THE iH CHAN tiAILY A I-M Softball Leagues End Third Week of Play _____----__ ~~_ Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE AdamsWins Dorm Loop Sparked by the excellent pitch- ing of Walt Noon, Adams House chalked up the League "B" Resi- dence Hall softball championship, as seven other houses emerged vic- torious in last Monday's games. Adams had no trouble.disposing of previously undefeated Cooley House, 14-4. Walt Noon's fine pitching, and plenty of batting power supplied by Noon, himself, catcher John Hayes, and center- fielder Carl Raiss, made the game Adams all the way. Another easy win was Hayden House's 9-1 victory over Chicago House. Michigan House dropped Strauss House 7-3, as Hinsdale House trounced Vaughan House, 10-3. It was dog-eat-dog as Tyler House rallied to defeat Wenley House, 10-6. A hitting Williams House team dropped a weak An- derson House nine, 10-1. Fletcher Hall, after taking an early lead, lost to Greene House, 9-2. It Must Be Good! THE DAILY and EVERYONE ELSE says it's Wonderful! -Thru Saturday - INTRAMURAL BRIEFS: Net Play Gains Quarters; Newmans Cop Ball Title Residence. hall tennis moved into the quarter final stages leav- ing the following houses still par- ticipating in the tournament - Cooley, Allen-Rumsey, Wenley, Michigan, Williams, Hayden,) Fletcher and Adams. Horseshoes; also in the quarter final rounds for the most part,. lay between, Michigan, Hayden, Vaughan Prescott, Williams, Ty- ler and Lloyd. Hayden reached the semi-finals by virtue of a 3-0 win over Allen-Rumsey yesterday af- ternoon. * * , *, NEWMAN CLUB won its league title in the Independent softball division by virtue of an 8-4 vic- tory over the Ramblers Monday afternoon. The Puffs and the Owlers scored their second wins of the season. The Puffs shutout the Wonders, 15-0, and the Owl- ers defeated Nakamura Coop, 8-1. The Bulldozers trounced Omega Deuteron, 17-0, and the Rookies scored a 18-4 victory over the Progressives. The Newman Club scored three runs on two, singles, a double, and a walk in the third inning 'and three more in the fourth on two singles, a triple, and a walk to clinch the ,victory over the Ram- blers. double and Hank Klauke had two singles for the victors. Ed Olds banged out a home run and a single to lead the Phys Eds to an 8-4 win over the Mis- fits Saturday afternoon. In oth- er games played Saturday, Al Slote pitched The Michigan Daily to a 2-0 win over the Dodgers and 1208 Club squeezed past St. Mary's Chapel 3-2 by scoring a run in the last half of the sixth. The Clippers scored three runs in the first inning and went on to beat the Hawaiians 5-4 last Fri- day. * * * NEXT WEEK the faculty will compete in its annual golf open tournament. Many near pars are expected to be racked up on the basis of last year's low scores. There is still time for other de- partments to enter five man teams for this classic event which is to take place on Saturday, May 7. Plate Power' AidsNuS gs Sluggers had a field day in fra- ternity softball yesterdtiy as they banged out a total of' -tun home runs. Feature game of toe day was, Nu Sigma Nu's Herb Spender's five hit, 11-1, victory over the favored Delta Sigma Delta nine. Ed Ols, Dick Donelly, and Lew Parry banged homers for Phi Epsilon Kappa as they swamped Alpha Omega 14-1. Phi Rho Sigma topped Alpha Chi Sigma, 9-5, as Bob Lowry and Leo Cunningham homered for the winners and John Norman for the losers. Hal Doster made a round tripper for Phi Chi and Bob Evans for Alpha Kappa Psi as they tied 5-5. Bill Closson pitched three hit ball, one a homer by Jim Lowa, as Phi Delta Phi overcame Phi Delta Chi, 16-1. Dick Tunner made a four bagger for the winners. The best game of the day found Tau Epsilon Rho edging Delta Sigma Pi, 3-0, behind the five hit pitching of Jack Calechman. Alpha Rho Chi defeated Law Club "A" on a forfeit. All-Campus Golf Tourney Starts May 7 bn May 7, regardless of weather conditions, foursomes will head out every seven minutes from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. hoping for the coveted Intramural golf title. Team competition will be carried on within the Residence Halls, Fraternities, Independents, Faculty, International Center, and Professional Fraternities divisions, * * * A TEAM CONSISTS of five men, each of whom must play eighteen holes. The individual team member with the highest score will be dropped, and the combined total of the remaining four will make up the team total. The sixteen best individual{ scores will be placed in an elim- ination bracket. The winner of this bracket will be declared the{ All Campus Champion. Everyone on campus is eligible to compete except members of spring varsity squads. PitDelis TakeTitle Six teams gamped the right this week to clash in the forthcoming playoffs for the fraternity softball championship. PHI DELTA THETA, sparked by the shut-out pitching of Bob Ver- nier, defeated Aipha Tau Omega, 10-0. This win, the third straight for the Phi Delts gives them a league championship, and the de- feat dropped the ATO's into sec- ond place. Alpha Phi Alpha defeated Lamb- da Chi Alpha in a mild upset, 3-1. Jim Coleman was tagged with LCA's first loss. SIGMA ALPHA Epsilon ripped Triangle, 11-1, with Don Cham- phey's home run being the decid- ing factor. Sigma Chi edged Sig- ma Nu in a close game, 5-2, giv- ing the victors a league champi- onship and the Sigma Nu's a sec- ond place. Henry Siberell tossed his second consecutive shut-out as Beta Theta Pi topped Chi Phi, 4-0. Fin- ally, Sigma Phi Epsilon nosed out Tau Delta Phi, 1-0, to join the fin- alists. Brooklyn ......., G Boston...... ,....6 Pittsburgh .,....5 New York........5 Cincinnati ....,..4 St. Loads .......4 Chicago .........4 Philadelphia .....3 V. L. Pe t. 4 .600 4 .600 4 .556 4 .556 4 .540 4 .500 5 .444 8 .2'73 G.B. .1 1 1 2 V, New York Cleveland Detroit.,., Boston Chicago Phladelphia St. Louis . Washing-ton W. L. .82 .54 .37 a Pcet. .800 .714 .556 .556 .500 .455 .300 .200 1 SEATS AVAILABLE EndsyofSeats For All Sunday FOR ALL PERFORMANCES Shows Oil A( BEST PICTURE OF THE YEARI ward Wis BwESIACTOR OF THE YEARI Laurence OLI VIER iphe by WIWAM SHAKESPEARE A U.v4Na-fntfmat1 aileuse n ~ A J. ARTHUR RANK ENTERPRISE - G.B. 2 2! 3 3!,: 5 6 NOW PLAYING ORPHE5UM Phone 5651 RESERVED SEATS ONLY Twice Daily & Sunday, 2:30 and 8:30 Extra Matinee Sunday at 5:30 Weekday Mats.: $1.20, $1.50 and $1.80 Eves, and Sun,: $1.20, $1.80 and $2.40 All prices include taxes. r { LET tiN 'S GO! the BEER DEPOT I t' ._ ti BEER - WINE w- MIXERS DRIVE-THRU COURTEOUS SERVICE NO PARKING Daily 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. - Sunday, Noon - 7 P.M. 114 E. Williams Phone 7191 FOR SALE BRAND NEW girls Eng. bicycle, below retail. $65; and girls Eng. bicycle used 2 months, $55. Call 2-6581; Rm. 3008. )21 WOMAN'S 26-inch bicycle. Repainted and reconditioned. Cheap. Call 2-4896. COUSINS STORE on STATE STREET SALE! 3% off on group of 100% wool skirts. )1 PIPE SALE Close-out Sale on Briar Pipes $2.00 - Good Selection CALKINS-FLETCHER State St. BOXER SHORTS and matching shirts in seersucker and broadcloth. Sizes 3 to 6, priced from $3.50 to $5.00. Bea Nickel, Nickels Arcade. )11 FOR SALE TWO MAY FESTIVAL series tickets to- gether. Top balcony center. Call Irene or Flo, 9388. )20 REAL ESTAE" MY HOME For Sale-3 bdinT., single story 24'x44' house. Full basement, automatic oil heat. Fully . carpeted,' venetian blinds, Youngstos H kitchen. Price $15,500. Call Owner, 401. )2M , 1 \ FOR RENT ATTENTION ALL KNITTERS 1 Running short of yarn? WOMEN'S EXCHANGE 10 Nickels Arcade )12 po&w.4 ju9 Cofee £7o" 1204 South University Avenue serving BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS and DINNERS SANDWICHES and SALADS from 7:00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Closed Sundays 10 PIECE DINING-ROOM SUITE - kitchen set, davenport bed, washing machine. Reasonable offer accepted. Chi Ypsi, 1059-W1. )18 FOR SALE - Stenograph machine, al- most new, with instruction books. Ph. 4947. )17 1948 DODGE 4-door custom, radio, heat- er, very low mileage. Sell best offer. Call evenings or weekend afternoon. 1417 Erving Ct., Willow Run. )16 J. C. HIGGINS golf clubs set of 5 irons -$19.95. Set of 3 woods $18.85. J. C. Higgins tennis rackets, nylon strings -$4.35, gut strings-$2.98, tennis balls 3/$1.59. Laundry cases reduced from $2.29 to $1.98. Sears Roebuck and Co., 312 South Main St., phone 2-5501. FORMAL-In excellent condition, off shoulder, white bengaline, fitted bod- ice, full skirt, size 12. Phone 2-2521; ext. 438, ask for Doris. )99 SIAMESE CAT 6 mon. old male. Pedi- greed, friendly, $20. Ph. 2-7930. )89 THE PERFECT GIFT for Mother's Day is one from our selection of station- ery, fountain pens, pencils, and other gifts. We also have the best of new novels in fiction. OVERBECK'S 1116 S. University )6 LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycle, like new. Real bargain, 226 Strauss House, East Quad, 2-4591. )91 1948 Cushman Motor Scooter $280 and 9 irons 3 woods set of Spaulding Bob- by Jones Golf Clubs with bag. $80. Phone Bob, 4980. )88 1937 Dodge Coupe-Dependable, good mechanically, body looks good; trouble free tires. Phone 2-7146. (86 SENIORS-Phone us now about a sub- scription to TIME at the $5.00-a-year College Rate. Student run Student Periodical Agency. 2-82-42. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. )24P MOTORCYCLE SALE A very good selection. All priced to sell. Will accept trade-ins. A Complete Rebuilding Service. INDIA MOTORCYCLE SALES 207 W. Liberty St. Phone 2-1748 )10 BOXER PUPS-Whelped March 12. Sire Champion Brass Bound of Briarnole, Dam Mazelaine's Hippoly Ta. $100. 5040 Scio Church Rd., Ph. 25-8477. )73 1946 DODGE-Blue deluxe two-door se- dan, fluid drive. Mileage under 20,000. Arvin heater, defroster fan, seat cov- ers, chains, new brake bands and cylinders. Has had excellent care, and is in perfect condition. Ph. 5373. )68 CANARIES, Parakeets, Bird Supplies and Cages. Birds boarded. Experts care. 562 S. Seventh, Ph. 5330.E )4 FIRST IN QUALITY TELEVISION Franchise dealers for RCA, Motorola, General Electric, and Stewart-War- ner. Aero Radio Sales & Service. Phone 4997. )7 MAN'S ENGLISH BICYCLE. Call 2-8309. ) 84 6 LEFT HAND Golf Clubs, steel shaft, pre-war, good cond., leather bound canvas bag. Phone 6013. )95 FURNISHED home near Pinelmaey avail- able in Sept. Phone Yps57 or con- tact L. Walters, Mack & Mack Furni - ture, Ypsi. )21F For good accommodations bring your overnight or weekend guests t the.: PIERCE TRANSIENT HOM3 1133 E. Ann Phone 8144 WANTED TO RENT GRAD. STUDENT and wife' desire apartment for summer. -References. J. Parker, 716 Pearl St., Y ianti. 21W GRADUATE COUPLE desire apartment year-round or sublet for summer ses- sion only. Call Carol 2-0379. )20W STUDENT and wife want apartment for summer session only. Local refer- ences. Dorothy Andrews. 2-4561. )19W JUNIOR COLLEGE instructor and wife desire furnished apartment for dura- tion of summer session. Local refer- ences. Richard W. Wherity, 559 Lyon N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan. )16W COLLEGE PROFESSOR and wife wish to rent or sublet apartment for sum- mer session. Write E. W. Weaver, Jr., 1622 Patomic Dr., Toledo. )18W BUSINESS SERVICES YOUR HAIR is your greatest physical asset. Keep it clean by thorough shampoo with pure castile soap, rich in olive oil. $1. Heavy popular U-cut that requires no setting to look your best. $1. At Rainey's Slenderizing and Beauty Salon. 1031 E. Ann. Ph. 2-3725. Open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. )32P 24-Hour Service by ,Request HOME QUALITY SE1RVICE 215 E. Washington, Ph. 9035 )33B EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE done on all typewriters. Moseley Typewriter Co., 214 E. Washington. )23B EXPERIENCED teacher o- piano. U. of M. graduate has openings. Beginners and advanced. Ph. 2-444, 6-8 eve- nings. )36B DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS TAILORING Orders Taken .. or Any Type of Uniflerm Reasonable Rates 2-2020 )3B FRAYED COLLARS ARE OUT OF FASHION Have yours turned for 50c at TUCKAWAY HOUSE E. Liberty at Maynard Phone 9582 Margaret Nickerson Martin )9 LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE' STUDIOS 209 S. State St. Ph. 8161 )5B CUSTOM CLOTHES. Restyling. Alter- ations. Prompt service on all altera- tions. Hildegarde Shoppe. 109 E. Washington. Phone 2-4669. )4B BOOKS For the Best in Bookbinding at a price you can afford OLSEN'S BINDERY 325 E. Hoover Phone 2-7976 )37B PERSONALS TO OUR MISSING SALESMAN - No, Michigan students are not insane. Just because you lost yourshirt and tie at a tug of war in the middle of campus is no reason to stop telling the students about Royal Typewriters. Office Equipment Service Company, 1116 So. University. )lB SHIP 'N SHORE Blouses. White, colors, and plaids. Sanforized. $2.95 and $3.95. Randall's Specialty Shop, 306 S. State. )lP BABY SITTERS - Call Kiddie Kare, 2-1101; if no answer, 25-7364. )28B CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE A Student Service for Students Thrill your date for the comi formals by a corsage from us. We offer discount on N.S.A. cards Phone 2-7032 )20B LOST and FOUND LOST -- Finance 62 notebook. Call Chuck Prue, Ph. 7863. )33L LOST-In League, Sat. night, a white gabardine coat. Picked up a white tweed coat instead. For info call 2-4471, Rm. 2541. )34L LOST -Shell glasses in brown pouch bet. League and Mosher on April 25. 2-4591, 405 Tyler. FOUND: 19 Meals. Student interested in eating better for less, claim meal ticket at Club 211, 211 S. State, for $9.50. )33P LOST-Possibly in Angell or S. Wing, man's tan gabardine topcoat, gloves in pocket, Wagner label. Reward. Call Fletcher, 6118, around 6 p.m. )29L LOST at Brighton Police Station-Tan topcoat. Reward. Call Chase 2-1646. ) 27L LOST-Pair brown horn-rimmed glass- es. Vicinity of Elm St. If found, please call Bob, 8064. )26L i , TRANSPORTATION BADLY NEEDED-Ride from Plymouth, Mich. to Ann Arbor in time for 8:00 class Thursday mornings. Call Dick Miller 2-1046; leave phone number. )36T I3IHELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Man to act as swim- ming counselor at boys' camp in northern Wisconsin, June 30 - Aug. 24. Must have Red Cross water safety instructor's rating and be at least 24 yrs. old. Write to Camp Deerhorn, 289 Rivard Blvd., Grosse Pte., or Ph. Niagra 6620. )29H ROOMS FOR RENT FOR WOMEN-Rooms with kitchen for summer session, near campus. Call 9244, 5:30-9:30 p.m. )56R 1702 HILL-Rooms for male students for summer term. New beds and mat- tresses. }57R ROOMMATE left school. Half double room available Htllywood bed, show- er, bath. Three blocks from campus. Call 5750. )55R FRESHMAN Med. Student desires room- mate for fall semester. Write Panzer, South Hall, Box 207, Bloomington, Ind. ) 52R .m ..... _: ,,.,. :.. ., .. , ..., .. .. ,,. .., ... .... , ......... ... r .. , y . . ... r. ..... ... 4 : '. :.:_. . .: ::. .. i SUPPER CLUB I by ,.4'1 ' 4AR'rISTS' UNION, INC. '#: ' M.A.H. T' . r , < . . 1;had dish-pan hands, too, until I started taking my wife to the Granada Cafe for dinner!" 313 SOUTH STATE ST. 3 11 Between-Class Snacks CLUB 211 Soda Fountain 211 S. State M 13 of M. HOT RECORD SOCIETY Presents a i i ON IN STAG E I, PERSON U I I 9 I TODAY and Saturday o''THEATRI II Continuous From 1 P.M. 35c until 5 P.M. 11 I r LouIs ARMSTRONG The Trumpet King of Swing and His Concert Group With EARL HINES JACK TEAGARDEN BARNEY BIGARD ARVELL SHAW VELMA MIDDLETON Continuous performances from 1 P.M. on Monday, May 2. Program includes Cornel Wilde in "Shockproof". Matinee until 4:30, 55c. Nights after 4:30, 74c incl. tax. Tickets on sale now. They do not reserve a seat. Only con- venience in buying them ahead is to avoid standing in line. a a - - S a p 5 a p a a a - -i Boy-Bid Informal ALL-CAMPUS Let's Go To The League to Dance FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHT with ART HODES ALL STARS featuring YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE VALUES 25 Suits - 25 Rain or Shine Coats 50 Dresses at $25.00 Hundreds of other values See for yourself! ART HODES..............................................Piano "One of our finest Blues Pianists"-Esquire "WILD BILL" DAVISON ...................................Trunpet "Blast Furnace Trumpet style"-New Yorker PEE WEE RUSSELL ........... .. ................Clarinet "Boys in the back room music"-New Yorker 'BRADT ~VX GO A NS ... ...................... Tromboine 7. ii E I I r