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May 20, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-20

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I iK t''
(Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor
AN OLD FEAR was accented in the opin-
ions presented by justices on the recent
Supreme Court free speech decision.
In this case, the majority of justices
rejected a definition of breach of peace in
which a speaker "stirs the public to anger,
invites dispute, brings about a condition of
unrest and creates a disturbance." (The
quoted section is a statement of the Chi-
cago ordinance under which a priest, Rev.
Arthur W. Terminiello, was convicted,)
Four justices dissented. But Justice Jack-
son, supported by Justice Burton, raised the
most interesting objections.
In his dissent he said, "There is danger
that if the court does not temper its doc-
trinaire logic with a little practical wisdom,
it will soon convert the Bill of Rights into
a suicide pact." He commented that the
Terminiello speech followed "with a fidelity
that is more than co-incidental, the pattern
of Europe Fascist leaders."
Justice Jackson also maintained that
the decision "certainly fulfills the most
extravagant hopes of both right and left
totalitarian groups, who want nothing so
much as to paralyze and discredit the only
democratic authority that can curb them
in their battle for the streets."
The question raised concerns a condition
which has proved disastrous for much of
Europe. Under the protection of free speech,
Communists and right-wing Fascists both
tear away at the middle ground and force
subjection to some form of totalitarian gov-
ernment. Or they may so confuse the po-
litical scene that no stable government is
This is what Justice Jackson fears may
happen here.
* * *
THE FIRST and best answer to this fear is
given by Justice Douglas in the ma-
Jority decision on this case' in which he
says: "The vitality of civil and political
institutions in our society depends on free
"The right to speak freely and to promote
diversity of ideas and programs is there-
fore one of the chief distinctions that sets
us apart from totalitarian regimes ...
"Speech is often provocative and chal-
lenging. It may strike at prejudices and
preconceptions and have profound un-
settling effects as it presses for acceptance
of an idea. That is why freedom of speech,
though no absolute, is nevertheless pro-
tected against censorship or punishment,
unless shown likely to produce a clear
and present danger of a serious substan-
tive evil that rises far above public incon-
venience, annoyance or unrest.
"There is no room under our Constitution
for a more restrictive view. For the alterna-
tive could lead to standardization of ideas
either by legislatures, courts or dominant
political or community groups."
N A COUNTRY like this, where free ex-
change of opinion is the accepted ideal,
restriction of free speech is the surest way
to bring about "standardization," blind gov-.
ernment and totalitarianism.
It is often the "fringe" thinkers who pro-
vide the spark for progress. And even if
many prove to be the "lunatic" fringe, rash
ideas have invariably gone through a long
digestive process before creating any ef-
Preservation of the widest possible free
speech is still the best defense against to-
totalitarianism, and the best answer to those
who are fearful that Our system will crumble.
And it is well to remember that Freedom
from Fear was also one of the four rights
laid down so long ago, and that Freedom
from Fear is necessary for unwavering sup-
port of free speech.

The Problem Problem

Angell Hall: Interior Decorators


Letters to the Editor-

ALL RIGHT, FRIENDS, let's solve the Rus-
sian problem. How do you solve the
Russian problem? Why, that's easy-just
spend 22 billions of dollars next year on
Army, Navy, Air Force, aid to Europe and
so on.
But that gives us a budget problem. See
the Representatives worrying, see the Sen-
WASHINGTON-In the queer tangle of
labor policy one fact stands out. Presi-
dent Truman still has an excellent chance
of victory over the supporters of the Taft-
Hartley Act. But he is gravely imperilling
this chanceof victory, in order to preserve
his odd pose as the Persecuted-Politician-
Senator Robert A. Taft himself has al-
ready made the most extensive concessions
in his substitute measure.
With wise Presidential leadership, the
Senate and House, would go far beyond
Taft's concessions, expunging the Taft-
Hartley Act from the statute books and
retaining only about 20 per cent of its pro-
visions. The result would be sound, im-
partial labor legislation.
Symptomatic of the way the currents are
running, are important, recent behind-the-
scenes developments in the Senate. The able
trio of Republican progressives, Ives, of New
York, Morse, of Oregon, and Aiken, of Ver-
mont, have always refused to have dealings
with Taft. For several weeks, they have also
desired to join such progressive Democrats
as Hill, of Alabama, Douglas, of Illinois, and
Humphrey, of Minnesota, in preparing their
own bi-partisan substitute for Taft-Hart-
Their motive is simple. The Presidentially-
sponsored Thomas-Lesinki bill has no
chance of passing either house of Congress.
On the other hand, a Hill-Morse-Douglas-
Aiken-Humphrey measure, providing for
mild and reasonable labor regulation, would
have the best possible chance of carrying
the Senate. These progressive Democrats
and Republicans were in broad agreement
on principles. There seemed to be no reason
why they should not cooperate constructive-
ly to pass, a sound labor bill.
There has been, and is no earthly rea-
son except the President's attitude. When
Morse and Aiken first approached Hill
and Douglas, any cooperative effort was
directly discouraged at a meeting of the
Senate Labor Committee's Democratic
members, by the committee chairman,
Senator Thomas, of Utah. Senator
Thomas, speaking for the President, in-
sisted on standing pat on the hopeless
Thomas-Lesinski bill. "No compromise"
was the watchword offered.
Since that time, fortunately, Hill, Doug-
las, and Humphrey have decided to ignore
the White House. They agreed to try to get
together with Morse and Aiken (Ives being
omitted because he is not a labor committee
member). The chances are good that these
five will now agree on a program. But again,
their agreement will be fruitless, if the Presi-
dent commands his small but faithful Sena-
torial band-such men as Thomas and
Claude Pepper, of Florida-to vote against
any compromise whatever. The victory will
then go, by default, to Senator Taft.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

to do

walking in circles? They now have to
a budget problem. And how are they

Easy, says Mr. Truman; we'll raise taxes
by 4 billions. But that gives us a tax
problem. Raise taxes now, say the bus-
inessmen, angrily, and we won't be re-
sponsible for the outcome.
All right, then we have to cut expendi-
tures. Where'll we cut? Why, we have it, says
the House Republican leadership, we'll post-
pone public housing! After all, if you don't
have the money, you have to go without.
We'll fight the administration's housing
program, and try to balance the budget.
But that gives us a housing problem.
How did we get way over here, when we
started way over there? There must be
a pattern underlying all this, somehow.
And if we don't build houses, we'll have
a morale problem. People don't have houses
in which to live, they get discontented, and
then they listen to Communist propaganda.
I admit it sounds silly to say that the
largest anti-Communist budget in the his-
tory of human deficits can lead straight to
increased opportunities for Communist prop-
aganda, but, blast it, there's the chain of
reasoning. Break it down if you can. I
didn't invent it; it's the situation.
One feels like pointing out to the GOP
that there is also going to be a Republican
problem. For if the Republicans block hous-
ing, they're not going to wi-i-i-in. No,
they're not. They're going to lo-o-o-se in the
next election. Oh, yes, they will.
WHERE WERE WE? Oh, yes, we were
talking about the Russian problem, and
about the way our attempted solutions breed
other problems. Let's trace out another line:
You pick up last Monday's New York Times
survey of business conditions around the
country, and you see that among the rather
few immediately encouraging trade fac-
tors, our aid-to-Europe program and our
arms program stand rather high.
Even though the Times reports wide-
spread "skepticism" as to how much these
programs will aid business, it remains
true that the "brightest" spot in New
York State, employment-wise, is Long
Island, where aircraft output is reported
up; New England is asking for more ERP
orders, complaining it is not getting its
fair share; the St. Louis shoe trade is
benefitting from the arms and Europe-
aid programs; New Orleans says that
movement of Marshall Plan freight
through its port has helped.
And here the thing gets really thick and
complicated, because what it means is that
although we haven't yet solved the Russian
problem, the problem is becoming the solu-
tion, for some of us. We begin to need the
problem; we begin to search for answers
in our difficulties, though, of course, we
don't find nearly as many of those as we do
difficulties in our answers. But this business
of beginning, economically, to depend on a
problem to save you is in itself a problem,
like the tax problem and the budget prob-
lem-you might call it the problem problem.
* * *
THERE IS ENOUGH here to indicate that
it would be a very useful thing for the
Council of Foreign Ministers to make peace
when it meets next week. One concedes that
peace has its problems, too, but at least
they are problems which can be expected to
lie still and be handled, unlike our current
squirming set, breeding and subdividing and
breeding again, until form and outline in
our world are lost, and we find ourselves
startled by danger in what is supposed to
give us safety, and snatching for safety at
what is really danger.
(Copyright, 1949,'New York Post Corporation)
At Architect. Auditorium
TALES OF MANHATTAN, with a veritable
galaxy of stars.

A SWALLOW-TAIL coat moves in strange
ways throughout this (incon) sequential
film bringing happiness to some, tragedy to
others, and an occasional entertaining mo-
ment to the audience.
During the five episodes which compose
"Tales of Manhattan," Charles Boyer, Rita
Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, Henry Fonda,
Caesar Romero, Charles Laughton, Elsa Lan-
chester, James Gleason, Edward G. Robin-
son, Ethel Waters and Paul Robeson all help
the tails on their journey through the world.
Almost all perform with their usual
aplomb, but truth tis, some of them have
very little to work with. Probably the
finest portrayal turned in is by Laughton
as the down-and-out composer who finally
conducts his masterpiece in Carnegie Hall.
His facial expressions, are, , as always,
Charles Boyer is able to make the most
appallingly trite "sweet nothings" sound like
the real article, but Henry Fonda and Ginger
Rogers don't fare as well in their tilt with
the grand passion.
Edward G. Robinson does a convincing
job as a regenerated drunkard, and Paul
Robeson comes in at the end with a song

-Daily-Bill Hampton

(Continued from Page 3)

dent Loan Prints must be returned
to 508 Administration Building
(basement), by Friday, May 27.
Office hours: 8-12 a.m. and 1-5
p.m. daily.
Prints will be reassigned to sum-
mer school students during the
week of June 20. All Student Loan
pictures will be on display in 508
Administration Building, at that
Approved Student Social Events
for the coming weekend:
Friday, May 20
Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi, Mar-
tha Cook Residence, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Wesleyan
Guild, Zeta Beta Tau.
Saturday, May 21
Adams House, Adelia Cheever
House, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Cooley House, Graduate Student
Council, Hinsdale House, Lambda
Chi Alpha, Lloyd House, Miami
Triad, Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Sigma Phi, Theta Delta
Chi, Victor Vaughan.
Sunday, May 22
Dental School Junior Class, Psi
Upsilon, University Symphony
Orchestra, Zeta Beta Tau.
B'nai B'rith Iillel Foundation:
Applications are now being ac-
cepted for men students to live at
the Foundation for the Summer
and Fall terms. Those interested
should call Miss Goldberg (4120)
at the Foundation no later than
May 25.
Bureau of Appointments:
The Department of Army, Over-
seas Affairs Branch, has printed a
list of current vacancies overseas
in Japan, Europe, Virgin Islands,
Okinawa, Mariannas, Alaska, Ko-
rea, Canal Zone, and the Philip-
pine Islands for appointments
from one to two years for various
types of positions.
For further information and ap-
pointments, call Ext. 371, or call
at the office. 3528 Administration
Bureau of Appointments:
The Ralph H. Miller Inc. stores
for women and children are seek-
ing men and women with retailing
majors only for their store man-
ager training program. Theiri
stores are located throughout the
Midwestern and southern parts of
the country.]
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg.
Teaching Positions:
The Public Schools of Santaf
Barbara, California, are in need of
elementary teachers in the earlyI
and later grades. Teachers must.
have 24 semester hours of educa-
tion including 8 hours of directed
The Public Schools of Newark,
N.J. are interested in receiving ap-
plications from teachers who areI
interested in positions in the sys-
For further information con-1
cerning the above, call at the Bu-t
reau of Appointments.t
University Lecture: "Modern
Art, the Search for a Symbol" (il-t
lustrated), Lincoln Kirstein, artf
critic, author, ad secretary of the
Ballet Society, Inc., of New York;

auspices of the School of Archi-
tect and Design. 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 20, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in
Mathematics: Prof. R. H. Fox of
Princeton University will give the
final lecture in the series, Fri., 4
p.m., 3017 Angell Hall.
University Lecture: "National
Parks in American Life" by New-
ton Drury, Director, National
Park Service, U.S. Department of
the Interior, Rackham Lecture
Hall, 4:15 p.m., Mon., May 23. Un-
der the sponsorship of the School
of Forestry and Conservation and
the Department of Landscape
Architecture, College of Architec-
ture and Design.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Rich-
ard Norton Lyon, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Heat Transfer
at High Fluxes in Confined
Spaces." 2 p.m., Fri., May 20, 3201
E. Engineering Bldg. Chairman, D.
L. Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert G. Mead, Jr., Romance Lan-
guages: Spanish; thesis: "Manuel
Gonzalez Prada, Prosista." 2 p.m.,
Fri., May 20, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman: E. An-
University of Michigan Choir
and the Michigan Singers, con-
ducted by Maynard Klein, will
present its annual Spring Con-
cert at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 22,
Hill Auditorium. Program: com-
positions by Palestrina, Bach,
Brahms, Healey Willan, Ross Lee
Finney (of the School of Music
faculty), Randall Thompson, and
Kodaly's Te Deum, sung by the
Choir and Double Quartette. The
public is -invited.
Chamber Music Program by pu-
pils of Gilbert Ross, Oliver Edel
and Paul Doktor, 4:15 p.m., May
20, Rackham Assembly Hall. Pro-
gram: Beethoven's Sonata in C
minor, Op. 30, No. 2, Schubert's
Quartet in A minor, Op. 29, and
Beethoven's Quartet in C minor,
Op. 18, No. 4. The public is invit-
Student Recital: Gloria Conan,
Mezzo-soprano, will present a pro-
gram at 8 p.m., Sun., May 22, Kel-
logg Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. Miss
Gonan is a pupil of Arthur Hack-
ett. The recital, open to the pub-
lie, will include works by Handel,
Bach, Bishop, Respighi, Cimara,
Brahms, Strauss, Wolf, Chausson
and Ravel.
Events Today
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy-8:30-10 p.m., Angell
Hall (fifth floor), for observations
of Saturn and double stars. Dr.
Leo Goldberg will give an il-
lustrated talk on "Storms on
the Sun" in 3017 Angell Hall. Al-
though a cloudy sky may prevent
observations with the telescope,
Dr. Goldberg's-talk will be given
as scheduled. Children must be
accompanied by adults. (This is
the last Visitors' Night schedued
for the second semester.)
Roger Williams Guild: Annual

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general po1-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* *
Liquor Ban ..
To the Editor:
"The City Editor's Scratch
Pad" in Wednesday's Daily, I
picked up my home-town paper
and immediately noticed this ar-
ticle (incl.) . . . and the U. of P.
is considered a very conservative
-L. K. Smith.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The clipping re-
ported that the Univ'.:sity of Penn-
sylvania has "modernized" its rules
regarding liquor to permit the serving
of cocktails at receptions and special
events in the museum, and to per-
mit use of liquor in dormitories, fra-
ternities and sororities.)
** *
To the Editor:
THE LETTERS in this column
that have advocated unre-
stricted drinking on campus have
disgusted me because they have
ignored the fact that at present
the students do have certain rights
and opportunities to drink. The
City Editor points out that liquor
is obtainable and that those
groups that can not have a suc-
cessful party without drinking can
hold off campus parties. Students
who do not drink also have cer-
tain rights that should be respect-
I would like to point out to Dick
Maloy that there is a great dif-
ference between saying that many
people accept drinking as a social
habit and saying that drinking is
acceptable. To people interested
in social problems such as the
increasing numbers in mental hos-
pitals, the increasing crime rate
and the increasing divorce rate
drinking is a social evil because
it is, one important cause of this
degeneration of our society.
I believe in giving those stud-
dents that want to stagger back
to a party from a joint off-campus
that choice. The present regula-
tions are only protecting the rights
of one group by limiting the free-
dom of another minority group
without denying certain rights
(namely off-campus drinking) to
this restricted group.
Lifting the ban would encour-
age drinking and in many cases
cause those originally opposed to
drinking to choose between drink-
ing or not being accepted as a
member of the group they belong

to such as a fraternity or soror-
Students advocating a change
in policy should begin to search
for the merits of drinking. I chal-
lenge Dick Maloy or any others
to state one benefit of drinking
as a basis for encouraging this
-Norman C.Jimnerson-
raefl .. .
To the Editor:
umns in The Daily concern-
ing the activities of the Men's Glee
Club have been notable. I am
very grateful for the interest
shown by the pertinent members
of your staff and especially for
the generous preview of our spring
concert performances. Such no-
tices are invaluable for the carry-
ing out of our program .of activ-
ities as well as for building and
maintaining group morale.
-Philip A. Duey.
Director, Men's Glee Club.
Protest .. .
To the Editor:
WE WERE strolling down the
halls one day
In the merry, merry month of
We were taken by surprise
For, there, before our eyes
A cross-eyed painter's night-
mare lay.
We demand that "Mary Had a
Little Lamb" be put on the PINK
AND BLUE walls, that little Red
Riding Hood be on the FOREST
GREEN, that the owl and the
pussy cat go to sea on the beauti-
ful PEA GREEN walls. We didn't
complain aboutCtheMUSTARD
we gritted our teeth and passed
in silence from the YELLOW and
GREEN to the AQUA; but the
PINK AND BLUE leading into the
CHARTREUSE sent our tempera-
ture shooting skyward. We must
protest! Give us our diplomas and
we will flee whither we cometh.
-Barb Whiting.
Doris Toohey,
Mary Lou Stegner.
Jenny Sprung,
Shirley Fage,
Marion Blancett.
Invitation.. .
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE TO invite all
campus organizations using
handbills to match their social
consciousness with some civic
pride by voluntarily adopting the
following program:
1. Maintaining a prominently
displayed waste basket about 50
feet from the source of in each
direction of student travel.
2. "Police the area" for your
handbills immediately after the
Surely the right of free publica-
tion and distribution is not the
right to deface the public and pri-
vate property.
-R. W. Peterson.


Spring Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Church.
Initiation of officers.
Canterbury Club: Tea and Open
House for all students and their
friends. 4-6 p.m. Special guest:
Bishop Emrich.
Student Religious Association:
Coffee Hour, 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Wesleyan Guild: 6 to 12 mid-
night, First Methodist Church,
D'Project to earn funds for a dis-
placed person. Everyone welcome.
International Cafeteria featuring
foods from all nations at 6 p.m.;
Carnival, 7-9 p.m.; Movies of
British Isles, 7-9 p.m.; Musical
presentation, 9 p.m.; South Sea
Island Party, 9-12 p.m. with en-
tertainment by the Hawaiian Club.
B'nai B'rith Foundation: Last
Friday evening service of the se-
mester, 7:45 p.m.
NSA Travel Bureau invites all
students going to Europe or Mex-
ico this summer to get acquainted
and exchange information at 4
p.m., today, Rm. D, Union.
German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30
p.m. Russian Tea Room, League.
All interested students and fac-
ulty members are invited.
Committee to End Discrimina-
tion: Meeting, 4 p.m., League.
Election of officers.
Coming Events
School of Public Health Picnic:
Students and faculty of the School
of Public Health are holding a pic-
nic on Sat., May 21, Dexter-Huron
Park. Those desiring rides, leave
your name at the information desk
at the school. Bring your families.
Westminster Guild, First Pres-
byterian Church: "Cabinet Re-
treat," Sat., May 21, to plan next
term's program. Meet at 1 p.m. at
church building and then proceed
to Dexter-Huron Park.

At the Michigan.. .
THE ACCUSED, with Loretta Young, Rob-
ert Cummings, Wendell Corey, and Sam
SEE THIS. It's pretty good.
It could have been an ordinary old
blood - and - suspense picture filled with
shadows and menacing looks. But some pre-
cocious young misfit apparently got hold of
the script when no one was looking and
turned out some of the best dialogue you've
heard in some time. Then those words were
put into the capable and expressive mouths
of the three above-named men, and the
result is surprisingly good.
Loretta Young is heavy and unhappy
throughout with the weight of wrongdoing
on her head, but she does all her role
calls for. Mr. Cummings, believe it or
not, comes alive in this picture. He not
only acts clever and intelligent, he seems
convincing, and gives a more adept per-
formance than any previous one I can re-
call-perhaps because he is not required
to be gloomy.
And for Wendell Corey, nothing but praise.
Granted, he has been given excellent dia-
logue from which to start, but his superb

At the State ...
COVER-UP, with William Bendix, Dennis
O'Keefe, Barbara Britton and assorted
THIS MURDER epic opens with a train
streaking into a small town to deposit
insurance investigator O'Keefe and his fu-
ture lady loye Britton into a friendly small
town where a suicide has just taken place.
With these few fast-paced minutes, the
action disintegrates and the audience
spends the next hour trying to persuade
themselves that they're in the throes of a
gripping drama..
Unfortunately, the cast is doing the same
thing. Bendix, as the suspicious sheriff who
tries to keep O'Keefe from discovering that
the suicide was a murder, has that indif-
ferent attitude of a good actor who is con-
gratulating himself that his part in the
movie was no larger.
O'Keefe tries to make the best of a dead
script, alternating between pursuit of the
fair Miss Britton and the uncovering of
the murderer, in which task no one in town
seems the least bit inclined to aid him.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy.......... .City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown.... ....Sports Editor
Bud weidenthal . . Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris .. .Asso. Worn's Editor
Bess Hayes ...................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hat.......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
WilliamCulman ...Finance Manager
Cole Christian ... . Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitledAto the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,


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jHow's thrs? The badly-frightened


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