FANTASY See Page 4 Pg Latest Deadline in the State 41Iattii .' , 4 r al c FAIR, WARMER VOL. LIX, No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS U To Reveal Phoenix Data On May 10 Will Detail Scope At Public Meeting Details of the entire scope o the Phoenix Project, University "livingV War Memorial, will be re- vealed for the first time at a public meeting at 7:30 p.m., May 10 in Rackham Lecture Hall. Featured on the program will b ?resident Alexander G. Ruthven Assistant Provost John Perkin and Chester H. Lang, vice-presi- dent of the General Electric Co. national chairman of the Phoenix fund-raising campaign. IN ADDITION, a panel of Uni- versity physical and social scien- tists will discuss various phases of the Project, which will be de- voted to research in the peace- time uses of atomic energy. The purpose of the meeting is "to bring about a thorough public understanding of the Project," according to chairman Lang. Special emphasis will be placed on the role graduating seniors will play in the $6,500,000 fund-raising campaign which will be formally launched in the fall of 1950. * * * ASSISTANT PROVOST Perkins' address will be designed to explain the history of the project, its sig- nificance as a War Memorial, the symbolism of the name "Phoenix'' and the range of the research to be conducted. Lang will explain the details of the fund-raising campaign which is aimed to raise $2,000,- 000 for a research center to be located .here on campus and $4,500,000 to underwrite the re- search program. Heading the panel discussion, Dean of the Graduate School, Ralph A. Sawyer will describe the preliminary planning studies of the Project which have been made and outline briefly the techniques which will be used in the Project. PROF. WILLIAM HAER of the economics department will discuss the social and economic implica- tions of the Project, while Dean of the Law School, E. Blythe Sta- son will explain its effects on legal research and development. The effects of radio-active iso- topes on medical research will be described by Dr. Fred J. Hodges, chairman of the roentgenology de- partment, while Prof. Robley C. Williams, physics department, will outline the research projects which are planned in the physical sci- ences. Chinese Sink Six Warships Held by Reds Communists Join Guerillas at Kimen SHANGHAI-(P)-The Chinese Nationalists claimed today their air force had sunk six warships captured when the Communists took over Nanking. Meanwhile the Red radio said a Communist army column had reached Kimen, 200 miles south- west of Nanking, and linked up with Red Guerrillas operating in that area. This report seemed to confirm a Shanghai Nationalist garrison an- nouncement of April 29 that three Communist armies were driving south and southeast in that area. The armies were identified as the 14th, 15th and 16th under Gen. Chen Keng. KIMEN, 70 miles south of the Yangtze River, is 80 miles north of the railway that leads from Shanghai through Hangchow southwest to Canton, provisional government capital. The government Central News Agency earlier today said rail service southwest of Hangehow had been suspended. It later at- tributed this to exhaustion of coal supplies on that division. (Hangchow, Nationalist "escape hatch" 121 miles southwest of Shanghai, already was closely threatened by the leisurely mov- ing Reds, however. MVh f mm~r~ia ayl i" .v MORE DEMOCRACY: SAC To Consider Discrimination Bill By DICK MALOY A measure which would have far reaching effects on the future membership of campus organizations will be considered by the Stu- dent Affairs Committee today. The measure would prohibit all future campus organizations - from including discrimination clauses in their constitutions. It was ap- proved by the Student Legislature but must be ratified by the SAC be- fore going into effect. e* IT IS COUPLED WITH another measure which would require s existing campus groups to file copies of their constitutions with the -Office of Student Affairs. Editor Hits Poll Taxes As Unfair WASHINGTON-(--P)--"The mi- nority rules" in Poll Tax states, a House witness said today, be- cause many persons cannot or do not pay the taxes and therefore cannot vote. Irving Brant, of Washington, writer and formner St. Louis news- paper editor, told a House admin- istration subcommittee that Poll Taxes impair "the integrity of elections." * * * THE SYSTEM was lambasted as the group opened hearings yester- day on a bill to outlaw Poll Taxes as a voting requirement in federal elections. Later in the week pro- ponents will take the stand. President Truman has called for an anti-Poll Tax law in his controversial 10-part Civil Rights Program. Four times the House has passed such a bill in recent years only to see it die in the Senate. A second Civil Rights measure, scheduled for hearing today by a House labor subcommittee, was set aside until May 10. This group is considering a bill to prohibit discrimination in employment be- cause of race, creed or color-also a point in the Truman program. ANOTHER WITNESS, Clark Foreman, of Georgia, president of the Southern Conference on Hu- man Welfare, called southern Poll Taxes "a Fascist racket." His understanding, he said; is that even in Russia the people "are very much more consulted about their officers than those in South Carolina" and other Poll Tax states. In his home state of Georgia, he said, "I know that the Fascists support the Poll Tax and the Com- munists don't." * *.* THERE ARE both Fascsts and Communists in Georgia, he added. Elmer W. Henderson, director of the American Council on Hu- man Rights, claimed the Poll Taxes were enacted in Southern states originally "for the ex- press purpose of disfranchising Negro citizens" but their effect has been to "disfranchise mil- lions of whites as well." "It is manifestly unjust to the nation as a whole," he said, "that a privileged class should compose the electorate in some states and their representatives presume to speak for all of the people." Both measures came after ex- tensive study of the discrimina- tion problem by the Student Legislature. The Legislature worked in con- junction with a joint committee of the Interfraternity Council and the Pan Hellenic Association. * *. * THE JOINT committee came up with a report revealing that rough- ly 40 per cent of the social frater- nities and sororities here have some kind of discriminatory clauses in their constitutions. The Greek letter groups mere- ly made a factual report which contained no recommendation for removal of the clauses. Later, however, the IFC did pledge It- self to assist local fraternity chapters to remove the discrimi- natory clauses from the consti- tutions of their national bodies. The twin measures, slated to go before the Student Affairs Com- mittee today, would not directly affect existing Greek letter groups which practice discrimination. However by prohibiting future or- ganizations from discriminating they would exert indirect pressure on the existing Greek organiza- tions to remove the discriminatory ,clauses. S * * * OPINION AMONG members of Student Affairs Committee is sharply divided on the issue with affiliated student members of the board generally opposing the twin measures. Those opposed to the anti- discriminatory measures con- tend that they will exert undue outside pressure on the fraterni- ties. They claim that the frater- nities should be left to them- selves to work out a solution to the problem. Those favoring the controver- sial measure say that some outside pressure is needed to assist the lo- cal chapters in having the objec- tionable clauses stricken from the national bodies' constitutions. * * * THEY CONTEND that the Leg- islature measures, which do not specifically refer to existing cam- pus groups, only indirectly pres- sure the presently organized Greek letter groups. If approved by the SAC today the two resolutions would prob- ably go into effect next semes- ter. The Student Affairs Committee, consisting of seven students and six faculty members, performs its policy making function for student organizations under a grant of power from the Regents. Daily Tryouts- A compulsory meeting for all Daily tryout staffers will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. Berlin Crisis Discussed at Allied Talks Russian Meeting Not Imminent By The Associated Press Envoys of the three big Western powers conferred for more than an hour in New York yesterday on the Berlin blockade. Afterward a United States spokesman indicated that no new meeting with Russia is expected within the next 24 hours. * * * THE CONFERENCE was called by ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup to fix a joint approach to the Russians on lifting the block- ade. The U.S. spokesman express- ed doubts that a meeting with Russia's Jacob A. Malik would be arranged before Wednesday. Meanwhile in Berlin, authori- tative American sources expressed belief that the Soviet Union wants to shelve the cold war with the aim of easing East-West economic barriers as well as ending the Ber- lin blockade. * * * THEY SAY THAT the Russians hope to do this without sacrificing long-range political objectives. These experienced sources say that Russia will probably make the following concessions: 1. Agree to virtually any propo- sal the West makes on Germany in order to gain entry to the West and get a central German govern- ment which they might be able to influence. 2. Open Eastern Europe to Western trade, lifting at least the economic iron curtain. * * * IN WASHINGTON, Robert A. Lovett, former under Secretary of State, added that the U.S. should not be "lulled to sleep" by any temporary brightening of pros- pects for peace in the cold war with Russia. Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Lovett said that the U.S. should not be caught napping by any "temporary set of circumstan- ces"-an apparent reference to current negotiations with Rus- sia on the Berlin blockade. Another development on the cold war front yesterday saw the United States protesting that So- viet Russia is blacking out "Voice of America" broadcasts. Assistant Secretary of State George V. Allen announced that a formal protest has been filed with the International Telecom- munications Union. Russia and the U.S. are both members of this agency. Education Bill Backers. Win SenateVictory WASHINGTON - (P) - Senate sponsors of a $300,000,000 federal aid to education bill scored a top- heavy 68 to 11 victory yesterday. Led jointly by Senators Taft (Rep. Ohio) and Elbert Thomas (Dem., Utah), they beat down an amendment by Sen. Lodge (Rep., Mass.) which would have raised the amount richer states would receive for each pupil. * * * LODGE PROPOSED that every state receive $10 of federal aid each year for all children between 5 and 17 years. Taft and other sponsors of the aid plan contended this "would kill the bill." They said it would defeat its purpose to equalize educational opportun- ities among the states. The Senate vote retained a plan for giving each state a minimum of $5 per pupil per year with the poorer states-determined by a formula - receiving as much as $29.18 per pupil. Lodge contend- ed this formula was not an ac- curate method of measuring rela- tive wealth of states. * * * ALTHOUGH the Lodge amend- ment would have assured 32 states a bigger share in the funds, only 11 Senators, all Republicans, supported it. Lodge immediately called up- on a second controversial amendment. It would bar aid to c4.. Whnro rn.14n i en nlc wr. Compromise Labor Prepared by Democrat -Daily--Carlisle Marshaii NSA OFFICERS-Harvey Weisberg (right), chairman of the Michigan region of the National Association, welcomes Ted Harris (center), NSA national President and Eugene Schwartz, NSA vice-president, to Ann Arbor. Schwartz will speak at 8 p.m. today in the International Center. * * * * (-___ ___ i Law Voicing of Opinion Called Student Duty by NSA Head By ROMA LIPSKY The prime purpose of the Na- tional Student Association is to arouse an awareness among stu- dents of the role they have in air- ing the direction of higher educa- tion, Ted Harris, National Presi- dent of NSA declared last night. Harris, who visited Ann Arbor with NSA Vice President Eugene Schwartz, told The Daily that NSA is "challenging the American student to live up to the claims of responsibility he has so often voiced." * * * "IT IS THE duty of students to make their opinions known-they are shirking this duty if they don't," he declared. And at 8 p.m. today at the In- ternational Center Schwartz will bring issues to Michigan students in a talk on "The Role of The American Student in World Understanding." Schwartz' talk will be sponsored jointly by the International Cen- ter and NSA. "STUDENTS ALL over the na- tion have become aware of the fact that they can expand and im- prove economic, social and edu- cational services for themselves," Harris said. Outlining NSA's contribution in this respect, he pointed to "such services as travel and study tours in foreign countries, the Purchase card system, lead- ership training programs such as the one recently held in Ann Arbor, and Human Relations Clinics." 'Ensian Tryouts Important meeting Wednes- day for tryouts and all those interested in petitioning for junior positions on the 'Ensian. Junior editorships open are:. Sports, photography, art, house groups, schools and colleges, senior pictures, organizations, and features. Petitions are due Monday, May 9, at 5 p.m. (Both Harris and Schwartzrar- rived here immediately after a statewide Human Relations Con- ference held in Detroit last week- end. NSA delegates and Student Legislature members 'represented the University at the conference.) "NSA's concrete projects con- tribute to the immediate welfare of students, and it's policies-set by the delegates from schools all over the country-are giving unified expression to the voice of the American student," Harris stated. F World.News IRound-Up By The Associated Press NEW YORK-The United Na- tions special political committee takes up the question of Israel's application for U.N. membership at Lake Success today. BEIRUT, Lebanon - Reliable sources said a new cabinet will be formed today in neighboring Trans-Jordan that will include three members from Arab Pal- estine. This was interpreted here as an independent move by King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan to annex at least a part of non- Jewish Palestine to his king- dom. * * * LANSING - House .of Repre- sentatives leaders objected yes- terday to an "amateur lobby" of Michigan State College students fighting a proposed reduction of the college appropriation from budget recommendations. NEW YORK-T. O. Thackrey, former editor and publisher of the New York Post Home News, said yesterday he plans to start publishing a new tabloid morning newspaper in New York within two or three weeks. Cantdidates Will Appeal 'Judic Moe All four candidates disqualified by Mens' Judiciary Council will appeal their cases. Roger Vogel, '51E, and Jim Morse, '52E, said they would fight the decision which deprived them of the Engineering Junior and Sophomore class presidencies in the recent campus elections. * * * THE OTHER TWO are Tom Sparrow, '52, Student Legislature candidate, and Morgan Ramsay, '50BAd, disqualified Union com- bined schools vice presidency win- ner. The candidates were disquali-, fled because ballots bearing their names were found stuffed into the engine arch ballot box and the Men's Judiciary Council found "the circumstances of their election . . . contrary to the best interests of student government." Appeals are directed to the University disciplinary commit- tee, according to Erich A. Wal- tern, Dean of Students. The appeal of the Men's Judic decision marks the first time a case has been taken beyond their authority since the Council was organized under the Legislature. * * * DUANE NUECHTERLEIN, '50- BAd, chairman of the SL election committee, revealed the names of those who will take over the dis- puted student government posts unless the appeals are upheld. They are: Student Legisla - ture, Jim Storrie, '51E, who placed highest of the unelect- ed SL candidates; Union t Vice President of the Combined Schools, Bill Wise; Bob Preston and Charles Good, president of the junior and sophomore en- gineering classes respectively. All the disqualified candidates were members of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Vogel told the Daily, "we are still endeavoring to find out who the guilty party is." Plan To Offer Measure to House Today Would Replace Presidenitial Bill WASHINGTON-(p-Democra- tic leaders in the House hammered out a compromise labor bill late yesterday and planned to offer it on the floor today. The compromise retains some features of the Taft-Hartley Law in an effort to assure the meas- ure's passage. IT WOULD REPLACE the ad- ministration labor bill which called for outright repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act and revival of the New Deal Wagner Act with some modifications. Opposing this bill, a number of Republicans and Southern Democrats have got behind a bill offered by Rep. Wood (Dem, Ga.) to "repeal" the Taft-Hart- ley Act but reenact most of itS major provisions, To take the steam out of this drive for the Wood Bill, the com- promise was drafted. Speaker Ray- burn (Dem., Tex.) told reporters that the compromise would in- clude these points: # * * * 1. INJUNCTION PROVISIONS, similar to those now in the Taft- Hartley Law, to deal with labor disputes threatening the national security or safety. The Adminis- tration bill omitted these provi- sions. 2. A guarantee of free speech to employers and unions in labor disputes. 3. A requirement that unidii make regular financial reports pe- riodically. 4. A requirement that employers and union officials sign oaths of- loyalty to the government and swear that they are not Commu- nists before they can avail them- selves of National Labor Board procedures. The Taft-Hartley Law contains the non-Communist oath provisions as to unions-and, the Administration bill omits it alto- gether. 5. Creation of a joint Congres- sional committee to study labor- management relations. The House will vote on the compromise first. If it passes there will be no vote on the Wood Bill or on the Adminis- tration measure, which is known as the Thomas-Lesinski Bill. The section dealing with na- tional emergency strikes will allow for injunctions similar to those permittedunder the present Taft- Hartley Law. Rayburn said the new section, which was not drawn in final form at the meeting, will not pro- vide for any plant seizures in na- tional emergency disputes; neither does the Taft-Hartley Law. Popular Play Wins U' Grad Pulitzer Prize By The Associated Press University graduate Arthur Mil- ler today was winner of a Pulitzer Prize for his much-decorated play, "Death of a Salesman." Early recognition for his work as a dramatist came to Miller as a student when he won a Hopwood prize in the drama contest. Gradu- ated in 1937, he is also author of "All My Sons." * * * TOP HONORS in the novel class went to James Gould Cozzens for his "Guard of Honor," a book about a wartime Air Force general. The Nebraska State Journal of Lincoln, Neb., rendered the "most disinterested and merito- rious service" among the Na- tion's newspapers by staging a Presidential preference primary, the Pulitzer Committee decid- ed. 'Th -,17ar .. f r, %II0+ ,n ;V1_ ANN ARBOR EDITOR: Ray Baker, Prominent Newsman, Dies at 58 4> * * * R. Ray Baker, associate editor of the Ann Arbor News and one of the best-known newspapermen in Michigan, died suddenly yesterday at the age of 58. He collapsed while walking down Washington St. and was dead on admittance to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital. Death was attrib- uted to a heart attack. * * * BAKER HAD served as a visit- ing lecturer with the University's journalism department during the last two years. Last June he was marPn hnran..r . iinm of rthe DRIVE BEGINS TOMORROW: Fresh Air Camp Goal Set at$5,000 The little guy on the diving board will return to the campus tomorrow as more than 700 stu- . . . . Tag Day committee hopes to raise will be used to help pro- vide 230 boys with a memorable tivities schedule which is designed to build up maladjusted egos.