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May 07, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-07

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4



'M' Sluggers
Find Range,
Rip Ilini,8-3
Baker, Bucholz
Pace Wolverines
One big inning was all Michi-
gan's baseball team needed to send
a hard hitting Illinois nine down
to defeat yesterday, 8-3.
The Wolverines tallied four
times in the second frame, enough
to win the game, but added three
more in the fourth and a single
run in the eighth for good meas-
Rankin went all the way with a
fine pitching performance to earn
his first Conference victory of the
1949 season.
Although he yielded ten hits
to the Illini, Rankin was tight in
the clutches and except for a
short spell in the Illinois third,
he had the situation well in
* * *
Wolverine attack with three of
Michigan's eight hits and Bill
Bucholz pounded out a three run
homer for the Maize and Blue.
Leading off in the big second
frame, Jack McDonald drew a
base on balls and then romped
to third on Hal Morrill's single
to right. Morrill stole second and
McDonald was safe at home
when the catcher dropped the
return throw.
Bob Wolff kept the rajy going
waiting out Illinois hurer Stan
Feldman for a walk. Wolff stole
second as Hal Raymond went
down swinging and when the
throw to third trying to knock
Morrill off base got away from
Hank Anderssohn both came
down to second on Baker's second
hit of the day. Both runners
moved up a base when Feldman
couldn't get the ball across to
Bucholz and walked him. Feldman
continued wild and uncorked a
wild pitch to let Rankin come
In the fourth, Raymond
worked Feldman for a walk.
Rankin went down swinging,
but Baker fired a single into
center, Raymond moving to sec-
Bucholz then took hold of one
of Feldman's fastballs and sent it
past the left fielder for a long
home run, making it 7-3 for the
THE MAIZE and Blue added
their last run in the eighth on an
infield single by Wolff and a long
double by Rankin.
All of Illinois' runs came in
the third inning, when the Il-
lini batters got to Rankin for
four straight hits.
Feldman started things off with
a single to left center. Glen Tru-
gillo moved him along with a hit
through the box into center and
both scored a moment later on
Herb Plews' triple. Plews come
home on a single by Anderssohn
past third base.
Again Rankin settled down and
induced Russ Steger to fly out and
then got Neal to ground into a
double play, Wolff, Bucholz'to Mc-

The two teams meet again this
afternoon at 2:00 with Bob Hicks
being sent to the mound for the
Wolverines. He will be opposed by
either Horace Tangman or Wil-
liam Lukitsch for Illinois.

Faculty Supports
The Senate's new $300,000,000 federal aid-to-education bill re-
ceived enthusiastic support from three faculty members of the School
of Education here yesterday.
They hailed the measure as a step toward the equalization of
educational opportunity in the U.S.
* * * *
THE BILL, WHICH would authorize $300,000,000 to be appropri-
ated annually to help the states meet school expenses was passed
by a resounding 58 to 15 majority in the Senate.

Martha Cook
Denies Bias
Charges of bias in the admission
policy of Martha Cook Building
towards Negro and foreign stu-
dents were flatly denied by Mrs.
Leona B. Diekema, house social
Meanwhile, plans for the in-
vestigation of the University's ad-
mission policy were brought to-
ward completion at the Committee
to End Discrimination meeting
"WOMEN ARE accepted at
Martha Cook on a basis of being
able to maintain substantial schol-
arship and the contribution they
will be able to make to the dormi-
tory," she said. "There is no rac-
ial or religious consideration what-
soever in our admissions."
Passed at the CED session was
a new by-law to the group's
constitution which reads, "Any
decision of the CED shall com-
mit the member organization
to the extent that the delegate
has been empowered by prev-
ious instruction of subsequent
Mrs. Diekema stated that in
recent years, there have been four
Negro women residents and one
or two foreign students living there
all the time.
"THE BULK OF foreign women
are graduate students, and this is
an undergraduate house. Also, I
received not a single application
from Negro women since the last
one lived here in 1945."
"Our policy is to keep the
dormitory as democratic as pos-
sible, befitting a state univer-
sity," she commented.
The CED plans to elect of-
ficers at its next meeting to be
held at 4 p.m. Friday in the
- *
man emphasized that the organi-
zation is in no way connected with
the Student Legislature committee
which is also investigating dis-
Rechtman said that the two
groups have recently been con-
fused with each other.
Tornado Hits
Texas Town
Two Killed as Wind
Cuts 12-Mile Swath
LUBBOCK, Tex.-(/P)--At least
two persons were killed and sev-
eral were reported injured yester-
day when a tornado struck the
north edge of Sundown, Texas, 45
miles west of here. Sundown is a
small oil field community.
The tornado cut a 12-mile
swath southeast of Dalhart in the
rich wheatlands of the Texas pan-
handle. Hail fell and was estimat-
ed to have ruined from five to 55
per cent of the wheat in places.
At least eight homes were de-
molished, a Church of Christ and
parsonage blown away and "num-
erous other buildings heavily dam-
* * *
Brownfield said all ambulances in
that town had been requested by

Sundown authorities. Members of
the Brownfield National Guard
also were called to Sundown.
The National Guard from Le-
velfand, Red Cross units from
Lubbock, and other aid was
rushed to the scene.
Severe winds and storms have
hben renorted in the west plains

It will now be passed on to the
House where a similiar measure
was pigeon-holed last year.
However, informed sources in
Washington are optimistic over
the bill's chances of passage in the
lower chamber this year, .accord-
ing to Dean James B. Edmonson
of the education school who has
recently returned from Washing-
* * *
ing recognized in the bill," Dean
Edmonson went on to note.'
By providing for larger per
pupil allotments to the poorer
states the measure is intended
to equalize educational oppor-
tunities, he pointed out.
"For instance, the State of
Michigan will contribute about
four dollars for every dollar it re-
ceives under this system."
* * *
"THIS IS a SOUND principle
for inadequate educational pro-
grams in any state work directly to
the detriment of the general wel-
Prof. Irving H. Anderson also
agreed that federal aid to edu-
cation was desirable if there
were adequate safe-guards
against federal control of edu-
"The present bill provides these
WHAT DID HE think about
charges from some quarters that
the education measure is "socialis-
tic"? "Then so are the post office
and national highway system,"
Prof. Anderson replied.
"Federal aid to education is
not interference but assistance,"
agreed Prof. William C. Trow.
As for charges that the bill was
"socialistic," he pointed out that
it is a generally accepted principle
now that those who have more
money pay a larger share of the
cost of public services.
I World News
(By The Associated Press)
States and Britain combined forces
yesterday for a spectacular coun-
ter-blow against Russia's efforts
to "jam" their broadcasts to the
Soviet Union.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The job out-
look for the next few months is
relativley good, the government
said yesterday. But it added
that total employment this
summer is expected to be "well
below" last year's peak of 61,-
PARIS - European countries
must show "accelerated progress"
in mutual cooperation under the
EuropeanrRecovery Program, W.
Averill Harriman said yesterday.
BOGOTA, Colombia - Presi-
dent Mariano Ospina Perz faced
a government crisis today with
the resignation of both liberal
and conservative members of his
coalition cabinet. Six conserva-
tive ministers resigned last night
and five liberals today.
* * *M
NEW YORK-St. Louis Commu-
nists were taught that the atom
bomb would be dropped on Amer-
ican workers if it were necessary
to preserve capitalism, an FBI un-
dercover aide testified yesterday.
"What do you think President
Truman has got these 4,000,000
soldiers for? To keep the workers
down," he said.

Germans Get
Greater Self
Japs Get Limited
Voice in Affairs
By The Associated Press
Allied forces yesterday moved
to further self-government in the
two principal occupied countries,
Germany and Japan.
At Bonn, German political lead-
ers approved the draft constitu-
tion for a West German govern-
ment, while Berlin transport
workers prepared to take over the
physical lifting of the blockade on
Meanwhile, the U.S. State De-
partment proposed giving the Jap-
anese government more power
over its international relations as
a step toward restoring Japan
eventually to the family of na-
* * *
IN A FORMAL policy declara-
tion the State Department said
that if Japan is given limited re-
sponsibilities in several interna-
tional fields it would speed the de-
feated country's economic recov-
ery and help prepare it for the
end of the occupation.
The specific fields suggested
included trade promotion, citi-
zenship and property problems,
cultural relations, and techni-
cal and scientific arrangements
and exchanges.
The only remaining formality in
the enactment of the Bonn consti-
tution is the third reading set for
* * *
THE VOTE WAS 47 to two,.with
15 delegates abstaining, mostly on
the grounds the constitution does
not provide sufficient "States
The Communists had argue..
that lifting the Russian block-
ade of Berlin, set for next week,
called for forming an 'All-Ger-
man" government, including the
Soviet zone, instead of estab-
lishing only a western state.
The western counter blockade of
the Soviet zone of Germany is to
end at the same time as the Ber-
lin blockade under the agreement
of Russia, the United States, Bri-
tain and France announced yes-
* * *
COMPLEX technical problems
are involved. American inform-
ants said the military government
merely have outlined to the Ger-
mans the policy to be followed.
German experts are to coordin-
ate the East-West traffic and
work out the necessary railway,
barge and highway schedules.
The informants said four-
power talks will not be neces-
sary unless some unexpected
quirk develops.
However, officials in Washing-
ton indicated they expect Russia
to propose the withdrawal of all
occupation troops from Germany
during the coming Paris talks.
R* *R
THIS WOULD BE a difficult
issue for the western powers. If
the Russians advance such a plan
and the West rejects it outright,
German Communists will have a
trump propaganda card to play
in their struggle for leadership
throughout Germany.
Cloudy Skies
Drop 'Mercury

Relief is in sight for roasting
students as weather forecasters
predicted cloudy and cooler today
with temperatures ranging in the
Those heading for a few days
vacation in this area can count on
a rainless weekend, according to
the U.S. Weather Bureau at
Willow Run.
The mercury rose to a high of
92 degrees in mid-afternoon; mak-
ing yesterday what promised to be
the climax of the recent heat
wave. This was three degrees above
yesterday's high of 89.

I Striking Ford Workers Picket Plant

FORD WORKERS ON STRIKE-A few of the thousands of striking UAW-CIO Ford Motor Co.
workers stand idly around the gates of the River Rouge plant in Detroit. The strike which began
on May 5, over an alleged speed-up, entered its third day with 65,000 out of work. No agreement
could be reached by company and union negotiators.

Chinese Reds Maneuver
For Attack on Shanghai

SHANGHAI - (W) -Communist
troops, backed by artillery, rushed
toward Shanghai from the south-
west yesterday.
While the Communists seemed
to mean business on this front,
about 50 miles from nervous
Shanghai, it still was difficult to
tell whether they were starting a
drive to capture the city.
Cress Named
To Head Local
Phoenix Drive,
Earl H. Cress, '20, was appoint-
ed regional director for the
Phoenix Project fund raising drive
by National Drive Chairman Ches-
ter H. Lang Thursday.
Cress, former Daily advertising
manager and past president of the
Ann Arbor University of Michigan
Club, is president of a local trust
* * *
THE LOCAL fund-raising drive
is part of a nationwide campaign
to raise six and a half million dol-
lars to finance the Phoenix Proj-
ect, a memorial to University peo-
ple who lost their lives in World
War II. The project will be devot-
ed to research in peacetime uses
of atomic energy.
The local region consists of
Washtenaw, Monroe and Lena-
wee Counties.
Cress will formally assume his
post at a public meeting 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Lecture Hall,
at which details of the scope of the
project will be revealed to the pub-
lic for the first time.
THE MEETING will feature
talks by President Alexander G.
Ruthven, Assistant Provost John
Perkins and National Fund Drive
Chairman Lang.
In addition a panel of Uni-
versity faculty members will
discuss various phases of the
project whose plans were made
public for the first time last
Ralph A. Sawyer, dean of the
graduate school, will head the
panel discussion. Other members
include Prof. William Haber of the
economics department, E. Blythe
Stasson, dean 'of the law school,
Dr. Fred J. Hodges, chairman of
the roentgenology department and
Prof. Robley C. Williams, of the
physics department.
President Ruthven will officially
open the meeting, Assistant Pro-
vost Perkins will explain the proj -
ect's history, meaning and the sig-
nificance of the Phoenix symbol
and Lang will give details ofthe
national fund raising campaign.1

THEY WERE ALSO attacking
due west of Shanghai.
Far to the southwest, other
Communist troops cut across the
last East-West railway in nation-
alist China.
They were menacing Nan-
chang, sprawling capital of Ki-
angsi province. Dispatches to
two Shanghai papers said Nan-
chang was in a state of siege.
Most shops were closed, the gov-
ernment's central bank was sus-
pended, and bus traffic was
Nanchang is halfway from
Shanghai to Canton, the provis-
ional capital of south China. It
guards the southeast flank of
Hankow, the big fortified city of
central China.
(Red troops so far have been
reported no closed than 52 miles
from the city.)
* * *
ON THE SHANGHAI front, the
fate of the key city of Kashing
was in doubt.
The Shanghai garrison ad-
mitted the loss of Pingwang, 17
miles norwest of Kashing. It
said 5,000 Reds seized the city
in an advance covered by an
artillery barrage.
A group of newsmen who
reached a point near Kashing re-
ported on their return that the
Nationalists had blown all high-
way bridges from Kashing to a
ferry point on the Whangpoo
I to the north. They had to aban-
don their automobile, wade rivers,
and walk the nearly 50 miles back
to Shanghai.
launched an attack only a mile
from Kunshan, which is 35 miles
due west of Shankhai.
Thursday Set
As Smith Day
Next Thursday will be "Shirley
Smith Day in Ann Arbor' by pro-
clamation yesterday of Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr.
That day, Shirley W. Smith,
vice-president emeritus of the
University and former city coun-
cilman, will become the first auth-
or ever to be honored at a Holly-
wood premiere.
And George J. Burke, Sr., local
attorney, will present Smith with
an "Oscar" during the stage cere-
Hollywood writer Valentine Da-
vies, '27, who wrote the movie
version of Smtih's storyhafter he
discovered it three years ago in
the Michigan Alumni Quarterly,
will be here for the premiere, ac-
cording to Gerald Hoag, manager
of the Michigan Theatre where
the movie will be shown.

p * * *
Most People
In Dark Over
Strike at Ford
Production Schedules
Are Cause of Dispute
DETROIT-(1P)-Probably not
more than 2,500 people know ex-
actly what the 65,000-man Ford
Motor Company strike is all about.
Millions, of others know only
that it's something tod o about
"speed-up," a most intangible
* * *
MOST BIG strikes in the past
have dealt with wage increases,
union recognition and the like-
something the public is better able
to pass judgment on.
Theargument centers on the
Ford assembly line in the
Rouge plant's "B" building.
There, about 2,500 employes
slap wheels, fenders, engines,
bodies and hundreds of other
parts on a bare auto frame as
it moves down the line toward
And herein lies the crux of the
* * *
THE UAW says Ford should
schedule its production so that if
something happens along the way
-through no fault of the workers
themselves-they shouldn't have
to make up for lost time.
To accomplish a competitive
advantage over the rest of the
industry, Union President
charged, workers have been
forced to work five to ten per
cent above normal for the in-
Ford doesn't deny that workers
are required to make up for cer-
tain slip-ups-human or mechan-
ical-when they cause only a little
loss of time.
that it has hired enough man-
power to handle such emergencies.
It says it actually had better than
a 11 per cent surplus of employes
on the Ford assembly line at the
time of the walkout.
When the strike came, the
company said, schedules called
for 346 finisheduFords a day to
come from the "B" building.
*But because future schedules
called for 360 a day, Ford added.
enough employes had been put on
to turn out 378 without overwork-
ing them.
A strike of the 2,500-odd Ford
assembly workers probably would
have tied up only part of the
Rouge plant and possibly a few
So the entire plant was struck,
under the UAW's strategy, to sup-
port the complaint of the few.
Two Injured
In Car Crash
A head-on collision at the cor-
ners of South State and Packard
Streets at 8:30 last night resulted
in slight body injuries to Harold
Feldman, 27, student, and Mrs.-
Irma Schaeberle, 58, Ann Arbor
housewife, and a ten minute traf-
fic tie-up.
Feldman, who suffered minor
chin bruises, claimed he was driv-

Ford Issues
Firin Order
For Unionists
Shutdown Hurts
Other Industries
DETROIT--(R)-The Ford Mo-
tor Company, shut down by a
strike of its 60,000 production
workers, announced today the fir-
ing of 14 unionists.
The discharges, stemming from
wildcat walkouts preceding the
general strike yesterday, were con-
firmed by the company. They in-
cluded four CIO United Auto
Workers committeemen. Among
them was chairman Mike Donnel-
ly of the union's unit in the "B"
building, center of the "speed-up"
AT JACKSON the strike was
beginning to hit other Ford sup-
pliers. The Ryerson and Haynes
Co. announced that it will lay
off 150 employes, 75 per cent of
its working force. A total of 31
Jackson concerns have Ford-re-
lated production.
Also affected was the Benton
Harbor area, where the Auto
Specialties Manufacturing Co.,
makers of automotive castings,
said that its Riverside plant
here would shut down with ap-
proximately 604 employes af-
Picket captains at Ford mean-
while sought to organize their
forces for a possible long strike.
They developed a system to per-
mit certain white collar workers
to pass through the gates.
FOID HAS SAID that virtually
all its 106,000 production workers
would be idled within two to nine
days by the shutdown of the key
Rouge plant. So far, however, no
other plant closings or layoffs
have been announced.
Neither Ford nor the union has
made a move yet to renew peace
talks, broken off within minutes
after the walkout.
Meanwhile Mayor Orville L.
Hubbard of Dearborn invited the
Ford Motor Company a~nd the
UAW-CIO to nieet with him Ma
12 to make a "supreme civic ef-
fort" to get 65,000 Ford employes
back to work.
U.S. Officials
]deny Building
Russian Charges
Challenged in UN
United States denied yesterday a
Russian and Polish charge that
Americans are building air and
military bases in Spain.
It was the shortest and strongest
statement of American policy on
Spain made so far in the United
Nations assembly in the three
years Generalissimo Franco has
been an issue before the UN.
gate, told the 58-nation political
committee of the UN Assembly
"Despite assertians to the con-
trary we have no military alliance
with Spain, we have given no mili-
tary assistance to Spain, no mili-
tary or naval missions are main-

tained in Spain. The United States
has no air bases anywhere on
Spanish territory. We have made
no overtures towards bringing
Spain into the United Nations or
into the European Recovery Pro-
gram or the North Atlantic treaty.
Spanish participation in such co-
operative projects is a matter of
determination by all participants
and not by the United States
Atherton's reply was short and
snappy in contrast to the 40-
minute blast yesterday by An-
drei A. Gromyko, Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister, and by Juliusz
Katz-Suchy of Poland, Thurs-
Gromyko said Americans are
trying to take over mercury and
uranium mines in Spain "in line'
with their desire to take over all
raw materials in the world con-
nected with the production of
atomic energy."
A NETWORK of airfields is be-
ing built in Spain, the Russian

Trugillo, cf -.
Plews, 2b ...
Anderssohn, 3b

Steger, lb .....
Neal, if .....
Kopka, rf ....
Skizas, ss ......
Simoneti, ss
Gugala, c ..
Ballantine, c
Feldman, p ..
Plain, p.....
* *Possehl

....4 1
. .. ..4 0
.....4 0
. .. ..4 0
. . .. .3 0
.....1 0
.. ..2 1
. . ...1 0



Coordination Aids Philadelphia Symphony

One of the main reasons for the
fame of the Philadelphia Sym-
phony is their ability to work so

The orchestra will also play Mo-
zart's Symphony No. 40 in G
At 8:30 n.m. the orchestra will

Schmidt, whose job requires
some practical group and indi-
vidual psychology, describes
himself as a "liaison officer"

tant in the quality of the music,
he declared.
Schmidt, who plays first violin
in the orchestra, explained that a

....35 3 10 24 4

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