Latest Deadline in the State
See Page 4
Reds Dazed
By German
Vote Upset
Communist Win
Below Estimates
BERLIN-(IP)-About a third of
the Germans voting in the single
ticket zonal elections behind the
Iron Curtain have upset forecasts
and dropped a big "no" in the bal-
lot box, official Communist figures
disclosed today.
A total of 4,080,272 votes was-
registered in opposition.
peared dazed by the results of the
Sunday and Monday election of
2,000 delegates to a "People's Con-
gress," a Soviet-model parliament
which they had expected would
show an almost solid "yes" vote.
A thick wrapping of official
secrecy had covered the results
for nearly 24 hours after the
polls closed when the Soviet
Zone Election Bureau finally is-
sued these figures:
Eligible to vote, 13,533,071.
Total vote, 12,887,234.
Percentage of eligibles voting,
Valid ballots, 12,024,221.
Total "yes" vote, 7,943,949.
Percentage, 66.1.
Total "no" vote, 4,080,272.
Percentage, 33.9.
* *
cent voting "yes" appeared not en-
tirely correct. The Election Bureau
apparently counted the more than
*800,000 invalid ballots to reach
that percentage figure. Actually,
only slightly more than 60 per
cent of those voting cast "yes"
In Eastern Berlin, the result
was even more emphatic. There
41.9 per cent voted against the
ticket, 58.1 per cent for it.
The conditions of the voting had
led observers to expect a 90 per
cent or better "yes" vote. There
was only one list of candidates, all
screened by Communist organi-
zatidris a The voter could not
write in his own preference.
* * *
AT THE TOP of the ballot was
this statement:
"I am for the unity of Ger-
many and a just peace treaty.
Therefore I am for the follow-
ing candidates."
But at the bottom was a place
to vote "no," and a place to vote
Although the election was held
only in the Russian-occupied zone,
some Communist organizations
from Western Germany had nom-
inated 500 candidates so that the
government could be described as
representing all Germany.
'Patience' Not
Losing Money,
Says President
Jim Schneider, '49 BAd, presi-
dent of the University Gilbert and
Sullivan Society, last night vigor-
ously denied statements appearing
in yesterday's Daily which indi-
cated that his society went into
the "red" with their recent pro-
duction of "Patience."
"Although all bills have not yet
been received, it appears that we
can cover our costs with the in-
come from the show," he said.
The Daily article said that at-
tendance for the Friday and
Saturday performances "fell off
sharply" from the Thursday at-
"Actually, attendance increased
each night, with the largest aud-
ience seeing the Saturday show,"
according to Schneider,
He added that "Patience" did
suffer from the heavy competi-
tion of the recent weekend in that
audiences were much smaller for
this show than for past Gilbert
and Sullivan Society productions.
Schneider stressed the fact that
the society has a comfortable sur-
plus of past profits which could be
used to meet any expenses that
might not be covered byrevenue'
obtained from "Patience" ticket
Ruthven Will Give
Education Lecture
Roosevelt Captures
Congressional Seat
NEW YORK-(/P)-Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. won a seat in Con-
gress tonight in a triumphant battle with Tammany Hall which his
father fought early in his political career 35 years ago.
The lanky, handsome young scion of one of the nation's famous
political families was the first of the late president's five children to
run for office.
* * * *
HE PILED UP SUCH a commanding lead in the 20th Congres-
sional District special election that his Democratic foe conceded defeat'
an hour after the polls closed.
Bloc Beaten
In Senate
gressional economy bloc suffered
a major defeat yesterday when
the Senate passed a $2,400,000,000
appropriation bill after cancelling
a previous order to cut it.
The bill, passed on a voice vote
after a series of rollcalls, now goes
back to the House for action on
Senate changes.
* * *
BY A 43 TO 41 rollcall, the
Senate voided its action of nearly
three weeks ago sending the bill
back to the Appropriations Com-
mittee with orders to pare about
$11,000,000 off the total. The Ad-
ministration was aided by the fact
there were a number of Repub-
lican absentees.
Then it rejected, 44 to 41, a
substitute reduction proposal
which would have called for a
slightly smaller cut.
The motion to recall the meas-
ure from the committee again was
made by Sen. Green (Dem., R.I.).
The bill carries funds to run the
Labor Department and the Fed-
eral Security Agency during the
year starting July 1.
*' * *
THE ORIGINAL reduction or-
der called for a five per cent cut
in the operating costs of the two
agencies. It would not have ap-
plied to such items in the bill as
state-aid grant programs.
Approval of Green's motion
brought the bill before the Sen-
ate in the same form it bad
been before the April 28 vote
sending it back-leaving intact
floor amendments which added
$13,500,000 to the amont the
committee approved earlier.
Sen. Ferguson (Rep., Mich.)
then made a new proposal to trim
operating funds in that total by
five per cent. The original econ-
omy order called for a five per
cent cut in the operating funds
voted by the Appropriations Com-
THIS NEW MOVE, which would
have required a slightly smaller
money cut, was rejected 44 to 41
on the second roll call.
At the other end of the Cap,
itol, meanwhile, Rep. Mills
(Dem., Ark.) proposed a "pain-
less" boost of $5,000,000,000 in
government revenues to balance
the government's books in the
new fiscal year.
It would require corporations to
pay all their 1949 taxes six months
earlier than usual. Mills said he
evolved the plan after conferring
with Secretary of the Treasury
Roosevelt, running on the Lib-
eral and Four Freedoms Parties
tickets after Tammany denied
him the Democratic nomination,
garnered 41,146 votes in the 20th
District's 179 voting districts.
Municipal Court Justice Benja-
min H. Shalleck, wh had the
Tamany nod, received 24,352 votes.
* * *
publican, won 10,020, Annette
Rubenstein, American Labor,
trailed with 5,348.
The bitterly fought contest,
which kept Manhattan's West
Side in an uproar for a month,
was for the seat of the late Sol
Bloom, veteran Democrat who
won 13 successive terms in Con-
Roosevelt assailed Tammany
throughout his campaign but at
the same time he announced his
support of President xruman's
Fair Deal program, with &nphasis
on housing and civil rights.
* * *
HE DESCRIBED himself as a
100 per cent Democrat and told a
reporter yesterday he would serve
as a Democratic Congressman.
"I have always been a Demo-
crat and I will continue to be a
Democrat," he declared.
It is up to the House of Repre-
sentatives majority leadership to
accept the new Congressman as a
Democrat and give him commit-
tee assignments on that basis.
Washington observers were sure
such acceptance would be forth-
coming promptly.
* * *
til the next regular election in No-
vember 1950.
* *.*
Chairman, U.S. Sen. J. Howard
McGrath, put the national ad-
ministration behind Shalleck in
the campaign. State Democratic
Chairman Paul E. Fitzpatrick fol-
lowed suit.
But many top Democratis, in-
cluding old New Dealers promi-
nent in New York State politics,
supported young FDR.
The defeat was a sharp blow to
Tammany, which is facing a city
election next November snubbed
by Mayor William O'Dwyer. Tam-
many also is smarting from a
drubbing in an important Man-
hattan surrogate fight last year.
Tammany spokesmen attacked
Roosevelt in the election battle,
calling him "Junior," a playboy,
immature and an interloper in the
20th district.
Freshman Honor
Society Initiates
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman hon-
orary society, last night initiated
92 new members.
Officers elected for next year
were: president, Donald Nelson,
'52; vice president, Ernest Brook-
field, '52; secretary, Samuel Lu-
borsky, '52; treasurer, Robert Hor-
witch, '52; historian, Deil Wright,
[ay Remove
Photos from
Smith To Make
Registrar Ira M. Smith agreed
yesterday to recommend that re-
quests for photographs be drop-
ped from freshmen applications
to the literary college.
At the request of the Committee
to End Discrimination, he said
he would submit his recommenda-
tion to the nine department facul-
ties of the literary college and
Michigan high school principals
who make up the application
* * *
THE PROPOSED action was
agreed upon at a conference be-
tween seven CED representatives
and six University officials yes-
Representatives from the edu-
cation, graduate, and law
schools agreed to consider re-
moving questions of race, reli-
gion and nationality, as well as
photograph requests from ap-
However they said they could
not promise anything without first
consulting their faculties.
THE DEANS agreed that such
questions could be used for dis-
criminatory purposes. But they
emphasized that they were not
used for those purposes.
The education and graduate
school applications and those
for advanced literary college
standing did not contain ques-
tions which the CED contended
could be used for discriminatory
Present at the meeting were
Erich A. Walter, dean of students,
Dean James B. Edmondson of
education school; Dean Hayward
Keniston of the literary college;
Associate Dean Peter Oeklburg of
the Graduate School; Secretary
Russel A. Smith of Law School
and Registrar Smith.
* * *
IN DISCUSSING the general
admission policies of the school
represented, the deans explained
why application blanks questions
were included.
Student photographs "help
the counselors get acquainted
with the student before he ar-
rives," they said.
The place of parents' birth is
asked so that the registrar will
obtain a "better over-all picture
of the student's background."
Students present at the meet-
ing were Leon Rechtman, '50, CED
president; Flo Bacon, '49 PubH;
Barry Driggers, '51; Dave Frazer,
'51; Blyden Jackson, Grad.; Ed-
win R. Lewinson, '51; and Calvin
Lippitt, '49.
AL Leaders
Believe Party
leadership yesterday expressed the
opinion that the two party system
in Congress is dead.
It its place, the labor bosses
said, there is "a tug-of-war be-
tween reactionary forces from
both parties on one side and lib-
erals from both parties on the
* * *
"ON MANY VITAL issues, the
pulling and hauling between these
contending forces has resulted in
a stalemate," said President Wil-
liam Green after a three-hour po-
litical meeting of union heads.
They were angry at failure of
Congress to repeal the Taft-Hart-
ley Act after four months.
"It becomes clear, therefore,
that a sizeable majority for the
Democratic Party in the 81st
Congress offers labor scarcely
any greater comfort than the
heavy majority the Republicans
had in the 80th Congress," the
AFL leaders said.
"What organized labor and the
country as a whole need is a
large majority of liberals in Con-
gress, regardless ofrwhat their
party affiliations may be."
Purchase System
Lists New Stores
Ruthven Declares Budget
Slash May Result in Crisis
IDLE FORD PLANT--Automobiles in the early stages of completion stand deserted on an assembly
line at Ford's Rouge plant, where more than 60,000 UAW-CIO workers are on strike. The Union
yesterday rejected a proposal from Ford that would have returned all but 5,000 of the company's
102,000 workers who have been on strike since May 5.
* * * * 4
CIO-UAW Turns Down
Ford Plan To End Strike
DETROIT-(0P)-A Ford pro-
posal that would have sent all but,
5,000 of the company's 102,000
strike-idled employes back to work
within a few days was turned
down yesterday by the CIO Unit-
ed Auto Workers.
Ford suggested the union call
off its strike in all the sprawling
units of the company's key Rouge
plant except the "B" building. It
also said the Lincoln-Mercury
plant here could remain strike-
S* * *
THE '"B" BUILDING, otherwise
known as the Dearborn Assembly
Plant, and the Lincoln-Mercury
factory are the only units in the
nation-wide Ford industrial sys-
tem directly involved in the UAW's
charge of a production speed-up.
They employ 5,000 men between
To back its speed-up com-
plaint, the union struck the en-
tire Rouge plant and the Lin-
coln-Mercury plant May 5.
About 65,000 workers at the two
plants walked out and 37,000
other Ford workers have been
idled by resulting shutdowns
since then.
Ford made the proposal as yes-
terday's negotiating session got
under way. Less than two hours
later the union rejected it as "fan-
MSC News
Michigan State News will con-
tinue its regular publication sched-
ule despite financial troubles, ac-
cording to Dave Root, News man-
Earlier reports had indicated
that the News would be forced to
suspend publication for the sum-
In a letter to The Daily, Root
said that the News would stop
publishing June 3 as usual for the
summer vacation. "We hope that
the summer term paper will come
out as always," he said.
Root blamed the News' financial
troubles on increased printing
costs, a decrease in the subsidy
granted by the MSC administra-
tion, additions to payroll and ex-
pansion of the paper.
tastic." UAW Secretary-Treasur-
er Emil Mazey called it "merely a
variation of the old employer trick
of divide and rule."
* * *
MAZEY AGREED that only
5,000 workers are involved in the
"immediate dispute." But be said
all Ford workers are "directly af-
fected by the basic principle of
whether or not the company shall
have the right to speed them up
whenever it wants to."
All Ford workers, he added, will
"stand solidly together in this
By The Associated Press
judge yesterday ordered the for-
feiture of $20,000 in bonds posted
by Communist Gerhart Eisler.
* * *
NEW YORK-The United Na-
tions Assembly rejected com-
pletely today the Bevin-Sforza
plan to divide the former Italian
colonial empire among Italy,
Britain, France and Ethiopia.
WASHINGTON - Four-star
General Lucius D. Clay returned
to a hero's welcome at the White
House and on Capitol Hill yester-
day to crown the historic accom-
plishments of the Berlin Airlift.
* * *
FORT WORTH, Tex. - The
death toll of flood waters
from a 12-inch cloud burst
mounted to six last night as the
waters slowly receded. The Red
Cross said 13,200 persons were
* * *
NEW YORK - The United
States and Britain made emphatic
denial last night to Slav and
Arab charges that the Western
Powers were by-passing the United
Nations on a plan for disposal of
Italy's pre-war colonies.
* * *
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man acknowledged defeat yester-
day and withdrew the nomination
of nis old associate, Mon C. Wall-
gren, to' the $14,000 a year chair-
manship of the National Security
Resources Board.
U.S. Rejects
Spanish Bid
For Money
suffered a second sharp setback
yesterday as officials said the
United States has turned down
Madrid's informal request for a
multi-million dollar loan.
The development came less than
24 hours after the United Nations
Assembly rejected proposals for
ending a diplomatic boycott of
the Franco government.
* * *
RESPONSIBLE Administration
officials said both the State De-
partment and the government's
export-import bank have refused
to consider-at least for the pres-
ent-the loan plea made by a vis-
iting Spanish official.
The Spanish representative,
Andres Moreno of the Banco
Hispano-Americano, mentioned
the figure of $1,275,000,000 as
the amount his country needs
to carry out its overall recon-
struction program.
Moreno was informed, these of-
ficials said, that Spain's present
financial situation makes her a
poor credit risk.
* * *
if Spain put into effect the eco-
nomic reforms repeatedly suggest-
ed by the United States the bank
might change its mind-but not
until then.
Government officials reported
that during the 10 days of con-
ferences with him, Moreno made
it plain his country would be in
the market for big quantities of
American cotton, grain, machin-
ery, raw materials and consum-
er goods if it could get dollar
help from the American govern-
It is understood Moreno would
explore the possibility of getting
loans from private banks during
the brief time he remains in the
United States. Spain was given a
$25,000,000 loan last month from
the Chase National Bank of New
York, with state department ap-
The rejection of Spain's bid was
clearly foreshadowed several weeks
ago by Secretary of State Acheson
at a news conference. He said that
until Spain made fundamental
economic reforms it was a poor
financial risk.
Fear T uition..........
HikelCutn i
Student Body
Senate To Act on
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING - The University is
faced with the alternative of in-
creasing tuition fees or slashing
enrollment by 3,000 students,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
warned yesterday.
The disclosure was made before
the Senate Finance Committee
where President Ruthven and a
delegation of University officials
made a final plea for their $12,-
500,000 budget request.
hearing, the Committee began de-
bate on the question of restoring
the $1,500,000 reduction in the ap-
propriation approved by the House
last week.
It's recommendations are
scheduled to be reported on the
Senate floor this morning.
During the hearing President
Ruthven told the-committee that,
"the University simply cannot car-
ry on its work at the figure ap-
proved in the House bill."
IF THE AMENDED appropria-
tion is carried by the Senate, he
warned, "the University is faced
with only two choices-4ncreasing
tuitional fees or reducing enroll-
ment by 3,000 students."
"I will appose both of these
alternatives vigorously," Presi-
dent Ruthven declared. Ie a -
"Fees are already as high as
they should be. As for reducing
enrollment, I will absolutely not
be a party to any movement to
deny education to the people of
Niehuss pointed out that student
fees are five times as high as they
were in 1929 and asked the com-
mittee, "How much should you
charge students when the Univer-
sity is supposed to be the keystone
of free education?"
Niehuss said that although
the University has allocated
every cent possible to faculty
salaries, the real income of
teachers has declined markedly
in the past few years.
"As a result, the University is
losing its pre-eminent place among
great American educational insti-
tutions and wealthier schools are
'raiding' our faculty," he said.
* * *
ALTHOUGH THE debate was
still going on last night, Commit-
tee members indicated that they
were impressed by presentation
by the University delegation.
They warned, however, that they
had agreed with the House Ways
and Means Committee to make no
substantial changes in money bills
without the approval of House
IFC S-g Will
e Held Today
The twelfth annual Interfra-
ternity Council Sing will be held
at 7 p.m. on the steps of the Gen-
eral Library.
Master of ceremonies will be
Jim Reiss and the winner's tro-
phies will be presented by Bruce
Lockwood, retiring IFC president.
* * *
JUDGES FOR the contest are
Prof. Maynard Klein and Prof.
Philip A. Duey, of the School of
Music, and Lester McCoy, asso-
ciate conductor of the University
Musical Society.
Eleven groups will compete,
each fraternity being sponsored
by a sorority. Mosher Hall, win-
ners of the women's annual
"T.Ant-rnA n r l illrin a.
Social Classes in USSR
Not Equal Says Bergson:
The Russian government has
adopted a scale of wage differen-
tials which is probably equal to
that in the United States toty,
stated Prof. Abram Bergson in a
lecture yesterday in Rackham
Speaking on "Inequality and So-
cial Classes in the U.S.S.R.," Prof.
Bergson cited prewar statistics
which showed a 100-1 difference
in salaries between the highest
paid workers in writing and music
and the lowest paid workers in in-
dustrial labor.
that the Soviets deliberately
falsify their figures.
Taking up the charge that such
discrimination proves Russia is
socialistic, not communistic, he
stid the question was highly debat-
able and summarized the two op-
posing views.
"DEFENDERS OF Soviet pol-
icy," he said, "believe that Marx
thought primitive, feulad states
such as Russia must undergo so-
cialism to reach communism,
tshil ifi n i A i
Lame Law Student Seeks Assistance
Richard Nelson "has his heart
set" on entering the University
Law School next fall, but it all
depends on one or two other stu-
two University students who are
willin gto help him get around the
Law Quad next year.
"At each school Dick is met
_m.i . i --a -
recently surprised his parents by
hitch-hiking to Kent, Ohio, for
the Kent State-Woster basketball