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May 27, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-27

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La test Deadline in the State

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See Page 4w



Impose Fine,
Probation on
Members Pledge
'U' Cooperation
Sigma Phi fraternity has been
fined $500 and put "on probation"
from May 26 to the end of next
year by the University Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline,
The disciplinary action was tak-
en by the Committee after it had
found the fraternity guilty of hav-
ing a party at its chapter house
last Saturday "at which liquor
was served in violation of Univer-
sity regulations."

Arleigh S. Hitchcock,
Ouffutt, Jr., David H.
and Lewis W. Towler.

Casper Y.
Pease, Jr.,

In addition, the committee
was given assurance both by
active members and alumni of
the fraternity that it. "had
.taken effective measures not
only to prevent a recurrence of
similar violations but also to
set an example of effective co-
operation with the University in
maintaining proper standards of
The Committee warned the fra-
ternity that "failure in good faith
to fulfill the assurances given may
result in the imposition of more
severe penalties.i"
** *
"ON PROBATION" for the fra-
ternity will mean restriction in
parties and other social activities,
but the houses will stay open, ac-
cording to the Committee's de-
Jake Jacobson, president of In-
terfraternity Council, declined to
comment on the decision, but said
that he and a special representa-
tive of IFC had been given a non-
voting membership on the com-
Joe Jennings, president of Sigma
Phi also made no comment.
Reds Propose
Control Board
T Run Reich
Big Four Would Have
Veto Says Vishinsky
PARIS - ()-Russia proposed
to the foreign ministers' confer-
ence yesterday that a high rank-
ing German control board be
ftrmed to run the conquered
country-but that each of the Big
Four should retain a veto over it.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Vishinsky also gave an economic
look behind the Iron Curtain
which Western observers at the
meeting said left the Western
ministers skeptical and even hu-
morously misbelieving.
* * *
sion of the Council. The sessions
have become progressively longer
since the first one.
"It is getting to be just like
old times," an American dele-
gate commented in describing
the session, which ran for nearly
four hours in the pink marble
palace near Paris' famous Bo-
logne Woods.
Western spokesmen gave this
picture of the meeting:
The' clash of East and West
seemed to be increasingly solid,
save for the brief look into East-
ern Germany given by Vishinsky.
* * *
change of tone in one respect. His
proposal for a high ranking coun-
cil of Germans to administer many
political and economic functions
apparently was intended to win
German favor for Russia's pro-
posal to restore four-power con-
The American, British and
French delegates met it head on
by saying they would have none of
any type of control which ham-
pered the new Western German

Plan Curriculum
Changes for LS&A
New Program to Stress General
Education in Place of Specialization
A "liberalized" curriculum stressing general education instead of
specialization will be launched by the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts next fall.
The new curriculum will emphasize the development of new "in-
terdepartmental" programs offering students much wider and more
variegated fields of study.
* * * *
IN ANNOUNCING the new program which will go into effect next
fall for all students enrolling in the literary college for the first time,
with the exception of those students transferring from other colleges,
Dean Hayward Keniston yesterday listed three major features of the
revised curriculum.
First, said Dean Keniston, it emphasizes the idea of a four-
year program of liberal studies instead of a program divided into
two years of general study and two more of intensive specializa-
He characterized liberal studies as "those which help prepare a
student to live a good life as an individual and as a member of a com-
* * * *
SECONDLY, the new system will provide a more basic common
experience for all students by requiring work in each of the major
fields of study, Dean Keniston said.
Finally, he said, the program will give students more freedom
of choice and a greater variety and breadth of fields of study in
which they may concentrate.
Outlining the objectives of the plan which was approved by the
Regents on May 20, Dean Kenistoni said, "The new curriculum is based
upon the belief that mastering the techniques of particular fields of
study will equip a student with the capacity to make his own evalua-
tions and his own combination of facts."
To ensure that every graduate from the literary college will
have "some personal experience of the content, method and system
of values of the various disciplines by which men try to under-
stand themselves and the world in which they live," Dean Kenis-
ton said that before graduation every student must take work in
each of the major fields of study.
These fields include English, a foreign language, the arts (litera-
ture, the fine arts, music, or the threatre), mathematics or philoso-
phy, at least two of the social sciences and at least two of the physical
IN ADDITION, Dean Keniston said that each student will be re-
quired to choose some field of study in which he may "acquire a deeper
and more intimate knowledge."
The student may elect studies fitting within any of the 25 de-
partyments of the college, or may center Jils studies around some
area or topic which cuts across departmental lines.
To help this part of the new curriculum, a number of new "in-
terdepartmental" programs will be made available.
* * * *
TYPICAL OF THESE are special programs in biological sciences,
bio-physics, botany and bacteriology, German classicism and roman-'
ticism, musical drama and social anthropology.
In addition, area programs will be expanded to four and will
be available in American Culture, Far Eastern Studies, Latin- C
American Studies and Rssian Studies.
The four special degree programs now provided and the teacher's
certificate programs will be continued.

FBI Probe
Of Reuther
Case Asked
Senate Resolution
Sent to President
ate yesterday adopted unanimous-
ly a resolution requesting Presi-
dent Truman to direct that the
FBI investigate the Victor Reuth-
er shooting case.
Reuther, Educational Director
of the CIO United Automobile
Workers, was seriously wounded
Tuesday night by an assailant who
fired a shotgun through a window
of Reuther's home.
THE ATTACK at Detroit was
similar to an earlier attempt on
the life of his brother, Walter
Reuther, UAW head.
Senator Humphrey (Dem.,
Minn.) introduced the resolu-
tion for an FBI investigation.
The resolution does not require
House action.
Senators Ferguson and Vanden-
berg, Michigan Republicans, urged
approval of the resolution. Fergu-
son suggested that Communism
may have been back of the attack.
MEANWHILE in Detroit police
worked silently today on a thin
batch of clues to the shooting.
While the state buzzed for ac-
tion, detectives said there was
little progress to report in their
hunt for the would-be slayer of
the scholarly little union offi-
They summed up the investiga-
tion in two words: "very quiet."
ONE MAN still was held for
questioning. He was identified as
Charles Barabash, 47, a striking
Ford worker. Police said he was
picked up because a barroom
friend heard him ask about the
Reuther shooting 14 hours before
it happened.
But Chief of Detectives Jack
Harvil admitted he had little
hope of learning much from,
In a iroom at Henry Ford Hospi-
tal the 37-year-old Reuther rested
quietly. He underwent plastic sur-
gery for three hours to repair that
section of his face ripped by the
assassin's shotgun blast late Tues-
day. Wednesday his right eye,
damaged beyond repair, was re-
* * *
THE HOSPITAL issued sabulle-
tin describing his progress "as
very satisfactory."
With him part of the day was
his elder brother, Walter.
House Passes
WASHINGTON-(P)-A $5,617,-
470,000 foreign aid appropriation
aimed at strengthening Secretary
of State Acheson's hand in deal-
ing with the Russians swept
through the House yesterday after
President Truman pleaded for
"adequate" funds.
Most of the deep cuts made
previously in the bill by the House
Appropriations Committee were
offset, either by direct increases or
by permitting the money to be
spent in 13%'2 months rather than
15, as originally planned.

Final Daily'
With today's issue, The Daily
ceases publication for the
spring. Summer Daily publica-
tion will begin June 22.

* * *

Boland Given
Top Award
For Poems

Three Writers
Receive $1,000

Fourteen 'U' Students Get
$6,900 in Hopwood Prizes

* * *




* *

* * s

Prof. IBrornage Attacks
Public Fund Earmarking

State and city officers are being
deprived of their control over pub-
lic budgets, Prof. Arthur W. Bro-
mage of the political science de-
partment charged yesterday.
He told a group meeting of the
Municipal Finance Officers Asso-
ciation that common practices of
"earmarking'' public funds for
special purposes, by constitution
or law, are bringing this about.
S* * *
"THE END RESULT of whole-
sale earmarking is a rigid budget,
an inability to meet emergencies,
and a quest for new tax sources,"
he added.
This has happened to Mich-
igan, he explained, through ear-
marking both in the state con-
stitution and state laws. The
Michigan budget director esti-
mated in 1947 that 80 per cent
of the state's funds were ear-
Prof. Bromage said a constitu-

tional amendment diverting 77
per cent of the state sales tax to
schools, cities, villages and town-
ships has forced the state into a
financial impasse.
The impasse can only be sur-
mounted, he declared, by the levy
of major new taxes for state serv-
* * .*
PROF. BROMAGE cited some
ways of avoiding the process of
earmarking. The first of these, he
said, is "prevention, and we all
have a public responsibility to
prevent further earmarking by
constitution, statute, local char-
ter or ordinance."
The only practical hope of elim-
inating state constitutional ear-
marking, once made, is by gen-
eral state constitutional revision
by a constitutional convention, he


Mobilized for
Mass .exodus
Sun To Shine Upon
Local rail, bus and air services
have been mobilized to help the
exam-weary , student head for
home in grand style, come the end
of finals week.
Even the weatherman has un-
dertaken his share of responsibil-
ity, predicting sunny days and
probable 64 to 70 degree tempera-
tures as a fitting background for
June travelers.
* * $
THE ONLY DARK note will be
injected by local taxi companies,
where a newly-installed meter sys-
tem promises to aggravate harried
students in the mad dash to make
their trains.
A full transportation schedule
has been prepared by the New
York Central, and extra coaches
will be available on three east-
bound and four westbound
A sizeable waiting list will prob-
ably warrant double sections on
most of the Eastbound planes, air-
lines officials said. Northwest Air-
lines plans a double section on
their daily New York flight, while
Capital Airlines will run double
flights to New York via Cleveland
and Pittsburgh.
FOR THOSE intending to motor
home, University automobile re-
strictions will be lifted in a little
more than a week. But drivers
must wait till the last scheduled
exam in their individual schools
before taking to the open road.
The dates of restriction remov-
als are June 3, school of forestry;
June 4, schools of law, education,
medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and
business administration; June 9,
schools of literature, architecture
and engineering.

To fulfill adequately his respon-
sibility, a critic must have a broad
knowledge of the world in which
he lives, according to Hopwood
lecturer Francis Otto Matthiessen,
professor of English at Harvard.
An author and critic, Prof. Mat-
thiessen spoke on "The Responsi-
bility of the Critic."
* * *
AN AWARENESS of the works
World News
Round- Up
WASHINGTON4 - The Senate
yesterday stamped its approval on
legislation aimed at correcting
"certain weaknesses" in the unifi-
cation of the Army, Navy and Air
* * *
BERLIN - Railway strikers
said last night they will continue
to tie up all rail traffic in West
Berlin yards.
* * *
W ASH IN GTO N-PIr e side n t
Truman yesterday went to the de-
fense of atomic chief David E.
Lilienthal, charging that Lilien-
thal's critics are engaging in "pre-
election campaigns" and endan-
gering the "integrity" of the
atomic energy program.
*~* *
SHANGHAI - As sudden as
the crash of an Oriental gong in
an empty street, peace and quiet
returned to Shanghai yesterday.
* * *
CANNES, France-Rita Hay-
worth will marry Prince Ali Kahn
shortly before noon today.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Former Presi-
dent Herbert Hoover yesterday de-
livered the final report of his
commission's 19-chapter blueprint
for federal reorganization.

of art of our times is necessary
for the proper interpretation of
literature, he said.
"The past is not what is dead
but what has lived,"- according
to the lecturer. Thus, a correla-
tion between yesterday's art and
today's art should be made.
Prof. Matthiessen stressed the
fact that a critic must have an
alert interest in fields other than
literature. He listed knowledge of
anthropology and other social sci-
ences as special assets.
* * *
"A KNOWLEDGE of economics
can do much to enlarge and quick-
en the critic's understanding of
literature," he said.
With television, radio and the
movies all a part of our exist-
ence, an acquaintance with
them will increase the critic's
ability to perform his task, ac-
cording to the Harvard profes-
Stating that academic freedom
had seen serious violations during
the past year, Prof. Matthiessen
said that this subject merits much
attention and interest on the part
of the critic.
COMMENTING on the young
writers of today, he declared that
"they think that because the age
is bad, the artist should escape
from it and, as a supreme being,
become a law simply to himself."
Vandenberg Will
Speak Tomorrow
Michigan's Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg will speak at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium
on "Pan America's Place in the
World's Plans for Peace."
His address will highlight a
day's visit to the campus by 300
members of the Inter-American
Bar Association, which has been
meeting in Detroit this week.

Critic Must Have Broad

Fourteen contestants received
awards totaling $6,900 in the 19th
Annual Avery and Jule Hopwood
Awards in Creative Writing yes-
The awards were given to con--
test winners following the Hop-
wood Presentation Lecture by Prof.
Francis Otto Matthiessen, profes-
sor of English at Harvard Uni-
major award and eight minor
award winners were made by
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of
the Hopwood Committee..
Top winner was Patrick B.
Boland, Grad., who received
$1,500 in the major poetry con-
test for his manuscript, "Twen-
ty Poems."
Only one award was given in
major fiction. DeForest P. Wal-
ton, Grad., was presented with
$1,000 for his novel, "The Passing
of Bot Runnell."
* * *
IN THE MAJOR essay division
top honors went to George S
Reeves, Grad., who received an
award of $1,000 for his manuscript,
"A Man from South Dakota."
Anthony J. Ostoff, Grad., was
the recipient of a $500 award for
his "Miscellaneous Essays."
Two awards were given in ma-
jor drama. "Cry for the Captain,"
brought Alfred H. Slote, Grad., at
award of $1,000. John R. Cook,
Grad., who won a minor award in
drama in 1947, received $500 for
"Flight from Tomorrow."
* * *
WINNERS IN THE minor po-
etry contest were John B. Mc-
Manis, '51, who received $150 for
"City Sonnets," and Douglass S.
Parker, '49, La Porte, Indiana,
who received $150 for "Reply
Two awards were made In
minor fiction. Lee M. Woodruff,
Jr., '49, was awarded $250 for
"The Partners." Woodruff won
a freshman prize in fiction In
Daniel G. Waldron, '50E, re-
ceived $100 for his manuscript,
"Two Short Stories." Waldron won
freshman awards in fiction and
poetry in 1948.
* * *
IN THE MINOR essay contest
two awards were given. Marilyn J.
Keck, '49, received $200 for her
essay, "In the Tradition," and $100
was awarded to Jack Gellman,
'49, for "Three Critical Essays."
Two awards were given in
the minor drama contest. An
award of $250 went to Joshua J.
Greenfeld, '49, for "Arnold Is
Our Son." Greenfeld won a
minor award in drama in 1948.
Miss Evelyn R. Aronson, '49, re-
ceived $200 for "The Fifth Com-
'Ensian To Be
Out Saturday
Michiganensians will be distrib-
uted on Saturday this year in-
stead of over the three-day period
of past years.
Books will be available to re-
ceipt holders from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m
in the Student Publications Build-
Receipts are to be exchanged
on the second floor for cards en-
titling owners to pick up their
books in the first floor Board
room, according to Mary Riggs,
'50Ed., distribution manager.
Several hundred copies of the
"Michigan Today" theme year-
book will be on sale Monday and
throughout the week in the Stu-
dent Publications Building.

Major Events of Past Semester Seen in Review

Another semester has come to
an end in old Ann Arbor town,
leaving students with that tired-
but-happy feeling which results
from lots of hard work and a
considerable amount of fun.
To refresh readers' minds about
what they have just passed
through. The Daily presents the
P.4o.P'C.npumfiC. hi rln it ,._in rP

ers' Education Program is halted
... Enrollment goes over the 20,-
000 mark, reaching an all time
Feb. 9-SL asks for h "Meet
Your Regents Program" - talks
between students and regents ...
IFC announces plans to probe pre-
Feb. 10-Revival of the mar-
riage lecture series is announced.

mittee stymies SL "Meet Your
Regents" plan.
Feb. 26 - With wholehearted
student approval, Regents end
speech ban imposed in April of
Mar. 6-Religion-in-Life Week,
featuring 13 noted lecturers, opens
in an attempt to relate religion to
all phases of University life .
MVichigan's basketball team scores
upset win over Illinois, newly

campus, warns against evils of
world-wide armament race . .
NSA purchase cards go on sale.
Apr. 2-President Ruthven says
that the proposed slash in the
University's budget would be a
threat to its academic standing.
Apr. 13 - Anti-discrimination
bill, which would bar discrimina-
tory clauses in constitutions of
new organizations, is passed by
SL. '

sign "decorum" pledge, throw
campus males into consternation.
Apr. 28-Women engage in tug
of war as frosh weekend opens.
Apr. 29-1600 students are hon-
ored as Harvard's President Co-
nant calls for "tough minded
idealism" in Honors Convocation
address ...
Apr. 30 - Men's Judiciary dis-
qualifies four candidates as a re-
sult of a vote-fraud probe .

May 12 - Legislature restores
funds to Veterans' Readjustment
Center . . . City is host to first
author's premiere as Shirley Smith
is honored for "It Happens Every
May 13-House passes $1,500,-
000 "U" budget slash.
May 17 -. President Ruthven
leads University officials to Lan-
sing in effort to restore the budget

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