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February 12, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-12

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S e erage 4





Latest Deadline in the State










--- r

Trial Tactics
To Be Judged
Attack Mocks
justice--Med na
NEW YORK -(/P) - Federal
Judge Harold P. Medina, accusing
lawyers for 11 high-rank Commu-
nists of "attempting to make a
mockery of justice," last night or-
dered them to put in writing the
remainder of their attack on the
federal jury system here.
Then on Monday, he said, he
will decide whether to shut off
their courtroom argument on this
matter--which has been in prog-
ress almost all the time since the
trial began Jan. 17-or permit
them to go on with it.
bers of the American Communist
Party's national committee, are
charged with conspiring to advo-
cate overthrow of the U.S. gov-
The battery of defense law-
yers has submitted a small
mountain of documents, maps
and charts designed to show
%hat the method of selecting
juries here discriminates in fa-
vor of the rich and against the
poor and members of minority
These tactics - including the
lengthy questioning of numerous
members of the Federal Grand.
Jury which indicted the Commu-
nist leaders-have brought repeat-
ed accusations from Judge Me-
dina that the defense was delib-
erately stalling.
LAST NIGHT HE told defense
lawyers they are "just attempting
to make a mockery of justice
here," and that they appeared to
be trying to "sabotage the admin-
istration of justice."
Dutch Official
Resigns Over
LANDS-(AP)-The Dutch Minis-
ter of Overseas Territories, Dr. E.
M. cas 'n, resigned last night be-
cause of a cabinet .disagreement
ovr Holland's policy in Indonesia.
The government announcement
of Sassen's resignation followed
a cabinet meeting held amid ru-
mors of an impending government
crisis over the Indonesian ques-
believed to have averted a larger
government crisis.
The difficulties in the cabinet
reportedly have arisen over what
action Holland should take to im-
plement the U.N. Security Coun-
cil's order of Jan. 28 which called
on the Dutch to reinstate the In-
donesian Republican government
Dutch forces had deposed this
government and imprisoned its
leaders in what they called a
police action" to restore peace
and order in the South Pacific
island treasure-house.
At that time, Dr. J. H. Van Roy-
an, Netherlands delegate to the
Security Council, said his gov-
ernment was "fundamentally"
opposed to the sections of the or-
der calling for restoration of the
Repu Aican leaders to power and

witld'rawal of Dutch troops when-
efe ' demanded by a U.N. cominmis-
LAST NIGHT'S government
announcement said:
"While the entire cabinet want-
ed to stick to the statements made
by Dr. J. H. Van Royen in the
Security Council on Jan. 28, a
difference of opinion rose between
Sassen and other members on the
lines of conduct to be followed in
this respect.

Philadelphia Hit
By Transit Strike


PHILADELPHIA-(A)-Men and women trudged the streets of
Philadelphia like a vast army of ants today as a strike of CIO Transit
Workers choked off the main arteries of travel in the nation's third
largest city.
Most of the 3,200,000 passengers who ride daily over the 1,500
miles of subway, trolley and bus lines operated in the city by the
Philadelphia Transportation Company lines were resourceful enough
to reach their jobs.
MANY WERE LATE. Some never made it. Snow-crusted streets
heaped an extra hardship on the laughing, joking throngs who inched
their way to town aboard slow-moving, jammed-to-capacity suburban
railway trains, by foot or by flagging down the unending stream
of passing autos.
But little absenteeism was repoyted.
The strike began at one minute after midnight as 11,000
transport workers union members walked out in support of
demands for a fourth round wage boost of 20 cents an hour.
The PTC countered with an offer of three cents. The workers now
average from $1.09 to $1.63 an hour.
Negotiations were resumed 12 hours after the strike began but
neither side budged from their announced wage positions. A Union
statement said "negotiations are deadlocked" and that it is prepar-
ing for a long strike.
POLICE IN THE MIDCITY area found the bumper-to-bumper
parade of cars a major headache.
Most downtown firms reported business as usual. Department
stores said there was no marked drop in sales.
Commuter trains were jammed throughout the day. Concourses,
leading to the PRR terminal at City Hall were packed with a wall-to-
wall mass of plodding humans..
Phtyers 'Time of Your Life'
Given at Pattenatgill Tonight

Price Slump
Has Attention
Of President
(:aliiiet Session
aonders Matier
Truman gave the price problem
special attention last night--dis-
cussing the current market slump
with his Cabinet at an hour-long
ALTHOUGH members refused
to disclose details they told re-
porters Secretary of Agriculture
Brannan, who is in general charge
of the administration's anti-infla-
tion drive, reported on the com-
modity market situation.
Grain and stock traders,
meanwhile, marked time with
see-saw activity as they waited
for further clarification of the 1
Administration's legislative pro-
Wall Street brokers indicated
many traders plan to stay out of
the market until the price situa-
tion jells and Congress makes up
its mind on President Truman's
$4,000,000,000 tax boost plan.
sidetracked that issue temporarily
as the tax-writing House Ways
and Means Committee voted to
give priority rating to the Pres-
ident's proposal for a multi-billion
dollar expansion of the Social Se-e
curity program.t
These were other developmentsY
on the capital's economic front:.
Secretary of Interior Krug said
mandatory powers may be need-
ed to divide scarce steel supplies1
amonq essential users.a
A downturn in house con-
struction costs was reported by
Raymond M. Foley, the Housings
and Home Finance Administra-4
tor. He told the Joint Economicr
Committee, however, that 15,-v
000,000 new housing units willr
be needed before 1960.
Soviet Parleye
Action1 Drawsc
YUgSlav Ire
LONDON-(IP)-Yugoslavia has
protested her exclusion from lastv
month's Moscow economic con-a
ference. Russia replied she shutr
herself out by showing hostility tot
other Eastern European countries,r
the official Soviet news agencyr
Tass said today.
In a Moscow dispatch the Soviet
news agency said the "Yugoslav1D
Foreign Ministry made the pro--
test in a note handed to the Soviet
embassy in Belgrade Feb. 1.
*a* *
YUGO SLAVIA, said the dis-
patch, protested her being left out
of the six-nation conference that
set up ECMA was an "act of dis-
crimination" in violation of exist-t
ing Soviet-Yugoslav treaties.
The Soviet Union, Bulgariaa
Hungary, Poland, Romania andt
Czechoslovakia set up the Eco-
nomic Council at a Moscowt
meeting last month to counterU
what they called a trade boy-
cott by western nations.

BACK TO DUTY-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower has been called
"temporarily" back to duty by President Truman, He will serve as
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
* *
Eisehowelilly rHead
Niation' s Military Forces

Amidst the color and confusion
of a dress rehearsal The Daily
found that some tickets remain
for the Student Players' produc-
tion of "Time of Your Life" to be
presented at 8 p.m. tonight and
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Pattengill Auditorium (the
scene) is vibrating with pounding
hammers, a tinkling piano, and
twenty people trying to cover their
o rangemMen
BELFA6 , Northern Ireland-
(AP) - Voters preferring to stick
with Britain have easily turned
back a challenge for control of
Northern Ireland's Parliament by
backers of Eire's new Republic of
Returns today from the gen-
eral election Thursday quickly
clinched a majority for candi-
dates pledged to keep Northern
Ireland in the United Kingdom.
Eire's government announced in
Dublin that Eire wlil officially be-
come the Republic of Ireland onI
Easter Monday, April 18, the 33rd
anniversary of the Bloody Easter
uprising against Britain.
The trend of Northern Ireland's
election had been expected, but
the capture by these forces of
two districts previously held by
Republic - minded Parliament
members wag a surprise.

excitemept by jabbering
walking about the stage.
* * *


CENTER OF the frantic prep-
aration is Director Mike Cetta,
'49. "I feel that this is the best
show to hit Ann Arbor in ten
years," he commented. "It's full
of humor, sex, and reality."
The cast is taken from every
phase of University and An"
Arbor life. Two varsity letter-
men., a PhD) candidate, a pro-.
fessional piano player, and a
kindergarten pupil have lead-
ing roles.
Rank doesn't matter where
manual labor is concerned, how-
ever, as the reporter found when
he was whisked away to help
move a piano.
didn't answer the invitation to
come and see the play. "I'm dis-
appointed in his attitude," Cetta
said. "I hoped for at least an
answer, but the play is still ter-
Technical apparatus includ-
ing a telephone, a juke box, and
a pinball machine which will
"pop" at the correct time are
needed for the performance.
The entire cast is great, Cetta
asserted, especially Mac Ferguson,
whose piano music will contribute
greatly to the atmosphere of the
Tickets are being sold ini the
Union and League, and at the
Pattengill box office before cur-
tain time.

WASHINGTON -- (W) - Presi-
dent Truman disclosed last night
that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
has been recalled to the nation's
service as chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
The White House gave no ink-
ling of any new critical turn in
world events in connection with
the appointment.
MR. TRUMAN's announcement
said Gen. Eisenhower had been
assigned "temporarily" to his new
role and it was planned that it
would be of "relatively" short du-
Eisenhower left the service!
early in 1948 to become Presi-
dent of Columbia University.
Officials said one of Eisenhow-
er's chief tasks will undoubtedly
center on ending the old '"feud"
among the Army, Navy and Air
Force which has been variously
described by Congressmen as petty
jealousy and healthy competition.
EISENHOWER undoubtedly
will also deal with the military i
aid program fothe western Eu-
ropean nations in bulwarking
their defenses against Commu-
nism. How much military equip-
went the U.S ('an spare without
impairing its ovn strength will be
one ofthe prime topics, officials
indica ted.I
UN Secretary
rP AI A s

The return of Eisenhower to
the military scene drew com-
ments of appraval on Capitol
Columbia University announced
on Monday night that it had given
Eisenhower temporary leave to
help the national military estab-
lishment for a period of several
In his last annual report, For-
restal proposed that a. Chairman
or Director of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff be named as a permanent
part of the defense establishment.
The Whte House announcement
was made through Eben A. Ayers,
Assistant Presidential Press Sec-
Russia To Tell.
Antarctic Hope
Uraniun Deposits
Seen as Objective
MOSC0W-(/P)--1oviet Russia
probably will make an official
declaration shortly of what she
considers her rights and interests
in the Antarctic, icy storehouse of
potential mineral wealth.
The All-Union Geographic So-
ciety has asked for such a declara-
tion to foreign powers interested
in the Antarctic and the request
was given major attention in the
Soviet Press. The official Soviet
news agency Tass distributed it.
)* '* *
NEWSPAPERS reported a pos-
sibility the region holds uranium,
which is used in making atomic
The United States, Britain
and France, the western mem-
bers of the Big Four, are among
the powers interested in the
Antarctic. Others are Norway
'(which is studying the idea of
joining the projected North At-
lantic alliance), Australia, New
Zealand, Argentina and Chile.

Han tWithout
The superior court today ban-
ished a Groton, Conn., man
from Connecticut "forever."
The exile was one of the
conditions imposed for the re-
lease of the man fromhan in-
sane hospital where he was
confined after beating three
members of a clergyman's fam-
ily with a heavy furnace shaker
in the dead of night.
Judge Thomas E. Troland
ruled that Cedric C. Carpenter,
Jr., 28, must immediately leave
Connecticut "without passing
through the town of Groton."
Family Life
Lectures To
Begin SOor
Marriage problems that the
college students of today face will
be stressed in the "Marriage and
Family Relations Lecture Series"
to begin Feb. 22, according to
committee head Ivan W. Parker.
PARKER, assistant to the Dean
of Students, said yesterday that
topics will be kept on "contempo-
rary marriage problems-ones in
which students are interested."
Tickets, at $1.50 for the series,
will be sold Monday and Tues-
day to seniors, graduates, and
married students. Sales will be
opened to all students Wednes-
Single male students may ob-
tain tickets at the Union, single
women at the League, and mar-
ried students at Lane Hall. Stu-
dents must show ID cards at time
of purchase.
* * *
DR. RALPH LINTON, professor
of anthropology at Yale Univer-
sity, will open the five-topic series
Tuesday, Feb. 22, with a lecture
on "The Institution of Marriage."
Subjects for other lectures in-
clude "Psychological Factors in
Marriage," to be given March
15; "Courtship and Pre-Marital
Relations," March 23; "The An-
atomy and Physiology of Repro-
duction," March 28; and "The
Medical Basis of Sane Sex Prac-
tice," March 29.
Students attending the lectures
will get a chance to submit written
questions at the close of each talk.
Comment and criticism sheets will
be available after each lecture.
Czechs Tire
Of Ideology;
BERLIN-(/P)-British authori-
ties asserted last night Czechoslo-
vakia is asking dollars instead of
Soviet dogma for goods sent to
the Russian zone of Germany.
The Soviet zone has been trying
to buy tires from the Bata works
in Czechoslovakia, the British
Control Commission for Germany
said. It added:
"BUT THE EAST zone has
nothing to offer the Czechs in ex-
change for their motor tires. The
Czechs are not interested in the
fraternal solidarity of the peo-
ple's democracies.
"They want dollars or special
machinery, neither of which the
Soviet zone can supply."
Communist-dominated Czecho-
slovakia was one of the Eastern

European countries which recent-
ly formed the Economic Council
of Mutual Aid.
* * *
THE BRITISH Control Com-
mission said industrial production
in eastern Germany is being
"sucked away by the Russian re-
parations vacuum cleaner and
starved by the counterblockade."

Action Leads
To Expulsion
Of Hungarian
British Denounce
Assaults by Reds
United States ordered the expul-
sion of a Hungarian diplomat last
night, and charged that the Com-
munist high command is driving
to smash religious freedom all
over Eastern Europe.
Simultaneously, Great Britain
issued a separate but strikingly
parallel denunciation of what was
termed a "concerted assault" on
churches in Eastern Europe.
* * *
Florian, first secretary of the
Hungarian Legation, was in retal-
iation for the ejection of two
American representatives from
Hungary during the trial of Car-
dinal Mindszenty.
The State Department issued
a statement striking out against
the impending trial of 15 Pro-
testant religious leaders in Bul-
It said the similarity between
the "fantastic accusations" made
against them and those against
Cardinal Mindszenty "strikingly
emphasizes the concerted nature
of the continuing communist as-
sault on religious liberties in east-
ern Europe."
A COMMON element in both
Hungary and Bulgaria has been
the accusation by the Commu-
nist prosecution that the church-
men were guilty of various crimes
against the state through coop-
eration with American agents. It
was in connection with such
charges that the Hungarian re-
gime expelled Stephen Koczak;
Second Secretary of the U.S. le-
gation, and Robin E. Steussy,
Third Secretary.
A spokesman for the British
Foreign Office said:
The Communist' governments
of Eastern Europe, having elim-
inated all democratic parties in
their countries, now have
launched a concerted assault on
the churches in order to get a
clear riu for their Communist
Reports from Czechoslovakia
said a new campaign is rising
there against the Roman Cath-
olic hierarchy.
IN POLAND, the Bishop of Ka-
towice has accused Polish gov-
ernment officials of abolishing
religious teaching in some schools
in southern Poland. One report
said six to 20 priests were arrest-
ed for reading the bishop's letter
of complaint.
An Associated Press dispatch
from Nanking said reports from
China are to the effect that
church missions operated by for-
eigners are being required to give
daily lessons in Communism.
World Church
Council Denies
Sy Charges
GENEVA, Switzerland - () -
The World Council of Churches
denied tonight that its officers
had engaged in espionage ativi-
ties with the 15 United Evangeli-
cal churchmen indicted by Bul-

* * *
IN A FORMAL statement the
Council said its representatives
had gone to that country with "no
other motivation than Chris-
tian love."
Communist-governed Bul-
garia announced last night that
the 15 arrested Bulgarian Prot-
estant ministers and church of-
ficials would be placed on trial
soon oncharges of treason, vio-
lating currency laws and spying
for Britain and the United
In addition to the men indicted,
the Bulgarian government also
listed 12 American and British
churchmen and educators who, it
s~aid. mf'jd asC4"prontr' in the

LAKE SUCCESS-() -- Secre-
tary-G eneral Trygve Lie coun-
.illed yesterday against accept-
aice of regional alliances as a
substitute for world-wide collec-
tive security under the United Na-
He expressed hope nothing will
be done that would weaken the
T1J,S COMMENT at this week-

Look Clicks Bridge Pic
Of PajamaClad Chicks


The relations of these countries E


Look magazine visited Helen
Newberry Residence last night,
and as a result four bridge-play-
ing coeds may find themselves
gracing the pages of the national
Climaxing a week-long photo-
graphic survey of the University
campus, two Look representatives,
Ben Wickersham, '30, and photog-
rapher Stanley Kubrick got per-
mission to visit the women's dorm.
jorie McCoy, house director, they
made their way to the fuorth

will appear in Look either late this
spring or next fall.
Being producer means lie de-
cides what pictures to take. "So
far, we've shot about 400. But
what they really boil down to is
about 30 pictures-one for each
'situation' we've covered."
A situation, he explained, is a
photographic topic, "like Presi-
dent Ruthven petting his dog, J-
Hop, the Law Quad, a final examI
at Watermani Gym, swimming,
football-or coeds at Helen New-
I " IV(+:"I' t '(1N!TL ' 't' it'f'L'th

with Yugoslavia have been cool ly news conference came on the _ __
since the Cominform (Communist same day President Truman and
Information Bureau) kicked out Norwegian Foreign Minister Hal- CBS Ue
Tito's Yugoslav Communist Party vard M. Lange conferred in Wash-
last summer for un-Marxist na- ington about the projected North NEW YORI
tionalism. Atlantic Pact. bia Broadca
The Tass story, broadcast by Lie said he was not referring added ventril
Radio Moscow and heard by the to any particular regional pact, and his wood
Soviet monitor in London, said But observers accepted his re- McCarthy, to
the Yugoslav government de- marks as applying at least in Starting ni
manded a stop to the "campaign part to the North Atlantic pro- be heard onC
allegedly being directed against posal, 8:30 p.m., ES
This demand, Tass said, was UA TTLE OF THE ARDO
linked with another "immediately
to begin carrying out all obliga- ;

is Bergyen
4K(/P)-The Colum-
asting System has
oquist Edgar Bergen
en assistant, Charlie
its talent fold.
ext fall Bergen will
CBS Sundays at 8 to


tions under treaties between the
USSR and the countries of the
People's Democracy and. Yugo-

Shalkespeare ControversyRae Anew,

lT Wilk mi Sh)bakesieare a vet?

acts which indicate the seven-

Shakespeare, and the conviction

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