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April 27, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-27

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I 11 I1 A r1M 1

Berlin Blockade
RUSSIA'S OFFER to lift the Berlin block- Now, however, the
ade before a meeting of the Big Four realized that actions
comes as a heartening sign at a time when words and is willing
order to work in clc
the ultimate goal of harmony and coopera- West.
tion between the East and the West seemed
doomed to oblivion. Naturally a criti
distinguish "ulterior
Aside from seemnigly insipid peace pro- sian proposal, sinc4
posals backed with words instead of deeds, the heels of an an]
the offer is the first indication that Russia man anti-Communi
is sincere in her efforts to reach a realistic military governors
agreement on the European problem. reached an agreem
of a separate West
For several months Russia has hinted
that she would like to lift the blockade but Conceivably Mosc
was hampered by her desire to "save face" decided that it was
with her satellites in Eastern Europe. The elude themselves in t
problem hinged around the fact that she man state rather th
refused to take any action on the issue until tige" of enforcing t
a meeting of the Big Four had worked out this way the road w
a plan for the organization of an autono- to obtain control oft
mous German state. rather than just the

Kremlin has apparently
s do speak louder than
to concede a point in
oser harmony with the
cal observer is able to
t motives" in the Rus-
e it followed right on
nouncement that Ger-
st leaders and western
s of Germany had
ent to rush formation
t German State.
ow leaders may have
more important to in-
the fromation of a Ger-
an maintain the "pres-
he Berlin blockade. In
ould be open eventually
the entire German state
Eastern sector.
eve, however, that pos-
nally realized that only
n can they reach an
rest of the world.
ly is the first step to-
of the East-West split
of the United Nations.
-Jim Brown.

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

We prefer to belie
sibly Russia has fin.
through cooperatio
agreement with the
Perhaps this realm
wards the solutionc
and a strengthening

Fair Education

THE JEWISH Community Council of De-
troit recently conducted a study which
showed that 27 of 31 schools which respond-
ed to an inquiry, require information as to
race, religion, color, and nationality. The
report of the President's Commission of
Higher Education states "it can almost be
said that the request for certain informa-
tion on application forms constitute an all
but prima facie case that such information
is likely to be used for discriminatory pur-
poses .
The Detroit survey is typical of many
which point up the same conclusion. There
is discrimination on the American cam-
pus and the people know about it.
Yet no action has been taken on the Fair
Education Practice Bills, introduced into the
Michigan State Legislature by Senator
Charles S. Blondy (D) and Representative
Tracy M. Doll (D.). A sample of the atti-
tudes towards discrimination of some of
Michigan's representatives offers an explan-
One senator told a University representa-
tive on the youth lobby to Lansing that he

believed that passing a law against discrim-
ihation was discriminatory. He hadn't made
up his mind as to whether there was dis-
crimination on the campus or not.
Another said, "There will always be dis-
crimination. There will always be in-
equalities." In answer to a student's ques-
tion concerning religious discrimination
on the campus he remarked, "Your doing
more harm than anyone. You brought up
the question."
These statements come from elected rep-
resentatives who have been asked to help
do away with intolerance. Is it any wonder
that the two bills which could do so, are
now dying in the House and Senate Com-
mittees on Education?
Fortunately, the Michigan voter can still
exert his influence over the man he put
in office. It is up to him to rescue the
Fair Education Bills if he hopes for their
passage. It is up to him to remind his repre-
sentatives that their views on discrimina-
tion are not shared by the Michigan cit-
-Ellen Corben.

(Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor
Harriett Friedman.)
DID YOU KNOW that rowing in Eastern
colleges is "menaced by a mushrooming
anti-athletic sentiment among undergrad-
uates that is distinctly Communistic in fla-
So reads an article in the New York
World-Telegram which quotes Penn rowing
coach Rusty Callow.
According to Coach Callow, a wave of fear
is sweeping the Eastern school coaches.
"Many students whom I'd brand un-
American are doing their best to put
over an unhealthy propaganda program,"
Callow told the paper.
"They won't try out for sports themselves,
and they're trying to stop everybody else.
It smacks of Communistic thinking. It's par-
ticularly wide-spread in the fraternities."
* * *
CHANCELLOR Robert M. Hutchins of the
University of Chicago turned the tables
on an Illinois legislature investigating com-
mittee and set the galleries laughing with
cross-questioning of the committee's use of
terms and assumptions.
Committee members, who are investigat-
ing alleged subversive activities at the Uni-
versity of Chicago and Roosevelt College,
asked him about university catalogue listing
of former professors who are identified with
so-called Communist-front groups.
Dr. Hutchins replied that in the case of
professors listed "emeritus" they were in
the catalogue because of serving through
retirement and "a man can never stop
being professor emeritus until he dies."
Other Hutchins comments:
Referring to the "impolite manner" in
which U. of C. students lobbied the state
legislature against bills designed to outlaw
Communism in state schools, he said:
"Rudeness and redness are not the same."
As far as he knows, impoliteness is not even
"presumptive evidence" of subversive activ-
* * *
Regarding active professors in "front"
groups, Dr. Hutchins commented that the
only alternative to the University's present
policy of regarding them as law abiding cit-
izens was his (Hutchins) telling a possible
Nobel prize winner that he is against his
freedom of thought.
* * *
Summing up his attitude toward the in-
vestigations, Hutchins said:
"The danger to our institutions is not from
the tiny minority who do not believe in
them. It is from those who would mistaken-
ly repress the free spirit upon which those
institutions were built.
"The policy of, repression of ideas can-
not work and never has worked. The al-
ternative to it is the long, difficult road
of education. To this the American people
have been committed.
"It requires patience and tolerance, even
in the face of the most intense provoca-
"The task of the Legislature is not merely
to protect the people by passing laws that
prevent the minority from overthrowing the
state. It is to eliminate those social and
economic evils and political injustices which
are the sources of discontent and disaffec-
"The task of the university is to en-
lighten the community to provide citizens
who know the reasons for their faith and
who will be a bulwark to our democ-
racy because they have achieved conviction
through study and thought."

WITH THEIR EYES on ends rather than
the means, many people have been ig-
noring realities in the so called cold war.
Yesterday morning's headlines bear wit-
ness to this-reality of power. A reality
that administration leaders in Washing-
ton, where atom bombs have been juggled
for three years now, have hit right on the
head. The switch back to power politics
that took place after Roosevelt's death has
reached its logical conclusion.
It is a poor substitute for the Roosevelt
approach, but a man with the vision, diplo-
macy and power of FDR comes along only
once in a generation. All that the men in
Washington were able to do after April 12,
1945, was return to the more familiar theme
of power politics. And they played it to the
The Marshall Plan evolved into an ex-
pression of this philosophy and the Atlantic
Pact was an obvious example. We opposed
them because we had lived in the Roosevelt
era and did not want to go back.
But if Roosevelt was shrewder, had more
vision, the men who took over in Wash-
ington had and still have the power. The
balance in the old game of "don't fight
unless you think you can lick the other
guy" has, for the time being at least,
swung in favor of peace. Russia has offer-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"Well-enough of the GOOD LIFE, read me that
Exam Schedule again."

Health Plans

Wrong Approach
has a perfect right to attack so-called
socialized medicine because a government-
sponsored health program would be likely to
interfere with the immediate economic in-
terests of the medical profession. At present,
a medical education represents a huge in-
vestment of money, which the individual
doctor must recovei' in the course of time
by charging fees that not enough patients
can afford.
The AMA has about as much of a mon-
nopoly position as any medieval guild, and
logically enough, it wants to keep its posi-
tion. Few people will really believe that
the AMA is spending millions of dollars on
propaganda completely altruistically and
"is not opposing socialized medicine in the
interests of its economic welfare." The
AMA is interested in keeping the status
quo, and from its standpoint, that is justi-
fied, although it may be against the best
Interest of the people, who are not getting
adequate medical care, no matter what
anybody says.
If the AMA really believes in capitalistic
democracy and the good life, it must put
human welfare above monetary considera-
tions. It must find a way for a poor man to
see a doctor when he is ill, just as a rich
man gets in touch with one when he feels
the need.
But some think that only as long as peo-
ple will have to pay for it will good use be
made of a doctor's service. Under a system
of "free" medicine a lot of people not really
sick at all would come around to get medi-
cine just for the fun of it.
Of course, some neurotics, hypochondri-
acs, "malades imaginaires" and perhons
who want to "get something free" would
tend to take up some of the doctor's time,
if a general health insurance program
were to go into effect.
The only thing is that a few nuisances
would not demolish the benefits of "social-
ized benefits." The AMA would be better
off by not trying to build an argument
around that point. For once, neurotics and
hypochondriacs are just the people who
should see a doctor.
Right now, anyone with enough money
can go to a doctor any time he wants to,
and there are few doctors complaining.
While penniless individuals must keep
their maladjustments until they may lead
to some anti-social act, some society ma-

No Insurance
A BILL to provide medical aid to the states
was introduced in the Senate last week
by Republicans Taft, Smith and Donnell.
Contrary to the compulsory health plan
that Truman has said he will push, this
bill will provide no health insurance. It
covers a five year period with a grant of
$1,250,000 to be given for better health
and hospital facilities. States would be re-
quired to match the federal aid. Wealthier
states getting as much as 331/3 per cent of
their health program and. poorer ones as
much as 75 per cent.
The American Medical Association is
against any plan for compulsory health in-
surance and they have reason to be. They
know what happens when anything that
appears to be free is offered.
They point to what happened during the
depression of the '30's when medical aid was
given to anyone and everyone on relief.
Some of these people were really sick and
needed attention, but most of them came to
the doctor with everything from a slight
case of indigestion and falling dandruff to
a curvature of the big toe. Naturally the
doctor didn't forget the X-rays, cardiograms
and the numerous bits of advice when he
reported the number of patients at the end
of a week to the local Welfare Office. These
people were taking up his valuable time-
time other patients who were sick needed-
time that could have been used for study,
research and needed relaxation. And the
government was giving the doctor reduced
rates for these so-called patients.
This illustration points out the worst
evils of a compulsory health bill. This is
what happened once and may happen
again. Truman would like to see the coun-
try have 100 percent medical care. At the
present time the United States has the
best medical attention in the world. Mem-
bers of the AMA would rather keep this
standard for 80 percent of the population
and then to work for aid for the rest, in
the form of grants from the government,
than to lower their hard earned standards
and give the country 100 percent mediocre
We can see the physician's point and we
should not condemn him as he struggles
along trying to make the country see what

(Continued from Page 2)
NSA Travel Bureau: Open Wed-
nesday and Thursday, 4-4:45 p.m.,
Office of Student Affairs.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Gopal
Tripathi, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Thermal Properties of Or-
thodichlorobenzene," Thursday,
April 28, 3:00 p.m., Room 3201 E.
Engineering. Chairman, G. G.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
April 27, 4:10 p.m. Room 1300
Chemistry. Dr. E. F. Westrum, Jr.
will discuss "The Nature of the
Hydrogen Bond in KHF2."
Aerodynamics Seminar, Aero.
Eng. 160, Wednesday, April 27 4-6
p.m. Room 1508 East Engineering
Bldg. Topic: Theory of hyper-
bolic flow equations.
Astronomical Seminar: Satur-
day, April 30, 10 a.m., McMath-
Hulbert Observatory, Lake An-
gelus. Speaker: Dr. Leo Goldberg,
Director University Observatory.
Subject: "The Near Infra-Red
Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide."
University Lecture: Mr. Ken-
neth Macgowan, of the University
of California at Los Angeles, will
lecture on Wednesday, April 27,
at 4:15, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. His lecture, which is spon-
sored by the Fine Arts Depart-
ment, will be, "Masks and De-
mons; The Birth of the Theatre
from the Magic and Rituals of
Primitive Peoples." There will be
Lecture: Mr. Kenneth Macgow-
an, of the University of California
at Los Angeles, will lecture on
Thursday, April 28, at 4:15 in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. His talk,
which is sponsored by the Art
Cinema League, will be "The
Screen-a Better Blackboard."
University Lecture: "Emerson
and the Liberal Tradition in
American Education." H. G. Good,
Professor of the History of Educa-
tion, Ohio State University; aus-
pices of the School of Education
and the Department of History.
8:00 p.m., Thursday, in Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Student Recital: Phyllis Force,
pianist, will present a program at
8:00 Wednesday evening, April 27
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Her program, open to the
public, will include compositions
by Beethoven, Schumann, Mozart,
and Bartok. Miss Force is a pupil
of Helen Titus.
Student Recital: Charlotte
Boehm, mezzo-soprano, will pre-
sent a program at 8:00 Thursday
evening, April 28, in the Hussey
Room of the Michigan League, as
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Miss Boehm is a pupil of
Arthur Hackett. She will be assist-
ed by Donald Sanford, violist, and
Lennis Britton Swift, pianist. The
general public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Pervical Price,

University Carillonneur, will play
the third program in the current
series of carillon recitals at 7:15
Thursday evening, April 28. It will
include the Andante from Haydn's
Surprise Symphony, Sonata for 30
bells by Professor Price, Selections
from tne Mikado, and a group of
Stephen Foster songs.
Events Today
Mr. L. W. Byrne, Chief, Port
Promotion Bureau of the Port of
New York Authority will speak on
the various aspects of "The Port
Authority," Wednesday, April 27
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 130 of the
Bus. Ad. building. All students are
Education Lecture Series: "Re-
ligion and Public Education," J.
B. Edmonson, Dean of the School
of Education. 7 p.m. Wed., Univer-
sity High School Auditorium. Pub-
lic invited.
UWF: General Meeting, April
27, 4:15 p.m., Michigan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Rm.
3056 N.S. on Wednesday, April 27,
12:15 p.m. Joe Kerr and Daniel
Bradley will speak on "The Geol-
ogy of Newfoundland."
ASCE: Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 27, Rm. 3-G of
the Union. Speakers are Mr. C. A.
Weber, Road Engineer, and Mr. C.
J. McMonagle, Director of the
Planning and Traffic Division,
Michigan State Highway Depart-
ment. They will speak on High-
way and Traffic Engineering.
Library Science Class, 1948-49:
Tea, Wednesday, April 27, 4:30-
6 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Students and
faculty invited.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Beard of the
Fish and Wildlife Service will pre-
sent an illustrated talk on water-
fowl management at the Seney
National Wildlife Refuge in the
upper peninsula of Michigan, at
7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, in
the Botany Seminar Room, 1139
Natural Science Building. All wild-
life students are expected to at-
tend any anyone else interested is
cordially invited.
AIEE-IRE: joint meeting with
the Michigan Section of AIEE
Wednesday, April 27, 8:00 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. The
meeting will be a panel discussion
on "The Engineering Graduates
First Job" by Professor A. H. Lov-
ell, Mr. H. E. Crampton, and Mr.
W. H. MacDuff. Open to all En-
UWF Panel Discussion: Wednes-
day, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League.
Topic: Garry Davis, Realist or
Dreamer. Speakers: Dr. Efimenco
and Miss Pamela Wrinch.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity: Business Meeting, Wednes-
day, April 27, 7:30 p.m., Chapter
House, 1212 Hill.
Graduate History Club: Wed-
nesday, April 27, 8:00 p.m. in
Clements Library. Professor
Charles L. Stevenson of the De-
partment of Philosophy will speak
on "History and Empathy." The
public is invited.
The Westminster Guild of the

First Presbyterian Church will
have an informal tea and talk on
Wed., April 27th. from 4 to 6 p.n.
in the Russel parlor of the church
building. Everyone is invited.
Coed Folk and Square Dancing
Club Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., W.A.B.
A.S.M.E.: meeting Wednesday,
April 27, at 7:30 p.m. in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. Guest speaker
will be O. E. Johnson. assistant
general production manager of
Kaiser-Frazer Corp., who will lec-
ture on receiving, storage and
shipping. Movies on material han-
dling will be shown. Everybody is
welcome to attend.
Michigan Actuarial Club: Pro-
fessor Haber, of the Economics
Department, will speak on "Some
Issues in Social Insurance," on
Wednesday, April 27, at 4:10 p.m.
in Room 172 Rackham Building.
Refreshments will be served. All
interested are cordially invited.
ADA Executive Meeting: League
at 4:15 Wed. Discussion of a pro-
gram, membership and publicity.
Independents: A meeting for all
men living outside University
Dorms to discuss a social and ath-
letic program will be held Wed-
nesday, April 27, at 7:15 p.m.
Room 3C, Union.
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting: 7:00
p.m., Michigan Union. Business of
this and next semester to be dis-
cussed. It is essential that all
members be present.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity:
Special meeting Wednesday, April
27, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: General meeting 7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Michigan League. Plan-
ning for Fall semester group of
D.P. students.
Student Legislature Meeting:
Wednesday, April 27, 1949, Grand
Rapids Room, League.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, Books of Acts, Chap-
ter X, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
IZFA Song and Dance Group:
Wednesday. April 27, 8:00 p.m. in
the League. All are welcome.
Roger Williams Guild -weekly
"chat" and tea at Guild House,
4:30 p.m.
Wolverine Club Flash Card Com-
mittee meeting 7:15 p.m. in the
Michigan Union.
Coming Events
"Abe Lincoln in Illinois," Rob-
ert E. Sherwood's Pulitzer Prize
play, will be presented tomorrow
through Saturday nights, 8 p.m.,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
with a matinee Saturday at 2:30
p.m.. Produced by the department
of speech, a special rate for stu-
dents will be granted for the
Thursday evening and Saturday
matinee performances. Tickets
are now on sale at the theatre box
Gilbert and Sullivan Society-
Business meeting for all members.
Discussion of new constitution,
election of officers, and discussion
of choice of shows for the 1949-50
school year. 7 p.m., Thurs., Rm.
164, Bus. Ad.
U. of M. Young Republicans
meet Thursday, April 28, Michigan
Union, Rm. 3S. Members urged to
be present to discuss topic: "Civil
Rights and Discrimination."

Undergraduate Psychological
Society: Mr. Roger W. Brown will
speak on "Gestalt Psychology: A
New Rationalism" at the Russian
Tea Room of the League, Thurs-
day, April 28, 7:30 p.m. Coffee- will
be served.
The Geological-Mineralogical
Journal Club will hold a regular
meeting at 12:25 in Room 2054,
N.S. Bldg. on Friday, April 29, to
hear Mr. Daniel Bradley on Wis-
consin Glaciation of Newfound-
land and Mr. John J. Hayes on
The influence of orogeny on struc-
ture and sedimentation in North-
ern Newfoundland. This is an open
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Ameri-
can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs.,
April 28, International Center.
Student-Faculty hour Thurs-
day, April 28, from 4-5 p.m. in the
Grand Rapids Room of the
League. Geography and Geology
departments will be guests. Co-
sponsored by Assembly and Pan-
hel associations.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Big Ten'
Postal Match Thurs., April 28, 7
p.m., ROTC range.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege or submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Cooperate, Please
To the Editor:
have made wonderful posters
to inform the public about a dance
or other event which your organi-
zation is sponsoring: when you
have found a splendid place to
hang your masterpiece, you prob-
ably have noticed that there is al-
ready a poster from another or-
ganization on the spot you have
chosen. Are you one of those peo-
ple who calmly tear this other
one down and put up your own?
I am sorry if you do, but this letter
is especially to you.
During the past weeks more
than one poster has been bru-
tally destroyed. When this hap-
pens to foreign students visiting
your campus, who are presenting
their biggest cultural and social
program for World Cooperation
Week, it is still more undesirable.
After this we will count on your
full cooperation in this matter.
Thank you.
-Eino 0. Kainlaur.
To the Editor:
MR. GREENE, in your letter t1
the editor last Thursday con-
cerning the group that went to
Lansing to lobby for the FEPC
Bill, you had a fairly decent point.
However, the point was made
practically unrecognizable by a
bit of the lowest redbaiting I have
seen in some time.
You intimated, it, seemed, in
your article that the people who
went to lobby in Lansing were be-
ing led by a half dozen Commu-
nists. You also hinted that these
people did not really want this bill
passed, because it would "rob
them of a source of agitation."
On this latter point, we appar-
ently know different sets of peo-
ple who went to lobby in Lansing.
The people that I am familiar with
that went to Lansing were sincere
people who want to see discrimi-
nation discontinued on a legal
basis. They were people who want
to do something more than talk
about anti-discrimination.
Your statement about a half
dozen Communists is nothing more
than a "glittering generality."
I would like to know whether
these so-called half dozen Com-
munists are really Communists or
whether they just happen to be
politically left of Mr. Greene.
-Dave Frazer.
t Dail

ge ttep4

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Assocate Editor
Al Blumrosen.......Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White.....Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusiv'.ly
entitled to the use for republio .tlon
of all news dispatches credited .to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription y uring th regular
school year by Barrier, $3.00, by mai,


Well now; how are you progressing with

That talkative type of secretary, eh?

F Extraordinary that she doesn't know.


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