PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SL Status A STUDENT LEGISLATURE on a par in the eyes of the campus with regular extra-curricular activities is hardly the ideal government. Yet, it has been the policy of the adminis- tration in its dealings with the Student Legislature to regard that body as just another student organization, and some of its shortcomings can be attributed to that fact. Of course, if the SL is just another stu- dent group they the attitude is justifiable and all the idea about self-government and student responsibility are so much hogwash. Because a government, if it is a govern- ment, is above any and all organizations. It should attract the most responsible campus leaders and not just the people who are out for one more activity, because it is a job. It should have the cooperation neces- sary to get its work done. For example, giving regular bi-weekly late permission to the women legislators is held to be unfair to other campus organizations. We agree with tie Dean of Women's office that such permission can't be given indiscriminately to any student group. But the status of the SL relative to the some hundred other campus organizations should be clarified by a clear-cut policy statement by the administration which will give it the recognition and status a legis- lative body must have if it is to operate ef- fectively. -Don McNeil. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JIM BROWN MATTER OF FACT: Going, Going Tapping Time Letters to the Editor- By STEWART ALSOP (The following dispatch was written in Shang- hai but cabled from Hong Kong to avoid censor- ship.) SHANGHAI-It is no wonder that in dis- tant Washington, the low gun-rumble announcing the onset of disaster sounds less loud than the click of typewriters, the high whine of axes being ground, and the noisy bustle of politics. For even here, in disaster's very shadow, the surface of life in this great doomed city seems normal enough. But then one begins to notice certain signs that the city is besieged. There is, for example, the wooden fence which surrounds the city, which is univer- sally believed to have netted a certain Na- tionalist general a handsome profit in con- tacts, and which has no military meaning whatsoever. There are the sad Nationalist soldiers wandering glumly in the streets or perched with machine-guns on the tops of the highest buildings to shoot into crowds if there are riots. There are the factory workers, who have been paid in kind be- cause there is no money to pay them, trying to sell bolts of silk or tennis shoes in the streets, so that they can buy rice. Yet more striking than such visible de- tails is something invisible-the thick, heavy atmosphere of a frightened city. Fear is everywhere, whether cheerfully masked at the diplomatic cocktail parties, or almost tangible in the dim, silent streets after curfew. The fear springs from the two facts, of which every one of the six million people in Shanghai, from the most prosperous Amer- ican business man to the hungriest coolie, is thoroughly aware. The first fact is simply that the Communists are coming in and that nothing will stop them from coming in. Id CURRjEjNT Ai1UblS Author's Premiere ... IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING, with Paul (shut yer mouth) Douglas. TWENTIETH CENTURY combined an ex- cellent idea, with a new twist, and a guy named Paul Douglas to turn out a produc- tion which should evoke a comment of satisfaction from most of the Ann Arbor cinematic followers. However, I prefer to forget that Ray Milland is the hero of the movie. His chandelier-climbing in "Lost Weekend" is far more memorable. Ray just isn't the type of character you would expect to see out on the mound, pitching a ball that can't be hit. Jean Peters filled in her, rlole adequately, capitalizing on substan- tial aid from a cameraman with an affin- ity for profile shots. But the prize package of the show was Paul Douglas. Stealing scene after scene with ingenuous gruffness, Douglas builds up the argument he began in "A Letter To Three Wives," calling for Hollywood to rec- ognize him as a worthy successor to Oscar- winner Walter Huston, the best supporting actor of the year. However, in the words of Douglas, "Leave us not try" to credit the success of the show to the movie newcomer alone. Shirley Smith deserves all sorts of plaudits for the idea- that of an un-hittable baseball transforming a chem prof into a 38-game winner. Though the theme rates four bells, the movie does not. Veteran director Lloyd Bacon tried his best, but at times the slap- stick was too much to endure. Picayun- ishly, I object to the radio announcer call- ing a single and an error a double, even if it was the World Series and the an- nouncer was apt to be over-generous. However, a lot of good laughs, a different movie, and Paul Douglas, who's always good for a hearty chuckle. -B. Sheldon Browne. A t the State .. . THE BOY WITH GREEN HAIR. TO PAN THIS PICTURE, is like beating a dead horse. It's had a hard enough time getting to the public at all. Besides, you'll go to see it anyway, just to gawk at the anthropological accident of green hair. Well, to tell the truth, it's almost worth the price of admission to see his hair. It is a very beautiful green. And, although everyone already knows this, Dean Stock- well is the most outstanding child find in years. Other than that, however, the picture suc- ceeds in being a blob of non-sequitors. It is incorrect to say this movie has a message. It has 37 messages, none of them clear, and all of them half-hearted, even though Pat O'Brien does his veteran best to make them convincing. The ads say Please don't tell why the boy's hair turns green. They have nothing to worry about. No one will ever find out, although it seems to have something to do with one of the 43 messages, which include exhortations to be respectful to par- ents, to be kind to children, and to think twice before approving modern warfare. One scene, it seemed to me, did touch on a genuine human problem. It showed how clumsy and confused human beings can be when they want to do what they feel is right but still are aware that the pressure of public pettiness can be strong; aid they want to conform because they know they have to live in the same society with their neighbors. "That's the way it is, son," but nobody likes it, arid no one is proud of his own lack of courage-to-be- honest. lhrough all this, the actors unbelievably manage to do a pretty decent job, even though from time to time they are rather surprised to find they are all in the same picture. --Perry Logan. The second fact is that there will be famine, and that famine will be followed by riots and bloodshed. The only question people ask here is whether the final descent into chaos will occur before or after the Communists come. For the moment, this city, in which Amer- ican power and influence have been para- mount and are soon to be wiped out, is still being kept alive by the United States. Without American food, and American cotton and fuel oil for the industries, most of Shanghai would already be starving. But even if American aid continues, chaos may come before the Communists. The reason is simple. Money has virtually ceased to have any meaning. Only the American greenback and the Chinese silver dollar still have value, but there are not nearly enough to keep the wheels turning. Thus, Shanghai presents the incredible spectacle of a huge, modern city without any valid medium of exchange at all. The fac- tories have no money to pay the workmen, the workmen have no money to buy food from the rice stores, the stores have no money to buy food from ECA, and ECA itself has not had the money to pay men to move the food and goods from the docks. As the economic machinery grinds to a stop, it becomes always more certain that the hungry people will take matters into their own hands. Every day the army pub- licly shoots a few more people through the base of the skull as a graphic object lesson. Even so, there have already been a few minor flareups. Soon theregmay be some- thing a great deal more ugly. That is why one often has the odd ex- perience of hearing solid American and British business men saying, "The sooner the Commies come, the better." It is true that looting and riots have ended with the Communist occupation of cities in the north. But Shanghai is different, and it is diffi- cult to see how the Communists can prevent chaos here. Take one example. When the Communists come, ECA will leave. The American-owned Shanghai Power Company now provides well over four-fifths of all power for the city. This power is derived from ECA fuel oil. The Communists have no fuel oil. Perhaps eventually they can convert to coal and find enough coal in the north for Shang- hai's purposes. Meanwhile, the water supply, lighting and telephone systems will cease t Q function. Nine-tenths of Shanghai's indus- try will close down. And Shanghai will all but die. Yet it is also true that sufficient ruthless- ness can solve even such a problem as this. And the fact remains that Shanghai is a symbol. This huge, rich, productive megalop- olis, fourth largest in the world, is now to pass within the Soviet sphere. So is most if not all of a country with one-quarter of the world's population. No amount of ration- alizing, no multiplication of complex excuses by the little men behind the desks in Wash- ington, can alter the hard, plain, unpleasant truth that this means a very great disaster for the United States and the whole non- Soviet world. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Cradle Rockers MICHIGAN WOULD have a much better student body if two-thirds of our some- time scholars hadn't left their funnybones in storage when they came to college. On almost every issue that shows any prospect of arising, there originate two sharply-opposed factions, each of which behaves as if it were in a death struggle. The importance of the particular issue bears little relation to the ruckus kicked up. Everything from the publication of a good- taste-necking pledge in one of the dormi- tories to annoyance at the trend in campus politics can incite great numbers of students to insulting exchanges of invective, ridicul- ous speech making and grim determination to fight to the last ditch in defense of their sacred principles, which in reality are put in little danger of extermination from the face of the earth. The educational system is the cradle of the nation, but it's going to take a lot more than restrictions on necking and a voluble Union executive with a hyperabundance of adrenalin to rock that cradle. And, too, Michigan and her 20,000 students and large company of officials is just a small segment of the cradle. Campus politics and morality aren't the only fields in which student temperatures run up to fever pitch. Witness final periods, with the legion of' run-down scholars who work themselves into nervous prostration trying to -cram a few more facts in their heads and a few more points onto their grades. Life is real and life is earnest, but it isn't that earth-shaking. While most stu- dents don't realize this, the administration has been proceeding on that premise ever since the University began operations. Perhaps they carry their good humor to extremes occasionally with patronizing in- difference to students' wishes, but those students would certainly do well to look at their own galvanic activity with a more objective and humorous outlook. 17 . Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office, of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays)., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 158 Notices Veterans Service Bureau will move to Room 555, Administration Building, Mon., May 16. Student Arts Festival Radio Program-WUOM : Friday, May 13, 3:30-4:00---Stu- dent forum on the topic, "A Lit- erary Magazine for the University of Michigan." Friday, May 13, 4:15-4:30- Readings of original poetry. Tuesday, May 17, 7:00-8:00 Re- broadcast of a new symphony by Leslie Bassett, a student in the School of Music, plus a program of original songs by student compos- ers. Student Periodical Agency: Stu- dents who have ordered subscrip- tions at student rates through the Student Periodical Agency, and who are planning to move at the end of the semester, may have the address on their subscriptions changed by notifying this organi- zation of their new address, as soon as it is known, Phone 2-8242, or address a post card to Student Periodical Agency, 507 E. Liberty. Approved Student Sponsored So- cial Events for the coming week- end: Friday, May 13 Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Congre- gational-Disc. Guild, Delta Zeta, Michigamua, Intercooperative Council, Mosher Hall, New Wom- en's Dorm, Phi Sigma Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha. Saturday, May 14 Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Omi- cron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Betsy Barbour House, Chi Phi, Delta Delta Del- ta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Fletcher Hall, International Stu- dents Assn., Kappa Kappa Gam- ma. NROTC Midshipmen, New- berry Residence, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kap- pa, Prescott House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Sigma Phi, Stockwell Hall, Strauss House Tau Beta Pi, Theta Delta Chi Theta Xi, Wenley House, Williams House, Winchell House, Zeta Psi Sunday, May 15 Association of Independent Men Betsy Barbour House, Hayden House, Ishpeming Club, New Women's Dorm, Phi Delta Epsilon Tau Beta Pi, Wilcox League House Junior and Senior Mechanical En gineers: York Corporation Representa- tive will interview all the students formerly signed for interviews Fri. May 13, 3:30 p.m., 222 W. Engi neering Building, for summer 194 positions. See the Mechanical Engineerin Bulletin Board posted at 225 W. ' Eng. Bldg. v Bureau of Appointments:S The University of Pittsburgh an- 1 nounces research fellowships in a the metallurgical engineering de- partment leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees for a minimum t time of two years.- A representative from the Panr American World Airways System v will be in Detroit May 16 through 18, to interview girls for positions 1 as Flight Stewardesses. Reading, writing, and speaking knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is re- quired. For further information, call atE the Bureau of Appointments, 3528t Administration Bldg.c Bureau of Appointments:. Teaching Positions: A University in the Southwesta is in need of a faculty memberI with work beyond the M.A. in Geology. There is also a position for someone, preferably with the PhD. in Physics-Mathematics. There is a vacancy in Journal- ism and Publicity for a person4 with a PhD, in a college in thet Southwest. There is also a posi-.I tion in Commerce, for someonet with a PhD. For further information, call ate the Bureau of Appointments. Bureau of Appointments: Summer Work: Representative of Camp Cedarz Lake (Girl Scouts) Chelsea, Michi- gan, will be here Wed., May 18, to interview girls for unit heads, na- ture, waterfront, and music coun- selors. Opportunity for several men to work as kitchen helpers at a resort on Elk Lake. For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Bldg. Employment Interviews: Saturday, May 14-A represen- tative from station WCUM, Cum- berland, Md., will interview can- didates for positions as -engineer, copywriter, journalist, music di- rector and sports announcer. Ap- pointments must be made on Fri.,, May 13. Tuesday, May 17-A field repre- sentative from the Travelers In- surance Co. will be here to inter- view prospective field assistants. A representative from the Bank- er's Life Insurance Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, will be here to inter- view men for sales work with their company in any part of the United States. Wednesday, May 18-A repre- sentative from the Firestone Co. will be here to interview men for sales and store manager trainee positions. For further information and ap- pointments, call Ext. 371, or call at the office, 3528 Administration: Bldg. Lectures Mathematics Lecture: The fourth -lecture in the Alexander Ziwet s Lecture series will be given by Prof. R. H. Fox at 4 p.m., Fri., 3017 - Angell Hall. 9 University Lecture (in Spanish). g "Sentido y forma del Barroco como >ericdo historico." Professor Joa- Iuin Casalduero, New York Uni- ersity; auspices of the Depart- nent of Romance Languages and ociedad Hispanica. 8 p.m., Fri., May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. University Lecture: "The Evolu- ion of the Universe" (illustrated). )r. George Gamow, Professor of Physics, George Washington Uni- versity; auspices of the Depart- ment of Astronomy, 8 p.m. Fri., May 13, Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is invited. Economics Lecture: Dr. Abram Bergson, Associate Professor of Economics in the Russian Insti- tute and Faculty of Political Sci- ence of Columbia University, will ecture on "Inequality and Social Classes in the USSR" Tues., May 17 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre, auspices of the Department of Economics. The public is invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Ed- ward Eugene Irish, Education; thesis: "A Determination of Mate- rials Dealing with Soil Conserva- tion and Suitable for Integration into Courses of High School Sci- ence for General Education." 10:30 a.m., Fri., May 13, 4015 University High School. Doctoral Examination for For- rest Glenn Averill, Education; the- sis: "The Development of Public Education in Grand Rapids, 1826- 1906." 2 p.m., Fri., May 13, 4019 Ujniversity High School. Chair- man, A. B. Moehlman. Doctoral Examination for Paul Franklin Chenea, Engineering Me- chanics; thesis: "The General Theory of a Continuous Mediur." 4 p.m., Fri., May 13, 411A W. En- gineering Bldg. Chairman, H. M. Hansen. Doctoral Examination for Har- old Theodore Towe, Political Sci- ence; thesis: "The Organization of a Municipal Corporation in Ohio." 9:30 a.m., Sat., May 14, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, A. W. Bromage. Doctoral Examination for Ibra- him Abdel Gaafar, Civil Engineer- ing; thesis: "The Analysis of Hipped Plate Structures Consid- ering the Relative Displacements of the Joints," 10:30 a.m., Sat. May 14, 315 W. Engineering Bldg. Chairman: L. C. Maugh. Doctoral Examination for Ed- gar Lane, Political Science; the- sis: "Statutory Regulation of Lob- bying in the United States, witl Special Reference to the Federa Regulation of Lobbying Act 01 1946." 10:45 a.m., Sat., Mayk14 West Council Room, Rackhan Bldg. Chairman. J. W. Lederle. Chemistry 234: Persons planning to take Chem istry 234, "Physicochemical Meth- ods in Analytical Chemistry," dur- ing the coming summer sessio should make arrangements wit Dr. Willard, 208 Chemistry Bldg. or W. C. Bigelow, 409 Chemistry before the close of the current se mester. Concerts Student Recital: Mary Lown, organist, will present a program at 3 p.m., Fri., May 13, Hill Audito- rium. Compositions: Buxtehude, Bach, Mozart, Bingham, and Du- pre. Miss Lown is a pupil of Fred- erick Marriott; given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, the program will be open to the pub- lic. Events Today Michigan Interscholastic Press Association Conference, auspices of the Department of Journalism. General session. Address, "Wash- ington and America's World Re- sponsibility," Marquis Childs, Washington correspondent. Unit- ed Feature Syndicate, 10:30 a.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Gilbert and Sullivan Society pre- sents "Patience," Friday and Sat- urday, 8 p.m., Pattengill Audito- rium, Ann Arbor High School. Wolverine Club Flash Card Committee: Meet at 2 p.m., Union. Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m. Tea and Open House for all students and their friends. Bus for Holiday House leaves at 5 p.m. (Continued on Page 5) 41!g The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Get Acquainited . To the Editor: THE MIDWEST Federation of Campus Co-ops which is hav- ing its conference in Ann Arbor this weekend, represents student groups from twelve campuses in the midwest states. Conferences, at which cooperators discuss mutual problems, have been held since 1943, in this region as well as in others throughout the country. What makes this week's confer- ence unique is the fact that an attempt has been made to focus attention on co-ops' place in the community. Cooperation will be discussed as it affects the student, the wage earner, and the consumer in general. On each of these three aspects of cooperation. one or more speak- ers will be on hand who are qual- ified to speak on the basis of long experience. Deans Walter and Bromage will speak on University Relations with Co-ops at the Sat- urday morning panel. Unions and Cooperatives will be the subject of a talk by Victor Reuther, Educational Director of the UAW-CIO, which has been in- strumental in building a series of co-op stores in the Detroit area. On Saturday afternoon, Jerry Voorhis, for ten years a member of Congress, and now Executive Secretary of the Cooperative League of the U.S.A., will speak on Progress of Consumer Coopera- tives. His talk will provide the co- ops' answer to many questions asked by all of us consumers. A "get acquainted" party will be held at Owen House on Friday night, and a picnic and informal dance at the Pittsfield Grange on Saturday. To these social events the co-ops. as usual, extend a hearty welcome to all. At the panel discussions, how- ever, we urge everyone to attend because we honestly believe you may find out how consumer ownership and control can be applied, and has been applied successfully for many years, to enterprises which supply room, board, or books to students, such items as groceries and credit to wage earners, and everything from food to housing projects to all consumers. We hope you will get acquainted with the Co-ops this weekend. -Mel Bondy, President, Midwest Federa- tion of Campus Co-ops. -Daily-Al Jackson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -. i D RAMA THE GILBERT and Sullivan Society's ven- ture into the realm of pure, unadulter- ated aestheticism was a pure, uadulterated success. Cast-singing, dancing and acting, costumes and settings made the always pop- ular "Patience" easily one of the top mu- sical productions presented on campus this year. Hampered only by the usual first night stumbles - and they were unusually few- the story of the naive "you're-too-good- for-me dairymaid," the two poets, the decaying Lady Jane and the twenty moan- ing, mooning maidens and their dragoons was presented In near professional manner. With as fine a starring cast as the pro- duction held, it is difficult to single out any one as the best. Carol Neilson, in the title role gave a sprightly and convincingly "modest, pure and innocent" acting per- formance, but excelled mainly in her sing- ing. Sweet and always true, her voice was neover forc'ed and lent itself perfectly to her The massive, but ever loving Jane, received excellent treatment in the hands of Mrs. Norton, providing a good share of the gen- eral hilarity. (Don't miss her delicate pluck- ing of a bass viol.) Albert Johnson, of Froggy Bottom fame, turned a sparkling interpreta- tion of the "Idyllic" poet-Patience's child- hood sweetheart-in both his "Ah-I-am-so- beautiful" and "bank-holiday-young-man" manifestations, but, as usual in these per- formances, it is Jim Ueberhorst who draws the loudest applause and the most laughs. As Dick Deadeye in last year's production of "Pinafore" and as Wilfred in "The Yeo- man of the Guard" he was tops, but as the "fleshly" poet Bunthorne in the current production, he has outdone himself. His portrayal of the aesthetic sham was perfection-from his dull chartreuse. vel- vet (early English, by all means) costume and his green tinted face (lighting, I think, not makeup) to his appropriately ungraceful but thoroughly aesthetic antics Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under tht authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....ManagingEditor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Assoclate Editor B. S. Brown........... Sports Editor Bud Wedenthal .. Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait.......Business Manages Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman ....Finance Manages Cole Christian ...Circulation Manages Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusivly entitled to the use for repubiiv~&tion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, . , by amail. 66.00. BARNABY 0 1.119 'I, -X I ..~ac~KrnorIey }acKmorle}, .ith /MhifeyjUPS FI got to admit-it's some