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May 17, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-17

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TUESDAY MAY 17, 1949

- - = .


Letters to the Editor-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pa1-
Icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Bird Baths . .
To the Editor:
TN VIEW OF the various philan-
thropic activities on the cam-
pus recently, we have seen and
read about the generosity of Mich-
igan students. However, strange as
it may seem, a large portion of
the campus population has long
been neglected. We are referring
to our feathered friends, the birds.
Robins, sparrows and other species
abount in the area of the Diag.
They make our life more enjoy-
able here. Yet, despite the Uni-
versity's generosity, the poor
things have no place to bathe. We
want to go on record for urging


-Daily-Bill Hampton
"My daddy's gonna FLUNK your daddy!"


(Continued from Page 2)

wood (Pontiac Girl Scouts), will
be at Bureau of Appointments,

sentative Richard Nixon have introduced
a new "tougher" bill to curtail Communist
activities in this country.
The Bill condemns the Communist
Party as a conspiratorial group working to
subject this country to totalitarianism un-
der control of a foreign nation. It provides
drastic penalties for this offense.
The heart of the bill lies in its regis-
tration provisions. It recognizes two types of
"subversive" organizations: "Communist
political organizations" and "Communist
front organizations." Both are required by
the bill to register as such with the Attorney
Registration includes the names of all
members. These members may not hold non-
elective federal office, may not conceal their
membership when seeking or accepting any
federal office, and may not apply for or
use passports.
Eight factors are listed as criteria to be
considered to determine whether a group
is a Communist political organization.
These are: "The extent to which its pol-
icies are formulated and its activities per-
formed pursuant to directives or to effec-
tuate the policies of the foreign government
or foreign organization which controls the
world Communist movement.
2. "The extent to which its views and pol-
icies do not deviate from those of such for-
eign governments or organizations.
3. "The extent to which it fails to disclose,
or resists efforts to obtain"'information as
to its membership or other records, its mem-
bers refuse to acknowledge their member-
ship, its meetings are secret, and it otherwise
operates on a secret basis."
4. "The extentto which its principal lead-
ers or a substantial number of its members
consider the allegiance they owe to the Unit-
ed States as subordinate to their obligations
to such foreign government or foreign or-
The criteria for deciding whether an
organization is a Communist front organ-
ization are:
1. "The identity and associations of ac-
tive members;"
2. "The sources from which an important
part of its support, financial or otherwise is
.'0,'-r _ m vfr ffn uhih i ,1S fii# ,,,inr

plied for group leader appoint- Wed., May 18, to interview girls
ments for next fall's Orientation for positions of unit leaders and!
will be notified sometime in Au- general counselors; also, registered
gust as to their status. All men in nurse.
the college of Literature, Science, Opportunity for men (age 17-20)
and the Arts are requested to get interested in the theatre to work
their elections approved before as ushers at the Central City;
leaving school this semester. Opera House, Central City, Colo-
rado, for the summer festival sea-
Seniors:Commander R. D. son.
Seirs: omae niederSt.tD.For further information call at
Schmidtman of the United States BureaU of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
Coast Guard will be on the cam- ministration Bldg.
pus in the near future to inter- .
view senior students about to-
graduate in Naval Architecture, Lectures
Civil Engineering, and Electrical
Engineering. Students in these de- Economic Lecture: Dr. Abram
partments interested in the possi- Bergson, Associate Professor of
bility of commissioned careers in Economics in the Russian Insti-
the Engineering Department of tute and Faculty of Political Sci-
the United States Coast Guard are ence of Columbia University, will
invited to apply for application lecture on "Inequality and Social
blanks at the offices of Civil En- Classes in the USSR" Tues., May
gineering, Electrical Engineering, 17, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Naval Architecture and Engineer- theatre, auspices of the Depart-
ing Mechanics. Students who de- ment of Economics. The public is
sire to meet Commander Schmidt- invited.
man should leave their names and
addresses at the office in which The Roger S. Morris Lecture:
they pick up the applications: "Moral Problems in the Practice
of Medicine," Willard L. Sperry,
Employment: Dean of the Divinity School, Har-
The United States Civil Service vard University; auspices of the
Commission announces examina- Medical School and the Roger S.
tions for Architect, Physical Sci- Morris Lectureship in Medicine,
ence Administrator, Research Con- 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 17, Rackham
tact Administrator, and Scientific Lecture Hall.
Research Administrator.
The '7th United States Civil Special Lectures on Education,
Service Region announces an ex- auspices of the School of Educa-
amination for probational appoint- tion. "The University." President
ment to the position of chemist to Alexander G. Ruthven, 7 p.m.,
fill positions in Illinois, Michigan, Thurs., May 19, (not Wednesday
and Wisconsin. as previously announced), Univer-
The Connecticut State Person- sity High School Auditorium.
nel Department announces an ex-
amination for Senior Case Worker. .e
The Pennsylvania State Civil Academic Notices
Service Commission announces ex- Doctoral Examination for Frank-
aminations for various positions lin Keith Killian, Education; the-
in the field of Statistics.nsis: "Flint's Fiscal Capacity to
Further information concerning Support Secondary and Advanced
the above may be obtained at the Education," 2 p.m., Tues., May
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- 17, 4019 University High School.
ministration Bldg. Chairman, A. B. Moehlman
Sales Work: Doctoral Examination for Dou-
The Houdaille-Hershey Manu- rossoff Edmund Morley, Speech;
facturing Co. of Buffalo, N.Y., has tei:"nAayi yMaso
an opening for a mechanical or in- thesis: An Analysis by Means of
an penengnee fo saes orkinthe Cound Spectrograph of Intel-
dustrial engineer for sales w ork i gibility Variations of Consonant
the Detroitarea.ApplicantsholdliSouds Spoken by Deaf Persons."
be 24-28, either a native o Detroit .
aombile rinustpry.nc int 1007 East Huron Street. Chairman,
or with previous experience in the p.m.. Wed., May 18 Room B7,
automobile industry. Interested1H.7 H.t Bon tree.Caimn
candidates should contact .-H.-. Bloomer.
Brennan, Ext. 371, or stop in the School of Education Testing
office, 3528 Administration Bldg. Program results may be picked up
Tuesday, May 17, 1431 University
Employment Interviews: Elementary School.
Thursday, May 19-A represen-
tative from Winkelman's Dept. Department of Botany: Semi-
Store in Detroit will be here to nar, 4 p.m. Wed., May 18, 1139
interview men and women for the N.S. An ecologic and taxonomic
management training program in analysis of the genus Opuntia in
their stores. the Big Bend Region of Texas, by
For further information and ap- Margery Anthony. Open meeting.
pointments, call Ext. 371, or call
at the office, 3528 Administration Concerts
Choral Union and Extra Concert
Summer Work: Series. The University Musical
A representative of Cedar Lake Society announces two major con-
Camp (Wayne Area Girl Scouts) cert series for next season, as fol-
Chelsea, Mich., will be at the Bu- lows:
reau of Appointments Wed., May Choral Union Series (10 con-
18, to interview girls for positions certs): Artur Rubinstein, pianist,
as unit heads, waterfront, music, Oct. 4; Vienna Choir Boys, Oct.
nature. 15; Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Opportunity for residents of Charles Munch, conductor, Oct.
Buffalo, N.Y., area to work on Col- 23; Cleveland Orchestra, George
lege Board of a Buffalo depart- Szell, conductor, Nov. 6; Italo
ment store. Tajo, Bass, Nov.16; Rise Stevens,
Representative of Camp Sher- mezzo-soprano, Dec. 5; Cincinnati

Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conduc-
tor, Jan. 17; Myra Hess, pianist,
Feb. 17; Pittsburgh Orchestra,
Paul Paray, guest conductor, Feb.
23; and Zino Francescatti, violin-
ist, March 20.
Extra Concert Series (5 con-
certs): Nelson Eddy, baritone, Oct.
9; Boston Symphony, Charles
Munch, conductor, Oct. 25; Tossy
Spivakovsky, violinist, Nov. 22;t
Carroll Glenn, violinist and Eu-
gere List, pianist, Jan. 6; ChicagoF
Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner,
guest conductor, March 12. i
Orders for season tickets are'
now being accepted and filed in se-
quence. Orders will later be filled
in the same sequence and mailed
September 20. Address: Charles A.
Sink, President, University Musi-
cal Society, Burton Memorial
Organ Recital: Frederick Mar-
riott, Organist and Carillonneur at
the University of Chicago, and Lec-
turer in Organ at the University
of Michigan, will be heard in a1
recital at 4:15 p.m. Tues., May 17,
Hill Auditorium. Program: Com-
positions by Walther, Bach, Rac-j
ques, Malingreau and Bonset, as
well as Mr. Marriott's composition,
Moonlight on the Lake, dedicated
to Palmer Christian, and Impro-
visation of a symphony on themes,
submitted by students and faculty,
members. The public is invited.
Organ Program: Seven School
of Music students will participate
in a program of organ music at
8 p.m., Tues., May 17, Hill Audi-
torium, to determine a represen-
tative from this area to compete
in the National Open Competition
Student Recital: Donald Price,
tenor, will present a program at
8 p.m., Tues., May 17, Rackham
Assembly Hall, as partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. He is
a pupil of Arthur Hackett and his
program is open to the public.
Student Recital: Thomas Ton-
neberger, organist, will present a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
May 18, Hill Auditorium. Compo-
sitions by Handel, Bach, Wider,
Buxtehude and Dupre. Mr. Ton-
nebreger is a pupil of Frederick
Marriott. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Malcolm Fos-
ter, Baritone, will be heard in a
program at 8 p.m., Wed., May 18,
Kellogg Auditorium. Mr. Foster is
a pupil of Harold Haugh. Compo-
sitions by Arnold, Mozart, Wolf,
Faure, Ravel, Sibelius and Rach-
maninoff. The public is invited.
University Museums Building,
rotunda. Water-color drawings of
Arctic birds, by George Miksch
Events Today
Varsity Debate: All varsity de-
baters are requested to meet at
the photographer's, 319 E. Huron,
today at 4:20 p.m.
IFC Glee Club practice at Alpha
Tau Omega house, 7:45 p.m. Re-
turn borrowed music.
English Journal Club: 8 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Mr. Homer Swander will
speak on "Giovanni Battista Vico
and Modern Criticism." The dis-
cussion will include Vico's theories
(Continued on Page 5)

the establishment of a bird bath
We write in all seriousness, al-
though we are not ornithologists.
There are only two sources of
water on the campus .proper, one
at the far end of the Diag and
the other at the approach to the
Ec building. These are drinking
fountains for the students. The
birds use these, but they provide
very poor bathing facilities since
they are too small. In passing, we
might point out that this also puts
students in danger of contamina-
tion, especially with manure
strewn on the ground. .Still, we
don't want to drive them away as
we surely will if they are not prop-
erly taken care of. Let's have
some bird baths.
We feel that bird baths, if mod-
ernistically designed, will beautify
the campus. They would be espe-
cially attractive if they correspond
to the new Administration build-
ing. If the University thought that
their maintenance and care was
too expensive, we would gladly
delegate the duty to our pledges.
Any more ideas for the raising of
funds will be gratefully received
by us from any Daily readers.
We've all for it! What about you?
-Richard Entenmann.
Michael Belmonte.
* * *
Holland Debate .. .
To the Editor:
LAST WEEK Bob Holland shut
his eyes, stuck out his chin,
and in a farewell speech let fly
with a series of wild emotional
condemnations of several campus
organizations which sounded for
all the world like the propaganda
releases of a Detroit club which is
famed for its extreme attitudes on
education and student activities.
Assuming that Bob must have a
wealth of facts to substantiate his
allegations, I invited the gentle-
man to a public debate of the
issues which he raised.
But Mr. Holland chose to reute
that presumption in his favor by
refusing to substantiate his atti-
tudes in public, because, as he put
it, "I don't have time to do the
necessary research and finals are
coming up."
Thus Mr. Holland has adopted
the ill-reputed tactic employed by
certain newspapers and radio
commentators, of making un-
founded condemnatory attacks
which he admits he is unable or
unwilling to support in public.
If we can agree that a full and
free public discussion of contro-
versial issues is a basic principle
of the American Way of Life, I
would then ask Mr. Holland who
here is in his words, "gnawing at
the American Way of Life?"
It would seem that Bob's adop-
tion of this irresponsible attitude
reflects adversely upon our edu-
cation process here which is sup-
posed to produce mature indivi-
duals and responsible citizens.
I suggest that Mr. Holland owes
the University community, as well
as the organizations concerned, a
public apology.
--Tom Walsh.

SEEMS THERE'S AN awful lot of territory
south of St. Louis and every dusty inch
of it is infested withU nion soldiers, Johnny
Rebs and raiders who might have made life
mighty exciting for the settlers, but succeed
only in making it mighty dull for a movie
The plot, if such it may be called, con-
cerns three bosom pals, loyal southerners
whose ranch is burned out by raiders during
the Civil War. So what do they do? They
go after the raiders, of course. In the en-
suing action, the three comrades, who wear
bells on their spurs to symbolize their un-
dying loyalty to one another, end up stealing
each other's girls, shooting at one another,
and finally splitting up for good.
All of which goes to prove that you can't
trust your friends. That is unless your friend
happens to be Joel McCrea (is that bad?)
He's the only one who remains true to the
triumvirate, and in the end proves that
there's nothing like a good friend unless it's
a bad woman turned good.
Which brings us around to Alexis Smith.
She is obviously a Bad Woman, from the
top of her spurious red head to the tip
of her shiny black shoes. As in all small
towns in period pictures there are only
two things for a woman to do-nurse in a
hospital or sing in the cabaret. Miss
Smith sings. She sings to hide her broken
heart, and she also sings to Joel McCrea
for other reasons.
Only one of the terrific three is "un-
individualistic" enough to don a uniform
and fight for the Southern cause. This
lavc o- n 2i7n.hr e n f wt n t

LE JAZZ HOT reverberated among the
walls of a sparsely populated Hill Audi-
torium the other night but held its head
high in tribute to the noble efforts of those
seven musicians who gave all they had-
and then some. Although the hassle was a
financial fiasco for the Hot Record Society,
the Art Hodes Dixieland Jazz group had a
lot of fun playing Dixie as it should be
played. The music was full of life and had
that happy sound that no other music is
able to produce.
Hodes, a pianist, assembled five other
outstanding exponents of this American folk
music. Wild Bill Davison, trumpet star ex-
traordinaire, Brad Gowans, trombonist, Herb
Ward, bassist, Tony Sparbaro, drummer and
kazoo specialist, and Tony Parenti, who took
the place of Pee Wee Russle as clarinetist,
completed the group.
The ensemble work by the band was very
commendable, although the p.a. system
failed to give equal advantage to each mu-
sician; Parenti's clarinet was all but lost in
a maze of the powerful Davison trumpet on
many occasions. Hodes, aided by Sparbaro
and Ward, offered a strong, steady beat
throughout the entire performance. Hodes
also provided a good background on which
the other musicians could build.
Wild Bill was the oustanding performer
of the evening, and he displayed his crisp,
biting trumpet style to good advantage in
his solo, When Your Lover Has Gone.
Gowans was a disappointment, however, as
he detracted from his pleasing tone and in-
teresting phrasing by executing his solo work

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ...........City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ............. Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris ... Asso. Wom's Editor
Bess Hayes ...................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait.......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ... . Advertising Manager
William Culman..Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, bymall,


We will CERTAINLY get an exciting

Notaall! ny cnsiderable1

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