r ARMY-NAVY FEUD See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 4br juatt is FAIR AND WARMER S VOL. LIX, No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1949. PRICE FIVE CENTS _ -- 8._- Vote Threats By CIO Told In Congress Labor Push Seen >ar T-H Repeal WASHINGTON - (P) - Rep. Werdel (Rep., Calif.) told the House yesterday he had been in- formed a committee of CIO mem- bers was calling congressmen out- side and telling them to vote for repeal of the Taft-Hartley Labor Law"-or else." The Californian said he had not been approached himself, but he told his colleagues: "As a member of the House, that disturbs me." * * * WERDEL'S statement came shortly after Rep. Klein (Dem., N.Y.) drew startled looks from the lawmakers with a proposal that American labor stage a one-day nationwide work stoppage as a "demonstration of solidarity" against the Taft-Hartley Act. Republicans roundly de- nounced Klein for advancing the idea. The suggestion also met a cool reception at CIO headquarters here, "We are not in favor of political strikes," a CIO spokesman com- mented. He told reporters that the union's various contracts around the country would not permit such a walkout. KLEIN SAID he had tele- grraphed his proposal to AFT, Pres- ident William Green, CIO Presi- dent Philip Murray, President Harvey Brown of the Machinists, and President A, F. Whitney of the Trainmen. Rep. Brehm (Rep., Ohio) ex- claimed on the House floor: "Thank god, those labor lead- ers are more stable than the gentleman who sent the tele- gram." Rep. Lodge (Rep., Conn.) said Klein had done "a grave dis- service to the cause of organized labor." * * * . O'TOOLE (Dem., N.Y.) shout d amid Republican applause that the labor leaders should not be held responsible for the "mouthings" of any congressman. r 'Saucers' Seen Over Campus 'Red Colored Discs' Fly Above Angell Hall Those flying saucers are back again-this time over Angell Hall. Excited Astronomy 33 students called The Daily last night to re- port that they had sighted "red- colored discs" gliding in ziz-zag lines toward the west between 9 and 9:30 p.m. * * * THEY WERE attending a lab period on the Angell Hall roof. George Miller, '51, asserted that he had seen five formations of the disks. Others reported eight. Prof. Hazel Losh, who tea(Wies the class, said she had riot been on hand to see them. "I don't know what they could have been," she said. "ut some ofrte strds cents sus- p~cted they were birds." NSA To Sell Cards Today NSA Purchase Cards will go on sale from 3 to 4 p.m. today in the lobby of the Administration Build- ing-with 13 more stores giving discounts added to the list. In All Arbor, an optometrist has agreed to give 20 per cent dis- counts to card-holders. However, a gas station and applance store has discontinued the Purchase Card System, according to Cathy Hous- ton, '49, chairman of the PCS committee. TWELVE businesses in Detroit have also agreed on discounts with the National Student Association. Copies of revised lists of coop- erating merchants will be available to all card holders when the tick- Yanks Quit China as Reds Push Ahead SHANGHAI--(P)-Americans stepped up their .evacuation today as Communist advance forces slashed nearer this Asian metropolis and Hangchow. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, who made a brief, dramatic appearance in this threatened city, has left, it was announced offi- -ially, after making a dramatic appeal to all Chinese to fight "Communist tyranny." * * * * RED FORCES were known to be in Soochow, 50 miles west of Shanghai, and sending spearheads toward this city of more than 3,000,000 persons. Another red column was heading for Hangchow, 100 miles southwest of Shanghai. If the Communists do drive for Shanghai in strength, the time left for the world's fourth largest city is drawing short. Red Gen. Chen Yi's armies moved fast. Shanghai was tense. But local authorities still had it under control. There has been no extensive looting so far. Americans were pulling out faster. EVEN SO, there are at least 1,500 Americans and close to 4,000 Britons who intend to remain in Shanghai. Only a few days ago she American colony numbered almost 2,500 and the British over 4,500. Chiang Kai-Shek's departure was announced by the Shang- hai garrison command. It said the "retired" president who was the "strong man" of nationalist China for 22 years, left late last night aboard the Chinese destroyer Taikong. The Garrison announced that Chiang, who said here he was acting only as a private citizen, was going to Amoy. Amoy is a southeastern China port opposite the big island of Formosa which Chiang had been building up as a "last stand" Nationalist bastion. Reports so far do not indicate whether the Communists are sending important forces toward Shanghai. There is still considerable opinion that they will take Hangchow first. Once that port city is in red hands, all land escape routes from Shanghai will be sealed. Honors Convocation, Education Conference Will Be Held Here Conant Will Speak The largest number of students in the 26 year history of the an- ,nual Honors Convocation will as- semble at 11 a.m., tomorrow in Hill Auditorium to receive recog- nition for their scholastic achieve- ment. Dr. James B. Conant, president of Harvard University, will ad- dress the convocation, speaking on "Skepticism ahd CoIrag6-in the Modern World." * * * THIS YEAR'S GROUP exceeds by 500 the record breaking 1,018 who were honored at last year's ceremony. Dean Erich A. Walter, chair- man of the Honors Convocation Committee, attributed the large number of honored, students to a closer check of awards made in the Graduate School and to "a more complete motivation on the part of many students, not- ably 'veterans." Thehonored group will include 1,241 men and 336 women. Last year's convocation recognized 771 men and 247 women. * * * MANY OF THE guests at the convocation will be members of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, which is hodling its annual con- vention here tomorrow. They will see many of their former students among the honored group. The entire first floor of the auditorium will be reserved for the honor students and their families. Classes will be dis- missed at 10:45 a.m. so that all students may witness the im- pressive affair. Dr. Conant will arrive in Ann Arbor this morning. He will attend a luncheon of the Harvard Club this noon and address a meeting of Phi Beta Kappa tonight. HOUSE GUEST of President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven during his Ann Arbor stay, the noted scientist and educator will also meet with the literary college Curriculum Committee for a dis- cussion of the place of science in the liberal arts curriculum. School Men Meet More. than 2,000 teachers and administrators from schools and colleges all over the state will con- gregate here today and tomorrow fcr meetings of the Michigan Schoolmasters Club and related organizations. - The annual Conference on Teacher Education, meeting at 9:30 a.m. today in the Union, will hear a panel on "Needed Changes in Teacher Education." * * * TOPIC FOR the annual Confer- ence on Problems in School and College Cooperation, which will meet at 2 p.m. today in Rackham Amphitheatre, is "What Should Colleges Expect of Entering Fresh- men"? The annual History of Edu- cation lecture, open to the public, will be given by Prof. H. G. G*#1 of Ohio State University at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Assembly Hall. GENERAL SESSIONS of the Schoolmasters Club will begin with a business meeting at 9 a.m. to- morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall. The teachers will hear a greeting address by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Chicago schools superinten- dent Herold C. Hunt will discuss "Raising Our Professional Ho- rizons" in the main address. The second general session will be a dinner meeting at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Kenneth McFarland, superintendent of schools in Topeka, Kans., will speak on "Behold This Day." * * * THIS MORNING'S meeting will hear a report by Prof. Willard C. Olson of the education school, who is chairman of the State Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Certification. Dean J. B. Ed- mondson of the education school will preside. The afternoon's topic will be "What Should Colleges Expect of Entering Freshmen"? Vet Official Decries 'Ax Treatment' Frohlich Seeks $250,000 Grant The head of the Veterans' Re- adjustment Center here yesterday termed the state legislature's ax treatment of grants to the Center "a disastrous blow." Prof. Moses M. Frohlich of the psychiatry department and head of the centersaid that the clinic's services to veteran patients must end after July 1 if the Center is denied its $250,000 operating grant. * * * THE HOUSE WAYS and Means Committee in Lansing entirely eliminated the appropriation in its first budget recommendations in- troduced this week. The state-supported clinic has been administered by the Uni- versity in cooperation with Uni- versity Hospital since 1946. In that time it has served more than 1,000 veterans. Prof. Frohlich expressed bewil- derment concerning the fund grant refusal. "I really don't know what it means," he said. * * * "THE CENTER is performing a real service for the veteran pa- tient. The state's original invest- ment has more than paid for it- self." Commenting on the clinic's situation, Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss declared last night that the University will operate the center only as long as the state provides"funds. That was implicit in the Re- gents' original agreement with the state to administer the Center, he said. * * * "IT'S UP TO THE Veterans' Administration and the state to decide whether they want the Center operated. If we don't get the funds we won't operate it." At present about 10 per cent of the nearly 40 patients at the Center are University students. The clinic, built in November, 1947, after being housed in tem- porary quarters in University Hos- pital, has a total in-patient ca- pacity of 50. One-hundred-fifty out-patients can also be aided at the clinic, which was built at a cost of $500,000. Education and Religion Must Stay Separate Staunchly defending the Amer- ican tradition of freedom of re- ligion, ean J. B. Edmondson of the education school declared last night that "the public schools must not be used as propagandiz- ing agents for any religious group."~ "You cannot satisfy the strong religious groups in this country unless religious instruction is sec- tarian," he said. * * * "WHEN SECTARIAN education begins in our public schools, re- ligious freedom and equality of opportunity for religious groups will end in this country." Dean Edmondson's talk was another in the current special series of lectures sponsored by the School of Education. Topic for last night's discussion was "Religion and Public Educa- tion." The dean -strongly favors con- tinuation of the American prac- tice of letting public schools offer non-sectarian character education and civic training, leaving relig- ious instruction to the church and the home. * *.* "WE HAVE ALWAYS tried to give all churches equality of op- portunity in matters of religion. The best interests of our public schools, our country, and our churches demand that no sectar- ian group secure a preferred po- sition," he said. Dean Edmondson warned of the difficulties of trying to get various religious groups to agree on fun- damental beliefs. In his opinion, "most of us connected with churches are intolerant of the be- -Daily--Alex Lmanlan MOVING UP FAST-Justin Williams just about to pass Cal's Dan Seamount in the two mile run. Williams went on to win the event. See story on page six. C'EST LA GUERRE: Women Wage War as Frosh Weekend Begins By GEORGE WALKER ' A tug of war that started as a dainty effort between two small groups of freshman women yes- terday ended in an all out struggle between hundreds of onlookers. The tug of war, and mock battle which preceded it, was designed to. promote "FroshwWeekend," newest addition to the campus so- cial agenda.- I Jessup Asks Russians for Statement of Berlin Aims National Round- Up By The Assgciated Press NEW YORK-Aso-called bible of communism was offered by the prosecution to Judge Harold R. Medina in Federal Court today as evidence that the party hoped to use armies of non-communist na- tions as springboards for a revolu- tion. WASHINGTON - An FBI agent swore today that papers seized in the pocketbook of Judith Coplon, on trial for es- pionage, told of her alleged ef- forts to snatch a "top secret FBI report" summarizing Soviet spy activities. WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Acheson brought basic East- West differences into sharp focus today, saying that even if the Western Powers reach an agree- ment with Russia on Berlin there still will be need for the North Atlantic Defense Pact. Overdone! Two women are in the hospital as a result of extensive burns by sunlamps, according to Dr. Mar- garet Bell of Health Service. Dr. Bell issued a warning today against the indiscriminate use of sunlamps. She reported that four coeds had either fallen asleep or stayed under the lamps too long. All required treatment at Health Service. "Although the burns are not serious," she admitted, "and will not leave permanent scars, the pa- tients are extremely uncomforta- ble and are losing valuable time." HUNDREDS OF spectators, drawn by the fanfare of a bugle, the beating of a drum, and the efforts of a barker, assembled on the library steps to witness the affair. At 2 p.m. two columns of jun- ior coeds marched from bases in the Engine Arch and the Na- tural Science Building, converg- ing at the intersection of the diags. The battle that followed lived up to allexpectations. The coeds, armed with water pistols, pillows, flour filled sacks, and water filled balloons staged a very convincing war. * * * ALLgOF WHICH proved very contagious to the hundreds of spectators who jammed the area. By the time the women got around to the tug of war, School Spirit had spread like fire through the big crowd. . First one, then two, then doz- ens of hefty males joined the teams at the ropes' ends-soon the initiators of the battle were lost in the overwhelming crowd. Despite the ferocity of thel "war," Janice James and Sue Sears, "generals" of the two teams, reported no casualties. 'U' High Ready For Last Opera Having converted its stage into a replica of a Venetian street scene, University High School will welcome the arrival of "The Gon- doliers" at 8:30 p.m. today. "The Gondoliers," one of the more popular light operas turned out by Gilbert and Sullivan, fea- tures liberal amounts of the tune- ful music and razor-sharp lyrics which have made the pair uni- versally popular. This High School production will be the first of "The Gon- doliers" during the regular school year since 1933, when the School of Music and Play Production combined their efforts to present it. Performances of "The Gon- doliers" will continue Friday and Saturday at University High School Auditorium. Tickets are' $1.00. SL Seeking Gripes on Discrimination Will Probe Practices In 'U' Housing Units Students' gripes on possible dis- criminatory practices in tJniver- sity housing units are being sought by the Student Legislature. Vice president John Ryder an- nounced in last night's SL session that an office would be opened next week in the Michigan Union by the Legislature Committee on Discrimination to hear complaints. REPORTS WILL be compared with the offending group's earlier statements to the Committee and discrepancies reported to Univer- sity officials, Ryder said. A cooperative bookstore - to be run by the University-was supported by the Legislature and the Campus Action Committee given the project. Chairman Al Harris will seek an interpretation of a 1920 Regents ruling which Legislators say may block setting up cooperatives in competition with local merchants. A modification of the ruling may be sought. SL ALSO cleared the decks for an all-out battle on adding some sort of campus group representa- tion to the Legislature. A motion from Bill Miller's Citizenship Com- mittee was tabled for discussion at a special meeting later, after two alternate proposals were made known. The special meeting date has not been set. Miller's motion would give non-voting delegates to the Union, League, Student Reli- gious Association, IFC, AIM, Pan-Hel and Assembly, An NSA alternative plan would set up a coordinating council com- posed of representatives from campus service organizations to function as a Legislature commit- tee. * * * A THIRD proposal, sponsored by SL member Tom Walsh, would let all organizations appoint an ob- server to attend Legislature meet- ings, to maintain liaison. They would serve without official status. The Legislature also voted $520 to cover the expenses of a Dis- placed Person enrolling at the University during the fall term. Soviets Close Locks, Open After Protest British Call Red Act 'Provocative' By The Associated Press Ambassador Philip C. Jessup asked the Russians yesterday to tell the Western Powers exactly what are their terms for lifting the Berlin blockade. The Russians then started work on their answer. When it will come was anybody's guess. * * * DIPLOMATIC sources in Mos- cow said that the reopening of the Berlin question could lead to the end of the cold war. In Berlin, the Russians clamped controls on three canal locks in the British sector of Berlin but reopened them after the British protested. A SPOKESMAN for the British military government called the Soviet action "provocative." The spokesman, referring to talks in New York for lifting the blockade, said the Soviet a- tion appear "inconsistent with such discussions." British authorities said Russian officers took over control of the Spandau, Charlottenburg and Ploetzensee locks and told the lock keeper to bar passage of any craft not registered with the Soviet water control. * * w THE BRITISH protested and the ban was removed. Normal water traffic was resumed. At the same time the Ameri- can-British airlift flew a near record tonnage intothe city. Planes delivered 9,119 tons of fuel and supplies in 1,022 flights in the 24-hour perio dended at noon. In Moscow, however some dip- lomatic sources said that the re- opening of the Berlin question, if handled correctly and with infi- nite care by all sides, could lend to an ending of the cold war. A FEELING prevailed in Mos- cow that Soviet Russia and the Big Three western powers may be on their way toward a new stage in postwar relations. In New York, Ambassador Jes- sup conferred for 92 minutes with two Soviet deputy foreign min- isters, Andrei A. Gromyko and Ja- kob A. Malik. The conversations were held under unusual secrecy on the sec- ond floor of the ornately fur- nished Russian delegation offices on upper Park Avenue. Sullivan Tiff Seen as Aid to DefenseUnity "Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan's resignation may stir up antagonism now, but in the long run, it should aid defense unifi- cation," Prof. C. Ferrel Heady, of the political science department, declared last night. Sullivan resigned Tuesday be- cause work on the Navy's new su- per-carrier was stopped. He call- ed Defense Secretary Johnson's move "drastic and arbitrary" and said this constituted an effort to abolish the Marine Corps and de- stroy all Naval aviation. * * * JOHNSON, who halted work on the carrier last Saturday, gave no specific reason for his action, but said earlier in the week that the money might be used to better advantage in the construction of smaller carriers. "Sullivan's resignation will enable Secretary Johnson to ap- nnin+ Cmmpnn. of Me nu. ohnio MODERN RITUALS: Masks Retain Mysticism Even ToaMagwn By NORMA JEAN HARELIK Even to modern man there is something frightening about a mask, Kenneth Macgowan, head of the theatre arts department at UCLA, declared in his first lecture yesterday on "Masks and Demons." Macgowan's second lecture "The thoughts of his assaulters be- cause of the masked faces," he said. Natives ofhAfricause masks to frighten their children and to maintain discipline. "Save the mask and spoil the child might be a phrase applicable to their civili- zation." Macgowan qnined. NOTHING COOKING AT COOK: Decorum PledgeSigned by 100 Coeds By LEON JAROFF Spring fever, flushed with vic- ents, friends, or girls in the dor- mitory. We feel that this is a per- "A lot of people who signed are just hvnocrites" she said "he-