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May 05, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-05

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Latest Deadline in the State

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I - i

U Delegation
Attempts To
Save Bud oet
Officers To Plead
In Lansing Today
A delegation of University offi-
cials will face the House Ways
and Means Committee today in a
final attempt to stave off a pro-
posed slash of more than $1,500,-
000 in the University's requested
oeratng budget for the next fis-
cal year.
The hearing, scheduled for 9:30
a.m., was granted by the com-
mittee after President Ruthven re-
quested such a meeting Tuesday.
* * *
mittee will be President Ruthven,
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss,
Controller Wilbur K. Pierpont and
possibly Regent Roscoe 0. Boni-
The Ways and Means Com-
mittee last week recommended
that the University's request for
$12,500,000 be cut to $10,986,315.
The bill appeared briefly on the
House floor but was referred
back to committee for further
University officials had asked
the increased budget to finance
salary raises and the hiring of 73
new faculty members.
EARLIER last month, Presi-
dent Ruthven revealed that 428
new faculty members are needed
to reach a desirable ratio between
students and teachers. Now there
are 18 students for every instruc-
tor while the ratio in 1930 was
13 to 1.
He also pointed out that other
colleges have been attempting to
raid the University faculty by
luring top men away with higher
salaries. In the last two years 23
faculty men have been offered
deanships or department head-
ships in other colleges.
Most of the faculty members
turned down the offers because of
their desire to remain at the Uni-
versity and the promise that they
would be taken care of financially
COMMENTING on the budget
slash proposed by the Ways and
Means Committee, President
Ruthven said, "higher education
is a phase of state service which
reproduces wealth, thereby creat-
ing income for all other services."
"Why," he asked, "should higher
education be the lone major public
service which is required to op-
erate on lower appropriations per
capita than was the case ten or
twenty years ago?"
Peace Hinges
On Signing f
Says Senators Must
Approve Atlantic Pact
Foster Dulles told Senators in
effect yesterday that the decision
for war or peace is in their hands.
Dulles, American delegate to1
the United .Nations, testified to
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee that "war is highly
probable" if the United StatesE
does not ratify the North Atlan-

tic security treaty.
* * *
UNDER THE constitution,
treaties must be ratified by the
Senate before they become effec-
Dulles reasoned that failure
of the United States to ratify
the pact would be regarded by
some of the other 11 signing
nations as a repudiation of the
American attitude toward mu-
tual defense, causing them to
change their plans.
"Out of that would come a
war," he asserted.
HE DID NOT specify what na-
tions he thought would revise
their security precautions in the
event the United States failed to
ratify the treaty. His assertions
grew out of a discussion with Sen-
ator Hickenlooper (R..Iowa), who
had asked him if he thought war
Dulles, a Republican, and Will
Clayton, Texas cotton man who
used to be Undersecretary of
State, added their voices today to

Ann Arbor Host
To BigPremiere
Hollywood in all its neon-lighted glory will take over Ann Arbor,
Thursday, May 12.
This university town will be the scene of the world's premiere of a
motion picture honoring the author, Shirley W. Smith, Vice President
Emeritus of the University.
* * * *
THE FIRST SHOWING of "It Happens Every Spring" based on
a story by Smith will mark the first Hollywood premiere to honor any
author, according to Gerry Hoag, manager of the Michigan Theatre.
The movie is billed at the Michigan where it will run for a week after
* * * Qhe premiere performance.

None of the movie's stars, Ray
Milland, Paul Douglas, or Jean
Peters will be here for the pre-
miere so it will be Smith's show
all the way.
The theatre has asked him to
immortalize the occasion in true
Hollywood fashion, by setting his
foot in a block of concrete. The
block will be preserved to mark the
site of "the world's first author's
premiere," Hoag said.
* ' *

MOVIE Newsreel will be
hand to record the occasion
celluloid, according to Hoag.



Pr aisesP
By Students
"Humanity has shown some
good signs of behavior in the past
few years in helping the DP's to
find new homes," Prof. Manfred
C. Vernon of the political science
department told a UNESCO Coun-
cil's forum on displaced persons.
'American students are doing
an important thing in helping DP
students to a new home in the
United States," he commented.
THERE WERE 8 million dis-
placed persons in the assembly
camps of Germany and Austria at
the close of ihe war, second panel
member Prof. William Haber of
the economics department re-
vealed, and one-eighth of them
couldn't return to their native
They were what Dean Mary
C. Bromage, associate dean of
women, and first panel member,
called "irrepatriables"-persons
who could not go home for fear
of political or religious persecu-
Reviewing his experience in
touring the European DP camps,
Prof. Haber stated that the million
stateless DP's managed to estab-
lish a kind of home within their
"THEY GOVERNED themselves,
set up schools and vocational
training programs and married."
Prof. Haber noted that in their
attempt to give some meaning to
life, the DP's "achieved the, high-
est birth rate in Europe."
During the past four years, ap-
proximately 90 per cent of the
DP's have been resettled, princi-
pally in Israel, Australia and Can-
ada, Prof. Haber said.
The U.S. only recently provided
for special DP admission into this
TWO OF THE seven DP stu-
dents here on campus, Felix Miel-
zynski and Jurate Gustaitis, con-
cluded the discussion expressing
their thankfulness at the gener-
osity of the American people.
The panel, co-sponsored by the
Committee for Displaced Students,
was part of the International Co-
operation Week program.

'It Happens Every Spring" is
the movie version of a story
written by Smith more than 25
years ago for a faculty meeting.
Smith's tale, 'The Sprightly Ad-
venture of Professor Simpson,"
was forgotten until it was pub-
lished three years ago in the
Michigan Alumni Quarterly.
Hollywood writer, Valentine
Davies, a University graduate, read
the story in the Alumni magazine
and made arrangements with
Smith to adapt his story for the
* * *
THE ORIGINAL story is the tale
of a chemistry instructor who dis-
covered a formula which made
baseballs temporarily repell wood.
Instructor Simpson then rose to
great heights as a baseball pitcher
and eventually became an associ-
ate professor.
Rogers Asks
Of Edu cation
Need of Democracy,
Lecturer Declares
The American public must be
brought to a fuller understanding
of the importance of better educa-
tion, Virgil M. Rogers, superin-
tendent of schools in Battle Creek,
told an education school audience
last night.
This is a project with which the
National Education Association is
perpetually concerned, he said.
* * *
HE WENT ON to describe the
activities of the Commission
for the Defense of Democracy
Through Education-one of the
sub-committees of the NEA di-
rected toward the goal of better
This committee, of which
Rogers is vice-chairman, works
for educational conditions which
are essential for the perpetua-
tion of our democracy, he said.
In this line it is called upon to
defend teachers, schools and the
cause of education against unjust
attacks and to investigate charges
involving educational*institutions
and their staffs, he said.
"AMERICAN schools are sub-
jected to all sorts of pressure
groups whose influence must be
withstood if education is to re-
main truly democratic," Rogers
Not only are there numerous
well-meaning groups who wish to
advance certain narrow points of
view through the educational sys-
tem but often political corruption
threatens the very existence of real
education, he declared.

House Tables
Wood Bill by
Narrow Vote
Reversal Hailed-
By Democrats
Labor Bill to re-enact most of the
Taft-Hartley Law was junked yes-
terday as the House sent it back
to committee by the hair's breadth
margin of 212 to 209.
This surprise reversal of yester-
day's vote by which the House ac-
cepted the bill, 217 to 203, was
hailed by Truman Democrats as a
tactical victory. It gave them more
time to reform their ranks and try
again to repeal major features of
the T-H Law.
* * *
BUT ALL SIDES recognized
that the victory was tactical only.
It left the Taft-Hartley Act, bit-
terly denounced by President Tru-
man and labor unions, still on
the statute books.
On the Senate side today,
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) in-
troduced a bill to "retain the
best features of the Taft-Hart-
ley Law." He said it would pre-
serve 22 important provisions
while making 28 changes.
Among the changes: In case of
a "national emergency" strike, the
President could ask Congress for
special legislation to deal with
it, or he could ask a court to au-
thorize a 60-day injunction or
seizure of the struck facilities.
The Taft-Hartley Law provides
for 80-day injunctions but has no
provisions for seizure.
* * *
TAFT WAS joined in offering
the bill by Senators Donnell (Rep.,
Mo.) and H. Alexander Smith
(Rep., N.J.).
Yesterday's tense vote in the
House was the climax of two
months of maneuvering and bit-
ter fighting.
The Administration had pro-
duced a bill, known as the Thom-
as-Lesinski measure, to repeal
Taft-Hartley Act and revive the
New Deal Wagner Act with some
* * * .
DECIDING THAT this measure
had no chance in the House,
Speaker Rayburn produced a com-
promise yesterday. This would
have retained some major fea-
tures of the Taft-Hartley Act,
notably the 80 day injunctions to
stall (fU "national emergency"
The House rejected even this
compromise yesterday. Then it
approved the Wood bill, sponsor-
ed by Rep. Wood (D-Ga.) and
backed by a strong coalition of
Northern Republican and South-
ern Democrats.
IWorld News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
States and Britain are pointing
for a showdown with three Com-
munists Balkan countries charged
with violating their peace treaties
by suppressing "human rights and
fundamental freedoms.
SEOUL - The Korean army
said today It had repulsed a
force from Communist-con-
trolled North Korea which
crossed the border into the Re-
public of Korea yesterday.

States Chamber of Commerce de-
nounced last night "any form of
government-controlled economy,"
including the Administration's
new Farm Program. It also urged
Congress to retain most of the
controversial features of the Taft-
Hartley Act.
* * *
HANOVER, Germany - Ten
German policemen who for two
years served as guards for British
homes here, were sentenced to jail
terms by a Control Commission
Court yesterday. They were con-
victed of 90 robberies of the homes
they were guarding.




____ 0

-Daily-Don Howe
HEAD ENGINEERING COUNCIL-Bill Gripman, newly-elected
president of the group, is at the left. Next to him is Norm
Steere, vice-president. At the top of the picture is Dick Allen,
treasurer, while Arlene Lange, secretary, is seen below him.
,. * * *
Enginee Council Elects
Bill Griprnan President

Bill Gripman, '50E, was elected
president of the Engineering
Council at its meeting last night.
Also elected to the Council's
executive board were Norm Steere,
'51E, vice-president; Arlene Lange,
'52E, secretary, and Dick Allen,
'50E, treasurer.
* * *
GRIPMAN, a junior mechanical
engineering student, is also chair-
man of the culture and educa-
tional committee of the Student
Legislature. As chairman of the
SL's student experts program last
fall, he was instrumental in ex-
'panding the program into the en-
gineering college. Bill was also
chairman of the mechanical engi-
neering display at the recent en-
gineering open house.
The new president plans to
increase publicity on the activi-
ties of the Engineering Council
and Engineering Honor Council.
He aims to improve the engi-
neering college's freshman men-
tor system.
Inspection of new instructors by
faculty members is another goal
Gripman will work for, and he also
hopes to promote a power tool
craft shop for students.
* * *
GRIPMAN PLANS to make in-
dustrial management his career.
A member of the regular NROTC,
he lives at the Phi Gamma Delta
Norm Steere has served on the
Engineering Council for one se-
mester, representing the stu-
dent chapter of the American
Society of Civil Engineers. He
was recently elected president
SL To Probe
Student Legislature will begin
hearing charges of discrimination
in University housing at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rm. 3 K, L. M. in the
SL vice president John Ryder
asked anyone who has any charges
or complaints about bias in Uni-
versity housing to appear before
the committee. Further sessions
will be held on Friday and next
Reports of possible discrimina-
tion will be compared by the com-
mittee with the policies of the par-
ticular unit. The committee has
reports from all units on their
policies. Any significant differ-
ences will be reported to Univer-
sity officials, according to Ryder.

_ __ _ ___



of Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speaking society.
Arlene Lange, only feminine
member of the Engineering Coun-
cil, is a freshman student in aero-
nautical engineering, while Dick
Allen is a junior industrial-me-
chanical engineering student.
* *.*
FOLLOWING election of offi-
cers, the Council voted to set up a
three-man committee, which will
draft an amendment designed to
make the Engineering Honor
Council more representative of all
departments in the college. This
council administers the college's
honor system. The amendment will
be presented for consideration at
a future meeting of the Engineer-
ing Council.
State Control
Proposed for
Vets' Center
A proposal that the state take
over the Veteran's Readjustment
Center and Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute, will be made to University
officials today by Rep. Harry
Phillips (R-Port Huron).
The Center, although state-
built and financed, is University
staffed. The Institute is part of
the University. Phillips' argument
is that with both institutions un-
der admiinstration of the state
mental health program, econo-
mies could be effected.
* * *
HE ADMITTED, however, that
at present the state has very lit-
tle control over the Center or the
Further appropriations under
the present set-up will be de-
nied, Phillips added. He is
chairman of the House Ways
and Means Committee subcom-
mittee on mental health.
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner,
chairman of the University psy-
chiatry department, is pessimistic
about the future of the Center if
the requested $250,000 appropria-
tion is turned down.
* * *
AT PRESENT the Center has
38 in-patients and 700 out-pa-
tients, for whom Dr. Waggoner
said it would be difficult to pro-
vide treatment at other institu-
tions. He revealed that a survey
of 110 former patients showed
that 86 percent of them had been
successfully rehabilitated.

Will Confer;



A total of $3,420.77 jingled
into Tag Day buckets yesterday
in the annual University Fresh
Air Camp drive. This total does
not include some group contri-
butions which are still out-
standing. Additional individual
or group donations should be
sent to Office of the Social
Director, Michigan League. ..
Reactions to
New Rents
Plan Vary
Quite a few landlords, eager to
take advantage of a 30 per cent
net income increase by raising
rents, yesterday queried Ann Ar-
bor's rent control office for more
details, according to William W.
Hamilton, local rent representa-
They asked for new Washington
petition blanks, on which they are
required to list individual operat-
ing expenses for the past year, he
* * *
"THEY WILL AID many land-
lords to secure a fair net operat-
ing income-many should find
they're doing better than they
thought," he added.
Hamilton noted that tenants
now have the right of protest,
as a result of the Federal rent
control law passed April 1.
"Formerly they had no such
right," he said.
Students here are not too en-
thusiastic about the new rent for-
mula, according to Walt Hansen,
newly elected AIM president.
dangerous, because Ann Arbor is
strictly a seller's market," he de-
Ralph Sosin, Student Legis-
lature and Inter-Quad Council
member, felt that "student room
rates now far exceed what they
should, and students I have
talked with are against any
present rent increase."
Quizzed at her home, Mrs. Viola
Jacob, landlady, thought that
many of her fellow renters are
operating at slight losses, but that
she herself doesn't wish to charge
higher rents. "I'm perfectly sat-
isfied," she said.
But Mrs. Fred Lampman, who
operates a student rooming house
on Catherine St., said the for-
mula "seems logical."
"I think it should be enforced,
that everything will ultimately
work out satisfactorily," she add-
Greet Wallace
IfnPhil adelphia
By The Associated Press
Wallace was greeted by a group
of students reading the Wall
Street Journal as he brought his
campaign against the North At-
lantic pact to the University of
Pennsylvania campus yesterday.
As the former Vice President
got up to speak before students
and faculty members, a group of
students pulled the papers out of
their pockets and held them aloft.
* * *
"I'M GLAD TO see the interest
in reading manifested on my
right," Wallace commented, "and

I'm glad to see they are reading
the Wall Street Journal because
it gravely questions the Atlantic
About midway of his speech, a
half-dozen members of the group
stamped noisily from the hall.
"I'm sorry to see that the dis-
cussion is getting too warm for
certain gentlemen and that they
can't take it," Wallace said.
Leaders of the group referred to
themselves as "the young reac-

Germany To
Be Discussed
By Ministers
Parley Will Meet
May 23 ini Paris
NEW YORK - 0P) - Soviet
Russia and the Western Powers
agreed yesterday to end the Ber-
lin blockades May 12 and to dis-
cuss currency and other German
issues at a council of foreign min-
isters meeting in Paris May 23.
These decisions were reported
in official and unofficial quarters
here after envoys of the Soviet
Union, France, Britain, and the
United States met behind closed
doors for an hour and a half.
* * *
THE DATES were not official-
ly announced but a source in
touch with the situation said they
were agreed upon and will be an-
nounced in a communique from
the four-power capitals at 8 a.m.
The British were said to have
urged the Russians to end their
blockade May 9, with the west-
ern powers lifting their coun-
ter-blockade at the same time.
The Russians, who originally
wanted a date in June, replied
they could not do so because
there was not enough time to
notify their local commanders.
So May 12 finally was agreed
The conference of the four pow-
er envoys was the first time all
four powers had met on the prob-
lem since their ambassadors fail-
ed to find an answer last summer,
* * *
THE BRITISH report listing
the dates was received here just
before the meeting began. On the
strength of that good news, the
New York stock market had its
biggest lift in the past month,
some prices going up $3 per share.
Porter McKeever, American
press officer, issued a statement
on behalf of all four powers.
It said:
"It can be said specifically that
agreement has been reached and
that all restrictions imposed on
Germany which have been the
subject of conversations will be
mutually lifted.
AFTER AN interval a meeting
of the council of foreign ministers
will be held. The council of for-
eign ministers will consider ques-
tions relating to Germany and
problems arising out of the situa-
tion in Berlin, including also the
question of currency."
The Berlin blockade finally was
put on by the Russians last June
19. The Western Powers' quickly
retaliated with a counter-block-
ade and with the airlift. The air-
lift has cost about 50 American
and British lives and more than
$150,000,000 from the U.S. treas-
'U,' Weather
Combine To
Make It Hot
Students sweated out the year's
highest temperature and humid-
ity yesterday, helped by the Uni-
versity's heating system, which
was still in operation.
U.S. weather forecasters at Wil-

low Run reported a temperature
of 87 degrees, highest for any
May 4 in the last three years. No
relief was expected by the bureau
which anticipated a high of 88
ALTHOUGH the University has
begun its annual heat-turning-off
project, at last reports yesterday
the job was not completed. Many
professors, not altogether altru-
istically, adjourned classes out-
doors. The Diag was crowded


All Wagner Program

To Open May Festival


uses and the Philadelphia Sym-

An all Wagner program will


But choruses are much more
complicated than an orchestra

Tonight's all Wagner program
will include Prelude to "Parsi-

and Entrance of the Masters from
"Die Meistersinger."

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