See Page 4
1Mt tan
Latest Deadline in the State
, 5
Illini Errors
Help 'M' Cop
Wild Contest
Eighth Inning'
Rally Wins, 8-6
An excellent job of relief hurling
by Wolverine Ed Grenkowski com-
bined with wildness on the part of
the Ilinois pitchers and sloppy
fielding by the Illini yesterday
gave Michigan its second victory
in as many days over Illinois, 8-6.
It was Grenkowski's second tfrip
to the mound in college play, and
he limited the visitors to three hits
and one base on balls after coming
ia for starter Bob Hicks in the
fourth frame.
THE ILLINI started their scor-
ing in the first inning when John
Neal singled to drive in Glen Tru-
gillo, who had walked.
With one down in the second,
Hicks walked John Gugala, who
later tallied on Trugillo's single
to center.
Hicks was shelled from the
mound in the fourth when the Illi-
n staged a four-run uprising.
er passed Fred Ballantine to start
the trouble. and then served up a
double to Gus Skizas.
Gugala was passed to load the
sacks, and all the runners ad-
vanced as Bill Buchoz threw out
Horace Tangman
Trugillo rapped his second
straight single to drive in Skizas
and Gugala, and Herb Plews fol-
lowed with another one-bagger,
sending Trugillo to third and Hicks
to the shower, and bringing in
third-sacker Hank Anderssohn,
the first man to face him, to hit
a double-play to second, but Buch-
olz fumbled the ball an everyone
was safe with Trugillo crossing the
But Grenkowski took matters
Into his own hands, striking out
Russ Steger, and then forcing
Neal to ground out to second.
In the fourth, Tangman walked
Grenkowski and Ralph Morrison,
and Bucholz came through with a
single to drive Grenkowski across
with the first Michigan marker.
* * *
LEO KOCESKI opened the next
frame with a long homer to cen-
ter. After getting rid of Jack Mi,-
Dnald, Tangman walked Bob
Wolff and Hal Raymond singled
him to second.
Grenkowski again worked
Tangman for a pass, loading the
bases, and Wolff ran across on
Willard Baker's long fly.
The Maize and Blue tied it up
in the sixth without a hit.
* * *
TED KOBRIN walked with one
See 'M' FIREMAN Page 6
On Problems
In Indonesia
BATAVIA, Java - (P) - The
Dutch and Republican Indonesians
agreed to a compromise program
today to settle the Indonesian
The Indonesians agreed to or-
der a stop to guerrilla warfare
estimated to be taking 100 lives
THE DUTCH agreed to rees-
tablish the Indonesian Republic
in its Japanese capital, the resi-
dency of Jogjakarta, an area 40
miles across.
As soon as the republic is re-
established, the Republicans said
they would participate in a
round table conference at The
Hague for the purpose of speed-
ing the "unoonditional transfer
of real and complete sover-
eignty" to a United States of
The Dutch on Feb. 2, set mid-
summer as a time target for the
transfer of sovereignty. But to-
day's agreement ,was nearly two
months behind the Dutch sched-
THE TRANSFER would be ac-
complished by the creation of a
Cement Footprint?
'Oh No,' Says Smith
"I definitely will not put my foot in fresh cement for any reason!"
So stood Shirley Smith, vice-president emeritus and occasional
author, as press agents left no stones unturned in their attempt to
publicize his movie "It Happens Every Spring" Thursday at the Michi-
gan Theatre.
* *
SMITH, WHO will be honored at the world's first author's pre-
miere, has been asked to leave his tracks in a block of fresh concrete
-for posterity.
"I'm embarrassed about the whole thing," he said.
However, theatre officials are cementing down their plans.
* * * *
WALTER ROTH, of the building and grounds department has
built a form for the block and Carleton Angell, University sculptor,
will inscribe the block with a facsimile of Smith's signature, according
to Gerry Hoag, manager of the Michigan Theatre.
"Mr. Smith is a little reluctant but we'll get his footprint if we
have to hog-tie him," Hoag declared.
The stunt was the idea of several of Smith's long-time professor
friends who wished to pay Smith a sincere tribute, Hoag said.
"THE ORIGINAL IDEA was simply to honor Smith, but this whole
thing has snowballed into tremendous proportions over-night. More
than 25 Detroit newsmen and Movietone Newsreel will be here. And
even Life magazine has shown signs of interest," Hoag declared.
Plans have been made to place the tablet on display directly
in front of the theatre for the week following the premiere.
Premiere tickets will go on sale at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the
Michigan Theatre box office. They will be sold on a reserved seat
basis. Two tickets will be allowed to each purchaser, Hoag announced.
* * * *
MAYOR WILLIAM BROWN has proclaimed Thursday as "Shirley
Smith Day." '
Meanwhile, Mr. Smith looks on the whole thing as a "lot of
silly hullabaloo."
But he admitted that he'll be at the theatre Thursday night for
the premiere celebration.
SatWieSearch for
Missing Student Bfegins
Contact With
Strategic Rail
City Broken
shangha t'ops
Still Holding Out
SHANGHAI-(/P)-All commun-
ications have been lost with Kash-
ing, strategic rail city 62 miles
southwest of Shanghai,san official
announcement said yesterday.
Only a few hours before, the
government reported repelling the
reds at the Kashing airport.
** *
broadcast last night, announced
capture of a town 33 miles north
of Tsingtao in a drive aimed at
that anchorage of the U.S. West-
ern Pacific fleet.
Vice-Admiral Oscar Badger,
Commander of U.S.cNaval For-
ces in the Western Pacific, was
believed to be Tsingtao aboard
his flagship The Eldorado,
along with the transport Chil-
ton and a few other auxiliaries.
The Communists, in a broadcast
from Peiping, also reported cap-
ture of the last two nationalist
holdout cities in the north on the
Peiping-Hankow railway.
* * *
ACTUALLY, Tsingtao and the
far northwestern provinces remain
in Nationalist hands.
The Shanghai Nationalist gar-
rison reported continuing Red
pressure on the outer defenses
of Shanghai but said all at-
tacks were repelled in sharp
The communique said 10,000
Reds attacked Kunshan, 35 miles
west of Shanghai, but were driven
back after an 8-hour fight that
ended late Friday night. It said
5,000 Reds were hurled back from
Taichang, 30 miles northwest of
Mayor Offers
To Mediate in
Ford Strike.
Management Silent
On Earlier Attempt
In a move designed to end the
three day old Ford strike, Detroit's
acting Mayor George Edwards of-
ferd the services of a citizns com-
mittee to settle the dispute
through mediation.
This move, which cane late
last night, was the second attempt
made by civic officials to intervene
in the walkout, which has affect-
ed 65,000 Ford workers.
striking automobile workers ac-
cepted a mediation propsal offer-
ed by Mayor Orville L. Hubbard
of Dearborn, home of the mam-
moth Ford River Rouge plant,
scene of the walkout.
Ford made no reply to Hub-
bard's suggestion that manage-
ment and union leaders meet
to settle the dispute in the may-
or's office next Thursday.
The Edwards proposal would of-
fer the services of Detroit's labor-
management - citizens committee
to mediate the dispute. The com-
mittee, a civic group, can function
as a mediator only if both parties
agree to submit the issues to it.
* * . *
THERE WAS no comment from
either side on Edwards' offer.
However, Henry Ford II has indi-
cated that the company is willing
to "sit down and discuss" the
auto workers' charge of a produc-
tion speedup, which has been a
primary cause for the walkout.
Ford has denounced the strike
as "particularly bad because it
is unnecessary."
"Company officials cannot un-
derstand why a strike was called,"
he said, "unless it was promoted
by some political situation within
the union."
Flames Gut School
UN Asked To Lift
Franco Spain Ban
Political Connnittee Votes 25 to 16
To Resume Diplomatic Relations
LAKE SUCCESS-(A)-The United Nations Assembly's Political
Committee voted yesterday to lift a two-year-old ban on full diplo
matic relations between UN members and Spain.
The vote in the 58-nation committee was 25 to 16, with 16 ab-
stentions, in favor of a resolution sponsored by Colombia, Brazil,
Bolivia and Peru.
* * * *
THE COMMITTEE then rejected in 13 roll call votes, paragraph
by paragraph, a rival Polish resolution that would have tightened
bans on Spain first voted by the
SCHOOL FIRE-Dense clouds of smoke and flames billow from
a section of Pottstown, Pa., senior high school. The fire caused
damages estimated at $80,000. All classes for the 800 pupils
were suspended, indefinitely after the Thursday blaze. The fire
department said that the fire apparently started in the school
heating plant. Three firemen were hurt.
No Prejudicel Involved
InU'_Halls Officials Say
A state-wide search was begun
yesterday to locate University stu-
dent Loren Seager, '52E, who has
been missing from the West Quad-
rangle for almost a week.
Seager, who left his Adams
House room at about 6 a.m. last
Sunday, was believed to be headed
alone for Detroit in an attempt
to hire a sailboat.
* * * .
A PRELIMINARY search of the
Detroit waterfront area last Wed-
to Detroit "to do some sailing on
the river" and would be back
that evening.
He was described by' a friend
as being in good humor the night
before he left.
suit and carried
canvas handbag
lieved to contain
wearing a grey
a small brown
which was be-
a pair of dun-
nesday by several of his dormi-
tory friends, revealed that Seager
had not been seen in that area.
Before leaving the residence
hall, Seager wrote his roommates
a note saying that he was going
Barker Gets
Prof. Ernest F. Barker, chair-
man of the Department of Phy-
sics, has been notified of his ap-
pointment to the board of gov-
ernors of the Argonne National
Laboratories in Illinois.
The laboratories constitute a
co-operative enterprise for the
study of nuclear physics. Spon-
sored by 27 midwestern univer-
sities, including the University of
An attempt was made to con-
tact his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Seager of Kalamazoo,
when his failure to return to
school was reported by room-
mates, Bruce Sodee, '52, and
Henry Braxton, Jr., '52.
* * *
A CHECK of Seager's friends
disclosed that he hadn't been seen
since Sunday, May 1.
Seager is 18 years old; has
dark brown hair and eyes; me-
dium complexion; 5 ft., 8 in.
tall; and weighs 140 pounds.
Any knowledge of Seager's
whereabouts since last Sunday
morning should be immediately re-
ported to the Ann Arbor police.
Urges .revised
Tax Structure
State controller Robert Stead-
man urged revision of the Michi-
gan tax structure here yesterday
in an address before a tax con-
Appealing for "a more balanced
and equitable tax system," Stead-
man cited major faults which exist
in the present system.
Chief of these is the fact that
the structure is regressive, bear-
ing most heavily on lower income
groups. Also the major revenue
sources are so earmarked and re-
stricted that the legislature is
handicapped in providing essential
state services, he claimed.
Steadman also criticized the tax
system on the ground that it was
too complicated, having been de-'
veloped on a piecemeal basis.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of six articles dealing
with the policies employed in student
housing facilities, with particular
reference to racial and religious fac-
"There are no considerations
made of race, religion or color in
accepting residents in Men's Resi-
dence Halls."
Such is the stated policy of all
University housing units.
As evidence of its policy, the
statement issued by the University
points out that all freshmen are
guaranteed acceptance in a resi-
dence hall, and that as many up-
perclassmen will be accepted as
space permits.
* ', *
HOWEVER, IN requesting room
in the Men's Residence Halls, the
applicant is required in the appli-
cation form to indicate his relig-
ious preference and to include
his photograph.
Miss Edith Gowans, Adminis-
trative Assistant in charge of
men'~s room assignments, said
that the question of religion is
I7rumm Sets
Pace of Parley
On Freedomd
Prof. Emeritus John L. Brumm
will keynote the organizational
meeting of a campus Provisional
Committee for Academic Freedom
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
The Committee will be pattern-
ed after the precedent-setting
Committee To Abolish the Ban
and the Committee To End Dis-
crimination and will seek as wide
a representation as possible, ac-
cording to Joanne Stoller, one of
the group's organizers.
MISS STOLLER emphasized
that all interested students who
are not connected with any or-
ganization, as well as organiza-
tion representatives are invited
to attend tomorrow's session.
"Everyone irregardless of his
political convictions, who is con-
cerned with the firings of pro-
fessors and students for exer-
cising their freedom of expres-
sion, as evidenced at nearby
Olivet, is urged to join with us
and help preserve this freedom,"
Miss Stoller declared.
* * *
SHE SAID that faculty mem-
bers are also eligible and encour-
aged to join the Committee.
included in order to help her
form an accurate overall view of
the student.
She cited other questions on
the application form pertaining to
such factors as age, occupational
objective, military experience and
personal habits, as being helpful
in giving her a good idea about
the kind of person the applicant
* * . *.
BY HAVING this information,
Miss Gowan declared that she is
able to assign roommates who will
be compatible.
"Religion is but one of many
factors considered in making
room assignments," she said.
Miss Gowans admitted, however,
that an incoming student who does
not indicate by name a preference
for a particular roommate is al-
most invariably assigned one of
his own religion.
(A PROTESTANT student liv-
ing in the East Quad reported to
me that he was astonished when
his housemother told him, "I'm
terribly sorry but a mistake has
been made and you have been
assigned a roommate of a dif-
ferent religion than yours.") .. . .
"The system of rooming men
together on the basis of religion
has proved itself as the best
means of enabling us to achieve
our prime aim-that of getting
the student adjusted as quickly
as possible," Miss Gowans as-
She also said that Negro stu-
dents are roomed together rather
than assigned rooms with white
students because "our experience
Realtors Apply
For Rent Hikes
WASHINGTON-P) - At least
500,000 landlords already have
taken the first steps toward seek-
ing higher rent returns under the
new control act, the Federal Hous-
ing Expediter's Office reported to-
That many have taken out of-
ficial blanks on which to petition
for a rent increase as provided
under the "fair net operating in-
come" formula released only last
But Federal rent officials point-
ed out that this stampede to ob-
tain the legal forms does not mean
a broad-scale lifting of rent ceil-
ings, because each landlord's peti-
tion will be handled separately for'
approval or rejection.
UN Dec. 13, 1946.
The decision came at the end
of a bitter two-day debate dur-
ing which Russia and her
friends charged that the United
States has a military alliance
with Generalissimo Franco.
U.S. delegate Ray Athreton de-
clared that was not true and Brit-
ain's Hector McNeil answered "lie"
today to an additional charge by
Russia's Andrei A. Gromyko-that
Britain was selling jet planes and
other war materials to Franco.
* * *
THE COMMITTEE vote still
must be approved by a two-thirds
majority of the General Assembly
in plenary session to become final.
Backers forecast jubilantly to-
night they would get the votes.
If they do It would mean the
U.S. and Britain-which did not
back the approved proposal
-could return to Madrid the
ambassadors they withdrew af-
ter the 1946 resolution.
Whatever the Assembly decides,
it will conclude action on one of
the major items brought over to
the current spring session of the
Assembly, now due to adjourn
May 14, from the third regular
session at Paris last fall.
* * *
REMAINING major items are
the future of Italy's prewar col-
onies, Israel's application for ad-
mittance to the UN, and two draft
conventions affecting press free-
doms under discussion in the So-
cial Committee. One of these con-
ventions already has been post-
poned to the fall session.
Western Bloc
Sets Date for
Soviet Talks
By The Associated Press
The United States, Britain and
France quietly disclosed yesterday
that they will talk over major
German questions before meeting
with Russia in Paris two weeks
Without official fanfare, diplo-
matic authorities in Washington,
London and Paris said a review of
their common policies in western
Germany was logical. and neces-
sary before the council of foreign
ministers meets.
* * *
THOUGH THE western powers
asserted that they were not "gang-
ing up" on Russia, developments
spotlighted the possibility that
Russia will enter the conference
with a "divide and conquer" stra-
tegy toward the west.
Meanwhile, in Berlin, British
Foreign Secretary Bevin voiced
optimism for a successful agree-
ment with the Russians on the
German problem.
"We have had enough quarrel-
ing and now we all want peace,"
Bevin said upon his arrival for
weekend conferences with British
and German officials.
Eastern Heat
Wave Is Over
Cool Front Checks
High Temperatures
By The Associated Press
Most of the nation's eastern
half cooled off Saturday after an
unusual spring heat wave.
The southeastward spread of a
wide cool front kept temperatures
from rising near the 90 and above
levels recorded Friday in NMew
York and Pennsylvania. However,
Washington, D.C., reported a
noontime 91 before the onset of
Red Germian
Bonn Confab
BONN, Germany - VP) - The
Communist-led East German Peo-
ple's Council was reported bid-
ding again last night-on the eve
of the adoption of a West German
constitution-for a unity meeting
with Western German leaders.
The Soviet-licensed news ser-
vice ADN said the Eastern Ger-
mans sent delegates to the Bonn
Constitutional Convention a tele-
gram asking that the two groups
meet to discuss:
1. Measures to guarante that
Germany's unity will be restored.
2. A peace treaty and the with
drawal of occupation forces.
* * *
Zone Council has appealed to the
West Germans to work for union
of East and West Germany.
The West Germany rejected
the previous appeals on the
ground that any unified govern-
ment of East and West Germany
at this time would be under
Soviet control. A similar re-
jection was generally expected
here for the latest invitation.
The Bonn delegates will lay the
foundation for a new nation
Bitterly opposed by the Com-
munists, the nation will incorpor-
ate the states of the British,
French and American zones along
a federalistic line.
Final adoption of the constitu-
tion at a plenary session of the
Constitutional Convention today
will touch off Germany's first gen-
eral election campaign - except
for the Soviet zone - since 1933.
Two Concerts
Today Close
May Festival
Conductors Will Be
Music lovers will hear two con-
certs at Hill Auditorium today as
the 56th May Festival draws to a
At 2:30 p.m. Thor Johnson will
conduct the Philadelphia Orches-
tra in Dvorak's- Concerto in B
Minor for Violoncello and Orches-
tra featuring violoncellist Gregor
Piatigorsky, and Villa-Lobos' Chor-
os No. 10 "Rasga O Coracao."
* * *
THE PROGRAM continues with
the world premiere of Gomer's
"Gloria in Excelsis," featuring
Shirley Russell, soprano, Harold
Haugh, tenor, Tann Williams, con-
tralto, Martial Singher, baritone,
and the University Choral Union.
Mary McCall Stubbins will be at
the organ.
Eugene Ormandy will conduct
the final festival concert at 8:30
p.m. in Barber's Adagio for
Strings. Featured soloist, Pia
Tassinari, soprano,dwill sing
Gluck's "0 del mio dolce ardor"
from "Paride ed Elena," Mo-
zart's "Deh vieni" from "Nozze
di Figaro," Pergolesi's "Stizzoso,
o mio stizzoso" from "La Serva
Miss Tassinari continues with
Mascagni's "Vio lo sapete" from
"Cavalleria Rusticanna," Bioto's
"L'altra notte in fondo al mare"
from "Mefistofele" and Tirindelli's
"Ah, Wilderness" To Feature Family Trio
"There's no business like show
business" according to the Father-
Mother-Son team of Ernest Truex.
Equity, we are the largest acting
family in the Union." This fig-
ure includes three sons, two
ain...n4*c.., %and .nw anht.c
own opinion of the theatre, and
on everything in general.
"I am the least stage-struck'
. mamnhr f my amilv'Mfr. " 'Trn
to Truex because of the oppor-
tunity it gave him to get away
from the farces, the hen-pecked
huhnn droles. which have been
child star doesn't intend to carry
his education into college like his
older brothers. "We'll see," his
mother nut in.