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April 24, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-24

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


'M' Batsmen
Find Missing
Indiana Victim
Of Ten Hit Attack
Michigan's batters, shackled in
their last three games, broke loose
yesterday for 10 hits, and romped
to an 8-3 victory over Indiana.
It was the Maize and Blue base-
iall squad's first Conference win
.his year.
* * *
THE PLAYERS on both sides
were hampered in both hitting and
fielding by a strong wind which
blew across the diamond.
Many times during the con-
test a batter stepped out of the
box and held up play because
the wind was kicking upsand.
In addition, the gale Wlaved
havoc with a couple of balls that
seemed ticketed for extra bases.
BOB WOLFF clubbed a long one
down' the left field line in the
first inning that was pulled only
inches foul and would have been
a triple had the wind not caught
the ball.
Then in the top of the second,
Hoosier centerfielder Bob Moore
got hold of one of Smith's
slants, but the gale held it up
until rightfielder Hal Morrill
could get under it.
The Wolverines started the scor-
ing in the first inning when they
pushed over three runs on two
hits, a pair of bases on balls and
an error.
* * *
LEAD OFF MAN Willard Baker
drew the first pass, and Bob
Bucholz, trying to sacrifice Baker
to second, beat out a bunt down
the third-base line.
Centerfielder Ralph Morrison
also tried to sacrifice, but both
attempts went foul and he
worker hurler Don Colnitis for a
pass, to load the sacks.,
Hal Morrill grounded to first-
baseman Tex Ritter who threw
the ball to catcher Tom Birko,
but Birko dropped the toss and
everyone was safe, with Baker
crossing the plate.
* * *
single into center field to send
Bucholz and Morrison scampering
across and putting Morrill on sec-
Jack McDonald, attempting to
sacrifice his mates along, bunt-
ed a pop fly to Colnitis, who
See STRONG, page 2
Peace Parley
Cheers Reds
As Liberitors
PARIS--(P)-The loudest cheers
of the four-day-old World Peace
Congress were given yesterday at
the announcement of a Commu-
nist war victory in China.
The delegates sat in stunned
silence earlier when one speaker
criticized "proletarian bureau-
crats" and mixed boos with cat-
calls when an American, 0. John
Rogge, said Russia lacks political
THEY GOT THEIR first shock
when Harvey Moore, a British
lawyer told them, they could not
be for war and peace at the same
time and that:

"Proletarian bureaucrats as
well as bourgeois bureaucrats
will have to learn that people
want freedom of the individual,
freedom of speech, freedom of
elections and freedom to change
their government if they want
When the delegates sat silent,
Moore demanded, "where are your
HE GOT A FEW then, and
went on with the comment:
"I rejoice to see so many Com-
munists here advocating peace. It
is a great step forward. If you are
sincere, you cannot want war.
"Do not deceive yourselves. You
cannot be for war (in China) and
peace at the same time," the
Briton exclaimed.
In Auew uLook'
A ten page picture story on the

Red Teaching Poll
Splits 'U' Faculty
Faculty opinion in a Daily postcard survey was almost evenly di-
vided on the State Legislature bill to bar Communists and ex-Commu-
nists from teaching in Michigan schools and colleges.
Slightly more than one-third of those polled-339 faculty members
-returned answers. Of these, 52 per cent were against the proposal,
41 per cent in favor and seven per cent were in favor but wanted it to
apply only to present members of the Party.
THE PROPOSED LAW, now in the State Senate Committee on
Education, consists of one sentence.
"No past or present member of the Communist Party shall be
employed as a teacher in any school, college or university in the
State of Michigan."
(Students voted on the bill in a referendum at the campus-wide
elections Tuesday and Wednesday, opposing it 3,329 to 2,547--of those
voting, approximately 55 per cent against to 45 per cent in favor.)
FACULTY COMMENT in the survey ranged from "Communists
ought to be deported" to "(the bill is) perfectly asinine."
In favor of the bill, faculty members made these points:
Membership in the Communist Party prevents free thought; Com-
munists are agents of a foreign power; those who would destroy free-
dom should not be allowed to work against it in the schools.
-.* * * *
i OBJECTIONS to the bill were that:
There are other dogmatic positions that also restrict the free
search for truth; Communism will be defeated only in free compe-
tition with democratic ideas.
Communist Party membership does not necessarily disqualify a
teacher-it is an individual matter; the measure would be difficult to
enforce without turning into a witch-hunt; it is not the Legslature's
Half of those against and one-third of those in favor of the bill
made comments of which typical examples follow.
"There is no such thing as freedom of intellect in the Communist
"Members of the Communist Party owe their loyalty to Russia
and they would forcefully impose a dictatorship if they could upon
See PENDING, Page 6
High School Musicians
Converge on' U' Campu s

Building of
Navy's New
Ship Stops
Johnson Orders
Navy Halt Work
WASHINGTON - (A)-A terse
and crisply-worded order from De-
fense Secretary Johnson yesterday
ended the Navy's building of a
colossal aircraft carrier whose
planes could have engaged in stra-
tegic bombing with atomic weap-
Johnson, after consulting with
President Truman and the joint
chiefs of staff, directed Navy Sec-
retary Sullivan to order his de-
partment to discontinue construc-
tion of the 65,000-ton, $189,000,-
000 carrier "at once."
THE KEEL of the carrier was
laid only last Monday in the yards
of the Virginia firm which had
the contract, the Newport News
Shipbuilding Corp.
Johnson's order constituted a
victory of the first magnitude
for the Air Force in its long
dispute with the Navy over what
targets naval aircraft should at-
tack in a war.
Reduced to its simplest form,
the question was: Should the Navy
be allowed to build a carrier so
big that heavy, small-range
bombers could be launched from
its flight deck to attack cities and
factories? This, the Air Force had
contended, was strategic bombing
which should be done by the far-
reaching, land-based bombers of
the USAF such as the B-36, the
B-50 and B-29.









* *


Close to 5,000 high school mu-
sicians blew their own horns in
Ann Arbor yesterday and then
cast a critical eye about the Uni-
versity campus.
Most feminine members of the
51 bands and 14 orchestras
brought to the University yester-
day for the State Band and Or-
chestra Festival were highly im-
pressed with the University. They
typically described the campus as
"beautiful" and expressed a keen
interest in Michigan men.
THE BOYS were a bit more
caustic. Some of them said they
prefe rred Michigan State. "The
coeds here are o.k. I'd go out with
one if she had a Cadillac and
plenty of money," one of the boys
Most of the youthful per-
Offer Lecture
Oan Infant CArte
Dr. Ralph M. Patterson, Uni-
versity professor of psychiatry,
will speak to students on "The
Social and Emotional Relations of
Parents and Children," 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture will be the last in
a series on infant care and psy-
chology, supplementing the mar-
riage lecture series. Admission is
free to all students.

formers held the same opinion
about the University Marching
Band. They seem to look upon
it as the "world's greatest" and
those who plan to come to
Michigan want to be in it.
Many of the high school bands
imitate Michigan formations dur-
ing marching season. "Wte tried
their high step in our band," one
said. "But it didn't work. Every-f
body got out of step-except me."
performances in Hill Auditorium,
Ann Arbor High School and Slau-
son Junior High, many of the
studentamusicians took seats in
the auditoriums and listened
tensely to their competitors.
They also spent a good deal
of time window shopping, ar-
rayed in brightly colored uni-
forms, many of them bearing
medals enough for a Russian
general. In the local five and
ten-main headquarters for the
visitors-they flocked appropri-
ately to the counter bearing toy
"They sure had plenty of pep
after the 300-mile trip down here,"
the Charlevoix band leader said.
He'd had little difficulty getting
the boys and girls back to the
busses on time. "They know it's
a long walk back," he remarked.
The bus-drivers were generally
less enthusiastic about toting the
student musicians. "High school
students are just children," one
of the drivers commented.

IN THE NAVY, there was a
stunned and official silence. In the
Air Force there was just silence.
At Corpus Christi, Tex., Navy
Secretary John L. Sullivan de-
clined to say anything pending a
study of the order.
The new Defense Secretary
had clamped a ban on comment
by any high official of any of
the armed forces regarding the
carrier question. Even some of
those no longer actively con-
nected with the armed forces
were silent.
If the carrier United States had
progressed beyond the few pieces
of steel which have been laid for
her keel, here is what she would
have been:
The biggest aircraft carrier in
the world, with a flight deck
1,090 feet long, 190 feet wide, no
"island" superstructure in her
flush deck to obstruct the wings
of big bombers landing and tak-
ing off.
Together with about half a doz-
en other Navy warships, she
would have been too wide to go
through the present locks of the
Panama Canal.
The carrier could have been
used for various combinations of
planes, ranging from 120 fighters
to 24 big bombers.
Johnson's announcement gave
no specific reason for ordering
construction stopped. His decision
was a reversal oT the opinion of
former defense secretary For-
restal who thought at least one
of the huge carriers should be
built to test its practicability.
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-About 9,600 Germans
and 38 square miles of West Ger-
many's frontier territory were
taken over by four adjoining
allied nations yesterday.
The Netherlands, Belgium,
France and Luxembourg occupied
various small sectors. Most of the
Germans in the affected areas
accepted their new status with re-
luctance, but resignation.
* * *
MT. CLEMENS-Former Gov.
Kim Sigler today accepted a
special prosecutor's assignment
but disavowed any intention to
make a comeback in politics.
He was named by Circuit
Judge Paul Cash of Alma to
handle the state's bribery case
{ against Ivan A. Johnston, for-
mer Macomb County prosecutor
and State Senator.
* * *
BUCHAREST, Romania-Com-
munihts apparently took another
step today to strengthen the Com-
inform wing in the party and the

British Imply
Force Backs
China Charge
Consul Demands
Release of Ship
SHANGHAI.-()- The British
Consul General last night strongly
implied that force would be used
if necessary to rescue the sloop
Amethyst and its 60 remaining
personnel from a Chinese Commu-
nist trap in the Yangtze River.
The Communist radio in Peiping
meanwhile charged that the four
British ships shot up by the Reds
since Wednesday were fired upon
because they joined the National-
ists in the war.
* * *
spokesman in London indignantly
denied this, stating the Amethyst
and the others which vainly tried
to rescue her "only fired in self-
defense and did not fire until
fired upon."
This spokesman also said one
of the British ships, the 10,000-
ton cruiser London, was fired on
by Nationalists as well as Com-
munist Vrtillery. He did not
elaborate on this. British sources
in Shanghai previously had de-
nied rumors of Nationalist firing.
The death toll aboard the four
British ships was officially put to-
day at 43, instead of the previous
44. More than 80 British seamen
were wounded, some of them criti-
cally. The Communists said they
themselves suffered 252 casualties.
first fired upon Wednesday morn-
ing as she sought to reach Nan-
king to supply and protect British
embassy personnel, was still pin-
ned in the river about 50 miles
east of Nanking.
Drama Critic
To Give Two
Lectures Here
Macgowan Talks
To Start Wednesday
Kenneth Macgowan, movie pro-
ducer, drama critic and head of
the department of theatre arts at
the University of California at
Los Angeles, will give two public
lectures Wednesday and Thurs-
Macgowan's first lecture will be
given at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in
Rackham Amphitheatre under
the auspices of the Department
of Fine Arts. His topic will be
"Masks and Demons."
* * *
THE ORIGIN of the mask
among primitive peoples and the
growth of the primitive masked
ritual into drama and theatre will
be explained. Macgowan will il-
lustrate the lecture.
The second lecture, sponsored
by the Art Cinema League, will
be given at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in Rackham Lecture Hall on
"The Screen-A Better Black-
Macgowan, drama and motion
picture critic for Boston, Philadel-
phia and New York newspapers
for several years after his gradua-
tion from Harvard, became a
theatrical producer in 1923 work-
ing first with Eugene O'Neill and

Robert Edmond Jones.
In 1932 Macgowan went to Hol-
lywood and spent 15 years there
producing such films as 'Little
Woman', 'Lifeboat' and 'The Story
of Alexander Graham Bell'.

Swarm on

DAMAGED BRITISH CRUISER-This British cruiser London is
shown at a wharf on the Whangpoo River in Shanghai, China,
shortly before battle casualties were removed. It shows plainly
shell marks on the hull and superstructure inflicted by Chinese
Communist shore batteries during a running battle on the river.
Some 15 were estimated dead and 23 wounded on the ship.
Former Polish Official
Reveals U.S. Spy Ring
WASHINGTON.-( P)-The House Un-American Activities Com-
mittee produced tonight documentary evidence and testimony under
oath that the Polish embassy here has been a nest for spies.
Twenty-seven documents and the testimony were supplied by
Gen. Izyador Rudolf Modelski, a former embassy official whose ap-
pointment backfired on Poland's Communist regime.
* * * *
THE TESTIMONY points to at least two espionage networks op-
erating out of the embassy, one supposedly specializing in atomic
secrets, the other branching into Canada and Mexico.
Modelski's papers and what he said are included in an official
committee report.
It indicates that the Poles were after everything from humdrum
economic figures to military super-secrets. His story told of a Russian
spy master pulling the strings.

Torn Cap ital
Weak Defenses
Peril Shanghai
By The Associated Press
SHANGHAI-Chinese Comasmu-
nist troops today triumphantly oc
cupied Nanking, reports filtering
in from that Nationalist capital
They had been waiting only for
daylight to take possession of the
city, lighted by a flaming water-
front and torn by a day of looting
and killing.
THERE WAS nothing to stop
them. The Nationalist Govern-
ment had fled to Canton in the
Communications with Nan-
king ceased two hours before
the prearranged entry.
Shanghai, China's great port,
was bare of troops. Its only appar-
ent defense was a flimsy 35-mile
wooden fe'nce studded with mud
* * *
mander vowed to defend the city
"come what may." The U.S. Con-
sul General warned 2,479 Amer-
ican citizens to leave while they
The Communists' Peiping ra-
dio, in its first comment on the
incident involving British war-
ships on the Yangtze, charged
British and Chinese warcraft
with joining in an attack on
Communist positions along the
north bank of the river.
The account said that 252 cas-
aalties had been caused by the
shelling of Communist positions
and that the British government
"should be fully responsible for
the losses."
* * *
IN TOKYO General MacArthur
today promised to help bring
Americans out of China if neces-
In response to a question hand-
ed in by the Associated Press, his
headquarters said that MacAr-
thur has assisted evacuation of
Americannationals and is pre-
pared to continue this assistance
as necessary, upon request.
intelligence service was reported
to have received copies of cap-
tured papers showing the Soviet
Union is aiding the Chinese Com-
munists. The Chinese delegation
met to consider the report. Such
documents might lay the basis for
an appeal to the United Nations.
MEANWHILE in Washington
the quick Communist sweep across
the Yangtze convinced American
military advisers yesterday that
the Chinese Communists can seize
Shanghai if they so desire with
perhaps little fighting.
However there is some official
suspicion here that they may de-
cide to bypass China's great port
city and its teeming millions, ra-
ther than assume the burden of
its administration at this time.
AFL Blasts
New Measure
As Obnoxious
served notice on Congress yes-
terday that it considers a coalition
substitute for the Administration
Labor Bill as obnoxious-or more
so-than the Taft-Hartley Act
which the unions want repealed.

This blast at the bill sponsored
by Rep. Wood (Dem., Ga.) with
Republican backing came from
George Meany, AFL secretary-
treasurer, in a radio speech.
members were straggling back to
the Capital from a 10-day Easter

S * *

was Undersecretary of War for the
Polish Government exiled in Lon-
don. He said he collected the doc-
uments dealing with spying while
he was military attache at the
Washington, embassy from May,
1946, to last August.
All along, he said, he coopera-
ted with American military in-
telligence and still is cooperating.
The General related he walked
out with the documents when he
broke officially with the Red-dom-
inated government in Warsaw.
''May ]Face
A million-dollar slash in the
University's budget request to the
state legislature seemed likely yes-
The budget, in the form of a bill,
will be presented to the Legisla-
ture tomorrow or Tuesday by Rep.
Rollo G. Conlin, chairman of the
House Ways and Means subcom-
mittee considering the bill.
While Conlin gave no specific
figures on what the bill would spe-
cifically ask for, it was learned
that the University's original bid
for a $12,500,000 operating budget
for the fiscal year would be cut
by about a million dollars.
Michigan State College faces a
proportionately equal slash in its
budget request, it was further

Reds Caught
Smuggling in
Berlin-(P)-The British caught
the Russians trying to slip canal
boat traffic through the counter-
blockade of Berlin today.
The outcome was that British
Maj. Gen. G. K. Bourne sent an
official protest to the Russians
alleging a violation of the British
4' * *
THE BRITISH said this is what
Erich Froehlich of the British
sector took his tugboat down the
River Spree to the Soviet sector
April 4 to pick up some materials
for his boat. He was detained.
On April 19 Froehlich was or-
dered to tow three Soviet barges
through British sector waters
to Potsdam, in the Soviet sector.
Armed Russian soldiers were
placed on the barges, though it
is against four-power agree-
ments for armed soldiers to go
into another sector.
Froehlich engineered a break-
down of his engine and had to be
towed back from Potsdam. When
he got opposite the Charlotten-
burg locks in the British sector
he cast off from the Russian-
manned tug and shouted for Bri-
tish police.

More Education You Get,
Less Children You Have

The more education you get, the
fewer children you'll have.
For the degree-winners keep
strict control over the number of
children they have, whereas peo-
ple who leave school earlier have
their offspring freely, according
co Prof. Byron 0. Hughes, of the
education school.
"Unfortunately, it is usually the
most prolific who are the worst
risks for parenthood from the
standpoint of biology and their

to reverse roles, because many off-
spring of less intelligent parents
are severe population liabilities.
"Their parents show negli-
gence, irresponsibility, have little
control over themselves and the
children have less. Providing for
the lower grade mentality runs
into a huge drain on the na-
tional income.
But it's not only a problem of
childless marriages, he said. For
the proportion of women who
don't get husbands is much larger
among those with advanced de-

Gulantics Revue Set for Tonight at Hill

The Gulantics Revue to be
staged at 7:30 p.m. today at

many "firsts" will have another in
this~ .'chnxxr ennnc'nrpH by ., *Ininnn

give the audience a pre-show spar-
k-pan rnit. therm 4i-n ~h-. mn-nd, ri'hn

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