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April 26, 1949 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

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VOL. LIX, No. 143








# * #


U.S. Orders
Navy Units
To Withdraw
British Speed
Shanghai's 5,000,000 residents
waited listlessly in the rain last
night for the Chinese Communist
forces, reportedly only 10 miles
from the city, to penetrate their
wood fence defense line.
Other major developments in
the China war were the with-
drawal of the U.S. Navy from
Shanghai, the recall of Ambassa-
dor J. Leighton Stuart and a deci-
sion by the British to reinforce
their Pacific fleet.
U.S. Citizens Warned
The U.S. Consulate warned
American citizens that the Navy
planned to move from its Shang-
hai anchorages this morning to
avoid involvement in the Civil
War and that if they wanted to go
aboard they must do so quickly.
There was no large response from
the nearly 2,500 Americans in
Secrecy meanwhile covered
the major maneuver of the
Communist army, aimed at trap-
ping 30,000 government troops
against the Sea south of Shang-
The Shanghai garrison ac-
knowledged that the Reds had in-
filtrated to Nanhsiang, 10 miles
northwest of Shanghai. It denied
that the Reds had captured Kash-
ing, 53 miles by air southwest of
the city.
* * *
Ambassador Recalled
Ambassador J. Leighton Stuart
was ordered home by the State
Department yesterday as reports
reached Washington that he may
be a prisoner in his Nanking resi-
Armed Communist soldiers in-
vaded his home there and left a
hint that he would be kept pris-
An embassy report to the State
Department said the soldiers, on
leaving, told one of the servants
that the 72-year-old envoy should
not leave the residence compound.
The State Department ordered
an immediate and "vigorous" pro-
test to the Communists over the
disregarding ofimmunity normal-
ly enjoyed by establishing of for-
eign governments.
* * *
British Reinforce Fleet
Britain announced that she is
reinforcing her feet in China wat-
ers with two aircraft carriers and
a group of submarines bound for
.Hong Kong.
Last night, a spokesman for
the Admiralty said, however, all
British vessels will be withdrawn
from China proper-possibly to
Hong Kong.
The spokesman said the British
intend to withdraw their vessels
from Nanking and Shanghai and
"continue normal procedure with
regards to visits to foreign ports."
Communist Protest
The Chinese Communist radio,
last night, broadcast a demand
that .the British government pay
compensation and apologize for
last week's battle involving four
British ships on the Yangtze Riv-
Four British ships were dam-

aged and 43 seamen were killed
when Communist artillery shelled
them, starting last Wednesday,
One is still marooned in the river
and the Communists have refused
to permit her to leave.
British authorities in Shanghai
said two wounded sailors landed



SHANGHAI'S FENCE DEFENSE-A section of Shanghai's newly-built wooden fence to oppose Chi-
nese Communist armies now in Nanking. This wooden defense line is approximately 35 miles long
studded with pill boxes one of which is shown at left.

New School in
Olivet Break
Namtes Head
Johnson To Preside
At Shipherd College
OLIVET-(I)-A New York edu-
cator, Dr. Alvin Saunders John-
son, today was named president of
Shipherd College, a school without
a campus.
A group of former Olivet Col-
lege facultymen who recently
broke with Olivet President Au-
brey L. Ashby over policy and
either resigned or were fired, is
forming the new school and has
selected Madison Barracks at
Sackets Harbor, N.Y., as a ten-
tative site.
* * *
A COMMITTEE seeking a char-
ter from the New York State
Board of Regents said it hoped to
have the new school in operation
next fall, with enough students
from Olivet to begin a four-year
The committee's announced
purpose is to operate a "small,
educationally progressive, coed-
ucational liberal arts college."
Dr. Johnson, who was appoint-
ed to head it, is at present pres-
ident emeritus of the New School
for Social Research in New York
City. He will divide his time, the
committee said, between that post
and the proposed college.
* * *
DR. JOHNSON, who was editor
of the New Republic for six years
beginnin in 1917, is a graduate
of the University of Nebraska. He
taught economics there and at
Bryn Mawr, University of Texas,
University of Chicago, Cornell and
to Talk Here
Movie Exec Lectures
Tomorrow, Thursday
Movie producer Kenneth Mac-
gowan will give two public lectures
dealing with theatre arts tomor-
row and Thursday.
His first talk will be given at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
Amphitheatre. It will deal with
the origin of the mask among
primitive cultures and the evolu-
tion of the masked ritual into the
modern drama and theatre. Slides
will be used to illustrate the lec-
" * * A
"THE SCREEN - A Better

Red 'Peace' Congress
To Start War of Words

., _

PARIS-(P)-The World Peace
Congress last night decided to
establish a permanent organiza-
tion on Cominform lines to fight
the United States in a propagan-
da war.
* * *
THE 2,000 delegates at a clos-
ing session voted unanimously for
a resolution for creation of a
worldwide committee which will
carry on agitation against "ac-
tions which menace the peace" or
Will Discuss
Child Rearing
A psychiatrist's advice on bring-
ing up baby-and his young par-
ents-will be given aty8 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Lecture Hall
when Dr. Ralph M. Patterson of
the Neuropsychiatric Institute
Dr. Patterson, University pro-
fessor of psychiatry, will discuss
"The Emotional and Social Rela-
tions of Parents and Children" in
the last in a series of two lectures
supplementing the marriage and
family relations series.
* * *
THE LECTURE is open to all
students. Admission is free.
"Planning to have a child",
"why have a child?" and "When
to have a child" will be among
Dr. Patterson's topics.
He will also discuss teaching
children to face reality and meet-
ing the emotional needs of infants
and small children.
* * *
DR. PATTERSON has served as
consulting psychiatrist for the
Michigan Childrens Institute, and
currently fills a similar post with
the Girls' Training School at Ad-
The lecture is sponsored by a
University committee which is ex-
ploring the problem of family life
education at the University.

"infringe on national indepen-
For six days speakers at the
Communist - sponsored meeting
have declared that the Atlantic
Pact and Truman Doctrine are
menaces to peace and the Mar-
shall Plan a violation of -the
independence of the countries
participating in it. American
"warmongers" and leaders have
been pictured as the chief op-
ponents of peace and Russia as
the true friend of peace.
A manifesto adopted by the
Congress demanded the outlaw-
ing of the atomic bomb, and a
boycott of all books, films, press
and personalities considered to
favor propaganda for a new war.
* * *
THE MANIFESTO omitted any
reference to the civil war in China
but denounced the conflicts in
Greece, Indonesia, Indochina and
Creation of the permanent
committee followed the forecast,
of Communist writers that a
world "rally of peace partisans"
would be set up.
The permanent committee ros-
ter included many persons prom-
inent in Communist or leftist cir-
Chaplains To
Confer Here
University and college chaplains
from all parts of the country will
gather here today for the second
annual national religious direc-
tors' three day conference.
Lane Hall and the University
Extension Service will play host
to the 85 chaplains attending the
Conference president, Charles
C. Noble, of Syracuse University,
will highlight today's activities
with a talk on "The Status of the
Chaplaincy" at 6:30 p.m. at the

Health Plan
In Congress
See Final Action
At Later Session
WASHINGTON-- ()-Legisla-
tion designed to put about 120,-
000,000 Americans under Presi-
dent Truman's Compulsory Health
Insurance program started down a
rocky road in Congress yesterday.
Sponsors introduced the Admin-
istration Bill in the Senate and
House. They said it would earmark
about $6,000,000,000 a year to fi-
nance the insurance plan to pro-
vide medical, dental and hospital
care, eyeglasses, hearing aids and
other services. Employees' pay-
checks and employer's payrolls
would be taxed to pay for it.
* * *
THE OMNIBUS bill also would
carry out the other phases of the
health program which Mr. Tru-
man outlined to Congress last
week. Those included:
Federal grants for medical ed-
ucation, public health services,
hospital construction, general
medical and child life research,
and'an experimental program of
grants to farmers' health coop-
Even the backers of the bill said
there is scarecely any chance Con-
gress will get around to final ac-
tion on it at this session. They look
for a showdown next year, or pos-
sibly this fall if the President
should call a special session.
was introduced only a few hours
after a new attack by the Ameri-
can Medical Association on the in-
surance plan. Dr. Elmer H. Hen-
derson, Chairman of the AMA
Board, said the program "would
regiment doctors and patients
alike under a vast bureaucracy of
political administrators, clerks,
bookkeepers and lay committees."
Student Fined
In Judiciary
Election Probe
Charles Stanulis, '52E, was fined
ten dollars and put on social pro-
bation for voting twice in last
week's SL election by the Men's
Judiciary Council last night.
* * *
STANULIS, who made no at-
tempt to deny the charge, voted
twice by borrowing his room-
mate's identification card.
"I didn't think it was serious
at the time but I see now that
I did wrong," he told the Coun-
cil, adding that he had heard
of other people doing it. He
couldn't name any specific ones.
The idea of voting twice was
suggested to him, he said, by the
campaign manager of an unnamed
defeated SL candidate.
Stanulis lives at East Quad-
rangle, but is an inactive pledge
to Delta Upsilon fraternity.
* * *
AT THE SAME meeting, in-
vestigation into the stuffing of the
engine- arch ballot box was con-
tinued and a decision was reached
to continue at 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Union.

3. "That the Politburo is truly
ready for mutual, good-faith ef-
forts to create a liveable world in
which free self-determination shall
decide any nation's accepted ide-
ology ;
4. "And that effectively dis-
ciplined, adequately supervised,
universal disarmament shall be the
world's progressive goal on a new
agenda of hope for the people of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Re-
publics and for all the other peo-
ple in a friendly world."
* * *
BUT HE SAID such an an-
nouncement from Moscow must be
"backed by deeds to give it some
belated semblance of reality," and
he added:
"Even to lift the Berlin block-
ade would be startling sunshine
in a dismal sky."
Vandenberg continued:
"Perhaps I speak in tables. Per-
haps I fail to account for the
Kremlin's suspicions of our own
purposes. Perhaps the Marxist
conflict is an inevitable denial of
peace. At least I have summed up
the paramount problem of the
world in a single paragraph. I
have put responsibility where it

Vandenberg Asks
Russians for Peace
NEW YORK-()-Senator Arthur Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) de-
clared last night that Russia's leaders hold the key to world peace,'
and he blue-printed a method whereby they, could assure that
THE KREMLIN LEADERS could produce an effect more powerful
than "our whole storehouse of atom bombs," he said, if they were
to announce:
1. That Moscow seeks to heal the East-West breach;
2. "That Communism is ready to drop its plans for external'
conquest and subversion; y

world News
Round- Up


By The Associated Press
lynching bill was approved yester-
day by a Senate judiciary sub-
committee. Senator Ferguson
(Rep., Mich.), author of the meas-
ure, said he expects the full com-
cittee to okay it next Monday.
DETROIT - Chances of
squelching a strike threat at
Ford Motor Co. improved great-
ly yesterday with announcement
of a company-union meeting.
NEW YORK-Hungary declined
yesterday the invitation of the
United Nations Assembly to tell
its story of the imprisonment of
Josef Cardinal Mindszenty.
As expected, the cabled Hungar-
ian reply contended the trial of
the Hungarian Catholic primate is
an internal affair and no business
of the UN.
* * *
NEW YORK--The United Na-
tionseAssembly yesterday con-
demned Soviet refusal to lift the
iron curtain separating Russian
wives from foreign husbands.
PANAMA, Panama -- The Na-
tional Assembly approved last
night by a large majority a gov-
ernment-sponsored resolution de-
claring a state of siege in Pan-
ama and provisionally suspending
constitutional guarantees.
TEL AVIV, Israel - Israel's
housing and employment prob-
lems brought a second day of
demonstrations yesterday.
Truckloads of men rode through
the streets shouting in Hebrew,
"we want work."

Soions Rap
U.S. A liens
WASHINGTON - (1) - Sweep-
ing legislation to expel"subver-
sive" aliens from the U.S. won
support in Congress yesterday
amid charges that Moscow-dir-
ected agents are seeking to foment
''revolutionary'' discontent.
THE CHARGES were made by
Senator McCarran (D-Nev.),
chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. He offered a bill
which was quickly backed by Sen-
ator Cain (R-Wash.) and Senator
O'Connor (D-Md.), among others.
It would:
1. Deny visas to persons who,
in the opinion of the visa-issu-
ing officer, seek to enter the
country to engage in espionage,
sabotage, organizing subversive
activity, or participating in the
work of any organization listed
as subversive by the Attorney
2. Provide for the deportation
of any alien connected with
Communist Front organizations
designated by the Attorney
McCarran told the Senate a
Judiciary Subcommittee has "con-
clusive and alarming evidence"
that foreign agents, many of
whom entered this country as at-
taches of international agencies,
carry instructions from their
Communist masters."
* * *
IN OFFERING his bill, Senator
McCarran said it is a "cold, hard
fact" that every person who comes
to this country as an attache of
an international organization
from a Soviet-dominated country
is "an agent of international
Defense Hits
'Terrorism' in
WASINGTON - (4) -Defense
counsel yesterday accused the gov-
ernment of "terrorism" in the
double indictment of Judith Cop-
Ion, 27, former Justice Department
employe, charged with plotting to
pass U.S. secrets to a Russian
Miss Coplon':s trial opened here
yesterday on an indictment accus-
ing her of unlawfully removing
documents from Justice Depart-
ment files. She is also under in-
dictment on espionage conspiracy
charges in New York.
* * **
bald Palmer contended the Wash-
ington indictment, voted after she
had pleaded innocent in New
York, was brought "in an effort
to break her down so she would
tell what they thought she knew."

Ask Date for
On Germany
Follows West,
German Accord
LONDON - (P) - Russia today
offered to lift the Berlin Blockade
before a Big Four meeting on the
German problem if the Western
Powers would set a date for such
a session.
The official Soviet News Agency
Tass said the offer was made by
Soviet Security Council Represen-
tative J. A. Malik to U.S. Ambas-
sador-at-Large Philip Jessup.
The offer, if given as stated,
would represent a major Soviet
concession and could overcome the
major stumbling block in previous
negotiations to lift the blockade of
the former German capital.
PREVIOUS negotiations, both
inside and outside the United Na-
tions, have broken down over the
question of timing.
The Western Powers have in-
sisted that the blockade be lifted
before a Big Four meeting.
The Russian heretofore have
been adamant in insisting that
the Foreign Ministers meet be-
fore they would lift their restric-
tions on transportation.
The Soviet announcement came
on the heels of last night's disclo-
sure in Frankfurt that German
anti-Communist leaders and west-
ern military governors of Germany
had reached agreement to rush
formation of a separate West Ger-
man State.
RUSSIA has long opposed oy.
mation of a west German State.
German anti-Communist lead-
ers had reached an agreemet
last night with the three mili-
tary governors to rush the for-
mation of the Federal Republic
of Western Germany. The ac-
cord ignored Russia.
Gen. Lucius D. Clay, American
military governor, predicted the
new European state-with a pop-
ulation of more than 45,000,000
Germans west of the Elbe-would
come into existence by July 15.
That would be four months after
the target date fixed last year by
the western Allies.
* * *
THE REPUBLIC would be made
up of the individual German states
in, the American, British and
French occupation zones. The
agreement does not involve Russia
which occupies almost a third of
the former Reich.
At the end of a six-hour con-
ference between German consti-
tution writers and the Western
Governors, Clay announced:
"We have reconciled all differ-
ences between the Occupation
Powers and the Germans, and the
Germans have reconciled all dif-
ferences between themselves."
City Retains
'Slow' Time
Ann Arbor remained on Eastern
Standard Time along with most
of Michigan as part of the nation
switched to Daylight Saving Time
over the weekend.
Trains operating in and out' of
Ann Arbor will run on Eastern

Standard Time, a railway spokes-
man said.
* * *
ONLY IN UPPER Michigan will
some elements of a "fast time vs.
slow time" hodge-podge be found.
And even that will be far less than
According to the findings of an
Associated Press survey, only three
of the state's 83 counties defin-
itely will not be setting their
clocks on the same schedule with
the rest of the state.
JNE S CO To Hold

No Relief Seen for Crammed Finals Period

Harried students can probably
- - - n r a# .in a ,,.nra ,.nm

ing senior's grades can be turned
in by Monday of graduation week.

the kinks have been ironed out
of the program, Prof. Dwyer said.
".q ,,3an c c mill firl C oir -ua

over a longer period? Prof.
did not think so.


inations to seniors in major cours-
es, he said.

,k *

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