IHE IlCHIGAN DAIVV PAGE I-TV Rela'yFinIs Resident 'B' Cage Squads In Tio(ht Rae1 Wei)Iey, Allen Rumsey, H-ins- Jle and Prescott Houses re- mnaine~d undeleated in Residence hall "B" league basketball in sec- ond round play Monday night at the Intramuitral Building. Wenlley" ',')-18 winner last week, continuedi their fast pace by whipping, Adams House, 55-18.1 Allen Rumsey was impressive in All-Ca- mpus tournament en- tries close at noon tomorrow at the Intrani ail Building, an UVI official aninoiuncted yester- day.- Competition in tennis, handball, bowling, paddlebaall, squash, codeball, table tennis and badminton is scheduled. trouncing Lloyd H-ouse, 33-15, while Hinsdale tanned Chicago House, 21-12, and Prescott de- feated Tyler House, 24-16. Cooley House showed well in its opening encounter, stopping Fletcher I-all by a 55-18 count. III other games, M ici gan House slammed Anderson House, 36,-.13; Greene House edged Vaughan House, 24-20, and Strauss House Knocked Hayden HIouse fromn the winner's coluinn, 27-24. Crisler Mee-Is Ru0le Tribunrwi ANN ARBOR, Mich.--&P4'--Fritz Crisler, Michigan's Athletic Di - , ector, left here, today for Boston and the three-day meeting of the Codification Committee of Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Asso- ciation Football Rules Committee. The session starts tomorrow on the task of"rec-codifying the en- tire football structure," accord- ingi to Committee Chairman Wil- liam J. Bingham, Harvard Athletic Director, Ben Mogan is reported to be showing continued improve- mnent and, may be returned home within another week, at- tendants at an El Paso Hospi- tal. revealed today. Ramblers.. apaSisP Weaiev ' y te/ 88 trials Five r esidence hall and four independent quartets qualified forr the finals in the Intramural 880. yard relay preliminaries last night at Yost Field House.} The championship races will be staged during the Michigan- Cor- nell track meet. Saturday =night 'at the Field Hlouse. The Iric,,pen- dent race will start at 7:20 pj. with the Residen<,e hull event set for 8 :10 p.m. The boys will be shooting at the 1:42.1 mark pt st- ed in the 1946-47 year. WENLEY HOUSE and the Ramblers raced to identical 1:45.4 marks to win their respecctive divisions. The West Qu adder's four included Dale Stevenson, Edward Lindsley, Don White and John Mowitt. The Rambler quar- tet features Peter Belireni, George Kozonis, Richard Harper and Ross Gunn. Hayden House prc'esedl W(,nley all the way to grab scond lilac, honors in the Ressidence( hall lace' Interfraternity basketball hadj itsiitl appearance of the 1949 sesnlast Tuesday night at thel Intramut~ral Building. Fifteen' damnes were played in the "'A' lea"gue. Si Tma Phi Epsilon dlowned Zeta Beta Tait, 33-26. The Sig lips were paced by Bill Branaman and; Sam Mass~cie, who had 12 and I1 point..:. rspc tively. The score ,va 19-11 at halftime. AACIADA TED P '' C11i Lambda Phi, 30-25; the Masons led at the rest eI riod, 16-9. Alpl)a Sigma Phi won cverT starred for' the Alpha Sid's with 12 counters. At the half' it was 15- 13. !Theta Xi beat Triton, 28-18; they led 11-3 at halftime. Sigma Alpha Mu ran all over 'rail Kappa Epsilon by a score of' 55-28. Three Sammies, led the scorine as Sob Scott. Lee Fisher, and Al 'Lipnik picked up 16, 12, and 11 points, respectively. The score was 28-10 after two quarfters' hiad been played. ~e 1 'F r L" ay (~~ ~',, nok ie ial scoring hon- ( : o to l)40 paints while AlI a haPi could only man- age top3'o 7. Jim Deremo pulipeq i il 20 p)oints and his teeamzi.al, e. l id Pickard had 10 los he ianr:.Clii11Psi led at PiP!(;~a Pihuing one on 11ltafi,7'' -l lading 19-1 cat hl'hui :. Lou l. 'YPIrreand Har'. Trllwvr.'high with 12 Phiha v''liIaWhippedPh fi ma n Dita1,)t; tunie of 46-16. Phii 1)AIt No rn-iJackson had 10 pin1ts j- ili(e *L'cker Roomn" boys led at tiff' hlf, 27-10. ASSOCIATED PRESS sw s''iPhi Ilte 27- niipped Pidii Cama alough they had leadof 0119-12 at the I nte~r-.-mild 1'a.jke Ib ll SHME WRITESB A C KWA RD SGeorgia Ie Mich-. ele, 10, of Waterbury, Conn., can Avrite upside (lowit and b ' k 'wards, but only with her left hand. She didn't learn it. bwt sdy; she discovered her skill accidentAly w hile' scrilin ;. I II 4S1LON swamp ed PhilW lca 28, Episcopal 26 Henry F'onde, former Woul- Sigma Kappa. 47-13. Al Sand- L uthei'an Student Association verine halfback, has beew, ap- mann netted 12 markers for tlw l * ''' I ble 1;3 pointedl head ioatall ~ci(iiat biI'.A it' i' e'st period it tWP:; . u( binu 1at ta10, ( 'oIWIl'ga- Ann Arbor High School. lie 1101101 zaal2"? previously nmentored at Ilniver- , K apif a Sigmna soun idly I ''5by 1Ariai 31. Baptist 25 city High School, in Ann Ar- trounced Taui Delta Phi, 65-14. I (Icendeii 't Basketball bor. R Iob Burns and Bob Bsar ert Ramblers 35. Michigan Co-op each had 14 points for the. 19 while Michigan Christian Fellow- Kappa Si 's with Len Ferguson mliaDueo32Hwian ship was far behind than leaders,t1A0 ('hipping in 11. The yinners °t} in taking the indepenade at 5 sece- 3- at the half. ondplae. ran Whtehse Al Zetaa Psi took Chi Phi into camp F'rater'nity Basketbaall Story, ober Miler nd ohnby a score of 30-20. John Case ;''h'ta Delta Clii 13, Sigma Alpha Biery ran for Hayden while LO U tallied 10 for th0 Zet eS; they led Epilii Nielson, Cal Didier. Bruce Clark at halftime, 13-12. Pi Lambda Phi 1, Clhi Phi 0 (For- and Harold Snyder competedl for .fjell MCF. SI(CMA CI]BARELY nosed out__ Phi Kappa Tait:, 26-24, while Paul a ."l er Polo. M agrunt hooped 15 points in a i LLYDHOSEpstd 1483losing; cause to cop all scoringj Interfrat~ernity water - polo is mark for third place in the resi - honors. Sigma Chi had a two- drawing to a close as the four dence hall go with Forestry ain-ponmagnahafie1-1. eifilitmetexWees nin the Independent third inmagnahafie161.ism-nlstmetex de- bakt uin in141.Alph;la Tau Omega whipped i day night in a couple of matches bracet, unnng i 1:4.1.Theta, Delta Chi, 46-17. Whitey{ to decide who will play for the Michigan Douse and Williams Nelson and'" John Hunt paced Championshlip. House each recorded 1:48.4 marks- AT(O with 16 and 15 points. Phi Iap Psi will tangle with to tie for the fourth place posi- Sigma Alpha Epsilon ran away phi Geamma el .rta in one bracket tion in the Residence hall dlivi- fr'om S~igmna Nui after having only while Zet_ 1 Psi takes on Kappa sion while Newman Club stepped a slim, 13-11 lead at the rest Siupni a in t ie ofther. The defend- the distance in 1:50, for the iperiodl. :39-23. Joe Clark had 12 in! Iianapioiis fl'em last year, fourth Independent qualifying and Bill Bucliolz had 10 for SAFLxInc ao Upsiloan, were upset in the post. 1jalthough Sigma Nut's Heirb Lor- qu~iar tel-finals. i w WEL G U A R D E D = Men and girl soldieors, vcarrying: nt'allie ~inn, sandgil i t flt. en'itr'ance 01' the Tel Aviv home of David B"11 (juriol.N, ~ho is the 'prime' minister of li'aei., 1 I 1 1 i Il ------ ----- , , r Y A T WO0R K A T D AM SI T E_ Jac'khammners oper- ated by Stan Cook, Fete McClure and R. L. Zabel (left to right) drill base for tail-towiers of a cableway for p~ouring 3,000,000 cubic yards of concrete -at hlungry Horse D~am in northwes.'t4Mont- tana.- They're working on canyon wall, 600 feet above the Flat- head river. The $100,000,000 project will be wvorld's fourth largest. NEW BOYS TOWN H EA d - Msgr. Nicholas 11. Avug pe'r. n'ew director of Boys Town. famous little Nebraska city. hrolds Iind ,I' one of hris charges ini the gy.mnasium of the secool. ,- - __. y * " ~ N. -MOWN t / -1 THE JULIAN, YOUP FEBRIFIC HOURS WITH THEN\AIDNI&H'COIL ARE .. SO MANY, YOU'LL NtJGIFY YOUR OE NTMRIIWSQI- WHY DON'T YOU nIrTHuE NAY? 4 ri 'k i- ]'o ' TF.D I WANT 10 WIN THAT w-NAlTONAL SCHOLARSHIP, ,.. 1 ' UT-HIRUMPH I SMOKE SO MUCH M1Y THROAT N,. FEE1.S DRY AS TSSUE NIl {y '-EPS IUA o OOf ~4l 1S it TRUE, GRAHAM, THAT THE lPITHECANTHR0po$ - C$ZECflJS WAS ! IT IS TRUESIR eURYGNAITHOUS ? AND IT-U LP- - HRUMPH-H RUMPH -I'M AFR~AID I-I- TOO BAD, YOUR"THRBOAT HANDICAPPED YOU, WE'LL COMPLETE YOUR JULIAN,YOU KNO)W ALL THE ANSWERS, BUT YOUR VOICE WOULDN'T LET YOU s a ZEAL CASE OF QHANGOVER AND I-HR2UA'PH! 'd, " fiH[RUNPH ! WANT THAT SCHOLAR- - AN 1) MY1/HHVOAT SSMOKED-OUT- WVHY NoT CHANJC-E TO PXI LIP MOOMI 6, THE ONLY LEADING CIGARETTE PROVED DEFINIT'ELY LESS IRZRITATING'? y, THANKS d;IiLJOHNY SINGE I SWITGHED - TO PII MOMP141L! .GA I'{I c HAS E5 &)AA ¢ , POSITIVE PLEASURES ; F SCHOLAQSHIP TH EBAG FOR YOU N 0 L'GTOSI IN ANSWER TO YOUR . " T tU~tQCOWAS 3RITAINS WAR AE HOSI ZI.IN H5OPPONENT JANSWERS, "UT'r EE7 A tGRAHAM . YOU FEWINQLOCGICAL S CORED) 20 in EXACTITUDE ~ OUT OF 20 -Fri, ( IT GIVES MAE GREAT PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT JULIAN SCORZED A HYPE RPIESIST#AL SUCcESS5-HE WON ;~THE NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP ~~r THAN K YCU SIR-AND X THANK JOHNNY AND(' PHILIP MORRIS FOR HELPING ME WIN IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY EMPYREAN - The clear upper sky. FE16RIFIC - Causing fever; said of feverish activity. NUGIIFY - To render futile, to X-out, OSSEOUS TISSUE -- Bone. IrTHECANTHROPOS ERECTUS - Famous specimen of primeval man. EURYGNATHOIJS - having a wide prominent ja~w. CIGARETTE H4ANGOVER - That stale, smoked-out taste; that tight dry feeling in your throat due to smoking. TERMINOLOGICAL INEXACTITUDE In short, a lir. H'YPERPIESIS'I'IAL '- Quickening the blood pressure to 'i , gh degree. H I T C H E t) Y 0 A M E T' E R--Mrs. Florence s. 'Mloore, Kingston, N. Y., drops coin in parking meter after tying'vup her ' pony, Little Red, during visit to the shopping district. DO YOU REMEMBER THIS TRIO?-Thiree of the famkotu, I t Ystolll- covs of c; !*i'-day movie famec--Snub> pollard, Hank MannPikand ('hes-ter ('oiiklin (left to right).-apre together again t Holly N wd, mak in' a comic "horse opera. r" , {:'"&" f 7Z'eeMoaoQf~o, oCem ~ Behind the playful plot, our intentions are definitely serious: we want to PROVE to you that PHILIP MORRIS brings you a welcome DIFFERENCE in cigarettes. This PROOF is too extensive to be detailed here -but pre- , ... . t r z. ;; ':> F. - - fi, S? y Q kk }' .1 a ' ' cy , J e . .. .. i ____________