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May 06, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-06

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Latest Deadline in the State


Q o

See Page 4



Ford Plants
Paralyzed by
Final Attempts
To Negotiate Fail
DETROIT-(A)-Half of Ford
Motor Co.'s work force went on
strike yesterday and the world's
second largest auto empire faced
complete paralysis.
Some 65,000 workers thronged
out of the Detroit plants sharply
on the noon deadline.
tic last-minute negotiations be-
tween the Company and the CIO
United Auto Workers broke off
abruptly. No further meetings were
The union charged that Ford
was running assembly lines too
fast at its big Rouge plant and
the Lincoln-Mercury factory.
The company denied the speed-
up charge, and said the strike
violated the Ford contract with
the UAW.
A Ford spokesman said the
walkout would tie up operations
in Ford's 47 other plants around
the world within about a week.
This would hit a total of 106,000
production workers and a small
number of other employes.
Effects would also spiral out to
3,500 smaller firms supplying parts
to Ford, the Company said.
* * *
AS WORKERS streamed from
the plants into the sweltering
noontime heat, there was none of
the disorder which marked the
UA W's first and only other major
strike at Ford. That was the bloody
10-day battle for recognition in
President Walter Reuther, of
the UAW, said yesterday's
strike, first big one in the auto
industry since the Chrysler
walkout a year ago, would not
interfere with forthcoming con-
tract negotiations.
But many observers failed to
see how it could help but have
some effect if it lasts. Contract 1
bargaining at Ford is due to start'
May 16.
PICKET LINES formed at both
Rouge and Lincoln plants right on
the deadline. Sound trucks blared
Speed of production has been
an issue since late last year at the
Rouge plant, where UAW Local
600 represents 62,000 workers.
International officers of the un-
ion made repeated efforts to head
off a strike, but the local forced
their hand Tuesday by calling one
Atlantic Pact
Is Defective
Says Leonard
The Atlantic Pact was branded
last night as defective historically,
psycholgy and militarily by
David Leonard, a teaching fellow
in the history department.
Speaking before a meeting of
the Young Progressives, Leonard
said, although the pact is labeled
as "peaceful in intent," such mili-
tary pacts had never before in his-
tory brought peace.
* * *
falls down, as Leonard saw it, in
the fact that it creates suspicion.

"It's quite possible that we can
work outselves into such a state of
mind that we will shoot by mis-
take," he said.
Our military aid to a Russia-
attacked Europe would be to
little avail either, Leonard be-
He said that he was not certain
that Europe can be defended suc-
cessfully from such an attack. He
cited France as an example of the
way in which Western European
countries are split internally,
thus weakening their defensive
Complaint Voiced
On Discrimination
Only one student raised a
charge of discrimination in Uni-
versity housing at the initial hear-
ing of the Student Legislature's
discrimination committee yester-
A statement was submitted pro-

'U' Budget Cut May Be Reduced

-Daily-Alex Lmnanian
CONES ON CAMPUS-With temperatures roaring to springtime
highs, Chuck Cornwell, '50, and his wife, Ginny, take time out
from studies for a traditional Spring dip-of lee cream.
* *k **
Weather Bureau Says
heat Wave W Contue


The heat wave will continue to-
day with no relief expected by the
weather bureau for at least an-
other twenty-four hours.
But as far as the University is
concerned, the heat went off yes-
terday afternoon when Plant Serv-
ice employes completed the day-
and-a-half job of cutting off hot
air tunnels leading into campus
HOWEVER, the main heating
tunnel from the power plant will
not be closed down until after
commencement, according to
Clarence Walker, foreman of the
plumbing and heating depart-
Since it takes about three days
to start the main line up again,
Walker said that it -couldn't be
turned off because of the dan-
ger of a sudden cold spell.
Whether the main line is on or
not, Walker added, it would have
no effect on the temperature of a
building since the heating pipes
leading into the building from the
main line have been blocked off. I
Most of the University's radia-
tors are thermostatically con-
trolled and are automatically
turned off anyway, in the advent
of a warm spell, Walker concluded.
* * *
MEANWHILE, the U.S. Weather
Bureau at Willow Run reported
yesterday as the hotest day of the
year so far with an 89 degree high
at 3:30 p.m. This was two degrees
higher than the previous day's
record of 87 degrees.
MSC .Paper
To CloseShop
State News, MSC student daily,
will suspend publication June 1
because of severe financial diffi-
culties according to Manager
David Rood.
In addition to returning a newly
acquired photo-electric engraver
to the manufacturer, News editors
must cut payrolls approximately
90 per cent and slash off campus
Rood said that the financial
troubles stemmed mainly from low
advertising rates, which the paper
hopes to raise next year.

Weather bureau forecasters
said that there might be a pos-
sibility of scattered showers this
afternoon, but predicted no re-
lief for this area until tomor-
A spot check of local stores re-
ported that sales of ice cream,
soda, and salt tablets were still
SL Decides
Men's Judie
Decisions Final
Student Legislature last night
decided, that. four students dis-
qualified in the elections by Men's
Judiciary Council could not ap-
peal higher than the Council it-
They protested against a ruling
by Erich A. Walter, Dean of Stu-
dents, that the four students could
appeal to the University Disciplin-
ary Committee. There is no pro-
vision in the Council constitution
for an appeal.
DECISIONS regarding elections
cannot be appealed outside stu-
dent government, legislators said.
SL will send a copy of the mo-
tion to Dean Walter. However,
they agreed that Men's Judiciary
rulings on University regula-
tions could be appealed to the
Disciplinary Committee.
With no appeal, suppose a de-
fendant was personally disliked by
a Council member?
would arise over personal preju-
dice," SL President Jim Jans ex-
A motion was passed that the
campus elections in the fall be
held on Monday and Tuesday of
the ninth week of the semester.
A proposed SL Coordination
Committee with delegates from
student groups failed to pass. The
plan, sponsored by Legislator Dick
Hooker, was expected to appear at
the next session.
Members absent were: Ken Bot-
tle, Jim Brown, Hugh Greenberg,
Jody Johnson, Bill Moll, Dee Ol-

Put Measure
Before House
For~ Aproa
State Expenses
To Be Subsidized
ate last night passed a bill author-
izing federal grants of $300,000,-
000 a year to help the states pay
teachers' salaries and other school
operating expenses and it will
send it to the House.
Passage came after the Senate
slapped down a series of major
amendments. Two of them brought
in the question of chrurch and
state relations dealing with
* * *
ments rejected was one by Sen-
ator Donnell (Rep., Mo.) to limit
the bill's funds to public schools.
It was snowed under 71 to 3,
Earlier, Senators rejected by N
voice vote an amendment ofW
Senator McMahon (Dem., s
Conn.). It provided that any of
the Federal funds used by a
state for school bus service must
be available to all children,
whether they attend parochial
or public schools. The bill leaves
this question for the states to
The declared purpose of the bill
is to aid in financing a minimum L
education program in elementary crus
and secondary schools, and to re- ual
duce inequalities of education op- tack
portunities. NSA
* * * reti
(ANN ARBOR High. School H
Principal Nicholas Schreiber said
last night that he favored the bill
because "it would lift the level of V)
education throughout the nation."
"However, Michigan taxpayers h
would pay out far more than
they would receive in benefits,"
Schreiber admitted.) A.
Michigan would be entitled to
receive approximately $6,235,000 TI
under the federal aid to education law
bill, according to figures compiled favo
by the Senate Committee on labor ciat
and public welfare. F
* * * exe
ALLOTMENTS are based on an- said
nual income payments in each den
state and the number of school- con
age children. sen

-Daily-Wally Barth
EW UNION OFFICERS-William L. Wise, '50BAd., newly elected Union president shakes hands
ith Robert W. Holland, '49BAd., retiring president. Robert Seeber, '50BAd. (left) is the new
ecretary-treasurer. He will take over the duties of Keith Jordan '49Ed. (third from left.)





tolland Blasts SL, Daily,
SA in Retiring Speech

World News
SHANGHAI- Chinese Commu-
nists yesterday were reported surg-
ing into their old mountain strong-
hold of Southeast China some 300
miles southwest of Shanghai.
This report came as other Red
columns far to the west menaced
the lifelines of Hankow, central
China fortress.
* * *
Vandenberg and House Speaker
Rayburn were announced yes-
terday as 1948 winners of Col-
lier's Magazine Congressional
awards for service to the na-
workers penetrated 240 feet be-
low the surface last night in their
fight to reach four miners trapped
far underground in a burning an-
thracite mine since Tuesday night.
The five-man rescue crew, head-
ed by Charles Jones of Girard-
ville, reported tests showed no
smoke or carbon monoxide on the
first level.
NEW YORK-Alger Hiss was
replaced as president of the Car-
negie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace yesterday - at his
own request.
LONDON-Representatives of 10
Western nations signed yesterday


ashing out at "bureaucrats,
saders and misguided individ-
s," Bob Holland, '49 BAd., at-
ked the Student Legislature,
A and The Daily in a speech as
ring Union president last night.
[e charged that "the Legisla-
ote Ratifies
law School
hree hundred and fifty-two
students voted last night in
or of the Law School Asso-
ion constitution.
. Bourne Upham, III, '51L,
cutive committee chairman,
d that 391 of the 941 law stu-
ts had cast ballots and that the
stitution would be immediately
t to the Student Affairs Com-
tee for approval.
VEMBERSHIP in the associa-
n will include all persons reg-
red for any course or courses
the Law School.
Legislative unit of the gov-
nment will be an Executive
ommittee composed of one
presentative from each of the
ree classes, chairmen of the
ve Activities Committees and
e President of the Law Club
xecutive Council.
'he Executive Committee will
responsible for correlation of
w School activities, formulating
icy, and managing the Associa-
* * *
'EMPORARY chairmen of the
e Activities Committees ap-
rnted by the 12-man Initiating
mmittee are Upham, Orienta-
n and Curriculum; William
yder, '49L, Lecture-Social; Rob-
Shadd, '50L, Publications; John
gg, '49L, Legal Aid; William
mkes, '49L, Case Clubs.
?ermanent chairmen and rep-
entatives from each of the
ee Law School classes will be
sen through election.

ture has fallen victim to an ele-
ment on campus which has seized
power to promote ultra-liberal-
come the football of groups "eas-
ily swayed by the glamour of pub-
licity and the intense desire to
champion ideas which gnaw at the
foundations of the American way
of life," he said.
"One of the agencies of the
so-called liberals has been the
National Students Association,"
Holland continued. "The efforts
of this organization have been
confined merely to national poli-
tics and minority groups of agi-
tators and have relegated the
practical interests of students to
a very limited and subjugated
He advised that N.S.A. be
dropped immediately "as a step
toward honest and sincere student
THE PRESENT state of affairs
can be blamed in part on The
Daily, Holland declared. It has
gone hand in hand with the lead-
ership of the Legislature, he said.
"The Daily has gone over-
board for sensational journal-
ism of the most vicious kind."
Holland maintained that the be-
lief that the recent election was a
vote of confidence to the present
officers of the legislature is "ab-
The Student Affairs Committee,
he said, has been foiled by the
aims and objectives of this ele-
ment. "There are some members
of that committee who are part of
the mentioned element.
"The resulting editorials con-
cerning recent action are direct
insults to the integrity of student
members of the committee who
voted against the proposals of the
* * *
THE RETIRING president
closed by warning the new officers
"to be aware of what is going on
around you. Fight any usurpation
of your powers by the Legislature
as it stands."

Union Names
New Officers
At Ceremony
Wise, Seeber Assume
Positions,_Keys Given
William L. Wise, '50BAd. and
Robert P. Seeber, '50BAd. are the
new president and secretary-treas-
urer of the Union, it was an-
nounced in a ceremony at the Un-
ion last night.
Wise and Seeber will take over
the duties of Robert W. Holland,
'49BAd., retiring president, and
Robert Kieth Jordan, '49ED; re-
tiring secretary-treasurer.
ministered the inaugural oath to
the new officers.
Silver and gold keys were
awarded to 29 staff men for
"outstanding service to the Un-
Board of Directors' keys went to
E. Gaines Davis, Thaddeus H. Joos,
Leo J. Romzick, Merlin C. Townley,
Nicholas Muhlenberg, William
Reitzer, and Harry C. Carver.
* * *
ELEVEN members of the Execu-
tive Council were awarded gold
council keys. They are: Richard C.
Allen, Dale S. Coenen, C. Richard
Foote, James O. Kistler, John A.
Lindquist, Robert L. Perrin, Sam-
uel S. Sargeant, Robert P. Seeber,
Richard D. Slocum, William L.
Wise and Frank L. Zagelmeyer.
Staff keys were awarded to
Frank G. Butorac, Daniel Elya-
char, Robert E. Greager, David H.
Marlin, David Michael, William
Peterson, Edward Reifel. Robert
Waldon, Harvey L. Weiner, Rich-
ard Wetzel and Ronald L. Modlin.
Judic Uncovers No
Fraud in BAd Vote
The Men's Judiciary Committee
decided yesterday that they had
received insufficient evidence to
substantiate an alleged fraud in
polling at the Business Adminis-
tration Building during the recent
Student Legislature elections.
The fraud charge was brought
by Althea Woods, '49.

House Group-
Finance Bill
Officials Request
Increased Funds
University officials returned
from a Lansing hearing yesterday
with prospects for "some adjust-
ments" in a threatened $1,500,000
appropriations slash.
Members of the House Ways and
Means Committee told five Uni-
versity delegates that the Com-
mittee plans to reassess its budget
proposals early next month.
* * *
"WE MAY BE able to make
some adjustments then," said
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin, chairman of
subcommittee in charge of the
University bill.
Final plea to save the Univer-
sity's requested operating budget
was made by President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven, who requested
the protest hearing; Vice-Pres-
dent Marvin L Niehuss, Regents
Roscoe O. Bonisteel and Otto
Eckert and Controller Wilbur K.
They asked that the whole ap-
propriation be edged upwards 'to-
ward the budget recommendation.
"WE ARE HOPEFUL that the
committee will find a way to meet
the requirements," Vice-President
Niehuss commented last night fol-
lowing the hearing.
The University originally re-
quested $12,500,00 for the tt
fiscal year. The governor's
budget office recommended $11,-
800,000 and the Ways and Means
Committee cut that to $10,986,
The increased budget would
have financed salary raises and
the hiring of 73 new faculty mem-
Chairman John P. Espie asked
Vice-President Niehuss- how the
University had handled its pro-
test to the committee's cut.
Niehuss said the protest had
been made through regular chan-
nels to the budget office.
"In other words, you had
enough sense not to protest
through the newspapers," Espie
Espie was referring to his dis-
pleasure with public protests of
Michigan State College officials.
Tighter State
Asks Power Over
Vet Center, Institute
The state should control both
the Veterans' Readjustment Cen-
ter and the University Neuro-psy-
chiatric Institute, State Legislator
Harry Phillips said yesterday.
This would mean the state
would control the facilities which
it now finances but has little real
control over, he said.
* * *
Ways and Means Committee sub-
committee on mental health, Phil-
lips declined to approve further
operating grants for the Center

under the current set-up.
Meanwhile the center received
praise yesterday from Larry La-
Lone, administrator of the Vet-
erans' Trust Fund financing the
He told veteran patients the
hospital is "a wonderful thing."
Arriving here from Lansing, La-
Lone and an assistant were con-
ducted on an inspection tour of
the Center. He later conferred
ith n ffnnc, TM ,h'rah i, n

Soprano Shirley Russell
Thrives on Hot Weather


Premature summer may be
slowing down students, but Shir-
ley Russell, soprano who will make
her Ann Arbor debut in the sec-
ond May Festival concert at 8:30
p.m. today, says she thrives on
warm weather.
"The more heat, the better I
sing," she declared yesterday.
* * *
MISS RUSSELL, who just re-

Veethoven's Overture to "Prome-
theus" and Concerto No. 3 for
Piano and Orchestra, featuring
Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist, Thor
Johnson will conduct the Phila-
delphia Orchestra.
. Miss Russell will sing again
Sunday afternoon in the world
premiere of Gomer's "Gloria in
Excelsis," a work which she de-

Seniors To Proceed With Cruise Plans


Reports that an encouraging
number of graduating seniors are
interested have induced President
Va1 Johnson to ao ahead with

dents necessary to make the trip a
reality would sign up.
He said that seniors desiring
to take the cruise would be asked
fnra ~ - ..m,.,.YE WPs-dn~av

"This is an excellent oppor-
tunity for groups to get to-
gether," Johnson emphasized
pointing out the low cost of

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