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April 28, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-28

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Army-Navy Feud

THERE IS MUCH MORE than a personal
feud involved in the announcement of
John L. Sullivan's final resignation as Sec-
retary of the Navy, as witnessed by age old
Army and Navy rivalries.
This intra-service friction, brought on
by highly intensified publicity campaigns
waged by both service units, is currently
being blasted by Defense Secretary John-
son. In his recent address to top service
officials he pointed out that the only
way to establish U.S. military security
is through complete unification of the
Army, Navy and Marine groups.
Moreover, he frowned upon service at-
tempts to outdo each other, both in produc-
ing goods and in giving themselves more
individual credit than they deserve in the
winning of certain World War II decisions.
Now the controversy seems to have flared
anew. Sullivan's resignation is admittedly
based on his belief that the Navy is not
being given the "proper consideration" in
American defense policy.
He charged the new defense head with
acting "drastically and arbitrarily" in the
latter's move to cease construction of
the Navy's 65,000-ton super-aircraft
carrier, the U.S.S. United States, without
proper Navy advice. Later he indignantly
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

maintained he was convinced such action
means a "renewed effort to abolish the
Marine Corps and transfer all Naval and
Marine aviation elsewhere."
Johnson countered the accusation with a
statement of regret of Sullivan's charges,
and intimated that his resignation repre-
sented a renewal of this anti-service coop-
eration sentiment. To a discerning public
he appears well justified in his stand. Vari-
ous senators echoed his feelings by claiming
that a continued carrier production would
mean encroaching upon the field of stra-
tegic bombing, a field they feel belongs to
the Air Force.
Inquiries into the problem have already
been asked by other Washington legislators.
Some are concerned mainly with the per-
sonal angle, but the majority are eager
to get cold facts on all military activities
that can be halted at no expense to the
strength of America's defense.
In the interests of military harmony,
a distinct line should be drawn to show
which functions belong to which service
unit. An effort should also be made to
keep a balance of power between the
Army, Navy and Marines.
And any field of military operations that
is not totally necessary for full defensive
power, or which leads to inter-service bick-
erings, should be carefully checked for flaws
by the Defense Department.
Only by impartial arbitration then can
recurrences of Johnson-Sullivan feuds be
ironed out, and service units' cries of tres-
passing be quieted.
-Don Kotite.


Hoover Commission

CLIMAXING 20 MONTHS of exhaustive
work the Hoover Commission has now
given Congress 18 sets of suggestions which
it believes will save several billion dollars
by eliminating many of the notoriously
wasteful duplications which prevail in the
executive branch of the federal govern-
Congress established the twelve man
commission on a bipartisan basis under
the leadership of former President Hoover
in June, 1947. These men, all with ex-
perience in government, undertook what
can probably be called the most formid-
able attempt that has been made to reor-
ganize the federal government.
The immediate problem of the commission
was to straighten out a maze of some 1800
different administrative units which now
exist in the federal government. During the
last 160 years so much red tape surround-
ing the administrative agencies has grown
up that the President is no longer in com-
The commission discovered that re-
shqfling bureaus was not enough. They
had to make provisions for eliminating
over-laps and conflicts between depart-
ments and agencies in order to make a
concentration of policies possible. There
are now some 40 or 50 administrative bu-
reaus who have independent authority
given to them by Congress.
If the recommendations proposed by the
commission are followed, a new and more
powerful presidency will replace the exist-
ing one whose power is hedged by so many
There will be a two-thirds cut in the 65
departments, administrations, boards and
commissions now reporting directly to the
President, under the watchful eye of the
White House staff secretary.
Scores of appointments now requiring
Senate confirmation will rest with the ex-
ecutive alone. Many cabinet-level commit-
tees now set up by Congress will become
appointees of the President.
The National Security Council will be
moved into the President's office to shape
policy under presidential control.
The National Security Resources Board,

top planning body for military and indus-
trial mobilization will become part of the
White House and its members will be ap-
pointed by the President.
Cabinet offices, including a new depart-
ment of education and public welfare, will
take over most of the agencies that are
now independent. The Secretaries of the
Army, Navy and Air Force will be reduced
to undersecretaries and the Secretary of
Defense will be given more authority.
The Civil Service Commission will be re-
vised so that it can choose persons suitable
for government service, but will leave their
final selection up to the department con-
A new performance budget for each de-
partment, based on functions, will replace
the present obsolete one based on services.
An accountant general will be set ub under
the Secretary of the Treasury to work with
the present comptroller general, who is a
functionary of Congress.
The Coast Guard and eight outside agen-
cies dealing with rail, sea, air and highway
transportationwould be brought into the
department of commerce.
There are many more noteworthy recom-
mendations too numerous to mention, but
the trend is clear-and the commission
knows what it is doing.
The problem is not new. Every President
since Taft has asked Congress for author-
ity to initiate the reorganization of the
government. But never before has Con-
gress been the one to start such a proceed-
ing and give it the resources to do the
In the past, proposals to Congress for
reorganizing the many bureaus and inde-
pendent agencies have always aroused their
opposition thus destroying the possibility
of constructive action.
Let us hope this time, that these or-
ganizations will overlook their petty losses
of independence and that Congress will
realize the importance of reorganizing
the executive and military establishments
to increase the efficiency and economy of
our government.
Our security depends on it.
-Joan Willen-.

NSA Delegates
THIRTY-SIX ambitious students, who
were defeated in the recent election of
Student Legislature members, still have a
way of serving the campus.
They may apply for positions as Uni-
versity of Michigan delegate or alternate
to the National Student Association along
with other students. The fourteen students
who are chosen will represent the campus
at regional and national meetings of the
The NSA-now in its third year-is the
only effective link between all students on
more than 250 American campuses.
Its work is that of being of service to
students. It promotes legislation of inter-
est to students, it provides direct services
to financially-handicapped students, and it.
serves as a nationwide educational force in
behalf of students everywhere. To continue
this list of projects is not necessary. NSA
takes up the projects students want it to
take up.
The problem is to select intelligent,
capable students to represent all campuses.
They will plan and direct the work NSA
will do for the coming year. The power of
these delegates is greater than that of
Student Legislature members because the
vast network of NSA can be brought to
bear on issues too large to be tackled by
the representative group of an individual
The SL cabinet will choose delegates and
alternates next week. In the meantime, tests
will be given to interested students to de-
termine the general qualifications of can-
didates. They must understand the func-
tioning of student government on campus,
have a basic knowledge of how NSA works,
and be versed in Roberts Rules of Parlia-
mentary Procedure.
Data on all the questions is available
through members of NSA. The examination
will be given at 7 p.m. today, in Rm. 35,
Angell Hall.
-Craig H. Wilson.
Forgive Franco?
LET'S NOT TURN the current session of
the General Assembly into a world con-
ference to forgive Franco.
That will be the effect if the General
Assembly passes a Brazilian motion to
rescind the UN's 1946 recommendation for
the withdrawal of ambassadors from
Madrid. It will mean that, in this critical
year, the delegates to the UN will have
traveled from the ends of the earth to
pin a rose on Franco. As they used to say
in wartime: Is it worth the trip? Looking
ahead, three or four years ago, I never
foresaw this as one of the activities of the
UN. Pardon me for pointing, but the UN
was born out of a war against fascism.
Our own government is, of course, well
aware of the embarrassments involved in
supporting any such motion.
It has, therefore, announced it will ab-
stain on the motion to send ambassadors
to Spain again.
That sounds as if the Administration were
taking a neutral position, which would be
bad enough. But abstention is not quite so
gently neutral and moodily withdrawn a
stand as it seems to be.
It requires a two-thirds majority of
those voting to rescind any part of the
famous 1946 resolution which recom-
mended the withdrawal of ambassadors

from Madrid. Abstaining is considered
non-voting. Thus every abstention reduces
the total vote, and, correspondingly, re-
duces the number of votes needed to as-
semble a two-thirds majority. And so by
abstaining we help Franco, while looking
as if we're merely waiting for a streetcar.
It is my understanding that a vote or two
may make all the difference, a fact which
loads every abstention with significance.
On another resolution, which would ad-
mit Spain to the "subsidiary agencies" of
the United Nations, we have actually an-
nounced that we are going to vote affirm-
atively. This would open the back door of
the UN to Franco-less than thirty months
after the General Assembly declared itself,
in a formal resolution, to be "convinced
that the Franco Fascist Government of
Spain, which was imposedtby force upon
the Spanish people with the aid of the
Axis Powers and which gave material assist-
ance to the Axis Powers in the war, does
not represent the Spanish people
And now we come to the hideous matter
of timing. We have just passed through
a big winter of anti-totalitarianism, and
we are heading into what looks like the
busiest spring season of anti-totalitarian-
ism in our history. What sort of blind-
ness is it that allows us to think that
we can build a moral case against to-
talitarianism on Mondays, and give help
to Franco on Thursdays, and get away
with it? What do we think people are,

(Continued from Page 2)

ics, Thurs., April 28, 4:15 p.m.,
Room 274 W. Engin. Bldg. Prof.
G. E. Hay continues his talk "On
a Problem in Plane Stress."
Education F-218, Seminar in
Tests and Measurements, will
meet Friday, April 29, 8:00 a.m. to
10:00 a.m., Room 2532, U.H.S.
University Lecture: "Emerson
and the Liberal Tradition in
American Education." H. G. Good,
Professor of the History of Educa-
tion, Ohio State University; aus-
pices of the School of Education
and the Department of History.
8:00 p.m., Thursday, in Rackham
Assembly Hall.
University Lecture: Professor
Karl von Frisch, formerly of the
University of Munich, will lecture
on "The Language of the Bees,"
Friday, April 29, 4:15 p.m., Natural
Science Auditorium. Auspices of
the Department of Zoology. The
public is invited to attend.
Lecture: Mr. Kenneth Macgow-
an, of the University of California
at Los Angeles, will lecture on
Thursday, April 28, at 4:15 in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. His talk,
which is sponsored by the Art
Cinema League, will be "The
Screen-a Better Blackboard."
Law Lecture: Under the aus-
pices of the pre-Law Society, The
Michigan Crib, Judge Edward M.
Sharpe of the Supreme Court of
Michigan, will speak on the Con-
stitution of the United States.
Kellogg Institute Auditorium, 8:00
p.m., Thursday, April 28. Open' to
the public.
Lecture: Dr. John F. Flagg of
the General Electric Company will
lecture Friday at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 1400, Chemistry Building on
the subject, "What Lies Ahead for
Organic Reagents"?
Student Recital: Charlotte
Boehm, mezzo-soprano, will pre-
sent a program at 8:00 Thursday
evening, April 28, in the Hussey
Room of the Michigan League, as
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Miss Boehm is a pupil of
Arthur Hackett. She will be assist-
ed by Donald Sanford, violist, and
Lennis Britton Swift, pianist. The
general public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play
the third program in the current
series of carillon recitals at 7:15
Thursday evening, April 28. It will
include the Andante from Haydns
Surprise Symphony, Sonata for 30
bells by Professor Price, Selections
from te Mikado, and a group of
Stephen Foster songs.
West Quad Glee Club will pre-
sent its Annual Spring Concert at
4:00 p.m. Sunday, May 1, in the
Michigan Union Ballroom. Admis-
sion is free and everyone is invited
to attend.
Events Today
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Ameri-
can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs.,
April 28, International Center.

Student-Faculty hour Thurs-
day, April 28, from 4-5 p.m. in the
Grand Rapids Room of the
League. Geography and Geology
departments will be guests. Co-
sponsored by Assembly and Pan-
hel associations.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Big Ten
Postal Match Thurs., April 28, 7
p.m., ROTC range.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society-
Business meeting for all members.
Discussion of new constitution,
election of officers, and discussion
of choice of shows for the 1949-50
school year. 7 p.m., Thurs., Rm.
164, Bus. Ad.
U. of M. Young Republicans
meet Thursday, April 28, Michigan
Union, Rm. 3S. Members urged to
be present to discuss topic: "Civil
Rights and Discrimination."
Undergraduate Psychological
Society: Mr. Roger W. Brown will
speak on "Gestalt Psychology: A
New Rationalism" at the Russian
Tea Room of the League, Thurs-
day, April 28, 7:30 p.m. Coffee will
be served.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Will pre-
sent an educational film, "High-
lights in Steel Making" by the
Bethlehem Steel Corporation,
Thursday, April 28, 4:15 p.m.,
Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Anthropology Club: Meeting,
Thursday, April 28, Room 3024
Museums Building. Program: 7:30
p.m., election of officers for com-
ing year; 8:00 p.m., Dr. Paul Leser
of Olivet College will speak on
"Eugene Fischer's Concept of Race
Canterbury Club: Episcopal
Married Students Club meets at
7:30 p.m. for dessert and LLscus-
The St. Louis Club: Meeting
Thursday night at the Union, at
7 p.m. Foreign students from the
International Center will be guests.
"Abe Lincoln in Illinois," Rob-
ert Sherwood's Pulitzer Prize play,
will be presented tonight through
Saturday, p.m in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre with a matinee Sat-
urday at 2:30 p.m. Produced by
the department of speech, a spe-
cial rate for students will be grant-
ed for the Thursday evening and
Saturday matinee performance.
Tickets are now on sale in the
theatre box office.
Arts Chorale: Meeting Thurs.,
7 p.m., 506 Burton Tower.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: General meeting 7:30 p.m.,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan

\' '
/ 4'P


Letters to the Editor-

k >-'

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Thank You
To the Editor:
mittee would like to take this
opportunity to thank all the stu-
dents who helped as guides and in
other capacities in presenting Fri-
day's program. From all reports
the high school visitors had a very
enjoyable stay which we think in
the main part was due to the fine
cooperation received from the
guides. The organizations that
helped are to be equally congrat-
ulated on their fine job in adding
to the success of University Day.
In the future we can look forward
to another fine University Day
and some energetic freshmen.
-Dick Allen,
Bob Bristor,
Dick Johnson,
Dan Elyachar.
Clear Picture Please
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to answer Mr.
Rechtman's letter of Saturday,
April 16, concerning the Student
Legislature's vote on discrimina-
First of all, Mr. Rechtman, don't
you hink it also a wise and demo-
cratic policy to print the reasons
why the 17 people voted their nos?
It is my opinion that the stu-
dent body should know the whys
and wherefores of their represen-
tatives' votes. They certainly are
not going to get a full picture of
the issue by your noble effort in
printingtheir names. There was a
reason for everyone of those nos
and, whether sound or unsound,
the student body should know
those reasons!
Those 17 people have stated
their sentiments in Student Legis-
lature meeting and I'm sure would
be glad to do so before the entire
student body. Perhaps those who
voted yes should state their rea-
sons too! Let's get a clear and
complete picture of the issue, Mr.
Rechtman, not a small section of
-Ileana Lindh.
* * *
Better Housed?
To the Editor:
[N HIS LAST letter, Mr. Mc-
Creary says, "The American
people are better housed today
than in 1940." He argues by im-
plication that if we are better
housed today than then, ergo we
are adequately housed and there
is no housing shortage. It is evi-
dent that we could be better off
at present and still have a short-
age of housing. The error in logic
is obvious.
He does not define the term
"economic need" so I am left to
infer from what he says that it
means the ability of our economy
to provide the needed housing.
This is a separate problem that is
in no way related to the original
question, "Is there a housing
He also says, "A statement of
a social need for 8 million housing
units is, ,not proof of a housing
shortage."-The article from which
d quoted which was written by
two experts in the field, makes
it very clear that the existence
of a social need is proof of such

a shortage. For them, in fact,
social need is identical with short-

age. Their evidence and opinion
are far more convincing than the
unsupported denial by Mr. Mc-
Creary. He has added nothing new
to the argument. His tactic is
clearly the familiar one of chang-
ing the subject and arguing be-
side the point.
Please inform Mr. McCreary
that this is my last letter on the
subject. I have exposed him. That
should be enough.
-Darnell Roaten.
* * *
To the Editor:
THINK, that your dramatic re
view on the French play, La
Belle Aventure, which Le Cercle
Francais presented last Tuesday
was very inadequate and rather
poor. In the first place, Mr. Rov-
ner, your so called "critic," was a
member of the cast. (I wonder if
The Daily knew about it.) It is
most unethical, and generally not
accepted, that a member of any
cast should write a review on the
very play in which he is taking
part. Secondly it seems to me,
that your reporter didn't have the
slightest knowledge about the
French Dramatic Literature, and
in general he had a lack of un-
derstanding of the French So-
ciety. Here I am quoting a few
lines from his review. "The play
which dates back to pre-World
War I days shows its age unbe-
comingly and with the possible ex-
ception of the first act, the play
suffered much from its static na-
For your information, La Belle
Aventure is a very good example
of a typical French comedy which
has a little bit of scandal in it.
As the French will say: "un peu
du sel dans la salade," which they
are so fond of. It represents un-
mistakably their "la bonne so-
ciete" with its customs, habits, and
intrigues. To understand and then
to report the true value of the
play one should know something
about the French social system
and morals.
I believe that to be a dramatic
critic is one of the hardest things
in the newspaper business, and
especially when it comes to re-
viewing a foreign play. The critic
should be thoroughly familiarwith
the language, customs, and litera-
ture of the country with which the
play deals. I fully realize that
The Daily should encuorage stu-
dent participation in their col-
umns but there is a limit to it.
After all it is a newspaper in its
own right and should be treated
like one.
In a big university such as ours,
to find competent dramatic critics
for each foreign language play
shouldn't be difficult. I do hoy*
that in the future The Daily staff
will be more careful in assigning
their "critics." It sure will save
a lot of embarrassment.
-George A. Petrossian,
Afir4gwn &ziI

Withering Away

TOKYO-The route to the official resi-
dence of the Prime Minister of Japan
is lined with endless little boxlike struc-
tures, built higgledy-piggledy on the waste-
land left by the American fire-bombs. The
residence itself is a large, modern, de-
pressing structure. Its present occupant,
Shigeru Yoshida, is a tiny, old-fashioned,
extremely cheerful man. His most striking
characteristic is a smile which is apparently
a permanent fixture of his face. The smile
is very merry, and seems to suggest that
Mr. Yoshida is always on the point of shar-
ing some enormous joke with his visitor.
Politically, Mr. Yoshida has some right
to be cheerful. His conservative coalition
commands a crushing majority in the
Diet. Smiling, Mr. Yoshida explains that
he is not a conservative at all. On the
contrary, he is very liberal. Hardly anyone
in Japan would agree.
Joseph Dodge, for example, is a former
president of the American Bankers Associa-
tion, and is hardly a radical. He is the most
important of the current crop of visiting
firemen here. He has had the nightmarish

Japan constituted the greatest concen-
tration of economic power in any coun-
try in the world.
Sanzo Nozaka is a sleek, well-groomed
man, with curious, heavy-lidded eyes and an
air of sweet reason. All he wants, he says,
is peace, and rice for the Japanese masses.
In the last elections in January, Mr. No-
zaka's party tripled its vote and multiplied
by eight its representation in the Diet.
The party is still a small minority. But
it is more and more the party of youth
and the intellectuals, and it controls more
than half the labor unions. Mr. Nozaka
speaks With great assurance of the future.
No such confidence emanates from Tet-
su Katayama, former Prime Minister and
leader of Japan's non-Communist Labor
Party, the Social Democrats. Mr. Kata-
yama has a small, very black moustache,
a curiously pointed head, a jet-black suit
which appears to have been cut from a
dyed army blanket, and an air of intense
His melancholy is natural. His party, once
the strongest in post-war Japan, was cut
to r'ibbons in the JnTaniinxv .'ry ncxv ~ar

La p'tite causette:'
p.m., Grill Room,

Today, 3:30

planning a twilight picnic should
attend a meeting Friday, April 29
at 4:15 in the Periodical Room of
the Study Hall in Rackham.
The Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian Church: "Open
House" party Friday, April 29th,
8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the social hall
of the church building. Dancing,
games, and refreshments.
Deutscher Verein Picnic, Sun-
day, May 1, 3 p.m., on the Island.
Tickets available in 204 Univ. Hall
prior to noon Friday.
Club Europa will hold Open
House Friday night from 9 to 12.
Members and everyone interested
are invited to attend.
German Coffee Hour: Friday,
3:00-4:30 p.m. Russian Tea Room.
All interested students and faculty
members are invited.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under t
authority of the Board in Controli
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editol
Dick Maloy...............City EditoR
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .. .Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ...........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown .......Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writes
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Aiso. Women's EditOW
Bess Hayes................Idbrrilfl
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance ManAer
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
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The Associated Press is exclusitAl
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of all news dispatches credited to it or
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All rights of republication of all otha
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the reg.l, a
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Coming Events
Panel Discussion: "Cooperative
Business Education in the Michi-
gan High Schools," School of Bus-
iness Education in the Michigan
High Schools," School of Business
Administration, Room 130, 7:30
p.m., Friday, April 29. Students of
education and teachers are espe-
cially invited.
Graduate Students interested in


Then Miss Dixon asked ml

That one, "Gone With The W

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