THE MICHIGAN DAILY )RATHER BE RIGHT: Modern Fantasy By SAMUEL GRAFTON HAVE BEEN reading JohnP. Marquand's "Point of No Return"-very good, and what hit me hardest in it is the long section describing the spring and summer of 1929. Mr. Marquand touches off that fantastic year very well, getting its woozy, dreamy quality down on paper-the absolute con- fidence so many had that nothing could go wrong, and the simple, childlike wonder with which the stock market crash was greeted in the fall. The odd thing is that while I was read- ing the novel, I had, at times, the feeling that it was about the present. I think I know why, too. That strange, pervasive optimism, that refuses to look at very many facts, that is relatively unperturbed by deep social problems, that builds its world on a hope, though it can't quite explain the hope-haven't we had some- think like that lately? Wasn't the election campaign of last year, with the feeling that Dewey was sure to win, that liberalism was no longer an im- portant force, that the people didn't care any more about sweeping social reforms, something like the bull market of 1929? Election Day certainly came as a kind of Black Tuesday for a number of people, and thle sense of wonder with which the voting returns were greeted was remarkably like the sense of wonder with which the great Wall Street crash was received in '29. I sense here a kind of wave-motion, a pattern of conservative over-confidence that seems to repeat itself. As I am very fond of saying, I don't think we yet under- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY STEIN stand the full meaning of Truman's "mir- aculous" election victory, and I don't think we can understand our country un- til we do. But one catches at least at the edge of the truth when one senses that the election was basically a story of con- servative over-confidence, not justified by the facts, a story of wishful thinking, a sort of fantasy. It is this which links the election with the crash of twenty years ago, and makes it part of a picture, and keeps it from being an isolated thing that just sort of happened, all by itself. And is the story finished? Or is the same curious kind of over-confidence showing. up again-as in Congress, in which one sees attempts to put one social reform after another off until some future time? The extension of social security, it is said, may have to wait until next year; compulsory health insurance is not conceded a chance; federal sharing of relief costs with the states is disregarded. Again, in this Congress dom- inated by the Republican-Southern Demo- cratic coalition, there is that same bland emergence of conservative confidence, the feeling that there is not much reality in the social problems being pressed for considera- tion, the feeling that nothing much has to be done now, just as nothing much had to be done in the summer of 1929, and not very much, it was thought, to win the elec- tion last year. And this kind of confidence is a very pervasive thing; it becomes in the end, as we have seen, the only reality for those who share in it, so that reality itself, when it finally turns up, is received with wonder and not easily recognized. But reality will turn up, and the people will have the reforms they need. Here is a pattern. It does not have to do with stocks and bonds this year, as it did twenty years ago. But now as then, it does have to do with disregard of reality, and the piling up of consequences. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) MATTER OF FACT: Tenno Mak By STEWART ALSOP TOKYO-The only really cogent objection to a fundamental change in the way we govern Japan is that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur would leave. It is a perfectly valid objection. An off-the-record talk with this curious and complex man is one of the "musts" for the visiting fireman in Tokyo, like seeing Mount Fuji. The most surprising thing about MacAr- thur is that he does not look like Mac- Arthur. It is amazing that a gold-braided hat could so transform a man's appearance. When the cap is not there, the stern-jawed, eagle-eyed MacArthur of the Sunday sup- plements is not there either. Instead, there is an elderly man with a very long head, an interesting, intensely mobile face, and a paternal, rather old-fashioned courtesy of manner. It would be easy to make fun of Mac- Arthur. Yet merely to make fun of Mac- Arthur would be to miss the whole point of the man. Certainly there is something of the ham actor in him. There is some- thing, too, of the old-fashioned politician, the kind that loved bombast for its own sake. But beneath the bad theatre and the bombast, there is shrewdness, a great if very special ability, and an intense patriotism. This patriotism, like General Charles de Gaulle's, has a curiously personal, rather archaic flavor. But it is perfectly genuine. MacArthur is certainly a man who has loved his country. And after his fashion he has served it well. He has served it well in this closing chap- ter of his career, the American occupation of Japan. Even those who are most deeply con- vinced that the occupation is now beginning to go dangerously sour, agree that MacAr- thur's peculiar personality has been the occupation's greatest intangible asset. For it has undoubtedly held a special magic for the Japanese. The country people call him "Tenno Mak," in respectful reference to one of their best loved pre-meiji rulers, and no Japanese, however privately critical of the occupation, will criticize MacArthur. In view of his political reputation at home, MacArthur's policies here provide, in fact, one of the major mysteries of the occupation. It is true that occupation policy has recently shifted scharply to the Right. But this has been largely the consequence of pressure from the United States. And it is difficult to understand how those pol- icies which have stemmed directly from MacArthur himself-land reform, civil lib- erties, Zaibatsu dissolution, the creation of a large labor movement-can have endeared MacArthur to such men as Colonel Robert R. McCormick. The fact is that a lot of hard work, enthusiasm, intelligence and even idealism have gone into the occupation. The further fact is that the occupation has been a success, as military occupations go. But it is time it went. The enthusiasm and idealism have already gone. Almost all that is left is a vast, cum- brous military bureaucracy, feeding like all bureaucracies on itself, strangling in its own red tape, continuing to function only through inertia, awakening more and more both the ridicule and the resentment of the Japanese. One wonders whether MacArthur himself has not sensed that the time has come for a change. For it is clear that what has been the climax of a remarkable career is now moving over into anticlimax, as the Army's government of Japan bogs down. It is also perfectly clear, whether one likes the man or not, that when change comes, MacArthur will be hard to*replace. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) 6 II Coo peration PRESIDENT TRUMAN finds himself in an awkward position.t Having campaigned during last fall's pres- idential race for prompt repeal of the Taft- Hartley labor law, he quite naturally wants to do all that he possibly can to live up to his campaign promise. However, in his desire to impress Con- gress with the need for prompt enact- ment of his own brand of labor legisla- tion, the President has exercised question- able judgment in his choice of persuasive methods. Mr. Truman has indicated that Demo- cratic Senators and Representatives who do not vote according to his desires on labor legislation will have ilttle to say about patronage plums. , Naturally, perennial Democratic Congress- men from the solid South rose up in anger at the President's verbal barb. Mr. Truman can hardly hope to gain. public approval from the use of such tactics. The very thought that our Congressmen should decide how to vote on the basis of the job patronage they command is dis- tasteful to the whole tradition of American political thinking. Aside from the ethical flaws in the Pres- ident's methods, their effectiveness is ex- tremely doubtful. So far, President Truman has had little more cooperation from the 81st Congress than he had from the 80th Congress, due to the rather regrettable alliance between the southern Democrats and the Repub- licans. By threatening to withhold patronage from recalcitrant Democrats, the President is rubbing salt in the wounds which his program has already opened in conserva- tive Democratic hides. He must have the cooperation of these conservative Democrats if his program is to have any success in Congress, and such activity is hardly conducive to cooperation. Moreover, the custom of "Senatorial cour- tesy," which means that the Senate will not confirm presidential appointments un- less the President secures the approval of a state's senior Senator on appointments made in that state, is likely to be invoked with embarrassing results should Mr. Tru- man carry out his threat. At a time when the welfare of the nation depends upon intelligent cooperation be- tween the President and Congress, it would seem best that the President do all possible to promote this cooperation. However, cooperation is a two-way prop- osition. Presidential tact and diplomacy are not enough-the Congress must indi- cate that it is willing to give Presidential proposals its intelligent consideration. Such an attitude on the part of Congress might well eliminate the temptation on the part of the President to resort to such drastic methods of persuasion as Mr. Tru- man has threatened to use. -Paul S. Brentlinger. Unenviable Spot THE BIGGEST DEVELOPMENT in tele- vision since its invention, Westing- house's new stratovision, awaits a decision of the Federal Communications Commission, according to George B. Saviers, Divisional Representative for the Company. Because of ft iI LookingBack 40 YEARS AGO: A meeting of the underclass tug-of-war committee took place to formulate contest rules. Provisions were made to give the lightweights of each class an opportunity to participate in special tug-of-war events. After playing one inning in a snow storm the Michigan-Notre Dame baseball game was called when the storm turned into a blizzard. 25 YEARS AGO: President Coolidge announced to White House callers his endorsement of the pro- posal that immigrants ineligible to citizen- ship be excluded from the U.S. 10 YEARS AGO: College men were severely reprimanded for going bareheaded. "Hats are generally important in a college man's wardrobe," read a heated editorial, "he sets the style for the rest of America." -From the Pages of The Daily. the vast monopolistic powers which would be given by a decision favorable to Westing- house the FCC has postponed action on the case for further study. If granted the request, Westinghouse would open a coast to coast television net- work by use of eight giant B-29's spread across the U.S. Each plane would serve a dual purpose of broadcasting programs to the adjacent area for a radius of 200 miles and relaying the program to the next plane until it reached the West Coast. Nine dif- ferent FM or television programs could be transmitted simultaneously in this manner. Elaborate tests carried out by the company have proven the idea not only feasible but practical. The FCC is in the unenviable position of having to decide whether it is better to allow this monopoly, in the interest of rapid development of television, or retain the present inferior and far more expensive method of relay by coaxial cable, in the interest of competition and free enter- prise. -Denton Fitzgerald. THE EVOLUTION of the meaning of words is a fascinating study. It mirrors social customs, attitudes and values. Take, for example, the word "bachelor." In the sense that pertains to marriage, it originally meant "a man who has not married." Then the phrase "bachelor girl" was coined, embodying the evolving attitude that women, like men, might not marry -- OLD ROCKIN' CHAIR hasn't got Louis Armstrong yet, and if we can judge by his performances at the Michigan theatre yesterday afternoon and evening, "Satchmo" is showing little signs of wear. Louis will be celebrating his 49th birth- day come July, but it seemed to be the general consensus of those who were for- tunate enough tor hear him, that he has a few good years to go. The Armstrong outfit featured four of the greatest exponents of dixieland jazz today: Louis himself, trumpet, Jack Tea- garden, trombonist, Barney Bigard, clar- inetest, and Earl "Fatha" Hines, pianist. They were accompanied by two members of the younger generation of dixie cast: bassist Arvell Shaw, and George Jenkins, a drummer formerly with the Charlie Barnet band. Velma Middleton, blues shouter and vocalist "at large", completed the parade of stars. We've nevr heard Louis play better; his solos were clean and imaginative, dis- tinguished not infrequently by his won- derful sense of humor. Big T is no longer the trombonist that he was five years ago, but the inimitable Tea- garden style rocked the audience in spite of his occasional faulty execution. The rhythm section, composed of piano, J#433