FIE MICHIGAN DAILY I Arts*Festival "EMPORARILY OVERSHADOWED by the past May Festival and present Drama stival, a group of creative students have en hard at work with plans for an all- udent Arts Festival this weekend. Given the go-ahead signal two weeks go by Dean Erich Walter, they formed loosely-knit Inter-Arts Union composed f members of Play Production, dance roup, art and architecture school and ausic school. By forming a permanent rganization they hope to make this com- ined-arts experiment an annual campus vent. The Festival, which is featuring a stu- nt written play "Death of a Minotaur" td student composed symphony "Symphony B" in addition to original poetry, musical iitorials published in The Michigan Daily r written by members of The Daily staff d represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE THOMAS compositions and choreography, is attract- ing nation-wide notice in art circles. It will mark the first time a college group has attempted to present a concerted weekend of the arts. Prominent men in the arts, including James Johnson Sweeney, director of the department of painting and sculpture of the New York Museum of Modern Art, are coming to Ann Arbor to appear on the pro- grain and watch this first such effort in an Art Festival. In addition to offering the city of Ann Arbor a weekend of creative arts, the Arts Festival is giving loval student tal- ent an incentive to create, a chance for recognition by an above-average audience, and encouragement for participation in the creative arts. The enthusiastic response by art,music and speech students to the idea of an all- student Arts Festival augurs well for the perpetuation of the Festival. General cam- pus backing will insure the success of such a venture. -Phyllis Kulick. PD RATHER BE RIGHT: No Equation By SAMUEL GRAFTON T HE ARGUMENT that we ought to resume having an ambassador in Spain rests on a plausible but faulty equation. We send ambassadors to Moscow, it is said, and we don't like Communism; why shouldn't we send an ambassador to Spain, even if we don't like fascism? It is a neat approach, you could ie it up with a silken bow, but if you look it over carefully you will see that it is about as sound as a $3 bill. * * * THE SITUATION with regard to Spain is quite different, and the equation is no equation. We have no anti-Francoist pro- gram, on the military and propagandist and economic levels, in any way comparable with our anti-Communist program. To put it bluntly, there is an open ques- tion in regard to our attitude toward Spain, which does not exist in the case of our attitude toward Russia. European labor, which, generally, fears and hates Franco, and which, presumably we are trying to win over to our side, will not at all accept the equation that for us to send an ambassador to Spain has no more meaning than for us to send an ambassador to Moscow. We have made our position toward Russian Communism clear. We have not made our position toward Spanish fas- cism nearly as clear. FOR, IN ACTUAL FACT, most pvrspec- tives of resumed ambassadorial rela- tions with Madrid do include, even if only in a nebulous way, the idea of working with Spain. It may be only a potential and lim- ited partnership that is thus projected, per- haps one confined only to the military sphere, to the protection of the Continent against Russia, but none the less the idea of working with Spain goes with the idea of sending an ambassador to Madrid, in a way in which the ' idea of working with Russia is not involved in the sending of an ambassador to Moscow. I AM WILLING TO ADMIT that we may be suffering certain awkwardnesses and inconveniences by not having an ambassador at Madrid. But sometimes men and nations do have to suffer inconveniences for the sake of keeping a position clear, and in those cases one suffers the inconveniences because of the value of the principle in- volved. This is certainly not a new predica- ment in the history of human dilemnas. Nobody would be seriously excited about our sending an ambassador to Spain if we were conducting an anti-fascist cam- paign that matched, in vigor and in- tensity, our campaign against Commu- nism. Our diplomatic relations with Spain then would not be an issue; there would be no argument and no discussion. In other words, it is for those who are trying to make a balanced equation out of the sending of ambassadors to Moscow and Madrid, really to complete the equation. -(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) MATTER OF FACT: Dying City By STEWART ALSOP (The following dispatch was written in Shang- hai but cabled from Hong Kong to avoid cen- sorship.) SHANGHAI - Like any frightened city, Shanghai is a city of wild, mutually con- tradictory rumors. It is difficult enough to find out what is really happening in Na- tionalist Shanghai, which is so soon to die. It is impossible to do more than guess what is likely to happen in Communist Shanghai, which is so soon to come into being. Yet out of all the darkness and confusion, one can discern a few firm facts and a few reasonable probabilities. * * * THE NATIONALIST generals still assert, rather wearily, that Shanghai will be defended to the last man. But is is a fairly firm fact that any serious intention of really defending the city has been abandoned. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek is known to have favored a "scorched-earth" policy for Shanghai, and a hopeless fight to the finish. He is also known to have been here recently, first on an island in the Whangpoo, and then in the Officers Moral Endeavor Hostel in the city. But it is now generally believed that he has left the city, and all likelihood of a real defense of the city has left with him. Instead, war materials and valuables are being shipped out to Formosa, the Gen- eralissimo's last-stand island off the South China coast. The leading Nationalists-pol- iticians, bankers ani the like-have already left on Chiang's orders. Four large Chinese ships are lying off the Whangpoo to evac- uate the best troops when that becomes nec- essary. Meanwhile, a secret committee, headed by an aged diplomat, has been formed and is believed to have made contact already with the Communists. The committee is to serve as an interim body to hand over con- trol of the great city to its conquerors. The Communists are reliably reported to have gathered their few trained administra- tors at Peiping with instructions to be ready to take over Shanghai at any time after tomorrow, May 15. Most people here believe that the Com- munists will walk in, with very little blood- shed, not long after that date. Thus, Na- tionalist Shanghai is to die a graceless, unresisting death. AS FOR COMMUNIST SHANGHAI, the darkness closes in thicker than ever. It is reasonable to suppose that Shanghai un- der the Communists, with American aid withdrawn, must undergo a period of total economic chaos. It is also reasonable to sup- pose that without foreign trade, Shanghai, whose whole reason for being is trade with the West, will die. It is this which adds weight to such signs and portents as ' an unseasonable Christmas card which a major American employer received here recently. It said: "We announce hereby Chinese people blame only foreign imperialisms but we hope our foreign friends still re- main in China and promise to protect them (including lives and property). We welcome foreign investments to develop Chinese economy and safeguard their spe- cial interests. We greet heartily and give special treatment to those technicians willing to participate in economic recon- struction of China." The Christmas card has its importance as an accurate reflection of the Chinese Com- munist Party line on Shanghai. The Chinese Communists apparently mean to allow a degree of contact with the West which would certainly bring the Kremlin's lash down hard over the shoulders of any European satellite. Business men here are inclined to equate with line with Titoism. It is not neces- sarily anything of the sort. The Chinese Communists are likely to allow some trade and contact with the West simply because they must. Yet, the Christmas card does suggest at least that the West will have an economic lever in Com- nunist China which the West entirely lacks in the rest of the Soviet world. One American here, who spent the war years in Chungking, remarked as he sipped a cocktail in the comfortable lounge of the American Club, "In Chungking we had hope and no luxury, here we have luxury and no hope." For the short run, he was right, of course. Nothing will stop the Communists from taking Shanghai. But for the long run, while it is foolish to talk of Titoism now, we must wait to see how this economic lever works. There is a chance that it may even promote the central Western objective-a China independent of the Kremlin. But the chance is slender. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Looking Back J 50 YEARS AGO: An exhibition of women gymnasts at the University of Nebraska was heckled by a group of "perverted persons, probably boys," who labeled the town with flaming posters shouting "splendid fatted calf display." The faculty promised dire punishment to the culprits DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Li 1i (Continued from Page 2) Alabama Polytechnic Institute; auspices of the Department of Chemistry. 8 p.m., Mon., May 16, 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Har- old Theodore Towe, Political Sci- ence; thesis: "The Organization of a Municipal Corporation in Ohio." 9:30 a.m., Sat., May 14, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, A. W. Bromage. Doctoral Examination for Ibra- him Abdel Gaafar, Civil Engineer- ing; thesis: "The Analysis of Hipped Plate Structures Consid- ering the Relative Displacements of the Joints," 10:30 a.m., Sat., May 14, 315 W. Engineering Bldg. Chairman: L. C. Maugh. Doctoral Examination for Ed- gar Lane, Political Science; the- sis; "Statutory Regulation of Lob- bying in the United States, with Special Reference to the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946." 10:45 a.m., Sat., May 14, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, J. W. Lederle. Doctoral Examination for Ar- thur Eugene Staebler, Zoology; thesis: "A Comparative Life His- tory Study of the Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers (Dendrocopos pubescens and Dendrocopos vil- losus)." 9 a.m., Mon., May 16, 3091 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, J. Van Tyne. Doctoral Eamination for Wilma Marie Inskip, Psychology; thesis: "The Effect of Speech Disturb- ances of Certain Training Proce- dures Based on the Emergent Spe- cificity Theory." 2:30 p.m., Mon., May 16, 2006 Angell Hall. Chair- man, J. F. Shepard. Doctoral Examination for Philip I. Sperling, Psychology; thesis: "Attitude Dispersion and Its Per- ception as Related to Satisfaction with a Group Product." 3:30 p.m., Mon., May 16, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, T. M. Newcomb. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price's recital at 2:15 Sunday afternoon, May 15, will include: Four Negro spirituals, Sonata for 47 Bells by Professor Price, and War March of the Priests by Mendelssohn. Student Recital: Donald Miller, violinist, will present a program at 8 p.m., Sun., May 15, Kellogg Au- ditorium. He will be assisted by Dolores DiLorenzo, pianist in Franck's Sonata in A major for Violin and Piano. Mr. Miller is a pupil of Gilbert Ross, and his pro- gram, open to the public, is to be given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Student Recital: Carla Kaatz, playing the French horn, will pre- sent a program at 8 p.m., Mon., May 16, Kellogg Auditorium in the Dental Bldg. She will be assisted by David Larson, pianist, Gene- vieve Shanklin, violinist, Theodore Powell and Robert Miller, violists, Charlotte Lewis, cellist. Mrs. Kaatz is a pupil of Ted Evans, and plays the recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. The public is invited. Events Today The University of Michigan In- ter-Arts Union will present a STU- DENT ARTS FESTIVAL May 14 and 15. Four sessions: first, 3 p.m., Saturday, May 14, League Ball- room; second, Saturday, 8 p.m., University High School Audito- rium; third session, 3 p.m., Sun- day, League Ballroom; final meet- ing, 8 p.m., Sunday, Lane Hall. Among the features of the Festival will be a performance by the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor; lec- ture by James Johnson Sweeney, of the New York Museum of Mod- ern Art; reading of student poetry; art exhibit; presentation of a one- act play written by John Cook, and panel discussions. The sessions will be open to all students and faculty members, in- terested in the arts.1 Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Neighborhood Astronomers Meeting: Dr. George Gamow, Pro- fessor of Physics, George Wash- (Continued on Page 6) The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters fdr publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory characteror ssuch letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Thanks ... To the Editor: I WISH TO THANK music critic Arthur Kennett for clearing up a matter that has been troubling me for some time. Ever since Martial Singher sang the role of Pelleas at the Met, I have suspected that he was actually a tenor rather than a baritone. Now Mr. Kennett has revealed the truth of the matter in his review. Mr. Singher has obviously been con- cealing his true voice from the public by singing such roles at the Met as: Lindorf, Coppelius, Dr. Miracle, and Dapertutto in the Tales of Hoffman; Escamillo in Carmen; Valentin in Faust; Wolf- ram in Tannhauser; Amfortas in Parsifal; Figaro in both the Bar- ber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro; Mercutio in Romeo and Juliette; Marcello in La Boheme; and Frederic in Lakme. As to Mr. Haugh, while I must confess that it hadn't occurred to me that he was a baritone, now that Mr. Kennett has pointed that fact out, I'm forced to admit that Mr. Haugh does look a little like a baritone. Also, I wish to thank Elaine Bro- van for enabling us to realize to some degree how the voices of Galli-Curci and Lucretia Bori ac- tually sounded. Those of us who are acquainted with these great artists only through their record- ings probably would not have real- ized that Miss Tassinari's voice was awakening echoes' of these artists. In closing, may I add that I always enjoy the reviews of The Daily's music critics. -Ken Dall.. * * * Souvenir .. . To the Editor: IN THIS Paris spring, my hus- band and I feel far away from the current American hysteria, re- ported by The Daily in its articles on Communist trials, student ex- pulsions and faculty dismissals. Here, in a sunny Montparnasse cafe, one can discuss pacts, im- perialism or Communism impar- tially with an ardor proportionate to the real im~mediacy of a ques- tion that has not been muddled or muddied legislatively. We feel infinitely free of bans and bills. This freedom is not just a word, it is a daily practice. We look at the corner newsstands and see pa- pers of every shade of opinion from Communist to far right. These papers share the unfortu- nate fault of slanting what little news they print, but they escape an AP uniformity and gain an im- portant advantage: free expres- sion of different viewpoints. To- day, a student standing at the entrance door of the Sorbonne was calling, "Ask for, read Clarte, the student Communist paper." Here this is an ordinary sight, no cause for disturbance, but we smiled as we thought of the splut- tering in Lansing if this happened on the Michigan Diag. A spirit of equanimity greeted the rec'ent Communist Peace Con- ference here. The symbol of the occasion was a pigeon, designed by Picasso, which stimulated many discussions and some jokes but no apprehension or violence, no kneel- ing on curbs. On est tres loin de New York. This same spirit of es- sential calm prevailed on May Day. We saw the leftist parade, with an impressive number of participants, ordinary, non-revo- lutionary people, children and grand-parents included. Two of France's leading poets-Commu- nists as it happens-marched too. A chant was repeated: "Nous vou- lons la paix"-this was its most militant note. We suppose the big difference between American hysteria and the relative calm of Paris is one of preoccupation: our leaders know that they don't want any part of Communism; the French have this uncertainty-a passible "colonization," as the Commu- nists charge, or Communism, as the rightist alarmists fear. What- ever the cause, the French enjoy a liberty of expression that is fast disappearing at home; Commu- nism is not gagged as a threat but is heard as a nuance of political opinion. We wish wistfully that we could take this freedom of speech home with us-a most pre- cious souvenir of France. -Vesta F. La Zebnik, 15 rue Brea, Paris * * * Not Too Difficult,. . To the Editor: I WISH TO clear up any mystery which envelopes the sculptures on the Administration Building. The matter came to my attention when I saw an article in The Daily entitled"Modern Sculpture Con- fuses Students." Having worked for Marshall Fredericks for five months, I feel qualified to attempt a brief explanation; it will be based on one I wrote in February for The Daily, which apparently was seen by no one. The two bronzes on the east side entitled "The Dream of the Young Man" and "The Dreams of the Young Woman" symbolize the dreams and aspirations of youth. The former shows a sleeping boy dreaming of high adventure and romance, shown by two galleons complete with mermaids on the prows; the lattershows a young girl imagining a happy life of abundance depicted by a stalwart pioneer and various farm animals. Also on the east side is a symbol of Administration in limestone. In addition to these there are sev- eral small aluminum reliefs on the tower; they are flower and plant forms, meant to be purely decorative. On the west side there are two large limestone reliefs, one of Hia- watha, the other of Aesop. These obviously stand for education. An old Indian is teaching the young Hiawatha; Aesop was noted for his astute fables. Moreover, on the west side there are nine alum- inum sculptures depicting God, Nature, and Man. God is symbol- ized by hands holding the uni- verse in front of the flame of eter- nal life,- while Nature is in the form of plant forms growing in the sun. Man is shown as a rock- et ship streaming into space. Last- ly there are four limestone reliefs depicting four parts of education; a touch of humor has been added here. At the north extremity are two groups of baboons; the fine arts are symbolized by baboons playing musical instruments; sci- ence shows more baboons peering studiously into a microscope. On the other end are literature, shown by a young boy reading, and na- ture study, depicted by a girl feed- ing small animals. The sculpture is dedicated to youth and education. What could be more appropriate for a uni- versity? Although the technique is in the modern tradition, i.e. simple and direct, none of the work is meant to be incomprehen- sible to the observer. The subject matter is for the most part his- torical; however, the thought be- hind it applies to this or any age. Take another look. With a little thought you will discover that .it is not too difficult to understand. -Pamela Stump. * * * Discrimination ... To the Editor: TFC, PAN HEL, the Student Leg- islature, and the editors of the Michigan Daily are defeating their very aim of "freedom" when they shout 'Discrimination!" at every turn. They do not seem to realize that discrimination is not only a daily action, but a necessary one Discriminate, as given in the dic- tionary, means 'to separate by dis- cerning differences'. The Univer- sity 'discriminates' when it chooses for admittance only those with a high scholastic high school record. It 'discriminates' when admitting to the graduate program only those students who show the nec- essary ability. Yes, it even 'dis- criminates' in placing women stu- dents in the woman's dormitories and the, men in the men's dormito- ries. We discriminate every da3 when we buy clothing, food, cars, pencils-everything. That is our privilege, just as the above regu- lations are the right of the Uni- versity. When one shouts "Dowr with discrimination," he mighi just as well be shouting, "Dowr with somebody's freedom." Is thai freedom yours? Yes, it is every- body's... With such an infinite variety of organizations, both social and la- borite, there is surely at least one, and more likely several, that would r welcome a given individual wit- open arms, if he feels he must join something in order to be happy. Of course, he always has the priv- ilege of doing what the founders of the aforementioned organiza- tions did-start one of his own, tailored to fit his own wishes and needs, instead of trying to inflict his needs and wishes upon an or- ganization that 'someone else sweated over to start. Change the existing organization, which al- ready fits the specific needs and wishes of a group, and you imme- diately become an interloper, who has proved himself too lazy to start his own group, one who would rather encroach upon the rights of others by changing their organ- ization into something they do not wish. Show the spunk that the founders of the existing organiza- tion did-go out and found your own, unless you're just trying to join the existing group for the sole purpose of showing the world you're 'just as good as they are.' In closing, let me avow that I have never belonged to a sorority, so my arguments are based, not on prej- udice. but on logic and common sense. I hope The Daily, IFC, Pan Hel, and the Student Legislature will stop crying in their beer, and put an end to their nonsense. -Dolores Allen * * * Known Fact... To the Editor: VERY red-blooded American must surely be thrilled with the latest efforts of two of our most stalwart defenders of freedom. I refer specifically to senators Mundt and Ferguson both of whom have brand new bills aimed at Communist, subversive, totali- tarian activities before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Let it not be said that these two courageous front line fighters for free insti- tutions have been discouraged in any way by past events. We all know that a year ago this spring a couple of million Communist agents in this country protested the Mundt-Nixon Bill and thereby fooled the senators into dropping it, but this only instilled Mundt and Fergie with more fight. They realized that subsequent demands for housing, social security, civil rights, aid to education, health legislation and world peace proved their original contention that a whole slew of hard-core reds were at work in this country pressing for these socialistic measures. Fer- guson and Mundt have worked out a marvelously simple and effective answer: crush the hard core, and all these un-American things cease to bother the Congress. Also, and I think this is quite clever, don't let anybody testify on the bills unless he swears up and down that he's a Democrat or Republican. This eliminates witnesses who might be against the bills. It is a known fact that such measures hurt no one except Communists. -Al Lippitt. . . ctt JO . to tAo . ! 1 y1 ,, - CRRN MOVIEl rb t! rrr emi ri + rrr i i i At the Orpheum.. . IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT: Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. EVEN IN SIXTEEN YEARS time no one has trudged down a Florida highway with quite the sophisticated aplomb that Gable and Colbert did in "It Happened One Night." And it is a tribute to them, as well as, to the movie, that the intervening years have in no respect dulled the edge of this fine movie. The poor boy-rich girl theme is ancient; but "It Happened One Night" represcents the one smashingly successful attempt to bring it to the screen. The interminable number of grade B (or worse) movies in- corporating this theme since 1933, occa- sionally have clouded the fact that this movie was the original from which all DRAMA BOY MEETS GIRL, produced by the Uni- versity of Michigan Student Players at the Masonic Temple. IN BELLA AND SAMUEL Spewack's rollick- ing take-off on what goes on behind the doors of a Hollywood producer's office, the Student Players last night proved that en- thusiasm can go a long way toward covering up lack of acting experience. Although the pace was uneven in spots and there was a general tendency to rush through lines, the final result was much good humor, and the cast seemed to be having as much fun with the Spewack quips as the audience. Sidney Corbett, playing one of a team of uninhibited hack writers, turned in easily the best performance of the evening. He demonstrated excellent timing, a natural and easy-going stage manner and a capacity for a genuine feeling for the character he portrayed. It may be difficult to imagine a six-foot football star as a languid, milktoast British w,.e0. vf n 1 f~ n cnr l n..r... u . . n ~~ the others were adapted; but the freshness which one senses while watching this movie obliterates , any memory of the others. Clark Gable, looking alarmingly younger than in recent years, is a natural as the breezy newspaper reporter unimpressed with the twenty million dollar premium bru- nette. On the other hand, Claudette Cblbert, seems to have acquired neither years nor wrinkles in the years between. Remembering less inspired roles that both have been burdened with (in post- war years in particular), it is a pleasure to watch this charming couple laugh their way through the improbable story of an heiress who takes a bus ride to escape an indignant parent and falls in love with a fast-talking, flat-broke reporter. The almost immortal wall of Jericho and hitch-hiking scenes along with Miss Col- bert's "gams", have lost none of their punch. Clark Gable's hiking lesson brings back to mind the days when I could find a justifi- cation for his wide-spread appeal. For my money this movie has a rightful place in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art along with Chaplin and Garbo. To have missed it will be to have missed one of the few illustrations of what has "made" the American movie industry. -Jim Graham. Better Business INVESTIGATION OF HIGH FOOD prices in Ann Arbor is to be the next project of the SL's active Better Business Bureau. But to make this investigation successful and to continue the valuable work of the Bureau, active student support is needed. Survey work in compiling comparative price lists is exclusively carried out by stu- dent members of the Bureau and results are available to all House presidents and- interested students in regular bulletins. Every salesman who is to solicit in student residences in Ann Arbor is required to regis- ter with the Bureau. His qualifications are carefully checked and a Better Business Bu- reau card is issued when the Bureau is con- vinced the vendor will deal fairly with the Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students-of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern......Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti . ..-Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff..........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ... Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editol Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait .......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager wilnam Culman ... .Finance Manager Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusi'AY entitled to the use for repubioidtion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. Alr rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seeond-class maill matter. Subscription during hs ,regular school year by carrier, SI.P, by wall. 86.00. BARNABY So you see. kids. even Cuso aroch'ee! j$CKn10+'f/ I -- - I a I ' m