Man-
ager, advised students to order
tickets early. Mail orders, which
are now being accepted, should
be sent to Froggy Bottom, Mich-
igan Union.
Ticket prices are $1.20, $1.80,
and $2.40. Orders will be record-
ed according to date-received and
will be filled before March 7 when
tickets go on sale in the Union
Free Cigarettes
Distribution of free cigarette
samples and plastic cases will1con-
tinue today and tomorrow in the
League and the Union.
Students desiring the samples
must bring their ID cards.

World News At A Glance

By The Associated Press
Court rejected yesterday former
Major General Bennett E. Mey-
ers' appeal for a review of his
conviction for inducing another
man to lie under oath.
CHEYENNE - Whistling winds
stirred up new ground blizzards in
Wyoming and Idaho Monday as
a government count listed 178,000
head of livestock dead from bliz-
zards in four western states.
LANSING - The Michigan
Legislature last night repealed
the 48-year-old law forbidding

the sale of colored oleomargar-
ine in the state.
The Senate put the final stamp
of approval on the measure, the
first to be initiated by popular
petition in the history of the state.
QUITO, Ecuador-Casualties1
from Saturday's "invasion from
Mars" rioting were fixed today
at 15 dead and 15 injured.
The government ordered an in-
vestigation of circumstances of
the rioting, in which mobs took
fierce reprisal for panic created
by a radio dramatization describ-
ing a fictional invasion by Mar-

Reds, Fascists Will Not Disrupt
Italian Democra cy.... Treves
_______ 0.

WSSF Official Will Launch Campus Fund Drive

"Fascists or Communists will
not disrupt democracy in *Italy
again," said Dr. Paole Treves,
member of the Italian Chamber
of Deputies.
Sent as an exchange speaker for
the Institute of International Edu-
cation, Dr. Treves spoke yester-
day afternoon in Rackham Amphi-
theatre, under the auspices of the
history department.
A COMMON democratic front
against Communism has been
formed by Christian democrats,
right wing socialists, liberals and
republicans, he said.
"The Marshall Plan was a
turning point in European his-
tory and this party coalition
represents a firm foundation
from which Italy can carry out
its responsibilities under the
plan," Dr. Treves asserted.
Italian April elections were
greatly affected by U.S. aid, which
gave hope to the democratic ele-
ment in Italy and encouragement
to the people who were concerned
about reconstruction, he said.

doing her share of rehabilita-
The Berlin blockade is a living
example to the Italian people that
the West can be counted on to
take a firm stand against Russian
tactics, he said.
Slayer Gets
Life Sentence
Kenneth Basha of Dearborn was
sentenced to life imprisonment
last night in Circuit Court for the
September slaying of a Dearborn
cabbie near Willow Village.
Basha's accomplice, Willard
Swartout, also of Dearborn, has
secured a new attorney, and his
case is due to come up in two
Basha shot Francis R. Andrews
in the driveway of a lonely farm-
house near the Village during an
attempted holdup, in which
Swartout assisted Basha. The two

The terrifying spread of tuber-
culosis among war-ravaged Euro-
pean students, and measures taken
to combat the dreaded disease will
be described by Dr. Wilmer Kitch-
en at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lane
Dr. Kitchen, executive secretary

has set the University quota at
$10,000, half to be raised on
the two tag days and the other
half from special films and
The committee has sent letters
to organized groups requesting

The disease was brought on
by years of under-nourishment
and accentuated by poor living
The first problem of health of-
ficers in war-devastated areas was
to segregate healthy students from

tients in the sanatorium were
The program was later expand-
ed and sanatoria were established
in Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Czecho-
slovakia and India.

English department will

speak at

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