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April 29, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-29

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LIX, No. 146



_ --

Near Center
Of Kunshan
Fight Within 30
Miles of Shanghai
SHANGHAI - () - Chinese
Communist troops are pressing on
the railway town of Kunshan,
only 30 miles from Shanghai, a
garrison communique said last
Earlier information said rail-
way service to Kunshan had been
stopped. The communique did
not say that Kunshan had fallen.
* * *
AN EARLIER communique,
however, had located fighting west
of the Chenyi railway station,
which is seven miles west of Kun-
The garriso also admitted a
second redcolumn again was
driving south of this front to-
ward Kashing. Kashing, 62
miles southwest of Shanghai,
controls the railway to fortified
The tone of the communique in-
dicated that the biggest red force
was headed not toward Shanghai
but in the direction of Kashing
and Hangchow. Hangchow is 59
miles southwest of Kashing.
* * *
THE GARRISON quoted war
prisoners as saying the Commun-
ists who crossed the Yangtze had
only three days rations and were
without rear supply stations.
The third Communist force, of
unknown size, was moving over-
land towards Kashing from the
east and was last reported about
30 miles away.
Once Kashing falls, Shanghai
will be sealed off by land. Trains
still :were operating to Hangchow
via Kashing during the after-
Men's ,JudiC
Ends Hearngs
On Vote Fraud
Men's Judiciary Council yester-
day concluded hearings on the
stuffing of the engin 1h ballot
box during last week's campus
elections; no new evidence was
"We feel that we have thor-
oughly' investigated every impor-
tant angle of the case," Bill Reit-
zer, '51L, president of the Council,
RESULTS OF the findings will
be made public after the Council
deliberates early next week.
The stuffed ballots have held
up results of a Union vice-presi-
dency and two engineering class
presidents' races.
Questioned yesterday was Mor-
gan Ramsay, '0BAd, candidate
for Union vice-president of the
combined schools.
HE TESTIFIED that he didn't
know of any "irregularities" in
last week's balloting.
The fraudulent ballots were un-
covered when alert election coun-
ters found bundles of ballots con-
sisting of one Student Legislature
ticket with several Union vice-
presidency or engineering ones.
The bundles were folded and
punched together.

Racial Clause
Arouses Fight
Williams House Vies
With Own Resident
A stormy, two-hour Council
meeting at Williams House, West
Quad, last night, ended in a "fight
to .the finish" declaration by res-
ident Howard Johnson, '51, to
house members.
The meeting was reportedly
called to argue the case of John-
son, a Student Legislature mem-
ber since last fall, who voted
against the recent SL discrimina-
tory measure.
* * *
THE CLAUSE states that the
University should not allow on
campus any organization whose
charters contain discriminatory
Claiming he was the only in-
dependent member to east a
up. rnlivp ....m'a. n .. Ut A '1i

Convocation Will
Hear Conant Talk
Students, faculty and visitors from all parts of the country will
gather at 11 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium to witness the 26th annual
Honors Convocation and recognize the outstanding scholastic achieve-
ment of 1,577 students.
Dr. James Bryant Conant, president of Harvard University, will
address the assembly on "Skepticism and Courage in the Modern
CLASSES WILL be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. so that students may
attend the traditional affair, which will honor the largest group of
students in the Convocation's
Dr. Conant, who arrived in
Ann Arbor yesterday morning,
spoke at a Phi Beta Kappa initi-
ation banquet last night on "Sci-
ence and Common Sense."f
Attacking what he called "sci- ,f
entific illiteracy," the noted scien-
tist and educator debunked three.
common concepts of science-the
treatment of science as a mere:
branch of mathematics, as a sort z
of magic, and the belief that there.
is only one scientific method.r
* * * ..-.-.,...

"THERE IS a vast oversimplifi-
cation in reducing the scientific
method to a formula of hypothe-
sis, deductions and conclusions,"
Dr. Conant said.
He upheld the conceptual ap-
proach to science, which at-
tempts to establish theories and
analyze a problem, as superior
to the empirical method-a trial
and error system that usually
involves costly experiments.
"The less there is of empiricism in;
of success," Dr. Conant remarked.
* *' *

... speaks today
m* * *n
science, the more certain we are

LATER IN AN interview with The Daily Dr. Conant commented
on the Fair Educational Practices Bill, now before the Massachusetts
Dr. Conant said that he had no objection to the objectives of
the measure, which would eliminate discrimination in the state's
schools and colleges by making illegal questions concerning race
and religion in applications for admissions.
"However," he added, "I think the bill is unnecessary and will
prove in practice very difficult to enforce. It will probably
be unworkable."
AN ATOMIC scientist himself, Dr. Conant expressed wholehearted
approval of the University's Phoenix Project. He thought the idea of
a living memorial to the war dead "an excellent" one.'
Students Need Chance to
Assume Responsibilities

Senate Reins
Seized By
Republicans Hit
forces grabbed the reins in the
Senate yesterday and sent the
$2,400,000,000 Labor-Federal Se-
curity appropriation back to com-
mittee to be cut.
The upset roll call came on a
motion by Senator Taft (Rep.,
Ohio) who pleaded with the Sen-
ate to establish a "general pat-
tern" of spending cuts lest higher
taxes "destroy the free enterprise
M!EANWHILE, Republidan
members of a Senate-House Com-
mittee accused President Tru-
man's Economic Advisory Council
of peddling "political propaganda"
in support of his ideas for a stable
The GOP minority of the
JointEconomic Committee fired
the charge in a report assailing
Mr. Truman's general stabiliza-
tion program. That program,
presented in January, among
other things calls for a $4,000,-
000,000 tax boost and for stand-
by authority to restore wage and
price controls on a limited basis.
"We reject the basic philosophy
of the President's economic re-
port which, in effect, recom-.
mends that we set up in this
country a planned and controlled
economy and increase taxation
for that purpose," the Republican
groups declared.
* * *
THE BILL to finance the La-
bor Department and the Security
Agency for the fiscal year be-
ginning July 1 was the first reg-
ular appropriation measure to
come up in the Senate this session.
Taft and other backers of reduc-
tions told their colleagues they
should start with the firt such
measure and cut them all as they
come to them.
The GOP Policy Committee
chairman argued for a 5 per ent
cut - about $15,497,888-in the
funds provided for administra-
tive costs in the measure under
consideration. He said he wished
it could be 10 per cent. And he
made it specific that he wanted
10 per cent out of the appropria-
tion for the recently authorized
$5,500,000,000 extension of the
Marshall Plan.
Call Shipherd
College Future
Shipherd College's future looks
"optimistic" to Paul Leser, re-
signed Olivet professor of history
and anthropology, because it has
a balanced faculty and a prom-
ised student body.
The new school is being organ-
ized by 16 professors who resigned
from Olivet's faculty over dismis-
sal of two professors.
* * *
FOLLOWING his address to the
University Anthropology Club Les-
er told The Daily that the Olivet
administration has gained a "100
per cent victory."
"Shipherd would get at least

100 of the 140 students who re-
fuse to return to Olivet if Pres-
ident Ashby remains. And with
100 freshmen the situation
would be satisfactory," he said.
Replying to charges of Com-
munism in Shipherd's faculty,
Prof. Leser pointed to the renew-
ed contracts offered all resigning
faculty members by Olivet's ad-
He explained the dismissal of
Prof. T. Barton Akeley, one of the
discharged, by a 'beard and a
beret.' "Prof. Akeley wore both,
and they expressed bohemianism
and communism to the conserva-
tive townspeople," he said.

Negotiating in Good Faith

Vet Patients
Fight Action
Of Legislators
Elimination of
Grant Protested
Protests over the State Legisla-
ture's elimination of a $250,000
Veterans' Readjustment Center
operating grant flared yesterday
as seven clinic patients left to seek
audience with Rep. John Espie,
head of Lansing's House Ways and
Means Committee.
The crusade to the state cap-
ital followed a similar trip by six
patients Wednesday to contact
Gov. .Williams about the fund re-
* * *
MEANWHILE, at the Univer-
sity, clinic psychiatrists announced
the wandering patients must face
restrictions for their inprecedent-
ed departure. Latest reports said
their whereabouts were not
The first group finally gained
access to the governmental man-
sion after "getting the run-
around," on patient declared.
He reported the Governor
pledged full support of the prob-
lem but that he declined to press
action, claiming "my hands are
full right now."
"GOV. WILLIAMS told us to
buttonhole representatives and to
circulate petitions stating our
cause,";the spokesman said.
In an attempt to point a
tnger at the one element re-
sponsible for the grant denial,
representatives of veterans'
groups conferred here yesterday
with psychiatrist Prof. Moses M.
Frohlich, head of the Center,
and clinic patients.
"The action probably took shape
last year, when the Office of
Veterans' Affairs was abolished
and its power delegated to the
state," patient Jim Furse ex-
plained at the meeting.
FURSE NOTED that several
legislators feel the fund refusal
stems from a Lansing reluctance
to appropriate money to train stu-
dent psychiatrists. They agree it
should be used solely for veteran
readjustment, he said.
The Center's 37 patients plan
to contact veterans' groups
throughout Michigan through
written pieces. The Ann Arbor Le-
gion Post has already been noti-
fied, Furse said.
Speaking for fellow patients he
commented, "Closing the clinic's
doors would mean bitter disap-
pointment to many. There cer-
tainly must be something else to
do rather than abolish it."
Young GOP Backs
Controversial Bill
The Young Republican Club
adopted a resolution supporting
the principles of the controversial
Fair Educational Practices Bill at
a regular.meeting held last night.
The members qualified their
sanction by adding that they did
not believe University facilities
should be denied to organizations
that have discriminatory clauses
in their constitutions for which
they are not responsible.
The club also maintained, in the
same resolution, that the bill
should be amended so as to pre-

serve ''the right to persons to de-I
termine their own housing status."

ECLIPSE OF VENUS-Adele Hager, '51, Marge Kalbfleish, '49,
and Sue Shera, '50, dress Venus de Milo to conform to the spirit
of Martha Cook's famous pledge. Later, they banded together
to protect Venus against those who attempted to disrobe her.
Ideological War Rages
OttMartha Cook Pledgep




College students do pot get
enough chance to assume respon-
sibility, Dean Hayward Keniston
of the literary college told a group
of 100 high school and college ed-
ucators yesterday at the 14th An-
Schoohen To
Meet Today
On Campus
Meetings of the Michigan
Schoolmasters Club will start at
9 a.m. today in Rackham Lecture
Hall with a business meeting fol-
lowed by a general session at
which Chicago schools superinten-
dent Herold C. Hunt will speak on
"Raising Our Professional Hori-
Members will then attend the
Honors Convocation to hear Pres-
ident James Bryant Conant of
Harvard University.
* ~* *
THE EVENING program in-
cludes a reception, dinner, and ad-
dress by Kenneth McFarland, su-
perintendent of schools in Topeka,
Kans., at 7:15 p.m. in the Union.
McFarland will speak on "Be-
hold This Day."
The teachers and school admin-
istrators, from all over the state,
will also hear a concert by the
Men's Glee Club.
CONFERENCES on specialized
areas of the school curriculum
will begin at noon with a series
of luncheon meetings. Also, a
luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. in
the League will hear results of a
statewide survey on "Teacher
Supply, Demand, and Placement."
The theme of the Schoolmas-
ters Club conferences is "Im-

nual Conference on Problems in
School and College Cooperation.
Dean Keniston said that high
school students should be given
more chance to take part in
running their schools so they
would learn to assume responsi-
bility and be ableto work in the
interests of the whole group.
* * *
THE PANEL speakers, from
high schools and colleges through-
out the state came to substantial
agreement on the following:
Colleges should place more
emphasis on the individual stu-
dent's interests, habits and abil-
ities rather than on particular
grades he received in high
school, or the courses he took.
High school should give en-
tering college students a basic
knowledge of writing, grammar
and organization, an ability to
read, digest and understand and
a clear notion of his abilities and
aptitudes relating to his chosen
Upcoming freshmen should un-
derstand basic mathematics and
have a scientific attitude. They
should know how to study.
* * *
MOST OF the speakers stressed
the fact that each freshman was
an individual, different from all
others, and should be treated as
such by the colleges.
All stressed the value of close
contact- between the high
schools and colleges so that the
secondary schools would know
what the colleges wanted from
the incoming freshmen.

The statue of Venus De Milo in
the main hall of Martha Cook was
clothed and disrobed three times
yesterday as an ideological battle
loomed over the true meaning of
the famous Martha Cook pledge.
One of the women who costum-
ed Venus, Adele Hager '51, ex-
plained thatathe move was
prompted by false rumors which
swept the campus yesterday after
The Daily revealed the text of the
* * *
"WE DIDN'T want people to
start thinking of Martha Cook as
'Goon Castle' again," she declared,
The Pledge
"We feel that displays of af-
fection in Martha Cook Build-
ing should be limited to those
in good taste and not embar-
rassing to parents,, friends, or
girls in the dormitory. We feel
that this is a personal matter,
so every girl should be on her
honor to maintain those ideas
which the house should repre-
"so we dressed Venus in a petti-
coat to show that we were taking
this uproar in the right spirit."
"Most of us signed the pledge
in a sincere effort to limit dis-
plays of affection inside of
Martha Cook Building," she
added. "We certainly had no
intention of limiting outside
Miss Hager blamed the attempts
to disrobe Venus on the "con-
servative element" within Martha
Cook. "They were finally stopped
when we posted guards around
our handiwork," she said.
* * *
THAT THERE was a "conser-
vative element" present was force-

fully demonstrated to a Daily re-
porter when he was surrounded
by a group of women in Martha
Cook's "Red Room" and chastized
for publicizing a "personal"
Other coeds, led by Miss Ha-
ger, came to his rescue, however,
and the "conservative element'
retreated-but only after trying
vainly to persuade The Daily
not to print the picture of
Meanwhile, the controversy
crept into the Martha Cook po-
litical scene as candidates for var-
ious house offices decided to stand
or fall on the pledge issue.
Outstanding among the cam-
paign posters was one advocating
the presidency for Dean Spalding
'50, the lone male to sign the
Chaplains Say
Rules Do Not'
Change ideas
Religious Growth,
Mores Discussed
New rules may clamp down on
students' modes of behavior but
not change-their ideas, a group of
college chaplains decided yester-
Members of the national chap-
lains conference discussed campus
mores and students' religious
growth at Rackham in one of the
last meetings of the conference.
* * *
"THE TEACHING of Christian
ethics is a better plan than nega-
tive censorship of activities," one
chaplain declared.
Sex and drinking are the two
biggest problems that the chap-
lains meet in most colleges. In
other schools these problems are
handled with immediate disci-
Less than half the group indi-
cated that the administration and
the chaplain worked closely to-
gether in matters of discipline.
* * *
BUT THE chaplains claimed
that they are often called umon in

Finish Seen
For Inipasse
Over Berlin
Diplomats Hold
Cautious Outlook
WASHINGTON -- (P) --- Presi-
dent Truman buoyed hopes yester-
day for an early end to the East-
West deadlock over Berlin, say-
ing he believes the Soviets are act-
ing in good faith in negotiations to
lift the blockade.
He told a news conference he
thinks the situation is encourag-
DIPLOMATIC authorities, how-
ever, indicated that if and when
an agreement is worked out to lift
the year-old transport carrier
blockade from the German capi-
tal it will then throw open the
broader problems of Germany's
future for consideration of the
Big Four foreign ministers coun-
Meanwhile, in New York, Secre-
tary of State Acheson said that
any agreement reached with Rus-
sia on general German problems
will have to protect "the basic
safeguards and benefits" already
arranged for Western Germany.
Acheson assured 45,000,000
western Germans that until such
an agreement is reached, the
United States will vigorously sup-
port development of the western
German program. This calls
among other things for a dem--
cratic government giving Grmans
much leeway in handlingtheir
own affairs.
* * *'
waited for Moscow to make the
next move on the Berlin questlon,
these were other developments:
1.-Diplomats of six Western
nations signed an agreement in
London setting up international
control of Germany's rich Rtdir
Valley where its prized industries
are centered. Russia, which wants
a hand in the Ruhr control, was
ignored in the new pact by repre-
sentatives of the United States,
Britain, France, Belgium, The'_W
Netherlands and Luxembourg.
2.-Warren Austin, chief U.S.
delegate to the United Nations,
told the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee that the North
Atlantic defense pact is needed
because Russia has "brazenly"
violated its pledges to refrain
from use of threatseand force
against other countries.
Austin said, however, that "the
balance is swinging toward the
forces favoring peaceful progress."
s * a
dispatch from Moscow said diplo-
mats there considered Russia aiid
the Western Powers have made a
start toward a new stage of mu-
tual relations in their negotiations
over Berlin.
4.-A new incident in Berlin
added fresh strain to the deli-
cate East-West relations as the
Russians threatened to halt
barge traffic from the British
sector. Both the Russians and
British posted armed guards at
three canal locks awaiting a
dawn showdown when the
barges are due to start moving
5.-British and French officials
in Berlin joined with Americans
in protesting scheduled air-to-
ground firing by Soviet fighter
planes in the airlift, corridor. Pre-
vious protests, however, have been
ignored by the Russians.

Swinton Gets
AP Cairo Job
Former Daily City Editor Stan
Swinton has been notified of his
appointment as chief of the Asso-
ciated Press Bureau at Cairo,
Cairo is the central headquar-
ters for AP news collection for the
entire Middle East region.
WAnFlnina- athree-vemr hiteh o

Uranium-Fever Hits Former Student



In quest of a million-dollar ura-
nium strike, a former University

A new-type Geiger counter
that can spot uranium a quarter
of a mile away will help him in

will be worth at least $150,000.
The one deposit reported was
worth several million dollars."

tous Lost Dutchman mine in
Arizona from "desert rats."
"And after comparing accounts
T +hinl T -nnxz ur rn t lnnr ,.n

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