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47 1 44461 rrpp
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 155
U. of Chicano
Probe Slated
Senate Will Quiz
Seven Teachers
Illinois Legislative Commission
.voted today to re-open its in-
quiry into whether there are sub-
versive activities at the University'
of Chicago.
Se r Paul Broyles (Rep., Mt.
ITetnbn), chairman of the Sedi-
tious Activities Commission, said
seven U. of C. professors will be
subpoenaed to appear at a hearing
in Springfield next Monday.
* * *
BROYLES said the faculty
members will be asked to explain
"discrepancies" in affidavits deny-
ing membership in organizations
described by a witness at an April
commission hearing as "Commu-
Broyles said the commission
was "not quite satisfied" with
the sworn statements replying
to allegations made by Howard
Rushmore, a New York-Jour-
nal American reporter specializ-
ing in stories on Communism.
Those named by Broyles as on
his subpoena list were:
fessor of Religious Ethics; Ernest
W. Burgess, professor of Sociology;
Robert J. Havighurst, professor of
education; Wayne McMullen, pro-
fsor of Social Service Adminis-
- tration; Malcolm P. Sharp, pro-
fessor of law; Rexford G. Tug-
well, professor of political science;
and Harold C. Urey, professor of
In addition, Laird Bell, pres-
ident of the University Board
of Trustees, will be asked to
appear voluntarily, Broyles said.
Following Rushmore's testimony
last month, Bell wrote the com-
mission a letter, accompanying
the affidavits in which he said 49
of 50 allegations made by Rush-
more were false.
* * *
BELL SAID one statement made
by Rushmore that was true iden-
tified Professor McMillen as a
member of the Chicago Chapter
of the National Council of Amer-
ican-Soviet Friendship.
The motion to renew the in-
quiry was made by commission
member Omar McMackin of Sal-
em, Ill., a former state commander
of the American Legion. It carried
by a vote of 9 to 2.
Fbrum May
Debate Merits
Of 'U'g Groups
Holland's Criticism
Evokes Controversy
Michigan Forum may debate the
merits of campus service organiza-
tions as the result of outgoing Un-
ion Presidents Bob Holland's criti-
cism of The Daily, Student Legis-
lature and the National Student
The debate, brainchild of Tom
Walsh, SL member and NSA dele-
gate, would pit the NSA and an or-
ganization representing Holland's
IN A DAILY telephone survey,
13 NSA members out of 14 contact-
ed said yes to the proposal.
But a damper was put on pro-
ceedings when members 'of the
Union Council said no to the de-
bate on the grounds that the
Council itself did not represent
Holland's opinions, made in a
retiring speech last week.
* * *
HOLLAND, WHEN contacted by
The Daily, had no comment either
on the pending debate or on the
rection of SL and NSA members
on his remarks.
He added that he had spoken
as an individual and the Council
knew no more than members of
the organizations criticized in
his speech.
However, Ralph Sosin, chair-
man of the Michigan Forum, said
that the debate could be spon-
sored by the Forum if two recog-
nized groups took part. Walsh said
that if he couldn't get the Council
to back Holland's opinions, he
would seek another organization.
Sharing Walsh's opinions on a
Renovate Defunct
Rights Committee
The campus Provisional Committee for Academic Freedom last
night voted to take over and rejuvenate the now defunct committee
recognized by the Student Affairs Committee two years ago.
As its first undertaking the committee voted to launch a petition
campaign against the Martin Bill, now in the state legislature, propos-
ing to prohibit the employment of teachers, in state schools, who are
or have been affiliated with the Communist Party.
* * , *
THE CONSTITUTION of the original CAF as adopted by the com-
mittee last night provides that any recognized campus organization
-- ----? may have two representatives on
the local CAF. Unattached indi-
viduals may become members by a
majority vote of the local com-
ReThe temporary officers who
Renew d in were elected are: Percy McNutt,
president; Joanne Stoller, sec-
retary; Bob Schneiderman and
Henry Schmer, members at large
of the executive committee.
Prof. Emeritus John L. Brumm
DETROIT-(lP)-Walter Reuth- and Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of
'ers top-level appeal to Henry the history department, both of
Ford II yesterday broke the ice in whom were instrumental in
the five-day Ford strike deadlock, founding the original campus
Renewed peace talks were CAF, attended last night's meet-
scheduled at 2 p.m. today. ing and agreed to work with the
** present committee.
UN Committee
Endorses Israel's
Membership Bid
Two-Thirds Majority of Plenary
Meeting Needed. for Final Approval
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS-Israel's bid for UN membership yesterday won
the endorsement of the General Assembly special Political Committee
by a vote of 33 to 11.
The Israeli application now goes to a plenary meeting of the As-
sembly at Flushing Meadow Park. Here a two-thirds majority of those
present and voting is required for final approval. The vote is expected
Wednesday or Thursday.
BARRING A SUDDEN reversal of several countries, Israel's ad-
mission as the 59th member of the UN appeared assured in view of
the three to one vote today.
BIKINI ATOM BOMB TEST-The wall of water (center) is a result of the first underwater A-Bomb
explosion which proved to government authorities that the weapon had definite military poten-
tialities. University experts will explore peacetime possibilities of atomic power in the Phoenix
Project, a war memorial whose details will be revealed at a public meeting 7:30 p.m. tonight at
Rackham Lecture Hall.
* * * *
Ruthven Urges Students
To A tend Phoenix Talks
however, declined an invitation
from the CIO United Auto Work-
ers President to attend personally.
He said other company offi-
cials would be "happy" to meet
in an effort to settle the walkout
of 65,000 workers. His reply
came within almost two hours
after Reuther's request. But the
issues are so confused that any
quick agreement. seems unlikely.
The talks will take place as
wheels in Ford's extensive empire
continue to grind to a stop and
layoffs mount across the nation.
youthful Ford President also
turned down a debate challenge
from Reuther. The UAW head
asked that Ford debate with him
the "spend-up" issue at a mass
meeting of strikers if talks fail
after four days.
Ford said his company was
going back into negotiations "on
the :assumption that they will
be continued until this strike
can be brought to a close."
Reuther had proposed a debate
between Ford and himself in
Briggs Stadium Saturday or Sun-
day night if no agreement were
reached by Friday.
*. *
OF THIS FORD said "nothing
useful can be accomplished by a
public debate on this matter."
It was the first move by either
side since the union struck
Ford's big Rouge and Lincoln-
Mercury plants last Thursday
noon. Negotiations were broken
off within minutes after the
walkout began.
Union Council
Newly elected Union President
William Wise yesterday announced
the appointment of 13 men to the
Union Council. The list of new
councilmen is as follows:
Dale S. Coenen, William M.
Bristor, Robert M. Bristor, Har-
old K. Sperlich, Gerald J. Mehl-
man, James W. Callison, S. Larry
Stein, James W. Root, William
H. Race, Irving A. Barill, William
Peterson, Jr., William E. Stirton,
Jr., and Robert E. Waldon.
Chosen by the Union president
and secretary on the basis of peti-
tions they have submitted, the
council assists the Union officers
in carrying out the program of
the organization.
BRUMM, who is co-chairman of
the Provisional Committee on Stu-
dent and Faculty Rights, was the
main speaker of the evening.
When asked for a definition
of academic freedom Brumm
called it the right of a profes-
sor to investigate for the pur-
pose of discovering the truth
and to teach it without inter-
ference in his field of specializa-
When applied to a student,
Brumm defined academic freedom
to include the right of the stu-
dent to elect the courses he
pleased, to learn and express what
he thought and to exercise his
civil rights to the extent where
they don't interfere with those of
SLOSSON declared there has
been a violation of academic free-
dom here, in regard to the right
of a student or professor to be
a citizen outside of the classroom
and to express his opinion as
freely as other citizens.
Appoint Daily
Junior Staff
For Next Year
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications yesterday an-
nounced the appointment of
twelve students to the junior staff
of The Daily for next year.
Appointed Night Editors were
Jim Brown, '51, Grosse Point; Paul
Brentlinger, '51, Dayton, 0.; Peter
Hotton, '50, Sault Ste. Marie;
Roma Lipsky, '50, Brooklyn, N.Y.;
Dolores Palanker, '50, Buffalo, N.
Y.; and Dave Thomas, '50, Detroit.
JOHN DAVIES, '51, Los Angeles,
Calif.; Phoebe Feldman, '50,
Brooklyn, N.Y.; Don Kotite, '50,
White Plains, N.Y.; Phyllis Kulick,
'50, Rockville Center, N.Y.; Janet
Watts, '51, Grand Rapids; and
Joan Willens, '51, Oak Park, Ill.,
were appointed assistant night ed-
Alex Lmanian, '50, Detroit,
was appointed Chief Photog-
The Board also appointed Craig
Wilson, '50, of Fairhaven and B. S.
Brown, '49, Englewood, N.J. as Co-
Managing Editors of The Summer3
Daily. Merle Levin, '49, Cleveland,
Ohio, and Marilyn Jones, '49,
Jamestown, N.Y. were appointed
Sports Editor and Women's Editor
respectively for The Summer
Terming it "the most important
all-University project which has
ever been undertaken," President
Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday
urged all students to attend the
first public meeting on the Phoe-
nix Project at 7:30 p.m. today at
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Clair BiaS
No Factoi"r ini
Coed0 Hosii
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of six articles dealing
with tihe policies employed ii student
housing facilities, with particular ref-
erence to racial and religious factors.)
Factors of race or religion are
not used for discriminatory pur-
poses in the allocation of housing,
according to the Office of the
Dean of Women.
A by-law of the Board of Re-
gents provides that "All under-
graduate women not living with
their families shall live in Uni-
versity residence halls for women
or in other residences approved
by the Dean of Women."
clude approximately ten dormi-
tories and 60 League Houses, in
addition to 19 sorority houses.
Women applying for residence
in a University dormitory are
required to fill opt an applica-
tion form, which includes ques-
tions pertaining to religious
preference and nationality, and
a request for a photograph.
The question on religion reads,
"State preference: Protestant .
Catholic . . . Jewish," and accord-
ing to the Office of the Dean of
Women, is intended to indicate
whether the applicant desires a
roommate of a particular religion.
* * *
SINCE THE answer to this
question is regarded as a request
for a roommate of the indicated
religion rather than a mere state-
ment of the applicant's own reli-
gion, women who do not ask for a
specific roommate by name are
generally assigned one of their
own religion, the office said.
To eliminate the question's
ambiguity, it will be discarded
completely on the revised appli-
cation form to be used next se-
In its place will be a question
giving the applicant an opportun-
ity to state any preferences she
may have in regard to a room-
"CERTAIN information about
each individual woman, such as
her age and active interests, is
useful in providing for the best
possiblegliving conditions and
counseling," the Dean's Office
The Office of the Dean of
Women emphasized that the re-
quest of a woman for a par-
ticular roommate is always
granted,.regardless of the races
or religions involved, unless
there is no available room.
The meeting is designed to ex-
plain the scope of the Memorial
Project which is to be devoted to
research in the peacetime uses of
atomic energy.
IN ADDITION, plans for the
$6,500,000 fund-raising campaign
which will be formally launched
in the fall of 1950 will be out-
lined by Chester H. Lang, national
executive chairman of the drive.
The meeting will feature talks
by President Ruthven, Assistant
Provost John A. Perkins, and
Chairman Lang. In addition, a
panel of University faculty
members will discuss various
phases of the Project.
The program will be broadcast
over University radio station
WUOM at 8 p.m. and will also be
piped out to stations in seven
other Michigan cities. Recordings
of the entire program will later
be re-played at alumni meetings
all over the country.
sion, Dean of the Graduate School,
Ralph A. Sawyer will describe the
preliminary planning studies of
the Project which have been made
and outline briefly the techniques
which will be used in the Project.
The effects of radio-active iso-
topes on medical research will be
described by Dr. Fred J. Hodges,
chairman of the roentgenology
department, while Prof. Pobley C.
Williams, physics department, will
outline the research projects
which are planned in the physical
Eyes Paleface
When out from the paleface
From behind the staring moon-
Came the slow and solemn five
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over the woods and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their war-
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling pale-
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamua
Many trails and many tortures
First must prove their strength
and courage
Ere the redman bids them wel-
Ere he calls each paleface
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes
'U' Engineers
Start Faculty
The engineering college yester-
day launched its own program of
faculty evaluation.
By week's end, it is expected
that more than 30,000 evaluation
cards will have -been returned by
the college's 4,000 students, ac-
cording to Prof. Roger L. Morri-
son, chairman of the Committee
on Coordination in Teaching, en-
gineering faculty group which is
conducting the survey.
* * *
CARDS ARE BEING distributed
in more than 1,000 lecture, recita-
tion and laboratory sections in the
college. They are also available for
evaluation of courses taken by en-
gineers in other colleges.
"The idea above all is to im-
prove the courses in any way
possible," Prof. Morrison de-
clared. He said that the engi-
neering poll emphasizes the
value of the course rather than
the performance of the individ-
ual instructor.
His statement is borne out by
the questionnaires, in which nine
questions are asked about the
course and textbooks to one about
the instructor. Space is provided
for individual comments.
CONTRARY TO popular belief,
this is not the first year that fac-
ulty evalation by students has been
undertaken at the University. The
engineering college conducted a
similar survey in 1940, Prof. Mor-
rison recalled. Many of the ques-
tions used then were found so
helpful that they were included on
the new survey.
Results of a "gripes poll" con-
ducted recently by Tau Beta Pi,
engineering honor society, were
also utilized in preparing the
current forms.
Prof. Morrison gave full credit
to Tau Beta Pi for bringing about
the poll's revival at this particular
time. However, he added, its re-
turn was probable in any event.
'U' Building Is
Site of Tour
The University's new Business
Administration Building today will
be scene of an informal tour by
members of the Ann Arbor Cham-
ber of Commerce.-
Their all-membership meeting,
starts with a dinner at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union. Following the dinner
University faculty members will
personally guide the tour.
Speaking at the meeting will be
Prof. Russell A. Stevenson of the
business administration school.
His topic is "Relationship of
Schools of Business Administra-
tion to the Businessmen and the
Members will hear several num-j
The acceptance came as a re-
versal of the rejection of Israeli's
membership application last De-
cember by the Security Council,
when the vote fell two short of
therequired two-thirds major-
Israeli's application was later
introduced by U.S. delegates Aus-
tin Warren, and was approved by
the Security Council on March 5
by a vote of nine to one, with Great
Britain abstaining.
Israeli's representative Aubrey
S. Eban at that time declared that
the Security Council's action was
"decisive international recognition
of Israel's character as an inde-
pendent peace-loving state."
Daily Artist
Gets Award
Daily syndicated cartoonist,
Herb Block has been given a Dis-
tinguished Service Award by Sig-
ma Delta Chi, professional jour-
nalism fraternity.
Herb Block's work is "the prod-
uct of a genuine and integrated
philosophy-his cartoons are al-
ways simple, never labored. Their
impact is immediate," the judges
The cartoons are syndicated by
the Washington Post.
FWorld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man's economic advisers have sug-
gested that some existing tax bur-
dens be lightened and that the ad-
ministration scale down its request
for $4,000,000,000 in new levies, re-
sponsible officials said yesterday.
* * *
LONDON - The House of
Commons passed and sent to
the House of Lords yesterday the
controversial bill to nationalize
most of Britain's iron and steel
BERLIN - The Russians and
Western Powers announced last
night that two-way traffic to Ber-
lin and across the Soviet zonal
border will start at a minute past
midnight Thursday morning.
* * *
MONACO -- Prince Louis II of
Monaco died yesterday in the
little seaside principality famous
for the gambling casino at
Monte Carlo. He was 78.
* * *
SHANGHA--The Communists
pushed a two-pronged offensive
in South China yesterday one
point thrusting southwest towards
Nanchang and the other south-
east towards the coastal province
of Fukien.
* * *
BOMBAY, India-Premier B.
G. Kher today threatened to ban
the Communist Party in Bombay
Province is outbreaks of violence
* * *
By The Associated Press
The new constitution of the Re-
public of (Western) Germany is
one of the most modern docu.
ments of its type in the world.
It accepts obligatory arbitration
of international disputes.
IT ACCEPTS THE general rules
of international law as supersed-
ing even its own federal laws.
It accepts the Nuernberg de-
cision of Germany's conquerors
that aggressive war Is a pun-
ishable offense.
* * *
IT PROVIDES specifically, re-
peatedly and at length, for indi-
vidual liberties which have hither-
to been the special standards of
countries like Britain, France and
the United States.
It empowers the government
to join other nations in mutual
security arrangements, but
makes no provision for a&m anna-
and gives neither president,
nor chancellor nor parliament
the power to declare war.
Under present circumstances, of
course, the value of the whole bus-
iness depends on cooperation and
methods of administration, both
among the Germans and between
the Allies and the Germans.
* * *
THE REPUBLIC, depending on
how the Allied occupation statute
and the constitution areapplied,
will be either a voluntary unit,
applying itself to European Re-
covery, or a mere puppet.
The Allies have given assur-
ances that the Republic will be
permitted to handle its own f-
fairs within extremely broad lim-
its; that their control will be ex-
ercised constructively. But they
still have the veto over the pro-
posed parliament.
Circle Theatre
Makes Debut
At 'U' Today
Theater-in-the-round will make
its Michigan debut at 8 p.m. today,
when 170 people will watch the
Speech Department's production
of "The Winslow Boy."
Seated three rows deep, the au-
dience will completely enclose a 30
by 15-foot acting area in the
lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building. The actors, using only a
few props for scenery, will per-
form entirely within this lighted
* *. *
CIRCLE THEATRE, though new
in this part of the country, has al-
ready been produced successfully
many times in the West and
It is being presented by the
speech department as part of its
policy of presenting plays of an
experimental and educational
nature that are not necessarily
good box office.
Theater-in-the-round lacks all
the artificiality of traditional
theatrics, according to Hugh Nor-
ton of the speech department, who
is directing the play.
"Student actors who have par-
ticipated in circle theatre have
commented constantly on the de-
Cellist Has 'Warm Spot
In Heart' for Antn A rbor
ery of another "very important"
pitchblende field in Canada was
reported here today by a veteran
"I have always had a warm spot
in my heart for Ann Arbor," Gre-
gor Piatigorsky, world famous vio-
loncellist declared after his per-
formance in Sunday afternoon's
May Festival Concert.
Back in January, 1937, Piati-
gorsky telegraphed the following
message to Jacqueline de Roths-
ment of the wedding until that
"one free day."
"MUSICIANS don't even get
enough time off to get married,"
Piatigorsky sighed.
But, despite the drawbacks,
Piatigorsky is very enthusiastic
about the violoncello.
bers by the University Glee Club. Iprospector.
Mrs. Seager Suggests Son in Florida
- I