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May 19, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-19

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4

VOL. LIX, No. 163


DKE Barred
For Breaking
Liquor Rules
Suspension Holds
Until February
Charging a "flagrant violation"
of University drinking regulations
the University Sub-committee o
Discipline of the Committee on
Student Conduct officially an-
nounced the suspension of the
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity
The committee ordered that the
house be closed and the chapter
withdrawn from June 15 through
the Fall semester because they
were "convinced that the chapter
as at present organized is inca-
pable of preventing the recurrence
of conditions which are contrary to
the best interest of the members,
and have a tendency to bring dis-
credit to the University."
* *
IN ADDITION, the committee
said the house could not be re-
opened and the charter reinstated
until the chapter "will be so or-
ganized as to give assurance that
University regulations will be ob-
served in the future."
They pointed out that it was
the second time the fraternity
has been suspended and said a
third violation "will result in the
permanent banning of the fra-
ternity from this University."
(The DKE's, they said, were sus-
pended in 1929 for a violation of
the prohibition law.)
lin said he thought the action
stemmed from a birthday celebra-
tion for one of the members held
Friday, May 6, when 12 of thefra-
ternity brothers brought a keg of
beer into the house and were
caught by campus police.
He emphasized that the party
was not a house function.
Commenting on the Disciplinary
Committee's action, Jake Jacob-
son, Inter-fraternity Council presi-
dent said, "Although we feel that
probably University rules were
;roken and the punishment may be
Justified, we regret that wewere
not officially informed of the ac-
tion to be taken and we also regret
that we were not given a chance
to take part in the judgement."
Upholds Right
TYo Fund rant
Atomic Commission
Hears Freistadt Case
munist student, defending his
right to an Atomic Energy Com-
mission scholarship, swore yester-
day that if Russia attacked the
United States, he would defend
this country "with all my
But he said:
"If we go out of our way to
attack Russia, I would not sup-
port such a war.'
THAT WAS THE highlight of
testimony, by 23-year-old Hans
Freistadt, a student at the Uni-
versity of North Carolina, in a vol-
untary appearance before the Sen-
ate-House Committee on Atomic

The committee is investigat-
ing the appointment of Frei-
stadt to a $1,600 fellowship for
the study of nuclear physics-
particularly in the light of his
ready admission that he is a
As the hearing went on, Rep.
Rankin (D-Miss.) told the House:
"The American people are sim-
ply horrified that the Atomic En-
ergy Commission has a Communist
in the University of North Caro-
lina teaching him how to blow
this country to pieces in years to
(D-Conn.) hinted broadly that
oaths of allegiance will be required
of all future applicants for Atom-
ic Energy Commission student aid
McMahon, chairman of the Sen-
ate-House Atomic Energy Com-
mittee, declared in a statement
that "suitable and effective means
and methods must be devised and
used to prevent a repetition of
the Freistadt case."

Franco Denounces
Western Powers
MADRID - )-Generalissimo Franco charged the Western
democracies today with delivering the "greater part of Europe" to
the Soviet Union.
In an hour and a half speech at the opening of the Cortes (parlia-
ment) Franco made only brief reference to Monday's vote in the
United Nations General Assembly which failed to lift the UN ban
on top diplomatic representation in Spain.
* * * *
FRANCO DECLARED there is no Spanish problem and "our right
is over and above an ,assembly which with no authority over us
tries to resolve our situation."
The American, British and French charges d'affaires were
not in the diplomatic gallery to hear Franco's 15,000-word speech
in which he said Spain is linked to Latin America by sentiment

ssianserit Berln



China Reds
Closing on
SHANGHAI - (P) - Chinese
Communist troops today tightened
their throttling grip on Shanghai,
Nationalist island in a sea of Reds.
They closed in from the east
with surprising speed. They car-
ried almost to the Whangpoo River
north of Shanghai. If they reach
the river there, Shanghai's gate-
way to the sea is gone.
THEY PRESSED from the west
once more against Woosung, for-
tress 10 miles north of Shanghai
where the Whangpoo joins the
Government gunboats in the
Yangtze dueled with Red troops
moving down the south bank
only two miles west of Woosung.
Other Red units were on the
move again toward Lunghwha air-
port, five miles south of Shanghai.
A nationalist garrison communi-
que said the Reds were about five
miles from Lungwha. If Lungwha
goes Shanghai's air link with the
outside is cut.
THE DRAMA of Shanghai over-
shadowed for the moment the deep
Communist drive into South
The Government's Central
News Agency, however, reported
that Nationalist reinforcements
(probably from Formosa) had
landed at imperiled Foochow.
This big southeast port is 375
air miles south of Shanghai.
The Agency had reported a Red
column but 31 miles from that
capital of Fukien Province.
Canton, the refugee capital in
south China, seemed to have
slowed. The Communists were be-
lieved pausing to regroup. There
was little opposition in front of
(Best military information in
Canton was that the main body
of Communists still was about
350 milesunortheast of the city.
Advance units have been report-
ed only 225 miles from Canton,
In the Shanghai fighting, Cen-
tral News said fresh Nationalist
troops had landed on the coast
east of Shanghai. Here they were
preparing to assault the Commu-
nists east of Shanghai from the
Despite the mouuting menace to
Whangpoo traffic, a U.S. Navy
landing craft went to Shanghai
and took off 16 Americans to the
safety of American ships waiting
on the Yangtze.
World News
By The Associated Press
Conally (Dem., Tex.) predicted
"overwhelming approval" of the
North Atlantic Security Treaty as
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee ended its hearings yes-
* * .*
WASHINGTON - President
Eurico Gaspar Dutra of Brazil
arrived here yesterday for a
state visit and President Tru-

man lead a welcoming throng in
singing "Happy Birthday to
You" in honor of the Brazilian

a and to North America by "real-
Franco also spoke out against
criticism of his domestic policies.
He upheld Spanish law and said
the country's jails held no more
prisoners now than at previouse
times in Spanish hitory.
* * *
have been an answer to U.S. Sec-n
retary of State Dean Acheson who
said a week ago Franco's regime
remains a Fascist dictatorship1
that denies basic civil rights. Ache-r
son made the statement in a news
conference at which he outlined
the U.S. position on Spain.)
Shouts of "death to England"
and "death to rance" camet
from demonstrators whoc
marched in the streets after the
speech was over.
He read what he called secret
messages between the Kremlin, the
U.S. State Department and thet
British Foreign Office in earlyr
1944 on plans for invading EuropeI
through Spain. He said this was
despite Allied promises to respect
Spanish neutrality.
He accused Winston Churchill
of offering Spain in1941 a slice of
French North Africa if the Span-
iards remained neutral.
Vote To Oust
Radical Union
Executive Board's
Step Unprecedented
top leaders decided last night toI
recommend that the next CIOl
convention revoke the charter of
the left wing Farm Equipment
Workers Union.
The labor organization's execu-
tive board took the unprecedented
action by a 35 to 9 vote in another
showdown between rival right and
left wing factions.
told newsmen the convention nextC
October 31 at Cleveland will be
asked to lift the FE's charter un-
less the union agrees to surrender
It was the first time in CIO
history that the Executive Board
has decided to recommend lift-
ing an affiliated unions char-
The action grew out of the FE'st
failure to carry out board orders
to merge with the big CIO Autof
Workers Union. The FE has about
30,000 members.
* * *C
had failed to carry out its job for'
farm equipment workers and ac-c
tually interfered with bargaining1
efforts of the auto workers forl
farm equipment workers. He said
the auto workers now represent
115,000 farm equipment workers
outside the FE.
Murray told reporters the board
also had decided:
1. To withdraw from the Com-
munist-dominated World Federa-
tion of Trade Unions and partici-
pate with the AFL in forming a
new anti-Communist world labor
2. To call on Congress to re-
main in session until the Taft-
Hartley Labor Law is repealed and
the rest of President Truman's
"Fair Deal" legislative program is

Start Soon
Easing of Poliy
Seen for Future
WASHINGTON - (.P) - John J.
McCloy, 54-year-old lawyer, bank-
er, and top-notch administrator,
was named by President Trumana
yesterday to be "the supreme
United States authority in Ger-
Subject to Senate confirmation,
McCloy will take up his duties as
high commissioner in Germany
"with the near future, the
White House announced.
W* * * J
INSOFAR AS administration of
U.S. affairs in Germany is con-
cer ed, MCloy wil succeedGe.a
Military Governor of the American
Zone in Germany Sunday. But
McCloy's appointment marks the OP
beginning of a changeover from
military to civilian control in the year's
American, British and French oc- Standin
cupation zones. general
Officials here also hope it will especial
inaugurate a more peaceful era
in the develo t oGeuay,
in practical democracy that will
enable the defeated nation to
resume its place in world affairs.
To take the German assignment,
McCloy is resigning as President UnionC
of the World Bank, effective not ersole las
later than July 1. appointm
THE EXECUTIVE directors of as commi
that international agency ac- year's n
cept his resignation yesterday and Tfop poi
-elected Eugene R. Black, a senior staff haye
vice president of the Chase Na- '50SM; D
tional Bank of New York, to suc- Rogers, '
ceed him in the presidency. Black and Bob
has been executive director of the
International Bank since March, WYAN
1947. the music
the music
Mr. Truan's appointment of cent prod
McCloy came two days before tom." He
the scheduled departure of Sec- "Hey" Ch
retary of State Acheson for the "Hey Ch
"Big Four" foreign ministers' novelty n
meeting in Paris. Presen
Those talks opening Monday aepointe
with Russia, Britain and France,'ao
involve the future of all zones of gramco.
Germanyshow. D
Germany has also
Young DeMS Rogers
Elc a c sBottom's
Elct Q cus charge of
_______year's op
Lyn Marcus, '50, was elected publicity
unanimously as the new President dent PlaGa
of the Young Democrats at the Meets Gi
final meeting of the club.
Floyd Marks, '54L, was elected CHOSE
vice-president. Selected as re- Johns se
cording secretary was Phyllis Co- man for
hen, '49, while William Riggins, The U
'50, was elected to the position of retary's
corresponding , secretary. Frank who wa
Butorac, '51, was re-elected treas- chief for
urer of the organization. also a
Bob Hills '51E and Dave Bab--
son '50L were selected as mem-


-Daily-Wally Barth
CHIEFS-Newly appointed Union Opera committee chairmen discuss plans for next
production at an informal meeting. Seated at the piano is music chairman Don Wyant.
g, left to right, are program chairman Eale Coenen, promotions chairman Cliff Rogers,
secretary Bob Russell, and production chief Jim Johns. The opera committee heads are
ly interested in checking student-written scenarios for next year's show as soon as possible.
mittee Chairmen Are Board Okays



sen for Union Opera

Opera manager Jim Eb-
t night announced the
ent of five men to serve
ittee chairmen for next
ion Opera production.
sitions on the 1950 opera
e gone to Don Wyant,
Gale Coenen, '50; Cliff
50BAd; Jim Johns, 50;
Russell, '51.
T, CHOSEN to head the
committee, did some of
al arranging for the re-
[uction of "Froggy Bot-
also wrote the tuneful
olly," one of "Froggy's"
t publicity chairman for
on Council, Coenen was
d chairman of the pro-
immittee for next year's
wring the past year, he
served as Union Social
was selected to serve as
ns chairman for "Froggy
successor. He was in
radio promotions for this
era, and was assistant
manager for the Stu-
yers' production of "Boy
-* * *
N production manager,
rved as property chair -
"Froggy Bottom."
nion Opera general sec-
job went to Russell,
as campus promotions
the 1949 opera. He was
member of the ticket
IT X7 1 1 Or~

committee for the recent IFC
First and foremost in the minds'
of the new opera staff is the prob-
lem of a scenario for next year's
ANY STUDENT is eligible to
submit a scenario, which should be
about four typewritten pages long,
with a plot outline and a descrip-
tion of characters, according to
"Since there is a chance that
next year's opera will go on a
road tour, we are looking for a
plot which won't have to depend
upon local situations and audi-
ences for laughs," he added.
Scenarios should be sent to Jim
Ebersole at 707 Oxford Road,
prior to the June 30 deadline.
Fail To End
Ford Dispute
DETROIT-(AP)-Federal medi-
ation experts maintained a watch-
ful position on the sideline yester-
day as direct Company-Union ne-
gotiations failed again to produce
a solution in the two-week-old
Ford strike.
Ford and CIO United Auto
Workers officials met yesterday
for two hours and recessed until
THERE WAS STILL no indica-
tion from Arthur C. Viat, Detroit
Regional Director of the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Serv-
ice, when he might step into the
direct negotiations, if at all.
He has said he would not inter-
vene for the Government as long
as either side presents concrete
proposals for settlement of the
dispute over Union charges of a
"speed-up" in work standards on
Ford assembly lines.
The Union today accused Ford
of delaying the entry of federal
mediators into the dispute.

nsian Staff
The Board in Control of Student
Publications has- confirmed theJ
appointments of 16 students to
junior editorial and business staffs
of the Ensian.
New junior editorial staff edi-
tors are Photography, Bud Rauner,
'50E, Detroit; Art, Barbara Henry,
'52A, Detroit; Sports, Dick Mc-
Williams, '51, Cleveland, O.; Ass't.
Sports, George Gillooly, '52, Jack
son, Mich.
* * *
Armstrong, '50, Grosse Pointe;
Schools and Colleges, Jeanne
Schreiber, A, Pittsburgh, Pa.; or-
ganizations, Pat McLean, '51,
Traverse City, Mich.
Also Ass't Organizations, Don
Sigman, '51E, Flushing, N.Y.;
House Groups, Pauline Kleck-
ner, '51, Detroit; Senior Pictures,
Sally Mitts, '50Ed., Grand Rap-
Junior business staff appoint-
ments, confirmed earlier, include
Sales Accounts, Don Porter, '51D,
Detroit: Distribution, Joanne
Lyons, '50Ed., Ann Arbor; Adver-
tising, Mary Kokalas, Ann Arbor;
Contracts, Dick Hewitt, '51, Dar-
ien, Conn.; Campus Sales, Bill Os-
terman, '51, Toledo, O.; Publicity
and Promotions, Jean Decker,
Wheaton, Ill.
Smith Denies
Hie Agreed on
Registrar Ira M. Smith said
yesterday that he has not agreed
to recommend that requests for
photographs be dropped from
freshman applications to the lit-
erary college as reported in The
He said that he told members
of the Committee to End Discrim-
ination that he would accept such
recommendations from their com-
mittee and discuss them with the
nine department faculties of the
literary college.
SMITH requested the written
CED recommendation concerning
application photographs at a con-
ference between seven CED rep-
resentatives and six University of-
ficials Tuesday.

Re sons for
Truck Block
Talks on Trade
By The Associated Press
The Russians put restrictions
today on motor traffic to Berlin
and the Soviet zone, just a week
after the old blockade was lifted.
At the same time Four-Power
talks at Berlin on easing trade and
traffic snarls apparently broke
For unexplained reasons, the
Russians suddenly halted all West
German trucks at Helmstedt that
did not have cargo stamps from
the Soviet Economic Commission.
Helmstedt is the border crossing
point on the main route to Berlin.
THE RUSSIANS also shut off
Berlin - bound German freight
traffic at the Hof checkpoint and
told German drivers that Helm-
stedt was the only crossing point.
Western German officials said
the Soviet move was prompted
by a slow but steady fall of the
Soviet Zone 1East Mark after
Western freight started to ar-
rive in Berlin, attracting East-
ern as well as Western buyers.'
A West Berlin city authority
commented: "The Russians want
to keep goods out of Berlin 'so
they can bolster their EastrMark.
They want to go-to theFoeg
Ministers' Conference (in Pr
May 23) with an East Mark that
at least seems reasonably sound.,"
* * *
THE RUSSIANS neverkhave
permitted West Berlin truzl ct
export without an Eastern stamp.
The new rules at Helmstedt there-
fore meant the Russians were try-
ing to control truck cargoes of
Western origin. This appeared to
be in violation of Four-Power
agreements in existence since
Strangely enough, the Rus-
sians did not require a Soviet
zone stamp on cargoes to Berlin
entering from Lubeck, on the
Baltic. Hundreds of trucks
passed there both ways without
difficulty in the last 24 hours.
Barge traffic also was going
through normallysas was train
(In Washington, the State De-
partment is studying reports from
Germany that Soviet authorities
are attempting to impose new re-
strictions on the movement of
food and other cargo from the
Western zones to Berlin.)
WHILE THIS was going on,
American, British, French and
Russian experts met in British
headquarters and argued for three
hours over various vexations since
the blockade was lifted. The re-
sults were announced as "incon-
Meanwhile, Western officials
speculated over several results that
may flow from the East Zone elec-
tions Sunday and Monday. The
Communist Election Bureau ad-
mitted about a third of the valid
votes were against naming a
Soviet-style Parliament, called a
People's Congress.
Cii Epsilon1
Honor Society
To Hold Dinner

The newly organized University
chapter of Chi Epsilon, national
civil engineering honor society,
will hold a formal initiation ban-
quet tonight at the Union.
Featured speaker at the affair
is Professor William H. Hobbs,
world renowned explorer and geol-
Col. Henry Miller, chairman of
the Department of Mechanism
and Engineering drawing, will

IFC Sing
The Interfraternity Council
Sing, postponed last night be-
cause of rain, will be held at 7
p.m. tonight in front of the
General Library, weather per-
The final decision on whether
the event will be held will be
broadcast over the 6 p.m. news-
cast of Station WPAG, Ann Ar-

Fred Veigel, 19, was charged
yesterday along with seven other
youths for the May 7 burning of
an abandoned Dexter township
Veigel won a prize in 1947 for
an essay on "Fire Prevention in
the Home."
Hearings for the offenders will
be held on June 2 and June 15.


Hosteling Club

To Satisfy wanderlust

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1 1 "-- 4-1,,- 1-- nlo kog3vl I

I rrno r.of 4-+ha, ari-n -, nnti v-,d

A lot onf rtjeAnle wuld ~like to

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