TWO THlE MCHIGAN I DAILY ~FRIDAY. FEBRtUARY Vi TW+i+_O++ - -- t-as" .-ta... --.. aar- ]y a .ilmf l'1'4.n14. a1. *.xi"l r I I I t i SP,44fJ uf1204 South University Avenue ....serving .. . BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS and [SINNERS SANDWICHES and SALADS from 7:00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Closed Sundays FULBRIGHT ACT: Government. To Foot BillE Of U.S. Students Abroad AILY BUSLLETFIN up by March 7. Students is nhing graduate women), Betsy Barbour an extension of time beyond -±this Hou0se (for graduate women only), date in order to make up this>> eague Houses. Sorority Houses.a work should file 2 pet it ion atd- V, ork should file a petition ad- dressed to the wprpiae i- t(''ic no-members as well as cial in their sho ih11 d members). andl Co operait iveo The type of res ince desired should 1be spelcified t the time the application is mal;de, Accommoda- excet cooiupe°ra tiv.e lhouses . SPECIAL!!r DAILY DE~N FEATURE Burger in the "Basket 35c ,' ade from , freshly g~round full f lat ored beefwih g l e Dr n h f id I a o Po t es Your choice of relish, pickle or onion.. ( The W"OLVE INE4"tD EN South University and Forest1 THE IDEAL STUDENT CEN'TER - TV American students will soon get increased opportunities for study abroad with expenses paid by the U.S. government. The next academic year will see seven countries playing host to Americans under the Fulbright Act for educational exchanges. s THE LAW provides that for- eign credits acquired by the U.S.1 through sale of surplus war pro- perty located in foreign countries can be used to pay expenses of American students and profes- sors in those countries. Only foreign currencies will 1 be available under the act, so living expenses of foreign stud- ents in the U.S. cannot be paid. For U.S. citizens transporta- tion, tuition, maintenance and other expenses may be paid to finance studies, research and in- struction. NINE COUNTRIES have sign- ed agreements with the U.S. to implement the act : China, Burma, Philippines, Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Great Britain and New Zealand. Competition for graduate study in 1949-50 in Belgium, Luxem-1 bourg, the Netherlands and New Zealand closes March 1. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS for Fulbright awards are U.S. citi- zenship, a college degree and knowledge of the language of the' country.j Grants are for one year, with the possibility of renewal, and! they require connection with an approved educational insti- tu tion. The grants will vary in amount. The cost of living, availability of, Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all. members of the U 1niversi ty'. Notices for the Bulletin should he sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Boom 1021 Angell flail, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.nm. Sat- u rdays). ministration Building, wheire iti will be transmitted.j Women students planning to attend the 1949 Summer Se Sion may apply now for housing inl the Office of the Dean of WVomern. The following residences \v ill ibel open : The New Women's Resi-I dence (for graduate and under-1 VOL. LIX, No. 88 Notices 1949 ' z { rl Diormiltory News' Clean Sweep Winter Stocks of former DOf all, regardless prices' AFTER-INVENTORY LERAC IL WVAashington's Birthday: The cnly onp-dav ~yhrliil',xielistediin other funds, financial status and 4the atcamilcaenda uadpte professional level of the candi- bny the Regents at their meeting date will be taken into account. of December 18, 1948 are Thanks- giving Day. Memorial Darr, and Houses. STUDENTS ELIGIBLE for GI benefits may also apply for a Fulbright grant, but must comn- pete with other candidates on the basis of personal and scholastic qualifications. The Institute of Internation- al Education answers inquiries, receives applications and makes preliminary selection of appli- cants. It is located at 2 West 45th Street, New York City 19. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school is adviser for both students and faculty memh- bers who are interested in Ful- bright grants. Independence1Day.U Washington's Birthday is not a holiday. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, Forestry, Music and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X, or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made (EDITrOR'S NOTE: Contributors to What's Up in the D~orms should con- tact Dolores Palanker at The Da:ily or 105 Betsy Barbour.) Only Units 3 and 4 of the newv women's dorm's four dlivisions are completed. Fifty < r duate students are living on the sixth floors of Units 1 and 2. however. New officers elected Tuesday in Unit 3 are Barbara Johnson, president; Courtney Sherbrooke, vice-president; Winifred Wong, secretary:; and 'reetah Dondero,; treasurer. VICTOR VAUGHN will have an open house this evening with nurses from St. Joseph's Hospital and women from. Mosher-Jordia Halls as special guests. BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Crepes -- Failles -- Gabardines All Good for Season's of Wear 50 DRESSES Originally to $19.95 50 DRESSES Origin ally to $29.95 Now $700 Now $Q 100 DRESSES (Ihigiitally to $39.95 Now X19 MICHIGAN Today and 35c until Saturday 5 P.M. RiEAD THlE CL1ASSIF IEDS Personals? Transportation? Sales? Housing? Class ijfieds solve your problems! 1 y i sr sa rM.. ars.. w±.v rv x4~ "'tRt a src. n wl Mae! asw Wa: ;Kom ,:/gP°i xq ,^BR1 lK IM- 1R+"' ------ - -- - __-NEXT SUNDAY ----- - - I"-"THE THREE MUSKETEERS" ~TONJGlIT! TNI77T Plenity of Tickets Available tit tihe Door SAR"Ah 'VAUGHAN LESTER YOUNG and Orchestra JAZZ CO9NCERTF6 AASON IC TEMPLE 8:30 -11:00 Tickets on Sate at tihe Door, .M. BUSINESS SERVICES SEASONED WOOD Fireplace or furnace, phone 4575. ) 12B LITERARY criticism and private tutor- ing in composition. Remedy inade- quate expression. Ph. 2-1590 for ap- pointment. )11B LAUNDRY done in home, experienced worker. Ph. 2-3036. )9B LAUNDRY -Washing and/~or ironing done in my home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )2B T)RESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Prices Reasonable 2-2020 )3B RENTAL TYPEWRITERS Reasonable Rates OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 1116 S. Univ., 2-9409 111 S. 4th, 2-1213 )1B FEBRUARY SPECIAL! Portable Type-j writer Service. We will install a new' ribbon, oil your machine, and clean the type, all for $2. 24-hr service, Thrasher and Co., 114-116 E. Wash- ington, Ph. 2-6503. )7B DANCE music CHUICK DOWNER and his Orchestra Ph. 25-0031 )2P FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS wanted. Reasonable rates. 1429 Hill Street, call 2-8809. )113 FOR RENT SINGLE Room for male student on So. Div. Reasonable. Ph. 2-1642. )3F ROOM for male student, , of double, 3 blocks fram caimpus, :f6 per wveek. Call 28309. )17R LOST AND FOUND LOST-Fri., Feb. 4, Blue Parker 51 pen, silver cap. Call K. Swords, 2-6674. LOST-Brown plastic rimmed glasses in Dr. Gaynes case. Call B. Besso. 2-1522. $1 reward. )8L LOST--Glasses-red case, near State 'Theatre. Call Pat 2-4514. )6L LOS'.[-7nor uear'1T..I osp. Parker blue gold band fountain peni. Plea se re- tuin to Info. Office, Univ. Hosp. )1L LOS''--Ladies brow n cloth purse. Feb. 4 on Hill mtpar Wash tenaw. Reward. Ph. 2-6674. )14L LOST-Gold Bulova Feb. 9. Senti- mental value, need desperately. Re- ward offered. Call Jackie Heyman, 2-4561. )11L LOST-Glasses in leather case. Jan. 17 about 2:00 in N.S. 13ldg. Name inside case. Phone 3-1511, ext. 2146. ) 12L ROOMS FOR RENT WELL FURNISHED double room for male student. 1218 Olivia. )IOR VACANCY for male students. On cam- pus, 811 East Ann. Ph. 2-2052. )4R VACANCY in big double room in grad- uate house for girls. Breakfast privi- leges. 1101 Church. Ph. 26753. )15R DOUBLE ROOM available for 2 male students. Inquire after 4 at 1006 Packard. ) 16R CLOSE TO Campus. Nice double room to share with one male student. No smoking-. Ph. 5372. )14R HALF OF double room to share with pre-med student. One block south of campus. Call 2-71:33. )13R DOUBLE ROOM on west side for men. Phone 2-0046. ) 12R TO SHARE-Double room for male student, near campus. .906 Green- wood. })11 R WEEK-END Rooms available in private homes. Call Student Room Bureau. 2-8827, 11:30-12, 6:30-7:00. }1R EXCELLEN'T' double andI single near campus, for quiet men. Call 2-3061. after 7 p.m. )18R SINGLE or double. 964 W. Cross, Ypsi- lanti. I block west of Tower. Ph1. 8695. )19R GRADUATE student or teacher, part of double room with law student available now for man. Shower, con- tinuous hot water, comfortable. Near campus and Union. Rent: reasonable. 509 S. Division, near Jefferson. )20R TODAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY Continuous Daily from 1:30 Admission 501: inc. tax French Dialogue English Titles1 HELP WANTED MAN to work evenings, except Sat. 10 hours per week; $1.00 per hour. Call L. H. Legters, 8883, 7-8 pirn. }41- THlE DIRECTOR of~ Camp Nahelu will be in Ann Arbor Friday. Feb. 11, to interview experienuced men and wo- men counselors for suniier employ- ment. Jewish clientele. F~or interci- view appointment, pleaise call 2-23i24 between 11 a nm. andi1 .1 m. Ask for Mrs. Levin. )1H PERSONAL FRATERNITY Board table open for 6 men. Call personally between 71 and 9, 1015 East Huron. Ask for Jim Robarge. )5P SALLY, this is the "Pay-off". If you don't ask me to Mortar Board's dance, we're through! Your J-Hop D~ate. 3P 1t0'( (?Wool SWEATERS A speddgroup of wool pull- oveis-all good colors for spring. $3.95 SKIRTS All wool skirts --plaids, checks, solids - all colors --- originally to $101.95. Now.................... $5.00 JEWELRY 2 groups of rings and earrings. originally $1.00 to $3.95 -- 2 groups of pins, originally to $14.95. Now only........ 49c 98c $1 $3.95 10 COATS Originolly to $125.00. Sizes 10 to 20 !'. Cashmere SWvvEATERS originally $12.s)', I gr1oup of cardiga,.ns andpllvr o'i- nally L to 1.95 $8.95 to $12.95 BLOUSES White or tolol-.;aill kir.;- long and 5shor't (sleve - ette blouies. Originil VAtli ;s to $0.99i, Nowv............................ $1.95 - $2.95 - 5 GLOVES Fabric, leather, msuede gloves - black, brown or white, originally $1.75 to $6.00. Nowxv . ..... 79c to $2.98 Nowto$4995 1 0 SUITSAf Originally to $69.95. Sizes 12-40, 18!/2-241/2. o o1 NOW IS THE TIME 'TO SAVE FIVE Me'n's Suits, like new. Reasonable. LOST-Ruby-Dianmond Ring. Between 39 Ln.Cl -86 1 P. Bell and South Uiniver'sity. Senti- Long Cal 2-856.mental value. Reward. Call 5032. )13L BLACK TUXEDO, size 40 long, excellent condition $25.00. D~r. J. R. Jones, Man- chester. Mich. Phone 4061. )15 BLACK TUXEDO-37 long, almost new. 18 Wenkey House, 2-4401. )11 FOR SALE-Remington Noiseless Port- able, brand new, never used. Call Ben Schulkin, 9310 after' 7:00 P.M. )12 BABY Parakeets and Canaries. Bir'd supplies and cages. Moderate prices. 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. ) RIGHT FOR RUSHING That's our smooth-looking crepe dresses and smartly-tailored suits!! COUSINS ON STATE STREET ) 1 TYPEWRITER - Corona Portable. 3 months old, perfect condition. Call Ralph Burton, 2-9111, after 7 p.m. )17 AFTER INVENTORY SALE Sweaters - Skirts -- Blouses Greatly Reduced - All Sizes ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP 309 South State Street ) AT A SACRIFICE - New wool tweed coat worn four times. Highly fash-I ioned with quilted lip-in lining.I Originally $85.00, now $60. Blue cock- l tail dress from Saks Fifth Avenue, worn only twice. Originally $40, now $25. Peacock blue evening gown, French design, worn twice, perfect condition. Originally $50, now $30. Brown Shepherd's-check hand tailor- ed wool suit, excellent condition. Originally $65, now $20. Black moire dinner-dance dress $15. All in sizes 9 & 10. Call 6152 between 5-8 P.M. )13 New Josellil Spring Suits MIoderately Priced $29.95 to $49.95 Sizes 9-15, 10-16. Come in. Make your selection. Use our convenient Layaway Plan Randall's Specialty Shop 306 5. State ) Saturday, Feb. 26 MICHIGAN Box Office Sale Starts Wednesday ISIEI/W PYMY11iN RRMY An Intimate Theatre Bringing Cinema Triumphs From All Nations 7vI 7Ae ia'6eth hikit .1 ho 309 South State Street - ..__ FRANCE'S FAYORT TR!m ~ THE VERY SEXY ARLETTY USES HER CH1ARMS. IN A ,t BOLDER AND MORE SEDUCTIVE MANNER THAN HAS EVER: LBEEN DONE ON THE SCREEN BEFORE!ft- DAILY NEWS 00 r"A GALLIC SIZZLER-VERY GEEaWHIZZY1'7-WALTER WINCHELL "JUICILY GALLIC- DELIGHTFULLY IMPROPER!"-PM ° 4.FERNAND LARLETTY chef SIMON ' { .....,ONLY THE FRENCH NAVE A WODFOR T!a fit, 'S ..for Ann A In Arta Arbor 508 East Williams krbor's greatest CONh ,TON PHOnowRECGRR VALUE! MICROGROOVE I 4p~t Cinema Xlea91e .1RI0 ..,from the thrill-dipped pen of ERIC AMBLER SI STARTS TOMORROW STUDENT PLAYERS' Production of SAROYAN'S ii MILLS,,GREEN WOODI WritteonmswPinduced by ERIC AMBLER aircted by ROY BAKER ~with Edward Chapmani " Kay Walsh " Adrianne Allen Z, "Iv H T 1l! P r v "The TIME of s U'I i~jac FATE SIS iN I t I II 11 11 I 11 1 II I UP YU'UK LflUIC t!- m ~/