THE M;ITIGA'N DATILY WED It SDA.V. XPEDITION TO IRAN: 'U' Professor Unlocks Secrets of Ancient Inseriplion By PICK M tOY (Daily City Editor) Prof. George Cameron is. livinf proof that the old saying abou' professors leading a quiet life i little more than a myth. He is back in the quiet comfor' of a classroom teaching Nea Eastern culture now. But for the past five months he's been clam- boring about a wind-swept moun- tain in Iran hundreds of feet in the air while doing valuable re- search on ancient inscriptions. THE INSCRIPTIONS tell of the conquests of the Persian King Darius who held sway over the entire known world -- with the exception of Greece--back in 516 B.C. The ancient dictator evident- ly was anxious that a record of his doings be preserved, accord- ing to Cameron. Because a foot- note to the hlstorical record contains a plea that following generations preserve the in- scription. It also promises that the gods would shine on those who helped preserve the monument and threatens those who helped pre- serve the monument and threat- ens those who would destroy the inscription with the god's anger. BUT OLD King Darius didn't entrust his historical record en- tirely to the gods. After his work- men and sculptors had completed their carving on the sheer clifft wall high in the air, he had them carefully destroy all approaches to the monument. Prof. Cameron discovered traces of the ancient ap- proaches during his research on the spot. For his work it was necessary to constructra system of steel cables attached to a narrow scaffold which could be lowered 200 feet to the carv- ings. The results of his five-month expedition were made public last week. At a press conference the lean, six-footer said his work resulted in the solutions of the last remaining problems sur- rounding this inscription. BECAUSE IT was written in three languages it has provided scientists with a valuable key to understanding certain heretofore unknown alphabets. Research on this particular inscription was begun a century ago. Utilizing a special liquid rub- ber material, Cameron was able to make inmpressions of the in- scriptions which could be brought home easily for leisurely study. * * * HIS HAZARDOUS work high in the air gave him several nar- Easing Off Of Housing Jal11 Seeni Despite soaring sprintg enroll- inents, opening of the new wom- en's dorm and the drop in vet- e-rans enrollment appear to be eosin:; the University's housing headaches this semester. University officials report that the over-crowded conditions which forced scores of students into basement dormitory rooms last fall have been alleviated. - THE NEW. WOMEN'S dorm, still unnamed and uncompleted, is ah eady housing 290 women. ac- cording to Assistant Dean of Women Mary C. Bromage . They include women who lived at Victor Vaughan House last semester, 40 emigrants from the now-closed Willow Run dor- mitory, and freshman women. The return of the Vaughan exiles has in turn helped quad officials find room abovedground for their basement dwellers. JOHN E. BINGLEY, chief resi- dent adviser of East Quad, and Peter A. Ostafin, chief West Quad adviser, said all men had been removed from the temporary quarters. At Willow Village, Richard A. Correll, director of the Veterans Service Bureau, reported that only six Willow Run dormitories for single men are now open. Debate Society MeetsToday Plan ,Intercollegiate Schedule for Spring An organizational meeting for University debate activities, which ATTENTION!. . . University Students Save yourselves time and money The Ann Arbor Business School offers you classes in SHORTHAND and TYPING Before completing your next semester's schedule arrange a convenient time for your typing and shorthand classes offered during the day or evenings. For full particulars call in person or phone the ANN ARBOR BUSINESS- SCHOOL' rrrwrrr 330 NICKELS ARCADE PHONE 2-0330 e' k.~ .U . .. " ... .. " 11000 kbol . w ... s i 1 ' ." .. :' v . t r r; " a r* , FATHER AND SON-Prof. George Cameron and h's son Tom, 15, examine a photograph of ancient inscriptions placed on a sheer cliff in Iran by or ler of the Persian King Darius in 516 B.C. Both have just returned from a five-month expedition 0 the Near East where they studied the inscriptions while clinging to a scaffold high in the air. 135 RECORD ALBUMS (all classical music) row brushes with death. Once heE nearly toppled from the narrow. swaying platform when a native helper mistunderstood directions and allowed one side of the plat- form to tilt dangerously. Besides natural erosion dam- age from 2,400 years of natural weathering, the ancient in- scriptions have taken quite aj beating from rifle fire in the past 25 years. Cameron said troops billeted nearby during World Wars ieand II apparently used the lofty sculp- ture for target practice. ONE OF THE most valuablel contributions of the Darius in- scription to human knowledge is in providing a key to cuneiform (wedge shaped) writing. The Darius inscription was done in three different languages. 13y comparing known lan- guages with the cuneiform writ- ing the researchers have been E able to decipher this previously unintelligible form. Stressing the importance of this, Cameron pointed out that from 3500 B.C. to the time of Alexander the Great all written materials were in cuneiform. The key to this form will in turn aid other researchers who have been working on still earlier historical records. PROF. CAMERON said his new study emphasizes the great value of the Near East to us as the only place on the face of the earthI where the entire history of man can be studied. The economic portance of this recognized, but significance in will include contests with several and military im- other universities will be held at area is generally 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 4203, An- we overlook its gell Hall. at 40%/oDISCOUNT the history of i - __ ___. __-y { mankind, according to Cameron. 'U' Site Refusal Fails To Dim NSA Hopes for Congress Here a t i I The campus chapter of the Na- tional Students Association has not given up hope of eventually holding a national NSA Congress here despite the University's re- fusal to apptove the meeting for next summer. NSA is requesting facilities for the convention during the summer % SECOND SEMESTER New and Used TKS for all courses of 1950, Arlynn Rosen, '49, SL NSA committee chairman, an- nounced. DENIAL OF THE earlier date came in a letter to Miss Rosenf from Herbert G. Watkins, secre- tary and assistant vice president.1 "The Committee on Budget Administration feels that the University's facilities during thet summer of 1949 will not permits granting the request," he said. I He pointed out that open pe- I arods before and after summerI session would be used to renovate residence hall quarters that NSA had requested. Use of Hill .Audi- torium was denied because new seats are to be installed and Rack- ham Lecture Hall would not be available for the week or 10 days NSA had requested. THE REQUEST for 1950 will mark the third attempt of local NSA leaders to bring the annual convention to Ann Arbor. The first request was granted{ by the University but was turnedI down by the NSA National Execu- tives and eventually held last Au- gust at the University of Wiscon- in. The proposed Congress in 1950 would be the third one held by NSA and would bring more than 700 delegates and alternates here from colleges in 45 states. Debate activities are open to all interested students. Teams to meet the visiting debaters are chosen on a tryout basis. Coach Ray Nadeau will present plans for preliminary contests in April for two national oratorical contests at the meeting. Intercollegiate debates already arranged for this semester are: Toronto University, Feb. 14, here; Central Michigan College of Edu- cation, Feb. 18 at Flint; Cam- bridge University, March 23 here; Cornell, March 28 here; and Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, March 29 here. An invitational tournament with teams attending from Dem- son University, Alma College, Uni- versity of Detroit, Wayne Univer- sity, Western Michigan College of Education and Michigan State Normal College has been sched- uled fer Feb. 25 at the University. IMy *t L '' . - HURRY -HURRY -HURRY Take advantage of this unusual offer, TODAY! MID=WEST FURNITURE SUPPLY COMPANY Every Disc is NEW! 113 E. Washingtor "Was Itafool back in11949!" Meet the man who wasted 9 months of college in 1949. True, he passed all his courses - even graduated. But that's about all he did do in college. His one ticket to success was his sheepskin - or so he thought! Poor fellow went job hunting. It was tough sledding. Employers growled,' "No experience - no job!" Everywhere . . . the same answer. That hurt! He didn't have experience. If he was smart, he could have. While still in college, too. Valuable experience . . . on the Michigan Daily. But no! He had too many "other" things to do. His only comment now: "Was I a fool, back in 1949!" Ph. 9-662 %L4 I ~ -~- --,.-. 7777n T SENIORS STUDEN SPLIES "Every Book for Every Course" Special Department for Veterans Your Official University of Michigan Ring is now available at Balfours for immediate delivery in most sizes We invite you to stop in and try yours on without obligation. Your initials and last name beautifully engraved with our compliments. I4 3 i s =Mimi BUT 1949 IS STILL HERE-and so are you. Your chance to gain priceless experience has come. This Thursday, the Michigan Daily is open for business, and that business is you. The welcome mat will be laid for you-your ability-your future. There are many attractive job openings to students with an eye on their future. Jobs that have a lot of "Pull" with employers every- where. And 2 to 1 you can fill any one of them. No experience required, either. Learn about the many opportunities in advertising ... accounting ... layout ... finance ... and many other fields. Whether or not you are going into newspaper work, these departments offer you valuable background for any good job. Get in on our new, easy training program. Before long, you can be earning a solid salary. With steady advancements. ID Michigan rings are also available from your official jeweler with fraternity coat of arms or encrusted Greek letters. - ® : '> 1F i 11