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May 11, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LIX, No. 156



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Opens Meeting


Wiespr ead Affect
Seen for Phoenix
The Phoenix Project will affect the lives of every student, faculty
mnember and local resident, University officials and a panel of faculty
experts predicted at a public meeting last night.
The Project, termed' by; President Alexander G. Ruthven as "the
most important all-University project Michigan has ever undertaken,"
will. be a "living" war memorial devoted to research in the peacetime
uses of atomic energy.
* * * * .
EMPHASIZING THAT THE entire community will benefit from
the project, President Ruthven urged students, faculty members, local
alumni and friends of the University to suppoit the $6,500,000 fund-
raising campaign which will be launched in the fall of 1950.
*Chester H. Lang, chairman of the national fund raising
drive, outlined the structure of the army of volunteer student and
alumni workers who will conduct the campaign.
He pointed out that although the formal drive will not begin
until the fall of 1950, a $5,000,000 "special gifts" drive will begin
this fall.
* * * *
APPEALING PARTICULARLY to the undergraduates, Lang said
that "it is essential that graduating seniors be well informed about{
the project . . . tley should constantly make it a topic of their
everyday conversations."
"Every use of student organizations should be made to pro-
mote the campaign," he added.
Assistant Provost John A. Perkins traced the history of the
Phoenix Project from a Student Legislature resolution of 1946 calling1
for a "living war memorial" to the present time.
Enumerating the wartime contributions of the University, Perkins
repealed that Michigan's part in the A-Bomb development was so,
great that most of it still remains secret.
"Isn't it fine therefore, that the war memorial should be devoted
to peacetime research," he added.
* * * *
HEADING THE PANEL discussion Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer, dean
of. the graduate school, said "The Phoenix Project' will affect every
department of the University from anthropology to zoology."
"The Preliminary Planning Cmmittee felt the Board of
Regents couldn't have picked a memorial which would have inte-
grated the entire University as the Phoenix Project will," said 1
Sawyer, who headed the couimittee.1
Prof.- Robley C. Williams, physics department, discussing thet
role of the physical and natural sciences in the project, said he had
uncovered more than 60 projects which will make use of radioactiver
Explaining .the meaning of isotopes, Williams said they will bet
used in all scientific fields from chemistry to pharmacology.-
* * * *
PROF. FRED J. HODGES, chairman of the roentgenology depart-i
ment 'of the medical school, said that although results of prewar
medical research in the use of isotopes were "not phenomenal," they
offer tremendous opportunity in the future.
Prof. Lewis M. Simes. of the law school, outlined the effect the
Phoenix Project will have on legal research.
Emphasizing that the development of atomic energy will ne- f
cessitate revision 'of the legal pattern of this country, he said that
the Project will include a study of new law codes.
He explained that the Atomic Energy Commission, which estab-
lished a government mohopoly on fissionable materials will make it
necessary for lawyers to decide who will be granted licenses to use pat-
ents for non-military uses of atomic energy.

First Parley
Fails T o Halt
Ford Dispute
Second Session
Slated for Today
DETROIT-UP)-The first peace
talks since the start of the six-day
Ford strike broke up yesterday
with no settlement in sight.
Another session was scheduled
today at 10 a.m.
As the talks went on, more Ford
plants across the nation pre-
pared to lay off 14,000 workers and
shut down at the end of the day's
THE STRIKE of 65,000 workers
hit Ford's Rouge and Lincoln-
Mercury plants last Thursday.
President Walter Reuther of
the CIO United Auto Workers
said the company asked for the
recess "to discuss its position."
There was no comment from
Ford officials.
REUTIIER SAID the Union had
not changed its position on the
"speedup" issue "because our
original position was basically cor-
He refused to say whether any
progress was made at what he
called "an exploratory session"
Before the talks were adjourned,
about 75 Ford workers set up
picket lines outside. Reuther said
the demonstration was "engi-
neered by Communists."
600 president, ordered the demon-
stration to break up. Pickets con-
tinued for another 10 minutes be-
fore disbanding.
They carried placards charg-
ing that "speed-ups are all over
Reuther said the protest would
be disregarded.
"We have decided there will be
no other issues injected into these
negotiations except those outdof
Iwhich this strike grew," he de-
clared. Union speed-up charges
apply only to Lincoln-Mercury and
the final assembly building of the
Rouge Plant.
Officials of the Ford Motor
Company have estimated that
nearly all of its 106,000 produc-
tion workers in 49 plants will be
affected by next Monday if the
strike continues.
Judic To Try
Violations of
U' .Regulations
Student organizations which
break University regulations will
hereafter be tried by combined
men and women's Judiciary Coun-
cil under a new rule passed by the
Student Affairs Committee yester-
Probation, suspension or com-
plete withdrawal of University
recognition can result from Coun-
cil recommendations to SAC under
the new rule.
rest with the SAC, which held
complete ower in such cases until
The rule provides that charges
may be brought by either the
SAC or the Judiciary council.
Basis for charges is alleged in-

fractions of "rules as set forth
in "University Regulations Con-
cerning Student Affairs, Con-
duct and Discipline."
Portions of the regulation book-
let concerned in the SAC ruling
proscribe procedures in such mat-
ters as arranging events, speakers
and meetings through the com-
AT ITS MEETING yesterday,
the SAC also granted recognition
to the University of Michigan Law
Students Association and approved
in principle a repetition next year
of a freshman event similar to the
Frosh weekend of this spring.
The committee also approved a'
parade and tug-of-war, Friday as
publicity for the Senior Ball. A
"Tennis Ball" parade, scheduled
for Thursday, was also approved.
Groups Volunteer
To tack Debate
West Quad Council and Ameri-
cans for Democratic Action have

Hint at Bias
In Law Quad
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of seven articles dealing
with the policies employed in stu-
dent housing facilities, with partic-
lar reference to racial and religious
In a somewhat different cate-
gory than the Men's Residence
Halls is the Lawyers' Club, the gift
of William W. Cook.
Cook stipulated in his Deed of
Gift that jurisdiction over the
building be vested in a board of
governors rather than the Univer-
sity officials who regulate other
campus living units.
, , *
CONTROL OF the Lawyers'
Club is in the hands of a 10-man
board, headed by the Chief Justice
of the State Supreme Court, and
including one Regent, two mem-
bers of the law faculty, two prac-
ticing lawyers, one elected mem-
ber of the State Supreme Court,
the President of the University
and two law students who are
elected by their fellow members of
the Lawyers' Club.
Miss Inez V. Bozorth, director
of the Lawyers' Club, in which
membership is open to any law
student, said that race and re-
ligion play no part in the ac-
ceptance or rejection of appli-
cants, pointing out that Club
members include all races and
The actual selection of mem-
bers is made by the Board of Gov-
ernors' Membership Committee,
which consists of Prof. Grover C.
Grismore, of the law school, and
Wells Lovett and Gordon Boozer,
the two student members of the
INCLUDED ON the application
blank which prospective members
must fill out are questions per-
taining to color, nationality and
church preference. The applicant
is also asked to submit a photo-
At the top of the application
form is the statement, "No ap-
plication will be considered un-
less all information requested is
This information is used, along
with other data from the indi-
vidual's records, in assigning
roommates, Miss Bozorth said.
*, * *
SHE SAID THAT men who do
not request by name a specific
roommate are generally assigned
one of their own race and religion.
See LAWYERS page 6
Gets Underway
The campus UNESCO officially
got underway last night at an or-
ganizational meeting when the
group adopted a constitution and
made plans to send a deputation
to a nearby town to put on an
international understanding pro-
The constitution provides that
any student believing in the prin-
ciples of the United Nations and
UNESCO and willing to further
the work of these organizations
and the University UNESCO
council may become a member.
The constitution will be for-
mally ratified by members at the
next meeting, May 24.

Fifteen members of Ann Ar-
bor's Chamber of Commerce
and a University professor were
marooned last night for half an
hour in a 17-passenger elevator
stuck between floors in the
Business Administration Build-
The unlucky 16. part of a
group which made a tour of the
building, "became quite closely
acquainted during their little
stay between floors," said Prof.
Russell A. Stevenson of the
School of Business Administra-
tion, who did not get caught.
"An electrician finally got the
elevator going, and rescued the
stranded sightseers," he said.
IFC Forms

New Bias

-Daily-Alex Lmanian
BRAVES ENTER FOLD-President Alexander G. Ruthven, hon-
orary Sachem of Michigauma, is shown initiating a group of
painted neophytes in the annual tribal ceremony near the Diag.

* * *
M Lch iga m a
Calls Braves
To Wigwam
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of falling
Came they forth, the stoics
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friendly Great
Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swoopedand caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they ate around the glowing
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pie of peace and
f riendship.
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Honorary Sachems Matt Mann
II and Joseph Bursley.
Young Bucks Lex Herrin, Mac
Suprunowicz, Leo Romzick, Wally
Grant, Al Blumrosen, Leon Jaroff,
Ed Ulvestad, Bill Upthegrove,
Wally Teninga, Gus Stager, Dick
Kempthorn, Bill Wise, Walt Han-
sen, Bob Seeber, John Ryder, Dick
Morrison, Dale Congdon, and "Al

Western Germans Choose Bonu
As Capital of New Federal Stat

World News
Rpound- Up
By The Associated Press
JERSEY CITY-Frank "Boss"
Hague's iron grip for 30 years on
the political destinies of this Dem-
ocratic strong-hold was broken
yesterday as his City Commission
ticket lost for the first time.
* * *
LAKE SUCCESS--Israel's long
fight for a seat in the United
Nations is expected to end today
in her approval as the 59th UNT
* * *
WASHINGTON-A new $72 a
month Veterans Pension Bill is due
to emerge today from the House
Veterans Committee.
* * *
Connally (Dem., Tex.) told the
Senate yesterday he sees no rea-
son why the United States
should not send an ambassador
to Spain.
LANSING-The Senate yester-
day revived and passed a House-
approved bill permitting parochial
school students to be transported
in public school buses.
* * - *
last of the 65 coal mines in the
rich Lancashire fields shut
down last night in an unofficial,
Communist - supported strike
which has put 50,000 men out of
SHANGHAI-A move for peace
with the Reds "is in full swing"
in the Hankow area, the govern-
ment's Central News Agency said
* * * .
TRENTON, Ga.--Sheriff J. W.
Lynch, three deputies and a pri-
vate citizen were indicted yester-
day on charges of assault in the
flogging of seven Negroes by
hooded men reported to be mem-
bers of the Ku Klux Klan.

Site Chosen

Study Group
Interfraternity Council last
night re-formed its committee to
tackle the discrimination prob-
lem in campus fraternities from
the "inside".
Chairman of the committee is
Jake Jacobson, IFC president.
Other members are Dick Morri-
son, IFC vice-president, and Stan
Crapo, secretary of IFC.
THE COMMITTEE was formed
after a report by Hal Walsh on a
plan being used at the University
of Minnesota, which consists of
educational talks at Minnesota
fraternities by faculty members.
Speakers explain the religious,
psychological and anthropolog-.
ical causes and implications of
discrimination, and conduct dis-
cussions on the subject.
Minnesota fraternities have un-
til 1952 to take action on the dis-
crimination clauses in their con-
stitutions. Evidence of action is
a petition to the national organi-
zations to remove the discrimina-
tory clauses.
"THE PLAN ALLOWS fraterni-
ties to work on discrimination
from within, and to solve the
problem without outside pres-
sure," explained Walsh.
The IFC committee plans to go
to work immediately with a pro-
gram of education similar to the
Minnesota plan.
Druids Strike
In Deep N11ight
Druids, sons of magic
Foretellers of the future
Judges-very knowing, wise-
The fires in the stonehenge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon thy awenyds,
Called from out thy mighty
The uninformed who would
seek thy light,
Hence to thy oak grove-
There to test their worthiness
With eyes to heaven raised,
Invoke a blessing from the
Perpetuate thy heroic deeds,
Keep ever bright thy burning
The glory and wisdom of
knights of old,
Stalwart DRUIDS, true and

B Assembly
(lay Advocates
United Germany
BONN, Germany -(p) -By a
margin of four votes, the West
German Constitutent Assembly
last night picked Bonn as the cap-
ital of the new German Federal
In a polite undercover tug-of-
war, the British had favored Bonn
and the Americans Frankfurt.
THE VOTE was 33 for Bonn and
29 for Frankfurt.
Choice of Bonn, a city of about
100,000 population on the west
bank of the Rhine, was some-
what of a surprise. Frankfurt
had been regarded as the most
likely candidate because of its
central geographic location,
° transportation and comunica-
tion facilities.
Meanwhile, in Berlin, Sen. Lu-
cius D. Clay said Americans want
to see Germany united, provided
all sections have "the same guar-
antees of freedom as contained in
the Bonn Constitution."
CLAY, WHO is retiring five days
hence from the position of u..
Military Governor, spoke at a fare-
well ceremony in the German Bi-
zonal Economic Council at Frank-
A constitution containing an
elaborate bill of rights was
adopted for the Western Zones
of Germany by a German Par-
liamentary Convention at Bonn
The Bonn Constitution excludes
the Soviet Zone for the presdnt.
Convention leaders said the Soviet
Zone did not guarantee the demo-
cratic right, including free elec-
tions, that exist in the Western
CLAY TOLD the Germans to
strive toward three things: to un-
derstand liberty, to have the will
never to give it up, and to use
their liberty properly.
Dr. Erich Koehler, Council
president, said in reply:
"Tell President Truman that we
want a united Germany, but a
united Germany in which the
Eastern Zone has the same human
rights and the same unhampered
political and spiritual liberties
which the Allied Powers have
brought to realization in the West
Zones. May the council of foreign
ministers come to the same deci-
German officials from Hesse
presented Clay a German land-
scape painting. The council plans
to give him a cup, but it is not yet
Of Vet Center
Still Debated
By The Associated Press
State Legislators were still un-
convinced yesterday that the Vet-
erans Readjustment Center here
should be continued despite the
testimony of Dr. Moser M. Frolich,
psychiatrist in charge.
A hearing was held by the House
Ways and Means Committee which

has recommended that the $250,-
000 annual appropriation for the
center be dropped.
PLEADING ThAT the center
was filling a need in rehabilitating
mentally disturbed veterans, Dr.
Frolich said that 358 in-patients
and 800 out-patients had been
treated since the center opened in
January, 1947. He said six full time
psychiatrists are employed.

New Union Opera Director Named
S* * * _____________________________________________

Jim Ebersole, '50, of Elkhart,
Indiana, will direct the course of
Union Opera during the next
school year.
Ebersole has been chosen by the
Union Opera Board to replace
Dave Lvshon '49E . asgeneral

A call has been issued to all
writers or potential writers for a
scenario for the 1950 production.
According to Ebersole, the Opera
Board is interested mainly in a
complete description of plot situa-

sists of Franklin Kuenzel, Union
general manager; Prof. A. L.
Clark of the engineering college;
and Prof. Maynard Klein of the
School of Music.
Union President William Wise

rn .- m mme

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