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May 21, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-21

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Latest Deadline in the State






Win Appeals
Resign After 'U"
Overrules Judic
An appeal by four student gov-
ernment candidates against the
Men's Judiciary Council decision
which disqualified them was up-
held by the University Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline, it was re-
vealed yesterday.
But the candidates, whose dis-
qualifications were removed, re-
signed as a group from the posts
which they won.
"OUR MAIN purpose in appeal-
ing was to clear our names," they
The candidates were disquali-
fied early this month by Men's
Judiciary because ballots bear-
ing votes for them were "stuf-
fed" in the engine arch ballot
box. The case was termed an
"obvious fraud," by the Council.
The resigning candidates are
Tom Sparrow, '52, SL candidate;
Morgan Ramsay, '50BAd, combin-
ed schools Union vice-presidency
candidate and Robert Vogel, '51E
and James Morse, '52E, candi-
dates for junior and sophomore
engineering class presidencies re-
* * *
tee on Discipline referred the case
back to Men's Judiciary "for such
further recommendations as it
may care to make."
The Judiciary Committee will
not attempt to uncover more in-
formation on the candidates it
disqualified, according to Men's
Judiciary President Bill Reitzer
"As is true in every instance
wherein a superior tribunal over-
rules an inferior one, the latter
acquiesces to the greater wisdom
and judgment of the former,"
Reitzer commented on the Sub-
Committee's upholding of the ap-
* * *
ing out at the University Sub
Committee, asked "Does this mean
that student government is per-
mitted only to operate as long as
it conforms strictly to University
"There is no reason why this
should have gone outside the
realm of student government.
SL appointed the Men's Judi-
ciary Council. It was an SL rule
that was violated and the par-
ties concerned are represented
by us," he added.
Sub-Committee Chairman Dean
Grover C. Grismore said that his
group "would have been shirking
its duty" if it failed to hear the
appeal. He added that it received
its power from the Regents' By-
Laws which gave the group's par-
ent body, the University Conduct
Committee, power over matters
"involving organized student
* * *
THE FOUR resigning officers
told The Daily they ". . . would
like to fulfill the duties of our offi-
ces, but felt it best to resign.
"We feel that this course of
action is the most suitable from
all viewpoints. We appreciate all
the time and effort of the Men's

Judiciary Council and the Disci-
plinary Committee, and regret the
unfavorable publicity that has re-
suited from this incident."
CED Presidency
Goes to Rechtman
Leon Rechtman, '50, was unani-
mously reelected chairman of the
Committee to End Discrimination
A final meeting of CED for this
semester will be held at 4 p.m.
Monday in the League.

Conference Gives
MSC Official Nod
EVANSTON, Ilf.-(P)-The Western Conference yesterday voted
that Michigan State College be accepted as a tenth member and that
the East Lansing institution begin conference competition in the aca-
demic year 1950-1951, excepting in football.
The acceptance of Michigan State was announced by Prof. Ken-
neth Little of Wisconsin, chairman of a special investigating commit-
tee, which reported on a survey of Michigan State athletic policies to
the current conference business meeting.
*~ * * *
PROF. LITTLE ISSUED this statement:
"The faculty representatives have just voted that a report
o of a special committee certifying

Anglo, U.S.
.deny Talks
By The Associated Press
A Russian feeler for a big power
conference to settle the Greek civil
war was firmly rejected by the
United States and Britain.
Moscow was told in effect: call
off your Balkan satellites which
have been helping the Greek guer-
rillas and we'll talk business -
within the United Nations.
* * *
THE U.S. State Department
coldly charged that Russia has
been "lending encouragement to
the illegal operations which have
disturbed the peace."
Britain told the Soviets there
won't be any negotiations "be-
hind the back of the Greek gov-
Greek ambassador Vassili C.
Dendramis declared after a visit
at the State Department in Wash-
* * * '
"THERE is one condition for
peace-that the rebels lay down
their arms."
Meanwhile in Athens tue Ius-
sian proposals were dismissed by
authorative sources as "a ma-
neuver which is part of the gen-
eral Soviet propaganda frame-
The Greek cabinet met for two
and a half hours, then adjourned
with the announcement that it
had no statement to make.
* *. *
TASS, THE official Soviet news
agency, set off a flurry about pos-
sible peace in Greece by announc-
ing that Russia had presented a
conditional settlement plan to the
U.S. and Britain.
'* * *
London, followed quickly by
Washington, put out the western
versions of the informal and
somewhat vague talks on which
the Tass account was founded.
The American statement made
it clear that as long as Greece's
northern neighbors keep helping
the guerrillas, the United States is
going to keep pouring in help to
the Athens government.
The British Foreign Office said
that during Russia's informal feel-
er talks in New York Hector Mc-
Neil, the British Minister of State,
had told Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko that
"the hostilities would soon cease
if the nothern neighbors of Greece
stopped giving aid and shelter to
the rebels."

that the rules, regulations and
other requirements of the Con-
ference are now substantially
enforced at Michigan State Col-
lege and that Michigan State
College be declared a member
of the Conference." .
The Spartans will not compete
for the Conference football cham-
pionship until 1953, since league
grid schedules for 1950, 1951 and
1952 were drawn at the Confer-
ence winter meeting last Decem-
IN BASKETBALL the Spartans
will be included in the 1950-51
schedule and will compete in in-
door and outdoor track the same
school year.
Their first actual league compe-
tition will be in cross-country in
the fall of 1950.
Fritz Crisler, University of
Michigan Athletic Director, said
his school was "happy and priv-
ileged" to welcome Michigan
State College as a new member.
Dean Lloyd C. Emmons, of the
Michigan State College Sdhool of'
Arts and Sciences, said that "we
are particularly enthusiastic be-
cause the move firmly establishes
our school athletically, and con-
firms our academic position among
Big Ten schools.
Emmons will become a faculty
representative member in the Big
Ten policy-making group.
Sons Elected
SDX President
Raymond W. Sons, '50, has been
elected president of the campus
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, pro-
fessional journalism fraternity.
Other new officers are: Ber-
nard Bailey, '50, vice president;
Raymond L. Courage, '49, secre-
tary; Pete Hotton, '50, correspond-
ing secretary; and Hugh C. Boyle,
'50, treasurer.
New professional members init-
ited were: Ralph McPhee, of the
Washtenaw Post-Tribune; Law-
rence Prakken, of Prakken Publi-
cations, and Lawrence Towe, edi-
tor, Charlevoix Courier.
Undergraduate members initiat-
ed include: Clarence L. Baxter, Jr.,
Al Blumrosen, Jim Brown, Ber-
nard Bailey, Dick Campbell, Rob-
ert Chamberlain, Bill Cunning-
ham, Pres Holmes, Josiah Horton,
Pete Hotton, Fred Keister, Donald
Knack, Barney Laschever, Thomas
Lyons, Donald MacLachlan, Hal
McMurrough, Dirk Nebbeling,
Gerd Padel, William Peterson,
Mac G. Quaye, George Riviere,
Darwin Sampson, Seymour Son-
kin, Rudolf Soucek and David

AEC Hiding
Reds, Says
Direct Charges
Face Lilienthal
Ferguson (Rep., Mich.) accused
the Atomic Energy Commission to-
day of keeping loyalty suspects
"under cover" on AEC payrolls for
over 10 months.
Ferguson fired the accusations
point-blank at AEC chairman
David E.Lilienthal at a stormy
hearing of a Senate Appropria-
tions Subcommittee.
* * *
THE SENATE investigation was
touched off by a disclosure that a
Communist, Hans Friestadt, had
been granted a fellowship under
the AEC's multi-million-dollar
student air program.
Lilienthal, whose own ap-
pointment to head the nation's
atomic development program
was bitterly attacked in the
Senate before he finally was
confirmed, acknowledged that
questions have been raised about
the loyalty of "maybe as many
as three" of the 500 persons who
have been awarded AEC schol-
Lilienthal has been answering
Senators' pointed questions for
two days. He was called in con-
nection with the Atomic Commis-
sion's request for $1,090,000,000
operating money next year.
* * *
UNDER questioning by Senator
Wherry (Rep., Neb.), the AEC
chairman confirmed that a young
Boston medical student research-
er, Dr. Isidor S. Edelman, holds a
$3,750-a-year atomic fellowship
although he has been denied clear-
ance for secret work on security
The committee promptly an-
nounced it will call Edelman to
testify Tuesday. Edelman will
also appear before the Senate-
House Atomic Energy Commit-
tee Monday afternoon.
Lilienthal said Edelman is not
working on atomic secrets, and has
denied that he is a Communist.
But he went on to say that an
FBI check had turned up "de-
rogatory information" about Edel-
man-which he refused to di-
vulge-and it was decided that
Edelman should not be allowed to
work where he would have con-
tact with AEC employes who do
have access to secrets.
Rail Workers
Strike Against
Reds in Berlin
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-East-West trade in
Germany had its ups and downs
yesterday as West Berlin railway
workers walked out on strike
against their Russian managers
while truck traffic proceeded
without the forecasted interrup-
The rail strike came as a blow to
West Berlin's economy, just rally-
ing from the effects of the Soviet
blockade. Four power talks on eco-
nomic questions yesterday had
been proceeding more smoothly

than they had for several days.
* *
THE CHANGE in the Soviet at-
titude on road traffic along the
Autobahn from Helmstedt to Ber-
lin came as a surprise to Western
autorities. First the Russians at
Helmstadt hadgstopped all Ber-
lin-bound freight which did not !
carry a Soviet Zone permit. Then
yesterday they opened the Aut6-
But the railworkers' strike
choked off the vital traffic from
Western Germany even as road
traffic picked up.
More than a dozen West Ger-
man trains hauling food, coal and

Battle Over
Action Expected
Sometime Today
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING-The State Legisla-
ture had not acted on the Univer-
sity budget appropriation as The
EDaily went to press at 3 a.m. to-
Action is expected before the
Legislature adjourns later in the
HOUSE AND Senate members
of the Conference Committee were

WASHOUT-'So that's where our bridge went' the Oklahoma Highway Department said after a
flash flood in Whitebread Creek near Gracemont, Okla. The 300-foot wooden span was swept
100 feet from its moorings in the state's torrential rains. It's a total loss.

Communists Opposed
By Most Czechs,---Ienes,

The Communist Party in Cze-
choslovakia faces opposition from
about 80 per cent of the people to-
day, according to Vaclav Benes,
former Czech government offi-
cial and expert in international
"If the Moscow government
were to fall-in a week's time,
West German
States Form
New Republic
FRANKFURT, Germany-(R)-
West Germany's new constitution,
uniting 11 states in a Federal Re-
public, was ratified yesterday.
The deciding vote was cast by
the State Parliament of North
Rhine - Westphalia, which ap-
proved the constitution 153 to 38
in Duesseldorf after a day-long de-
bate interrupted frequently by
Communist demonstrations in the
*~ * *
NORTH RHINE-Westphalia was
the eighth of the 11 states, which
make up the occupation zones of
the United States, Britain and
France, to indorse the charter.
Approval by two-thirds of the
states was required to make the
constitution effective.
Only one state, traditionally
independent Bavaria, voted
against the charter, and its leg-
islators agreed Bavaria would
join the republic if the other
10 states decided to do so.
The only state yet to vote is
Wuerttenberg - Hohenzollern, in
the French zone.
* * *
wrote the constitution will reas-
semble at Bonn Monday and pro-
claim its adoption. P
Adoption of the constitution,
opposed from the first by the
Communists of both Western Ger-
many and the Soviet Zone,
strengthens the hands of the
Western Foreign Ministers for the
four-power conference on Ger-
many to open in Paris Monday.

maybe in a day, there would be no
more Communist Party inuCzecho-
slovakia," Benes said last night in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
IN THE face of popular opposi-
tion, the whole Communist Party
in Czechoslovakia, including the
Gottwald faction, is fully aware
of its dependence on Moscow,
Benes said.
Courts today sit almost in-
cessantly in Czechoslovakia,
condemning opposition to death
or lengthy prison terms, he said.
Already 20,000 people have left,
the country in protest of the Red
regime or to escape violence.
"Their object is to break the.
morale of the democratic tradi-I
tions in Czechoslovakia-to intro-
duce spiritual slavery," he de-
THE PAPERS are full of at-
tacks on Western imperialism and
articles glorifying the Soviet gov-
ernment, he said. "Even history is
given a new Marxist twist."
"The supply situation is ex-
actly as bad as it was during the
war. Communism in an econom-
ically developed country can not
lead to prosperity, but to impov-
Benes pointed out that there are
now two classes of citizens in
Czechoslovakia: the privileged,
who buy goods at normal prices;
and the majority who buy on a
free market, paying in many in-
stances up to ten times the normal
pointed toward the gradual de-
struction and liquidation of the
middle class," he said.
Reviewing the events which
led up to the Communist coup
last March, Benes pointed out
that 63 per cent of the voters
were against the Communists in
the previous elections.
"But imagine a free election
when people are told a foreign
army will march through the
country three days before," he
safd. "A coalition cannot stop
those who are prepared to kill-
no constitutional measure could
have stopped the Communists."

Peace Talkis
Near Collapse
In Ford Strike
Company Refuses
To Act Before June 1
DETROIT-(PI)-Peace talks be-
tween the Ford Motor Company
and .the United Auto Workers
(CIO) in the 16-day-old Ford
strike stood on the verge of col-
lapse yesterday.
Threatening the talks on the
very day the Federal government
put a mediator on the scene was
a heated dispute over starting
time for negotiations on a new
union contract to replace the one
which expires next July 15.
* * *
THE COMPANY, with 102,000
production workers idle in the
16-day old strike, refused to agree
to contract talks during the strike,
specifically not before June 1.
The union demanded that
Ford agree to begin contract
talks by next Monday. Other-
wise, UAW President Walter
Reuther threatened to pull the
union negotiating team out of
the strike talks.
Further, Reuther declared in a
statement that the union would
file unfair labor practice charges
against Ford if the company does
not open contract discussions by
* * *
workers at the company's Rouge
and Lincoln-Mercury plants here
walked out May 5, charging that
Ford had stepped up the speed of
assembly lines to the detriment
of workers' health and safety. The
company denied the charge.
After more than five hours of
discussion today, negotiators
took a recess until tomorrow at
10 a.m. There was no statement
by either side as the meeting
broke up.
In the liveliest session since
direct peace negotiations opened
10 days ago, each side pointed the
blame for possible break-off of
peace relations at the other.
John S. Bugas, Ford vice pres-
ident, declared that if the strike
talks are broken off "it will be
strictly the Union's responsibility."
Reuther replied that responsi-
bility for such a threatened end to
the peace talks "rests squartely on.
the shoulders of the company."

(Special to The Daily)
LANSING - The House and
Senate Conference Committee
on University appropriations ap-
proved an unspecified sum for
plans for the University building
program, Rep. John P. Espie
(Rep.), told The Daily at 3 a.m.
The sum is not expected to
exceed $100,000, he said,
working feverishly to arrive at a
figure acceptable to both.
The committee was appointed
early yesterday and did not meet
until 2:35 this morning.
Conference committee reports
on other bills that did reach the
House floor early this morning
were passed by almost unanimous
after the Senate had turned down
the House bill which would have
given the University a budget of
$10,986,315 in favor of a $12,500,-
000 appropriation. House and Sen-
ate members prepared to go into
conference on the bill.
The House and Senate seemed
unable to agree on any major
issues as their final session be-
Representatives, working in the
oblong cream and brown house
chamber before packed galleries
were resigned to a long session. In
the anterooms reporters and spec-
tators placed bets on the time
the meeting would wind up. Best
guess was 7 a m.
*' '* *
SHARP DEBATE in the Senate
earlier in the day resulted in the
Houserbill being sent to a joint
conference committee. Principle
objections to the increased appro-
priation came from Sen. H. D.
Tripp (Rep.) who said that the
two schools, the University and
MSC, were expanding, "far beyond
what is necessary."
Supporting the budget increase,
Sen. Don VanderWerp said that
the House recommendation would
"do serious injury to the schools."
If you are going to make the
schools suffer this year, it will
take 25 years for them to make
up the damage done."
* * *
EARLIER in the week, in a spe-
cial trip to Lansing Pres. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven warned the
Senate Finance Committee that
the University was faced with the
alternative of increasing tuition
fees or slashing enrollment by
3,000 students if the budget re-
quest was turned down.
"I will oppose both of these
alternatives vigorously," Presi-
dent Ruthven declared. He add-
",Fees are already as high as
they should be. As for reducing
enrollment,I will absolutely not be
a party to any movement to deny
education to the people of Mich-
Glee Club Awards
The University Glee Club has
announced Don Cleveland, '50E;
Pres Holmes, '50; and Ken Greid-

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
SHANGHAI-Shanghai's last air link to the outside world was

snapped yesterday and even the
Communist troops who set huge
in the Poutung waterfront area
* * *
economy bloc suffered its fourth
smashing defeat in a row yes-
terday as the chamber passed
a $751,440,690 flood control and
waterways bill despite cries of
* * *

sea lane was menaced by Chinese
fires east of the Whangpoo River
of the beseiged city.
* * .
HOLLAND-A record throng
basked under sunny skies yes-
terday as the Holland Tulip Fes-
tival enjoyed its first day of
good weather, bringing out
"above 50,000" in temperatures
in the 70's.
* * *

Political Science Courses Revamped

Sweeping changes in introduc-
tory political science courses have
been announced for the fall semes-

of the political science depart-
ment, who announced the new
TA. ..t1 1. .... . i L. .±n.

will be supplemented with sym-
posia and discussions on the part
of the department faculty.


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