THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIJtR SDA , Fl Student Aid Sought for ig Musica If you're interested in acting, singing, set construction, or any other phase of theatrical work, the Gilbert and Sullivan Society will welcome you with open arms. The Society invites all persons who would like to help with the forthcoming production of "Pa- tience" to attend its meeting at 7 p.m. today at the League. !-o get the feel of the show, the groap will run through several of the tuneful musical numbers for which "Patience" is famous. FOR MORE than 70 years audi- ences the world over have been amused by the deft satire and witty lines of "Patience." This Gilbert and Sullivan masterpiece features a burlesque of aesthetic poets and pseudo-intellectuals of all ages. The local production of "Pa- tience," scheduled for May 12, 13 and 14, will require the serv- ices of 10 singing leads, a chor- us of love-sick maidens,'and a large chorus representing Her ]Majesty's Finest Dragon Guards. In addition, painters, electri- cians, carpenters, and technicians will be needed. STUDENTS FROM all schools and colleges are represented in the Gilbert and Sullivan Society. The only membership requirement is an interest in theatrical work and a liking for music and comedy. No previous experience is nec- essary for many of the interesting jobs connected with the produc- tion, which offers a" wealth of worthwhile theatrical and busi- ness experience to participants. COLLEGE IS NO GOOD- -unless you have working experience. Join The Michigan Daily Business Staff now-and sell yourself for the top dollar, later. TODAY - 4 P.M. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 87 Notices Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: Because of the inordinate length of the D.O.B. the Editor is obliged to warn users of the Bul- letin that no notice will be printed Campus Ski' Club Laments Snow Dearth While most students have been blessing the unusual mildness of this winter, a sizeable .group on campus is disappointed at the relative lack of snow. Ullr Ski Club, named after the European patron saint of skiers, has been forced to move opera- tions from the Arboretum, a mere 10 minute walk from anyplace, to other points north. * * * THEIR LATEST trip was a four-day sojourn between semes- ters at Boyne, Michigan, about 260 miles from Ann Arbor. They enjoyed themselves so much that plans are being made for another trip to Boyne for the weekend of Feb. 19. One needn't be an experienced skier to join Ullr Ski Club. Almost one half of the mem- bers are beginners and expert instruction is provided. Excepting the weather, the other major difficulty encountered by the Ski Club has been the prob- lem of transportation. Students with cars, who will have space to accommodate additional students and would like to accompany the club on its nevt trip to Boyne should ocntact Don Winslow at 2-6373. Claude Ferrell, past president of the club, proudly related that due to the safety precaution instruc- tion given before the last trip there were no casualties in the form of broken legs or arms. more than twice and furthermore, that the Editor expects to use his own judgment in reducing un- reasonably long notices to reason- able length. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President1 Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: Need of conserving space makes necessary the following announcements: (1) Notices of meetings of organizations will be restricted to the name of the or- ganization concerned, day, time, and place of meeting, and name of speaker and subject. (2) No- tices for the D.O.B. must be type- written and double-spaced for editorial convenience. F. E. Robbins Freshman and Sophomore women interested in living in 1 Martha Cook Building for the ftl term 194-1950 may call Mrs. Diekema, 2-3225, for appoint- ments regarding applications. Women students wishing to do baby-sitting may put their names on the baby-sitters' list in the Of- fice of the Dean of Women. Householders wishing the serv- ices of baby-sitters may call the Office of the Dean of Women. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 to 12 and 1 to 5; Satur- day, 8:30 to 12. University Terrace Apartments and Veterans' Housing Project: The waiting list for the Uni- versity Terrace Apartments and Veterans' Housing Project will be open on February 16, 17, and 18.1 Application forms will be avail- able in the Office of Student Af- fairs. In order to apply for the waiting list a student must have the following qualifications: 1. Only married veterans of World War II who are at present registered in the University may apply. 2. Only Michigan residents may apply. (The Regents' definition of a Michigan resident follows: "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michigan for the purpose of reg- istration in the University unless he or she has resided in this State six months preceding the date of proposed enrollment.") 3. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (A Summer Ses- sion is considered as one-half term.) 4. Only full-time students car- rying 12 hours of work or more, or part-time-student-and-part -, time teachers, whose total hours of teaching and class hours elected amount to an equivalent of 12 hours or more, may apply., 5. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application. 6. Length of service, and par- ticularly overseas service, will be an important determining factor. (In considering an applicant's to- tal length of service, A.S.T.P'., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted.) 7. If both husband and wife are veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resi- dent and both are enrolled in the University, their combined appli- cations will be given special con- sideration. Each applicant must present with his application his Military Record and Report of Separation. He must also bring a copy of his marriage certificate. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years. Eligibility Cards for the second semester will be issued AFTER- NOONS ONLY in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis- tration Building, beginning Feb. 8. Grade reports should be pre- sented at the time of application for a certificate. At the beginning of each semes- ter every student is presumed to be ineligible for any non-athletic extra-curricular activity until his eligibility is affirmatively estab- lished by obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility. Among those who must secure such a certifi- cate are candidates for class of- fices or major campus commit- tees, candidates for and repre- sentatives in student government groups, all students who hold of- fice or serve on standing com- mittees in student organizations, all students participating in pub- lic performances or rehearsals. Certificates will be issued to those qualified in accordance with the following requirements: Second semester freshmen: 15 hours or more of work completed with (1) at least one mark of A or B with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2% times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. Sophomores, juniors, seniors: 11 hours or more of academic credit in the preceding semester, or 6 hours of academic credit in the preceding summer session, with an average of at least C, and at least a C average for the entire academic career. Advanced Standing. Any stu- dent in his first semester of resi- dence holding rank above that of freshman (over 26 hours of ad- vanced credit) may be granted a certificate of eligibility if he was admitted to the University in good standing. Approved Student Organiza- tions must file on or before Feb. 18, in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Administration Build- ing, the following information: (1) a list of members for the sec- ond semester, (2) the signed ac- ceptance of a member of the fac- ulty who is willing to act as ad- viser to the group for this term. Forms may be secured in the Of- fice of Student Affairs. Additions to membership must be reported promptly during the semester. Student organizations are re- minded that any changes in or- ganizational structure, objectives, activities, basis of membership, or affiliations with other organiza- tions must be presented to the Committee on Student Affairs for consideration and may not be consimmated until approval is given by that Committee. Bowling: The bowling alleys at the Wonmen's ithletic Building will re-open on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Alleys will be open at the follow- ing hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday-7:30 to 11 p.m. Women students may invite men guests. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Applications for scholarships for the academic year 1949-50 are now available in 1220 Angell Hall. All applications must be returned to that office by March 1. Appli- cants must have had at least two semesters of residence in this Col- lege. Reinstatement of Regents-Alum- ni Scholarships: Former holders of a Regent- Alumni Scholarship who have (Continued on Page 4) Music Makes TH E PARTY if . . . CHUCK MEYERS Makes the Music Faculty Members, Students Honored by Music Fraternity Two University men were re- :ently made National Honorary members of Phi Mu Alpha Sin- fonia at the fraternity's fiftieth anniversary convention in Chi- ^ago. Dr. Thor Johnson, conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orches- tra and the University Musical Society, and Dean Earl V. Mcore. of the School of Music, are the men honored. THE CAMPUS CHAPTER, Ep- iilon, was represented at the con- rention by Thomas E. Wilson, r t and Ed y« ard Chudacoff, , wcretary. Epsilon chapter initiated thir- teen meni who will assume ac- tive status during the spring semester. Tie men are Grant Beglarian, Robert Sohn, Frank Stillings, John Crawford, Alexander Popp. Wil- Uam Harris, William MacGowan, Dana Lemler, Anan Squire. How- ard English, Charles Gallagher, Edward Skidmore, and James Mackie. i Iiii I4 A STARTING TODAY 35c until 5 P.M. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Personals? Sales? Housing? Classifieds solve your problems! ORPH EUM Cinema Triumphs From All Nations FRIDAY - SATURDAY SUNDAY Continuous from 1:30 P. M. CS y ~1 T / LOST AND FOUND LOST--One Siduna wrist watch, 15 jeweled, silver case, leather band, Swiss make. Lost night of Blue Book Ball. Reward. Ph. Dick Helmrich, 2-4591 Hinsdale Hse. )7L LOST-Black and silver lighter, initials M.S. & R.W. Sentimental value. Alan Waterstone, 2-4401. 411 Michigan House. )9L LOST-Fri., Feb. 4, Blue Parker 51 pen, silver cap. Call K. Swords, 2-6674. LOST-Brown plastic rimmed glasses in Dr. Gaynes case. Call B. Besso, 2-1522. $1 reward. )8L LOST-Glasses-red case, near State Theatre. Call Pat 2-4514. )6L LOST-Change purse containing keys, watch. Reward! Ph. Phyllis 9317. )3L LOST-In or near U. Hosp. Parker blue gold band fountain pen. Please re- turn to Info. Office, Univ. Hosp. )1L LOST-Man's Wrist Watch on or near campus. Watch has spring band and black'face. Reward. Ph. 2-9582. )4L ROOMS FOR RENT VACANCY in big double room in grad- uate house for girls. Breakfast privi- leges. 1101 Church. Ph. 26753. ) 15R DOUBLE ROOM available for 2 male students. Inquire after 4 at 1006 Packard. )16R CLOSE TO Campus. Nice double room to share with one male student. No smoking. Ph. 5372. )14R ROOM for male student, %,2 of double, 3 blocksfrom campus, $6 per week. Call 28309. )17R HALF OF double room to share with pre-med student. One block south of campus. Call 2-7133. )13R DOUBLE ROOM on west side for men. Phone 2-0046. )12R TO SHARE-Double room for male student, near campus. 906 Green- wood. )1R WELL FURNISHED double room for male student. 1218 Olivia. Call after 6. )10R SINGLE ROOM for male student, one block from Washtenaw and S. "U". Clean, quiet. No smoking or drink- ing. Call 6226 morning or evening. )9R VACANCY for male students. Oncam- pus, 811 East Ann. Ph. 2-2052. )4R DOUBLE Rooms for men available, Campus location. Call 2-2690 or 2-4559. )6R CAN YOU Sell? If so, and you have two hours a day to spare. it will mean money in your pocket. Apply 117 W. Huron. )2H THE DIRECTOR of Camp Nahelu will be in Ann Arbor Friday, Feb. 11. to interview experienced men and wo- men counselors for summer employ- ment. Jewish clientele. For inter- view appointment, please call 2-2324 between 11 a.m! and 4 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Levin. )1H FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE - New wool tweed coat worn four times. Highly fash-. ioned with quilted zip-in lining. Originally $85.00, now $60. Blue cock- tail dress from Saks Fifth Avenue, worn only twice. Originally $40, now $25. Peacock blue evening gown, French design, worn twice, perfect condition. Originally $50, now $30. Brown Shepherd's-check hand tailor- ed wool suit, excellent condition. Originally $65, now $20. Black moire dinner-dance dress $15. All in sizes 9 & 10. Call 6152 between 5-8 P.M. )13 BLACK TUXEDO, size 40 long, excellent condition $25.00. Dr. J. R. Jones, Man- chester, Mich. Phone 4061. )15 2 MAIN FLOOR tickets for Horowitz concert Friday night. Call 9276. Ask for Harold. )14 BLACK TUXEDO-37 long, almost new, 18 Wenkey House, 2-4401. )11 FOR SALE--Remington Noiseless Port- able, brand new, never used. Call Ben Schulkin, 9310 after 7:00 P.M. )12 BABY Parakeets and Canaries. Bird supplies and cages. Moderate prices. 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. )4 SHRINK CONTROLLED SWEATERS!! Short Sleeve - 5.95 - Pastels COUSINS ON STATE STREET )1 ONE SET of New Britannica Encyclo- paedia for sale. See after 6 p.m. D. S. Heron, 432 Maynard, Ph. 2-7286. )10 AFTER INVENTORY CLEARANCE Group of Dresses $10.00 Were originally to $35.00 Sizes from 9-15, 10-44 THE ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP 309 South State Street )2 New Joselli Spring Suits Moderately Priced $29.95 to $49.95 Sizes 9-15, 10-16. Come in. Make your selection. Use our convenient Layaway Plan Randall's Specialty Shop 306 S. State )3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Pair of man's ski boots 81, or 9D. Call Maggie 2-3225. )1D HELP WANTED FOR RENT HALF of double room with sleeping room. Near campus. Ph. 2-1249. )2F PERSONAL GIRLS-Please stop calling Have found rightful owner.,'Wow! John. )6P FRATERNITY Board table open for 6 men. Call personally between 7 and 9, 1#415 East Huron. Ask for Jim Robarge. )5P DO YOU want experience in advertis- ing, sales, lay-out, accounting or general office procedure? Learn your work where a mistake doesn't mean your job, where you have fun while you learn. Come to The Michigan Daily Bldg., 420 Maynard St., Thurs- day, 4:00 P.M. )4P SALLY, this is the "Pay-off". If you don't ask me to Mortar Board's dance, we're through! Your J-Hop Date. )3P BUSINESS SERVICES LITERARY criticism and private tutor- ing in composition. Remedy inade- quate expression. Ph. 2-1590 for ap- pointment. )11B LAUNDRY done in home, experienced worker. Ph. 2-3036. )9B LAUNDRY -- Washing and /or ironing done in my home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )2B BOOKCASES, Shelves made to order. Exceptionally low prices. 611 Church. )8B DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Prices Reasonable 2-2020 )3B ALTERATIONS on women's garments. Near Stockwell Hall, 410 Observatory. Ph. 2-2678. )10B RENTAL TYPEWRITERS Reasonable Rates OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 1116 S. Univ., 2-9409 111 S. 4th, 2-1213 )1B DO YOU want regular lunch and din- ner Mon. through Fri. for only $2 per day at the famous Stage Coach Inn on State and Huron? If so, call Herb. 8064 anytime. One week trial period starts Mon., Feb. 14. )6B FEBRUARY SPECIAL! Portable Type- writer Service. We will install a new ribbon, oil your machine, and clean the type, all for $2. 24-hr service. Thrasher and Co., 114-116 E. Wash- ington, Ph. 2-6503. )71 DANCE MUS IC CHUCK DOWNER and his Orchestra Ph. 25-0031, )2P When Planning Your Next Sorority, Fraternity or Dormitory Party Call 5805 SUNA "The Three Musketeers" ... °i Continuous Daily from 1 P.M. a++ Y }1 S r: Sty 5 . Weekdays 35c to 5 P.M. STARTS TODAY - ,1rt Cinema eague p re scent s t