TID ....- ti r AL. X .aT r.S..4 .9TIAV. ALVr to I AAA ... ,r . . ..... i..,:...Yic~aa ar iy, ~uA ..L 4 .. ,.,.r .4/x x £AAJME 5, ui :ir 125, 193 K Brandy Raids Union Kitchen Find Factor' Essential to Fever Virus As a result of research in the University's School of Public Health laboratories, light has been shed for the first time upon a special vitamin necessary for growth of disease-causing virus. Dr. Herbert R. Morgan, associate professor of epidemiology arid as- sistant professor in the Medical School, will report to the Society of American Biologists today that folic acid, a B-complex vitamin factor, has been found essential for growth of virus causing psitta- cosis or parrot fever. * * * IT HAS BEEN possible, accord- ing to Dr. Morgan, to interfere with the growth of this virus by using synthetically manufactured compounds. "These compounds, called folic acid antagonists, prevent the use of folic acid by the virus." He suggested this discovery may lead to knowledge of conditions required for multiplication of other disease-producing viruses. J "If we know what a virus needs to multiply, we may then deprive it of that element, stopping its growth," Dr. Morgan explained. "This way, we can control the dis- eases it causes." Petitions for IFC Book Manager Due Petitions for manager of the In- terfraternity Council Book Ex- change are due Tuesday at the IFC office in the Union. Any fraternity man with eligi- bility can petition. The manager will be chosen by the IFC cabinet next week. Newly elected members of the IFC Executive Council are: Don Edge, '51A, Sigma Chi; Jack Har- rington, '50E, Kappa Sigma; Bill Duerr, '50E, Lambda Chi Alpha;. Jack Montrose, '50BAd, Phi Sigma Kappa; and Jack Hayward, '50, Theta Xi. Junior Executive appointments are: George Milroy, '51, rushing committee; Bob Vogt, '51E, social committee; Ben Gates, '51, coi- dinating; and Bob Preston, '51E, public relations. -Daily-Wally Barth BRANDY AT THE UNION-Chef Narcisco Apraiz blocks the door to his kitchen domain as Brandy trips the electric eye mechanism in the hope of wheedling another bone from him. Brandy's habitual visits nearly disrupted the routine of the Union dining room and kitchen until her Delta Upsilon masters finally curbed her taste for Union soupbones. evealed herself to be a dog who forced to rely on the bone trick repares for a rainy day. She went to persuade her to leave. 'om the platform to the flower This adventure seemed well on ed which decorates the Union's its way toward being habitual, as de yard, and buried her treas- Brandy flowed into and out of the re amid the tulip shoots. Union for several consecutive Having deposited her future days. linner, Brandy advanced to the Finally her Delta Upsilon mas- front door of the Union, and ters got wind of their mascot's ex- started all over again. When ploits, and since then Union offi- she made another foray in the cials report that they have not kitchen via the electric-eye eon- been troubled by the afternoon trolled doors, Chef Apraiz was visits of the prudent St. Bernard. ~VPYTU'4T~ A A f h 4£ DAILY OFFICIAL B Lectures Alexander Ziwet Lectures in ULLETIN Mathematics: Prof. R. H. Fox of Princeton University will give the sixth lecture in the series, 3 p.m., 3017 Angell Hall tha Cook Residence, Phi Mu Al- pha Sinfonia, Sigma Phi Epsilon, University Lecture: "Some As- Wesleyan Guild, Zeta Beta Tau. pects of Plant Morphology and Saturday, May 21 Evolution." Professor Theodor Adams House, Adelia Cheever Just, Chicago Natural Hlistory House, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Museum; auspices of the Depart- Cooley House, Graduate Student ment of Botany. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Council, Hinsdale House, Lambda May 19, Kellogg Auditorium. The Chi Alpha, Lloyd House, Miami public is invited. Triad, Michigan Christian Fellow- ship, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha Special Lectures on Education, Epsilon, Sigma Phi, Theta Delta auspices of the School of Educa- Chi, Victor Vaughan. tion. "The University." President Sunday, May 22 J Alexander G. Ruthven, 7 p.m., Dental School Junior Class, Psi Thurs., May 19, (not Wednesday Upsilon, University Symphony as previously announced), Univer- Orchestra, Zeta Beta Tau. sity High School Auditorium. Stu- Summer Work: dents, faculty, and guests invited. Representative of Camp Sher- wood (Pontiac Girl Scouts), will Phi Delta Epsilon Annual Lee- be at Bureau of Appointments, ture: "The Treatment of Func- Wed., May 18, to interview girls tional Disturbances of the Diges- for positions of unit leaders and tive Tract." Dr. Walter L. Palmer, general counselors; also, registered Professor of Medicine, University nurse. of Chicago. 8 p.m., Thurs., May 19, Opportunity for men (age 17-20) (Continued on Page 4) interested in the theatre to work as ushers at the Central City Opera House, Central City, Colo- DOORS OPEN DAILY 1:15 P.M. rado, for the summer festival sea- son. For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg. Weekday Nights Matinee 25c Sundays 35c LAST TWO DAYS! UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ' ROBERT r Tours MITCHUM BARBARA rough September 4. New Orleans, BEL GE D DES Guernavaca, Taxco Puebla. All PRESTON in s) Omaha, Salt Lake City, Port- - s, Grand Canyon, Albuquerque, 'W est UsI nse. $195.75.ost ON THE violenEt -At - w 1:30 - 4:2 ra/e~ue10:00P.M. d NDEPENDENT MEN - Also - -Guy Madison - ent "TEXAS, BROOKLYN AND HEAVEN" CHARLES LAUGHTON At 3:00 - 5:50 - 8:40 PAUL ROBESON I m ZeIdtOf FOR SALE NEEDLEPOINT, RUG MATS - YARN Everything you need for knitting. Call 2-0303 or visit our shop. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 10 Nickels Arcade )12 LATE 1947 CHEVROLET Convertible- Cream with new black top. Many ac- cessories. Phone 2-7833. )13 1946 ARMY SURPLUS JEEP in good mechanical condition. Phone 2-0749. 14 GIRL'S BICYCLE-Excellent condition; reasonable. Call Vicki, 2-4561, Rm. 493. )15 YELLOW SPRING FORMAL - Never been worn. Reasonably priced. Call 2-4502 between 9:00 and 5:00. )16 WHIZZER MOTOR BIKE-In excellent running order, low price. See de la Torre M.W.F. from 4 to 6 p.m. or any day after 10:30 p.m., 621 Church St. ) 17 1936 OLDSMOBILE 6 Cyl., 2-door sedan, good cond. $190 Ph. 2-0665 )18 GREEN WINTER COAT with inner lin- ing, worn 2 months. Excellent con- dition. Size 18. Ph. 2-4471, Rm. 4013. )19 FRENCH TOURING BIKES Man's and Lady's. $38 each. John Cox, 1436 U. Terrace )20 SIZE 37 USED TUXEDO-Good condi- tion. Also white summer formal coat. Phone 6651 between 5:00 and 6:30 p.m )21 GARGOYLE'S big graduation issue is coming May 23. Don't miss the LOOK Survey, the exchange cartoons, and all the poetry we've been saving - the best for the last you know. On cam- pus MAY 23. )22 STEARMAN-Must sell. Very good con- dition. Licensed until October. Make an offer. Paul Smith, Ph. 7330. )23 LEATHER PICTURE FRAMES For Pocket or Wall 40°/, Discount All Sizes CALKINS-FLETCHER State Street )5 1947 FORD TUDOR-Grey, undercoat,- radio, heater, clean. Call.6244 after 5. 1431 U. Terrace, Apt. 738. )88 CLASSICAL RECORDS - Half price, good condition. 40 albums Ph. 2-7367 after 6. )97 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER - 1948 model complete with gear shift and all extras. Used one summer. $195. Call 7533 or 6252. )99 COUSINS Store on STATE STREET Prepare for summer! Denim Sanforized Shorts; from $1.95 )1 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY-Female, whelped Jan. 1st. Thoroughbred. $50. Call 2-3838 evenings. )95 CHILD'S BLACKBOARD for $4.00. Call 2-9020. )2B MEN'S light summer suit, 44. NeverI worn. Danner, 514 Thompson. Ph. 2-4254. )94 MONEY-SAVERS at SAM'S STORE - Army type foot lockers $9.99 (all taxes included). Sun-tan pants $2.66. Men's briefs, elastic tops 49c. Haynes Na- tionally Advertised T-shirts 89c. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )8 TWO-PIECE CABANA SUITS For Boys Sizes 2-8I $4.50 & $5.00 BEE NICKELS SHOP 7 Nickels Arcade )11 MAN'S ENG. RALEIGH For Sale, $60. Call Sy, 2-6382, 1319 Hill. )98 '46 HARLEY 74 O.H.V. and '47 Cushman Motor Scooter. Both excellent cond. 1125 Martin Pl. or Ph. 7468 Eve. )93 There's Only One Palm Beach Suit "SACONY" Only $25 Sizes 10-20 It's a Wonderful Buy! . THE ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP State Street )2 GENUINE Hartman wardrobe trunk. Very reasonable. Ph. 4480. )96 1938 BUICK SPECIAL 4-door sedan, 60,- 000 actual miles, good motor, body and tires, radio and heater, $475. Also 4 650-15 tires and tubes cheap. 1314 Sheehan, Ph. 5887. )91 FIRST IN QUALITY TELEVIS ION Franchise dealers for RCA, Motorola, General Electric, and Stewart-War- ner. Aero Radio Sales & Service. Phone 4997. ) GOLF CLUBS and Bag Boy collapsible caddy carts. Ph. 4044 or 2-2058. John- ny Malloy, Pro. )30B TAME Baby Parakeets, Canaries - beau- tiful singers and females. Bird sup- plies and cage's. 562 S. 7th, Ph. 5330. WANTED TO RENT) APT. for dental student and wife for fall. Ph. J. Krause, 2-8754. )35W JUNIOR COLLEGE instructor and wife desire to sub-let furnished apt. for duration of the summer session. Richard W. Wherity, 559 Lyon N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan. )16W BOOKS Most Complete Stock of Medical - Dental - Law - Public Health Books in the State!! OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 South University )6 For the Best in Bookbinding at a price you can afford OLSEN'S BINDERY 325 E. Hoover Phone 2-7976 )37B CTARTC TST AY * HELP SALESMAN WANTED- Adv. Products. Conu Cleaning MaterialsS Woodward, Detroit 2. OFFICE SECRETARY- dictaphone work, gen Permanent full time character and busi Write Box 193, Mich.' WOULD YOU like to try job, either foreign or card Box 2603, Tulsa, PART-TIME Saleslhdies to 3 p.m. daily ex Sundays. S. S. Kresg So. State. On the ca ARBORETUM AREA for -Double room and; Shower, private entra COMMENCEMENT Gue vate homes. Call 2-8827 from 12:30-1:3 DOUBLE, suites and s for summer, one b Club, 802 Oakland. FURNISHED ROOMS graduates for summe to campus and Un shower; reasonable. St., near Jefferson, YOUR HOME for onl Quiet, private, doubl landlord, 2!2 blocks occupancy June 3. visit 318 E. Mad. ROOMS available fors Forest. DOUBLE and single for only. 2 blocks off cam i I- a r Fa 4-ROOM FURNISHED pletely equipped for; 2-9318. LARGE SINGLE ROOA from campus, hot wa cilities, linens. Pref student. Phone 2-0749 2 RM. TERRACE APT. 15 to Sept. 15. Ph. JUNE THRU SEPT.-2 ment, 1055 Woburnt lage. MAKE RESERVATIONS weekend guests at . PIERCE TRANSI 1133 E. Ann The Ann Arbor Dr NOW PLAI ARNOLD MOSS CARL BENZ REID in "TWELF NIGH by William Sha Evenings -f Matinees - Thurs. 3: LYDIA MENDELSSOF WANTED -Sell Nationally mission. Write: Supply Co., 7410 )41H -Al typist, some eral office work, eposition. Give ness references. Daily. )40H y for oil industry domestic? Drop Okla. )39H wanted. 11 a.m. :cept Saturdays, ge Company, 317 .mpus. )33H ROOMS FOR RENT r Summer School single in suite. once. Ph. 2-3080. ) 72R st Rooms in pri- Room Bureau, 0 and 6:30-7:15. )1R ingles-for' men lock from Law )69R for teachers or r and fall; close ion; hot water; 509 S. Division )70R y $5 per week. e room, student from campus, Ph. 2-7981 or )71R; summer. 9274 5 ) 64R summer session npus. Ph. 2-7133. )66R OR RENT SUITE - Com- 3 or 4 men. Ph. )32F M-Three blocks ter, cooking fa- er year 'round 9. )31F to sublet June 2-7153 after 6. )30F bedroom apart- Ct., Willow Vil- )29F for Senior Ball IT HOME Phone 8144 ama Season YING FRANCES REID TON TH IT" i.espeare 8:30 15, Sat. 2:30 HN THEATER DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Orders Taken for Any Type of Uniform Reasonable Rates 2-2030 )3B FRAYED COLLARS ARE OUT OF FASHION Have yours turned for 50c at TUCKAWAY HOUSE X. Liberty at Maynard Phone 9582 Margaret Nickerson' Martin )9 LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE STUDIOS 209 S. State St. Ph. 8161 )5B CUSTOM CLOTHES. Restyling. Alter- ations. Prompt service on all altera- Stions. Hildegarde Shoppe. 109 E Washington. Phone 2-4669. )4B Where GOOD STUDENTS' Meet for GOOD FOOD Open Daily 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Closed Sundays MIELKE'S Cafe 120 E. Washington St. Summe BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES L.OST -_ OPPORTUNITY now for dentist ill ac- end tive town. Suitable office space for rent ait reasonable rate. Sunday inl- FOUND spection appointment arranged by writing Mr. J. M. Pilu mb,105 So. Wal- nuit St., Fenton, Mtichiga:n. )2E WOMAN'S blue short coat with Sioux City label in woman's cloak room in Union Sat, nite. Found one navy TRANSPORTATION blue with Saks Fifth Ave label. Ph. 8956. LEAVE FOR L. A. Calif. June 3-4, Need LOST-Portable radio Friday night in riders. J. Kaplan, 2-4401, )39T Arb. Call 2-8827. 64L LOST-A darn good date-got her in BOARD late. Don't wait-have your watch electronically tested free on The SUM'MER 'MEAL,-Meals for the full Watchmaster. Printed proof. Dick summer session will be available at ,,"Doc" Gainey, Specialzied Watch Re- the Theta Xi house, 1345, washtenaw pair. Located at L. G. Balfour's, 1319 Ave. Phone Bill Dtian. 2-5644. 4X So. University. Ph. 9533. )63L LOST-Eye glasses and case with name Voice Optical Company, somewhere between Huron A&P and Nat. Science.PERSONALS Please call Maxine Goldstein at Ypsi, 5110. )66L LOST - Grey topcoat Tuesday night, League Ladies Lounge. Reward. Ph 2-4561, Rm. 531. )61L PEASANT BLOUSES & SKIRTS-Mod- erately priced, latest styles. Randalls, SOLD HEART locket lost between 309 S. State. )1P League and new Dorm. Ph. 2-6581, R . 6507. Reward. 47L ANN-Will you please come home and bring that Jenks & Co. (221 E. Liberty, Phone 2-6220) reparied watch with BUSINESS you so I can get to work on time. BUIESAbe. H4UP SERVICES NOTICE BLOOD DONORS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BLOOD BANK TO OUR MISSING SALESMAN--Soyou All students now on call as blood TO UR ISINGSAESMN-So ou donors at the University Hospital can't solo at I.F.C. sing tonight, don't who will be in Ann Arbor durigtlhe let it' throw you. Get back to work Sumnmer should so notify the Bank selling Royal Portable Typewriters and by postcard or telephone. Unless the stop moping. Office Equipment, 1116 Bank is informed tlhty yuare tveil- S. University. )1B able, you will not a called. New LAUNRY- Wahin andor ronng. registrations for students who will be LAUNDR Y - Washing and/or ironing, vial o h umrSsinwl Done in my own home. Free pick-up beaiaccepfte. Cal the bank flror nl and delivery. Phone 2-9090. )2B appointment.all thb for apoitmn. )2M 24 HOUR SERVICE by request. EXCESS HAIR removed permanently by ACE HAND LAUNDRY short wave method. Marie's Beauty 1114 S. University. Shop, Phone 2-G.96. )40B ThB NOW IS THE TIME for that new penm- TYPING DONE. Phone 2-3357. 41B anent, to form a good foundation for TYPING SERVICE-Student papers, re- WDDNPECOIFFUEGADUATIONpOR ports, theses, dissertations, accurately tors are skilled, experience bet- done by experienced typists. For in- tcsanswhosrivdextoplreedyo.ben formation ca 6197. )39B daily 9:00 a..-6:00 p.m. Evenings by 24Hur Serve by Re sappointment. Call 2-3725.'Rainey's 2HO UAerIceYbyERVEqs Slenderizing and Beauty Salon. 1031 215 E. Washington, Ph. 9035 )33B E. Ann. )32P EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE done on all SENIORS-Your last chance to get stu- ty*E ie Moseley Typewriter Co., dent rates on TIME, LIFE, and 1Olt- typ E.Wes.inMon.)2BloiclygecTUNE. Phone us ow--Studet Per- odical Agency, 2-82-42. ) 24P MEXICO: (25 Days) August 14 th Austin, Mexico City, Xochimilco, expense. $230.00. PACIFIC COAST TOUR: (22 Day land, San Francisco, Los Angele Kansas City, St. Louis. All expe Vi-. -: - -. >::: ,;: ;: 1 :::::'':'.. --.- -? He's a Member of CLUB 211 ARE YOU? Eat a Week of Meals for $9.00 18 Meals...... $9.00 No Breakfasts...........$8.10 No Breakfasts or Weekends $6.95 EAT BETTER FOR LESS BABY SITTERS - Call Kiddie Kare, 2-1903; if no answer call 25-7364. )28B CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE A Student Service for Students Thrill your date for the coming formals by a corsage from us. We offer discount on N.S.A. cards Phone 2-7032 )20B Ending Wednesday ~.~ /en the h Sb and the,: {ar: t in . w ~ ~the 6/ and4 } u All r with: Ed Begley Ted de Corsa *Ray Collins * essie Royce Landis "Allan Hale, Jr. * 8il Murphy Yr ,iected a L LOYD BA CON Produced by WILLIAM PERLBERG) $creen Play by Valentine Davies Base n A/yb Sily W Smith and_ iethn a~~ E Beey"* T ed e r .a ayCo .is"esi Roc .-di Aln aeJ. "Bl M rh brt Cinen( On ASSOCIATION OF II I ii II