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May 22, 1949 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-22

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Leadership Class To Hold
Play Day at Fresh Air Camp

Honors Dinner



Caps, Gowns Steeped in Custom

Today will mark the 15th an-
nual play day of the Recreational
Leadership Program sponsored by
the WAA to be held at the Fresh
Air Camp from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30
The Recreational Leadership
course meets each Friday from 3
to 5.p.m. at the WAB. The pur-
pose of the course is to provide its
students with valuable lectures
and practice in the organization
and the actual administration of
summer camp work.
There are 50 members in the
class. Freshmen who have com-
pleted their standard requirements
for Physical Fducation make up
about two-thirds of the class. The
remaining students are upper-
classmen, sociology and psychol-
ogy majors who are interested in
this type of group work.
THE COURSE is conducted 1y
the students with the aid of their
sponsors Miss Marie Hartwig and
Miss Mary Smelser. There is no
credit given for the course.
It consists of lectures, camp
practice and making a work
book which is a general out-
line of the various activities and
schedule of each week's work.
The play day will open with a

general meeting for camp routine.
A waterfront and nature period
will follow. The afternoon will
close with a picnic, story-telling'
and a game period.
THE PURPOSE of the play day
is to put into practice all that has
been covered during the semester.
Several of the students have
attained summer positions at var-
ious camps as a result of their

interest in

this project.

Klein Founds



Mosher Coeds
Two scholarships were award-
ed at Mosher Hall honors banquet
last Thursday.
Patricia Patsloff received a 75
dollar scholarship and Miriam
Sager received a 50dollar schol-
arship. These Mosher scholar-
ships are awarded on the basis of
scholastic achievement, activity
participation and financial need.
Honored juniors and graduat-
ing seniors and guests were serv-
ed in the small dining room. Wo-
men receiving activity honors wore
red carnations, and women re-
ceiving scholarship honors wore
white carnations.
* * *
awarded to Marion Blancett and
Marilyn Keck. Gloria Korhonen,
Mosher Hall choir director, receiv-
ed a miniature copy of the cup
awarded to the dormitory at Lan-
tern night. The Mosher Glee Club
sang at the banquet.
Barbara Whiting and Marilyn
Keck were in charge of the hon-
ors program. Graduate foreign
students also received activity
and scholarship honors.
* * *
installed as house president. Resi-
dents had voted last Monday, and
the election results were kept se-
cret until the banquet.

Seniors suffering from the heat
at June graduation in their full,
black and not-too-well-ventilated
gawns might find some consolation
for their discomfort in knowing
how the traditional graduation
garb came into use.
Back in the days when colleges
and universities were first estab-
lished under the church, monks
and friars wore long robes, sim-
ilar in design to the present day
graduation gown.
Longhours spent in study or
prayer in the cold stone churches
of England required, full, warm
garments. Propriety, too, strictly
prohibited excesses in costume. It
Ushers Needed
For Drama Fete
All coeds interested in ushering
[or the Drama Festival may sign
up in the Undergraduate Office
of the League.
Many women who have signed
up for ushering are not appearing
for the plays, according to Mary
Davidson, chairman of the Per-
sonnel Committee. She asks all
women unable to usher on the
dates for which they have signed
to call the Undergraduate Office
or send a substitute.
All ushers will report to the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre 45
ninutes 'before performance time.
kny woman who fails to report
nay not usher at any other play,
MXiss Davidson said.



Says Dr. Bell
"The posture of the women par-
ticipating in the Lantern Night
sing showed a remarkable im-
provement over former years,"
said Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman
of the Women's Physical Educa-
tion Department.
Although several groups had a
rather artificial straightness, pos-
ture on the whole was nearly per-
fect, she stated.
Dr. Bell also emphasized that
correct posture, along with good
grooming and manners, makes a
great deal of difference especially
when a woman is applying for a
"If an applicant slouches into
a business office and shakes hands
limply with her prospective em-
ployer," Dr. Bell said, "it is a
pretty safe bet that she will not
get the job."
"Good posture practiced during
college years and maintained
throughout life will create a more
youthful appearance in later
years," she said.

"Arts Choral," the literary school
choir, was founded last September
through the efforts of Dr. May-
nard Klein, associate professor of
choral music and director of the
University Choir, and Lilias Wag-
ner, a junior in the literary school.
Lilias, who had known Dr. Klein
at Camp Interlocken last summer,
encountered him during orienta-
tion week last fall. Dr. Klein men-
tioned that there was no choir for
those students in the literary
school who enjoy music..
It was then that the idea for
"Arts Choral" was formed. Dr.
Klein made the plans and Lilias
handled the publicity.
* * *
THE FIRST meeting was called
several weeks after school started
and the membership grew in suc-
ceeding meetings. Later, the choir
was opened to all students except
those in music school.
At the first election of offi-
cers, Lilias Wagner became pres-
ident. Helen Dillman was elect-
ed secretary, Janet Pierce, lib-
rarian, Peter Hotton and Bob
White, publicity chairmen.
The choir gave a concert at Wil-
low Run and sang at several meet-
ings in the Rackham Building.
They also presented two radio pro-
grams, one of which was given
during the Christmas season.
* * *
DR. KLEIN plans to hold try-
outs for the choir next fall, and
whill choose a hundred mixed
voices. The new choir will then
elect their second set of officers.
Lilias Wagner, this year's presi-
dent, stated, "Dr. Klein has so
much enthusiasm and skill that
he can't help but produce a fine
choir. He is our guiding light!"

was considered unseemly for the
clergy "to exhibit lower limbs,"
according to canon law.
passed from ecclesiastical to sec-
ular control, academic fashion
failed to change with it. The long,
full robe was retained. It was
adopted in America during colon-
ial times.
This style was considered es-
pecially appropriate by early
Americans in that it represent-
ed the continuity and dignity of
learning. They thought, also,
that a single and uniform gar-
ment, worn by everyone regard-
less of financial or social back-
ground was suitable in a demo-
cratic country.
"They thought of everything but
comfort," might be the complaint
of some graduating se.Nor, squirm-
ing under the folds of his full
gown. But at least the heavy wools
worn by those shivering monks of
the Middle Ages have been re-
placed by lighter materials.
* * *
ably evokes much less complaint
than the gown. Most coeds re-
gard the mortarboard as a be-
coming chapeau, or at any rate,
did so before short hair cuts came
into vogue.
The square cap was adopted
by universities in 1520 in imita-
tion of the University of Paris.
Its technical name is the Ox-
ford cap but it is more com-
monly known as the mortar-
The dangling tassel that decor-
ates the graduates headgear has a
more interesting origin than the

cap itself. The idea behind the
tassel stems from the phrase "tuft-
hunting," the equivalent for our
term "social climbing."
or tassels were worn by noblemen
to designate their rank. The cus-
tom was carried over into the
academic world and today tassels
are used to indicate the faculty
or college to which the Bachelor
Thus the undergraduate is
"tuft-hunting" or "social climb-
ing" when he works for the
tassel which will indicate his
bachelor's degree.
Carrying on the long battle for
sobriety and uniformity in both
cap and gown, a student move-
ment for a more general use of
academic costumes arose in this
country in 1885.
* * *.
presidents and faculties of insti-
tutions. The custom of wearing
academic dress increased and
spread until, in 1893, the Inter-
collegiate Bureau of Academic Cos-
tume formulated a definite style
which was adopted by almost all
American colleges and universities.
And so, for better or for worse,
the traditional cap and gown have
continued in long use from monk
to graduating senior.
Activity Reports
Women personnel activity re-
ports are due Monday and
Tuesday in the Undergraduate
Office of the League.

ENGAGED-Mrs. J. Burchley Williams of Detroit announces the
engagement of her daughter Jean K. Leonard to Richard S. Hait.
Miss Leonard is a senior in literary college, and advertising man-
ager of The Daily. Mr. Hait, a senior in the School of Business Ad-
ministration, is business manager of The Daily.


liptic Plates."
23, 274 W.
Chairman, G.

4 p.m., Mon., May
Engineering Bldg.
E. Hay.


(Continued from Page 4)
Arts, School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in June.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instruc-
tor to report the make-up grade
not later than noon June 6, 1949.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later date.
Doctoral Examination for Clay
Lamont Perry, Jr., Mathematics;
thesis: "The Bending of Thin El-

Doctoral Examination for Her-
man Hodge Long, Psychology;
thesis: "Sensitivity Response Pat-
terns of Negro and White Groups
to Anger-Producing Social Stimu-
li," Tues., May 24, 311 West Medi-
cal Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, H. F.
Doctoral Examination for James
Alexander Boyer, English; thesis:
"Thomas Henry Huxley andehis
Relation to the Recognition of Sci-
ence in English Education," Tues.,
May 24, East Council Rm., Rack-
ham Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Chairman,
L. I. Bredvold.
German 1, 2, 31 final examina-
tions, Tues., June 7, 2-4 p.m. Room
assignments: 1, sec. 1, Fuehrer,
2203 AH; 1, sec. 2, Hascall, 2029
AH; 1, sec. 3, Gaiss, 231 AH; 1,
sec. 4, Bigelow, 35 AH; 1, sec. 5,

Bernard, 1025 AH; 1, sec. 6, Halley,
1035 AH; 1, sec. 7, Goettler, 229
2, sec. 1, Gaiss, 231 AH; 2, sec.
2, Goettler, 229 AH; 2, sec. 3, Pott,
18 AH; 2, sec. 4, Reed, 25 AH; 2,
sec. 5, Thurber, 2235 AH; 2, sec.
6, Graf, 225 Al; 2, sec. 7, Thurber,
2235 AH; 2, sec. 8, Haley, 1035 AH;
2, sec 9, Fuehrer, 2203 AH; 2, sec.
10, Norton 16 AHl; 2, sec. 11, Bige-
low, 35 All; 2, sec. 12, Gaiss, 231
AH; 2, sec. 13, Hascall, 2029 AH; 2,
sec. 14, Reed, 25 AH; 2, sec. 15,
Heilbronner, 2231 AH; 2, sec. 16,
Mertens, 209 All; 2, sec. 18, Heil-
bronner, 2231 Al; 2, sec. 19, Ber-
nard, 1025 AH; 2, sec. 20, Yates,
2013 AH.
31, sec. 1, Willey, 25 AH; 31, sec.
2, Bergholz, 6 AH; 31, sec. 3, Ber-
nard, 1025 AH.
German 1, 2, 31 special senior
final examinations, Tues., May 31,
7-9 p.m. All sections will meet in
231 A.H.
German 12 final examinations,

Fri., June 3, 7-8 p.m. All sections
will meet in 25 A.H.
Carillon Recital: by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
2:15 Sunday afternoon, May 22.
Program: Ave Maria byArcadelt,
The Lady Piper, by Chambon-
nieres, greludium by Bull, Dead
March by Purcell, Courante; a
group of carillon compositions by
Wilhelm Bender, and four of his
arrangements for carillon.
University of Michigan Choir
and the Michigan Singers, con-
ducted by Maynard Klein, will pre-
se#t its annual Spring Concert
at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 22, Hill
Auditorium. Program: composi-
tions by Palestrina, Bach, Healey
Willan, Brahms, Ross Lee Finney
(of the School of Music faculty),
Randall Thompson, and Kodaly's
(Continued on Page 6)

Graduation Gift
graduation presents for both men
and women.
GIVE the graduate a lasting re-
minder of his sojourn on this busi-
ness campus. Our Michigan place
>.-mat sets are a "must" for all
alumni to take home with them.
Always Reasonably Priced


9:30 to 5:30


1 ;


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