__ _ _ _ THE ICHIGAN V'DX LY '_ .. SATURDAY, MAY 14 ROM CLASSICS TO POPULAR: Men's Glee Club Will Present Concert Today in Hill * # * * * * * * DAILY OFFICI Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin" should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 159 Notices Senate Meeting: 4:15 p.m., May 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. AGENDA 1. Approval of the minutes for the December 13, 1948 Senate meeting. 1. Approval of the minutes for the December 13, 1948 Senate meeting. 2. Items from the Senate Ad- visory-Committee on University Affairs: a) Report on Academic Titles of Members of the Department of Physical Education on Athletics, Prof. W. G. Rice. b) Supplementary Report on AL BULLETINI Economic Status of the Faculty. Prof. Gardner Ackley. c) Informal report on the work of the Senate Advisory Committee. Professors Shorey Peterson and D. M. Phelps. 3. Reports on relations with the Legislature. Vice-President Nie- huss. 4. Remarks by Provost James P. Adaltis on Some Aspects of Edu- cational Policy. 5. Matters which may be pre- 3ented from the floor by members of the Senate. 6. List of reports placed on file by the Senate Advisory Commit- tee. a) University Committee on Honors Convocation, Oct. 8, 1948 and Nov. 10, 1948. b) Committee on Student Con- duct, Oct. 8, 1948 and Nov. 10, 1948. c) Committee on Student Af- fairs, Oct. 8, 1948 and Nov. 10, 1948. Seniors planning to attend the the senior picnic or senior cruise must register at one of the booths located by the Engineering Arch, on the Diag, or in front of Angell Hall Monday of next week. The picnic is open only to those seniors in LS&A, Music, Forestry, and Architecture and Design who have paid their class dues. Each senior is allowed one guest. The cruise is open to all seniors on campus and their guests. Students planning to attend the cruise should make a ten dollar deposit at the time they register. University Community Center: Willow Village Sun., May 15, Interdenomina- tional church programe: 10:45 a.m., church service and nursery; 4:30 p.m., discussion group; 5:30 p.m., pot-luck supper; 3:30 p.m., Fac- ulty Wives' Club and families - picnic. SWING AND SWEET-Pictured above are the 43 members of the University Men's Glee.Club, which will present its ninety-first annual concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. 'The group promises to serve up a varied musical dish, ranging from Bach to Be-bop, and including Michigan, popular, and semi-classical numbers. Prof. Philip A. Duey will direct the Glee Club. In the last year the organization members, many of whom are completing their fourth year wiih the Glee Club, have given performances from Portland, Me., to Portland, Ore. STATE DRUG CO. BEST FOUNTAIN SERVICE GOOD FOOD PRESCRIPTIONS .State and Packard,... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ." --- i , FOR RENT MAKE RESERVATIONS for Senior Ball weekend guests at PIERCE TRANSIT HOME 1133 E. Ann Phone 8144 WANTED TO BUY NAVAL OFFICERS haki uniform, trop- ical or gabardine. Size 37 or 38. Call 2-9280 after 6 p.m. )8D Taylor-Tot and Baby-Tenda type table. Mail card to H. W. Guthrie, 1450 Uni- versity Terrace. )9D LOST and FOUND FOUND-Topcoat in car-on road to US-16 April 29. Write to Andrew Web- ber, 1412 Jerome, Lansing. )62L LOST - Grey topcoat Tuesday night,1 League Ladies Lounge. Reward. Ph. 2-4561, Rn. 531. )61L LOST-Green bill fold, Saturday. Bus ticket and ID card belonging to Con- nie Beecher. Reward. Phone 6284. )57L GOLD HEART locket lost between League and new Dorm. Ph. 2-6581, Rm. 6507. Reward. 4)7L ANN ARBOR DRAMA SEASON Now Playing ERN EST TRU EX in (4, Wddefte44" with Sylvia Field. Evenings 8:30 Saturday .Matinee 2:30 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY now for dentist in ac- tive town. Suitable office space for rent at reasonable rate. Sunday in- spection appointment arranged by writing Mr. J. M. Plumb, 105 So. Wal- nut St., Fenton, Michigan. )2E HELP WANTED WILLOW RUN carrier representative for the Michigan Daily wanted for next fall. Apply now to Melvin May, 1209 Springfield WRV. )38H SAESLADIES--Suits, coats and dresses. ]ull time. Experienced. Dixie Shops, 224 So. Main, Ph. 9686. ) 37H SALESLADY, full time. Recommenda- tions necessary. Apply in person. Randall's, 306 S. State. )1lop PART-TIME Salesladies wanted. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily except Saturdays, Sundays. S. S. Kresge Company, 317 So. State. On the campus. )33H IF YOU HAVE a telephone and a little extra time, phone 2-82-42 now. You can help us conduct a survey of student interest in the College Rates on TIME and LIFE. Very good pay. Student Periodical Agency. )36H MALE: In order to enter the Law School, a physically handicapped stu- dent will pay someone to help him get around in a wheel chair. For full particulars, write to H. S. Nelson, 1076 Maplecliffe Drive, Lakewood 7, Ohio. )35H WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE-TRAILER for travel use this summer. Ph. 3058W1 Ypsi. )34W FURNISHED Apt., for Bus. Ad. student and wife in Sept. No children. Would consider sub-letting for summer. 2-7862. William Jackson. )33W HOUSEKEEPING quarters wanted by responsible student couple for 8 weeks sessioh. McLeod, Box 192, Mich. Daily. )32W WANT TO LEASE or sub-lease apt. for summer session by two law students. Call 4145, Rm. H15. )31W GRADUATE student with wife and baby desire apartment for 8 week summer session. References. H. J. DeYoung, 1128 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids, Michi- gan. )30W FURNISHED APARTMENT, preferably near campus, to sublet for the 8 weeks summer session by a married couple without children, both uni- versity faculty members. Reply to Prof. R. E. Thackaberry, English Dept., University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. )26W STUDENT and wife want apartment for summer session only. Local refer- ences. Dorothy Andrews. 2-4561. )19W FOR SAL E GIRL'S brand new and used English bicycles. Call 2-6581, Rm. 3008. )80 There's Only One Palm Beach Suit! "SACONY" Only $25 Sizes 10-20 It's a Wonderful Buy! THE ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP State Street )2 1938 BUICK SPECIAL 4-door sedan, 60,- 000 actual miles, good motor, body and tires, radio and heater, $475. Also 4 650-15 tires and tubes cheap. 1314 Sheehan, Ph. 5887. )91 WEBSTER - CHICAGO Wire Recorder three months old in excellent condi- tion. Price including over an hour's worth of wire: 2/3 of purchase price or $80. Call 2-8350 and ask for Chris- tensen. )90 DAVENPORT and matching chair, 2 occasional chairs; bathinette, tailor- tot stroller; 3 piece girls winter out- fit, size 2; long maternity dresses, 12-14; man's tuxedo and 2 sport suits, 37-38; dishes and misc. Ph. 2-2035. GABARDINE SUIT-Green gray 39-40 long; also light blue sport jacket 40L; sheep-lined fingertip winter coat. 327 S. Division, 3rd floor, after 7 p.m. )82 MICHIGAN COMPACTS by PILCHER Mich. Seal and 5 campus scenes Gold Plate on Silver Finish. Just $4!! CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO. State Street')5 CHRISTENING SETS Silk and Philippine hand embridered 1 and 3-pc. Sets $13 0-$19.50 BEA NICKELS 7 Nickels Arcade )11 MOTORCYCLE -.Harley, '34, 74. John Rennie, phone 2-3143. )87.' OLDSMOB I LE 1937 4-door, radio, heater, good motor. $200. Phone 2-0779. )85, TYSON TRAILER-All metal, 2 wheel, with a canvas cover. Condition like new. Ph. 25-0041. )73: CONN TRUMPET-Excellent condition. Call Chip Miller, 9400, Eve. )59 FIRST IN QUALITY TELEVISION Franchise dealers for RCA, Motorola, General Electric, and Stewart-War- ner. Aero Radio Sales & Service. Phone 4997. )7 GOLF CLUBS and Bag Boy collapsible caddy carts. Ph. 4044 or 2-2058. John- ny Malloy, Pro. )30B AUTOMATIC washer, "Jacob's Launder- all." Excellent condition. 1 year old. Ph. 2-8370. )67 SPECIALS AT SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington Khaki Pants, sanforized - $2.66 Zelan Jackets with zippers - $3.88 U.S. Navy T-Shirts - 49c Foot Lockers (taxes incl.) - $9.99 FOR SALE 1948 JAWA Motorcycle, 250 cc. Wind- shield included. Ph. 2-9217 after 7:00 p.m. Ask for Stout. )69 TAME Baby Parakeets, Canaries - beau- tiful singers and females. Bird sup- plies and cages. 562 S. 7th, Ph. 5330. 1947 FORD TUDOR-Grey, undercoat, radio, heater, clean. Call 6244 after 5. 1431 U. Terrace, Apt. 738. )88 TOOT YOUR OWN HORN! Thrill to the crystal clear notes of a Martin Imperial trumpet, like new, after 6: Call Paul Doermann, 2-3169. ) 81 BUSINESS SERVICES 24 HOUR SERVICE by request. ACE HAND LAUNDRY 1114 S. University. 33B TYPING DONE. Phone 2-3357. 41B TYPING SERVICE-Student papers, re- ports, theses, dissertations, accurately done by experienced typists. For in- formation call 6197. )39B 24-Hour Service by Request HOME QUALITY SERVICE 215 E. Washington, Ph. 9035 )33B EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE done on all typewriters. Moseley Typewriter Co., 214 E. Washington. )23B DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Orders Taken for Any Type of Uniform Reasona e Rates 3 202 )3B FRAYED COLLARS ARE OUT OF FASHION Have yours turned for 50c at TUCKAWAY HOUSE E. Liberty at Maynard Phone 9582 Margaret Nickerson Martin )9 LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE STUDIOS 209 S. State St. Ph. 8161 )5B CUSTOM CLOTHES. Restyling. Alter- ations. Prompt service on all altera- tions. Hildegarde Shoppe. 109 E. Washington. Phone 2-4669. )4B ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS available for summer. 927 S. Forest. )64R SINGLE, large double for men for summer, 1430 Cambridge. )18B DOUBLE and single for summer session only. 2 blocks off campus. Ph. 2-7133. ) 66R HALT-First floor suite; single room for summer. On campus, 515 E. Jeff. ) 68R ROOMS for Summer Sessions in Fra- ternity House. Engineers preferred. $4 per week. Triangle 814 E. Uni- versity (corner Hill). Phone 2-9431. ) 67R BOOKS For the Best in Bookbinding at a price you can afford OLSEN'S BINDERY 325 E. Hoover Phone 2-7976 )37B Most Complete Stock of Books in The State!! Medical - Dental - Law - Public Health OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 South University )6 PERSONALS STUDENT needs tutoring, physics 25. Phone collect Ypsilanti 4665J2. )44P EXCESS HAIR removed permanently by short wave method. Marie's Beauty Shop, Phone 2-6696. )40B STUDENTS traveling abroad this sum- mer can attend mammoth world youth and student festival in Buda- pest, August 14th-28th. Write Box 190, Michigan Daily for information. )1M TO OUR MISSING SALESMAN-Some- body saw you yesterday with a tri- angle on your forehead rather than the usual $9.50. Let's keep to selling Royal Por-table Typewriters. Office Equipment Service Company, 1116 So. University. )1B NOW IS THE TIME for that new perm- anent, to form a good foundation for that SPECIAL GRADUATION OR WEDDING COIFFURE. Our opera- tors are skilled, experienced beauti- cians, who strive to please you. Open daily 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Call 2-3725. Rainey's Slenderizing and Beauty Salon. 1031 E. Ann. ) 32P BOB-I don't care if you ever come back, but was that good watch repair company "Jenks" at 221 E. Liberty. Phone 2-6220? Desperate. Let me know. Dora. )40P SENIORS-Your last chance to get stu- dent rates on TIME, LIFE, and FOR- TUNE. Phone us now-Student Per- iodical Agency, 2-82-42. )24P BABY SITTERS - Call Kiddie Kare, 2-1903; if no answer call 25-7364. )28B Sunglass Special Sharp Styles CAMPUS OPTICIANS 522 E. Liberty )41P CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE A Student Service for Students Thrill your date. for the coming formals by a corsage from us. We offer discount on N.S.A. cards Phone 2-7032 )20B Continuous from 1 P.M. Last Times Today PLEASE DON'T TELL WHY HIS HAIR TURNED GREEN No. Main Opp. Court House r1en Singleton . Arthur lake ORPH EUM Cinema Triumphs From All Nations This is first in a series of three great productions by the industry's best director, FRANK CAPRA. MINIATURES featuring I L LAST TIME TONIGHT... The GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY {, t ,r .>I' c~i~kJ' KI : i' A MOM" "PATIENCE"' 8:00 P.M. PATTENGILL AUDITORIUM I- Ia -- PREMIERE SHOWING Through Next Wednesday . rr UrJ I Seats still available - $1.20 & 90c On Sale Administration Bldg. and at the Door "An Adulterated Success"-MicHIGAN DAILY fir A WO A L)R F VL Yo $/ t -( :'1 tWtAMDEPRPuL PICTURE LI L i Starts Sunday UNCONTROLLED TERRIORo..@' UNMENl"4 and CoAA SMGLE I -_Nato, ftEETS ON STAGE! GIRL vented the { 3 hoes' aeo nobody ; ; : thody CeOUriot m ssog W fI4PENS EVERj~(% I TOMORROW NIGHT at 7:30 MASONIC TEMPLE Make it your pre-dance date! I V n)I w rmT, I