1MWIOPrtrtg41ttU[ EXTRA Monday, February 7, 1949 Page Three Campus Descends from J-Hop Clouds J-Hop Kept Despite 72 Year istory Dance Started By Two Fiddles By P-IL DAWSON J-Hop, 'the country's greatest formal," has traveled a rough road from its humble beginnings in 1877'n Hank's Emporium on Main Street. Two violins and a piano made enough music for the 20 couples at that first edition of the now traditional shindig. BY 1891 THE DANCE had so- quired two orchestras and movedh into the ice rink. where some 300 persons danced waltzes, polkas, galops and shottisches until they wee hours. The decorations were tasteful n - potted plants in different parts of the ink added greatly ? to its appearance-and dancers had the use of "Gibson's Art Parlors" as reception rooms. But men were advised not to wear silk hats because of insuffi- ! cient storage space. Daiy-AeLmanian - J-Hop Chairman Joyce Atchison and Escort Bob Schultheiss - THE J-HOP progressed onward and upward, sometimes run by the fraternities and sometimes by the junfir class, until 1896 when tem-o persflared in heated controversy j about the gala event. In that year the Board of Re- gents ruled that the nine major By LILI DASHE fraternities should share man- Executive huddle in the Patrons' Booth: President Ruthven and agement of the dance with the . independents and the remaining Gov. Williams-NOT discussing how to pry a nickel out of legislative fraternities, tightwads-instead debating the relative merits of Scotch plaid and The nine were disgusted. They polka-dot how ties. made plans to hold their own ball s a i- gi Toledowentahead withe others dofficial Dr. Margaret Bell roaming around the dancefloor making version in Waterman Gym. mental notes on coeds eligible for this year's grand "posture The upshot of the controversy award." was that the junior class took C 5 e over, exceptein 1899 when The Dean Alice Lloyd waltzing to the strains o the Blue. Danube Daly reported: with Humphrey; the Beta Bulldog. "It is far worse that our present * J-Hop Committee, under the lead- ership of a sophomore, has suc- Ed Shaffer, leading legal liberal, representing the proletariat ceeded so poorly in maintaining at this capitalistic function-looking smart in his top hat, white the high standards set by its pre- tie and sweatshirt.' decessors. .. 5 * 5 "Due to the inability of the dec- J-Hop Committee "has beens" led by last. year's chairman Bobby orator to fulfill his contract, strangers were kept busy wonder- Ream, admitting privately to each other that "these favors looked ing which of the color combina- like something out of Woolworth's, the drinking water is warm. and tions represented the colors of the damned old decorations probably aren't even fireproof." Michigan . . . Refreshments were* * " a wafer and a glass of water . . Dean Bromage running about with her stop watch well The lighting was poor . . . Pro- oiled and advancing all the clocks twenty minutes. raims looked like a cross between * cardboard and leather." Humphrey, the Beta bulldog, frantically signaling for a cut-in THOSE WERE the days when from a brother. spectators were admitted to the * galleries for a small fee. . One of the university's efficiency experts painting "No Exit" signs spotlight explode and set fire on all the exits. He was the one that put "Stairway" signs on the See ZANY, Page 5 elavator shafts in the new Administration building. FOR MORAL SUPPORT: Tired, Happy Revelers Relax after Gay Weekend By HAROLD JACKSON Ann Arbor has returned from Olympus. The mstic aura of J-Hop color and enchantment which lifted the campus to a plavground of gcds for three memorable days faded with yesterday's twilight. Gone are the amber streets and ivory towers: gone the film of dreanos, the web of spherelike melody; gone the crimson fantasy and sulky shadows of a week-end nev-r to be forgotten. OVER SIX THOUSAND REVELLERS turned out to make the 1949 Hop one of the largest in campus history. Three thousand couples alone packed the I-M Building to dance to the famous trum- pet of Charlie Spivak and the superb piano of Elliott Lawrence. Count- less more celebrated at smallfr parties which stretched all the way to Detroit and Jackson. The pleasure seekers began gathering Friday afternoon. many boasting celds, sore muscles and hangovers from the Winter Car- nival. Dinner was the first order of business and filet mignons Iand fish disappeared a la Emily Post in prodigious quantities all over town. tv Fathers Nezt came vshite tie, tails and rtu-. satins for the Airst contin-Sh r of J-Hoppers, and equally o sy p a t partiesf or the rest. - THE I-. Building was a "Star- way to the Stars" from 10 till 2. Ann Arbor's first legalized "open Black coats, flashing smiles. baresd shoulders and gleaming formals season on students" was a biting pressed past blue walls and silver success, Alderman Finias Clamp stars into the main ballroom, told the city council last night. The special ordinance requiring Celestial blue and white was the main color theme, augmen- a merchant "plannming to rob stu- ted by soft greens, warm reds dents any more than usual to first and pale yellows in the lighted buy a special hunting license" put columns lining the dance floor. the city in the black this week-end Glittering blue letters marked for the first time since 1890. each white fronted booth and * * * glistening metallic cloth draped IT TOOK the city fathers al- the bandstands. most three-quarters of a century to figure out a way to cash in on A canopy of stars formed an the J-Hop gravy. overhead path to the brilliant sky- like effect set against the North "It hurt us to hear the mer- Wail where Mars. Saturn, and chants' cash register concerto Venus leaped between light and drowning out the 'music in the darkness through the magic of I-M Building and not hear even blinking lights, a lonely echo in the city vault," * ' Alderman Stanley Snare com- THlE FRIDAY WHIRL stopped pained. only after the last breakfast donutNat l er. S - - Naturally every merchant had to buy a license or miss his share On the Air of the J-Hop loot-thereby jeop- The 1919 J-Hop nit the air- ardizing his spring trip to Ber- waves for a broadcast of music , - from 11:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. both Friday and Saturday over LEADING license buyers were: Station WHRV. The programs Restaurants "for permission to were handled by John Carroll, sell tooth picks 3 for a dime." special events director of the Taxicab companies planning station and former announcer to take students for a better for the University Marching ride than usual-charging " Band. cents per mile per revolution of each wheel, and four cents extra had been dunked and wild shouts if the cab has a spare tire." of glee faded into lazy 4 a.m. silences. Ice companies "for blackmailing students under threat of telling Saturday saw a city of pan. the University who bought ice risers and slow starters but af- cubes." ternoon gatherings followed by Bookstores "in order to mark more banquets soon had the up used books to three tins their second spin well underway. original cost instead of two and While the second group attend- sell them to J-Hoppers as valen- ed the I-M Building, the rest tines. roamed the town from party to Clothing stores, seeking to "sell party, serene and wearying but en- left over 'Bundles for Britain' at joying to the utmost carefree and Fifth Avenue prices." "car free" independence. REVERIES BEFORE friendly Dime Drive Short fires, quiet breakfasts, wanderings As this special edition of The in the early morning air amid lazy Daily goes to press, the, Ann snowflakes and a fragmentary Arbor March of Dimes drive is moon-all bridged the gap from lagging far behind its quota, dance to dawn, according to Mrs. J. E. Stowe, At 4 a -m. club wielding house local chairman. mothers cleared their porches of Although today theoretically vagrants and exhaustion over- ends the campaign, only $4,000 took the city. Sunday church has been collected towards the services were well attended-by city's quota of $13,000. those over 30 "We at present haven't enough money to pay for the The weekend stretched into new respirator we ordered," Sunday dinner for some, afternoon she said. movies for more, but by sundown Contributions are still being even the hardiest of the revellers accepted. Mrs. Stowe's phone was ready to quit, and the 1949 number is 2-0622. J-Hop' slid easily into history.' _ _ _ _. _ Strapless Insurance Secures Dancers The 1949 J-Hop made world- What's more, Lloyd's sent an SQUINT CARRIED a wide social history-it was the adjuster all the way to Ann full of tape, elastic, wir first dance to ever offer "strapless Arber to assure immediate set- and cheving gum which insurance" to all its customers. tlement of claims. E. Willoughby surewind gkmcwhich Through a special deal engi- Squint, a descendant of the sure would take care of al neered by publicity chairman original Lloyd, flew here from gencies. "One case wass Donna DeHarde, the famed Lloyds London, arriving at noon, Fri- however, I had to give upr of London completely covered the day. penders," he reported, addi Ann Arbor social front. Squint, in cooperation with the "some of those dresses we * *: *Ann Arbor Police Department, es- initely not good risks to THE MERE PURCHASE of a tablished an emergency strapless with." J-Hop ticket entitled each gentle- road service for all coeds attend- After going without sleep man's date to ironclad insurance ing the Hop. If a policyholier felt hours, Squint indicated I against "all mechanical or struc- things slipping, she called police. not sorry to see J-Hop e tural failures by strapless for- The call was relayed by radio to a was a most harrowing ordi imas which might lead to the em- prowl car in which Squint was pa- confessed, confiding that "n barrassment of the female in trolling the city and he rushed to in the past has alwayc uetion" her assistance .battleships." satchel e, glue he felt 1 emer- so bad, my sus- ng that re def- begin p for 48 be was nd. "It eal," he ny field s been .! wow Wy-Aa e Si l V,:VYIy l. . N4tV~.;a.U