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February 12, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-12

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Mercenary Ball?

THlE COLD "WARF between Michigan State
College and the University of Michigan,
over football relations continues to 4evelop.
The latest barrage from the State cam-
pus carne in the form of an editorial
,tttack on Mlichig-an for its policy in re-
gar(is to the existing football arrange-
nments hetween the two schools.
The editorial accused Michigan of be-
coming a mwecenary sports institution in-
stead of puirsu ing_ the gauze of intercollegiate
football for glory,, and honor.
'there has been no serious attempt to deny
the fact that modern football is played for
financial returns to the school and, indirect-
ly, to the players and students through in-
creased athletic facilities.
Vii should be noted, however, that be-
fore Michiganustte's journalists start
throwing accuations t; tMichigan they
mnigt do W('vll tiio ('iIi(eth-ir own ath-
Being a I 1"td grant college, State receives
both fiederal aind stat e suport for its pro-
gramn. Itis on>ly natural to assume that a
part of thiis Lund is channeled to defray
the. cost,( of min1 taining athletics.
M'ichtigan on thit other hand receives
Fdiorih ~h1Ii~edin The' Michigan Daily
aire wit/c i by -nicrubcrc of Th'Ie Daily staff
and YrjereeuI the vicics of(4 y,/Ic'witers onrly.

no federal suppiort for the institution on
a similiar basis. It dloes receive state a,,tist-
ance for its educational prog;ram.
However, the Michigan athletic depart -
ment has been for many years self-sustain-
ing in not only football but in the numerous
rider sports fronm which the entire st udet
body benefits.
The gate receipts from football are, in
large, the financial basis for thlienct ire
Michigan athletic set-up.
Only two buildings, IWatefinan Gym anid
Ferry Field were built with outside assist-
Before State became a member of the
Big Ten and completed Mackin Field, the
game with Michigan was the big one on its
schedule and both schools benefited from
the attendance facilit ies of tyre 'M ivli('ig
Being impartial, State will lhave' to ad -
mnit that its crew athletic facilities could
not have been completed without State
aid designed specifically for atletic n-
Michigan has not~ had this aid init,,L
sports program.
Before hurling charges at l ichriganr, taGte
might benefit from a closer examinat ion
of its own athletic plans -and be willing toc
let the Big Ten, of whrich it is nlow a
member, decide the basis for fuiture g:IHW5
(as do all present members) whe in they
become eligible t~o sit dtown :A the scheduile
table in 1953.

__ MUSIC +


L AST N1611rI1"S CONCERT by Vladimir
iHorow itz wa only less good than some
of, hi , pt ,\ revi, os, W5 I'again displayed the
1.thniCa l wmistery 0-hat characterized his
younjger days, lillacking S ;oimeCof his
form"r wr k 0 oi (vlec iy the audience.
The Schubert Inipromupt a %ith which the
program ,begann didn't present Horowitz
at his best. H1is treatmrent of single melody,
clearly all-imlportant in this rather slight
piece, was neither as lyrical as it could have
been nor as fine as it was in later selections.
Beethoven's early Sonata in D (op. 10, No.
3) presented different problems which Horo-
witz generally solved with his usual finesse.
Ils ,,rendering of the first movement recalled
om tthe old spark, and the third move-
mnt broug'mht hime into something approach-
ing hsnest form.
Moussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition
provided a striking contrast with the Beeth-
oven work. If there is such a thing as rep-
resentational music. this is it; Moussorg-
sky based his music on feelings evoked by
paintings, and some sections of it are al-
most musical realism. Superb, for those who
like this kind of thing, and Horowitz' play-
ing wrung long applause from the audience.
The highpoint of the concert came with
the Chopin selections just after intermission.
Here the master was at his best, in playing
music that called for his unexcelled tech-
nique without demanding profundity of feel-
in.The works were a Ballade in A-flat,
two Noctrunes in E minor and F-sharp, an
Etude (op. 10) and an F minor Mazurka.
'The Nocturnes were particularly beautiful.
Horowitz concluded with a work of his
own styled "after Liszt," the Rakoczy March.
.-P-hil lDawsonl

L AST NIGHTI Ken MacDonald, disc jockey
of the F-M Club, brought 1 a bit of nins--
cal relaxation in to Ann Arbor miuch to ii a,
relief of many tired ears. 1lse-"epa.
were thme feat utiC(Isars. and bothlddivr
well as etitertainers amld musickis. Maic-
Donald was bucking a trendl ilasiiiti(h as
Vladimir Horowitz was playing a concert at(;
Hill Auditorium, and managed to merely
break evenm. This was his first attempt at
this sort of thing, but, discouraging as it
may have been, the reception by the audi-
ence and the all around fine show that
Sarah and Lester put together.
The first set was done by Young and his
small group. "Pres" played some of his well
known Aladdin recording~s such as. Just
You, Just Me and I). B. Blues, and did t here
very much the same as he had on the origi-
nal discs. These Foolishi Things wvas a solo
done in the Coleman Hawkins idiom by
Young, and he sounded again like the "old
Lester." Tea for Two closed the set, and it
was done as a head arrangement fashion,
showing off the talents of the sidemen
The second set was Sarah's and her very
able accompanist's, Jimmy Jones. She too
did some of her better known numbers, and
did them in much better fashion than she
had the last time we caught her show. Sarah
usually gives more of herself in personal
appearances than she does on records, andi
last night was no exception. Her renditions
of Dlon't Blamne Me, and B-ody and Soul
practically broke uip the audience, and she
showed in both that she could maintain
stage presence and control her sometimes
annoying vibrato.
-John Osmundserti

Gorefl On, Prose
Y OU CANNOT MAKE yourself into a lib-
eral ini the *ate Forties by endorsing the
legislativ e programs of the early Thirties.
1hat is wh at, Governor Dewey tried t o do
in his> Lincoln Day speech, and it is not.
enotgh. lt, camne out flat-footedly for a
number of mneasures which were first passed
ten years and more ago "farm price sup-
ports, tmomlilploymnhit insurance, old-age
benefits, lum (clearance and other such
piroam'i is. But thats not liberalism in 1949;
that's just offering a bundle of accepted
concepts hardly less trite than old-time
references to the mock-bound coast of Maie
~andil tP ia s I -iS:;d shore., of !odel Cl-
f ornia.i
Tro be a liber-Al in 1919, your libealism
mrust have some of the content o 1949
in it. Put the only current and con-
troversial iniasure Governor Dewey men -
tiotied was the Nyi rray-Wagner-Dingell
inllfor ct'oihulsnry heltha it nsurance. lHe
oliipos#d it,
The i Governor's specech had everything in
it exce~pt. Itle year 1949. Ile left that out.
Thc most important measure ilow before us
is repea I of theI a'laft-Hart Iy act. Dewey
(lidn' nt.ffeiit ion iU. 'T'heicis a great (co-
trover'sy asto twheX1(their we otgh t to build
l,( }(0,t0(new low -rnt 1liousing units, or
on1ly 00,100. It is not t'i ou"'li to come Out1 for
.liamii cl ralei' Iflow many houses are you
for' ilio:e Your iiihr! The Governor
(Ji thIle vea'y (lay on wich tli' spoke
there lhad (I ei a :shu idderingdelie in
fai~m price'swithIi wheia t f lin r ii Iet.
cotrn 8 ~jiiventsvf. Liblealism. ,as of that
night, Irequlir'edlsoneimntioni of this, the
jopen11ing- ofC some perspective for asing the
coninigperiod o j tdustment The over-
nior madte haet etioniiof1the sbtject. The
body of' his spceb could have been given
th ,r' ear bt'Iore-- a id a really libeal
stt'ii chan tnever lil eibeen'C;r givel the year~ i
'To be i be ral yoiii utst t least be curen;
your wvods mutst carry proof that you are
march ng with thle men and women Of your
day arnd as of today, and if the subjects
you find yourself compelled to raise are
painful, that iS one of the ways you know
thiat you aire really trying to be an effective
Actually. what the Governor seemed to be
trying to do was to rescue the Republican
party. not by (hanging the yfacts, but by
changing thle terms we use to describe the
facts, Ilie as reaching for a verbal solution.
And to do this lhe had to lay violent hands
upon ottr political orientation. He shoved
the Republican party over to the left--
verbally---and called it liberal; having done
that lie found he had to shove the Demo-
ratic party still further to the left, and
(all it totalitarian. As to where that left
the real totalitarians, he didn't say. Nor did
he explain why Mr. Truman is engaged in
such a bitter fight with the Communists. i
his policies are as much like theirs as his
speechi hinted.
Mayb~e the truth of the matter is that
this whole attempted rearrangement is
invalid, that Communists are still Coi-
munists, that Mr. Trrumn is a pretty
good liberal. arid that Mir. Dewey is, on
the wvhole, a remorseful conservative.
But 1 haven't written this piece to attack
Mr. Dewey. I've written it to raise the whole
issue of verbalistic poitics, of playing games
it i1itie n ames of things at a time when
p~roblems are, real. It is trte we live in a
diffictilt ad confused t itne. But we never
show otir' confusion more, I think, than
when we try to produce clarity through a

new toral of words.,01' try to cure our prob-
lemis, not by altering facts, butt by altering
de(fiitionls. 'Tie world antd its pr~oblems re-
Inaincld lie Samle after Mr. Dewey's speech;
Chat is the answer, the unanswerable an-
(Copyright I, 19-9). New ovk UTr ost Corpoi'ation)

°' Hi i t 'lasadI N'itlt The Ex~ports'$

Plihuic'ation in 'The Daily OffiCil
Bitlet in is constrnctive not ice to all
meutcihers, of I hte Unriversity. Notices,
,,Ir Owe PtlillIii ,ho-old he senit in
k r w~iiil r ft It* iw O ffice f1it h
A; Sed .t CI ( lia Pvi'u' l t , iloaln C-1:1
ixr'ecliti ili mtion jIlI -oim I ' lay
ii rd; Iys).
SATURDAY, FEB1. 12, 1919
VOL. TAX, No. 91)
18'a i igtoi's Bir-thdiy 'I ie
only om-clay )I oidays listed in
t1 ie ac'adelmicc Oalendal' adopted
by~ the' Regents at their mreeting
of December 18. 1948 are Thianks-
giving Day, Memorial Day, amid
Independence Day.
Washington's Birthday is not
a holiday.
H erbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Wonmen students planning to
attend the 1949 Suammer Session
may applyv now for housing in the
Office of thle Dean of Women.
'me following residences will be
opien: Thle New 'Women's Resm-
dence (for grauat', and under-
graduate women), Betsy Barbour
House (for gmaduate women only),
League Houises, Soromity Houses,
for non-members as well a:
memnbers), and Co opera tiv Huss
The type of residence desired
should be specified at the time the
application is made. Accommoda-
tions with or without meals art
available in all types of housing

pupil of Oliver Edel, Miss Bullen
will be assisted by Harriet Risk,
cellist, and Patricia Hough, pian-
ist. I~em' program will include
compositions by Bocchem'ini, Schu-
imalr, and Creston, and will be
opmen to the general public.
!Strident Recital: Wilbur Perry,
pianist, will present a program in
p~artial fulfillment of the require-
m tents for the degree of Bachelor,
of' Music at, 8 p.m., Mon., Feb. 14.
Lydia Mendelssohn T'heatre. Mr.
Perry, a pupil of' Joseph Brinik-
Sman, will play comnpositions of
Bach, Beethoven, Schumatn.,
Chopin, Debussy, and Sowerby.
.The program will be open to the
general public without charge.
Events To+rday
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
oGroup: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Cangregation - Disciples Guild:I
tMr. Bob Rankin, "YMCA secretary
cfi'om Oberlin College,, will speak
on "Christians in Vocations."
Program begins at 4 p.m., Gumild
'r House. Members of the Guild in
Inter-Guild are invited.
s Congregational-Disciples Guild:
e#"Sh moo di gras" party, 9 p.m.,
Congregational Chum'ch. For res-
d ervations call 5838.
G- Roger Williams, Guild: Valen-
Stine Party, 8 p.m., Guild House.

Lettes t~the d i tor...

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of subnitting letters for
publication in this column. Subect
to space limitations, the general po-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received atl letters bearing
tiht writer's signatuire and atdress.
Letters exceeding 3601 words, repeti-
tions letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are riot in gooti
taste wilt not lbe pulishe. 'ihe
editors reserve te priilege of co-
de'nsinlg letters.
I'o the Editor:
[ N RECENT WEEKS I've read
scores of vituperative aticles
nd editorials about the arest of
Cardinal Mindszenty. Unforu-
ately, The Michigan Daily has
joined the general clamor wit hout
ivest igating known facts.
I should like to quote frontaaIm
interview that George Seldes, ed-
tomr of the newsletter "In Fret,"
ad with Ivan Boldizar, Under-
Secretar'y of Foreigni Affairs for
Hunga ry. The Secretary men-
ioned that the '., . Cadinal's
satements and actions are not
nly dimected against us politically,
but they are actually treason-
able . .." At this p)oint Mm. Seldes
interrupted to ask why the gov-
er'nmnt did not arrest the Camd-
inal, for'this interview occurred
before Cardinal Mindszenty was
arrested and tmied. "The last thing
we would do," replied the Under-
sedretary, "would be to a'rest thet
Cardinal and ty him for treason.
Ile is umdoubtedly guilty, and the
verdict would undoubtedly be
death by shooting. AndI that, be-
lieve it or not, is exactly what
this' medieval fanatic is praying
for," Boldizar continued. "Card-
inal Mindszenty, like his prede-
cessom, Cardinal Semidi, is a fas-
cist and an anti-semnite. Minds-
zeity mails agaimnst the Jews to
every newsaper cormespondent
who intemviews him---and most of
them protect him by not report-
ing what he actually says. We
have one instance, however, wheme
the Cardinal was completely ex-
posed. A British woman Journal-
ist (Bertha Gaster) got the usual
dirty propaganda from the Card-
inal: he said a group of dwarfed
' men are ruling the country; the
majority consists of a Jewish gang
of terrorists; Jewish sadists ar
torturing Hungarians at 66 A-
drassy Strasse, where scores o
priests are imprisoned and tor-
tured, and naked women parade
before them." Incidentally, CBS
correspondent Howard Smith an
Miss Ruth Lloyd made a sdder
unannounced visit to 66 Andrassy
Strasse. They found 19 men there
all looking "healthy and well an
there were no marks of maltreat-
But why isn't this news printed
in columns of our papers? Are W
to deliberately close our eyes t
the fact that there is basis fo
this trial? The distortions in the
press are notorious wheneve
Eastern European countries a r
concerned. Had I the space,1
would present the falsification
that Stewart Alsop (who metracteC
statements only under the threa
of libel suits) and other column
ists are perpetually dispensing t
those of us gullible enough to ac
cept these writings as undoubtedl
I sincerely hope that in futir
columns, we'll have less inflamma
tory and discriminatory article
and mome logical and factual ma
-11y Betshad.
Sports for /1ll
To the Editor:
ME HEAR MUCH about th
marvellous facilities and in
structions in the University Ath

ltionally known c h ampio n sh i
teams it produces. This is admix
able and fine for those who al
able to participate, and for th
national reputation of this Uni
Also, we hea- that the Athleti
Department holds as its mnottl
Sports for All." But I ask, if th'
is its motto, why does it not prcd
vide adequate spor'ts facilities fc
My case imn point is the athleti
facilities for women. Most Uni
versity wvomen do showv an intem
est in their own athletic endeaxi
or's, as evidenced by the membem
ship in the mnany clubs sponsom'e
rby a student group, the Wore
3en's Athletic Association. But tl-
fwomen of the Univem'sity will alp
say that the athletic departmer
rfor them, wvhile ably staffed, he
such poor facilities, indeed muc
rpoor'er than many high school
that their opportunities are lin'
i ted and their interest dulled.

The bowing- alleys in the Wom-
en's Athletic Building are warped,
the swimming facilities for women
amre liited to time 'Barbour Bath-
tub' and certain hour's in tihe Un-
ion Pool. A fee is charg;ed for
the us~e of thie tennis courts, and
while it is said that they are for
the sole use by women, it is known
that men fmequentl " and openly
use these cour'ts without femalle
'T'ue, also this complaint of ne-
glect is mnot time sole prop3erty of
hle Women of the University. I
reatd in The Daily just today that
tI hue t mci' fnciig club desires
va :1''t1' recogim it io n. Cros~s coulnt ry
tri'alk t(e:i111imembet's have this
sanm(' dletii'e. anid it is only i'e-
cctly that 150 pound man foot-
ball has stm'uggled into its own.
i1 "Spor'ts for All" means spocrt;
for' all to see, the depamtment livt,_
up to its motto. But if it( meanr s
spomrts for' all students, even if'
they are an individual mat ter and~
do not draw paying spectato0r in-
tem'est, it has all but failed. It is
time the athletic department ex-
aminied its initial puirposes. It
sh-ould ask itself if it exists only
to provide the means by which the
Univemrsity of Michigan may be-
come nationally recognized as an
outstanding educational institu-
tlion, by the standar'd, of teamt
sport crazy United States, or does;
its purp'lose lie in pmoviding time
means of healthful r'elaxation for
ALL the students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
-Mariy Farmer Kuiv nen.
TIo the Editor':
'I T SH-OULD) BE the duty of every
American to write a letter to
Attorney Gener'al Tom Clark de-
manding the immediate dropping
of ('har'ges against~ the twelve
rCommunists niow 0om trial in t New
Yor.We oofMxWallace, Progr'essive Par'ty mciii-
bers handed me a eimcular- whichs
asked me to write such a letter'
to Tomy Clam-k, I simply scoffed.
BUT now I have been able to
see things clearer. In view of
1the recent trial in Hungary it is
evident, beyond all doubt, that the
Stwelve men on trial in New York
(for reasons trumped up by the
rFBI) should be released. It is ap-
parent to anyone who studies the
situation carefully that these 12
fmen, like their H-ungarian coun-
terparts, have only the interests
9of the people at heam't. They want
to give us a govemnment that is
ltruly Democratic where Liberty
1 especially freedom of thought
andi speech') and JUSTICE prevail
for all.
--Don Gordon.

Those interested in residing in "The October Man" at 8:30 p.m.,
a French, Spanish or Germane tonight, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
hotuse will also receive infoi'ma- tre. Box office opens 3 p.m.
Lion upon redqtuest at time Office of-- -
Ib o Di of Womteni. -- - -

IQTi 11 i

Baseball Manager's: All men
who am'e interested in becoming
fmeshmten, sophomore, or juniom'
baseball manager's meet out at
the field house 4:30 p.., Mon.,{
V,). 14x

Movie: 1948 World Series Game,
8:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m., Sun, Feb.
13, Michigan Union Ballroom.
Everyone is invited to attend
fr'ee of char'ge.



New Harmony

THE UNIVERSITY Music School has taken
a new step towards unifying its stu-
dents. A group of music majors has mapped
out and put into action plans for' a Music
School A,,ssembly which e'xt ends student gov-
erinment oto i'529 usic concentrates on
Alusic students have long formed one of
1 'IC-I'RA': Ar'letty, lFernaiidtl, Michel
rlnatriatg('t to be Freinch comedy; and
juldging frvonmtlte 'xc't'cses at the Orpheum
thi wek.thme rdsu lt iS :: fortunate one. Fric-
Fm'ac se ves a an xcelh'imt Oilustl'atiott of
whait Fi'encim pe'rsotahit y (can ite toi revive an
essentia lly seedy -plot.
Arletty, whlose sex is soneihat ;laded
(wvhat else with the French?) parades
thrrough ithis vciema iniapolka-dot imodel
designed to ('11 iltisi'i'e ' anything but
shoplworn ffigure, deviating from her' role
as straigimant only long enough to conl-
duct at les;son in anatomny which is frankly
Fenande ul and Michel Simnm exhibit once
again thecir ability ais master-comedians, for-
tunately wit hi enough enthusiasm to oblit-

the most elosely knit groups on campus.
Outsiders might wonder why they have
taken steps to form their own student
government. But, having muchi in
common, many music maJors felt that
they should have a unif'ied voice to for-~
tlher their common goals.
The number of music st udent s on campus
has increased steadily in the past few year's.
These larger numbers diemnd~ some offi-
cial representative body to naintain close
relations among music studemts and l'far-
Some problems common to nitlsic stum-
dents, such as over-loaded prac'tice room~is,
can be handled only b~y music schlool of'-
ficials working with the Board olie-
gents and the State legislatur'e. B~ut MSA-
has already helped to alleviate sonicot'
these difficulties lby institutingSuday
practice hor's. When the timge is rijpiCot'
further action, a unified opinion fron-
music students may be of' aid ini obtain-
ing funds f'or' the eonstr'uc'tioii of ';a ne w
MSA can fur'ther'time inttem'ests of mustim,
students by backinig;on(crt s and progranis
which will give student artist:sa greatoI
store of stage experience. 'T1c'group cani
also suppor't putrely social hintittions shell
ats time FinT' Arts Ball.
MSA presents a ch allenge to all in omit'
sttudents to make the most of their own
student organization. It also pre'sents an
example to other schools in tih' Univem'sit y
which might profit from greater cooperation
amtotng students seeking commmuon goals.
-Jo 7hsiner'.

Gradumate Ouiting Club meet at
British SunrtincI'e Schools: I N.W. entranc(e, Rackharn Bldg.,
All students who mighut be inter'- 2:30 p.m., Sun., Feb. 13, for wimter
ested to attend one of this year's sports. Sign supper list at Rack-
Sumimer Schools in British Uni- ham checkr-oom desk before noon
vemsities designed for American Saturday. Discussion of summer
and other' overseas students may trip to Alaska. All gr'aduate stu-
obtaimt inform ation co ntcer'ning dents welcom e. t o n f r ) f o f lr xi v


IVIi('hiuall rankedl thiird 1 uglest of all U.S.
uittve rsit ics i ii I Harvard Iand Pennisylvantia
firet= andot secoind. Michigan's Law School
xx ;ts bi-pest with 745 enrolled, while the lit-
o'm'am'y colle-t' wa°zs hlii-rolt uost withi 1 .429
30o 1'ARS ACCO:
' h m prp10t)iior)'of a Iotal1 store was am'-
rested for bringimug wvhisktey into the state
(iisgttiso'linl olive' oil hot tles it atypewriitei'
c'ase. The thIree tcallous of forbidden ''froit"-
Jic \vas intended fom' studentt use.
''1l uad," a T1tirkish cigarette, was adver-
t ised in The Daily as ''better than anty 30
ceit cig;arc t c"; t hey sold ifor' 10 for 20 cents.
The It alo-Vatican treat ies were recently
signo'd by the Pope and Premier of Italy.
Coyn-tent ini The Daily indicated thtat thte
tre'at it's wel e a shrewd diplomatic niove oni
the part of Pm'emier' Mussoimni, who then

Professor' Laing, Political Sci-
ence; Pmofessor WVillcox, Ilistoi',Y;
Professor Micm', Sociology; the
secretary of the Englisit Depart-
ment; and the secretary of the
Ecoitomics Department. Since ap -
p~licationts must, be it by Mar'ch 1.
coonsult at ion shltd ho' sought
ACrudeilue fNotces1
t conotnics 122, beginning Mon.
Feb. 14, will meet at 10 a.mm.,
MWF in 101 Econontics Bldg.
Accounting Achievement Test:
Results of test given to students
in Business Admtinistration 12
(Economics 72) in January may
be picked up in 150 Business Ad-1
minmistration Bldg., Monday
th[rough Friday, Feb. 14-18.
Student Recital: Joan Bullen,
cellist, will present a program ins
partial fulfillment of the require-3
ments for the degree of Bachelorj
of Music at 8 p.m., Sun., Feb .13,1
Lydia Mendelssolhn Theaelre .AI

Delta Sigma Phi, national social
fmaternity, is re-establishing its
Alpha Theta chapter' on the
Michigan campus. All transfer
stu~dents from other chapters and
any interested men are requested
to attend a smoker, 2 pam.. Sun.,
Feb. 13, Michigan Union.
R'nai 1B'rith. illel Foundation:
Suniday Fom'um, 3:30 p.m. Mr. 11.
1M. Levinsomn of the Economics
Dep't.. will speak on "Cuirrenit La-
bom' Problems."
State Department discount
war for 1949 provided:
That ERP aid continues to
spar'k Western Europe's recovery.
1That the Wester'n Union .and
the Atlantic Defense Union be-
come effective organizations.
That the Soviet advances in
China. are balanced by emergence
of India as the leading nation of
That world public opinion
swings more forcefully to the con-
cept of collective securilty within
the UN.
-UN World.

Jifly-Nuth Year
Edited lanid managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
auethority of the BoaitIn Control of
Student Publications.
Fli/orial Staff
liar-let t Friidman . ..Managing Eidtor
Dlick Matuy ............... City Editor'
Naomui Stern ........Edkit oriul Director
Allegr'a iasotualettl .. .Associate Editor
At lutmrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........AssocateC Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ............Sorts Editor
Buod Weidienthal ..-Associate Sports Ed.
Boev Iussey ..... Sports Feature Writer
Aud'r'y Bttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann THrris Asso. Women's Editor
iel-hoI haul; ...........tsmnt'ss Mtane
.Je'ani Leonatrdt.... Aiioveatii nt; Baia nuagf
WVilliam i(Jolnman , . ,. l~iuanc Mntsr
Cole' Christ ian . ..Circulatlin M!tmo'
J'lhoi))J 23-24-1
Al Cemb er of 'I 'e Asvojiaj/cd !1r .,
Th'ie Associated Press is excliistvely
entitled to the' use for repmmbli,,'t.I
of til news dipatt'he er tilted to it or'
otherwise c idited to lthisnew.-spper.
All rights of rpbia~nof:ill othier
1-natt ers heore'in are 'also rn'se'vedl.
Enteredt at time Post Office at Ann
Arbor, M ichiganr, as secondct'lass mail
mnat ter.
Subscription during the regular
so'hjntl year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,


rG5.Mr: O'Malley, is Gus' 1

Bf~ut, O'Malley-- CROAK- o diet

Hello! Hospial phrmacy? mor j

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