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May 26, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-26

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jil, C

Latest Deadline in the State

43 ii




Remove Eye
Of Reuther
After Attack
Murray Asks for
FAI Investigation
DETRIT-(P)-Surgeons yes-
terday removed the right eye of'
Victor Reuther, 37-year-old CIO'
United Auto Workers official, who
was shot and seriously wounded:
Tuesday night by an unknown as-
Reuther's general condition was
reported as "satisfactory" at
Henry Ford Hospital following the
operation. Dr. James Olson said
he had to "abandon hope of saving
the eye" because a great deal of,
tissue was destroyed.
* * *
MEANTIME, FBI intervention
to solve the attempted slaying of
Victor and Walter Reuther was
asked by CIO President Philip'
Murray. Walter was a victim of a
would-be assassin under similar
circumstances a year ago.
Murray asked Attorney Gen-
eral Tom Clark to act. Follow-
ing up his request, CIO General
Counsel Arthur Goldberg and
Joseph Rauh; a UAW attorney,
visited Clark and reported af-
terwards the attorney general
had the matter "under consider-
Goldberg said there were at
least two and possibly more ap-
proaches to enable the FBI to en-
ter the case. He said these were
violation of the national firearms
statute in home manufacture of
the weapon and violation of the
Dyer Act which prohibits taking
a stolen car across a state line.
* * *
AS IN THE shooting of Walter,
there was suspicion that the at-
tempted slaying of Victor might be
part of a Communist plot.
The Communists have attacked
'the: Reuther leadership in the past.
In New York, John William-
son, national labor secretary of
the Communist Party, blamed
the shooting on "the forces of
reaction and their underworld
hirelings." He said his party
coudemns the attack.
Others to ask FBI help were
Senator Homer Ferguson (Rep.,
Mich.) and Michigan Governor G.
Mennen Williams.
* * *
THE JUSTICE Department
should enter the case "before the
trail grows cold," Ferguson said.
"Those who commit such crimes
must be taught it cannot happen
in the United States of America."
Arriving at the hospital with
his arm still in a sling from last
year's wounds, Walter Reuther
saw his brother's face, torn by
." buckshot slugs.
Throughout the day, Walter di-
vided his time between Victor's
bedside and pressing Ford strike
affairs. The UAW head said Ford
negotiations would not be affect-
ed by the shooting.
Daily To Hold
Summer Staff
Tryout Meet
A tryout meeting for scholasti-
cally eligible students who are in-
terested in working on the Sum-
mer Daily will be held at 5 p.m.,
today in the Conference Rm., Stu-
dent Publications Building.

Co-managing editors B. S.
Brown and Craig Wilson; Merle
Levin, sports editor; Marilyn
Jones. women's editor; and Bob
James, business manager, will ex-
plain the duties of their staffs.
LARGEST GAPS to be filled are
on the editorial and business
"Students are needed for pro-
motions, bookkeeping, advertis-
ing, layout and design, classified
advertising and sales," James
On the editorial staff, students
will learn the fundamentals of
proof-reading and headline writ-
ing as well as cover 'beat' assign-
* * *
THERE ARE also excellent op-
portunities for cartoonists, movie
reviewers, and art and drama crit-
Positions also remain to be filled
on the .photography staff.
Columnists on national effairs
and the campus scene will also be

'M-Man' Mirabeau

-Daily-Wally Barth
MIRABEAU-Persian puss with an "M" in the middle of his fore-
head proves that school spirit exists even among felines as he
purrs contentedly from a jug with a Michigan seal. His mono-
grammed mother has also upheld the "M" tradition.
* *i * *
Michigan -Minded Mouseri
'WUpholds Rah-Rah Traition

Mirabeau, a seven week old
half-Persian kitten, is walking
proof of the renaissance of school
spirit and "Rah-Rah."
Mirabeau sports a black block
"M" square in the middle of his
furry forehead.
This "M" has been an integral
part of Mirabeau since his birth,
according to his owners, Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Dreher, of Ferdon
* * *
family," Mrs. Dreher said, as she
introduced The Daily's reporter to
her older cat Farnaby, who moth-
ered the monogrammed kitten.
Farnaby's forehead bears the
faint traces of a rusty red block
"M," indicating that Mirabeau
has probably come from a long
line of Michigan-minded mous-
World News
By The Associated Press
WASIINGTON-A compromise
to give the Foreign-Aid program
almost as much money to spend
next year as President Truman
requested won tentative approval
yesterday of House leaders.
* * *
state funeral and burial in the
National Military Cemetery end-
ed yesterday the tragic story of
James Forrestal.
Bridges, head of CIO Longshore-
men, was indicted by the Federal
Grand Jury yesterday.
The indictment accused him of
conspiracy to obstruct and defeat
the naturalization laws, and of
* * *
WASHINGTON - In a step
designed to restore normal dip-
lomatic relations with Hungary,
President Truman today nom-
inated Nathaniel P. Davis as
Minister to that Communist-
dominated nation.
* * *
DETROIT-Negotiations in the
20-day Ford strie were recessed
late yesterday to give manage-
ment a chance to prepare a coun-
ter arbitration proposal, a union
spokesman reported.

Showing a true interest in school
spirit, Mirabeau enjoys exploring
the inner recesses of a large pot-
tery pitcher which bears a Mich-
igan seal.
* * *
monogrammed beverage mug in'
which he used to frolic," according
to Dreher, who is an instructor
in the speech department.
Seeking son scientific com-
nent on this feline phenomenon,
The Daily contacted Prof. Wil-
liam H. Burt, curator of mam-
mals in the Museum of Zoology.
"Kittens with distinct 'M's' on
their foreheads are extremely
rare," Prof. Burt said. "The Math-
ematical probability of such an
occurrence, even in a college town
in which block M's' prevail, would
be very small indeed."
WHEN TOLD that Mirabeau's
mother also wore an "M" on her
forehead, Prof. Burt suggested
that one might breed a whole
strain of "M" kittens.
"If this were done, each mem-
ver of the varsity football team
could be issued an individual 'M'
kitten as a personal mascot," he
Meanwhile, Mirabeau meows
contentedly in his monogrammed
pitcher at the Drehers, playing
the part of a "Rah-Rah" kitten
in a perfectly natural manner.

Reds Battle
To Cut Off
Only Mopping Up
Left inShanghai
By The Associated Press
Shanghai's Communist conquer-
ors fought yesterday for Soochow
Creek bridges covering the last
Nationalist escape route from the
city. They ran into stubborn hold-
out pockets.
A small Nationalist rear guard
still held the bridges. The turbid
creek separates the heart of the
city from the Northern district-
and Woosung, the lone govern-
ment escape port 10 miles north.
* * *
ing toward the bridges which span
Soochow at intervals westward
from the north end of the famous
Bund. The Reds had made their
way to Peking Road, only one
block from the bridges where it
runs into the Bund.
But the Nationalists, who gave
up the broad Yangtze almost
without a struggle, still held the
sludgy Soochow.
This little band of Nationalists,
aided by snipers in nearby build-
ings, was making a determined de-
laying action to cover the north-
ward retreat of the government
States is trying to line up a global
bloc of nations behind a unified
policy for dealing with a Commu-
nist regime in China.
The aim of this united front
is to prevent any hasty recogni-
tion of a Communist govern-
ment and to keep the Chinese
Reds from playing one nation
off against another in bargain-
ing maneuvers.
State Department officials said
this country has talked the matter
over with Britain, France, Bel-
gium, the Netherlands, and with
Pacific nations directly concerned
with Chinese relations, such as
India and Australia.
These informants stressed, how-
ever, that the United States has
no intention of recognizing a Com-
munist regime immediately and
has no timetable for future action.
Lilienthal Hits
AEC Critics
In Congress
WASHINGTON - () - Chair-
man David E. Lilienthal of the
Atomic Energy Commission flared
back at Congressional criticism
yesterday and demanded a quick
verdict on what he called charges.
that the atomic program is "vir-
tually a failure."
Chairman McMahon (D-Conn.)
of the Senate-House Atomic En-
ergy Committee promptly an-
nounced that public hearings into
the charges will start today.
NONE OF Lilienthal's critics, in
either the Senate or House, has
charged that the AEC program is
"a failure"-in those words.
But Lilienthal, obviously stung
by what he termed "broad and
grave charges" levelled against
his stewardship, sent off a bitter
letter to McMahon in which he

"A full, complete and speedy
report on the charges that the
United States atomic energy pro-
gram is virtually a failure is a
matter urgently necessary.
* ~* *
"THE CHARGES by Senator
Hickenlooper of 'incredible mis-
management,' 'misplaced empha-
sis' and 'maladministration' in-
volve nothing less than the secur-
ity of this nation and the peace
of the world."
But Lilienthal hastened to say,
that in his own opinion, far from
being a failure, the record of
atomic development is "a proud

-Daily-wally Barth
FAREWELL GIFT-Retiring English Prof. Hereward T. Price (left) receives one of the bound
volumes of his class notes from Alfred Hunkin, representing Prof. Price's students. Included in the
presented set were the scholar's lectures on both Chaucer and Shakespeare. The student group
has also raised a fund which will enable the professor to give a special lecture next year on Shake-

U.S. Asks End of German
Re arations for Russians

* * *

* * *

S * *

Students Honor Prof. Price

Made at Big
Four Meet
Britain Insists on
German Self Rule


University students will be able
to hear Prof. Hereward T. Price's
famous Shakespearian comments
next year-even though he's retir-
ing this June.
And any students who missed
his courses in Shakespeare and
Chaucer may still have his lectures
word for word.
In recognition of Prof. Price's 20
year teaching career at the Uni-
versity, his students yesterday an-
nounced establishment of a spe-
cial Shakespeare lecture to be
given by him next year.
* * *
HE WAS ALSO presented with
bound volumes of his own class

notes for both his Shakespeare and
Chaucer courses.
The presentation' took place
during the last few minutes of
his final Shakespeare class at
the University in tribute to the
"awe and admiration andalove
for the art of William Shakes-
peare" which he has "at all
times inspired in us.'
Funds for the special lecture
were raised by both present and
past students and will be turned
over to the Regents as trustees.
The lecture will also be published.
* * *
THE CLASS notes were taken
by shorthand experts, secretly se-
cured by a special committee at

Engine Group Ratifies.
New Council Constitution

To Be Named


Winners of Avery and Jule Hop-
wood Awards in creative writing
will be announced today following
a lecture by Prof. Francis Otto
Matthiessen on "The Responsibil-
ities of the Critic" which will be
given at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Prof. Matthiessen, critic and au-
thor, is a professor of English at
Selection of prize-winning man-
uscripts has already been made
and winners have been informed
by special delivery letters, accord-
ing to Miss Mary Cooley, assistant
to the director of the Hopwood
The complete story of the Hop-
wood Awards, including the names
of prize-winners and judges, will
be published in The Daily tomor-

The Engineering Council last
night revamped the makeup of the
Engineering Honor Council, in an
effort to insure more competent
and representative membership
for the latter group.
It ratified an Honor Council
constitution, under which the
group's eight members will be
chosen from petitioners by the
cabinet of the Engineering Coun-
The new constitution decrees
that "six members of the Honor
Council shall have completed five
semesters in the engineering col-
lege and will represent as many
departments as possible. One
member shall be from the fresh-
man class and one from the soph-
omore class."
THE HONOR Council at pres-
ent consists of the president and
Special Masses
Special church services for
Catholic students will be held at
St. Mary's student chapel today in
celebration of the Feast of the
Ascension. Masses are scheduled at
7, 8, 9 and 12 a.m., Rev. Fr. Frank
McPhillips announced.

secretary of each class in the en-
gineering college. The new plan
will go into effect next semester.
Bill Gripman, '50E, president
of the Engineering Council, stat-
ed: "Now membership in the
Honor Council is open to any
qualified engineering student
who submits a petition."
The Honor Council will continue
to be subject to control by the
Engineering Council, its parent
group. The new constitution is
the first in the Honor Council's
THE COUNCIL voted unani-
mously to sponsor an Engineering
Week next October. The week,
which will begin with a parade,
will be climaxed by an engineering
show October 26.
Purpose of the week is to build
engineering spirit and coopera-
tion, according to Norm Steere,
'50E, who is vice-president of the
council and chairman of its En-
gineering Week committee. All en-
gineering groups are expected to
participate, he added.
Tom Ramage, '50E, Engineering
Council publicity chairman, prom-
ised that sky writing would herald
the week.

the beginning of the spring semes-
ter. Prof. Price has no formally
prepared lectures, so every word
was taken down, including his off-
hand comments.
The notes were then typed
and bound in time for yester-
day's ceremonies when they
were presented "with complete
confidence that (they) form the
matrix for the most outstanding
contribution in the history of
Shakespearean criticism. . .
A third gift, a souvenir book, will
be presented to Prof. Price after
being signed by his students. The
book will be available in the Eng-
lish Office for inscribing signa-
tures and comments.
A SPECIAL resolution, read by
Marilyn Keck, '49, declared "that
Professor Price shall always stand
out in our memories as the most
complete expression of devotion
to teaching that we have ever
And on a lighter note, Prof.
Price was cited for his "relent-
less war on behalf of the English
Language, banishing from this
kingdom all such outlaw phrases
as: 'Due to the fact that' or 'it
seems to me,' and such renegade
constructions as all passive
forms of the verb."
Prof. Price came to the Univer-
sity in 1929 as a teacher and also
as editor of the Early Modern
English Dictionary. He has since
served as associate editor of the
Middle English Dictionary and has
published many articles on
Students iMay
Sign Now for
Senior Cruisqe
There is still time for interested
persons to register for the senior
cruise, according to Senior Class
President Val Johnson.
The fee for the trip is $37.40 and
should be paid to Dean Rea's sec-
retary, 1020 Administration Build-
ing by June 2.
"Preferences for roommates
should be stated when the fee is
paid," Johnson said.
He pointed out that special ac-
commodations have been made for
married couples.
Busses will leave the East en-
trance of Hill Auditorium at 3

PARIS-W)-The United States
laid down the principle last night
that Russia could' expect no more
reparations in any merger of East
and West Germany.
Britain said she would not agree
to any proposal which took from
the Germans the powers of self-
government conferred by the three
Western Powers.
* * *
Andrei Vishinsky stood firm on his
proposals to unify Germany by re-
viving the four-power allied con-
trol council, and said suggestions
to extend the Bonn constitution
to the eastern zone was a western
attempt to take all Germany.
These were the main develop-
ments at the third session of
the Council of Foreign Ministers,
as reported by official western
press observers.
Although it was yet early in
the conference, the positions taken
by the four powers appeared to be
hardening along the lines which
deadlocked all their previous of-
fgorts to'reach a German settle-
VISHINSKY Tuesday proposed
reviving the allied control council
in which, he made clear today,
Russia's veto power would be kept
Tonight U.S. Secretary of
State Dlean Acheson, Brt
Foreign Secretary Ernest
and French Foreign Minister
Robert Schuman laid down what
the basic agreements must be
before there is any agreement
on the machinery for govern-
ing Germany.
Acheson devoted his answer
largely to the economic side.
He said there was no possibility
of achieving unity of Germany
until there was more light on the
economic conditions of East Ger-
"What has been done in the
Soviet zone?" he asked. "Infor-
mation has been called for that
was never provided."
HE SAID THE Western Powers,
especially the United States, had
poured millions of dollars into
Germany to avert starvation and
aid economic recovery and that
West Germany still had a deficit
"This means there is no surplus
in German economy as far as the
west is concerned," he said. "There
is no surplus for reparations."
Berlin Railway
Workers Veto
Red Peace Bid
BERLIN-- (P) --Striking West
Berlin railway men rejected last
night a peace bid from the Rus-
sian-supervised German railway
system which met only one of their
three demands, payment of wages
in West marks.
The Strikers announced they
would continue the five-day-old
strike, in which two Germans
have been killed and hundreds in-
* * *
THE BRITISH military govern-
ment charged last night the Rus-
sians are "seriously dislocating"
rail traffic between Berlin and
western Germany and called on
Soviet authorities to accede to the
strikers' demands.
In the 24-hour period up to 6
p.m. last night, only two allied
trains arrived in the western
sec tors, the British said. These
were a British passenger train
and a U.S. freight train.
Two U.S. military trains bound
for Berlin wr ha1ter1 mr than

Lost and Found

Offices Collect Many Oddities


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