STUDENT CAUSE See Page 4 Lwest zdinyrn Latest Deadline in the State #a344 COOLER VOL. LIX, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i I 4I' Seek 'U'Budge t H Ruthven Asks Hou'se Group For Meeting Sees Problem In Proposed Cut By JIM BROWN President Alexander G. Ruth- ven yesterday requested a State Legislative hearing on the prob- lem facing the University as the result of a threatened appropria- tion slash. STEMMING FROM a House Ways and Means subcommittee recommendation that the Univer- sity's budget be cut by $1,500,000 next year, President Ruthven's re- quest went out by wire to Ways and; Means Committee Chairman, John P. Espie. His action followed receipt of a letter from Rep. Rollo G. Con- lin, Educational Subcommittee chairman, restating the terms of his committee's recommenda- tions. The subcommittee last recom- mended an operations budget of $10,986,315 for the University, nearly a million dollars below the governor's recommer dation. EARLIER, the University had asked $12,500,000, part of which was to finance salary increases and the hiring of 73 additional faculty members "to maintain the school's academic standing." It was reported that t'onlin had sent identical letters, notn4 the possibility of "talking the problem over," with President Ruthven, President John A. Hannah of Michigan State Col- lege anld President 'Eugene P. Elliott of Michigan State Nor- mal College, all of whose insti-, tutions are affected by the rec- ommended budgetary cuts. In his request for a hearing President Ruthven stated that the University "could not possibly bal- ance its budget" on the basis of the allowance recommended. "Such a reduction would con- stitute the worst blow the Univer- sity has had in many years." he said in a statement later. " * * * MSC Students, Vets Oppose Pared Budget The State Legislature Ways and Means Committee's slash of Mich- igan State College appropriations has met strong dissent from veter- ans' organizations and students alike. THE COMMITTEE pared the College's $8,500,492 proposed budget to $7,163,254, and may ne- cessitate the suspension of sum- mer school sessions at the College, according to President John A. Hannah. The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars is- sued yesterday a joint statement that veterans would "have their education and very subsistence jeopardized by this lack of funds." John A. Sloss, chairman of the University chapter of the Ameri- can Veterans' Committee, said that veterans could work during the summertime as well as anyone else, "to throw thousands of veter- ans or any workers on to the al- ready full labor market at this time would have dangerous effects -on labor stability in the country." MSC students, too, were on the warpath. They packed the House House Approves Wood Labor Bill WASHINGTON - (k') - The Wood Bill, retaining most of the Taft-Hartley Act, was approved by the House last night on a 217 to 203 roll-call vote which dealt the Truman Administration a smash- ing defeat. Some further parliamentary maneuvering was in store before Formula for Rental Hike Affects Cityi) By DON KOTITE Washington's new rent hike for- mula will "definitely affect" Ann Arbor rooming -houses and rental units and will enable more land- lords to discover if they are op- erating at a, loss, according to William W. Hamilton, local rent control representative. The rules, announced yesterday by Housing Expediter Tighe E. Woods as part of Congress' new rent control law, assert land- lords may raise rents to bring their net operating income up to 30 per cent. * * * HAMILTON PREDICTED the formula will "help many local landlords," and that "I will prob- ably be deluged today with tenants protesting its justification." Prof. Herbert Taggart, of the business administration school, assailed the 30 per cent figure as "a little generous," but praised the formula as "fairly ingenious from the standpoint of administration. "Because of the shortage of rent housing, this rule may encourage a desirable rental unit boom," he said. Terming it a "strange sort of formula," Prof. Richard Musgrave of the economics department said the rule is bad because it fails to state definitely the "fair net op- erating income." WHAT WILL ITS effects be? "It should encourage housing im- provements, not new housing, since the latter is not under rent control jurisdiction," Prof. Mus- grave said. It will affect new housing by causing many to move into smaller quarters to avoid payment of full current costs, he added. "And the resale value of old houses will be raised, because landlords will now get more rent from them." the bill could clear the House and go to the Senate. * * * BUT A COALITION of Southern Democrats and northern Republi- cans bent on retaining the Taft- Hartley Law largely intact was jubilant. Conversely, the administration forces, which sought repeal of the T-H Law and revival of the old Wagner Act in modified form, were plunged into gloom. On the roll call test 146 Re- publicans joined 71 Democrats in voting for the Wood Bill. Vot- ing against it were 180 Demo- crats, 22 Republicans and one American-Labor. Before the roll call vote, the House had tentatively approved the Wood Bill on a non-record tally of 210 to 196. * * * PREVIOUSLY the Dixie-Re- publican coalition had chalked up an important preliminary victory when the House knocked down, 211 to 183, a compromise put for- ward by the Democratic leader- ship. Final passage of the Wood Bill was delayed by Rep. Mar- cantonlo (AL-NY). Just as the final vote was reached, he demanded that an en- grossed copy on the bill be read. This request can be made if any amendments have been adopted. Engrossment is a special print- ing process, which prints the legis- lation, as amended, in its final form. In the case of a bulky bill, as the Wood measure is, it means a delay at least overnight. Legion Joins Budget Fiht Members of the local American Legion Post last night joined the fight against the Veterans' Read- justment Center's appropriations slash by resolving to contact their individual Lansing representatives. At a meeting attended by men of the Ann Arbor Veterans' Coun- cil, local citizens and Center pa- tients, Legionnaires pledged their support to what Post Commander Roy Bird called "a definite need to continue clinic operations." Meanwhile, at the Center, sev- eral patients made plans to "put pressure" on Lewis Christman (Rep.), representative from Ann Arbor, according to Paul Parkus, one of the veteran in-patients. General Clay Resigns Post In Germany Opens Way for Civilian Officer WASHINGTON-(P)-Gen. Lu- cius D. Clay will be relieved as U.S. Military Commander in Ger- many May 15 at his own request. * * * PRESIDENT TRUMAN, mak- ing the announcement lastnight, said Clay deserves the thanks of the American people for his ex- ecution of "one of the toughest tasks and accomplishments of American history." Yesterday's development opens the way for the appointment of the first Civilian High Commis- sioner for Germany. It is an open secret that President Truman and Secre- tary of State Acheson are try- ing to persuade John J. Mc- Cloy to take that assignment. McCloy is now President of the International Bank for Recon- struction and Development-a position which carries a $30,000 a year tax-free salary. PRAISING CLAY for his han- dling of "a prodigious task of ad- ministration," Mr. Truman noted that the four-star general had repeatedly asked to be relieved from his post. Pending appointment of a Civil- ian Commissioner, Mr. Truman announced that Lt. Gen. Clarence R. Buebner and Maj. Gen. Roy P. Hays, Clay's military and military government deputies, will carry on his work. The Army said no decision has been reached about Clay's suc- cessor as military commander. There has been some talk that the job might go to Gen. Mark Clark. Dsqualified Politicos May Appeal-- Walter The University Disciplinary Committee will try the case of the four disqualified candidates after they submit written appeals, Erich A. Walter, dean of students, told The Daily yesterday. The candidates said they would prepare appeals immediately. THE FOUR candidates nomi- nation for student government posts were disqualified Saturday by the Men's Judiciary Council because ballots bearing their name had been stuffed into the engine arch ballot box during the recent elections. While the Men's Judiciary Constitution does not provide for an appeal, "The circum- stance of the case are such that the parties in question should be given an opportunity to ap- peal," Bill Reitzer, '51L, Coun- cil president, said. Disqualified were Tom Sparrow, '52E, Student Legislature mem- ber; Morgan Ramsay, 'BAd, candidate for combined schools Union vice-presidency and Roger Vogel, '51E and Jim Morse, '52E, candidates for engineering school junior and sophomore class presi- dents respectively. An Editorial... No student organization can ever again expect Uni. versity recognition if its constitution contains a discrim. inatory clause. This is the effect of yesterday's Student Affairs Committee decision. The action is the first result of several months effort on the part of student leaders in IFC, Pan Hel and the Student Legislature to determine the extent of discrimin- ation here and do something about it. All deserve credit for realizing that unreasoning prejudice can have no permanent place in a democratic community. But yesterday's action should bring hope, not con- tentment. IFC and Pan Hel have pledged themselves to a campaign of education and action against existing dis- criminatory practices. The next move is up to them. The Senior Editors. LODGE BLOC LOSES: Seniate Routs Anti-Bias Clause1in EduainBl Gains Passage b One-Vote Margin By HARRIETT FRIEDMAN A hotly-debated motion denying University recognition to any future organization which prohibits membership because of race, creed or color passed the Student Affairs Committee yesterday by a one-vote margin. The history-making vote followed two hours of testimony by in- terested campus representatives and an hour of discussion by the 13-man committee. * * Disputed Motior WASHINGTON-(NP)-Th Sen- ate yesterday snowed under an at- tempt to write an anti-segregation amendment into a 4300,000,000 school aid bill. By a vote of 65 to 16, it rejected a proposal by Senator Lodge (Rep., Mass.) to bar distribution of any of ,the federal funds to states whose public elementary and secondary schools are not open to pupils Strike Called On'Speed Up' At FordPlant By The Associated Press DETROIT-Local union officers have ordered 60,000 Ford workers to strike today. A walkout to occur at noon to- morrow was subsequently author- ized by the CIO United Auto Workers InternationalExecutive Board. Local officers did not re- veal whether they would conform to the international's later dead- line or go ahead with their own plans. The strike, scheduled for Ford's huge Pouge plant, would tie up most of the company's far-flung operations. Reason for the strike is an al- leged speed-up in assembly lines. Both the local and UAW Presi- dent Walter P. Reuther charged that Ford had speeded up the lines again yesterday. Ford has repeatedly denied a speed-up ex- isted. The Rouge strike would coin- cide with a scheduled walkout of 3,500 workers at Ford's Lincoln- Mercury plant tomorrow. An al- leged speed-up also is at issue there. Feeling has been running high among Rouge workers for a strike. Observers believed the interna- tional was forced to move quickly after the local's walkout order, to prevent a conflict within the union. "without regardI creed or national * * to race, origin." * color,' FIFTEEN Republicans voted with Lodge for his amendment. It was opposed by 48 Democrats and 17 Republicans. Opponents of the amendment said it was an effort to kill the bill; that Southern Senators would be united against any measure that would make the price of aid the abolishment of the South's separate school sys- tem for White and Negro chil- dren. Lodge denied he was trying to kill the bill. He said that "Fed- eral aid to education must not mean federal aid to segregation, and that is what will happen if we use the federal dollar as this bill contemplates." Northern Democrats and Re- publicans led the fight against Lodge's amendment while the Southerners, for the most part, kept out of the argument. Senator Humphrey (Dem., Minn.), one of the foremost ad- vocates of President Truman's "Civil Rights" Program, opposed the amendment. "As much as I detest segrega- tion, I love education more," he said, adding that he thought the Federal government ought to spend at least $1,000,000,000 a year on the schools. IT WAS the second defeat in two days for Lodge. But a vote of 68 to 11, the Senate Monday turned down his proposal to revise the aid formula so as to giverthesstates a flat $10 a year for each school age child. 'Ensian Meeting Students interested in peti- tioning for 'Ensian Junior Staff positions will meet today at 4:30, in the Publications Build- ing. ORIGINALLY PASSED last month by the Student Legislature, which then recommended SAC ac- tion, the ruling sets up new cri- teria for barring groups which apply in the future with discrim- inatory clauses in their constitu- tions. It does not affect organi- zations already recognized. A second SL-sponsored mo- tion calling for filing of consti- tutions by all campus organiza- tions was passed by SAC in revised form. After affiliated students on the committee pointed to difficulties in removing secret rituals from fraternity constitutions, the mo- tion was changed to allow filing of "constitutional forms" which provide the essential information demanded for recognizing groups. TWO OTHER moves against discrimination proposed by the affiliated groups themselves were outlined during the testimony on the motions. Pan-Hellenic President Mary Stierer revealed a ruling passed by sorority presidents which re- quires all sororities to abolish discriminatory clauses. IFC Vice-President Dick Morri- son, speaking against the SL mo- tions, proposed an alternate plan used by the University of Minne- sota IFC which is educating against discrimination through social contact, discussion, noted speakers and printed leaflets. (IFC President Harold "Jake" Jacobson said last night that such a program for this campus will be brought before house presidents at next Tuesday's meeting.) * * * EIGHT STUDENTS and a fra- ternity alumnus presented testi- mony on the two SL motions be- fore the committee took action. The fraternity stand was summed up by Stan Crapo's plea for a "stay of execution," while those for the motions argued that fraternities would get more benefit than harm. Retiring IFC president Bruce Lockwood explained that the fraternity men themselves were against discrimination but "fra- ternities would like to carry this thing through themselves." * * * MORRISON ADDED that "we haven't had a clear-cut chance to solve this problem . . . dealing with traditions and prejudices which are the result of our social system." He suggested, in addition to the alternative educational program. annual progress reports to SAC on fraternities' efforts to "clean our own house." Fraternity representatives al- so argued that passing the two See SAC, Page 2 tyroup neaus Divided Over SAC Ruling. Affiliated leaders offered reluc- tant support after hearing of yes- terday's SAC action but adherents of the proposals voiced enthusias- tic approval. "We will do our best to help any group coming on campus to be- come eligible under the new rul- ing," IFC President "Jake" Jacob- son said. "A program of education and action will continue with IFC's wholehearted support." * * * "NOW THAT the ruling is passed, all groups will do all in their power to make it workable," Union President Bob Holland com- mented., He added, however, that he is "still in favor of action from within by the students concerned and still of the belief that yol can't legislate social mores." On the other side, SL presi- dent Jim Jans was "delighted to see that the SL proposal was carried out," and Harvey Weis- berg, NSA, called it a "positive contribution toward the realiza- tion of a basic democratic ob- jective-the elimination of dis- crimination." Other comments: Bruce Lockwood: "I predict that through the action of SL and over protests of the fraternities, tae New Rules 1. That every student organ- ization recognized by this Com- mittee file in the Office of Student Affairs a constitution or constitutional form which satisfies the pattern set forth in the University regulations, "Concerning Student Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline." 2. That the Committee re- fuse to recognize any future or- ganization which prohibits membership in the organiza- tion because of race, religion, or color. SAC will in the coming school year pass a resolution that will parallel the Minnesota anti-discrimination rule." (This rule sets a definite date by which time all discrimina- tion clauses must be out of con- stitutions.) * - * UNANIMOUS CHOICE: Walt Hansen Takes Over As New AIM President Walt Hansen, '50, was elected dependent Men at an AIM execu- president of the Association of In- tive council meeting last night. HANSEN was elected by a unan- imous vote of the council. He is a pre-law student, an SL member, AROUND THE LAKES: Cruise Plans Await Senior Re act iti and lives in Prescott House in East Quad. He has been on the AIM coun- cil since the fall of 1947, the or- ganization's first active year. Considering his future program, Hansen said that he would like to install an activity card system to better consolidate the organiza- tion's membership and to stimu- late more independent participa- tion in campus affairs. _ TagDay Today is Tag Day for the University Fresh Air Camp, traditional student project. Volunteer student bucket watchers will staff 36 contribu- Plans for the graduating seniors' three day cruise will be formulated if Senior Board members report enough student interest at their special meeting to be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.. President Val Johnson, who has arranged with a local travel agency to secure the S.S. North American June 5 to 7 for the sion from Detroit, through the Straits of Mackinac to Chicago and back, all for $37.40. "Train transportation from Chicago doesn't have to be in- cluded," Johnson emphasized, adding that this may be deduct- ed from the overall expense. Stressing the "rock bottom price," Johnson pointed out that manl %rinilriar,_ 41, "tha ,i'd- JOHNSON SAID that the trip would help round out the week prior to graduation and could be readily fitted in if the senior pic- nic were changed to June 9 and the parents-students tea, spon- sored by President Alexander G. Ruthven, to June 10. "We are all cognizant . . . that Mffir.hi-' a ,- rnt~ilr1 ha i, mnnt cphnol MARIAN TRAPP, SL and SAC: "Quite regrettable. I still believe that IFC and Panhel could have done the job without outside inter- ference." Pat Hannagan, Woman's Ju- diciary: "I agree with the ideal, but feel absolutely that action must some from within groups as far as existing organizations are concerned." Tom Walsh, SL: "I. am very happy we took this action for the campus. I hope through NSA and its 300 members, this can be made a national pattern." Johnson To Speak I ~ f1 II I I I