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May 11, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-11

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Woman's Place

Jans can't remember the last time the
Legislature finished its evening's business in
one of the bi-monthly meetings.
And former SL Vice-President Bill Miller
can vouch for that. Bill has had a motion
under consideration since last fall which has
been consistently postponed because of SL's
inability to act.
The major difficulty, a rather simple
one, lies in the fact that no legislative
body can complete its business without
the legislators.
At least one-third of the student body's
elected representatives are caught between
their duty to their constituents and a na-
tural physical condition-they are women-
which requires them, according to University
regulations, to be in their dorms by 10:30
For "Hamlet," the coeds can stay out until
11:30 p.m. For the IFC Ball, J-Hop, Pan-Hel

and any number of other social functions
they are given according time extensions.
Women on The Daily's editorial staff are
allowed to stay and finish their jobs. But
for the job of learning and practicing self-
government arid democracy they can't be
given a single minute beyond their regular
How is this to be interpreted, but as
an expression of the administration's opin-
ion that there is no place in politics for
the female sex?
If the University believes otherwise, an
OK from the Dean of Women's office will
clarify the situation. Permission to attend
these sessions until midnight, where they'll
get into less trouble than elsewhere, could
easily be given. It would indicate a vote of
confidence by the administration in the
praiseworthy efforts of the student govern-
ment-men and women.
-Don McNeil.


ONE WONDERS how far backward you
can lean without falling down
The United Nations Assembly political
committee's move to lift the diplomatic ban
on Franco got passive help from the U.S.
and Britain recently. The two chief demo-
cracies led a group of 16 nations in the com-
mittee that abstained from voting against
the measure on the grounds that "nothing
should be done about Spain at the current
session" . because "the conditions within
Spain have not changed."
Those whose memories are not too short
may remember back a couple of months
when the Atlantic Pact was first being dis-
cussed. There were murmurings then among
American military men about the advisa-
bility of getting strategic Spain in on the
deal. There were feelers let out then, too, by
U.S. State Department "sources" about bul-
warking Franco against Communism.
The people turned thumbs down on
Franco. Not so long ago they fought a
long, hard war to get rid of what he
stands for.
But the United States government would
rather do nothing about Franco. The Rus-
sians want to do something-their Polish
satellites introduced a measure to tighten
restrictions on Franco, which was promptly
rejected, paragraph by paragraph.
The world is fighting an ideological war,
with the Western democracies grouped to-
gether against the Communist East. If the
largest Western democracies-the United
States and Britain-show that they are com-
ing to act as if Franco is not the dictator
that he is, and aren't violently cp)osed to
him as a friend, what are the people a-und
the world to think?
The Communists will give them a quick
The backers of the pro-Franco resolu-
tion seem to feel confident that the mea-
sure will pass the UN Assembly easily with
the required two-thirds majority. If the
United States and Great Britain want to
keep faith with the kind of living they
espouse, they had better get busy and beat
down that resolution when it reaches the
This is no time for abstinence. The peo-
ple are too interested in what goes on in
this world to have any truck with disinter-
ested aloofness. If they can't find some-
body who will care for them here, they will
go over to the fellow next door, who says
he does.
-Phoebe Feldman

AGHAST AT the possibility of a U.S.
alliance with Franco, many liberals seem
almost equally distressed at the idea of re-
suming diplomatic relations with his gov-
It seems to me that, while the danger of
our drifting into "friendship" with Franco
is real, this alarmist view is unrealistic.
For the liberal stands on principle; he
does not want us to give de jure recogni-
tion to Franco because it would imply
approval of his government. He does not
want the U.S. to exchange ambassadors
with him for the same reason.
But, after all, we have full diplomatic
relations with Russia; what is objection-
able in our policy there, from the liberal
point of view, is not our recognition of Stalin
but our failure to negotiate successfully with
him-our failure to carry on adequate diplo-
matic relations.
It is difficult to see how refusal to recog-
nize Franco and exchange ambassadors with
him will weaken his government. A fascist
dictatorship, established for more than a
decade, does not suffer from the moral dis-
approval of democrats. British negotiations
with Hitler proved that in the '30's.
And it is especially difficult to discover
how we can weaken Franco simply by not
exchanging ambassadors with him, when we
are carrying on normal economic relations
with his government.
This is the essential contradiction in
our policy toward Spain: we stand, on prin-
ciple, refusing to recognize Franco; and
at the same time we ship goods to his
country without which his regime could
not survive.
Moral force may be important in an ide-
ological war; but economic force is also im-
portant, as our $5 billion expenditure on
the Marshall Plan demonstrates.
If exchange of ambassadors marked a new
shift toward an alliance with Franco, it
would have great symbolic force to the peo-
ples of the world.
But if diplomatic relations were under-
taken in an attempt to work for free elec-
tions in Spain, and the attempt were backed
by a threatened boycott, I cannot believe our
reputation would suffer.
-Phil Dawson.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
nre written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

WASHINGTON - Trend-spotting is not
easy to do in Washington at any time,
because every man you meet is a trend-
merchant. Sometimes what looks like a trend
turns out to be only the last man you've
talked to.
* * *
AND THINGS ARE even more confused
than usual at the moment. Nobody
seems quite sure of anything. You meet lib-
erals who tell you hollowly that the Taft-
Hartley Act is not going to be repealed,
and you meet conservatives who announce,
with the air of those whose eyes see name-
less things, that most of the Taft-Hartley
Act is certain to be wastebasketed this year.
The Democratic leadership in the House
became scared of Taft-Hartley repeal
prospects, and, at the last moment, aban-
doned the Lesinski bill, which had general
liberal support--leaving its floor managers
in so stunned a condition as even to evoke
expressions of pity and sympathy from
the opposition. But in the Senate, Taft
makes moves toward abandoning manda-
tory injunction proceedings, and he even
proposes letting the President choose be-
tween injunctions and plant seizures in
the case of "national emergency" strikes.
All the trends are double these days; the
conservatives are sure of liberal power, and
the liberals are sure of conservative power,
and the resulting confusion can only be
expressed in the form of a duet, requiring
paired voices, something like "Baby, It's
Cold Outside."
A RATHER SIMILAR state of uncertainty
obtains in the field of general economic
legislation, because nobody is sure whether
the inflation is over or not. So here, too,
it is hard to spot a Washington trend.
Washington is about evenly divided be-
tween those who think we need measures
against inflation and those who think we
need action against deflation. You hear re-
quests for power to curb inflation, and you
see action taken to ease installment buying,
which certainly tends to keep demand up.
You think you got it hard? Come down here
for a day and try to spot trends, is all I ask.
WHEN TO THIS you add the Russian sit-
uation, you really have something.
Among UN people, both delegates and staff,
whom I've met during the last week, the
lifting of the Berlin blockade has produced
something like a feeling of simple exalta-
tion. But here in Washington the reaction
has been much more disturbed; men stare
ahead into a future of negotiation with
Russia and it seems to them, if anything,
more complicated, even if more promising,
than were the short and simple annals of
disagreement. They don't know if it means
that things are going to be better, or just
So if its sharp, simple, crystal-clear trends
you want, don't come to Washington. Maybe
in six months or so, but not right now.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
6 ;I

.YIk~i -4Ai .,
-Daily-Bill Hampton
"You haven't mentioned a term paper yet this semester,
Professor Chapman-will there . .?"

Letters to the Editor-


Reorganization Fraud


WASHINGTON--The President has done
well to give the Congress a sort of
tickler, in his statement urging quick action
on government reorganization. The truth
WINSLOW BOY, theatre-in-the-round
production by the speech department.
ITH SURPRISING LACK of confusion or
or circularity, a student cast very satis-
factorily presented this Terence Rattigan
comedy. And along with an equally interest-
ed audience they explored the possibilities
of performing without benefit of stage, ex-
tensive props or distance from their spec-
They proved two things-you can perform
with an audience peering over your shoulder
whichever way you turn, and conventional
stages are here to stay. The bugs of the
round began when a few actors failed to
move around or even cast their countenance
about. Trouble doubled and trebled when
one player's back cut the view of others in
the cast.
Aside from mechanical problems, Win-
slow Boy's success rests on John Waller's un-
inhibited playing of the "Boy." James Lynch
cnnnhly handled the extremelv difficult nart

is that all the ponderous labors of the Hoover
Commission are perilously likely to produce
no more result than the fruitless efforts to
reorganize the government in the Roosevelt
Several bills are before Congress, but the
heart of the whole program is the measure
granting the President general powers to
bring order out of the chaos of the whole
executive branch.
And this heart has, so to speak, already
had a dagger driven through it in the
Senate Committee on Executive Expendi-
The hand that held the dagger was the
hand of Senator John L. McLellan of Ar-
kansas. He attached an amendment provid-
ing that anything the President does to make
the executive branch more efficient, may
be disapproved by either the Senate or the
House within sixty days.
As a practical matter, this provision simply
means that the President will be debarred
from doing any of the really difficult and
important parts of the job. For there is
hardly any administrative agency worthy
of the name that cannot muster the votes
to preserve itself in at least one chamber of
Congress. Patronage, plus pork, plus local
interests, plus the seniority system in Con-
gressional committees, make this certain.
In its present form, in short, the general
reorganization bill is a fraud.
The time has obviously passed when we

A ONE-MAN SHOW of non-objective art
might sound rather dull to all but the
technical observer. This is hardly the case
with the Moholy-Nagy exhibit now at Alumni
Memorial Hall. Vital in color, dynamic in
line and shape, with surprising variety, it
should appeal to even the most conservative
art enthusiasts.
Moholy-Nagy, who died a few years ago,
is probably best known for his hard work
as head of the School of Design in Chi-
cago, an American version of the famous
German Bauhaus. Some very fine tech-
nical developments in modern industrial
art have come from this school.
As a non-objective artist, Moholy-Nagy
has applied some of these technical achieve-
ments to creative works. His skill in utiliz-
ing modern materials is evident in his han-
dling of plexiglas.
In designs which he calls "space-modu-
lators," the artist etches, paints, and curves
the plastic to achieve very wonderful decora-
tive effects. "Threefold," executed in 1946,
repeats three elliptical shapes in a nice pat-
tern and color arrangement. Another space-
modulator, "Lo," uses circles and angled
lines for its design.
Moholy-Nagy manages excellent space re-
lationships on the flat surface of canvas.
Short strokes, dots of paint and broad areas
of color are combined for interesting pattern
effects. Considerable rhythm from straight
and curving lines is seen in the red, gray
and black-hued "Ch 4," done in 1938. An
earlier work, "La Sarraz," shows the art-
ist's skilled application of lines, dots and
Every once in a while a non-objective
painting will appear to represent some-
thing. Such is the black, red and yellow
design, non-objectively entitled "8," but
which very definitely looks like a motor-
The importance of color in Moholy-Nagy's
works is demonstrated in his lively "Space
Ch 3" of 1938 in which red and yellow con-

(Continued from Page 3)
sions," Wed., May 11, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building, 4
p.m. Chairman, G. A. Satter.
Doctoral Examination for Perry
Max Johnston, Zoology; thesis:
"Early Development of the Large-
mouth Black Bass, Micropterus
salmoides salmoides (Lacepede)
and the History of the Germ Cells
through the Period of Sex Differ
entiation." 9 a.m. Thurs., May 12,
3091 Natural Science Bldg. Chair-
man, Peter Okkelberg.
Doctoral Examination for Wim-
burn Leroy Wallace, Psychology;
thesis: "The Relationship of Cer-
tain Variables to Discrepancy be-
tween Expressed and Inventoried
Vocational Interest." 9:30 a.m.,
Thurs., May 12, 3121 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Chairman, G. A. Sat-
Doctoral Examination for Albert
William Saenz, Physics; thesis:
"On Integrals of Motion of the
Runge Type in Classical and
Quantum Mechanics." 2 p.m.,
Thurs., May 12, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman,
Otto Laporte..
Doctoral Examination for Henry
Clay Bryant, Pathology; thesis:
"Some Humoral Aspects of Hep-
atic Cirrhosis in the Male. A Mor-
phologic Study." 7 p.m. Thurs.,
May 12, 1562 E. Medical 44dg.
Chairman, C. V. Weller.
Chemistry Colloquium: 4 p.m.,
Wed., May 11, 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. Speaker: Mr. B. B. Brown;
Topic: "The Decomposition of
Wildlife Management Seminar:
John and Frank Craighead will
speak on "Ecology of Bird Preda-
tion." 7:30 p.m., Wed., May 11,
Botany Seminar Room, 1139 Nat-
ural Science Bldg. Wildlife Man-
agement students are expected to
College Honors Program: Ap-
plications for the Degree Program
in Honors in Liberal Arts should be
made before May 15 at the office
of Professor Dodge, Professor Ar-
thos, or Dean Peake. Applications
are being received from second-
semester Sophomores with a B
average or better for a course in
Politics and Ethics, an interde-
partmental program continuing
through the Junior and Senior
years. Students in the program
will study in seminars certain ma-
jor works of Plato, Aristotle, Au-
gustine, Hobbes, Hume, and
Dewey. The seminar course carries
five hours credit. Courses carrying
five or six additional hours are re-
quired each semester. These in-
clude courses in the Bible, Basic
Greek Ideas, the Intellectual His-
tory of Europe, Political Theory,
and Shakespeace. An honors es-
say is required in the second term
of the Senior year.
The Collegium Musicum, under
the direction of Louise Cuyler, wil
present a program at 8 p.m.
Thurs., May 12, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. It will include music fo
a brass ensemble, music for voic
and instruments of the 14th, 15th
and 16th centuries, a group o
madrigals, two fantasies fo
strings and excerpts from Il pomc

d'oro by Cesti played by a special
Chamber Music Orchestra con-
ducted by Andrew Minor, and sung
by Norma Hjeyde, soprano, and
Evelyn Wolgemuth, mezzo -so-
prano. This is the final program to
be given this semester. The general
public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play
another program in his current se-
ries of recitals at 7:15 p.m., Thurs',
May 12. Program: Spanish, Ger-
man and Mexican airs, Fantaisie
6 by Professor Price, and the aria
"Caro nome," from Verdi's Rigo-
Student Recital: Estelle Hose,
Soprano, will present a program
at 8 p.m., Wed., May 11, Kellogg
Auditorium, instead of the Hussey
Room of the League, as previously
announced. 'A pupil . of Harold
Haugh, Miss Hose will sing com-
positions by Paisiello, Jommelli,
Bach, Handel, Debussy, Verdi,
Schubert, and Rachmaninoff. The
program is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Open to the public.
Events Today
Student Legislature: Meeting, 7
p.m., Rm. 3-G, Union.
1. Cabinet Report:
1. Europe recommendation
2. Student Experts
3. NSA delegates
II. Election of officers-7:45
III. Old Business
1. CED
2. Bill Miller's proposal
IV. New Business
Sigma Xi: Annual initiation
program, Rackham Lecture Hall
7:30 p.m. Dr. Emil Artin, Profes-
sor of Mathematics at Princeton
University, will speak on the sub-
ject "The Theory of Braids," at
8:15 p.m. Lecture open to the pub-
Jazz Concert Ushers come to the
box office at Hill Auditorium to-
day, from 5 to 6 p.m. to pick up
your tickets for the Dixieland Jazz
Concert, Sun., May 15, 8 p.m. Ush-
ers who have received their tick-
ets should be at Hill Auditorium
Sun., 7 p.m. for the concert.
American Society for Publi
Administration: Social Seminar
7:30 p.m., East Conference Room
Rackham Bldg. Speaker: Walte
H. Blucher, Executive Director o:
the American Society of Plannin
Officials. Topic: "Practical Aspect
of Present-Day Planning." Open
AIEE-IRE: Final meeting of th
semester, 7:30 p.m., 348 W. Engi
neering Bldg. Mr. Donald Courter
Chief Electrical Engineer and Lea
Incorporated will speak on "Air
craft Electronic Control Systems.
A.S.M.E.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Speaker
T. A. Boyd, General Motors Corp
Research Dept.
1 American Institute of Metallur
gical Engineers: Annual Dinner
6:15 p.m., Michigan Union, Dr. J
r C. McDonald, assistant technica
director,Magnesium Division, Th
Dow Chemical Company, wil
f speak on "Magnesium Alloys an
r Their Applications."
(Continued on Page 5)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in vhich
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
*' * *
Reply to Ryani... .
To the Editor:
1 DO NOT have time to trade
clever remarks with you, Mr.
Ryan, but an uncontrolled imagi-
nation such as yours can be dan-
gerous. Please don't cloud the
I am not a liberal. I am not
pink-tinted. I'm afraid I'm not
much of a reformer. My politics
are Republican. I have been in-
side a good many fraternity houses
here in Ann Arbor. My brother is
a fraternity man here. In fact, a
very large proportion of my friends
on the Michigan campus are fra-
ternity men.
I do not wish to see fraternities
abolished (nor does The Daily). I
would like to see fraternity men
run their own affairs in a manner
consistent with American demo-
cratic ideals (The Daily also be-
lieves in responsible student gov-
ernment) as long as they are con-
nected with the University of
Michigan. Therefore, I am op-
pdsedto discriminatory clauses.
You seem to have fumbld quite
a few times, Mr. Ryan. Better
turn in your suit.
-John Campbell
* *ONW~ * **
On Lockwood .
To the Editor:
WRITING in this column last
Saturday Bruce Lockwood cau-
tioned our judgment of Bob Hol-
land's diatribe against The Daily,
SL and NSA by telling us that the
whole question of liberalism-con-
servatism is relative; that it would
be artificial to judge any student's
views because the college atmos-
phere is charged with an unnat-
ural liberalism.
Lockwood goes on to say of lib-
eral student leaders that "in order
to gain some prominence in their
hometowns they will of necessity
change some of their viewpoints."
Therein he tells us his psychology
of the leader-to gain personal
The leader's role is reduced to
being an articulate mirror of the
views already held by the group
from'which he derives his power.
Its rationality, as Mr. Lockwood
infers, is that because knowledge
is relative there are no truths
which carry with them a moral
compulsion, a man is free to take
an opportunistic attitude toward
all social issues.
This is an excellent pragmatic
philosophy for any aspiring politi-
cal or social leader. It's of th(
I stuff that makes Quislings and
Lavals. Its logical conclusion i
that if his hometown is in the
deep South, he should throw of
any silly ideas he may have gotter
in college and become a Dixiecrat
if fascism comes into vogue (anc
the signs look good), be a fascist
Values are all relative so accep
those that will do you the mos
good. The only leading a leade
should do should confine itself t
administering Robert's Rules o
- Order.
This opportunistic philosophy o:
leadership is admittedly the sures
way of gaining a high social statu
(for further details read Dale Car

c negie). But I think Bruce shoulh
have warned of its shortcoming:
,too. Its value for gaining histor.
r ical repute is almost nil. Never ye
f has it produced a Lincoln or
g Jefferson, the men who doctor ci-
s vilization's growing pains. Thos(
n whodny the pains soon sink int
insignificance no matter how mang
offices they held.
e --Jack Barense
-* * *
r Accuracy...
ro the Editor:
., NE OF THE MAIN goals o
- journalism is accuracy
. Whether criticism. is constructive
or destructive, it should neve:
cause the reader to doubt the sin
- cerity of the reporter or cause hir
, to be ashamed of the reviews tha
. concert artists appearing in An
l Arbor mght read. I doubt the abil
e ity of your music reviewers t,
[1 make accurate judgments of per
d formances. Erica Morini wa
greatly under-rated. Her amazinj
technic coupled with a vibrant en

thusiasm for the Wieniawski con-
certo made this music seem more
important than it is. Albeit the
work is not first rate music, it is a
tour de force for the violin. And
as long as artists have to depend
on applause as the measure of
achievement, it will remain in the
violinists repertoire. (Note thelov-
ing care Hilsberg gave the work
in his direction.) I should like to
know which small detail Ormandy
didn't point up in the complex
Hindemith score. A comparison of
his recording with last night's per-
formance is revelation of the ex-
tent of Ormandy's growth as a
conductor. I don't know what
"impression with a kick" sounds
like, but certainly it isn't Re-
Please-let us have more ac-
curacy, concrete terminology, and
genuine sincerity in the music re-
views before the music society be-
comes discouraged and we find
ourselves dancing aro d the
Maypole in the Arboret-,a
crowning a queen of the fairies
Mr. Florent suggests.
-Howard Bennetts.
* * *
Discrimination .. .
To the Editor:
T HE RECENTLY presented lib-
eral argument concerning ra-
cial and discrimination have been
very convincing. The logic and
justice of these arguments for end-
ing discrimination by law areUn-
assailable. Undoubtedly legislation
of some kind is required to break
the ancient cycle of prejudice that
breeds more prejudice.
But in none of the proposals so
far is there an adequate apprecia-
tion of the obstinate, inertia-
bound, impervious nature of hu-
man prejudice, which often sheds
the gentle rains of logic and, jus-
tice like a galvanized roof. Leon
Rechtman has recognized one side
of this in his recent letter-but
that side is not the complete pic-
ture. As a native "Northerner" who
lived several years in the South, I
am convinced that any legislation
as sweeping as that implied by the
so-called liberal proposals would
result in violence there that is in-
conceivable to those whose knowl-
edge of Southern conditions is in-
Discrimination, bitter and hu-
miliating, does exist in many
places, and there is no justifica-
tion in appealing to human nature
to justify our inaction. But Utopia
F by fiat has never been possible.
1 Where are the proposals in legis-
lation that will make the transi-
tion period one of order and jus-
tice. Old injustice and violence are
no justification for more of the
" same. How about some concrete
I proposals for meeting a problem
impelling urgency?
-Arnold L. Mignery

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Alegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........AssociateEditor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey, Buttery....Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editos
Bess Hayes ..................Libraian
Business Staff
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William Culman ....Finance Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivhA
entitled to the use for republioation
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clauss mail
Subscription luring the regular
school year by carrier, $PS, by mail.


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Who do you like, O'MateyJ




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