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April 26, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-26

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F O U R T ~ l ~ D----------2 0

From the Ieside

"R1AH-RAH'S" return, more than anything
else, seems to indicate that Michigan
students want to return to that old Mich-
igan Spirit that, up to the war, was so
closely linked with the University.
Specifically, the Wolverines voted to
bring the freshman-sophomore rivalries
back to town-all but the beanies. High
school seniors can eagerly look forward
to a week of traditional freshman-soph-
omore rivalry, to king-sized pep rallies, a
tug of war across the Huron and a frosh-
soph talent show of unprecedented pro-
portions to climax the whole thing.
But the students probably were not vot-
ing so much for these definite- things as
they were for a come-back of school spirit
itself. The worn-out phrase "school spirit"
has at least one meaning for each student
on campus, and two or more for the alum-
In the end, though, the term boils down
to a positive approach to the University, the
adoption of an attitude that doesn't auto-
matically assume that everything coming
out of the Administration Building is de-
signed to poison somebody or something.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Rather it means the students will begin
to talk of "Michigan, the greatest Univer-
sity in the world" and begin to be proud
of things connected with it, even to look
for them. Further it will mean more de-
votion to the University as a whole, rather
than just a small group, such as a fra-
ternity or club, which makes up the cam-
pus community.
However, it must be pointed out that
only a third of the students voted, and not
all of these on the rah-rah proposals, indi-
cating that one can't expect everybody to
be dressed in maize and blue overnight. The
third who vote, too, are usually the third
who have the most school spirit anyway.
It is interesting to note that the one pro-
posal that discriminated towards freshmen,
the "beanies," was outvoted.
So it seems that as the seasoned, ma-
ture veterans, who remember tug-of-wars
across the Rhine and would just as soon
have nothing to do with those across the
Huron, become numerically smothered by
the younger students, that "old Michigan
Spirit" will come back.
The rah-rah proposals show that there is
a revival in positive attitudes towards Michlw
igan; yet they are an indication rather than
the thing itself.
You can't turn school spirit on and off
like a dam by passing a few measures, as
some seem to think. Michigan loyalty must
come from inside each student himself..
-John P. Davies.

At the State ... At the Michigan -. -
cial acclaim for Paul Douglas, Kirk Doug- Wayne and Gail Russell.
las, Ann Sothern, and Sadie. ITH LESS EFFORT The Wake of the
CALL ME POLTROON if you like. Say I Red Witch could have been an absorbing
am untrue to the ideals of non-Hollywood sea yarn. In its present state, the movie is
movie reviewers. Claim I am off my feed a labored recollection of incidents from every
if it please you, but for the life of me I am sea story I've ever read or seen on the
unable to find anything wrong with "Letter screen, done with as little mind to original-
To Three Wives." ity as possible. The result is painless but
It is hilariously funny, conceivably real, exhausting.
convincingly human, and extremely well Involved in the proceedings are five
told. The refreshing and novel plot, ad- million dollars worth of gold bullion,
mirably handled by Hollywood, illustrates pearls as big as goose eggs (or so report
once again that the best movies are those had it, though none materialized), an
whose origins lie outside the movie colony, underwater struggle with an octopus (I
It is no secret that Hollywood produc- blush ih admitting it), the prying of a
tion is technically supreme, and often little boy out of the clutches of a giant
wasted on trash. It becomes worthwhile clam, native rituals, etc. from island to
only when it is given a halfway decent island in the Pacific. The spectator would
story-idea to work on. Joseph Klempner's have to be as valiant as the hero to wade
novel was good, and the movie, conse- through all 'that guff, is my private con-
quently, is even better. tention.
Most important, I think, is that this Unfortunately, I've never been able to
movie is sufficiently mature and adult t4 disassociate John Wayne from a horse and
insult nobody's intelligence. It has a num- prairie; this makes his present role as a
ber of elements, calculated to appeal to any swash-buckling adventurer inadvertently
attitude anyone in the audience cares to comic. When not fighting the elements,
take, blended into a complete and satisfy- drinking gin, or seducing native women
ing whole. For those in Philosophy 139, it (This was only implied, I'm sorry to say.)
has "levels of significance"-it is first a the hero was waging an illogical and para-
comedy, second a fascinating story-incident, doxically inactive feud with a wealthy mer-
third a moral message about marriages, chant, whom I would have thought too
and fourth, an honest portrayal of the fact preoccupied with finance for this game of
that human beings are not always storybook cat-and-mouse. I was mistaken.
ideals, and that each person carries his own Gail Russell appears on one of the islands
good and bad individuality into any real- long enough to stage one of the most ex-
life situation. cruciating death-bed scenes I've seen. The
By all means, find the wherewithal. You'll incident does little to enhance Miss Russell's
be amply rewarded by "Letter to Three already dubious stature as an actress. Worse,
Wives." it absolutely paralyzes the movie.
-Perry Logan. -Jim Graham.
American Japanr

Ready Solution
THAT ALL THINGS turn out for the best
appears evident, now that the decks of
the proposed vast housing program have
been cleared for action.
It was with a great sigh of relief that
readers welcomed Michigan Representa-
tive Wolcott's statement to the press, "I
don't think we will be able to stop it
Rep. Wolcott represented one of the more
formidable obstacles to passage of the hous-
ing bill. But by virtue of a Senate approval,
57 to 13, he practically admitted defeat to
his most emphatic anti-housing bill stand at
last year's 80th Congress sessions.
Pending house ratification, the much-
debated bill should now pave the way for
a sorely needed devastation of slum areas,
on a national scale. It also provides for
an expanded six-year construction of more
than 800,000 low-rent public housing
And if the battling House members, who
have already issued storm warnings as a
precedent to a forthcoming showdown at
the next House session, actually have the
interest of dollarwise citizens at heart, they
will pull the program safely over its hurdles.
Here's hoping they realize the true worth
of a housing program destined to alleviate
ugly slum conditions and spell finis to this
seemingly perpetual housing feud. For when
the bill becomes law, thousands of Amer-
icans in the lower income bracket can an-
ticipate a ready solution to their home-
seeking worries.
-Don Kotite.
Spirit Is There
I ATTENDED the funeral of Rabbi Stephen
S. Wise the other day-or tried to, rather,
because the area around Carnegie Hall was
so packed I couldn't even get close.
"That was one man in a million," said
my cab driver, an Italian. "He was for all
of us."
In an age in which we puzzle desperately
over the question: What moves the minds
of the people? a part of the answer, I
think, was to have been found in the
neighborhood of 57th Street and Seventh
Avenue, in New York, on Friday afternoon.
They were there, staring up silently at the
building in which the services were being
held, because they loved him, and they
loved him because he had been a great lib-
eral. He had been unafraid, he had never
tried to win favor, and, as a result, you
couldn't get through the street. He had
taken up all the supposedly unpopular issues
-he had been against racial discrimination,
he had been for progressive labor laws,
starting half a century ago, he had been
for Zionism in the earliest days, he had
been for so many of the things that to the
respectables seem sure roads to disfavor, and
here on the streets was the answer. Here
was the reality. A billion words of cant
shriveled in the light of that afternoon, and
you knew again that the American mind
does not reserve its warmest places for the
timid, but for the bold, not for the self-
enslaved, but for the self-enfranchised.
You knew, as I say, that here was the
reality, and that the rest was talk; and
you knew that whatever opponents it
has to face, the liberal spirit in America
will in the end win, because reality must
win over that which is not real.
And on the way back to the office, I read
the statement which Chancellor Robert M.
Hutchins of the University of Chicago had
made to the Subversive Activities Commis-
sion of the Illinois Legislature. The Com-

mission has been inquiring into "subversive
activity" on the campus of the university.
Such inquiries as these have become a stand-
ard feature of American life lately, as the
great wave of political heresy-hunting has
crept over us.
But this hearing was different. For Dr.
Hutchins, while declaring that he and the
University were against Communism, abso-
lutely refused to let himself or his institu-
tion be swept up in the wave. Calmly, he
told the Commission that the University of
Chicago is a distinguished one precisely be-
cause it guarantees complete academic free-
He was not afraid of thought and dis-
cussion, he said; he would not counten-
ance represssion; he was for patience and
tolerance, even in the face of provocation;
he would not exclude Communist students
("If we did how would they ever learn
better?"); he believed that those who had
a real opportunity to study all forms of
government would prefer democracy; he
felt that existing laws could control sub-
versive acts, if any should ever occur, but
he knew of no subversive acts, and he was
opposed to any attempt at control of
thought. He said: "The danger to our in-
stitutions is not from the tiny minority
who do not believe in them. It is from
those who would mistakenly repress the
free spirit upon which those institutions
are built. The miasma of thought-control
that is now spreading over the country is
t he greatest menace to the United States
I i nn TI 1r

"YouR d B k Eli ,,1

(Continued from Page 2)
Thursday, April 28, a represen-
tative from the Peoples Gas, Light,
and Coke Co., of Chicago, Ill., will
be here to interview students for
accounting, engineering, and gen-
eral business trainee positions.
The Terryberry Co., from Grand
Rapids, will have a representative
here the evenings of April 26th
and 27th to interview men inter-
ested in sales of fraternity and
school jewelry. Salaried positions.
Representatives of North Star
Camp for boys will be at Bureau
of Appointments, W ednesday,
April 27 to interview men for posi-
tions in crafts, camp craft, water
sports, and fencing.
Camp Positions: Representative
of Camp Tyrone (Flint YWCA)
will be at Bureau of Appointments,
Tuesday, April 26, to interview
counselors for waterfront, land
sports, and handicraft. For fur-
ther information and appoint-
ment, call Ext. 371 or stop at Bu-
reau of Appointment, 3528 Ad-
ministration Buildingg
The Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission announces open competi-
tive examinations for Social Case
Worker, Medical Social Case work-
er, Student Social Worker, Junior
Publicist, Intermediate Publicist,
Head City Planner, Semi-senior
Accountant, and Senior Accoun-
ttan. Additional information may
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Employment interview demon-
stration: Mr. L. Cloyton Hill, Pro-
fessor of Industrial Relations, and
Lou Woytek, President of the In-
dustrial Relations Club will pre-
sent the proper and improper
methods of conducting yourself in
an employment interview 4:00
p.m. in Room 130, Bus. Ad. Bldg.
There will be a period for ques-
tions following the demonstration.
Academic Notices
Sociology 132 and 160: Dr. Wood
will not be able to meet his classes
Tues., April 26.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
April 27, 4:10 p.m. Room 1300
Chemistry. Dr. E. F. Westrum, Jr.
will discuss "The Nature of the
Hydrogen Bond in KHF2."
Calculus of Variation Seminar:
Tues., April 26, 1949, 3:15 p.m.
Prof. Maxwell O. Reade will deliv-
er his 8th lecture on "Type num-
bers of Stationary Points."
Aerodynamics Seminar, Aero.
Eng. 160, Wednesday, April 27 4-6
p.m. Room 1508 East Engineering
Bldg. Topic: Theory of hyper-
bolic flow equations.

"Sdial and Emotional Relations
of Parents and Children," is the
subject of a lecture by Dr. Ralph'
L. Patterson, Professor of Psychi-
atry, on Tuesday, April 26, at 8:00
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Open without charge to all
University Lecture: Mr. Ken-
neth Macgowan, of the University
of California at Los Angeles, will
lecture on Wednesday, April 27,
at 4:15, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. His lecture, which is spon-
sored by the Fine Arts Depart-
ment, will be, "Masks and De-
mons; The Birth of the Theatre
from the Magic and Rituals of
Primitive Peoples." There will be
Law Lecture: Under the aus-
pices of the pre-Law Society, The
Michigan Crib, Judge Edward M.
Sharpe of the Supreme Court of
Michigan, will speak on the Con-
stitution' of the United States.
Kellogg Institute Auditorium, 8:00
pim., Thursday, April 28. Open to
the public.
Student Recital: Phyllis Force,
pianist, will present a program at
8:00 Wednesday evening, April 27
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in.
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Her program, open to the
public, will include compositions
by Beethoven, Schumann, Mozart,
and Bartok. Miss Force is a pupil
of Helen Titus.
Museum of Art: Max Beckmann,
Some Recent Accessions; Alumni
Memorial Hall, through May 1.
Daily, 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The pub-
lic is invited.
Museum of Art: Alexander Col-
lection of Masks, through May 8;
Max Beckmann, Some Recent Ac-
cessions, through May 1. Alumni
Memorial Hall; daily, 9-5, Sun-
days 2-5. The public is invited.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Architectural work of San-
ders and Malsin, New York City;
sculpture of William Talbot, New
York City. First floor, Architec-
tural Building until May 9.
Events Today
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Annual dinner meeting at 6:15,
in the Hussey Room of the Michi-
gan League. Election of officers.
Miss Helen W. Dodson, Assistant
Professor of Astronomy, will give
an illustrated talk on "The Sun-

at Home and Abroad. RecentI
Solar Research 'at the Me-Math-;
Hulbert Observatory of the Uni-
versity of Michigan and the1
French Sola r Observatories."
There will be no Tea this week.
University of Michigan Dames1
Interior Decorating Group: :
8 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Mrs. H. K.
Smith of Milford, Michigan, will
speak on "Furniture Refinishing."
and will demonstrate the refinish-
ing process of a piece of furniture
step by step.1
United Nations Council:
UNESCO organizational meet-
ing. 7 p.m., Student Lounge (Room
2435) Education School. Planning
of scope and structure of campusr
council. Also state-wide Council
Committee on Student Affairs
will meet in Room 1011, Angell
Mathematics Colloquium: 4:00
p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Professor'
C. L. Dolph will speak on INTEG-
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak-
er's Society, Meeting: 7:00 p.m.,
2084 E. Eng. Bldg. Program: Prac-
tice in After Dinner Speaking;
Completion of plans for Conven-
tion, and also preparations for
Tung Oil Banquet, May 13.
NSA MEETING, Tuesday, April
26, 4 p.m., Cave, Michigan League.
Those planning to apply at dele-
gates to the National Congress are
asked to attend also.
IFC Glee Club Meeting: Room
3D, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Flying Club: Open meeting to-
night at 7:30 in Room 1042, East
Engineering Building.
Undergraduate Physics Club:
7:30 p.m., Room 2038 Randall
Polonia Club: Meeting: Interna.-
tional Center. 7:30 p.m. Refresh-
ments. Plans for coming of Lira
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
rehearsal of the Maidens, 7:00
p.m., Michigan League.
Canterbury Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Seminar on "The Meaning of the
Christian Faith" Wednesday, 7:15
a.m., Holy Communion followed by
Student Breakfast.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Square Dance Group, Lane Hall,
7:00 p.m.
Coming Events
Mr. L. W. Byrne, Chief, Port
Promotion Bureau of the Port of
New'York Authority will speak on
the various aspects of "The Port
Authority," Wednesday, April 27
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 130 of the
Bus. Ad. building. All students are
Education Lecture Series: "Re-
ligion and Public Education," J.
B. Edmonson, Dean of the School
of Education. 7 p.m. Wed., Univer-
sity High School Auditorium. Pub-
lic invited.
UWF: General Meeting, April
27, 4:15 p.m., Michigan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Rm.
3056 N.S. on Wednesday, April 27,
12:15 p.m. Joe Kerr and Daniel
Bradley will speak on "The Geol-

ogy of Newfoundland."
ASCE: Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 27, Rm. 3-G of
the Union. Speakers are Mr. C. A.
Weber, Road Engineer, and Mr. C.
J. McMonagle, Director of the
Planning and Traffic Division,
Michigan Stae Highway Depart-
ment. They will speak on High-
way and Traffic Engineering.
Library Science Class, 1948-49:
Tea, Wednesday, April 27, 4:30-
6 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Students and
faculty invited.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Beard of the

Fish and Wildlife Service will pre
sent an illustrated talk on water
fowl management at the Sen
National Wildlife Refuge in th
upper peninsula of Michigan, a
7:30 p.m.. Wednesday, April 27,
Ile Botany Seminar Room, 113
Natural Science Building. All wild'
life students a rc expected to a
tend any. anyone else interested i
cordially invited.I
AIEE-IRE: joint meeting witl
the Michigan Section of AIE
Wednesday, April 27, 8:00 p.m. ii
Rackhamn Amphitheatre. Th
meeting will be a panel discussiot
on "The Engineerin Graduate
First Job" by Professor A. H. Loy'
ell, Mr. H. E. Crampton, and M1
W. H. MacDuff. Open to all En
UWF Panel Discussion: Wednes
day, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Leagut
Topic: Garry Davis, Realist o
Dreamer. Speakers: Dr. Efimene
and Miss Pamela Wrinch.
Delta Sigma tPi, Prof essiona
business administration fratei
nity: Business Meeting, Wednes
day. April 27, 7:30 p.m.. Chapte
House, 1212 Hill.
Graduate History Club: We.
nesday, April 27, 8:00 p.m. i
Clements Library. Professo
Charles L. Stevenson of the Dc
partment of Philosophy will spea
on "History and Empathy." Th
public is invited.
The Westminster Guild of th
First Presbyterian Church wi.
have an informal tea and talk o
Wed., April 27th, from 4 to 6 p.iia
in the Russel parlor of the chre
building. Everyone is invited.
Flying Club: Open meeting o
Wednesday, April 27, at 7:30 p.ir
in Room 1042, East Engineerin
Coed Folk and Square Dancin
Club Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., W.A.1
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Will pre
sent an educational film, "High
lights in Steel Making" by th
Bethlehem Steel Corporatiol
Thursday, April 28, 4:15 p.n
Room 348 West Engineering Buil
Bacteriology Seminar, Thur
day, April 28th,. 8:30 a.m. in Room
1520 E. Medical Building. Spe
er: Robert C. Backus. Subject
Electron Microscopy of Viruses.
* *


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students 4
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TOKYO-This sleazy oriental shantytown
gives the traveler the odd sensation of
being dragged back through five years in
time and thousands of miles in space. For
Tokyo is still remarkably like a big wat-
time city very far behind the battle lines-

, I s'

T OSIA MUNDSTOCK and her group of
modern dancers played to a full house
Saturday night at the Sarah Angell Audi-
torium in Barbour Gymnasium.
The group, Detroit's first resident com-
pany, presented a group of original dances
which unfortunately showed little orig-
inality. Although the solos were announced
as the work of the individual dancers, the
choreography throughout consisted of a
very limited number of movements and
combinations. Each piece was repititious
within itself, and the group numbers had
almost no precision.
The best group patterns occurred in Spir-
itual, and the most effective costuming in
New Perspectives. The latter contained some
good dancing, and- even managed to be ex-
citing at moments.
By far the best and most distinctive dance
of the evening was Ritual, to DeFalla's well-

Algiers, say, after the fighting had moved
up beyond Naples, or Naples after the fall of
Rome, or Paris well after the Battle of the
Bulge. The United States Army, in its rear
echelon capacity, is everywhere.
Here are those dimly remembered, om-
nipresent, officious Army signs come back
to life-"Off Limits," "For General Offi-
cers Only," "For Military Personnel Only."
Here are the familiar mimeographed
forms, which everyone fills out in tripli-
cate, and no one ever looks at again. Here
are the well-pressed G.I.'s and the pink-
faced military police in their white hel-
mets, trying to look Prussian but never
quite succeeding.
The visible evidence of the army's hold
on the city is confirmed by the invisible
facts. There are American civilians here,
thousands of them, from bobby soxers to
experts on the migration of fish. Some of
these civilians have influenced the course of
the occupation-but only at second remove.
For no civilian (except occasional visit-
ing firemen) has direct access to the su-
preme source of all power in Japan, Gen-
eral of the Army Douglas MacArthur.
General MacArthur is tightly surrounded
by his old subordinates and intimates of
the Bataan days. The rare newcomers t
this charmed circle wear a uniform and
usually a West Point ring. The charmed
circle makes certain that civilians are kept
in their place.
All this is partly understandable. A mili-
tary occupation is by definition run by the


--- __ _

The-article I'm writing for the
Child Psychology Gazette shows
how real an imaginary playmate
can seem to be to a child-.

I want to include in it the f
of some routine psychologi
and P'll ask Barnaby some
to determine his mental de

cal tests,

see, Miss Dixon.

Miss Dixon, this new secretary of. yours-.
Shorthand and typing good? You have given
her the routine tests, how many words per
minute and so on?'Seems intelligent, eh?
r J
p ".,,
O 311 Cotkat Jtnw "^"r " "' 0

l Now Barnaby, which of those

Which would you rather have,

What do we do

II find Barnaby a briahter-than-averael

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