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May 27, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-27

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g$.(4itQu4 7kte
(Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor
Harriett Friedman).
I'll put my farewells into rhyme:
For Alex G., a medium-sized benison;
For ideas and help, I thank Dean Keniston.
To Briggs, Shiel, Adams, Watkins and
k '11 leave chapter two of a diplomacy
I'll warn Dean Walter against falling prey
To heavy pressures-and thank Dean Rea
For much good sense. A feminist hello
To Lloyd and Bromage, who can say no.
H ATS OFF to SL's head Jim Jans,
Who said what he thought on rights
and bans;
To Blair Moody, Ev Ellin, thanks delayed;
To Ryder, a hopeful accolade.
For Holland and the Union, a fat Bronx
For Lockwood and brothers, a single tear;
Nuts to the Michigan League en masse,
A sympathetic sob for the Senior Class.
A ND I'LL CONVEY my best to Nelson now,
To Austin Warren an esoteric bow;
Again much thanks to Hereward Price,
A reverent wink at secluded Rice;
Can't forget Greenhut, Arthos, Boys,
And I wish A. Seager fictional joys.
My best to Stevenson and Mrs. S.,
And the missing Frankena's I'd like to bless;
For Charles H. Peak, a huge huzza;
For Willie Gripman, some tired rah-rah.
S* *
TO MY FELLOW editors, Maloy and Stern
T Who made The Daily a going concern,
To Pasqualetti, Katz, Higbee, White
Plentiful thanks and a fond goodnight.
To Jaroff, next editor, take over the keys,
This typewriter's good for shooting the
So farewell my honeys, so long, goodbye,
With a sob, a chuckle and mud in your eye.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Senate---A EC
CONGRESSIONAL investigators claim that
Federal agents were able to remove two
bars of uranium from the Hanford atomic
plant at Richland, Wash. in a test of AEC
security methods. Therefore it may be de-
duced that the AEC security forces are not
on their toes.
The company operating the plant, how-
ever, claims that the whole affair was
phony because the government agents
that took the uranium (not uranium-
235 used in the manufacture of atomic
bombs) were admitted to the plant by
authorization of the Atomic Energy Com-
"Fire Lilienthal," shout Senators Hicken-
looper and Wherry.
Why? The senators seem to have many
reasons. Aside from the uranium "stolen"
from the Hanford plant, one-seventh of an
ounce of U-235 is still being hunted at the
Argonne Laboratories in Chicago. The re-
maining six-sevenths has been recovered
from "waste material."
The grant of a fellowship to Hans Frei-
stadt, a student at the University of North
Carolina and an admitted Communist, also
brought condemnation on the AEC from the
Senate group.

The shipment of isotopes to Sweden and
Norway, which was hailed by President
Truman as an aid to foreign research in
cancer, is being questioned by the Senate
This question has arisen mainly from the
testimony of Atomic Energy Commissioner
Lewis Strauss that he was opposed to the
idea of sending the isotopes to countries
neighboring Russia.
For these reasons the senators feel that
the AEC under Lilienthal's direction is fail-
ing to observe the strictest security meas-
The fact that Freistadt was not en-
gaged in atomic research that had any-
thing to do with the A-Bomb, and that
the isotopes shipped overseas were not
related to this phase of atomic energy in-
dicates the utter stupidity of the Senate
inquiries including the firing of Lilien-
The senators become so stirred up when
any one mentions the word "Communist"
that they fail to realize that there are
other uses of atomic energy besides blowing.
people to bits.
-Vernon Emerson.

Rebellion Needed

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THE TIME HAS come for a rank-and-file
rebellion against the Democratic Party
leadership, including, if necessary, the Pres-
ident. If the leading liberals in the party
continue to take what is being handed to
them from on high, they can close up shop
as liberals.
The news given us by Senator Lucas,
Democratic floor leader, after a Presiden-
tial conference, that a July 31 adjourn-
ment will be sought, even, apparently, if
that means no action this year on civil
liberties, health legislation, minimum
CANTON-This teeming city, which is the
official capital of what remains of Na-
tionalist China, almost literally stinks of
dissolution and decay. There are good men
here, as elsewhere in non-Communist China,
brave, intelligent, patriotic men. It is im-
possible to convey their awful weariness,
their total disillusion. One of China's ablest
former leaders revealed himself simply and
movingly to this reporter:
"I feel as if I were watching my mother
and father being murdered, and could do
nothing about it."
* * *
THE TRUTH is that the Chinese National-
ist government, which is ostensibly sit-
uated in this dusty, muggy, down-at-the-
heel human beehive, has simply ceased to
exist. The outer shell of government-self-
important officials occupying requisitioned
office space--still remains. But the inner
essence-authority, the power to govern-is
dead. Even the plump payrollers, trembling
over their tea-glasses, admit that Canton it-
self must fall soon.
The theoretical commander in the Can-
ton area is General Hsueh Yueh, who
fought the Japanese like a tiger, and has
strong local attachments through his mar-
riage to a princess of the powerful Hokka
tribe who live in the hills hereabout. But
General Hsueh Yueh can do little or noth-
ing to save Canton, for a cause succinctly
described by one of his subordinates--
"Not enough troops, troops don't want to
To be sure, there are still two real military
forces between Canton and the Communist
armies. One, situated in Fukien province, on
the coast to the north, is the remaining
mainland strength of Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek. The other, concentrated many
miles to the westward in Kwangsi province,
gives its allegiance to Vice President Li
Tsung-jen, and his long time partner, Gen-
eral Pai Chung-hsi.
* * *
IF THE FORCES of Chiang and Li and Pai
could join to cover Canton, Canton might
conceivably be held. Frenzied negotiations
to join the forces are now being conducted.
But the trouble is that Chiang and Li and
Pai have no interests in common, and no
real interest in Canton. Li and Pal want
to hold their stronghold in Kwangsi. Chiang
is determined to protect his own last-ditch
refuge, which is on the island of Formosa
off the Fukien coast.
The Communists are most likely to make
Chiang's Fukien position their first mili-
tary objective. They should then eliminate
Chiang from the Chinese mainland. He
will thus become a local warlord, ruling in
Formosa only.
This, in itself, will be a matter of utmost
interest to the United States. The Formosa
position, studded with Japanese-built air-
fields, is the key to our own Pacific defense
line, Japan-Okinawa-Philippines. It is
known here in China that the authorities
in Washington have even seriously consid-
ered overt American occupation of Formosa.

INTO FORMOSA, in preparation for a last-
ditch stand, the Generalissimo has al-
ready poured all his reserves of money, men
and arms. Unfortunately, along with some
good men, such as Geheral Chen Cheng, a
great many of the worth of the Kuomintang
leaders have also gone to Formosa. These
officials, plus the burden of the occupation,
have left the Formosan natives seething with
resentment. One faction would actually
invite an American occupation in place of
the Chinese. Another is subject to Chinese
Communist propaganda. Even so, however,
the Generalissimo is believed capable of
holding the island almost indefinitely,
against either internal revolt or attack from
the mainland.
His hope is reported to be the outbreak
of another world war, possibly beginning
this summer. But this has no relevance
to the practical situation. Only two facts
are relevant, with regard to the Gen-
eralissimo. First, China has already been
Balkanized. The Generalissimo is now no
longer the national leader. If our interests
dictate, the United States may now deal
with him on the new basis.
Second, much to the State Department's
grief, it will apparently be the Generalissimo
who will end in possession of Formosa. In
the State Department especially, many
American officials are angrily prejudiced
ainst him. But the strategic key to our

wage improvement, etc., is not news that
can be handled in the ordinary way, by
polite deprecation, mild expressions of
concern, or general remarks about the
pity of it all.
This news calls for the reply of positive,
affirmative political action. ~
* * *
1 MEAN SPECIFICALLY action by such
persons as Senator Paul Douglas of Illi-
nois, Senator Humphrey, Representative
Helen Gahagan Douglas of California, and
the newly-elected Franklin D. Roosevelt. Jr.
These figures, and others like them,
must repeat what was done on the floor
of the Democratic Convention on that
day last summer when the party bigwigs
were defied and a rousing civil liberties
plank was written into the platform.
The liberal forces took over effective, if
not formal, direction of the party then, and
they can do it again.
IN DOING SO, they will be doing only what
the President himself did when he broke
with the Dixiecrats and seemingly split but
really saved his party, and himself.
The story has developed since last
summer, and now it is necessary that there
be another split if there is to be another
Maybe the President himself, and his close
advisers will have to be the targets this time,
but the issue is exactly the same as it was
last year, to keep the Democratic party on
the liberal road at any cost, because the
cost of not doing so is certain to be even
* * *
THE PARTY'S leading liberals must at
once organize themselves into an in-
formal Committee to Fulfill the Democratic
Platform of 1948. They must do so, even if
the high command attempts to repair the
damage that has been done this week by
announcing that it has changed its mind
on adjournment, or that it has broadened
the "must" list. For the injury that has just
been done to liberal hopes cannot be repaired
with a word, or a promise.
No matter what new statements the top
leadership issues, it is not going to be as
easy as it was a week ago to convince the
public-and the conservative opposition-
that there is real urgency behind the offi-
cial Democratic drive for social reform.
Only an answer in terms of affirmative
political action, only an answer from deep
down within the Democratic Party, of a na-
ture that comes close to a real shift in
effective control, can convince the public
and the Congressional minority party that
the fight is still on.
only when the liberal and independent
voters are convinced that their desires and
feelings are somehow finding expression
within the party organization.
Right now those voters are feeling a
sense of outrage at the party's casual
attitude toward the matter of timing on
social reform-and, perhaps paradoxically,
that sense of outrage against the party's
recent course must find expression within
the party if the party is to continue to
be a meaningful liberal instrument.
The party's outstanding liberals must
react unequivocally and at once to the chal-
lenge of postponement that has been laid
down to them; they must react as the public
is reacting, under the penalty of losing that
public. There must be no hesitation and no
delay, because hesitation and delay are pre-
cisely the issues.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

(Continued from Page 3)
Hall and Lounges of the Rackham
Building will be open on Sunday,
May 29 and June 5, from 2 p.m. to
10 p.m., and on Monday, May 30,
from 8 a.m. to 10:45 p.m.
Surplus stock disposal - 3"x 5"
and 4"x 6" blank index cards of
assorted colors are offered to Uni-
versity departments by the Print-
ing Department at 40 cents per
thousand. No special sizes will be
cut. The cards are of regular in-
dex-bristol grade but no choice
of colors may be made. White is
not available. These may be pur-
chased only by departmental req-
uisition through the regular chan-
nels. The offer applies until stock
on hand is exhausted.
E. E. Lofberg,
Supt. of Printing
League House Presidents: Please
hand in the activities of all the
girls in your house for Assembly
Fortnight before Wed., June 1.
Leave them in the Assembly Presi-
dent's box, Undergrad Office. For
additional information, call
2-4561, Room 51G.
College of Engineering Registra-
tion Material:
Students enrolled for the cur-
rent term should call for Sum-
mer registration material at 244
W. Engineering Building, begin-
ning Tues., May 31, through Sat.
noon, June 4. Hours: 8 to 12 and
1:30 to 4:30, except Saturday.
Engineering College Seniors are
reminded to pick up Senior An-
noucements at the desk on the
second floor of W Engineering
Bldg., Thurs., May 26, from 9-12
and 2-5; and Fri., May 27, from
2-5. Bring receipts with you. No
Announcements will be distributed
after these dates.
Attention: House Directors and
House Presidents of women's resi-
Sign-out sheets for the week,
May 23-29, should be turned into
the Office of the Dean of Women
Monday, May 30. Sign-out sheets
during exam week are to be turned
into that office also.
Summer Work:
Opportunity for junior in elec-
tro-chemical engineering to work
during summer months for a com-
pany in Traverse City, Michigan.
Opportunity for junior (male)
in mathematics, interested in ac-
turial work to work for actuarial
company in Washington, D.C.
Newburgh, New York Girl Scouts
are looking for two assistant coun-
selors 19-20 years of age.
Clearwater Camp for Girls (pri-
vate) Minocqua, Wisconsin, is
looking for an experienced riding
Representative of H. J. Heinz
Company will be at Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Fri., May 27 to inter-
view men for positions at pickle
collecting stations in Michigan.
Involves physical and some cleri-
cal work.
Opportunity for junior engineer
-with surveying experience and
mathematics through calculus to
do drawing and computations for
civil engineer in Ann Arbor area.
Representative of Mandeville and
King Company, seedsman, will be
here Wednesday morning, June 1,
to interview men with cars inter-
ested in working with their travel-
ing sales force during the summer
months. Salary, expenses, and
For further information con-
cerning the above call at Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Building, Bureau of Ap-
Veterans' Requisitions: The last

day for refunds at the Cashier's
Office on cap and gown requisi-
tions will be Friday, June 10.
Fraternities and Sororities:
Monthly membership reports for
May are due in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, 1020 Administration
Bldg., on or before June 5.
Disciplinary Action:
At a meeting of the University
Sub-Committee on Discipline, held
Wed., May 25, at 7:30 p.m.:
The Sigma Phi Fraternity hav-
ing been charged with having a
party at its chapter house on the
evening of Sat., May 21, 1949, for
which approval had been secured
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, but at which liquor was
served in violation of University
regulations, and having been rep-
resented by Arleigh S. Hitchcock,
Casper Y. Offutt, Jr., David H.
Pease, Jr., and Lewis W. Towler
who appeared to testify in relation
to the charge presented, the com-
mittee after hearing the testimony
finds that the fraternity is guilty
as charged; and, having received
assurances, both from the active
members of the fraternity present
and from the alumni members

The Daily accords Its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
Itious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
Itaste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Liquor Ban...
To the Editor:
[N DON McNEIL'S editorial which
appeared in the May 24th
issue, he makes the statement that
"youngsters who might ordinarily
not have taken a drink were at-
tracted to it by the thrill of defy-
ing an abortive law." Are Univer-
sity students so childish that they
get a "bang" out of breaking the
law? Perhaps Mr. McNeil would
suggest removing all laws, such as
those against larceny, arson, mur -
der, etc., so as to remove the temp-
tation. If Michigan students are
that immature, how did they get
in, and what are they doing here
if they did?
It is agreed that the University
should and does have some con-
cern over the well-being of its
students, i.e., the driving ban.
Since it is a scientific fact that
alcohol does impair one's reason-
ing and that as little alcohol as
is in one bottle of beer may dull
one's judgment, hinder one's con-
science, and loosen one's emotions,
consider whatscould happen to one
while in this condition. And I
doubt if many parties are limited
to one beer. Therefore should the
University allow its students to
jeopardize their well-being as well
as that of others on University
property, or at a University sanc-
tioned gathering? If you remove
the liquor ban, why not remove
also the driving ban, evening hours
for girls, etc., while you are at it?
I fail to see the connection
which Mr. McNeil makes between
the present ban and national pro-
hibition. His "humiliated" students
who are "far past their 21st birth-
day" need only walk a few blocks
and be served all they want. Is
that prohibition?
-G. R. Thompson.
Infringement ...
To the Editor:
Men's Judiciary Council by
the faculty sub-committee on Stu-
dent Discipline on the fraudulent
election of four student candi-
dates during the recent all-campus
elections has shown students are
not able to set up as high a stand-
ard of government as they would
like to achieve.;
The Men's Judiciary Council
has found evidence indicating four
candidates won their positions by
fraudulent machine voting meth-l

ods. Although no evidence has
been found to personally involve
the candidates, the Judiciary
Council has indicated it feels no
person elected by concerted illegal
means should be allowed a posi-
tion as an officer of a student or-
ganization. Concerted means are
in evidence. the Council has found,
because fraudulent Votes were cast
for both Sophomore and Junior
engineering class candidates, a
combined schools Union vice-pres-
idential candidate and a Student
Legislature candidate, all of whom
are from the same fraternity. Ob-
viously, the same votes were cast
by at least three individuals since
the same person couldn't vote for
the different school officers.
It is true the University must
reserve the right to regulate stu-
dent groups, but faculty action in
this case has infringed on a sphere
of authority granted to the Judi-
ciary Council by both the regula-
tions of the University and the
election regulations of the Stu-
dent Legislature. The purpose of
the election was to choose a stu-
dent governing body and was to
be under student jurisdiction.
Therefore, the ruling of the Judi-
ciary Council under its power to
supervise elections should apply.
The sub-committee could take
concurrent action on the case on
the grounds that the election
showed evidence of student mis-
conduct which is subject to the
authority of the Subcommittee on
Student Discipline. However, such
action would be another facet of
the case and consequently ought
not conflict with the Judiciary
Council's ruling.
--D. H. Stremmel,
IFC Sing ...
To the Editor:
THE ANNUAL IFC sing deserves
high praise not only for the
efficient organization of the en-
tire project but also for the ex-
,ellent performance standards that
were always in evidence.
Congratulations are in order for
all concerned and it is especially
gratifying to those of us who
have been, privileged to act as
arbiters to see the steady growth
in interest as well as artistic
achievements. Last Sunday night
was an enriching experience.
-Lester McCoy.
Maynard Klein.
Philip Duey.
* * *
Trenton Case . .
To the Editor:
[T IS DEEPLY disturbing to me
that while I, like most Amer-
icans, enjoy economic and political
security, that while I belong to
the most fortunate and privileged
group of human beings anywhere
in the world, six men sit in a
court of justice in Trenton, N.J.,

desperately seeking reversal of a
conviction for a murder that they
did not commit. These six men
because of color of their skin and
lowly economic status, stand con-
victed of a crime not theirs, and
sentenced to die as a result of
perhaps the grossest miscarriage
of justice since Saco and Van-
zetti. The general indifference of
the press, except that of the left,
to call attention to this Trenton
"justice" for the viciously un-
American practice that it is, is al-
most as disturbing as the case it-
self. It is an equally unsavory
commentary on American life that
the only organizations that have
voiced protest and sought to help
these six men save their lives are
the NAACP. the American Civil
Liberties Union, and the Civil
Rights Congress, the last men-
tioned of which is on the Attor-
ney General's list of subversive or-
At a time when Americans are
rightfully quick to denounce vio-
lations of human rights in Spain,
South Africa, and the Soviet Un-
ion . . . in a word, when we are
sensitive to any gross denials of
democracy abroad. . , it is not
only saddening but infulating
that so many of us can be un-
aware of and helpless to avoid
such brutally undemocratic treat-
ment of American citizens at the
hands of the legally constituted
organs of justice and govern-
I feel sick and once more
ashamed that I am an American
and white.
-David P. Leonard.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: For facts on this
case see "The Trenton Murder Case,"
by Bruce Biven, in the New Republic
for May 6)
* * *
Terminiello.. .
To the Editor:
break my bones, but names
will never hurt me," is not ex-
actly the political philosophy on
which the U.S. Constitution is
founded. But it is not too far re-
Anglo-American law recognizes
a distinction between "speech"
and "acts." For the social good
we may restrain some acts, but we
may not, and should not, restrain
words or ideas unless those words
are slander or constitute restrain-
able "action."
Thus, Miss Friedman is con-
sistent when she opposes discrim-
inatory clauses and yet stands be-
hind the Supreme Court on their
decision in the Terminiell case.
Discrimination is always an act-
and when you eliminate it (if you
can) you take away rights belong-
ing to no one. Nowhere in our con-
stitution, or in our history, can
you impute rightsto thepeople
to dicriminate because of race,
color, or creed. Discrimination is
a power, not a lawful right.
Concerning the Supreme Court
and Rev. Terminiello, one might
well argue that the words the good
Father used were something more
than speech-that maybe they
were acts. Unfortunately, news
accounts have not made it clear
that this idea was not the basis
of the Supreme Court decision.
They were not there to dismiss
the conviction of a rabble-rouser.
They were passing on the conti-
tutionality of the ordinance under
which he was convicted. That
statute dealt with more than In-
citement to violence" and "riot."
It also outlawed words, speech, and
ideas which "aroused anger . or
"tended toward unrest." It seems
to me that that statutory language
was much too demanding and
broad. It cotnravened our demo-
cratic institutions and should be
overruled even if it means setting
a cheap hate-peddler free. The
court judged only the constiution-
ality of the ordinance. The Rev-

erend they left to heaven.
-Arthur Moskoff.

Current Moviees

At the State ...
THE WALKING HILLS, with Randolph
Scott, William Bishop, Josh White, and
(ouch) Ella Raines.
If so, this picture should be right up
your alley: it's the poor man's "Treasure of
the Sierra Madre," not as good, certainly,
but still adequate.
As in "Treasure," a rather sleazy group of
people get a sure tip on where a fabulous
treasure is cached, and, being sleazy people,
set out in search of it.
Among others along on the jaunt, and
performing well, are such specimens as
Randolph "The Rugged" Scott, folk-singer
Josh White and William Bishop, newly lib-
erated from the "B" picture dungeon,
Josh White especially, whether he is sing-
ing, acting or playing his git-tar is very im-
pressive in a generally fine cast. Generally
fine, that is, because of the superfluous pres-
ence of Ella Raines. Already handicapped
by a pitiably inability to actress, Miss Raines
is burdened with the only weakly contrived
character in the whole motley crew, and,
since she is Miss Raines, can't do a thing
about it.
In spite of the people though, the cli-
max itself must be marked up as the
picture's outstanding property.
All hell breaks loose: a mare foals, people
throw shovels at each other, a guy dies of a

good faith to fulfill the assurances
given may result in the imposition
of more severe penalties.
--University Sub-Committee
on Discipline
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination f or
Woodrow Wilbert Morris, Psychol-
ogy; thesis: "The Prediction of
Personality Attributes by Means of
the Rorschach Method", Mon.,
May 30, 2134 Natural Science
Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chairman, M. L.
Doctoral Examination for FKirk
Haskin Stone, Geography; thesis:
"Alaskan Group Settlement: The
Matanuska Valley Colony", Mon.,
May 30, 210 Angell Hall, at 3 p.m.
Chairman, S. D. Dodge.
Doctoral Examination for Elwyn
Lyle Martin, Geography; thesis:
"Land Types of the Saginaw
Drainage Basin", Tues., May 31,
210 Angell Hall, at 3 p.m. Chair-
man, K. C. McMurray.
Doctoral examination for Felice
Hilda Davidson, Mathematics, the-
sis: "Algebras with Radical: An
Investigation of the Class QF 1-3",
Mon., June 6, 3001 Angell Hall, at
1:45 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Thrall.
Attention June Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made,
up in time to allow your instructor
to report the make-up grade not
later than noon, June 6. Grades
received after that time may defer
the student's graduation until a
later date.
All students who expect to be-
come candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate in February, June, or
August, 1950, should call for an
application form at the office of
the School of Education, 1437
U.E.S. Application forms should be
filr adrp i +,, ai +n +01P

German 1, 2, 31 final examina-
tions, Tues., June 7, 2-4 p.m. Room
assignments: 1, sec., 1, Fuehrer,
2203 AH; 1, sec. 2, Hascall, 2029
AH; 1, sec. 3, Gaiss, 231 AH; 1,
sec. 4, Bigelow, 35 AH; 1, sec. 5,
Bernard, 1025 AH; 1, sec. 6, Halley,
1035 AH; 1, sec. 7, Goettler, 229
2, sec. , Gaiss, 231 AH; 2, sec.
2, Goettler, 229 AH; 2, sec. 3, Pott,
18 AH; 2,- sec. 4, Reed, 25 AH; 2,
sec. 5, Thurber, 2235 AH; 2, sec.
6, Graf, 225 AH; 2, sec. 7, Thurber,
2235 AH; 2, sec. 8, Haley, 1035 AR;
2, sec 9, Fuehrer, 2203 AH; 2, sec.
10, Norton 16 AH; 2, sec. 11, Bige-
low, 35 AH; 2, sec. 12, Gaiss, 231
AH; 2, sec. 13, Hascall, 2029 AH; 2,
sec. -14, Reed, 25 AH; 2, sec. 15;
Heilbronner, 2231 AH; 2, sec. 16,
Mertens, 209 AH; 2, sec. 18, Heil-
bronner, 2231 AH; 2, sec. 19, Ber-
nard, 1025 AH; 2, sec. 20, Yates,
2013 AH.
31, sec. 1, Wiley, 25 AH; 31, sec.
2, Bergholz, 6 AH; 31, sec. 3, Ber-
nard, 1025 AH.
German 1, 2, 31 special senior
final examinations, Tues., May 31
7-9 p.m. All sections will meet in
231 AH.
German 12 final examinations,
Fri., June 3, 7-3 p.m. Allsections
will meet in 25 AH.
History 50-Final examination
--Mon., May 30, 2-4 p.m.
A-J, Room 35 Angell Hall
K-Z, Room B, Haven Hall
History 76--Final Examination
-Thurs., June 2, 9-12 noon.
A-L incl., Room 229 Angell Hall
M-Z, Room 212 Angell Hall .
History 92--Final examination
-Mon., May 30, 2-5 p.m.
Natural Science Aud.
History 12, Lecture II--Final
Examination-Sat., June 4, 9-12
Waterman Gym.
Economics 53-Mr. Dowd's four
sections a'nd Mr. Dieckman's sec-
tion two will meet for final exami-
nation in West Gallery, Alumni
Memorial Hall, instead of B Haven
Hall as previously announced.
Political Science Final Exami-
nation-Room Schedules.




Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...........City Editor
Naomi Stern.....Editorial Director
Ailegra Pasqualettl ... Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen .........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown............Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.........Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris ... Asso. Wom's Editor
Bess Hayes .. .... . .Librarian

Lookin Back

The second operation of its kind was per-
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