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February 12, 1949 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-12

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May Festival
Tickets Now
On Sale Here
Concerts Feattit-c
Ten Top Soloists

+. a. v a, s a t.r.t s. s. " . ..s ra .u .III. 9e



'U' Doctor Authors New
Book on TB Experiences_-
Sudden turnabout from doctor in the T. B. ward. IDrawings b'y
to patient forms the basis for a Prof. Donald B. Gooch, of the Col-
newly-published book by Univer- lege of Architecture, punctuate
sity Dr. Robert Lovell, who com- the 100-page book.
pleted medical school only to be
sent to a sanitarium, the victim "The worst part of the whole
of tuberculosis. disease is that you have to drop
Called "Taking the Cure-The everything and go right to bed,"
Patient's Approach to Tubercu- according to Dr. Lovell, who
Patint' Appoac to ubecu-learned that he lead the disease
losis," the book was written
mainly to help T. B. patients re- from a routine chest X-ray on
adjust when first put in confine- his graduation day.
ment. In his book, Lovell, now a resi-
dent physician at University Hos-
DR. LOVELL compiled the book pital, described the untiring pas-
from his own experience and from times to which the patient must
talks with fellow patients while devote himself.
_____________ ___________________ *__________ -




Series tickets for the annual
May Festival are on sale now at
the University Musical Society's
offices, Burton Tower.
Ten major soloists, ,four con-,
luctors, two choruses and the
Philadelphia Symphony Orches-
tra, will participate in the fifty-
sixth annual Festival which will
be given May 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Hill
Of the soloists, five will 'bej
heard in Ann Arbor for the first
time. Among the five is Mme. Pia
Tassinari, distinguished Italian
soprano, who will sing two groups
of operatice arias at the closing
concert Sunday night.

soprano, will be heard twice - in
the BrDhms "Requiem" Friday
night, and in the world premiere
of Llewelym Gomer's "Gloria,"
Sunday afternoon.f
Tann Williams, Welsh-Amer-
ican contralto, will join Miss
Russell in the Gomer work Sun-
day. Martial Singher, leading
French baritone at the Metro-
politan Opera, will be heard in
Brahms' "Requiem" and in the
Gomer choral work.
The fifth of the newcomers is
Benno Moisewitsch, Russian pi-
anist. He will perform Beethov-
en's Concerto No. 3, under the ba-
ton of Thor Johnson, Friday.
' *
FIVE FORMER favorites among
the soloists will include Gladys
Swarthout, mezzo-soprano; Set
Svanholf, Swedish tenor; Harold
Haugh, tenor; Gregor Piatigor-
sky, 'cellist; and Erica Morini, vio-
The Pliladelpia Orchestra
will take part in all six concerts.
Eugene Ormandy, Thor John-
son, Marguerite flood, and Alex-
ander HIllsberg will lead the or-
chestra for the different per-
In addition to the Brahms
"Requiem" and the Gomer
"Gloria," the University Choral
Union, under Lester McCoy, will
give the first Ann Arbor per-
formance of "Chorus No. 10" by
the contemporary Brazilian com-
poser, Heitor Villa-Lobos.
Single concert tickets can be
purchased in April at the Univer-
sity Musical Society Offices, Bur-
ton Tower.
Critic Doubts
Tr .e Identity
(Continued from Page 1)
pest or Coriolanus could have
been written, Prof. Price said.,
"And, he wrote very stupid verse."
Cranks are always coming up
with new authors for Shakes-
peare, according to Prof. Price.
Miss Julia Bacon 100 years ago'
proposed that Shakespeare's
works were a sideline of Bacon's
literary production. "That idea
fizzled- out long ago," he said.
Prof. Price declared that docu-
ments, friends like Jonson and
Marlowe, clues in the plays, and
thinking professors agree that
Shakespeare's plays and sonnets
were, are, and will remain written
by a Stratford man named
money is to write a sensational
story ' about Shikespeare," he
said; "-but stay with him."
He cited the case of Sydney Lee,
a successful Shakespeare biogra-
pher, whom Edward VII persuad-
ed to write a biography of Queen
Victoria. Edward remarked gentlya
after it was written, "Stick to
Shakespeare, Mr. Lee, that pays."
Sticking to Shakespeare
means believing that Shakes-
peare was really Shakespeare,
Prof. Price said.
"I worked up positive proof of
Oxford's identity as distinguished
from Shakespeare's," he said, "but'
it was so unimportant I've forgot-
ten it."
'U' Welcomes

Alien Students
An inf ormal receptiou welcom-
ing new foreign students to cam-
pus will be held at 8 p.inh today in
Rackhamn Lecture Hal.?
lhe program will be opened by

scrapbooks of 40 years in show business
Tucker, last of the "Red Hot Mamas."

Librarians examine
presented by Sophie

Lincoln Provided Tempting
Tar get for 'Punch' Cartoonist

Fourscore and three years ago
Sir John Tennien decided Abe
Lincoln was not such a bad fellow
after all.
Until the assassination, how-
ever, Sir John, cartoonist for
Pundlh, a contemporary British
magazine, had wielded a satyric
quill over Lincoln's political moves,
County Official
Would 'Clear'
Plan Urges Building
Perlmanent Homes
A recent recommendation by
George D. Hurrell, director of the
Washtenaw County Planning
Commission that Willow Village,
as such, should be cleared away
may eventually effect the housing
of some 1,700 students living in
the government owned housing
Hurrell advocated that the pres-
"t buildings and dormitories be
replaced by one and two-family
homes and businesses. Although
he made no specific proposals on
the question, he indicated that he
felt that the Village's present
"emergency" housing status
should be changed to that of a
regular residential area.
ALTHOUGH NO action of Hur-
rell's proposals will probably be
taken for some time, it might con-
ceivably cause an acute housing
problem for some of the 1,300
married students and 400 single
students living in the Village. un-
less the present housing problem
in Ann Arbor is solved in the fu-
Originally the Willow Village
housing units were built to ac-
commodate some of the thous-
ands of workers employed at the
Wil1°w Run bomber plant dur-
ing the war.
After the worker housing prob-
lcm became less acute. the govern- II-
ment provided approximately 2,-
200 housing units for veterans at-
tending the University.
Red Cross To
Be ojn AnnuaI
Fund Raising
The annual Red Cross drive for
funds will begin next month with
a quota of $1,800 for the student
Fund raising activities which
are expected to yield over $34,000
in Ann Arbor and will take place
throughout the month of March
were announced by the local Red
Cross chapter. Herbert Wagner,
Business Manager of the Univer-
sity Food Service, will be direc-
tor of the drive.
s u: au
retain 75 per cent of the collec-
tions for local work and the re-
mnaining will be used nationally.
Last year $3,300 was loaned to
students who were in need of
emergency funds.
Tn addition to the $1,800 quota
for students, $4,800 has been set
fr- th ftvili. unri 41 Inn fr-

Colton Storm, assistant director
of Clements Library, related.
LINCOLN, in one of the car-
toon proof sheets owned by the
Clements Library, was caricatured
as a raccoon in a tree with "John
Bull" below threatening to shoot
if he did not come down.
It referred to the Trent af-
fair in which England demand-
ed that Lincoln give up Mason
and Slidell, two Confederate
ambassadors, which the North
seized from the English ship
Trent, Storm explained. The
idea came from a Davy Crockett
story, he added.
A swashbuckling Abe is mixing
"bunkum, bosh, and brag" to turn
victory into defeat in another of
Sir John's jabs...
IMMEDIATELY following his
second election, Sir John draws an
elongated Abe captioned "Long
Abe Lincoln A Little Longer."
But following the assassina-
tion Sir John suffered a mirac-
ulous change of heart,. Storm
His 'final Lincoln cartoon por-
trayed a reverent Britain mourn-
ing for the Civil War president
whose 140th birthday we com-
memorate today.
These cartoons among several
others will be televised at 5 p.m.
tomorrow over WWJ-TV in a pro-
gram on "Lincoln Humor" with
Assistant Director Storm and Ken
Manuel of WWJ.

P lan ,Meeting
To Orientate
011i Politics
Alphabet Groups Will
In an attempt to acquaint stu-
dents with the range of political
j clubs on campus and their prin-
,iples and accomplishments, a Po-
litical Orientation Meeting will
take place next Tuesday evening.
The meeting is focused primar-
ily on new freshman and transfer
students who are interested in po-
litical activities but may have be-
ome understandably bewildered
ay their alphabet nomenclature.
* * *
by Preston Slosson, of the history
department, short explanations of
the clubs by their officers, and
then the meeting will be thrown
open to the audience for ques-
The organizations which will
participate include the follow-
ing partisan and political ac-
tion group: Americans for Dem-
ocratic Action, American Vet-
erans Committee, Inter-Racial
Association, United Nations
Council, United World Federal-
ists, Wallace Progressives, the
Young Democrats and the
Young Republicans.
The Political Orientation Pro-
;ram has been initiated this se-
mnester, and is being sponsored by.
ADA. They hope it will become an
annual or semi-annual tradition
introducing the political clubs to
new students an encouraging par-
ticipation in political action clubs.
"THIS PROGRAM is designed
to provide a convenient meeting-
ground for interested students and
ampus political leaders,"stated
Quentin Fulcher, chairman of
The 'meeting will be held Tues-
day, Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Michigan League. All students in-
terested. in political activity on
uampus are cordially invited and
urged to attend.

"READING WAS a big activity,
and everyone could do it," Dr.
Lovell said. "Anything requiring
arm motion was discouraged to al-
low complete rest."
Treatment given the confined
patients consisted of arresting
the progress of the disease and
give the body a chance to over-
come and wall off the infection.
After the disease is halted, Dr.
Lovell said, the T. B. victim can
lead a fairly normal life, though
still needing daily rest.
In his two years as a T. B. pa-
tient, Dr. Lovell spent most pe-
riods of his time in discussion
with his roommates-a Chinese
chest doctor, a Turkish engineer,
and a former classmate in medi-
cal school.
He also worked up a corre-
spondence with people in 15 dif-
ferent countries.
Gift Adds New
Art Magazin
To 'U' Library
Insurance Magnate
Gives Subscription
A luxurious, costly new fine arts
magazine will be added to the col-
lections of the University libraries,
thanks to a recent gift.
George W. Carter, president of
the Michigan Insurance Company,
has donated two $150 a year sub-
scriptions to "Nation's Heritage"
to the University.
* " ':
ONE COPY WILL grace the
shelves of the rare book room of
saUshelveswillRFGRFtaoin RRR
the Clements Library, while the
other will appear in the periodical
room of the General Library.
"Nation's Heritage" attempts
to give a dynamic picture of
America, based on the philos-
ophy of the contents of the
Freedom Train.
The magazine spares no expense
to present photographs, etchings,
and woodcuts illustrating every
phase of Anerican learning,
homes fine arts, and industry.
In view of its valuable artistic
content, "Nation's Heritage" will
be used as reference material in
Fine Arts I. Since individual copies
sell for $30. fine arts studercs will
oenefit in more ways than one
Iron the latest of the University's
Iat'percd Cats
EGYPT --Information uncov-
ered by the World Book Encyclo-
pedia indicates that the ancient
Egyptians thought a lot of the
cat. When a feline died it was
made into a mummy and buried
in a special cemetery. Mummified
mice and saucers of milk were
placed alongside the cat to take
care of its needs in the after life.

C U A R D I N G F R E N C H MI N E ..S.tl-helmted umbile giuards patrol the Charles mine
in the St. Fdtienne district of o'ltral France after takin it over froA striking orkmen.


Committee Maps Campaign
To Collect $5,000 for WSSF

Campus grouls lined up to a throughout Europe necessitated
the World Student Service Funlld F setting up rest centers for stu-
drive for $5.000 yesterday as the dents and segregation of those
central committee announced its with the active disease from'
plans. other run down students.
Iitcr Guild. TFC. the Newman Up to 10 per cent of all students
Club, hillel and the Barnaby Club were found to have infectious tu-
have undertaken work for th(' berculosis in some parts of Greece.
drive- according to a W.S.S.F. report,
3 The W.S.S.F. is an international
MEMBERS of the lter Guild organization set up to give aid toI
will man the tag day buckets lo- students in war torn countries.I
cated all over the campus Feb---
ruary 17 and 18. IFC, the New-
man Club and Barnaby Club will BOYS AND THE LAW:
also help, P. T. Austin is in charge. ;

0 C Y C. L £ B U I L I - R T N - The old-time "Bicycle Built for Two" was a toy com-
pared withf tis Belgian inodel made to carry ten persons or a weiht of 2,201 ponids. The wheels,
shown at tlie Bruels motoreycle and Cycle Show wil have special heavyweight tires for the road.

Members of Hillel and resi-
dents of Helen Newberry have
mapped a poster campaign.
Lew Fowler, drive chairman,
has contacted student presidents
of various groups. Basking for in-
dividu al or groun p teon trib .tiuc is.
Groups making pledges will be
listed on a special honor roll.
A special appeal has also been
made to members of the faculty.
MONEY RAISED by the drivel
will be used to provide food, drugs,
medicines and books for students
in tuberculosis sanatoria in Eu-
rope and Asia.
Spread of the disease
ROiT Rolls
Slww Dec hnte
Spring Smeter' ROTC enroll-
(nent suffered a slight decrease
from last term's registration, ac-
ordin, in 1 moh militn a mrv d rt

INovel BigBrother Sentence
Helps Delinquent Youngsters


Four Ann Arbor boys who might
have been in reform school today
are free instead, and looking for-
ward to a future of worthwhile
fun and respect for the law, under
the guidance of newly acquired
"big brothers."
For this, they can thank the
wisdom and sympathy of Probate.
Judge Jay H. Payne, who placed
the boys under probation, in
charge of four Ann Arbor men
who will serve as the big brothers.
The men were appointed special
probationary officers for a year.
EACH MONTH they will meet
with the boys, who admitted cadg-
iog several automobile ornaments
recently at the Elks parking lot.
T'he meetings will be purely recre-
Already planned are a party
at a school in the boys' neigh-

only a few days before January 25,
when tlie parking lot thefts took
One of the program's aims, said
Judge Payne, is to achieve volun-
tary parental cooperation when
obviously stolen items are brought
into the home, rather than over-
looking the thefts as childish
Economist To
Lecture Here
Two lectures on economics will
oe given Monday and Tuesday by
Prof. John H. Williams of Har-
vard University in the Rackham
Prof. Williams will speak before
L11 EonImic ,, C l o _


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