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May 04, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-04

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WDNESDAt, MAY 4, 1949

Student Cause

TODAY IS TAG DAY for the University
Fresh Air Camp.
The student-composed Tag Day Com-
mittee hopes to raise 5,000 dollars for this
traditional student project. In .fact they
have pledged this sum to the 1949 budget
of the camp.
This is merely carrying on the spirit
of something which began 29 years ago
largely as a student function. Since the
first two-week outing with tents and straw
mattresses in 1921, the camp has come a
long way.
Now it is situated on a 300-acre plot on
a chain of seven lakes near Ann Arbor.
There were many lean years between that
first camping trip and the 26-building lay-
out of today.
Students were in a large part responsible
for the continued operation of the camp.
Not only did they make up the counselor
staff but their contributions along with
those of faculty, alumni and friends in the
C urrent Movies
At the State , ..
Pedro Armendariz, and Harry Carey, Jr.
A HEAVY-FOOTED Christmas story set
on the Arizona desert, this misadventure
is a little too dry for comfort.
We see three bank robbers fleeing from
the sheriff across an exceedingly arid stretch
of desert. They encounter an expectant
mother inexplicably housed in a sand-bound
prairie schooner. An amazingly hardy little
boy is miraculously delivered, and the three
bandits are named Godfathers by the dying
The remaining footage, and there's a
lot of it, is devoted to the efforts of the
thirsty and repentant outlaws-who have
now been revealed as modern counterparts
of The Three Wisemen-to follow a star
to Jerusalem, Ariz. (Really).
Only one outlaw and the baby-who sus-
tains several severe falls on the rough ter-
rain-succeed in reaching the town. Judge
Guy Kibbee appears briefly to award the
outlaw a soft sentence, and a Young Lovely
is provided to write him letters during his
abbreviated sentence in the Yuma clink.
Still, it is only fair to make several ad-
missions: the technicolor photography is
quite excellent, the brilliance of John Ford's
direction occasionally shows through the
drab plot, and the early part of the picture
exhibits much-promise, albeit largely unful-
Once again we have seen the result of
Hollywood's prime weakness-the inability
to discover and/or recognize dramatic ma-
terial worthy of the medium. Undoubted
technical supremacy and a wealth of
production talent obviously can accomplish
little without correspondingly excellent
This picture marks no progress in the
right direction.
-Bob White.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Third Purge
ANTI-SEMITIC sentiment has taken firm
hold of another Old World nation-not
Germany this time, but Russia.
The Soviet opinion that Jews have no
place in the function of a country's govern-

ment, that they speak too many languages,
that they have overly binding family rela-
tionships, has resulted in many Jews' re-
moval from office in Russia recently. In
addition, a Jewish newspaper and a Jewish
anti-fascist political committee have been
dissolved in Moscow.
Soviet leaders attempt to justify their dis-
criminatory stand through a theory that all
Jews are "internationalists," and "bour-
No matter how the Russians try to ex-
plain their actions, their totalitarian atti-
tude itself seems more than enough to
mark this new move as something no less
than racial discrimination in its cruellest
sense. Sharp digs from Soviet officials to-
ward "homeless people without kith or
kin" ostensibly are aimed at Jews.
In the 1920's Russia inaugurated her first
anti-Semitic movement, at which time
prominent Jewish office-holders were ex-
pelled. Even today only one major Soviet
government position is held by a Jew-L.M.
Kaganovitch, a former friend of Premier
Hitler and the Naxi Party were to blame
for the second full-scale purge of the Jewish
Now Russian men-behind-the-gun appear
to feel that Jews should be driven from their
land once and for all. Several correspond-
ents, among them C. L. Sulzberger of the
N.Y. Times Foreign Service, on the Soviet

annual bucket drives were the only regular
financial aid that the camp could bank
on for many years.
The Fresh Air Camp has long been a
pioneer in the field of juvenile behavioral
correction. It is believed that the camp was
the first such project to be established in
the country.
The 230 boys who are accommodated
each summer are recommended by various
social agencies from the Detroit metro-
politan area. Not only are these young-
sters on the road to becoming delinquency
problems but they generally come from
unhappy environmental situation.
Many of them are saved from a perma-
nently maladjusted existence through the
treatment and careful observation which
they receive at the Fresh Air Camp.
College students often feel that they are
unfairly imposed upon when charity drives
are concerned. They seem to be considered
fair marks for almost anyone who can dig
up a worthy cause and a bucket.
The Fresh Air Camp, however, is dif-
ferent. It has been, and always should be,
primarily a student project. In the past
year or so many steps have been taken
toward identifying the student more close-
ly with the camp. It is rapidly becoming a
major recreation center for student week-
end excursions.
It would be rather too bad if a vast stu-
dent body can not manage somehow to drop
$5,000 dollars in the buckets today for a
cause in which they have been directly in-
volved for so long.
-Dave Thomas.

FOUR STUDENT candidates disqualified
by the Men's Judiciary Council are ap-
pealin'g the decision-a letter from one of
them appears in The Daily today.
The letter-writer makes out a strong case.
The facts as he has stated them agree with
the evidence presented to the Judiciary
But, while our sympathy is with this
candidate, our conviction is with the
Council. We hope the appeals of these dis-
qualified candidates are not upheld.
For the candidate is always the scapegoat.
If he is beaten, it's his fault; and if there is
fraud, he suffers.
There are good reasons why this should be
so. If the candidate for whom the dishonest
voter has cast his ballots is allowed in office,
that voter will have achieved his end.
This would encourage dishonest voting,
and discourage the thousands of voters who
honestly cast their ballots for candidates
only to see them defeated.
And, in this particular case, the Men's
Judiciary Council has not been able to
find out who stuffed the ballot box. But
it has satisfied itself that members of
the Delta Upsilon fraternity acted as a
group to fraudulently elect the candidates
from that fraternity.
It is for the fraternity, and not for the
Men's Judiciary Council, to explain to the
disqualified candidates why they are denied
-Phil Dawson.

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Letters to the Editor-


"Teach me one o' them 'race preducices,' Uncle Louie.
Every kid on th' street's got one but me."

Chna--To Vews

Matter of Fact
TOKYO-Here ni Tokyo, with its curiously
American surface atmosphere, the events
in China seem almost as distant and im-
probable as they must in the comfortable
United States. Yet, according to those best
equipped to know, what is happening on
the Asiatic mainland has a simple meaning
for Japan.
If the Communists' drive south in Asia
is not somehow halted, there is only one
probable result. In the course of time,
Japan will add her vital industrial poten-
tial to the Kremlin's vast Asiatic empire.
There are all sorts of reasons-political,
psychological, historic-why this is so. But
the most obvious reasons are economic. To
reach some understanding of what a Com-
munist China and Southeast Asia would
mean to Japan, it is necessary to examine
some of the hard facts of Japan's postwar
economic position..
One hard fact is that with a population
of eighty million there are already too many
Japanese in Japan. And according to Amer-
ican experts, if the present rate of popula-
tion growth continues, there will be more
than one hundred million Japanese by 1975
-perhaps one hundred and fifteen million.
There is only one practical answer to this
almost cancerous population growth. That
is birth control. Curiously enough, Japan
is perhaps the only country in the world
which has consciously limited its popula-
tion in the past. In the long period of isola-
tion, Japanese midwives were important gov-
ernment servants, and they had the grue-
some task of strangling the excess popula-
tion at birth.
Yet, even if less horrible and more
practical methods of controlling Japan's
population growth are adopted (as Jap-
anese Premier Yoshida has Just pro-
posed)-Japan's economic problem is not
solved. It merely becomes soluble. For al-
though every square foot of Japan's arable
earth, even ni the great cities, is tended
like a garden, the earth cannot feed more
than about two-thirds of Japan's eighty
million people.
The conclusion is obvious. Japan's trade
with its natural trading area in China and
Southeast Asia must be even heavier than
it was in the imperial past. Japan must get
food for its people and raw materials for
its industries. In return, Japan must send
finished goods, from locomotives to textiles,
to North China, Korea, Indo-China, Siam,
Malaya, Burma, Indonesia, and elsewhere in
Asia. There is no other way, except perma-
nent economic dependence on the United
The political meaning of these economic
facts may be summed up in one sentence.
People can do without locomotives and
even without textiles, but they cannot do
without food.
It is nonsense to suppose that a non-
Communist Japan could hold out indefi-
nitely, alone in a Communist Far East, ex-
cept as a permanent colony of the United
States. And although the occupation has
thus far been serene, transforming Japan
into a colony is unthinkable. Ultimately,
the United States would face a fiercer re-
sistance in nationalist, homogeneous Japan
than even the British faced in India.
No nation, to paraphrase Donne, is an
island unto itself. Of no nation is this
more true than of hungry, crowded Japan.
Difficult as it is sometimes to believe,

I'd Rather Be Right
HEAR A LOT OF PEOPLE saying, rather
frequently, that Nationalist China's
cause is our cause-and suddenly I wonder
if it is. Nationalist China has asked for what
it is getting. We have not. We have run
a pretty decent show here, socially and po-
litically. And the results are plain to see;
the Communization of America is neither a
prospect nor an issue.
I can understand why the taking of
power by the Communists in China should
be irksome to capitalist America. So it
must be; this country cannot like it.
But the complete emotional identification
of Chiang's cause with our own, as if we,
in person, had been defeated, along with
him, is something different. To treat all
this as if it were a failure for us, as if we
were the flops, as if what is happening in
China is somehow an historical judgment
on us, is to borrow agony and humiliation
that are not our own. Awkward and incon-
venient it may be, but there is no need for
us to merge ourselves, emotionally, with Na-
tionalist China's failure, and by doing so
to obscure our own comparative social suc-
And I think it is time to call attention
to the disservice that is done to the Amer-
ican dream by those frantic souls who treat,
as our own failure, the collapse of any so-
cially blind ruler who has, perhaps for
decades, been acting in a way bound to
fuel an ultimate uprising.
We're not going down wtih Chiang,
because we're not like Chiang. The change
that is taking place in China is a grave
matter, but I resent the kind of emotional
identification which pictures the thing
that is happening there as if it were hap-
pening to us, as the result of acts or
omissions on our part.
How smart should we or could we have
been, to make up for a generation of mis-
rule? It is fantastic to believe that a coun-
try can be oppressed and badly governed,
for decade after decade, until its people
are starved and rendered indifferent-and
that then we can blithely come along with a
regiment and prevent the natural culmina-
tion of that sort of story. This amounts to
saying that we can make a fool of history,
whenever we please, and anywhere in the
world, with a shipload of munitions. ,
I don't like seeing Nationalist China's fail-
ure scored as our failure, because it isn't,
and I don't like seeing us settle into emo-'
tional glue on account of it, because we
have in no way earned that kind of self-
denunciation. Ours, fantastic as that may
seem to the gloomy ones, is a success story
-and there is a real danger that we may
forget our own success, and the rules for
that success, in the identification we too
casually establish between ourselves and
some of the dreary failures of this world.
Maybe we regret seeing them go down, espe-
cially before Communism, but that is still no
reason for deciding that we are they and
they are us, and that what is happening to
them is happening to us.
I don't know what kind of ultimate so-
cial success we can hope to win by allying
ourselves, emotionally, with social failure.
For if this is the kind of world in which
whole generations of social injustices and
inadequacy can be made up for with a
couple of gunboats, then this is truly an

(Continued from Page 3)
trip 4 p.m. today, Hill Auditorium,
East driveway.
Honors in Liberal Arts: Applica-
cations are now being received for
entrance into the College Honors
Program in Honors in Liberal Arts.
The course is open to juniors with
a B standing or better who wish to
complete a concentration program
in an interdepartmental course of
study. The two-year program be-
ginning September is a course in
Politics and Ethics. A small group
of students will study with a tutor,
and will meet regularly as a group
and in individual conferences with
the tutor. Students wishing to ap-
ply for the program should con-
sult Dean Peake, or Professor
Dodge (17 Angell Hall), or Pro-
fessor Arthos (2222 Angell Hall)
before May 15.
The Graduate Aptitude Exami-
nation will be offered Wed., May 4,
at 6:45 p.m., Rackham Building,
for graduate students who have
not previously taken this exami-
nation or the Graduate Record
Students should purchase exam-
ination tickets in the Cashier's of-
fice and present the Recorder's
stub to the Examiner at the time
of the examination as evidence
that the $2 examination fee has
been paid.
Veterans may have a requisition
approved in the office of the
Graduate School before going to
the Cashier's office for the exami-
nation fee ticket.
Political Science 52: Hour ex-
amination Wed., May 4, 10:00 a.m.
Mr. Eldersveld's and Mr. Vernon's
sections in Room 25 Angell Hall;
Mr. Abbott's and Mr. Bretton's
sections in Room 231 Angell Hall.
Examination Schedule, College
of Literature, Science and the
Arts: Correction to first sentence
of Note. Note: For courses having
both lectures and recitations, the
time of class is the time of the
first lecture period of the week;
for courses having recitations only,
the time of class is the time of the
first recitation period.
Eng. Mech. 2a Make-Up Experi-
ments: Any of the experiments
covered during the first five weeks
may be made up on Thursday,
May 5, between 3 and 6 p.m. in
Room 102, West Engineering. All
of the other experiments may be
made up on Friday, May 6, be-
tween 3 and 6 p.m. in Room 102,
West Engineering. This notice
does not supersede any previous
arrangements made between indi-
vidual instructors and their
Bacteriology Seminar, Thurs-
day, May 5th, 8:30 a.m. in Room
1520 E. Medical Building. Speaker:
P. C. Rajam. Subject: Some As-
pects of Recent Investigations of
Bacterial Viruses.
Geometry Seminar: Changed to
2 p.m., Wednesday, 3001 Angell
Hall. Mr. D. K. Kazarinoff will
speak on Some New Aspects of
Pascal's Theorem.
Senior Honors in English: Ap-

plications are now being received
for entrance into the Senior Hon-
ors Course offered by the Depart-
ment of English Language and
Literature. The course is open to
students who have demonstrated
superior aptitude for and excep-
tional interest in the study of Eng-
lish literature. It is conducted as a
seminar; each student is assigned
to a Tutor, and will be expected to
complete a large amount of inde-
pendent reading. Applications
should be addressed to the English
Honors Committee, and should
consist of a brief statement as to
why the applicant wishes to pur-
sue the course as well as a resume
of his qualifications. An up-to-
date blue-print should accompany
all applications, which may be
turned in to any member of the
Committee (Messers Ogden, Mue-
schke, and Litzenberg, Chairman),
or to the English Office. The clos-
ing date is noon, Saturday, May
7th. Students who apply will be
notified of an appointment for
personal interview by the Commit-
William J. Mayo Lecture, aus-
pices of the Medical School, will be
given by Dr. Howard K. Gray, of
the Mayo Clinic, at 1:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, May 4, in the Univer-
sity Hospital Amphitheatre, on
the subject "Surgical Treatment
of Duodenal Ulcers and Gastric
Mr. Armin Elmendorf of El-
mendorf Research, Inc., Chicago,
will speak on "Some Problems of
the Forest Products Industries" on
May 4, at 10 o'clock in the East
Lecture Room of the Horace H.
Rackham Building. Opportunity
will be given for questions and
conferences. All furniture students
are expected to attend; others,
particularly those following the
Wood Technology Curriculum,
who are interested, are welcome.
Education Lecture Series: "The
Aims and Program of the National
Commission on the Defense of De-
mocracy through Education" by
Virgil M. Rogers, Superintendent
of Schools, Battle Creek, Mich., 7
p.m. Wed., May 4. University High
School Auditorium. Public invited.
Carillon Recitals: Instead of the
usual Thursday and Sunday pro-
grams, Professor Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play a
half-hour program before each of
the May Festival concerts. His
regular recitals scheduled for 7:15
Thursday evening and 2:15 Sun-
day a fternoon will be resumed be-
ginning May 12.
School of Music Programs: After
May 3 and until further notice,
School of Music programs origi-
nally scheduled for the Hussey
Room of the Michigan League will
be presented in Kellogg Audito-
rium in the Dental Building,
through the courtesy of the School
of Dentistry.
Events Today
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: Committee will join with
Council for UNESCO in presenting

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in god
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Election Fraud * .
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is directed to the
242 voters who supported Tom
Sparrow for StudenteLegislature.
To you I wish to extend my sin-
cere thanks for your votes, and
sincere apologies for the fact that
because of the action of some mis-
guided, unknown person, I have
been refused entrance to SL.
It seems to me a pity that the
will of 242 people should be sac-
rificed because of the finding of
only two ballots stuffed together,
both obviously cast by the same
person. If the race for SL seats
had been so close that those two
ballots would have made an ap-
preciable difference in the out-
come, I could not object to being
refused my seat. But, between the
last man and me there was a
gap of nearly 40 votes, enough
so that the two votes could not
possibly have affected the elec-
tion outcome.
I conducted my campaign hon-
orably, at great expense of time
and energy, and was in no way
involved in or ever heard of any
shady dealings, as has been ad-
mitted by the Men's Judiciary
Council report. I wish to thank
the Men's Judiciary Council for
the time and effort they have
spen on this case, despite the fact
that I am dissatisfied with the
outcome of their decision.
I do not condone such fraud.
The guilty party should be found,
but I see no reason why I should
be made the scapegoat of this
scandalous episode. Therefore, I
am appealing my case to the Uni-
versity Disciplinary Committee for
further consideration.
Lastly, I wish to extend my
heartiest thanks to that be-
nighted person who so graciously
D.P. Student program, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
UNESCO: World Cooperation
Week program on Understanding
through Student Exchange. Speak-
ers: Dr. Haber, Dean Bromage, Dr.
Vernon, D.P. students. 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Student Legislature, for all
members, including retiring mem-
bers, the biannual party will be
held today. Buses leave the side en-
trance to Hill Auditorium at 5
p.m. instead of 7 p.m. as previous-
ly announced.
ASME-ASCE joint meeting to
be held Wednesday, May 4th, at
7:30 p.m. in the Architectural Au-
ditorium. Prof. Charles T. Olmsted
will speak on "Licenses for Pro-
fessional Engineers." Applications
will be available. Everyone is wel-
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
of all members Wednesday, May 4,
at 7:00 p.m. in 311 West Engineer-
ing Bldg.
Delta Sigma Pi: Business Meet-
ing, May 4, 7:30 p.m., 1212 Hill
Pre-Med Society: Wed., May 4,
Room 3-G, Mich. Union, 7:30 p.m.
Election of officers for next school
Coed Folk and Square Dancing

Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday,- -May 4, at WAB. Please
bring dues.
The Westminster Guild of the
First Presbyterian Church will
have an informal tea and talk, 4-6
p.m., on Wed., May 4, in the Rus-
sel parlor of the church building.
Everyone invited.
University of Michigan Dames
Book Group will meet May 4 at
8:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Charles Madden, 915 E. Huron
Women of the University Facul-
ty: There will be no weekly tea
until Wednesday, May 18th.
I.Z.F.A.: Seminar, Wed., League,
8:00 p.m., Folk Songs and Dances
of Israel. A discussion of leader-
ship techniques and their practi-
cal application. Group participa-
tion. Everybody welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
(Continued on Page 5)

wrapped up two of my ballots and
deposited them in an election box.
It is to him that I owe all my
success in student politics.
--Tom Sparrow.
* * *
SL Proposal .. .
To the Editor:
PRACTICALLY all of us agree
that the Student Legislature
should do more to coordinate stu-
dent organizations and correlate
the activities of various groups at
work on a common goal. This is
particularly important in getting
other campus groups working with
the Student Legislature on proj-
ects common to both.
But the means for achieving
this is a matter of substantial dis-
The method proposed by Bill
Miller would takerrepresentatives
from "the" seven major organiza-
tions and place them on the SL
as non-voting members. (Surpris-
ingly enough The Michigan Daily,
the organization with which we
now work the closest, is not in-
cluded in that group.)
Some of us, who feel this pro-
posal is inadequate and would de-
stroy the representative character
of the SL, have suggested alter-
natives which may be more com-
prehensive. But first, a couple of
arguments against the Miller pro-
Because its members are elected
from the campus at large, the
SL is functioning more and more
as a single unit with decreasing
emphasis on the particular pres-
sure groups of its members. It
seems inevitable that placing offi-
cial spokesmen for organizations
like AIM and IFC on the Legis-
lature will re-emphasize organiza-
tional loyalties which, in the in-
terests of the whole student body,
should not exist.
At that point do we not stop
being representative of the cam-
pus and become a playground for
pressure groups exerting social,
moral, or perhaps political influ-
ence on our members?
Bill Miller would say that the
SL can agree on which organiza-
tions should have representatives
by merely accepting his list. More
likely this plan would invoke a
continuous running battle on ad-
mitting specific organizations,
What is the answer? Dick Hook-
er, as chairman of the NSA com-
mitttee has proposed a standing
SL committee composed of three
legislators and one representative
from every campus organization
interested as a means of correlat-
ing all campus groups.
In addition I would suggest that
the SL ask all groups to appoint
one observer to sit in on all SL
meetings, and that the SL reaf-
firm an old policy of encouraging
non-legislators to present their
views of subjects of particular
concern to them.
-Tom Walsh.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen.......Associate Editos
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editox
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ...... Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editos
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .. ..Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ... Circulation MuAnager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
*The Associated Press Is exclusiri
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all otbel
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as secon'-clas mal
Subscription during the regular
school year by oarrier,$S. by mall.



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